People who Joins, Parts or Quits a chatroom
this is #german an IRC-Channel at IrCQ-Net (ICQ IRC service)
0[00:00:03] <Jenny14HHrs> 13mag gerne so super alte
1[00:00:10] *** Quits: marvin_225 (marvin_225@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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3[00:00:17] <ShadowMasterr24> ok, mhm strange.
4[00:00:18] *** Quits: MuslimEgyGuy (MuslimEgyGuy@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
5[00:00:20] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
6[00:00:21] *** Quits: Tina40 (Tina40@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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10[00:00:43] <^Oldenburg-20x5> Jemand Lust auf ein RS?? Melde dich ;)
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14[00:01:54] <Nele13> 04dad will ohne gummi
15[00:01:59] <dom43_FR> wollte nur hans49 darauf hinweisen das es nichts nützt den bot anzuschreiben
16[00:02:01] <Max21> jemand lust zu schreiben ? bitte pvt melden
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18[00:02:13] *** Joins: mousa (mousa@replaced-ip)
19[00:02:13] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
20[00:02:13] *** Joins: Verfiuhrerisch (Verfiuhrerisch@replaced-ip)
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23[00:02:27] <dom43_FR> nele2
24[00:02:28] <ShadowMasterr24> Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Die Leidenschaft (Acoustic) live@Out und Loud Festival 2014 in Geiselwind
25[00:02:37] *** Joins: RSzuDritt (RSzuDritt@replaced-ip)
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31[00:03:08] <^Oldenburg-20x5> Hey kommt wer aus Oldenburg oder Umgebung? MELDE DICH. Egal ob M oder W. Bin m20 mit 20x5CM
32[00:03:14] *** Quits: matt_444 (matt@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
33[00:03:21] <SelfsuckerOnCam> girl lust auf c2c mit 24 cm schwa...? hab auch dildos und blas mir auch einen. pm
34[00:03:27] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
35[00:03:38] <ER-BAYERN> Sind spermageile luder hier bitte privat
36[00:03:41] *** Joins: ErNackig (ErNackig@replaced-ip)
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38[00:03:45] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
39[00:04:00] *** Quits: Tom4YouAndYou (Tom4YouAndYou@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
40[00:04:07] *** Joins: G3iiler26 (G3iiler26@replaced-ip)
41[00:04:09] <Nele13> 04dad will ohne gummi
42[00:04:21] <^Oldenburg-20x5> Jemand Lust auf ein RS?? Melde dich ;)
43[00:04:22] *** Quits: e1100101 (e1100101@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
44[00:04:33] <dom43_FR> gute Nacht echte und falsche Menschen
45[00:04:35] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
46[00:04:42] <ShadowMasterr24> :D
47[00:04:49] <ShadowMasterr24> gute nacht dom43
48[00:04:54] *** Joins: mara (mara@replaced-ip)
49[00:05:02] <Guest50576> nacht dom43
50[00:05:13] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
51[00:05:20] *** Quits: Sportler28 (Sportler28@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
52[00:05:21] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
53[00:05:35] <Guest50576> lol
54[00:05:36] *** Quits: RS_BadDog (RS_BadDog@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
55[00:05:39] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
56[00:05:45] <Guest50576> kein Wunder
57[00:05:50] *** Joins: WIEN (WIEN@replaced-ip)
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60[00:06:03] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
61[00:06:05] *** Quits: Lena16gangbang (Lena16gangbang@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
62[00:06:20] *** Parts: RS-Tobias (RSTobias@replaced-ip)
63[00:06:23] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
64[00:06:23] *** Quits: Spatz (Spatz@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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69[00:07:17] <Nele13> 04dad will ohne gummi
70[00:07:18] *** Joins: hotman (hotman@replaced-ip)
71[00:07:19] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
72[00:07:20] *** Joins: German_8760 (sqhlsphknqpskc@replaced-ip)
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74[00:07:53] <German_8760> Hi sind frauen aus OWL hier ??
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78[00:08:07] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
79[00:08:10] *** Quits: Timo (Timo@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
80[00:08:17] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
81[00:08:23] <Nele13> 04replaced-url
82[00:08:27] *** Quits: mara (mara@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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84[00:08:43] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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88[00:09:02] <Guest50576> ah ok ..was machst du ?
89[00:09:05] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
90[00:09:12] *** Quits: Jakob24 (Jakob24@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
91[00:09:13] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
92[00:09:23] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
93[00:09:24] <Nele13> 04dad will ohne gummi
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98[00:09:36] *** Parts: hotman (hotman@replaced-ip)
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100[00:10:07] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
101[00:10:12] *** Joins: nudist-life (nudist-life@replaced-ip)
102[00:10:31] *** Quits: German_8760 (sqhlsphknqpskc@replaced-ip) (Quit: Flash IRC Client)
103[00:10:33] <Alex18> Welche Frau will mit mir ( M 18 ) chatten? :) Melde dich
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108[00:10:48] *** Joins: ANNA_127 (ANNA_127@replaced-ip)
109[00:10:50] <Alex18> Welche Frau will mit mir ( M 18 Jungfrau ) chatten? :) Melde dich
110[00:11:07] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
111[00:11:10] *** Quits: Fotograf (Fotograf@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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114[00:11:33] <Guest50576> na ja ...bin dann mal weg nicht dassich noch sterbe vor LW
115[00:11:41] *** Parts: Guest59973 (Anna@replaced-ip)
116[00:11:43] *** sarah is now known as Guest34215
117[00:11:53] *** Parts: MsNobody (MsNobody@replaced-ip)
118[00:12:11] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
119[00:12:13] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
120[00:12:21] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
121[00:12:26] <^Oldenburg-20x5> Sind hier Frauen über 1,80m oder junge M die auf Große Frauen stehen? PM
122[00:12:33] *** Parts: hotman (hotman@replaced-ip)
123[00:12:38] *** Quits: Dirk-47 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
124[00:12:47] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
125[00:12:49] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o Colin Hay - Overkill [02:53m] 5oO O5o
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127[00:13:05] *** Parts: Max_118 (Max_118@replaced-ip)
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129[00:13:10] <ShadowMasterr24> sind ja nur geldgeile tiere ^^
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131[00:13:41] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
132[00:13:49] *** Joins: huhuh (androirc@replaced-ip)
133[00:13:51] <^Oldenburg-20x5> Sind hier Frauen über 1,80m oder junge M die auf Große Frauen stehen? PM
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138[00:14:20] <Guest50576> ja is so
139[00:14:21] <lena_168> jemand hier mit einem klassenfoto oder einem foto der arbeitskollegen?privat melden bitte
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141[00:14:38] <Guest50576> die haben ja ihren job
142[00:14:48] <Nele13> 04stress mit dad wegen gummi
143[00:14:53] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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147[00:15:19] *** WoC-User_2612 is now known as Daddygirl14
148[00:15:38] <Guest50576> was suchst du denn ?
149[00:15:45] <ShadowMasterr24> ja is allet nich so einfach, aber ich mach dat schon.
150[00:15:45] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
151[00:15:46] <Daddygirl14> mal sehn
152[00:15:49] *** Quits: armenianFemale (armenianFemale@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
153[00:15:53] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
154[00:15:54] *** Quits: Betrunkene15J (Betrunkene15J@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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156[00:15:58] <OSL> so sind die
157[00:16:00] <ShadowMasterr24> ein job ^^
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164[00:16:21] <Guest50576> jaaa mann lol
165[00:16:25] *** Quits: Guest90684 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
166[00:16:31] <^Oldenburg-20x5> Jemand Lust auf ein RS?? Melde dich ;)
167[00:16:31] *** Joins: RsLea17 (RsLea17@replaced-ip)
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169[00:16:42] <Guest50576> in welchem Beruf ....
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172[00:16:44] <Daddygirl14> Hi @ll
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174[00:17:04] <MrJzzzzz> hi hi
175[00:17:07] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o madsen - mein therapeut [03:21m] 5oO O5o
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177[00:17:15] <Susi14> hi
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181[00:17:19] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
182[00:17:20] *** Joins: MACHT-spielER (MACHT-spielER@replaced-ip)
183[00:17:25] <MrJzzzzz> daddygirl schreib mir mal, bist nicht in der user liste
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185[00:17:55] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
186[00:17:57] <Guest50576> und daaaa is er schon tzzzz
187[00:17:59] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
188[00:18:00] *** Quits: Gerrym45jaktiv (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
189[00:18:07] <ShadowMasterr24> wo is wer
190[00:18:13] <ShadowMasterr24> xD
191[00:18:16] <Nele13> 04stress mit dad wegen gummi
192[00:18:17] *** chris29 is now known as busenliebhaber
193[00:18:18] *** Joins: hotman (hotman@replaced-ip)
194[00:18:19] <gsw> mag ein girl hier fragen stellen und beantworten ? privat melden
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198[00:18:43] *** Quits: ki9800 (ki9800@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
199[00:18:46] <ShadowMasterr24> nele stress hat man meistens, aber nich wegen gummi ^^.
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206[00:19:27] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
207[00:19:33] *** Parts: batman (noregrets@replaced-ip)
208[00:19:41] <Guest_4897> Welches Girl lebt im Heim? Privat melden
209[00:19:43] *** Quits: Daddygirl14 (WoC@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ##replaced-url
210[00:19:44] *** Quits: KINGPINT26_249 (KINGPINT26@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
211[00:19:44] <Nele13> 04stress mit dad wegen gummi
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215[00:20:01] <Guest50576> schnipp schnapp schnidl ab ..
216[00:20:03] *** Parts: balkan_m (balkan_m@replaced-ip)
217[00:20:07] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
218[00:20:12] *** Parts: hotman (hotman@replaced-ip)
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220[00:20:43] <RsLea17> suche rsp
221[00:20:45] <Susi14> hey
222[00:20:45] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
223[00:20:47] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
224[00:20:51] *** Parts: Guest-w40 (Guest-w40@replaced-ip)
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229[00:21:15] <ShadowMasterr24> nana aus den mittelalter zeit sind wa ja raus hehe
230[00:21:16] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o Roxette - Cry (unplugged) [02:33m] 5oO O5o
231[00:21:17] *** Joins: martina (martina@replaced-ip)
232[00:21:23] <WebcamshowTGW> Ich w verkaufe Webcamshows in denen ich es mir selbst mache gegen Amazon Gutscheine, pn me.
233[00:21:29] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
234[00:21:36] *** Quits: MichaelHC (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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237[00:21:59] <Nightbird> 7^14^
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241[00:22:11] <ShadowMasterr24> todesstrafe mit spritze?
242[00:22:11] <busenliebhaber> welche sie mag sich mal wieder was gutes tun lassen?
243[00:22:11] <ShadowMasterr24> ^^
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245[00:22:18] <WebcamshowTGW> Ich w verkaufe Webcamshows in denen ich es mir selbst mache gegen Amazon Gutscheine, pn me.
246[00:22:47] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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248[00:22:48] <ShadowMasterr24> nimm doch gleich ein beil^^
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258[00:23:40] <Guest50576> zu einfach
259[00:23:47] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
260[00:23:51] <ShadowMasterr24> mhm
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263[00:24:08] <ShadesOfGreyRSP> falls wer rsp will meden
264[00:24:14] <ShadowMasterr24> ich will jetzt nich satanisch werden ^^
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267[00:24:45] <Dominant-M> 4Hi any one free for chat? PM me
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269[00:24:47] <Nele13> 04hab mit dad ohne gummi
270[00:24:50] <Guest_sklavin22> hi jemand lust befehle zu geben pn ;)
271[00:24:53] <Guest50576> ja lassen wir das ..sonst rege ich mich zu dolle auf Oo
272[00:24:54] <^Oldenburg-20x5> Jemand Lust auf ein RS?? Melde dich ;)
273[00:24:54] <ShadowMasterr24> aber kennst ja sicher horrorfilme oder
274[00:25:05] <Guest50576> klar
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277[00:25:34] <womenbefehle24> hi
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280[00:25:41] <hafid> hi
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286[00:26:17] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
287[00:26:17] <Guest50576> ich geh dann mal schlafen ...gute nacht :)
288[00:26:22] <womenbefehle24> hi
289[00:26:23] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
290[00:26:27] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
291[00:26:36] <ShadowMasterr24> ja machs gut
292[00:26:41] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
293[00:26:48] *** Joins: Guest_9933 (Guest@replaced-ip)
294[00:26:48] <ShadowMasterr24> bin auch in ca 4 minuten wech
295[00:26:49] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
296[00:26:53] <Guest50576> danke du auch
297[00:26:57] <ShadowMasterr24> bitte
298[00:27:00] <ShadowMasterr24> danke
299[00:27:01] <Guest50576> na dann schlaf gut
300[00:27:04] *** Quits: ^Oldenburg-20x5 (AndChat181649@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye)
301[00:27:09] <Guest50576> bitte
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304[00:27:32] <Klausdev> hi
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308[00:28:02] <womenbefehle24> hi
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312[00:28:31] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
313[00:28:37] <Nele13> 04hab mit dad ohne gummi
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322[00:30:21] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
323[00:30:26] <Guest_sklavin22> hi jemand lust zu schreiben und befehle zu geben ;) pn
324[00:30:55] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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327[00:31:09] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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331[00:31:30] <Klausdev> hi
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333[00:31:41] <Guest_4897> Welches Girl lebt im Heim? Privat melden
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337[00:32:07] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
338[00:32:09] <womenbefehle24> huhu
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341[00:32:29] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o Sting - It's Probably Me [Live] [06:18m] 5oO O5o
342[00:32:29] *** Sam|away is now known as Samael
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353[00:33:51] <Guest_sklavin22> jemand lust befehle zu geben pn ;)
354[00:34:07] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
355[00:34:14] <M39ficktW_NRW> ein einsames Girl aus dem Ruhrgebiet da? Privat schreiben...
