People who Joins, Parts or Quits a chatroom
this is #german an IRC-Channel at IrCQ-Net (ICQ IRC service)
0[00:00:10] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1[00:00:14] *** Quits: coco95 (coco95@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2[00:00:14] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3[00:00:18] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4[00:00:21] <jok> jaja
5[00:00:22] *** Quits: Guest_507 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
6[00:00:23] *** Joins: {wolf} ({wolf}@replaced-ip)
7[00:00:23] <De]stinY-> Oh my God {wolf} How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6037 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
8[00:00:27] <Mario_656> ...
9[00:00:29] <jok> es ist o uhr
10[00:00:29] <De]stinY-> 14Du sollst dir doch nicht ständig den Akku-Schrauber in den Popo schieben9 jok 14-.-
11[00:00:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
12[00:00:31] <SexyM22cm> ein girl lust auf ts oder skypen? pm
13[00:00:31] <De]stinY-> 14Du sollst dir doch nicht ständig den Akku-Schrauber in den Popo schieben9 SexyM22cm 14-.-
14[00:00:35] <Guest_735> geilde frau da?
15[00:00:35] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 Guest_735 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
16[00:00:36] <jok> idioten
17[00:00:36] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 jok 14....
18[00:00:51] *** Joins: Guest_743_174 (Guest@replaced-ip)
19[00:00:51] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_743_174 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6038 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
20[00:00:54] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
21[00:00:54] <andy-hh> nette sie hier ?
22[00:00:54] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 andy-hh 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
23[00:00:55] *** Quits: Guest94 (Guest94@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
24[00:01:00] *** Joins: Guest_89 (Guest@replaced-ip)
25[00:01:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_89 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6039 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
26[00:01:06] *** Joins: NRW_M (NRW_M@replaced-ip)
27[00:01:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God NRW_M How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6040 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
28[00:01:10] <Jesusrettet> 2Pe 3:10 Es wird aber der Tag des Herrn kommen wie ein Dieb; da werden die Himmel mit Krachen vergehen, die Elemente aber vor Hitze sich auflösen und die Erde und die Werke darauf verbrennen.
29[00:01:10] <Jesusrettet> 2Pe 3:13 Wir erwarten aber einen neuen Himmel und eine neue Erde, nach seiner Verheißung, in welchen Gerechtigkeit wohnt.
30[00:01:10] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
31[00:01:20] *** Quits: Albaner_30 (Albaner_30@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
32[00:01:22] *** Joins: D32m (D32m@replaced-ip)
33[00:01:22] <De]stinY-> Oh my God D32m How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6041 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
34[00:01:32] *** Joins: Mark684 (Mark684@replaced-ip)
35[00:01:32] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Mark684 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6042 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:01:32
36[00:01:33] *** Quits: Guestt (Guestt@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
37[00:01:55] *** Joins: alex1601 (alex1601@replaced-ip)
38[00:01:56] <De]stinY-> Oh my God alex1601 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6043 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
39[00:01:57] <KanzlerinFerkl> so
40[00:01:57] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 KanzlerinFerkl 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
41[00:02:04] *** Quits: RSpMaus (RSpMaus@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
42[00:02:06] <jok> tja
43[00:02:06] <De]stinY-> 14Na9 jok 14, rammste dir wieder 'ne XXL Bockwurst ins Arschloch?
44[00:02:08] <claudiaaaa> zeig mich gern nackt fur eine 20e paysafe karte beim skype.claudia.schoneberg
45[00:02:12] <claudiaaaa> zeig mich gern nackt fur eine 20e paysafe karte beim skype.claudia.schoneberg
46[00:02:12] <jok> nix passiert
47[00:02:13] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 jok 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
48[00:02:19] <claudiaaaa> zeig mich gern nackt fur eine 20e paysafe karte beim skype.claudia.schoneberg
49[00:02:22] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
50[00:02:24] <claudiaaaa> zeig mich gern nackt fur eine 20e paysafe karte beim skype.claudia.schoneberg
51[00:02:27] <claudiaaaa> zeig mich gern nackt fur eine 20e paysafe karte beim skype.claudia.schoneberg
52[00:02:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
53[00:02:44] <Guest_743_174> Wer hat eine geile tochter oder eine geile stieftochter ? Bitte privat melden!
54[00:02:46] *** Joins: chatprinz (chatprinz@replaced-ip)
55[00:02:46] <De]stinY-> Oh my God chatprinz How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6044 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
56[00:02:50] <jok> oder meinen die deppen morgen um 0 uhr?
57[00:02:50] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 jok 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
58[00:02:51] <jok> egal
59[00:02:51] <De]stinY-> 14Du sollst dir doch nicht ständig den Akku-Schrauber in den Popo schieben9 jok 14-.-
60[00:02:55] *** Quits: Guest_78 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
61[00:03:04] *** Parts: biPaar25 (biPaar25@replaced-ip)
62[00:03:04] *** Quits: Maria94 (Maria94@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
63[00:03:10] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
64[00:03:17] <KanzlerinFerkl> ok zur feier des tages bekommen die zehn (10) ersten, die mich privat anschreiben, tolle fotos wie ich mit meiner geilen kleinen muschi spiel
65[00:03:17] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 KanzlerinFerkl 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
66[00:03:22] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
67[00:03:29] *** Quits: Andi_NDS (rooms@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
68[00:03:33] *** Quits: AndyNds (AndyNds@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
69[00:03:33] *** Joins: Denise___ (Guest@replaced-ip)
70[00:03:33] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Denise___ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6045 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
71[00:03:37] *** Joins: Tim_stgt (Tim_stgt@replaced-ip)
72[00:03:37] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Tim_stgt How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6046 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
73[00:03:38] <jok> ferkl das glaubt dir doch keiner
74[00:03:39] <De]stinY-> 14Ey9 jok 14haste den schwarzen wieder das Koks geklaut?
75[00:03:42] <jok> trottelchene
76[00:03:42] *** Quits: bia (bia@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
77[00:03:42] <De]stinY-> 14Na9 jok 14, rammste dir wieder 'ne XXL Bockwurst ins Arschloch?
78[00:03:45] <jok> n
79[00:03:45] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 jok 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
80[00:03:45] *** Quits: Smoti (Smoti@replaced-ip##) (Quit: HydraIRC -> ##replaced-url
81[00:03:46] <KanzlerinFerkl> abwarten
82[00:03:46] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 KanzlerinFerkl 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
83[00:03:48] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 thomas_tattoo 14"
84[00:03:48] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
85[00:03:48] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
86[00:03:48] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 thomas_tattoo 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
87[00:03:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
88[00:03:50] <jok> hehe
89[00:03:50] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 jok 14- Wie geht's dir?
90[00:03:54] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
91[00:04:06] *** Quits: wayneJ (wayneJ@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
92[00:04:12] *** Quits: sm-boy (sm-boy@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
93[00:04:22] *** Joins: Andiko (gds@replaced-ip)
94[00:04:22] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Andiko How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6047 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
95[00:04:22] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
96[00:04:35] *** Joins: Tim19 (Guest@replaced-ip)
97[00:04:35] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Tim19 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6048 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
98[00:04:38] *** Quits: Grizzlybaer2207 (Miranda@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
99[00:04:41] *** Quits: Monika56Jahre (Monika56Jahre@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
100[00:04:42] *** Joins: Sportler17 (Sportler17@replaced-ip)
101[00:04:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Sportler17 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6049 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
102[00:04:44] <jo_89> Will ne Frau quatschen? Privat melden!
103[00:04:44] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jo_89 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
104[00:04:47] <KanzlerinFerkl> also bis jetzt kein einziger
105[00:04:47] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 KanzlerinFerkl 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
106[00:04:52] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jok 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
107[00:04:56] <Guest_743_174> Wer hat eine geile tochter oder eine geile stieftochter ? Bitte privat melden!
108[00:04:56] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_743_174 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
109[00:05:02] *** Quits: Guest_89 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
110[00:05:02] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
111[00:05:02] <jok> ich dachte jetzt is ende
112[00:05:02] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 jok 14....
113[00:05:07] *** Quits: Erdbeere_w (Erdbeere_w@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
114[00:05:07] <Boy_19_NRW> will ein girl ein 3er rsp (wwm)??schreibt mich an
115[00:05:07] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Boy_19_NRW 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
116[00:05:07] *** Quits: msuchtrs (msuchtrs@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
117[00:05:09] *** Parts: Anke-29 (Anke-29@replaced-ip)
118[00:05:10] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 KanzlerinFerkl 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
119[00:05:12] <KanzlerinFerkl> alles zombies
120[00:05:12] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 KanzlerinFerkl 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
121[00:05:22] <jok> richtig
122[00:05:22] <De]stinY-> 14Der/die9 jok 14klaut Rentnern die Rolatoren..
123[00:05:27] *** Parts: OnceUponATime (OnceUponATime@replaced-ip)
124[00:05:34] *** Parts: Dan33 (Dan33@replaced-ip)
125[00:05:35] <Nadine_22_BW> noch welche hier wo " normal" schreiben wollen ?
126[00:05:35] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 Nadine_22_BW 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
127[00:05:38] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
128[00:05:41] *** Quits: chatprinz (chatprinz@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
129[00:05:45] <De]stinY-> 14Alter,9 Devadetta 14verkleidet seinen Staubsauger wie R2D2 aus Starwars und steckt seine Nudel rein.
130[00:05:46] <KanzlerinFerkl> die wo bitte
131[00:05:46] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 KanzlerinFerkl 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
132[00:05:47] *** Quits: Daddy48 (Daddy48@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
133[00:05:51] <KanzlerinFerkl> nadine
134[00:05:51] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 KanzlerinFerkl 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
135[00:05:54] *** Quits: KafkaBW (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
136[00:05:55] *** Quits: wasele (wasele@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
137[00:05:58] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
138[00:05:58] *** Joins: Rik (Rik@replaced-ip)
139[00:05:59] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Rik How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6050 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
140[00:06:00] *** Joins: RunningAddict (RunningAddict@replaced-ip)
141[00:06:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God RunningAddict How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6051 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
142[00:06:07] *** Quits: m25Zeigt (m25Zeigt@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
143[00:06:18] *** Parts: rs-stecher (rs-stecher@replaced-ip)
144[00:06:18] *** Quits: neu (Guest@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
145[00:06:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
146[00:06:24] <Guest_743_174> Wer hat eine geile tochter oder eine geile stieftochter ? Bitte privat melden!
147[00:06:24] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_743_174 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
148[00:06:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
149[00:06:54] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
150[00:07:11] *** Joins: StrengerTrainer (StrengerTrainer@replaced-ip)
151[00:07:11] <De]stinY-> Oh my God StrengerTrainer How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6052 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
152[00:07:30] *** Joins: Guest_28 (Guest@replaced-ip)
153[00:07:30] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_28 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6053 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
154[00:07:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
155[00:07:36] <Cindy> studiert hier jemand in karlsruhe? :) pn :*
156[00:07:36] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 Cindy 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
157[00:07:40] *** Quits: Maja (Maja@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
158[00:07:45] *** Parts: Mark684 (Mark684@replaced-ip)
159[00:07:47] *** Parts: RunningAddict (RunningAddict@replaced-ip)
160[00:08:02] *** Quits: Guest_28 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
161[00:08:13] <claudiaaaa> zeig mich gern nackt fur eine 20e paysafe karte beim skype.claudia.schoneberg
162[00:08:16] *** Joins: Andre23 (Andre23@replaced-ip)
163[00:08:16] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Andre23 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6054 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
164[00:08:21] <claudiaaaa> zeig mich gern nackt fur eine 20e paysafe karte beim skype.claudia.schoneberg
165[00:08:36] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
166[00:08:36] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6055 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:08:36
167[00:08:41] *** Joins: SPONSOR52 (SPONSOR52@replaced-ip)
168[00:08:41] <De]stinY-> Oh my God SPONSOR52 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6056 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
169[00:08:42] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
170[00:08:43] *** Quits: saddler31 (saddler31@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
171[00:08:54] *** Guest is now known as Guest32492
172[00:08:55] <Guest_743_174> Wer hat eine geile tochter oder eine geile stieftochter ? Bitte privat melden!
173[00:08:55] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_743_174 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
174[00:09:04] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
175[00:09:04] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6057 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:09:04
176[00:09:04] *** Quits: Dom27Schlank (Dom27Schlank@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
177[00:09:04] *** Quits: Michael27 (Michael27@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
178[00:09:05] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 thomas_tattoo 14"
179[00:09:05] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
180[00:09:05] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
181[00:09:05] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 thomas_tattoo 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
182[00:09:10] *** Quits: Guest32492 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
183[00:09:21] *** Quits: _boxer_ (_boxer_@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
184[00:09:28] *** Joins: CredibleMan (CredibleMan@replaced-ip)
185[00:09:28] <De]stinY-> Oh my God CredibleMan How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6058 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
186[00:09:30] *** Quits: Kim19 (ipxwucuptwskge@replaced-ip) (Quit: Flash IRC Client)
187[00:09:45] <jo_89> Will ne Frau quatschen? Privat melden!
188[00:09:45] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jo_89 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
189[00:09:50] *** Joins: Guest_536 (Guest@replaced-ip)
190[00:09:50] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_536 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6059 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
191[00:10:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
192[00:10:15] <Cindy> studiert hier jemand in karlsruhe? :) pn :*
193[00:10:15] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 Cindy 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
194[00:10:26] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
195[00:10:45] *** Joins: zezo (zezo@replaced-ip)
196[00:10:45] <De]stinY-> Oh my God zezo How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6060 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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199[00:11:10] <zezo> hallo
200[00:11:10] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 zezo 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
201[00:11:10] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 zezo 14- Wie geht's dir?
202[00:11:24] <Guest_743_174> Wer hat eine geile tochter oder eine geile stieftochter ? Bitte privat melden!
203[00:11:24] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_743_174 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
204[00:11:25] <jo_89> Will ne Frau quatschen? Privat melden!