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358[00:34:39] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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360[00:35:01] <ER-BAYERN> Sind spermageile luder hier bitte privat
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364[00:35:30] *** Quits: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
365[00:35:35] <Nele13> 04hab mit dad ohne gummi
366[00:35:55] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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370[00:36:23] <Klausdev> hallo
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380[00:40:11] <womenbefehle24> hi
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388[00:41:43] <womenbefehle24> hi
389[00:41:59] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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403[00:46:05] <Nele13> 04hab mit dad ohne gummi
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408[00:47:58] <Nele13> 04replaced-url
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435[00:52:50] <Jenny14HHrs> 13mag gerne so super alte
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447[00:56:22] <Guest_4897> Welches Girl lebt im Heim? Privat melden
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475[01:02:15] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
476[01:02:23] <jan-sachsen> hi wer ab18 hat interesse normal mit mir zu schreiben? bitte privat melden egal ob mann oder frau. bin 29
477[01:02:39] <Dominant-M> 4Hi any one free for chat? PM me
478[01:03:09] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
479[01:03:17] *** Parts: Bastian (Bastian@replaced-ip)
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485[01:04:22] <Jenny14HHrs> 13mag gerne so super alte
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487[01:04:24] <rsKatharina15> suche rollenspiel
488[01:04:37] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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501[01:07:40] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
502[01:07:50] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
503[01:08:04] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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505[01:08:06] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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508[01:09:08] <jan-sachsen> hi wer ab18 hat interesse normal mit mir zu schreiben? bitte privat melden egal ob mann oder frau. bin 29
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512[01:09:50] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
513[01:10:16] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
514[01:10:20] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
515[01:10:23] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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522[01:11:31] <jan-sachsen> hi wer ab18 hat interesse normal mit mir zu schreiben? bitte privat melden egal ob mann oder frau. bin 29
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532[01:14:12] <jan-sachsen> hi wer ab18 hat interesse normal mit mir zu schreiben? bitte privat melden egal ob mann oder frau. bin 29
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534[01:14:15] <beko> hi
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536[01:14:39] <holger52> hey
537[01:14:43] <jan-sachsen> hi
538[01:14:48] <beko> have girl
539[01:14:48] <jan-sachsen> leute
540[01:14:51] <beko> here
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547[01:15:38] <Den> jemand lust zu schreiben? bin m23
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558[01:17:58] *** Quits: holger52 (holger52@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
559[01:18:55] <SelfsuckerOnCam> welches girl mag skypen? camen oder telen? pm
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562[01:19:29] <Boy1995> hi wer mag schreiben
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564[01:20:14] <BesamungsStute> suche besamung
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566[01:20:21] <Guest445> hiii
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569[01:21:00] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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571[01:21:16] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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573[01:21:28] <jan-sachsen> hi wer ab18 hat interesse normal mit mir zu schreiben? bitte privat melden egal ob mann oder frau. bin 29
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576[01:22:08] <Guest_m24> nein
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585[01:23:08] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
586[01:23:56] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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589[01:24:19] <Boy1995> hi wer mag schreiben? pls pm
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592[01:24:35] <IlseMx> hallo
593[01:24:52] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
594[01:25:10] *** Quits: peterconnan (kvirc@replaced-ip##) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium ##replaced-url
595[01:25:40] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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598[01:26:14] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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603[01:27:52] <Boy1995> hi wer mag schreiben? pls pm replaced-url
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607[01:29:06] <BesamungsStute> suche besamung
608[01:29:37] *** Quits: Jenny14HHrs (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
609[01:29:44] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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619[01:32:22] <Feuerwerk21> sind hier noch leute mit etwas verstand?
620[01:32:24] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
621[01:32:37] <jan-sachsen> hi wer ab 18 hat interesse normal mit mir zu schreiben? bitte privat melden egal ob mann oder frau. bin 29
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630[01:34:15] <Boy1995> hi wer mag schreiben? pls pm replaced-url
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639[01:40:00] <Boy1995> hi wer mag schreiben? pls pm replaced-url
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646[01:42:08] <Boy1995> hi wer mag schreiben? pls pm replaced-url
647[01:42:13] *** Quits: Dschenz_M_94 (Dschenz_M_94@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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650[01:42:33] <IlseMx> hallo jemnd?
651[01:42:35] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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671[01:47:07] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o jungesgl|ck - Sicher nicht [02:33m] 5oO O5o
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676[01:47:55] <Boy1995> hi wer mag schreiben? pls pm replaced-url
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693[01:51:50] <e1100101> soisses
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696[01:52:24] <Guest_4897> Welches Girl lebt im Heim? Privat melden
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698[01:52:40] <e1100101> was
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700[01:52:45] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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703[01:53:23] <Ralle> e, wie isses?
704[01:53:29] <munich-29> hallo
705[01:53:30] <e1100101> ich brauch n paper
706[01:53:38] <munich-29> wie gehts
707[01:53:46] <e1100101> gm ralle
708[01:53:58] <M39ficktW_NRW> Besuchbarer M, fickt jede SIE... Kostenlos. Alter egal.
709[01:54:09] <e1100101> kann ned schlafen
710[01:54:19] <Ralle> ah ok
711[01:54:26] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o Guns 'n' Roses - Yesterdays [03:16m] 5oO O5o
712[01:54:37] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
713[01:54:38] <Ralle> moin birdie
714[01:54:47] <e1100101> ahdu meintest ahh
715[01:55:01] <e1100101> darf nicht
716[01:55:23] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
717[01:55:27] <e1100101> dieletzten waren mitsubishis 1998
718[01:55:37] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
719[01:55:41] <e1100101> <200
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724[01:56:38] <e1100101> so ich dreh einen
725[01:56:45] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
726[01:56:47] *** Joins: katha (katha@replaced-ip)
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728[01:57:31] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
729[01:57:43] <e1100101> nix offen da
730[01:57:51] *** Joins: Joshua_rs (Joshua_rs@replaced-ip)
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732[01:57:53] <e1100101> mal rauchen
733[01:58:07] <Boy1995> hi wer mag schreiben? pls pm replaced-url
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737[01:58:39] *** Joins: Guest76892 (rose@replaced-ip)
738[01:58:45] <Guest76892> hi
739[01:58:53] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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743[01:59:13] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
744[01:59:15] *** Quits: Boy1995 (Boy1995@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
745[01:59:51] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
746[02:00:03] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
747[02:00:12] <Ralle> warum denn mitsubishis?
748[02:00:29] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
749[02:00:55] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
750[02:01:14] *** Parts: Varoufas (Varoufas@replaced-ip)
751[02:01:19] *** Quits: Sebastian_22 (Sebastian_22@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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753[02:02:27] *** Joins: Steffie__ (Guest@replaced-ip)
754[02:02:43] <e1100101> sry dachte dumeinst was anderes
755[02:02:51] <Ralle> ?
756[02:03:01] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
757[02:03:19] <e1100101> mitsubishis waren mal es
758[02:03:26] <Ralle> es?
759[02:03:34] <e1100101> mit demlogo
760[02:03:38] *** Quits: boy89 (boy89@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
761[02:03:42] <e1100101> e s
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763[02:03:54] <e1100101> extasy
764[02:04:20] <Ralle> lol igitt
765[02:04:24] <e1100101> hbs falsch verstanden sry
766[02:04:30] <e1100101> a
767[02:04:51] *** Quits: Marcel_147 (Marcel@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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770[02:05:04] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o The Bangles - Hazy Shade of Winter [02:48m] 5oO O5o
771[02:05:18] <e1100101> manic monday
772[02:05:37] *** Quits: Steffie_ (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
773[02:05:53] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
774[02:06:09] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
775[02:06:23] *** Joins: Guest96189 (daissom@replaced-ip)
776[02:06:33] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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779[02:06:45] <e1100101> so jetzn muss n coffe her
780[02:06:53] <e1100101> n alvorada
781[02:07:02] <e1100101> nachwienerart
782[02:07:13] *** Parts: ShadesOfGreyRSP (ShadesOfGreyRSP@replaced-ip)
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784[02:07:26] <e1100101> kg
785[02:07:39] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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790[02:08:31] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
791[02:08:36] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Feat. Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow [03:54m] 5oO O5o
792[02:08:39] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
793[02:08:42] *** Joins: Liebe_w (easyS@replaced-ip)
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796[02:08:55] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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809[02:12:49] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o Colin Hay - Down Under [03:29m] 5oO O5o
810[02:13:30] *** Quits: fume (mibkctnbtdzflm@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
811[02:13:38] <nomatrix> ich geh jetzt auch erst mal wie wild meine vohaut hin und her schruppen
812[02:13:43] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
813[02:13:47] <OSL> d
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825[02:17:13] *** Joins: MISIONERA (MISIONERA@replaced-ip)
826[02:17:14] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o blues jazz - Piano Bar [03:23m] 5oO O5o
828[02:17:22] <MISIONERA> ALEMANS
829[02:17:27] <MISIONERA> ANUNCING
831[02:17:33] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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838[02:17:55] *** Quits: KARIN49 (KARIN49@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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850[02:19:07] *** Quits: Demise (denise@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
852[02:19:17] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
853[02:19:19] <Goofy> <MISIONERA> idiot igno
857[02:19:35] *** Quits: neugier (neugier@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
860[02:19:54] <MISIONERA> FRIENDS
867[02:20:37] *** Quits: [BrasilianER] (BrasilianE@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
868[02:20:47] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
869[02:20:51] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
870[02:21:01] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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876[02:22:25] *** Quits: ][Black_Hawk][ (frag@replaced-ip##) (Quit: 12I14ch 12b14enutze 12d14as 12-14= 12[14 15Weisseradler-Script 12]14 14=12-14. 12D14as 12k14annst 12d14u 12d14ir 12u14nter 12-14= 12[14 15##replaced-url
877[02:23:43] *** Nightbird is now known as Guest30428
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882[02:24:59] <bisx> hey alle miteinander
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887[02:26:04] *** Quits: Guest30428 (obnoxious@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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902[02:31:14] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
903[02:31:18] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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906[02:31:32] <bisx> huhu
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918[02:34:45] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o toy dolls--the devil went down to scunthorpe [03:24m] 5oO O5o
919[02:34:54] *** Quits: BesamungsStute (BesamungsStute@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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924[02:37:18] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
925[02:37:22] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
926[02:38:12] *** Quits: joe_rentner (joe_rentner@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
927[02:38:26] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o Cowboy Bebop - Adieu (long version) [06:12m] 5oO O5o
928[02:38:54] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
929[02:39:00] *** Parts: johanna (Darkside@replaced-ip)
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932[02:40:06] *** Parts: zin-eb (zin-eb@replaced-ip)
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937[02:40:44] <DerTyp> morgen zusammen........
938[02:41:14] *** Quits: Pferd (Pferd@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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942[02:41:51] <Guest_735> hallo
943[02:42:10] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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946[02:42:59] <Ralle> hi guest
947[02:43:12] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
948[02:44:06] *** Joins: youngbi (youngbi@replaced-ip)
949[02:44:22] <youngbi> huhu
950[02:44:27] *** Joins: Guest69830 (Guest@replaced-ip)
951[02:44:28] <DerTyp> hello
952[02:44:56] <Guest69830> hallo
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956[02:45:15] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o 08-4 Kleine Waende [04:24m] 5oO O5o
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959[02:45:21] <youngbi> was geht hier so =)
960[02:45:29] <DerTyp> nich viel
961[02:45:31] <Goofy> nix
962[02:45:44] <Nightbird> hote tose 7^14^
963[02:45:52] <Guest69830> wies aussieht nich viel
964[02:45:54] <youngbi> schade
965[02:46:11] <Guest69830> find ick auch
966[02:46:55] <Guest69830> na wenigstens bewegt sa ja etwas ;)
967[02:47:21] <Goofy> was denn??
968[02:47:40] <ERROR404> Hey, Steffie__ Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
969[02:47:45] <ERROR404> Hey, Ch_M_Egy Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
970[02:47:50] <ERROR404> Hey, Maiky Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
971[02:47:55] <ERROR404> Hey, _0PHELPER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
972[02:47:57] <Goofy> geh innen puff
973[02:48:00] <ERROR404> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
974[02:48:03] <Nightbird> so sehr er auch recht hat, ERROR404 is auf ignore 7L14aughing 7O14ut 7L14oud
975[02:48:05] <ERROR404> Hey, [THEJOHN_BRAZIL Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
976[02:48:10] <_0PHELPER> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
977[02:48:10] <ERROR404> Hey, _0PHELPER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
978[02:48:15] <_0PHELPER> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
979[02:48:15] <ERROR404> Hey, B[a]lu Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
980[02:48:18] *** Quits: [THEJOHN_BRAZIL (jvictorfp@replaced-ip##) (Quit: 4,0•5 Possui Sistema de Webcam e Microfone 4,0•1Cebolinha12v9.54• 12##replaced-url
981[02:48:22] <_0PHELPER> Hey, Guest_9035 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
982[02:48:22] <ERROR404> Hey, Nikki23 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
983[02:48:26] <_0PHELPER> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
984[02:48:26] <ERROR404> Hey, Bumdibum Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
985[02:48:27] *** Quits: ERROR404 (allchatnetworks@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
986[02:48:31] <_0PHELPER> Hey, B[a]lu Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
987[02:48:36] <OPERATOR> Hey, MarkDavis Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
988[02:48:37] <_0PHELPER> Hey, elfenjaeger01 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
989[02:48:41] <OPERATOR> Hey, AxForest Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
990[02:48:42] <_0PHELPER> Hey, Suess-ER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
991[02:48:42] *** Quits: _0PHELPER (allchatnetworks@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
992[02:48:46] <OPERATOR> Hey, AxForest Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
993[02:48:51] <OPERATOR> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
994[02:48:56] <OPERATOR> Hey, Dirk-47 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
995[02:49:00] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
996[02:49:01] <OPERATOR> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
997[02:49:06] <OPERATOR> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
998[02:49:08] *** Quits: OPERATOR (allchatnetworks@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
999[02:49:23] <Ralle> wer weiss
1000[02:49:27] *** Joins: ERROR404 (allchatnetworks@replaced-ip)
1001[02:49:34] *** Joins: dfg (allchatnetworks@replaced-ip)
1002[02:49:38] *** Quits: M_verwoehnt (M_verwoehnt@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1003[02:49:38] *** Joins: OPERATOR (allchatnetworks@replaced-ip)
1004[02:50:10] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1005[02:50:12] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1006[02:50:38] <ERROR404> Hey, MISIONERA Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1007[02:50:39] *** Joins: BeaMama36 (BeaMama36@replaced-ip)
1008[02:50:54] <Guest69830> d@ ralle was suchst du?