205[00:11:25] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jo_89 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
206[00:11:26] *** Quits: Staatenmaedchen (Staatenmaedchen@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
207[00:11:28] *** Quits: Tim19 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
208[00:11:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
209[00:11:48] *** Quits: Rik (Rik@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
210[00:11:51] *** Joins: Marcel23 (Marcel23@replaced-ip)
211[00:11:51] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Marcel23 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6061 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
212[00:12:05] *** Joins: rs-stecher (rs-stecher@replaced-ip)
213[00:12:05] <De]stinY-> Ohh, rs-stecher the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6062 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:12:05
214[00:12:22] *** Joins: NetflixAccount (NetflixAccount@replaced-ip)
215[00:12:22] <De]stinY-> Oh my God NetflixAccount How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6063 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
216[00:12:25] *** Quits: SexyM22cm (SexyM22cm@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
217[00:12:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
218[00:12:36] *** Joins: Guest_89 (Guest@replaced-ip)
219[00:12:36] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest_89 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6064 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:12:35
220[00:12:50] *** Quits: tanja (tanja@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
221[00:12:58] *** Joins: Nackter (Nackter@replaced-ip)
222[00:12:58] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
223[00:12:58] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Nackter How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6065 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
224[00:13:04] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 NetflixAccount 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
225[00:13:04] <KanzlerinFerkl> wo waren wir noch gleich?
226[00:13:04] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 NetflixAccount 14- Wie geht's dir?
227[00:13:04] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 KanzlerinFerkl 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
228[00:13:05] *** Joins: Guest_760 (Guest@replaced-ip)
229[00:13:05] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_760 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6066 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
230[00:13:18] *** Joins: Guest77610 (Guest@replaced-ip)
231[00:13:18] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest77610 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6067 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
232[00:13:19] *** Joins: Jennii (Jennii@replaced-ip)
233[00:13:19] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Jennii How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6068 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
234[00:13:29] *** Joins: Dechkengst (Dechkengst@replaced-ip)
235[00:13:29] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Dechkengst How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6069 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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238[00:14:06] <jok> keine ahnung
239[00:14:06] <De]stinY-> 14Alter,9 jok 14verkleidet seinen Staubsauger wie R2D2 aus Starwars und steckt seine Nudel rein.
240[00:14:10] *** Quits: netterStudent (netterStudent@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
241[00:14:12] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Basti 14- Wie geht's dir?
242[00:14:14] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
243[00:14:16] *** Joins: SportStudent24 (SportStudent24@replaced-ip)
244[00:14:16] <De]stinY-> Ohh, SportStudent24 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6070 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:14:16
245[00:14:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
246[00:14:31] *** Parts: Guest77610 (Guest@replaced-ip)
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249[00:14:46] <KanzlerinFerkl> gut
250[00:14:46] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 KanzlerinFerkl 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
251[00:14:51] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 NetflixAccount 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
252[00:14:51] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 NetflixAccount 14- Wie geht's dir?
253[00:14:51] *** Parts: Nackter (Nackter@replaced-ip)
254[00:15:09] <Guest_743_174> Wer hat eine geile tochter oder eine geile stieftochter ? Bitte privat melden!
255[00:15:09] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_743_174 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
256[00:15:15] *** Quits: claudiaaaa (claudiaaaa@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
257[00:15:23] <Boy_19_NRW> will ein girl ein 3er rsp (wwm)??schreibt mich an
258[00:15:24] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Boy_19_NRW 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
259[00:15:33] *** Joins: RS_FleischKeule (RS_FleischKeule@replaced-ip)
260[00:15:33] <De]stinY-> Oh my God RS_FleischKeule How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6071 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
261[00:15:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
262[00:15:35] *** Joins: Mark684 (Mark684@replaced-ip)
263[00:15:35] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Mark684 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6072 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:15:35
264[00:16:02] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
265[00:16:19] <jok> morgen guck ich nochmal rein hier um kurz vor 12 aber wenn die dann nicht worthalten bin ich echt sauer!
266[00:16:19] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 jok 14"
267[00:16:19] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 jok 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
268[00:16:19] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 jok 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
269[00:16:19] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 jok 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
270[00:16:21] <Guest_89> hi
271[00:16:21] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 Guest_89 14:-)
272[00:16:21] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 Guest_89 14?
273[00:16:21] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Guest_89 14- Wie geht's dir?
274[00:16:25] *** Quits: Guest_760 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
275[00:16:35] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 KanzlerinFerkl 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
276[00:16:36] *** Joins: Lustprinzessin (Lustprinzessin@replaced-ip)
277[00:16:37] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Lustprinzessin How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6073 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
278[00:16:39] *** Quits: _[Z]wiebel (..@440417.DD43E6.30670E.E9E703) (Quit: Rooms • iPhone IRC Client • replaced-url
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280[00:16:42] *** Joins: Ayla (Ayla@replaced-ip)
281[00:16:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Ayla How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6074 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
282[00:16:49] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 KanzlerinFerkl 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
283[00:16:58] <jok> wer weiss
284[00:16:58] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jok 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
285[00:16:58] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
286[00:17:04] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 jok 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
287[00:17:05] *** Joins: Guest_11 (Guest@replaced-ip)
288[00:17:05] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_11 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6075 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
289[00:17:09] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 thomas_tattoo 14"
290[00:17:10] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
291[00:17:10] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
292[00:17:10] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 thomas_tattoo 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
293[00:17:12] *** Quits: muslim-man (muslim-man@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
294[00:17:14] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 jok 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
295[00:17:16] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 NetflixAccount 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
296[00:17:16] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 NetflixAccount 14- Wie geht's dir?
297[00:17:17] <jok> un
298[00:17:17] <De]stinY-> 14Ihh..9 jok 14schaut alten Omas unter'n Rock, fotografiert ihre Mösen und stellt sie online.
299[00:17:26] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
300[00:17:32] *** Quits: muslim-m-doctor (muslim-m-doctor@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
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302[00:17:36] *** Joins: Kerstin37 (Guest@replaced-ip)
303[00:17:36] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Kerstin37 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6076 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
304[00:17:38] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
305[00:17:40] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 KanzlerinFerkl 14....
306[00:17:53] *** Quits: zierliche38j (zierliche38j@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
307[00:17:55] *** Joins: Netter (Netter@replaced-ip)
308[00:17:55] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Netter the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6077 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:17:54
309[00:17:56] <KanzlerinFerkl> die heinis haben sich vielleicht verkracht oder so
310[00:17:56] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 KanzlerinFerkl 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
311[00:18:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
312[00:18:07] *** Joins: Guest_739_54 (Guest@replaced-ip)
313[00:18:08] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_739_54 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6078 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
314[00:18:24] <[-DevCamBoy4Fem> hi
315[00:18:24] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 [-DevCamBoy4Fem 14:-)
316[00:18:24] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 [-DevCamBoy4Fem 14?
317[00:18:24] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 [-DevCamBoy4Fem 14- Wie geht's dir?
318[00:18:38] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 jok 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
319[00:18:38] *** Joins: _boxer_ (_boxer_@replaced-ip)
320[00:18:38] <De]stinY-> Ohh, _boxer_ the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6079 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:18:38
321[00:18:39] *** Quits: Guest_735 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
322[00:18:45] *** Quits: SportStudent24 (SportStudent24@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
323[00:18:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
324[00:18:53] *** Joins: Levispad (Levispad@replaced-ip)
325[00:18:53] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Levispad How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6080 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
326[00:18:54] <jok> ich check es auch nicht und will es auch nicht checken..............
327[00:18:54] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 jok 14....
328[00:19:07] *** Joins: Guest_447 (Guest@replaced-ip)
329[00:19:07] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_447 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6081 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
330[00:19:09] *** Quits: hungriger_wolf (hungriger_wolf@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
331[00:19:11] *** Joins: SportStudent24 (SportStudent24@replaced-ip)
332[00:19:11] <De]stinY-> Ohh, SportStudent24 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6082 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:19:10
333[00:19:20] <Basti> replaced-url
334[00:19:20] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Basti 14- Wie geht's dir?