1009[02:50:58] *** Joins: M34nrw (M34nrw@replaced-ip)
1010[02:50:58] *** Quits: SPender_853 (SPender@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1011[02:50:59] <ERROR404> Hey, cem Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1012[02:51:06] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1013[02:51:10] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1014[02:51:13] *** Quits: VaToBrustSpaet (VaToBrustSpaet@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1015[02:51:19] <ERROR404> Hey, MISIONERA Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1016[02:51:24] *** Joins: reiferMann (reiferMann@replaced-ip)
1017[02:51:26] <dfg> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1018[02:51:39] <ERROR404> Hey, MichaelHB Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1019[02:51:46] <dfg> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1020[02:51:59] <ERROR404> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1021[02:52:01] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1022[02:52:02] <Guest69830> ..
1023[02:52:05] <OPERATOR> Hey, Lisa_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1024[02:52:06] <dfg> Hey, Guest_9035 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1025[02:52:07] <Guest69830> ....
1026[02:52:13] <Guest69830> ...
1027[02:52:15] <Guest69830> ...
1028[02:52:20] <ERROR404> Hey, M34nrw Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1029[02:52:25] <OPERATOR> Hey, HabGeldSucheW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1030[02:52:26] <Guest69830> ...
1031[02:52:27] <dfg> Hey, marcus Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1032[02:52:40] <ERROR404> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1033[02:52:45] <OPERATOR> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1034[02:52:47] <dfg> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1035[02:52:51] <Guest69830> ....
1036[02:52:53] <Guest69830> ...
1037[02:53:00] <ERROR404> Hey, Dame Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1038[02:53:05] <OPERATOR> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1039[02:53:07] <dfg> Hey, Guest_9035 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1040[02:53:16] *** Quits: M34nrw (M34nrw@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1041[02:53:20] <ERROR404> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1042[02:53:26] <OPERATOR> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1043[02:53:28] <dfg> Hey, HabGeldSucheW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1044[02:53:36] <GiveItToMe_M> sind lustvolle frauen hier ;)
1045[02:53:38] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1046[02:53:41] <ERROR404> Hey, IlseMx Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1047[02:53:46] <OPERATOR> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1048[02:53:48] <dfg> Hey, cem Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1049[02:53:51] *** Joins: Dominic89 (Dominic89@replaced-ip)
1050[02:53:56] *** Joins: FamFotograf (FamFotograf@replaced-ip)
1051[02:54:01] <ERROR404> Hey, Ch_M_Egy Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1052[02:54:02] *** Quits: APO (APO@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1053[02:54:06] <OPERATOR> Hey, `eight` Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1054[02:54:08] <dfg> Hey, Mama_Halsband Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1055[02:54:14] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1056[02:54:21] <ERROR404> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1057[02:54:27] <OPERATOR> Hey, elfenjaeger01 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1058[02:54:28] <dfg> Hey, Happytrucker Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1059[02:54:29] *** Quits: FamFotograf (FamFotograf@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1060[02:54:40] *** Parts: Ch_M_Egy (Ch_M_Egy@replaced-ip)
1061[02:54:42] <ERROR404> Hey, mopsy_mops Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1062[02:54:46] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1063[02:54:47] <OPERATOR> Hey, F4K3 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1064[02:54:49] <dfg> Hey, DerTyp Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1065[02:55:02] <ERROR404> Hey, gute-laune-mann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1066[02:55:07] <OPERATOR> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1067[02:55:09] <dfg> Hey, Joshua_rs Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1068[02:55:09] *** Quits: F4K3 (F4K3@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1069[02:55:20] *** Guest69830 was kicked by (Channel flood triggered (limit is 6 lines in 1 secs))
1070[02:55:22] <ERROR404> Hey, DerTyp Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1071[02:55:27] <OPERATOR> Hey, IlseMx Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1072[02:55:29] <dfg> Hey, _boxer_ Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1073[02:55:30] <Dominic89> Hey, ist hier eine Shemale anwesend? Bitte privat melden
1074[02:55:42] <ERROR404> Hey, Bumdibum Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1075[02:55:48] <OPERATOR> Hey, Ralphinator Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1076[02:55:50] <dfg> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1077[02:56:03] <ERROR404> Hey, `eight` Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1078[02:56:08] <OPERATOR> Hey, ErNackig Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1079[02:56:10] <dfg> Hey, ErNackig Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1080[02:56:23] <ERROR404> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1081[02:56:26] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
1082[02:56:28] <OPERATOR> Hey, MISIONERA Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1083[02:56:30] <dfg> Hey, apeiron Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1084[02:56:43] <ERROR404> Hey, TechieGirl_OK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1085[02:56:48] <OPERATOR> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1086[02:56:50] <dfg> Hey, HabGeldSucheW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1087[02:56:56] *** Joins: RichardUK1 (RichardUK1@replaced-ip)
1088[02:57:04] <ERROR404> Hey, RichardUK1 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1089[02:57:09] <OPERATOR> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1090[02:57:11] <dfg> Hey, Lukas_434 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1091[02:57:15] *** Joins: KawaGirl (KawaGirl@replaced-ip)
1092[02:57:24] *** Joins: ChicaRD (ChicaRD@replaced-ip)
1093[02:57:24] <ERROR404> Hey, [Gentle-Dom] Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1094[02:57:26] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
1095[02:57:29] <OPERATOR> Hey, IlseMx Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1096[02:57:31] <dfg> Hey, M54_soloNordhes Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1097[02:57:31] *** Quits: _boxer_ (_boxer_@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1098[02:57:44] <ERROR404> Hey, Guest_4897 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1099[02:57:49] <OPERATOR> Hey, Ralphinator Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1100[02:57:51] <dfg> Hey, Erik44 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1101[02:58:04] <ERROR404> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1102[02:58:10] <OPERATOR> Hey, Ramona47j Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1103[02:58:11] <dfg> Hey, rsNadim19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1104[02:58:25] <ERROR404> Hey, Liebe_w Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1105[02:58:30] <OPERATOR> Hey, Steffie__ Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1106[02:58:32] <dfg> Hey, noc Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1107[02:58:40] *** Quits: rsNadim19 (rsNadim19@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1108[02:58:42] *** Joins: SevenOf9 (IrCQNet@replaced-ip)
1109[02:58:45] <ERROR404> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1110[02:58:48] *** Quits: youngbi (youngbi@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1111[02:58:50] <OPERATOR> Hey, Happytrucker Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1112[02:58:52] <dfg> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1113[02:58:57] *** dfg is now known as Oklahoma99
1114[02:59:05] <ERROR404> Hey, Suess-ER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1115[02:59:09] *** Quits: ErNackig (ErNackig@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1116[02:59:10] *** Joins: MADMAX (MADMAX@replaced-ip)
1117[02:59:10] <OPERATOR> Hey, MADMAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1118[02:59:12] <Oklahoma99> Hey, saarland Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1119[02:59:25] <ERROR404> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1120[02:59:31] <OPERATOR> Hey, BlackRaven Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1121[02:59:33] <Oklahoma99> Hey, uzt Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1122[02:59:42] *** OPERATOR is now known as Hottie
1123[02:59:46] <ERROR404> Hey, Suess-ER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1124[02:59:50] <Dominic89> Hey, ist hier eine Shemale anwesend? Bitte privat melden
1125[02:59:51] <Hottie> Hey, Liebe_w Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1126[02:59:53] <Oklahoma99> Hey, doreenchen18 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1127[02:59:53] *** Quits: RichardUK1 (RichardUK1@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1128[03:00:06] <ERROR404> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1129[03:00:11] <Hottie> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1130[03:00:13] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Katharina17 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1131[03:00:26] <ERROR404> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1132[03:00:32] <Hottie> Hey, MADMAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1133[03:00:33] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Joshua_rs Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1134[03:00:38] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1135[03:00:47] <ERROR404> Hey, Nikki23 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1136[03:00:52] <Hottie> Hey, Feuerwerk21 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1137[03:00:54] <Oklahoma99> Hey, TechieGirl_OK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1138[03:00:56] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1139[03:01:04] *** Quits: SevenOfNine (IrCQNet@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1140[03:01:07] <ERROR404> Hey, Happytrucker Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1141[03:01:10] *** Joins: BoyNichtsAn (BoyNichtsAn@replaced-ip)
1142[03:01:12] <Hottie> Hey, ChicaLuna Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1143[03:01:14] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Steffie__ Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1144[03:01:27] <ERROR404> Hey, reiferMann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1145[03:01:32] <Hottie> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1146[03:01:34] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Lisa_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1147[03:01:47] <ERROR404> Hey, nachtengel Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1148[03:01:51] <Feuerwerk21> was auch immer
1149[03:01:52] *** Quits: OSL (OSL@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1150[03:01:53] <Hottie> Hey, [A]lter_Schwede Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1151[03:01:55] <Oklahoma99> Hey, MarcJoss Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1152[03:02:08] <ERROR404> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1153[03:02:13] <Hottie> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1154[03:02:15] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1155[03:02:15] *** SevenOf9 is now known as SevenOfNine
1156[03:02:22] *** Joins: ichmsuFam (ichmsuFam@replaced-ip)
1157[03:02:22] *** Joins: RS_Lover (yaaic@replaced-ip)
1158[03:02:28] <ERROR404> Hey, TechieGirl_OK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1159[03:02:33] <Hottie> Hey, Guest921 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1160[03:02:35] <Oklahoma99> Hey, guest_854 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1161[03:02:48] <ERROR404> Hey, Bumdibum Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1162[03:02:53] <Hottie> Hey, Ralphinator Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1163[03:02:55] <Oklahoma99> Hey, apeiron Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1164[03:03:07] *** Quits: Lukas_434 (Lukas_434@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1165[03:03:09] <ERROR404> Hey, Koelner Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1166[03:03:14] <Hottie> Hey, dein_hengst Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1167[03:03:16] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Maiky Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1168[03:03:16] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1169[03:03:29] <ERROR404> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1170[03:03:32] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1171[03:03:34] <Hottie> Hey, jan-sachsen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1172[03:03:36] <Oklahoma99> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1173[03:03:38] *** Joins: Mann_sucht (Mann_sucht@replaced-ip)
1174[03:03:49] <ERROR404> Hey, BLN_MAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1175[03:03:54] <Hottie> Hey, apeiron Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1176[03:03:56] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Suess-ER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1177[03:04:00] *** Quits: Dame (Dame@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1178[03:04:09] <ERROR404> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1179[03:04:13] *** Parts: ChicaRD (ChicaRD@replaced-ip)
1180[03:04:15] <Hottie> Hey, MarcJoss Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1181[03:04:17] <Oklahoma99> Hey, uzt Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1182[03:04:18] *** Joins: Jo35 (Jo35@replaced-ip)
1183[03:04:18] *** Quits: DerTyp (DerTyp@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1184[03:04:30] <ERROR404> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1185[03:04:30] *** Quits: Jo35 (Jo35@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1186[03:04:35] <Hottie> Hey, Erik44 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1187[03:04:37] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1188[03:04:50] <ERROR404> Hey, Ramona47j Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1189[03:04:55] <Hottie> Hey, Joshua_rs Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1190[03:04:57] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Guest921 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1191[03:05:01] *** Joins: Saskia (Guest@replaced-ip)
1192[03:05:05] *** Quits: Saskia (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1193[03:05:08] *** ERROR404 is now known as BatonRouge
1194[03:05:10] <BatonRouge> Hey, guest_854 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1195[03:05:15] <Hottie> Hey, olli Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1196[03:05:17] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Dominic89 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1197[03:05:26] <Dominic89> Hey, ist hier eine Shemale anwesend? Bitte privat melden
1198[03:05:31] <BatonRouge> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1199[03:05:36] <Hottie> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1200[03:05:38] <Oklahoma99> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1201[03:05:49] *** Joins: SaskiaNRW (Guest@replaced-ip)
1202[03:05:51] <BatonRouge> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1203[03:05:56] <Hottie> Hey, GiveItToMe_M Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1204[03:05:58] <Oklahoma99> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1205[03:06:02] *** Joins: arnie (arnie@replaced-ip)
1206[03:06:11] <BatonRouge> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1207[03:06:14] *** Joins: Chica1990 (Chica1990@replaced-ip)
1208[03:06:15] *** Parts: arnie (arnie@replaced-ip)
1209[03:06:16] <Hottie> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1210[03:06:18] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1211[03:06:18] <Oklahoma99> Hey, SelfsuckerOnCam Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1212[03:06:29] *** Quits: Ramona47j (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1213[03:06:31] *** BatonRouge is now known as Abby
1214[03:06:32] <Abby> Hey, Nightbird Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1215[03:06:37] <Hottie> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1216[03:06:38] <Oklahoma99> Hey, MISIONERA Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1217[03:06:46] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1218[03:06:52] <Abby> Hey, reiferMann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1219[03:06:52] <Chica1990> hola
1220[03:06:57] <Hottie> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1221[03:06:58] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1222[03:06:59] <Oklahoma99> Hey, jan-sachsen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1223[03:07:10] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1224[03:07:12] <Abby> Hey, KawaGirl Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1225[03:07:17] *** Oklahoma99 is now known as booboobabybear
1226[03:07:18] <Hottie> Hey, BeaMama36 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1227[03:07:19] <booboobabybear> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1228[03:07:32] <Abby> Hey, reiferMann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1229[03:07:37] <Hottie> Hey, Bumdibum Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1230[03:07:39] <booboobabybear> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1231[03:07:43] *** Parts: Ralle (Ralle@replaced-ip)
1232[03:07:52] <Abby> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1233[03:07:58] <Hottie> Hey, MADMAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1234[03:08:00] <booboobabybear> Hey, MISIONERA Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1235[03:08:02] *** Hottie is now known as ManLove
1236[03:08:13] <Abby> Hey, Katharina17 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1237[03:08:18] <ManLove> Hey, [Gentle-Dom] Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1238[03:08:20] <booboobabybear> Hey, Maiky Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1239[03:08:33] <Abby> Hey, oberauer Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1240[03:08:39] <ManLove> Hey, Goofy Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1241[03:08:40] <booboobabybear> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1242[03:08:46] <Dominic89> Hey, ist hier eine Shemale anwesend? Bitte privat melden
1243[03:08:54] <Abby> Hey, Guest_9035 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1244[03:08:54] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1245[03:08:59] <ManLove> Hey, marcus Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1246[03:09:00] <booboobabybear> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1247[03:09:14] <Abby> Hey, Lisa_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1248[03:09:19] <ManLove> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1249[03:09:21] <booboobabybear> Hey, dein_hengst Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1250[03:09:34] <Abby> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1251[03:09:36] *** Quits: Chica1990 (Chica1990@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1252[03:09:39] <ManLove> Hey, gute-laune-mann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1253[03:09:41] <booboobabybear> Hey, doreenchen18 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1254[03:09:54] <Abby> Hey, Liebe_w Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1255[03:09:59] *** Quits: Den (Den@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1256[03:10:00] <ManLove> Hey, BLN_MAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1257[03:10:01] <booboobabybear> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1258[03:10:14] <Abby> Hey, Nikki23 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1259[03:10:20] <ManLove> Hey, Nightbird Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1260[03:10:22] <booboobabybear> Hey, Suess-ER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1261[03:10:35] <Abby> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1262[03:10:40] <ManLove> Hey, nachtengel Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1263[03:10:42] <booboobabybear> Hey, AlexBerlin Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1264[03:10:42] <Katharina17> suche besamung
1265[03:10:55] <Abby> Hey, Steffie__ Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1266[03:11:00] <ManLove> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1267[03:11:02] <booboobabybear> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1268[03:11:06] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1269[03:11:15] <Abby> Hey, cem Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1270[03:11:21] <ManLove> Hey, Neusser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1271[03:11:22] <booboobabybear> Hey, Liebe_w Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1272[03:11:36] <Abby> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1273[03:11:41] <ManLove> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1274[03:11:43] <booboobabybear> Hey, Goofy Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1275[03:11:56] <Abby> Hey, teufelchendelux Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1276[03:12:01] <ManLove> Hey, Happytrucker Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1277[03:12:03] <booboobabybear> Hey, Verh-Monika Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1278[03:12:16] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1279[03:12:16] <Abby> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1280[03:12:20] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1281[03:12:21] <ManLove> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1282[03:12:23] <booboobabybear> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1283[03:12:32] *** Quits: HabGeldSucheW (HabGeldSucheW@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1284[03:12:36] <Abby> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1285[03:12:42] <ManLove> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1286[03:12:44] <booboobabybear> Hey, marcus Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1287[03:12:57] <Abby> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1288[03:13:02] <ManLove> Hey, Suess-ER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1289[03:13:04] <booboobabybear> Hey, TechieGirl_OK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1290[03:13:17] <Abby> Hey, apeiron Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1291[03:13:22] <ManLove> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1292[03:13:24] <booboobabybear> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1293[03:13:36] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1294[03:13:37] <Abby> Hey, Lisa_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1295[03:13:42] <ManLove> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1296[03:13:44] <booboobabybear> Hey, Bumdibum Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1297[03:13:58] <Abby> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1298[03:14:03] <ManLove> Hey, `eight` Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1299[03:14:05] <booboobabybear> Hey, MISIONERA Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1300[03:14:05] *** Joins: zin-eb (zin-eb@replaced-ip)
1301[03:14:09] *** Joins: Mann39 (Mann39@replaced-ip)
1302[03:14:12] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1303[03:14:12] *** Parts: zin-eb (zin-eb@replaced-ip)
1304[03:14:18] <Abby> Hey, olli Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1305[03:14:23] <ManLove> Hey, Abby Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1306[03:14:25] <booboobabybear> Hey, mopsy_mops Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1307[03:14:25] *** Quits: Steffie__ (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1308[03:14:27] *** Quits: RS_Lover (yaaic@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - ##replaced-url
1309[03:14:30] *** Joins: zin-eb (zin-eb@replaced-ip)
1310[03:14:38] <Abby> Hey, AxForest Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1311[03:14:40] *** Joins: Katrin26 (Katrin26@replaced-ip)
1312[03:14:43] <ManLove> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1313[03:14:45] <booboobabybear> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1314[03:14:52] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1315[03:14:58] <Abby> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1316[03:15:04] <ManLove> Hey, TechieGirl_OK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1317[03:15:05] <booboobabybear> Hey, dein_hengst Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1318[03:15:19] <Abby> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1319[03:15:24] <ManLove> Hey, elfenjaeger01 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1320[03:15:26] <booboobabybear> Hey, M54_soloNordhes Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1321[03:15:37] *** booboobabybear is now known as bobo
1322[03:15:39] <Abby> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1323[03:15:44] <ManLove> Hey, Joshua_rs Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1324[03:15:46] <bobo> Hey, TechieGirl_OK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1325[03:15:46] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1326[03:15:58] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1327[03:15:59] <Abby> Hey, guest_854 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1328[03:16:05] <ManLove> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1329[03:16:06] <bobo> Hey, Katrin26 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1330[03:16:19] <Abby> Hey, marcus Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1331[03:16:22] *** ManLove is now known as Florrie
1332[03:16:22] <Dominic89> Hey, ist hier eine Shemale anwesend? Bitte privat melden
1333[03:16:25] <Florrie> Hey, marcus Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1334[03:16:27] <bobo> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1335[03:16:40] <Abby> Hey, ichmsuFam Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1336[03:16:45] <Florrie> Hey, elfenjaeger01 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1337[03:16:47] <bobo> Hey, Ralphinator Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1338[03:17:00] <Abby> Hey, reiferMann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1339[03:17:05] <Florrie> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1340[03:17:07] <bobo> Hey, BeaMama36 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1341[03:17:20] <Abby> Hey, bobo Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1342[03:17:26] <Florrie> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1343[03:17:27] <bobo> Hey, BlackRaven Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1344[03:17:41] <Abby> Hey, guest_854 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1345[03:17:46] <Florrie> Hey, elfenjaeger01 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1346[03:17:48] <bobo> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1347[03:17:50] *** Parts: zin-eb (zin-eb@replaced-ip)
1348[03:17:56] *** Quits: Joshua_rs (Joshua_rs@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1349[03:17:59] *** Quits: GiveItToMe_M (GiveItToMe_M@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1350[03:18:01] <Abby> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1351[03:18:06] <Florrie> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1352[03:18:08] <bobo> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1353[03:18:21] <Abby> Hey, Happytrucker Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1354[03:18:23] *** Quits: olli (pillemadoof@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1355[03:18:26] <Florrie> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1356[03:18:28] <bobo> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1357[03:18:41] <Abby> Hey, Lisa_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1358[03:18:47] <Florrie> Hey, ichmsuFam Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1359[03:18:49] <bobo> Hey, Erik44 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1360[03:18:52] <Dominic89> Hey, ist hier eine Shemale anwesend? Bitte privat melden
1361[03:19:02] <Abby> Hey, saarland Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1362[03:19:07] <Florrie> Hey, ichmsuFam Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1363[03:19:09] <bobo> Hey, Ralphinator Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1364[03:19:22] <Abby> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1365[03:19:27] <Florrie> Hey, TechieGirl_OK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1366[03:19:29] <bobo> Hey, Verh-Monika Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1367[03:19:37] *** Joins: Biker (AndChat106409@replaced-ip)
1368[03:19:42] <Abby> Hey, Liebe_w Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1369[03:19:48] <Florrie> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1370[03:19:49] <bobo> Hey, ChicaLuna Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1371[03:20:03] <Abby> Hey, Biker Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1372[03:20:08] <Florrie> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1373[03:20:09] *** Abby is now known as Millie
1374[03:20:10] <bobo> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1375[03:20:23] <Millie> Hey, nachtengel Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1376[03:20:28] <Florrie> Hey, MISIONERA Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1377[03:20:30] <bobo> Hey, Guest921 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1378[03:20:43] <Millie> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1379[03:20:48] <Florrie> Hey, Katharina17 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1380[03:20:50] <bobo> Hey, nachtengel Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1381[03:21:03] *** Quits: Tobi1206 (Tobi1206@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1382[03:21:03] <Millie> Hey, Mann_sucht Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1383[03:21:05] *** Quits: Dominic89 (Dominic89@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1384[03:21:07] *** Quits: teufelchendelux (teufelchen@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1385[03:21:08] <Florrie> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1386[03:21:11] <bobo> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1387[03:21:24] <Millie> Hey, gute-laune-mann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1388[03:21:24] * Nightbird hums along to: 5oO O5o Stoppok - Wetterprophet [05:05m] 5oO O5o
1389[03:21:29] <Florrie> Hey, Verh-Monika Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1390[03:21:31] <bobo> Hey, e1100101 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1391[03:21:32] *** Millie is now known as Dree
1392[03:21:44] <Dree> Hey, Dree Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1393[03:21:46] *** Joins: devDominic89 (devDominic89@replaced-ip)
1394[03:21:49] <Florrie> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1395[03:21:51] <bobo> Hey, Liebe_w Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1396[03:21:53] *** Parts: Katrin26 (Katrin26@replaced-ip)
1397[03:22:00] *** Joins: HeartsCollector (HeartsCollector@replaced-ip)
1398[03:22:04] <Dree> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1399[03:22:09] <Florrie> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1400[03:22:11] <bobo> Hey, MADMAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1401[03:22:25] <Dree> Hey, Feuerwerk21 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1402[03:22:30] <Florrie> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1403[03:22:31] <HeartsCollector> Hey guys, any german speaker lives in Qatar!