335[00:19:25] *** Quits: Guest_743_174 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
336[00:19:29] *** Joins: rileyrios69 (rileyrios69@replaced-ip)
337[00:19:29] <De]stinY-> Oh my God rileyrios69 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6083 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
338[00:19:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
339[00:19:36] <rileyrios69> hi 25f here
340[00:19:36] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 rileyrios69 14:-)
341[00:19:36] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 rileyrios69 14?
342[00:19:36] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 rileyrios69 14- Wie geht's dir?
343[00:19:50] *** Quits: Guest_447 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
344[00:19:59] <Guest_89> hallo
345[00:19:59] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 Guest_89 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
346[00:20:00] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Guest_89 14- Wie geht's dir?
347[00:20:11] *** Joins: Saarmann45SuJuW (Guest@replaced-ip)
348[00:20:11] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Saarmann45SuJuW How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6084 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
349[00:20:23] *** Joins: ColeTrickle (ColeTrickle@replaced-ip)
350[00:20:23] <De]stinY-> Oh my God ColeTrickle How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6085 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
351[00:20:26] *** Joins: Der_Lehrer (Der_Lehrer@replaced-ip)
352[00:20:26] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Der_Lehrer How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6086 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
353[00:20:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
354[00:20:36] *** Joins: floyd36 (floyd36@replaced-ip)
355[00:20:36] <De]stinY-> Oh my God floyd36 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6087 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
356[00:20:48] *** Joins: teufelchendelux (teufelchen@replaced-ip)
357[00:20:48] <De]stinY-> Oh my God teufelchendelux How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6088 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
358[00:20:56] *** Quits: Guest_430 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
359[00:20:57] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 RSP-PRINZESSIN 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
360[00:21:09] *** Joins: liebhaber23 (liebhaber23@replaced-ip)
361[00:21:09] <De]stinY-> Oh my God liebhaber23 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6089 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
362[00:21:20] *** Quits: Netter (Netter@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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364[00:21:37] *** Joins: ][Black_Hawk][ (frag@replaced-ip)
365[00:21:37] <De]stinY-> Ohh, ][Black_Hawk][ the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6090 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:21:37
366[00:21:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
367[00:22:02] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
368[00:22:13] <Sonja85D> ich mutter 34 meine Tochter Sandra ist 15 1,67m Dunkle hare blaue augen 85C
369[00:22:13] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 Sonja85D 14....
370[00:22:20] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
371[00:22:22] *** Quits: Felicity (Felicity@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
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373[00:22:31] *** Quits: Christian45 (Christian44@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ~ Trillian - ##replaced-url
374[00:22:37] <olli> 4 Sonja85D da ich Trolle Notgeile und Bekloppte nicht lesen will *Ignore*
375[00:22:37] <olli> 12Spa12ck14en nr. 850
376[00:22:40] *** Joins: Guest_552 (Guest@replaced-ip)
377[00:22:40] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_552 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6091 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
378[00:22:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
379[00:22:54] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
380[00:23:17] *** Joins: Johannito24 (Johannito24@replaced-ip)
381[00:23:17] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Johannito24 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6092 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
382[00:23:26] *** Quits: Ayla (Ayla@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
383[00:23:42] *** Quits: CredibleMan (CredibleMan@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
384[00:23:45] <Guest_552> Will / braucht ne Mum mit Tochter etwas Geld bekommen?! PM
385[00:23:45] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_552 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
386[00:23:46] *** Quits: student26 (student26@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
387[00:23:52] <Basti> replaced-url
388[00:23:52] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Basti 14- Wie geht's dir?
389[00:23:56] *** Joins: Felicity (Felicity@replaced-ip)
390[00:23:56] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Felicity the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6093 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:23:56
391[00:24:05] <Felicity> LOL
392[00:24:16] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
393[00:24:30] *** Quits: Vierzigerin (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
394[00:24:40] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
395[00:24:40] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6094 who joined #german > It's your 6. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:24:40
396[00:24:45] *** Joins: Guest_2980 (Guest@replaced-ip)
397[00:24:45] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_2980 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6095 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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399[00:24:56] *** Joins: nudist-life (nudist-life@replaced-ip)
400[00:24:56] <De]stinY-> Oh my God nudist-life How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6096 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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402[00:25:18] *** Quits: RS_Tabulos_M_K (RS_Tabulos_M_K@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
403[00:25:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
404[00:25:40] *** Parts: Guest_579 (Guest@replaced-ip)
405[00:26:19] *** Joins: reicherMannSUW (reicherMannSUW@replaced-ip)
406[00:26:19] <De]stinY-> Oh my God reicherMannSUW How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6097 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
407[00:26:28] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
408[00:26:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
409[00:26:34] *** Quits: NRW_M (NRW_M@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
410[00:26:37] <reicherMannSUW> hi
411[00:26:38] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 reicherMannSUW 14:-)
412[00:26:38] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 reicherMannSUW 14?
413[00:26:38] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 reicherMannSUW 14- Wie geht's dir?
414[00:26:41] *** Quits: niceGirl_397 (niceGirl_397@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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416[00:26:45] <De]stinY-> Oh my God fesselnd_m44 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6098 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
417[00:26:49] *** Joins: GermanyBoy15^-^ (GermanyBoy15^-^@replaced-ip)
418[00:26:49] <De]stinY-> Oh my God GermanyBoy15^-^ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6099 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
419[00:26:52] *** Quits: SportStudent24 (SportStudent24@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
420[00:26:59] *** Joins: Guest74826 (From-Hell@replaced-ip)
421[00:26:59] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest74826 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6100 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
422[00:27:01] *** Quits: VermisseDich (From-Hell@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
423[00:27:04] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
424[00:27:17] *** Parts: nudist-life (nudist-life@replaced-ip)
425[00:27:25] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 thomas_tattoo 14"
426[00:27:25] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
427[00:27:25] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
428[00:27:25] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 thomas_tattoo 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
429[00:27:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
430[00:27:43] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 GermanyBoy15^-^ 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
431[00:27:43] *** Joins: RS_Nelchen (RS_Nelchen@replaced-ip)
432[00:27:44] <De]stinY-> Oh my God RS_Nelchen How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6101 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
433[00:27:52] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
434[00:27:53] *** Quits: The-Only-One (The-Only-One@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
435[00:27:54] *** Quits: Guest74826 (From-Hell@replaced-ip) (Quit: I am root If you see me laughing , you better have a backup)
436[00:28:00] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
437[00:28:11] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 NetflixAccount 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
438[00:28:11] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 NetflixAccount 14- Wie geht's dir?
439[00:28:14] *** Parts: naughtybynature (naughtybynature@replaced-ip)
440[00:28:16] *** Joins: Fiori (Fiori@replaced-ip)
441[00:28:16] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Fiori How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6102 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
442[00:28:17] *** Quits: MaiTaiFan_M (MaiTaiFan_M@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
443[00:28:22] <fesselnd_m44> 12«14announce112» 4┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐8Wird Zeit das du aus meinem Blickfeld verschwindest ab in die Tonne mit dir 4┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
444[00:28:40] *** Joins: rsp-girli (rsp-girli@replaced-ip)
445[00:28:40] <De]stinY-> Oh my God rsp-girli How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6103 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
446[00:28:50] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 GermanyBoy15^-^ 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
447[00:28:52] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
448[00:29:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
449[00:29:10] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
450[00:29:22] *** Quits: floyd36 (floyd36@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
451[00:29:25] *** Joins: Netter (Netter@replaced-ip)
452[00:29:25] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Netter the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6104 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:29:24
453[00:29:26] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
454[00:29:31] *** Quits: zezo (zezo@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
455[00:29:38] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Basti 14- Wie geht's dir?
456[00:29:40] *** Joins: Sabine15 (Sabine15@replaced-ip)
457[00:29:40] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Sabine15 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6105 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
458[00:29:49] *** Joins: egyG (egyG@replaced-ip)
459[00:29:49] <De]stinY-> Oh my God egyG How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6106 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
460[00:29:53] *** Joins: Inka (Inka@replaced-ip)
461[00:29:53] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Inka How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6107 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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465[00:30:24] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
466[00:30:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
467[00:30:48] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
468[00:31:00] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
469[00:31:02] *** Quits: sven-nds-treff (sven-nds-treff@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
470[00:31:06] <Boy_19_NRW> will ein girl ein 3er rsp (wwm)??schreibt mich an
471[00:31:06] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Boy_19_NRW 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
472[00:31:07] *** Joins: Guest_653 (Guest@replaced-ip)
473[00:31:07] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_653 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6108 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
474[00:31:18] *** Quits: D32m (D32m@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
475[00:31:22] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 GermanyBoy15^-^ 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
476[00:31:24] *** Joins: Mona_836 (Mona@replaced-ip)
477[00:31:24] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Mona_836 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6109 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
478[00:31:32] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
479[00:31:33] *** Quits: kevin1 (kevin1@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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482[00:31:47] *** Joins: ScharfdarfseinM (ScharfdarfseinM@replaced-ip)
483[00:31:47] <De]stinY-> Oh my God ScharfdarfseinM How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6110 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
484[00:31:50] *** Quits: fesselnd_m44 (sag@replaced-ip) (Quit: Manche Leute sind selbst für Vorurteile zu blöd.)
485[00:31:51] *** Joins: Guest_949 (Guest@replaced-ip)
486[00:31:51] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_949 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6111 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
487[00:31:52] *** Joins: Guest_213 (Guest@replaced-ip)
488[00:31:52] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_213 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6112 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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493[00:32:19] <De]stinY-> Oh my God mark1 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6113 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
494[00:32:20] *** Joins: chris_ (chris_@replaced-ip)
495[00:32:20] <De]stinY-> Oh my God chris_ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6114 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
496[00:32:25] *** Joins: Tg4wNrw (Tg4wNrw@replaced-ip)
497[00:32:25] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Tg4wNrw How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6115 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
498[00:32:32] *** Joins: G3iiler26 (G3iiler26@replaced-ip)
499[00:32:32] <De]stinY-> Oh my God G3iiler26 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6116 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
500[00:32:36] *** Parts: rs-stecher (rs-stecher@replaced-ip)
501[00:32:40] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
502[00:33:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
503[00:33:17] *** Quits: GermanyBoy15^-^ (GermanyBoy15^-^@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
504[00:33:35] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
505[00:33:48] <jo_89> Will ne Frau quatschen? Privat melden!
506[00:33:48] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jo_89 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
507[00:33:54] <Guest_552> Will / braucht ne Mum mit Tochter etwas Geld bekommen?! PM
508[00:33:54] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_552 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
509[00:33:57] *** Joins: ger-m (ger-m@replaced-ip)
510[00:33:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God ger-m How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6117 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
511[00:34:12] *** Parts: StrengerTrainer (StrengerTrainer@replaced-ip)
512[00:34:17] *** Joins: StrengerTrainer (StrengerTrainer@replaced-ip)
513[00:34:17] <De]stinY-> Ohh, StrengerTrainer the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6118 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:34:17
514[00:34:35] *** Joins: Er40 (Er40@replaced-ip)
515[00:34:35] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Er40 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6119 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
516[00:34:36] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
517[00:34:43] *** Parts: Guest_949 (Guest@replaced-ip)
518[00:34:43] *** Quits: Marco91 (Marco91@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
519[00:34:47] *** Joins: Guest_9444 (Guest@replaced-ip)
520[00:34:47] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_9444 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6120 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
521[00:34:48] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
522[00:34:48] *** Quits: Sabine15 (Sabine15@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
523[00:34:49] *** Quits: Nico14 (Nico14@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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526[00:35:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Monika56Jahre How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6121 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
527[00:35:19] <Boy_19_NRW> will ein girl ein 3er rsp (wwm)??schreibt mich an
528[00:35:19] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Boy_19_NRW 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
529[00:35:30] *** Quits: knochen-m (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
530[00:35:31] *** Joins: birdhouse (yoda@replaced-ip)
531[00:35:31] <De]stinY-> Oh my God birdhouse How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6122 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
532[00:35:41] <Tg4wNrw> welches girl aus dortmund und umgebung sucht einen nebenjob?meldet euch bei mir
533[00:35:41] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Tg4wNrw 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
534[00:35:49] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 thomas_tattoo 14"
535[00:35:49] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
536[00:35:49] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 thomas_tattoo 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
537[00:35:49] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 thomas_tattoo 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
538[00:35:53] *** Joins: Guest_718 (Guest@replaced-ip)
539[00:35:53] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_718 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6123 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
540[00:36:04] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
541[00:36:26] *** Joins: bene20 (bene20@replaced-ip)
542[00:36:26] <De]stinY-> Oh my God bene20 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6124 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
543[00:36:28] *** Joins: Nico14 (Nico14@replaced-ip)
544[00:36:28] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Nico14 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6125 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:36:28
545[00:36:44] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
546[00:36:45] *** Joins: niceone_846 (niceone@replaced-ip)
547[00:36:45] <De]stinY-> Oh my God niceone_846 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6126 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
548[00:36:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
549[00:36:56] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
550[00:37:06] *** Joins: me_917 (Me@replaced-ip)
551[00:37:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God me_917 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6127 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
552[00:37:14] *** Quits: jurgenber (jurgenber@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
553[00:37:24] *** Parts: Mona_836 (Mona@replaced-ip)
554[00:37:26] *** Parts: niceone_846 (niceone@replaced-ip)
555[00:37:26] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
556[00:37:28] *** Joins: niceone_846 (niceone@replaced-ip)
557[00:37:28] <De]stinY-> Ohh, niceone_846 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6128 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:37:28
558[00:37:41] <jo_89> Will ne Frau quatschen? Privat melden!
559[00:37:41] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jo_89 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
560[00:37:57] *** Joins: MaTTGuest (MaTTGuest@replaced-ip)
561[00:37:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God MaTTGuest How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6129 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
562[00:38:06] *** Quits: HamburgER_ (abcdefg@replaced-ip) (Quit: Verlassend)
563[00:38:07] *** Quits: MaTTGuest (MaTTGuest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
564[00:38:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
565[00:38:22] *** Quits: Boeser-Coyote (no@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
566[00:38:40] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
567[00:38:42] *** Joins: m23nrw (Guest@replaced-ip)
568[00:38:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God m23nrw How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6130 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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573[00:39:29] <KanzlerinFerkl> ich hau mal ab
574[00:39:29] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 KanzlerinFerkl 14....