1404[03:22:32] <bobo> Hey, Patzi_geil Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1405[03:22:45] <Dree> Hey, HeartsCollector Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1406[03:22:50] <Florrie> Hey, MISIONERA Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1407[03:22:52] <bobo> Hey, _1010 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1408[03:23:05] <Dree> Hey, gute-laune-mann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1409[03:23:10] <Florrie> Hey, e1100101 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1410[03:23:12] <bobo> Hey, reiferMann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1411[03:23:17] *** Joins: tobi19bi|rs (tobi19bi|rs@replaced-ip)
1412[03:23:21] *** Joins: Tobi1206 (Tobi1206@replaced-ip)
1413[03:23:25] <Dree> Hey, guest_854 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1414[03:23:31] <Florrie> Hey, cem Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1415[03:23:32] <bobo> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1416[03:23:45] *** Parts: HeartsCollector (HeartsCollector@replaced-ip)
1417[03:23:46] <Dree> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1418[03:23:46] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1419[03:23:51] <Florrie> Hey, Mann39 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1420[03:23:53] <bobo> Hey, jan-sachsen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1421[03:23:54] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1422[03:23:57] *** bobo is now known as booboobabybear
1423[03:23:58] *** Joins: viking (viking@replaced-ip)
1424[03:24:06] <Dree> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1425[03:24:11] <Florrie> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1426[03:24:13] <booboobabybear> Hey, Lisa_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1427[03:24:26] <Dree> Hey, Dirk-47 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1428[03:24:30] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1429[03:24:31] <Florrie> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1430[03:24:33] <booboobabybear> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1431[03:24:34] *** Joins: marcus_585 (marcus@replaced-ip)
1432[03:24:41] *** Joins: jessy_19 (jessy_19@replaced-ip)
1433[03:24:41] *** Florrie is now known as Billie
1434[03:24:46] <Dree> Hey, Ralphinator Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1435[03:24:52] <Billie> Hey, AlexBerlin Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1436[03:24:54] <booboobabybear> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1437[03:25:07] <Dree> Hey, jessy_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1438[03:25:12] <Billie> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1439[03:25:14] <booboobabybear> Hey, Neusser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1440[03:25:27] <Dree> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1441[03:25:32] <Billie> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1442[03:25:34] <booboobabybear> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1443[03:25:47] <Dree> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1444[03:25:52] <Billie> Hey, SaskiaNRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1445[03:25:54] <booboobabybear> Hey, e1100101 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1446[03:26:00] *** Quits: marcus (marcus@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1447[03:26:08] <Dree> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1448[03:26:13] <Billie> Hey, `eight` Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1449[03:26:15] <booboobabybear> Hey, Guest921 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1450[03:26:15] *** Joins: Daniel90 (Daniel90@replaced-ip)
1451[03:26:28] <Dree> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1452[03:26:33] <Billie> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1453[03:26:35] <booboobabybear> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1454[03:26:42] *** Quits: reiferMann (reiferMann@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1455[03:26:48] <Dree> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1456[03:26:53] <Billie> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1457[03:26:55] <booboobabybear> Hey, doreenchen18 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1458[03:26:58] *** Quits: Katharina17 (Katharina17@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1459[03:27:01] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
1460[03:27:05] *** Quits: Daniel90 (Daniel90@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1461[03:27:08] <Dree> Hey, saarland Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1462[03:27:14] <Billie> Hey, Patzi_geil Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1463[03:27:16] <booboobabybear> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1464[03:27:26] *** Joins: tightjeansbabe (tightjeansbabe@replaced-ip)
1465[03:27:29] <Dree> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1466[03:27:34] <Billie> Hey, tightjeansbabe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1467[03:27:36] <booboobabybear> Hey, IlseMx Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1468[03:27:49] <Dree> Hey, Dree Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1469[03:27:54] <Billie> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1470[03:27:56] <booboobabybear> Hey, jessy_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1471[03:28:09] <Dree> Hey, noc Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1472[03:28:15] <Billie> Hey, Guest921 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1473[03:28:16] <booboobabybear> Hey, Mann39 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1474[03:28:30] <Dree> Hey, mopsy_mops Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1475[03:28:35] <Billie> Hey, ichmsuFam Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1476[03:28:37] <booboobabybear> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1477[03:28:50] <Dree> Hey, SelfsuckerOnCam Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1478[03:28:55] <Billie> Hey, apeiron Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1479[03:28:57] <booboobabybear> Hey, B[a]lu Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1480[03:29:07] *** ichmsuFam is now known as ichmsuFamSport
1481[03:29:10] <Dree> Hey, doreenchen18 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1482[03:29:12] *** ichmsuFamSport is now known as ichmsuFam
1483[03:29:15] <Billie> Hey, `eight` Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1484[03:29:17] <booboobabybear> Hey, Happytrucker Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1485[03:29:30] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1486[03:29:30] <Dree> Hey, Mann39 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1487[03:29:36] <Billie> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1488[03:29:38] <booboobabybear> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1489[03:29:51] <Dree> Hey, Guest_9035 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1490[03:29:56] <Billie> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1491[03:29:58] <booboobabybear> Hey, Erik44 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1492[03:30:11] <Dree> Hey, MADMAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1493[03:30:16] <Billie> Hey, jan-sachsen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1494[03:30:18] <booboobabybear> Hey, devDominic89 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1495[03:30:31] <Dree> Hey, Goofy Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1496[03:30:36] <Billie> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1497[03:30:38] <booboobabybear> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1498[03:30:52] <Dree> Hey, ichmsuFam Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1499[03:30:57] <Billie> Hey, [A]lter_Schwede Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1500[03:30:59] <booboobabybear> Hey, Goofy Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1501[03:31:12] <Dree> Hey, viking Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1502[03:31:17] <Billie> Hey, Verh-Monika Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1503[03:31:19] <booboobabybear> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1504[03:31:24] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1505[03:31:32] <Dree> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1506[03:31:34] *** Joins: Dad44-To11 (Dad44-To11@replaced-ip)
1507[03:31:37] <Billie> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1508[03:31:39] <booboobabybear> Hey, tobi19bi|rs Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1509[03:31:52] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1510[03:31:52] <Dree> Hey, guest_854 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1511[03:31:58] <Billie> Hey, M54_soloNordhes Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1512[03:31:58] *** Quits: tobi19bi|rs (tobi19bi|rs@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1513[03:31:59] <booboobabybear> Hey, BoyNichtsAn Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1514[03:32:04] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1515[03:32:04] *** Quits: viking (viking@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1516[03:32:13] <Dree> Hey, ichmsuFam Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1517[03:32:17] *** booboobabybear is now known as Bismarck
1518[03:32:18] <Billie> Hey, AlexBerlin Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1519[03:32:20] <Bismarck> Hey, IlseMx Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1520[03:32:33] <Dree> Hey, [Gentle-Dom] Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1521[03:32:38] <Billie> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1522[03:32:40] <Bismarck> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1523[03:32:53] <Dree> Hey, TechieGirl_OK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1524[03:32:58] <Billie> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1525[03:33:00] <Bismarck> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1526[03:33:00] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1527[03:33:01] *** Billie is now known as Juneau
1528[03:33:12] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1529[03:33:13] <Dree> Hey, BlackRaven Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1530[03:33:19] <Juneau> Hey, tightjeansbabe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1531[03:33:21] <Bismarck> Hey, dein_hengst Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1532[03:33:32] *** Quits: BoyNichtsAn (BoyNichtsAn@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1533[03:33:34] <Dree> Hey, SaskiaNRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1534[03:33:39] <Juneau> Hey, BlackRaven Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1535[03:33:41] <Bismarck> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1536[03:33:54] *** Quits: MISIONERA (MISIONERA@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1537[03:33:54] <Dree> Hey, Bismarck Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1538[03:33:59] <Juneau> Hey, Dirk-47 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1539[03:34:01] <Bismarck> Hey, Bumdibum Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1540[03:34:14] <Dree> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1541[03:34:15] *** Quits: Dirk-47 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1542[03:34:19] *** Quits: ichmsuFam (ichmsuFam@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1543[03:34:20] <Juneau> Hey, ChicaLuna Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1544[03:34:21] <Bismarck> Hey, jan-sachsen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1545[03:34:34] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1546[03:34:35] <Dree> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1547[03:34:40] <Juneau> Hey, M54_soloNordhes Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1548[03:34:42] <Bismarck> Hey, Dad44-To11 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1549[03:34:55] <Dree> Hey, Suess-ER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1550[03:35:00] <Juneau> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1551[03:35:02] <Bismarck> Hey, Dree Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1552[03:35:09] *** Dree is now known as Dot
1553[03:35:15] <Dot> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1554[03:35:18] *** Dot is now known as Guest10792
1555[03:35:20] <Juneau> Hey, MarkDavis Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1556[03:35:22] <Bismarck> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1557[03:35:30] *** Joins: uwe-immer-heiss (uwe-immer-heiss@replaced-ip)
1558[03:35:35] <Guest10792> Hey, AxForest Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1559[03:35:41] <Juneau> Hey, Happytrucker Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1560[03:35:43] <Bismarck> Hey, Bismarck Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1561[03:35:43] *** Joins: Brett_Favre (Brett_Favre@replaced-ip)
1562[03:35:56] <Guest10792> Hey, SaskiaNRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1563[03:36:01] <Juneau> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1564[03:36:02] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1565[03:36:03] <Bismarck> Hey, MarcJoss Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1566[03:36:16] <Guest10792> Hey, doreenchen18 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1567[03:36:21] <Juneau> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1568[03:36:23] <Bismarck> Hey, noc Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1569[03:36:32] *** Guest10792 is now known as Ohio
1570[03:36:36] <Ohio> Hey, ChicaLuna Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1571[03:36:41] <Juneau> Hey, Bumdibum Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1572[03:36:43] <Bismarck> Hey, Mann39 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1573[03:36:45] *** Parts: Dad44-To11 (Dad44-To11@replaced-ip)
1574[03:36:48] *** Quits: SelfsuckerOnCam (SelfsuckerOnCam@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1575[03:36:54] *** Joins: Dad44-To11 (Dad44-To11@replaced-ip)
1576[03:36:57] <Ohio> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1577[03:37:00] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1578[03:37:02] <Juneau> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1579[03:37:04] <Bismarck> Hey, Lisa_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1580[03:37:17] <Ohio> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1581[03:37:18] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1582[03:37:22] <Juneau> Hey, M39ficktW_NRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1583[03:37:24] <Bismarck> Hey, Mann39 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1584[03:37:34] *** Quits: tightjeansbabe (tightjeansbabe@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1585[03:37:37] <Ohio> Hey, elfenjaeger01 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1586[03:37:42] <Juneau> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1587[03:37:44] <Bismarck> Hey, cem Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1588[03:37:57] <Ohio> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1589[03:38:03] <Juneau> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1590[03:38:05] <Bismarck> Hey, oberauer Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1591[03:38:05] *** Joins: SevenOf9 (IrCQNet@replaced-ip)
1592[03:38:18] <Ohio> Hey, apeiron Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1593[03:38:23] <Juneau> Hey, BeaMama36 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1594[03:38:25] <Bismarck> Hey, AxForest Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1595[03:38:38] <Ohio> Hey, SaskiaNRW Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1596[03:38:43] <Juneau> Hey, [Gentle-Dom] Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1597[03:38:45] <Bismarck> Hey, MADMAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1598[03:38:57] *** Quits: M39ficktW_NRW (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1599[03:38:58] <Ohio> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1600[03:39:03] <Juneau> Hey, _1010 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1601[03:39:04] *** Quits: SevenOfNine (IrCQNet@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1602[03:39:05] <Bismarck> Hey, jan-sachsen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1603[03:39:18] *** Quits: Guest_4897 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1604[03:39:19] <Ohio> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1605[03:39:24] <Juneau> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1606[03:39:26] <Bismarck> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1607[03:39:39] <Ohio> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1608[03:39:44] <Juneau> Hey, Juneau Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1609[03:39:46] <Bismarck> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1610[03:39:59] <Ohio> Hey, Maiky Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1611[03:40:04] <Juneau> Hey, dein_hengst Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1612[03:40:06] <Bismarck> Hey, devDominic89 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1613[03:40:15] *** SevenOf9 is now known as SevenOfNine
1614[03:40:19] <Ohio> Hey, Guest_9035 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1615[03:40:25] <Juneau> Hey, dein_hengst Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1616[03:40:26] <Bismarck> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1617[03:40:37] *** Bismarck is now known as Jaz
1618[03:40:40] <Ohio> Hey, Suess-ER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1619[03:40:45] <Juneau> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1620[03:40:47] <Jaz> Hey, Verh-Monika Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1621[03:41:00] <Ohio> Hey, guest_854 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1622[03:41:05] <Juneau> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1623[03:41:07] <Jaz> Hey, uwe-immer-heiss Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1624[03:41:14] *** Quits: Biker (AndChat106409@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye)
1625[03:41:20] <Ohio> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1626[03:41:21] *** Juneau is now known as Maryland
1627[03:41:25] <Maryland> Hey, KawaGirl Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1628[03:41:26] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1629[03:41:27] <Jaz> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1630[03:41:28] *** Quits: IlseMx (IlseMx@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1631[03:41:39] *** Quits: Ralphinator (Ralphinator@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1632[03:41:40] <Ohio> Hey, uzt Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1633[03:41:46] <Maryland> Hey, TechieGirl_OK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1634[03:41:48] <Jaz> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1635[03:42:01] <Ohio> Hey, MarkDavis Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1636[03:42:06] <Maryland> Hey, Dad44-To11 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1637[03:42:08] <Jaz> Hey, M54_soloNordhes Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1638[03:42:21] <Ohio> Hey, gute-laune-mann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1639[03:42:26] <Maryland> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1640[03:42:28] <Jaz> Hey, Brett_Favre Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1641[03:42:41] *** Quits: MADMAX (MADMAX@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1642[03:42:41] <Ohio> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1643[03:42:47] <Maryland> Hey, jessy_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1644[03:42:48] <Jaz> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1645[03:43:02] <Ohio> Hey, doreenchen18 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1646[03:43:07] <Maryland> Hey, Koelner Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1647[03:43:09] <Jaz> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1648[03:43:22] <Ohio> Hey, MarkDavis Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1649[03:43:27] <Maryland> Hey, doreenchen18 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1650[03:43:29] <Jaz> Hey, B[a]lu Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1651[03:43:42] <Ohio> Hey, MarkDavis Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1652[03:43:43] *** Joins: poSpritzer (poSpritzer@replaced-ip)