575[00:39:33] *** Quits: KanzlerinFerkl (KanzlerinFerkl@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
576[00:39:38] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
577[00:39:45] *** Joins: cuba_libre_387 (cuba_libre@replaced-ip)
578[00:39:45] <De]stinY-> Oh my God cuba_libre_387 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6131 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
579[00:39:48] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
580[00:39:51] *** Quits: BOY_22_WEBCAM (BOY_22_WEBCAM@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
581[00:39:52] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
582[00:40:05] *** Quits: Saarmann45SuJuW (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
583[00:40:06] *** Joins: Xmx (rooms@replaced-ip)
584[00:40:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Xmx How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6132 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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587[00:40:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
588[00:41:15] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 NetflixAccount 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
589[00:41:15] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 NetflixAccount 14- Wie geht's dir?
590[00:41:20] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
591[00:41:25] *** Joins: ICH (ICH@replaced-ip)
592[00:41:25] <De]stinY-> Oh my God ICH How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6133 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
593[00:41:28] *** Joins: Netter (Netter@replaced-ip)
594[00:41:28] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Netter the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6134 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:41:27
595[00:41:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
596[00:41:47] *** Parts: RS_Nelchen (RS_Nelchen@replaced-ip)
597[00:41:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
598[00:41:51] <Tg4wNrw> welches girl aus dortmund und umgebung sucht einen nebenjob?meldet euch bei mir
599[00:41:51] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Tg4wNrw 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
600[00:41:52] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
601[00:41:55] <ICH> hi
602[00:41:55] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 ICH 14:-)
603[00:41:55] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 ICH 14?
604[00:41:55] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 ICH 14- Wie geht's dir?
605[00:41:57] *** Joins: Nico14 (Nico14@replaced-ip)
606[00:41:57] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Nico14 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6135 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:41:57
607[00:42:00] *** Quits: egyG (egyG@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
608[00:42:13] *** Quits: banane (chatzilla@replaced-ip) (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0.5/20150525141253])
609[00:42:16] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
610[00:42:21] *** Joins: BOY_22_WEBCAM (BOY_22_WEBCAM@replaced-ip)
611[00:42:21] <De]stinY-> Oh my God BOY_22_WEBCAM How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6136 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
612[00:42:24] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
613[00:42:24] *** Quits: alex1601 (alex1601@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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615[00:42:25] <De]stinY-> Oh my God niceGirl_652 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6137 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
616[00:42:30] *** Joins: banane (chatzilla@replaced-ip)
617[00:42:30] <De]stinY-> Oh my God banane How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6138 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
618[00:42:31] *** Quits: MACHT-spielER (MACHT-spielER@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
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621[00:42:32] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
622[00:43:06] *** Quits: m23nrw (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
623[00:43:21] *** Joins: Aix (Aix@replaced-ip)
624[00:43:22] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Aix How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6139 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
625[00:43:37] *** Parts: bene20 (bene20@replaced-ip)
626[00:43:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
627[00:43:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
628[00:44:20] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
629[00:44:20] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6140 who joined #german > It's your 7. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:44:20
630[00:44:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
631[00:44:36] *** Quits: Guest_552 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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633[00:44:41] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Matje How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6141 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
634[00:44:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
635[00:44:52] *** Quits: Jennii (Jennii@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
636[00:44:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
637[00:45:15] <niceone_846> pic tausch von girls bei intresse privat melent
638[00:45:15] <De]stinY-> 14Oh,9 niceone_846 14erhält folgende Urkunde: Größter Rosetten-Jäger des IRC und wird nun getauft zur: "Super-Rosette"
639[00:45:17] *** Joins: TinaSexyBi25_96 (TinaSexyBi25@replaced-ip)
640[00:45:17] <De]stinY-> Oh my God TinaSexyBi25_96 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6142 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
641[00:45:23] *** Quits: Kerstin37 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
642[00:45:29] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
643[00:45:37] *** Joins: Bernd (Bernd@replaced-ip)
644[00:45:37] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Bernd How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6143 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
645[00:45:37] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder tausch bin auch w einfach anschreiben
646[00:45:37] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
647[00:45:38] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder tausch bin auch w einfach anschreiben
648[00:45:38] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
649[00:45:39] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder tausch bin auch w einfach anschreiben
650[00:45:39] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
651[00:45:46] <jo_89> Will ne Frau quatschen? Privat melden!
652[00:45:46] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jo_89 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
653[00:45:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
654[00:45:59] *** Joins: Marcel23 (Marcel23@replaced-ip)
655[00:45:59] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Marcel23 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6144 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:45:58
656[00:46:01] <Boy_19_NRW> will ein girl ein 3er rsp (wwm)??schreibt mich an
657[00:46:01] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Boy_19_NRW 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
658[00:46:19] *** Joins: Guest_471 (Guest@replaced-ip)
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660[00:46:19] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_471 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6145 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
661[00:46:29] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
662[00:46:41] *** Joins: GlamPhotogrefer (GlamPhotogrefer@replaced-ip)
663[00:46:41] <De]stinY-> Oh my God GlamPhotogrefer How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6146 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
664[00:46:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
665[00:46:57] *** Quits: Emil_23 (Emil_23@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
666[00:47:09] *** Joins: Guest_777 (Guest@replaced-ip)
667[00:47:09] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_777 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6147 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
668[00:47:20] *** Joins: ZanZi (sag@replaced-ip)
669[00:47:20] <De]stinY-> Oh my God ZanZi How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6148 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
670[00:47:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
672[00:47:34] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 RSP-PRINZESSIN 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
673[00:47:38] *** Joins: Emil_23 (Emil_23@replaced-ip)
674[00:47:38] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Emil_23 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6149 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:47:38
675[00:47:40] *** Quits: Xtreme (Xtreme@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
676[00:47:46] *** Quits: Frau1970 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
677[00:47:48] *** Parts: TinaSexyBi25_96 (TinaSexyBi25@replaced-ip)
678[00:47:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
679[00:48:13] *** Parts: Aix (Aix@replaced-ip)
680[00:48:22] *** Quits: cooler_JUNGE (cooler_JUNGE@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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682[00:48:29] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 NetflixAccount 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
683[00:48:29] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 NetflixAccount 14- Wie geht's dir?
684[00:48:36] <Boy_19_NRW> will ein girl ein 3er rsp (wwm)??schreibt mich an sind schon zu zweit sie ist 17 ich bin 19
685[00:48:36] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Boy_19_NRW 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
686[00:48:40] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
687[00:48:49] <Tg4wNrw> welches girl aus dortmund und umgebung sucht einen nebenjob?meldet euch bei mir
688[00:48:49] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Tg4wNrw 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
689[00:49:07] *** Joins: guy_18 (guy_18@replaced-ip)
690[00:49:07] <De]stinY-> Oh my God guy_18 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6150 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
691[00:49:12] <olli> 4 NetflixAccount da ich Trolle Notgeile und Bekloppte nicht lesen will *Ignore*
692[00:49:12] <olli> 12Spa12ck14en nr. 851
693[00:49:17] <Guest_777> Will / braucht ne Mum mit Tochter etwas Geld bekommen?! PM
694[00:49:17] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_777 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
695[00:49:23] <olli> 4 Tg4wNrw da ich Trolle Notgeile und Bekloppte nicht lesen will *Ignore*
696[00:49:23] <olli> 12Spa12ck14en nr. 852
697[00:49:29] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
698[00:49:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
699[00:49:59] *** Joins: Guest16j (Guest16j@replaced-ip)
700[00:49:59] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest16j How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6151 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
701[00:49:59] <jo_89> Will ne Frau quatschen? Privat melden!