1653[03:43:47] <Maryland> Hey, Suess-ER Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1654[03:43:49] <Jaz> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1655[03:44:02] <Ohio> Hey, Liebe_w Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1656[03:44:08] <Maryland> Hey, uwe-immer-heiss Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1657[03:44:10] <Jaz> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1658[03:44:23] <Ohio> Hey, [Gentle-Dom] Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1659[03:44:28] <Maryland> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1660[03:44:30] <Jaz> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1661[03:44:43] <Ohio> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1662[03:44:46] *** Quits: Verh-Monika (Verh-Monika@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1663[03:44:48] <Maryland> Hey, Bumdibum Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1664[03:44:50] <Jaz> Hey, ChicaLuna Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1665[03:45:03] <Ohio> Hey, mopsy_mops Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1666[03:45:04] *** Quits: Mann_sucht (Mann_sucht@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1667[03:45:09] <Maryland> Hey, noc Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1668[03:45:10] <Jaz> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1669[03:45:20] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1670[03:45:24] <Ohio> Hey, BeaMama36 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1671[03:45:29] <Maryland> Hey, [Gentle-Dom] Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1672[03:45:31] <Jaz> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1673[03:45:36] *** Quits: Mann39 (Mann39@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1674[03:45:36] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1675[03:45:44] <Ohio> Hey, noc Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1676[03:45:49] <Maryland> Hey, BlackRaven Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1677[03:45:51] <Jaz> Hey, cem Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1678[03:46:04] <Ohio> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1679[03:46:09] <Maryland> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1680[03:46:11] <Jaz> Hey, Jaz Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1681[03:46:24] <Ohio> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1682[03:46:29] *** Quits: uwe-immer-heiss (uwe-immer-heiss@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1683[03:46:29] <Maryland> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1684[03:46:32] <Jaz> Hey, Mama_Halsband Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1685[03:46:32] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1686[03:46:33] *** Quits: SaskiaNRW (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1687[03:46:45] <Ohio> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1688[03:46:47] *** Quits: KawaGirl (KawaGirl@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
1689[03:46:48] *** Quits: TechieGirl_OK (TechieGirl_OK@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
1690[03:46:50] <Maryland> Hey, Neusser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1691[03:46:52] <Jaz> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1692[03:47:05] *** Joins: Propain82 (androirc@replaced-ip)
1693[03:47:05] <Ohio> Hey, BeaMama36 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1694[03:47:10] <Maryland> Hey, Brett_Favre Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1695[03:47:12] <Jaz> Hey, gute-laune-mann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1696[03:47:25] <Ohio> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1697[03:47:30] <Maryland> Hey, Jaz Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1698[03:47:32] <Jaz> Hey, oberauer Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1699[03:47:44] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1700[03:47:44] *** Joins: OkieGirl (Okie@replaced-ip)
1701[03:47:46] <Ohio> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1702[03:47:51] <Maryland> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1703[03:47:53] <Jaz> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1704[03:48:06] <Ohio> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1705[03:48:11] <Maryland> Hey, Propain82 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1706[03:48:13] <Jaz> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1707[03:48:26] <Ohio> Hey, MarcJoss Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1708[03:48:31] <Maryland> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1709[03:48:33] <Jaz> Hey, AlexBerlin Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1710[03:48:46] <Ohio> Hey, Mama_Halsband Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1711[03:48:52] <Maryland> Hey, nachtengel Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1712[03:48:53] <Jaz> Hey, [A]lter_Schwede Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1713[03:48:57] *** Jaz is now known as Tessie
1714[03:49:07] <Ohio> Hey, `eight` Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1715[03:49:12] <Maryland> Hey, oberauer Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1716[03:49:14] <Tessie> Hey, e1100101 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1717[03:49:21] *** Quits: MarcJoss (MarcJoss@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1718[03:49:27] <Ohio> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1719[03:49:32] <Maryland> Hey, doreenchen18 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1720[03:49:34] <Tessie> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1721[03:49:41] *** Maryland is now known as BOOTHANG
1722[03:49:47] <Ohio> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1723[03:49:52] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1724[03:49:54] <Tessie> Hey, Propain82 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1725[03:49:56] *** Tessie is now known as Guest59862
1726[03:50:07] <Ohio> Hey, doreenchen18 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1727[03:50:10] *** Ohio is now known as BatonRouge
1728[03:50:13] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Erik44 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1729[03:50:15] <Guest59862> Hey, ChicaLuna Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1730[03:50:28] <BatonRouge> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1731[03:50:33] <BOOTHANG> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1732[03:50:35] <Guest59862> Hey, Guest59862 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1733[03:50:48] <BatonRouge> Hey, AlexBerlin Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1734[03:50:53] <BOOTHANG> Hey, dein_hengst Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1735[03:50:55] <Guest59862> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1736[03:51:00] *** Quits: Propain82 (androirc@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1737[03:51:06] *** Joins: Propain82 (androirc@replaced-ip)
1738[03:51:08] <BatonRouge> Hey, jan-sachsen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1739[03:51:13] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Propain82 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1740[03:51:15] <Guest59862> Hey, ChicaLuna Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1741[03:51:17] *** Quits: poSpritzer (poSpritzer@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1742[03:51:29] <BatonRouge> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1743[03:51:33] *** BatonRouge is now known as Florida3
1744[03:51:34] <BOOTHANG> Hey, jessy_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1745[03:51:36] <Guest59862> Hey, Feuerwerk21 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1746[03:51:49] <Florida3> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1747[03:51:54] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Erik44 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1748[03:51:54] *** Parts: Suess-ER (Suess-ER@replaced-ip)
1749[03:51:56] <Guest59862> Hey, Nikki23 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1750[03:52:09] <Florida3> Hey, BLN_MAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1751[03:52:14] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Happytrucker Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1752[03:52:16] <Guest59862> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1753[03:52:29] <Florida3> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1754[03:52:35] <BOOTHANG> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1755[03:52:37] <Guest59862> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1756[03:52:50] <Florida3> Hey, BLN_MAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1757[03:52:55] <BOOTHANG> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1758[03:52:57] <Guest59862> Hey, Bumdibum Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1759[03:53:04] *** Quits: Liebe_w (easyS@replaced-ip) (Quit: :PPPPPPPPPPP)
1760[03:53:10] <Florida3> Hey, Mama_Halsband Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1761[03:53:12] *** Quits: Happytrucker (Happytrucker@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1762[03:53:15] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Neusser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1763[03:53:17] <Guest59862> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1764[03:53:20] *** Joins: mobile_ (rooms@replaced-ip)
1765[03:53:30] <Florida3> Hey, Guest921 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1766[03:53:36] <BOOTHANG> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1767[03:53:37] <Guest59862> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1768[03:53:38] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1769[03:53:39] *** Quits: Propain82 (androirc@replaced-ip##) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ##replaced-url
1770[03:53:51] <Florida3> Hey, Guest59862 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1771[03:53:52] *** Joins: Morgen_latte_ (Guest@replaced-ip)
1772[03:53:53] *** Quits: jessy_19 (jessy_19@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1773[03:53:56] <BOOTHANG> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1774[03:53:58] <Guest59862> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1775[03:54:02] *** Quits: ChicaLuna (ChicaLuna@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1776[03:54:05] *** Quits: BeaMama36 (BeaMama36@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1777[03:54:11] <Florida3> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1778[03:54:16] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1779[03:54:18] <Guest59862> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1780[03:54:31] <Florida3> Hey, Goofy Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1781[03:54:36] <BOOTHANG> Hey, nachtengel Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1782[03:54:38] <Guest59862> Hey, mopsy_mops Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1783[03:54:41] *** Quits: Goofy (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1784[03:54:48] *** Parts: Erik44 (Erik44@replaced-ip)
1785[03:54:51] <Florida3> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1786[03:54:57] <BOOTHANG> Hey, mobile_ Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1787[03:54:58] <Guest59862> Hey, Koelner Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1788[03:55:06] *** Joins: DickesTeil (DickesTeil@replaced-ip)
1789[03:55:12] <Florida3> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1790[03:55:17] <BOOTHANG> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1791[03:55:19] <Guest59862> Hey, Maiky Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1792[03:55:32] <Florida3> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1793[03:55:37] <BOOTHANG> Hey, MarkDavis Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1794[03:55:39] <Guest59862> Hey, Dad44-To11 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1795[03:55:52] <Florida3> Hey, AxForest Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1796[03:55:54] *** Parts: mobile_ (rooms@replaced-ip)
1797[03:55:57] <BOOTHANG> Hey, joe51fotograf Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1798[03:55:59] <Guest59862> Hey, BLN_MAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1799[03:56:03] *** Quits: Brett_Favre (Brett_Favre@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1800[03:56:11] *** Joins: Ch_M_Egy (Ch_M_Egy@replaced-ip)
1801[03:56:13] <Florida3> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1802[03:56:18] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Maiky Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1803[03:56:20] <Guest59862> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1804[03:56:32] *** Quits: nachtengel (nachtengel@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1805[03:56:33] <Florida3> Hey, Guest_9035 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1806[03:56:38] <BOOTHANG> Hey, cem Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1807[03:56:40] *** Joins: simo100 (simo100@replaced-ip)
1808[03:56:40] <Guest59862> Hey, saarland Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1809[03:56:47] *** Quits: simo100 (simo100@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1810[03:56:53] <Florida3> Hey, M54_soloNordhes Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1811[03:56:55] *** Joins: Mann_sucht (Mann_sucht@replaced-ip)
1812[03:56:58] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1813[03:57:00] <Guest59862> Hey, devDominic89 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1814[03:57:02] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1815[03:57:13] <Florida3> Hey, mopsy_mops Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1816[03:57:16] *** Guest59862 is now known as DreamGuy
1817[03:57:19] <BOOTHANG> Hey, M54_soloNordhes Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1818[03:57:20] <DreamGuy> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1819[03:57:34] <Florida3> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1820[03:57:39] <BOOTHANG> Hey, e1100101 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1821[03:57:41] <DreamGuy> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1822[03:57:54] <Florida3> Hey, guest_854 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1823[03:57:59] <BOOTHANG> Hey, Koelner Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1824[03:58:01] <DreamGuy> Hey, uzt Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1825[03:58:01] *** BOOTHANG is now known as Bubbykins
1826[03:58:11] *** Joins: Ralle (Ralle@replaced-ip)
1827[03:58:14] <Florida3> Hey, Jenny13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1828[03:58:19] <Bubbykins> Hey, AxForest Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1829[03:58:21] <DreamGuy> Hey, e1100101 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1830[03:58:24] *** Quits: Mama_Halsband (Mama_Halsband@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1831[03:58:34] <Florida3> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1832[03:58:40] <Bubbykins> Hey, _1010 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1833[03:58:42] <DreamGuy> Hey, MarkDavis Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1834[03:58:55] <Florida3> Hey, gute-laune-mann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1835[03:59:00] <Bubbykins> Hey, B[a]lu Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1836[03:59:02] <DreamGuy> Hey, uzt Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1837[03:59:15] <Florida3> Hey, Guest921 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1838[03:59:19] *** Joins: Dominic_nrw_313 (Dominic_nrw@replaced-ip)
1839[03:59:20] <Bubbykins> Hey, _1010 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1840[03:59:22] <DreamGuy> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1841[03:59:35] *** Quits: devDominic89 (devDominic89@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1842[03:59:35] <Florida3> Hey, M54_soloNordhes Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1843[03:59:40] <Bubbykins> Hey, uzt Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1844[03:59:42] <DreamGuy> Hey, marcus_585 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1845[03:59:48] *** Joins: Playgirl_12 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1846[03:59:56] <Florida3> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1847[04:00:01] <Bubbykins> Hey, OkieGirl Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1848[04:00:03] <DreamGuy> Hey, [Gentle-Dom] Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1849[04:00:05] *** Joins: Spritzer (Spritzer@replaced-ip)
1850[04:00:16] <Florida3> Hey, Guest_9035 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1851[04:00:21] <Bubbykins> Hey, Feuerwerk21 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1852[04:00:23] <DreamGuy> Hey, _1010 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1853[04:00:36] <Florida3> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1854[04:00:41] <Bubbykins> Hey, saarland Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1855[04:00:43] <DreamGuy> Hey, oberauer Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1856[04:00:56] <Florida3> Hey, Playgirl_12 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1857[04:01:02] <Bubbykins> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1858[04:01:04] <DreamGuy> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1859[04:01:17] <Florida3> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1860[04:01:18] *** Quits: Mann_sucht (Mann_sucht@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1861[04:01:22] <Bubbykins> Hey, oberauer Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1862[04:01:24] <DreamGuy> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1863[04:01:29] *** Joins: olli (pillemadoof@replaced-ip)
1864[04:01:37] <Florida3> Hey, [A]lter_Schwede Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1865[04:01:42] <Bubbykins> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1866[04:01:44] <DreamGuy> Hey, Koelner Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1867[04:01:57] <Florida3> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1868[04:02:01] *** Parts: Playgirl_12 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1869[04:02:03] <Bubbykins> Hey, saarland Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1870[04:02:04] <DreamGuy> Hey, marcus_585 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1871[04:02:15] *** Joins: Valentina__ (Valentina__@replaced-ip)
1872[04:02:18] <Florida3> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1873[04:02:23] <Bubbykins> Hey, uzt Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1874[04:02:25] <DreamGuy> Hey, Koelner Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1875[04:02:33] *** Parts: Valentina__ (Valentina__@replaced-ip)
1876[04:02:38] <Florida3> Hey, Lisa_19 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1877[04:02:43] <Bubbykins> Hey, Cute_jenny Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1878[04:02:45] <DreamGuy> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1879[04:02:58] <Florida3> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1880[04:03:03] <Bubbykins> Hey, BlackRaven Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1881[04:03:05] <DreamGuy> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1882[04:03:12] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1883[04:03:18] <Florida3> Hey, Bubbykins Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1884[04:03:24] <Bubbykins> Hey, B[a]lu Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1885[04:03:26] <DreamGuy> Hey, OkieGirl Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1886[04:03:34] *** Quits: Neusser (irssi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1887[04:03:39] <Florida3> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1888[04:03:44] <Bubbykins> Hey, jan-sachsen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1889[04:03:46] <DreamGuy> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1890[04:03:59] <Florida3> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1891[04:04:04] <Bubbykins> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1892[04:04:06] <DreamGuy> Hey, DreamGuy Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1893[04:04:19] <Florida3> Hey, [A]lter_Schwede Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1894[04:04:19] *** Quits: DickesTeil (DickesTeil@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1895[04:04:25] <Bubbykins> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1896[04:04:26] <DreamGuy> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1897[04:04:33] *** Quits: doreenchen18 (doreenchen18@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1898[04:04:40] <Florida3> Hey, uzt Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1899[04:04:45] <Bubbykins> Hey, Guest_9035 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1900[04:04:47] <DreamGuy> Hey, AxForest Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1901[04:05:00] <Florida3> Hey, Florida3 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1902[04:05:04] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1903[04:05:05] <Bubbykins> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1904[04:05:07] <DreamGuy> Hey, anja13 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1905[04:05:10] *** Florida3 is now known as StudMffin
1906[04:05:14] *** Quits: Guest_9035 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1907[04:05:20] <StudMffin> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1908[04:05:25] <Bubbykins> Hey, Dominic_nrw_313 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1909[04:05:27] <DreamGuy> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1910[04:05:36] *** Joins: Neusser (irssi@replaced-ip)
1911[04:05:36] *** DreamGuy is now known as Paramour
1912[04:05:40] <StudMffin> Hey, Bubbykins Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1913[04:05:46] <Bubbykins> Hey, oberauer Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1914[04:05:47] <Paramour> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1915[04:05:48] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1916[04:05:56] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1917[04:06:00] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1918[04:06:01] <StudMffin> Hey, Dominic_nrw_313 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1919[04:06:03] *** Joins: Beatrizzz (Beatrizzz@replaced-ip)
1920[04:06:06] <Bubbykins> Hey, Feuerwerk21 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1921[04:06:08] <Paramour> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1922[04:06:21] *** Bubbykins is now known as Button
1923[04:06:21] <StudMffin> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1924[04:06:26] <Button> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1925[04:06:28] <Paramour> Hey, Neusser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1926[04:06:33] *** StudMffin is now known as Franny
1927[04:06:41] <Samael> ö.o
1928[04:06:41] <Franny> Hey, Ralle Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1929[04:06:46] <Button> Hey, marcus_585 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1930[04:06:48] <Paramour> Hey, marcus_585 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1931[04:06:53] <Samael> alle schlafen...