702[00:49:59] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jo_89 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
703[00:50:00] *** Parts: liebhaber23 (liebhaber23@replaced-ip)
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707[00:50:17] <De]stinY-> Oh my God tr-5 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6152 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
708[00:50:19] *** Quits: willWasSehen (willWasSehen@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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711[00:50:24] <De]stinY-> Oh my God maxmax23 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6153 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
712[00:50:27] *** Quits: SprTLehrER (SprTLehrER@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
713[00:50:32] *** Joins: Levispad (Levispad@replaced-ip)
714[00:50:32] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Levispad the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6154 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:50:31
715[00:50:46] *** Quits: Elli22 (Elli22@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
716[00:50:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
717[00:50:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
718[00:50:57] *** Quits: Rosaletta (Rosaletta@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
719[00:51:03] *** Quits: NetflixAccount (NetflixAccount@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
720[00:51:09] <Boy_19_NRW> will ein girl ein 3er rsp (wwm)??schreibt mich an sind schon zu zweit sie ist 17 ich bin 19
721[00:51:09] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Boy_19_NRW 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
722[00:51:13] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
723[00:51:34] *** Quits: Sportler17 (Sportler17@replaced-ip##) (Quit: HydraIRC -> ##replaced-url
724[00:51:46] *** Joins: Lucky_ (Lucky_@replaced-ip)
725[00:51:46] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Lucky_ the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6155 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:51:46
726[00:51:49] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
727[00:51:53] *** Joins: windelKnd_-_M (windelKnd_-_M@replaced-ip)
728[00:51:54] <De]stinY-> Oh my God windelKnd_-_M How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6156 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
729[00:52:09] *** Quits: Inka (Inka@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
730[00:52:13] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
731[00:52:23] *** Quits: Xmx (rooms@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
732[00:52:25] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
733[00:52:55] *** Joins: girlywillignrw (girlywillignrw@replaced-ip)
734[00:52:55] <De]stinY-> Oh my God girlywillignrw How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6157 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
735[00:53:02] *** Joins: Xmx (rooms@replaced-ip)
736[00:53:02] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Xmx the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6158 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:53:02
737[00:53:06] *** Quits: Xmx (rooms@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
738[00:53:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
739[00:53:24] <jo_89> Will ne Frau quatschen? Privat melden!
740[00:53:24] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jo_89 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
741[00:53:26] *** Quits: jok (jok@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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743[00:53:28] <andy-hh> eine lady mit cam hier?
744[00:53:29] <De]stinY-> 14Du sollst dir doch nicht ständig den Akku-Schrauber in den Popo schieben9 andy-hh 14-.-
745[00:53:48] *** Quits: Alana_18w (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
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748[00:53:54] <De]stinY-> Oh my God hiho How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6159 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
749[00:54:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
750[00:54:11] *** Joins: Austria_m42 (Austria_m42@replaced-ip)
751[00:54:11] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Austria_m42 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6160 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
752[00:54:25] *** Quits: Meister (Meister@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
753[00:54:30] *** Quits: Felicity (Felicity@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
754[00:54:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
755[00:54:34] *** Quits: Nico14 (Nico14@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
756[00:54:34] *** Quits: Marcel23 (Marcel23@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
757[00:54:46] *** Joins: Xmx (rooms@replaced-ip)
758[00:54:46] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Xmx the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6161 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 00:54:46
759[00:54:55] <Boy_19_NRW> will ein girl ein 3er rsp (wwm)??schreibt mich an sind schon zu zweit sie ist 17 ich bin 19
760[00:54:55] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Boy_19_NRW 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
761[00:54:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
762[00:55:09] *** Quits: Hentai_W_ (Hentai_W_@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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764[00:55:31] <De]stinY-> Oh my God jericho How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6162 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
765[00:55:34] *** Quits: Der_Lehrer (Der_Lehrer@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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767[00:55:36] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Hentai_W_ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6163 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
768[00:55:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
769[00:55:39] *** Quits: Netter (Netter@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
770[00:55:51] *** Parts: GlamPhotogrefer (GlamPhotogrefer@replaced-ip)
771[00:55:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
772[00:56:03] *** Quits: jericho (jericho@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
773[00:56:11] <hiho> pic tauschen von w meldet euch prv
774[00:56:11] <De]stinY-> 14Oh,9 hiho 14erhält folgende Urkunde: Größter Rosetten-Jäger des IRC und wird nun getauft zur: "Super-Rosette"
775[00:56:13] *** Quits: lina-17 (lina-17@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
776[00:56:32] <RSP-PRINZESSIN> will wer rsp
777[00:56:32] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 RSP-PRINZESSIN 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
778[00:56:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
779[00:57:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
780[00:57:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
781[00:57:26] *** Quits: bye_boy (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
782[00:57:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
783[00:57:46] *** Joins: Jonas_29 (Jonas_29@replaced-ip)
784[00:57:46] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Jonas_29 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6164 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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787[00:57:55] <De]stinY-> Oh my God mannn How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6165 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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789[00:58:22] <De]stinY-> Oh my God M_sucht_hot_gir How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6166 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
790[00:58:27] *** Joins: FkkPa (FkkPa@replaced-ip)
791[00:58:27] <De]stinY-> Oh my God FkkPa How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6167 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
792[00:58:30] *** Joins: Saskia_jung (Saskia_jung@replaced-ip)
793[00:58:31] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Saskia_jung How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6168 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
794[00:58:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
795[00:58:33] *** Joins: Anna_17 (Anna_17@replaced-ip)
796[00:58:33] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Anna_17 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6169 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
797[00:59:42] *** Parts: Saskia_jung (Saskia_jung@replaced-ip)
798[00:59:45] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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801[00:59:53] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Daniel92 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6170 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
802[01:00:02] *** Joins: nudist-life (nudist-life@replaced-ip)
803[01:00:02] <De]stinY-> Ohh, nudist-life the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6171 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:00:02
804[01:00:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
805[01:00:17] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
806[01:00:19] *** Joins: niceguyboy (ipolint@replaced-ip)
807[01:00:19] <De]stinY-> Oh my God niceguyboy How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6172 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
808[01:00:26] *** Joins: Guest_167 (Guest@replaced-ip)
809[01:00:26] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_167 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6173 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
810[01:00:29] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
811[01:00:41] *** Parts: Xmx (rooms@replaced-ip)
812[01:01:09] *** Joins: Nina (Nina@replaced-ip)
813[01:01:09] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Nina How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6174 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
814[01:01:24] *** Parts: nudist-life (nudist-life@replaced-ip)
815[01:01:41] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
816[01:01:48] *** Quits: ger-m (ger-m@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
817[01:01:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
818[01:02:04] *** Quits: cuba_libre_387 (cuba_libre@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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820[01:02:07] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Saskia_jung the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6175 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:02:07
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823[01:02:09] <De]stinY-> Oh my God fume How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6176 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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826[01:02:23] <De]stinY-> Ohh, daniel92 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6177 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:02:22
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832[01:02:53] <De]stinY-> Ohh, HanneS_ the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6178 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:02:53
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836[01:03:03] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Dominanter the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6179 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:03:03
837[01:03:11] *** Joins: DerFremde44 (DerFremde44@replaced-ip)
838[01:03:12] <De]stinY-> Oh my God DerFremde44 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6180 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
839[01:03:17] *** Joins: Guest62061 (Dad@replaced-ip)
840[01:03:17] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest62061 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6181 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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843[01:03:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