1932[04:07:01] <Franny> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1933[04:07:07] <Button> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1934[04:07:09] <Paramour> Hey, e1100101 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1935[04:07:09] *** Parts: Ch_M_Egy (Ch_M_Egy@replaced-ip)
1936[04:07:22] <Franny> Hey, marcus_585 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1937[04:07:27] <Button> Hey, AlexBerlin Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1938[04:07:29] <Paramour> Hey, [Gentle-Dom] Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1939[04:07:42] <Franny> Hey, juju92 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1940[04:07:44] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1941[04:07:47] <Button> Hey, olli Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1942[04:07:49] <Paramour> Hey, Beatrizzz Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1943[04:07:50] *** Joins: mobile_ (rooms@replaced-ip)
1944[04:07:57] <juju92> verdammte bots
1945[04:08:02] <Franny> Hey, SevenOfNine Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1946[04:08:08] <Button> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1947[04:08:09] <Paramour> Hey, Patzi_geil Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1948[04:08:14] *** Quits: AlexBerlin (Alex@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
1949[04:08:23] <Franny> Hey, VerEiser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1950[04:08:28] *** Joins: Maiky_ (quassel@replaced-ip)
1951[04:08:28] <Button> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1952[04:08:30] <Paramour> Hey, SingleStudentM Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1953[04:08:42] <Franny> Hey, B[a]lu Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1954[04:08:44] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1955[04:08:47] <Button> Hey, MarkDavis Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1956[04:08:49] <Paramour> Hey, B[a]lu Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1957[04:08:56] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
1958[04:09:03] <Franny> Hey, her0 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1959[04:09:08] <Button> Hey, Button Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1960[04:09:10] <Paramour> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1961[04:09:23] <Franny> Hey, Felix35HH Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1962[04:09:28] <Button> Hey, jan-sachsen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1963[04:09:30] <Paramour> Hey, Dad44-To11 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1964[04:09:38] *** Quits: Dad44-To11 (Dad44-To11@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1965[04:09:40] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1966[04:09:42] <Samael> tja, da hilft nur ignore
1967[04:09:43] <Franny> Hey, saarland Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1968[04:09:48] <Button> Hey, nomatrix Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1969[04:09:50] <Paramour> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1970[04:09:56] <Samael> ip ignore
1971[04:10:03] <Franny> Hey, Tobi1206 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1972[04:10:09] <Button> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1973[04:10:10] <Paramour> Hey, Feuerwerk21 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1974[04:10:24] <Samael> allchatnetworks@B960DF.03A567.B2F7E4.661B5A
1975[04:10:24] <Franny> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1976[04:10:25] <Samael> ;)
1977[04:10:29] <Button> Hey, snoopy1978 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1978[04:10:31] <Paramour> Hey, gute-laune-mann Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1979[04:10:44] <Franny> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1980[04:10:49] <Button> Hey, SklavePhilip Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1981[04:10:51] <Paramour> Hey, BLN_MAX Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1982[04:10:51] <juju92> ich habe schon die ids gesperrt
1983[04:11:04] <Franny> Hey, mobile_ Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1984[04:11:06] <juju92> aber das hat mich mindestens eine halbe minute meines lebens gekostet!
1985[04:11:09] <Button> Hey, AxForest Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1986[04:11:11] <Paramour> Hey, noc Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1987[04:11:24] <Franny> Hey, marcus_585 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1988[04:11:26] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1989[04:11:30] <Button> Hey, M40_aus_DO Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1990[04:11:32] <Paramour> Hey, marcus_585 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1991[04:11:41] <Samael> Joar, was soll man sagen...
1992[04:11:45] <Franny> Hey, Hard_N_Thick Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1993[04:11:46] <Samael> ist so^^
1994[04:11:50] <Button> Hey, FaXe Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1995[04:11:52] <Samael> gibt nix umsonst
1996[04:11:52] <Paramour> Hey, beiboot Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
1997[04:11:54] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
1998[04:11:58] *** Quits: Maiky (quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1999[04:12:05] <Franny> Hey, Guest921 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2000[04:12:08] *** Parts: Beatrizzz (Beatrizzz@replaced-ip)
2001[04:12:10] <Button> Hey, Morgen_latte_ Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2002[04:12:12] <Paramour> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2003[04:12:15] *** Joins: Beatrizzz (Beatrizzz@replaced-ip)
2004[04:12:20] <juju92> da will man in ruhe mitten in der nacht seine serien suchten und wird dauernd angebimmelt, das geht doch nicht
2005[04:12:25] <Franny> Hey, _1010 Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2006[04:12:30] <Button> Hey, Beatrizzz Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2007[04:12:32] <Paramour> Hey, TReK Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2008[04:12:46] <Franny> Hey, Spritzer Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2009[04:12:51] <Button> Hey, Verfiuhrerisch Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2010[04:12:52] *** Parts: Beatrizzz (Beatrizzz@replaced-ip)
2011[04:12:53] <Paramour> Hey, Dick14mitgrosen Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2012[04:13:06] *** Joins: Ch_M_Egy (Ch_M_Egy@replaced-ip)
2013[04:13:06] <Franny> Hey, Ch_M_Egy Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2014[04:13:11] <Button> Hey, Samael Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2015[04:13:13] <Paramour> Hey, Neusser Did you know that All Chat Network totally sucks ass? It's like 95% old hairy men pretending to be 16 and female. The other 5% are auto msging bots. It's a place of faggotry and deep seeded incest, don't go there!
2016[04:13:21] *** Quits: Franny (allchatnetworks@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
2017[04:13:22] *** Quits: Paramour (allchatnetworks@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
2018[04:13:23] *** Quits: Button (allchatnetworks@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
2019[04:14:18] *** Joins: Augenblicke (NSA@replaced-ip)
2020[04:14:24] <[Gentle-Dom]> juju92 wenn du suchten willst. wieso biste dann im chat?
2021[04:14:32] <Augenblicke> das war mein ping
2022[04:14:55] *** Joins: Erik44 (Erik44@replaced-ip)
2023[04:15:13] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2024[04:15:34] *** Joins: hannes (hannes@replaced-ip)
2025[04:15:34] *** Joins: M_NRW (M_NRW@replaced-ip)
2026[04:15:42] <[Gentle-Dom]> das ist schlimm
2027[04:15:48] *** Quits: mobile_ (rooms@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Rooms • iPhone IRC Client • ##replaced-url
2028[04:15:49] <Augenblicke> Schlaflos in Germany
2029[04:15:56] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2030[04:15:57] *** Parts: hannes (hannes@replaced-ip)
2031[04:16:01] *** Quits: Tobi1206 (Tobi1206@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2032[04:16:03] *** Quits: Samael (NSA@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2033[04:16:13] *** Augenblicke is now known as Samael
2034[04:16:21] <Samael> und jetzt wieder in huebsch
2035[04:16:42] <[Gentle-Dom]> hm. ich seh da keinen unterschied.
2036[04:16:42] <[Gentle-Dom]> ^^
2037[04:17:49] *** Joins: Smookie (sag@replaced-ip)
2038[04:18:17] *** Quits: M40_aus_DO (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
2039[04:18:24] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2040[04:18:52] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2041[04:20:57] *** Quits: joe51fotograf (joe51fotograf@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2042[04:20:57] <Samael> .
2043[04:21:06] <Samael> absoluter Stillstand
2044[04:21:49] *** Quits: [Gentle-Dom] (_Gentle-Do@replaced-ip##) (Quit: 12( ##replaced-url
2045[04:22:04] *** Quits: Felix35HH (Felix35HH@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2046[04:22:08] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2047[04:22:12] *** Parts: Erik44 (Erik44@replaced-ip)
2048[04:22:30] *** Joins: Melissa37 (Melissa37@replaced-ip)
2049[04:24:16] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2050[04:24:30] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2051[04:24:41] *** Joins: Helena_greek (Guest@replaced-ip)
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2053[04:25:18] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2054[04:25:22] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2055[04:25:35] *** Joins: julia-les-24 (julia-les-24@replaced-ip)
2056[04:25:44] *** Parts: julia-les-24 (julia-les-24@replaced-ip)
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2059[04:27:48] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2060[04:28:20] *** Joins: Hannes_295 (Hannes@replaced-ip)
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2073[04:34:29] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2074[04:34:57] *** Quits: aaaa (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
2075[04:35:35] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2076[04:35:52] *** Joins: Betrunkene15J (Betrunkene15J@replaced-ip)
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2079[04:38:07] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2080[04:38:33] *** Quits: e1100101 (e1100101@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2081[04:39:17] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2082[04:39:17] *** Joins: TechieGirl_OK (TechieGirl_OK@replaced-ip)
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2085[04:40:37] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2086[04:41:39] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2087[04:42:27] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2088[04:42:36] *** Parts: Ralle (Ralle@replaced-ip)
2089[04:42:41] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2090[04:42:43] *** Joins: Liliana22 (quassel@replaced-ip)
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2092[04:45:51] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2093[04:46:11] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2094[04:46:30] *** Quits: Helena_greek (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
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2109[04:51:56] <Tobi_529> guten morgen an alle
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2113[04:53:38] <Tobi_529> wie gehts
2114[04:53:46] <Liliana22> :-)
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2125[04:59:49] <Samael> *rein schaut
2126[05:00:23] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2128[05:01:28] <Samael> läuft...^^
2129[05:01:37] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2173[05:24:03] <Ich-der-Tom> moin moin
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2213[05:49:26] <gernspritzer48> hallo zusammen
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2224[05:56:45] <kel> hi
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2233[06:02:07] <Ehemann43> guten morgen, mag jemand chatten? einfach anschreiben bitte
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2236[06:02:47] <gernspritzer48> eine heiss hier und lust auf cam??
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2240[06:04:44] <latinbabe> who has children?
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2272[06:21:50] <peruvian> hheyyyy
2273[06:23:26] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2301[06:33:36] <thomas51> guten morgen
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2313[06:37:31] <gernspritzer48> eine lust auf cam??
2314[06:37:42] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2385[07:05:42] <Verheiratet38> guten morgen
2386[07:06:39] <Magoon> such ne nette zuschauerin, gerne auch für regelmäßige sachen für skype + cam... Bin 32m --bitte privat--
2387[07:06:50] <M39ficktW_NRW> Besuchbarer M, fickt jede SIE... Kostenlos. Alter egal.
2388[07:06:54] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2395[07:08:28] <Magoon> such ne nette zuschauerin, gerne auch für regelmäßige sachen für skype + cam... Bin 32m ----bitte privat----
2396[07:08:35] <M_Berlin_40> welches neugierige girls spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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2410[07:11:36] <Magoon> such ne nette zuschauerin, gerne auch für regelmäßige sachen für skype + cam... Bin 32m --bitte privat--
2411[07:11:44] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2419[07:13:13] <M_Berlin_40> welches neugierige girls spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
2420[07:13:24] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2426[07:14:10] <Guest_4897> Welches Girl lebt im Heim? Privat melden
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2429[07:14:32] <Magoon> such ne nette zuschauerin, gerne auch für regelmäßige sachen für skype + cam... Bin 32m ----bitte privat----
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2437[07:18:06] <M_Berlin_40> welches neugierige girls spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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2442[07:20:49] <M_Berlin_40> welches neugierige girls spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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2451[07:23:18] <M_Berlin_40> welches neugierige girls spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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2465[07:30:19] <M_Berlin_40> welches neugierige girls spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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2478[07:34:54] <M_Berlin_40> welches neugierige girls spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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2491[07:40:29] <Andre-26> guten morgen
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2518[07:46:36] <Guest_996> na watt solls?
2519[07:46:40] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2527[07:49:53] <Guest_boxer> welche w ist auch allein zuhauseund hat lust zu schreiben, bitte pvt melden
2528[07:50:13] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2551[07:56:11] <Mathilda> Guten Morgen
2552[07:56:13] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2561[07:58:37] <Mathilda> Moin Brummb
2562[07:58:43] <Brummb> moin mathilda
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2564[07:59:02] <LadyAmalthea> moin
2565[07:59:09] <Brummb> moin thea ^^
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2567[07:59:25] <LadyAmalthea> moin Brummb ^^ , na alles gut ?
2568[07:59:33] <Brummb> jo selbst ?
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2570[07:59:50] <LadyAmalthea> joa ganz gut soweit
2571[07:59:56] <Brummb> na also
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2583[08:04:03] <andre^^> welche sie will mein teil sehen
2584[08:04:36] <Brummb> so wieder wech iss
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2595[08:06:16] <Thomas51> hallo
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2598[08:06:54] <sm-boy> ein fieses girlh ier?
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2649[08:18:55] <EasyRider-KS> morgen zusammen
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2691[08:32:29] <^^NETTER-TYP^^> Nette Sie da?
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2694[08:33:19] <intruder> lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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2719[08:38:44] <Alina13> hi
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2728[08:41:52] <^^NETTER-TYP^^> Nette Sie da?
2729[08:42:18] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2732[08:43:40] <SGE_903> JEmand lust zu schreiben einfach bei mir meldedn in m 23 :)
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2741[08:46:20] <Alina13> hi
2742[08:46:26] <Guest_boxer> wer noch gerade dabei, bitte pvt melden
2743[08:46:50] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2757[08:48:58] <intruder> jemand lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
2758[08:48:58] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2772[08:53:10] <Guest_boxer> wer noch gerade dabei, bitte pvt melden
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2775[08:53:34] <intruder> lust auf einige bilder meiner frau ??
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2800[09:00:29] <intruder> jemand lust auf einige bilder meiner frau ??
2801[09:00:38] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2807[09:02:19] <Alina13> hi
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2825[09:05:09] <Ehemann43> guten morgen, mag jemand chatten? einfach anschreiben bitte
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2831[09:06:57] <intruder> hallo jemand lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
2832[09:06:59] *** Guest_5142 is now known as Dirk-47
2833[09:07:46] <Timo_226> mag wer schreiben? egal ob m oder w :)
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2849[09:11:53] <FamBW> hallo an allle
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2855[09:12:44] <ShadowMaster24> moin teufelchen
2856[09:12:48] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
2857[09:13:16] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2859[09:13:32] <intruder> lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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2880[09:19:26] <Goth> hi :)
2881[09:19:32] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2896[09:21:03] <OutdoorOWL22M> welche sie mag schreiben? alter egal
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2908[09:23:53] <Nackig_ER59> Guten Morgen zusammen
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2923[09:27:49] <Nadja35> guten morgen
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2927[09:28:58] <JulAh> welches mädchen ist alleine?
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2929[09:29:03] <AelterER> Hallo
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2951[09:33:22] <FKKler> suche zuschauerinnen bei skype
2952[09:33:34] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2956[09:34:01] <OutdoorOWL22M> welche sie mag schreiben? alter egal
2957[09:34:12] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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2966[09:36:26] <FKKler> zeige mich gerne vor der cam
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2968[09:36:44] <JulAh> welche frau ist alleine?
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2988[09:41:29] <intruder> lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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2992[09:41:57] <FKKler> bin nackt vor der cam skype casaherby
2993[09:41:58] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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3001[09:43:06] <cube> clear
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3004[09:43:36] <OutdoorOWL22M> welche sie mags auch outdoor, in der umkleide, im auto.... alter egal bitte melden ;)
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3022[09:47:11] <JulAh> wer hatn tanga an?
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3027[09:47:40] <Guest_boxer> wer noch gerade dabei, bitte pvt melden
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3033[09:47:51] <Andreas_42> Hallo guten Morgen, vielleicht gibt es ja eine Frau hier die Lust hat mit mir zu schreiben. Dann einfach mal ran an die Tasten.
3034[09:47:53] *** Parts: akash (akash@replaced-ip)
3035[09:47:55] <OutdoorOWL22M> welche sie mags auch outdoor, in der umkleide, im auto.... alter egal bitte melden ;)
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3061[09:52:02] <FKKler> zeige mich gerne nackt vor der cam
3062[09:52:16] <clownsandhelden> haste titten ??
3063[09:52:23] <clownsandhelden> nein....das ist ein problem
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3065[09:52:24] <clownsandhelden> ;-)
3066[09:52:24] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
3067[09:52:28] <JulAh> wer hatn string an?
3068[09:52:30] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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3093[10:00:09] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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3096[10:00:50] <JulAh> welches mädchen ist alleine?
3097[10:00:55] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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3106[10:02:16] <Paige> hi
3107[10:02:21] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
3108[10:02:36] <Andre-26> hallo Paige
3109[10:02:44] <Paige> hi Andre-26
3110[10:02:51] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
3111[10:02:52] <Andre-26> wie gehts :)
3112[10:02:59] *** Quits: Patti (Patti@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
3113[10:03:12] <Paige> habe dir privat geschrieben
3114[10:03:59] <intruder> lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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3117[10:04:20] <Oldie59_NDS> Guten Morgen
3118[10:04:57] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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3149[10:09:48] *** Quits: TobiGeldanlegen (TobiGeldanlegen@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3150[10:10:07] <Oldie59_NDS> Huhuu aus NDS
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3153[10:10:31] <intruder> jemand lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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3169[10:12:38] <sole> hellooooooooooooooooo vpeople
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3171[10:12:42] <nomatrix> tja, muss ich meiner krankenkasse wohl doch nen foto geben
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3173[10:13:23] <nomatrix> liebe krankenkasse, dir ist aber schon klar, dass ich mich rächen will, und dann jeden tag zu nem anderen arzt gehe
3174[10:13:37] <nomatrix> ich hab nämlich die zeit dafür
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3176[10:13:48] <nomatrix> und ärzte gibt es im vorbei gehen ne menge
3177[10:13:53] <nomatrix> auch one termin
3178[10:14:07] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
3179[10:14:15] <nomatrix> und ich hab überall nen aua wenn ich will
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3182[10:14:37] <nomatrix> und liebe krankenkasse, wenne meinst, das wär unsozial ...
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3184[10:15:05] <nomatrix> hätteste dir ma überlegen sollen bevor de stasi 3.0 basteln wolltest
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3186[10:15:19] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
3187[10:15:23] <nomatrix> wer geld für sowas hat, hat auchh geld für leute die jeden tag zum arzt wollen
3188[10:15:27] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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3191[10:15:43] <intruder> jemand lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
3192[10:16:17] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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3205[10:18:53] <FKKler> wixxe vor der cam skype casaherby
3206[10:18:53] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
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3214[10:20:29] <Oldie59_NDS> Huhuu zusammen
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3224[10:21:36] <Guest_boxer> wer noch gerade dabei, bitte pvt melden, geht net mehr lange^^
3225[10:21:39] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
3226[10:21:57] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
3227[10:22:06] <Oldie59_NDS> Huhuuu...
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3238[10:23:51] <intruder> lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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3255[10:28:15] <RSler_M> guten tag! gibts hier noch ne nette und freizügige sie für die niveau dennoch kein fremdwort ist und die interesse an diversen unterhaltungen hat? wenn ja bitte pvt melden, danke im voraus!
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3270[10:30:54] <FamilieBW> hallo
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3294[10:35:26] <AelterER> Hallo
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3296[10:35:47] <Oldie59_NDS> Huhuu zusammen
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3299[10:36:05] <RSler_M> guten tag! gibts hier noch ne nette und freizügige sie für die niveau dennoch kein fremdwort ist und die interesse an diversen unterhaltungen hat? wenn ja bitte pvt melden, danke im voraus!
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3305[10:36:45] <Beardman> moin moin
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3316[10:37:42] <Asian_Ladyboy> hallo... Im looking for a guy who wants serious and long term relationship.. message me....
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3342[10:43:20] <Oldie59_NDS> Hallo zusammen
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3405[10:52:42] <Rocky027_138> hi
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3445[10:58:59] <sandra_335> whos up with nudes? KIK me right now its hotsandra002x
3446[10:59:03] <sandra_335> whos up with nudes? KIK me right now its hotsandra002x
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3456[11:00:02] <Oldie59_NDS> Huhuuuuu zusammen
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3466[11:01:11] <Robinson> 4 -=[ 904A04n09g04e09l08a14u09k4 ]=- + Nikki23 sowieso
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3475[11:02:15] <Guest8926> heidi hi
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3491[11:05:08] <Dennis_020_545> Hallo
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3497[11:06:28] <nomatrix> ja, lasst euch alle umarmen
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3501[11:06:39] <Robinson> super
3502[11:06:43] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
3503[11:06:49] <nomatrix> jaaaaa
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3510[11:07:41] <nomatrix> was soll ich packen?
3511[11:07:52] <nomatrix> aaaah
3512[11:07:53] <_1010> On September 10 2015 at 00:00 (UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. Our partner website All Chat Network will continue providing great chat rooms to our current users over at replaced-url
3513[11:07:56] *** Parts: der-Tobias (der-Tobias@replaced-ip)
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3515[11:08:10] <nomatrix> ne, ich kiff lieber
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3517[11:08:17] <Robinson> ist besser
3518[11:08:18] <nomatrix> habbich mehr von
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3522[11:08:56] <suche-eutergirl> Hallo
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3530[11:09:24] <nomatrix> mir ejal
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3534[11:09:33] <Robinson> gibt 3,103E04s keine mehr?
3535[11:09:39] <nomatrix> alle wek
3536[11:10:00] <Robinson> waren eh solche und solche dabei . . .
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3542[11:10:43] <nomatrix> abhust
3543[11:10:48] <MDler> W aus Ecke Magdeburg da?? pm
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3550[11:11:44] <nomatrix> was geht?
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3554[11:11:59] <nomatrix> was is mit dem?
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3557[11:12:17] <Robinson> 3,1h04m07m08m09m11m13m
3558[11:12:28] <nomatrix> alles männer
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3561[11:12:35] <nomatrix> das beste was man annehmen kann
3562[11:12:40] <nomatrix> jou
3563[11:12:48] <Robinson> und schrubbeln dann
3564[11:12:49] <nomatrix> erlebt man keine bösn überraschung
3565[11:12:51] <Lina_> hallo
3566[11:13:04] <nomatrix> die sind hier alle maskulin
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3572[11:13:58] <Liebe_w> spinna der
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3578[11:14:47] <Guest19899> wieso schreiben und melden sich so wenige
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3580[11:14:52] <nomatrix> hallo herr liebe_w
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3582[11:15:11] <Liebe_w> weil se keine lust haben mit notgeile deppen zu schreiben
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3584[11:15:22] <Guest19899> ach so..
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3586[11:15:30] <Liebe_w> wat ~ nomatrix ~ bin imma noch wech nech
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3588[11:15:41] <nomatrix> nein, ihr seid alle männas
3589[11:15:51] <Guest19899> ohhh jeee
3590[11:15:51] <Liebe_w> vogelzeich
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3593[11:16:00] <Guest19899> jepp so ein mist..
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3609[11:17:46] <DomMartin91> Du magst neue Sachen ausprobieren und/oder Aufgaben ausführen? Dann melde dich privat! Gerne auch Erfahrungsaustausch, offener oder normaler chat :)
3610[11:17:48] <Hengst_22cm> hi wie gehts
3611[11:17:50] *** Joins: Marco_rsp (IceChat9@replaced-ip)
3612[11:18:59] <nomatrix> ich will jetzt ne türkenfotze figgen
3613[11:19:08] <nomatrix> :D
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3617[11:20:19] <Guest19899> was ist an der besonderes
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3619[11:20:35] <Liebe_w> *Oh mein Gott*
3620[11:20:39] <nomatrix> ja
3621[11:20:42] <nomatrix> voll schlimm
3622[11:20:46] <nomatrix> immer dise jugend von heute
3623[11:20:54] <Guest19899> ja das bist du
3624[11:20:57] <Guest19899> selbst..
3625[11:21:01] <ShadowMasterr24> was war den los?
3626[11:21:08] <nomatrix> keine ahnung
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3628[11:21:14] <ShadowMasterr24> mhm
3629[11:21:14] <nomatrix> ich krich das hier nur so halb mit
3630[11:21:20] <ShadowMasterr24> ich auch ^^
3631[11:21:22] <nomatrix> :D
3632[11:21:40] <Guest19899> ich noch weniger
3633[11:22:14] *** Quits: Lina_ (Lina_@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3634[11:22:23] <Oldie59_NDS> Huhuu zusammen
3635[11:22:29] <nomatrix> ja ne
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3640[11:22:59] <Pat22M> hi
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3643[11:23:03] <DomMartin91> Du magst neue Sachen ausprobieren und/oder Aufgaben ausführen? Dann melde dich privat! Gerne auch Erfahrungsaustausch, offener oder normaler chat :)
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3649[11:24:12] <Paige> hallo
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3653[11:24:20] <Paige> jemand da der mit mir schreiben will?! einfach so
3654[11:24:55] <Guest19899> huhu ja ich
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3664[11:25:43] <nomatrix> ja, einfach so
3665[11:25:49] <Cunninglinguist> hallo
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3674[11:27:45] <Guest19899> moin
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3676[11:27:51] <Cunninglinguist> hi rosaBH
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3680[11:27:57] <rosaBh> 12hi Cunninglinguist
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3682[11:28:09] <DomMartin91> Du magst neue Sachen ausprobieren und/oder Aufgaben ausführen? Dann melde dich privat! Gerne auch Erfahrungsaustausch, offener oder normaler chat :)
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3693[11:29:50] <nomatrix> alles männas
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3709[11:31:25] <nomatrix> frach ma liebe w. die is schon älta
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3716[11:31:48] <rsKatharina15> suche rsp
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3719[11:32:35] <DomMartin91> Du magst neue Sachen ausprobieren und/oder Aufgaben ausführen? Dann melde dich privat! Gerne auch Erfahrungsaustausch, offener oder normaler chat :)
3720[11:32:42] <BremerBoy> girls aus Bremen da?
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3753[11:38:57] <rsKatharina15> suche besamung
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3755[11:39:04] <skype> jemand junges Lust zu camen? oder hat jmd ju vids?+
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3760[11:39:31] <MaxiKing100> Na ros[a]Bh haste das Kinderf.......Bild von Balu gesehen?
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3779[11:41:14] <nackter> zeige mich gerne nackt vor der cam, soll ich mir einen plug hinten oder einen dillator vorne in meinen schwanz reinstecke skype
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3781[11:41:36] <DomMartin91> Du magst neue Sachen ausprobieren und/oder Aufgaben ausführen? Dann melde dich privat! Gerne auch Erfahrungsaustausch, offener oder normaler chat :)
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3785[11:42:32] <nackter> zeige mich gerne nackt vor der cam, soll ich mir einen dildo in meinen arsch oder einen dillator in meinen schwanz stecken skype
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3789[11:42:55] <skype> jemand junges Lust zu camen? oder hat jmd ju vids?
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3800[11:44:31] <Oldie59_NDS> Huhuuu...zusammen
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3819[11:46:36] <Pat22M> hey
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3831[11:48:58] <ShadowMaster24> mich gibts jetzt zwei mal ^^
3832[11:49:01] <ShadowMaster24> nice^^
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3840[11:50:56] <skype> Hat jemand geile teenvids?
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3844[11:51:17] <DomMartin91> Du magst neue Sachen ausprobieren und/oder Aufgaben ausführen? Dann melde dich privat! Gerne auch Erfahrungsaustausch, offener oder normaler chat :)
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3848[11:51:41] <nackter> zeige mich gerne nackt vor der cam, soll ich mir einen dildo in meinen arsch oder einen dillator in meinen schwanz stecken skype
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3857[11:53:28] <Dominant> suche devote girls die sich online oder in einem rollenspiel dominieren lassen pm alter egal
3858[11:53:34] <rsHannah16> jemand lust mich zu ficken?
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3865[11:55:51] <msmanni> hallöchen leute
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3868[11:56:02] <Dominant> suche devote girls die sich online oder in einem rollenspiel dominieren lassen pm alter egal
3869[11:56:23] <nomatrix> oah jaaa .hüpf hüpf ... der onkel
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3871[11:56:30] <nackter> zeige mich gerne nackt vor der cam, soll ich mir einen dildo in meinen arsch oder einen dillator in meinen schwanz stecken skype casaherby
3872[11:56:39] <skype> Hat jemand geile teenvids?
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3875[11:56:56] <Nackig_ER59> Hallo zusammen
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3877[11:57:39] <AelterER> Hallo
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3895[11:59:37] <Nackig_ER59> Mittagsruhe *g*
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3905[12:00:47] <DomMartin91> Du magst neue Sachen ausprobieren und/oder Aufgaben ausführen? Dann melde dich privat! Gerne auch Erfahrungsaustausch, offener oder normaler chat :)
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3908[12:01:21] <msmanni> nun ist schon wieder essenszeit bis später leute
3909[12:01:40] <skype> Hat jemand geile teenvids?
3910[12:01:48] <Dominant> suche devote girls die sich online oder in einem rollenspiel dominieren lassen pm alter egal
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3915[12:03:40] *** Joins: Guest_694 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3916[12:03:56] <Guest_694> ein m hier der mich extrem fesseln und brutal foltern mag im rsp
3917[12:04:02] <Dominant> suche devote girls die sich online oder in einem rollenspiel dominieren lassen pm alter egal
3918[12:04:08] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
3919[12:04:11] *** Quits: Guest (Guest@