844[01:03:50] *** Parts: Cuba_Libre (cuba_libre@replaced-ip)
845[01:04:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
846[01:04:17] *** Quits: Lucky_ (Lucky_@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
847[01:04:31] *** Quits: fume (mibkctnbtdzflm@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
848[01:04:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
849[01:04:46] <hiho> w pics tauschen
850[01:04:46] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 hiho 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
851[01:04:49] *** Joins: hotcamboy (Guest@replaced-ip)
852[01:04:49] <De]stinY-> Ohh, hotcamboy the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6182 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:04:49
853[01:04:55] *** Joins: Marwa (Marwa@replaced-ip)
854[01:04:55] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Marwa the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6183 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:04:55
855[01:05:03] *** Quits: Dominanter (Dominanter@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
856[01:05:05] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
857[01:05:05] *** Quits: Happy_Day_M (Happy_Day_M@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
858[01:05:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
859[01:05:24] *** Parts: Guest62061 (Dad@replaced-ip)
860[01:05:36] *** Joins: Guest62061 (Dad@replaced-ip)
861[01:05:37] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest62061 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6184 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:05:36
862[01:06:20] *** Quits: Nina (Nina@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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867[01:06:52] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Xelobert How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6185 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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869[01:07:19] <De]stinY-> Ohh, guy_18 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6186 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:07:19
870[01:07:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
871[01:07:33] *** Quits: Matje (Matje@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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874[01:07:46] <De]stinY-> Oh my God schul_nu1te_w16 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6187 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
875[01:07:49] <hiho> w pics austauschen meldet euch
876[01:07:49] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 hiho 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
877[01:07:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
878[01:07:57] *** Parts: Monika56Jahre (Monika56Jahre@replaced-ip)
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880[01:08:04] <De]stinY-> Oh my God reiferMannNRW How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6188 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
881[01:08:05] *** Joins: Guest_811 (Guest@replaced-ip)
882[01:08:05] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_811 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6189 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
883[01:08:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
884[01:08:07] *** Joins: manuel (manuel@replaced-ip)
885[01:08:07] <De]stinY-> Oh my God manuel How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6190 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
886[01:08:07] *** Quits: niceguyboy (ipolint@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
887[01:08:16] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
888[01:08:17] *** Quits: andy-hh (andy-hh@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
889[01:08:24] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
890[01:08:24] *** Joins: xMX (rooms@replaced-ip)
891[01:08:24] <De]stinY-> Ohh, xMX the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6191 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:08:24
892[01:08:28] *** Joins: Mushrum_ (never@replaced-ip)
893[01:08:28] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Mushrum_ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6192 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
894[01:08:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
895[01:09:00] *** Joins: panther (panther@replaced-ip)
896[01:09:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God panther How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6193 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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898[01:09:15] *** Joins: Daniel (Daniel@replaced-ip)
899[01:09:15] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Daniel How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6194 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
900[01:09:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
901[01:09:57] *** Quits: niceGirl_652 (niceGirl@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
902[01:09:59] <schul_nu1te_w16> replaced-url
903[01:09:59] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 schul_nu1te_w16 14- Wie geht's dir?
904[01:10:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
905[01:10:21] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
906[01:10:21] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6195 who joined #german > It's your 8. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:10:21
907[01:10:24] *** Quits: Mushrum_ (never@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
908[01:10:40] *** Joins: Mushrum (never@replaced-ip)
909[01:10:40] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Mushrum How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6196 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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911[01:11:04] *** Joins: Max14 (Max14@replaced-ip)
912[01:11:04] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Max14 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6197 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
913[01:11:05] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
914[01:11:14] *** Joins: jericho (jericho@replaced-ip)
915[01:11:14] <De]stinY-> Ohh, jericho the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6198 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:11:13
916[01:11:20] *** Parts: jericho (jericho@replaced-ip)
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920[01:11:39] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_W_Lust How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6199 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
921[01:11:43] *** Quits: daniel92 (daniel92@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
922[01:11:45] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
923[01:11:47] *** Quits: RSBoy23 (b@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
924[01:11:49] <Max14> hat ein girl lust auf ein rs? pm
925[01:11:49] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Max14 14- Wie geht's dir?
926[01:11:49] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
927[01:12:04] *** Quits: Steiner (Steiner@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
928[01:12:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
929[01:12:20] *** Joins: BrutalER (BrutalER@replaced-ip)
930[01:12:20] <De]stinY-> Oh my God BrutalER How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6200 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
931[01:12:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
932[01:12:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
933[01:13:04] <Tg4wNrw> welches girl aus dortmund und umgebung sucht einen nebenjob?meldet euch bei mir
934[01:13:04] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Tg4wNrw 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
935[01:13:07] *** Joins: Monika56Jahre (Monika56Jahre@replaced-ip)
936[01:13:07] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Monika56Jahre the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6201 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:13:07
937[01:13:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
938[01:13:17] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
939[01:13:27] *** Quits: Guest_W_Lust (Guest_W_Lust@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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941[01:14:09] *** Joins: Anika_25 (Anika_25@replaced-ip)
942[01:14:09] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Anika_25 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6202 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
943[01:14:28] *** Joins: TechhniNr1M (Techniker@replaced-ip)
944[01:14:28] <De]stinY-> Oh my God TechhniNr1M How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6203 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
945[01:14:30] *** Quits: guy_18 (guy_18@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
946[01:14:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
947[01:14:46] <Guest_213> destiny, alter Naziblockwart, bist du schon wieder am blockwarten?
948[01:14:46] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Guest_213 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
949[01:14:48] *** Joins: Fowl3628800 (Fowl3628800@replaced-ip)
950[01:14:48] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Fowl3628800 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6204 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
951[01:15:03] *** Joins: Alissa (Alissa@replaced-ip)
952[01:15:03] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Alissa How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6205 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
953[01:15:04] *** Parts: cheese (deecee@replaced-ip)
954[01:15:13] *** Joins: Guest_400 (Guest@replaced-ip)
955[01:15:13] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_400 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6206 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
956[01:15:20] *** Parts: Alissa (Alissa@replaced-ip)
957[01:15:21] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
958[01:15:34] *** Quits: Fowl3628800 (Fowl3628800@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
959[01:15:53] *** Joins: bene20 (bene20@replaced-ip)
960[01:15:53] <De]stinY-> Ohh, bene20 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6207 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:15:53
961[01:15:57] <bene20> mag jemand camen ??
962[01:15:57] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 bene20 14"
963[01:15:57] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
964[01:15:57] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
965[01:15:57] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 bene20 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
966[01:16:13] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
967[01:16:14] *** Joins: Alissa (Alissa@replaced-ip)
968[01:16:14] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Alissa the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6208 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:16:13
969[01:16:24] <Guest_213> destiny, alter Naziblockwart, geh doch zu deiner Nazispiipe
970[01:16:25] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Guest_213 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
971[01:16:26] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 Guest_777 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
972[01:16:33] *** Joins: Sweden (Sweden@replaced-ip)
973[01:16:33] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Sweden How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6209 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
974[01:16:35] *** Joins: Gast-M (Guest@replaced-ip)
975[01:16:35] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Gast-M How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6210 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
976[01:16:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
977[01:16:40] *** Quits: schul_nu1te_w16 (schul_nu1te_w16@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
978[01:16:42] <Sweden> replaced-url
979[01:16:42] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Sweden 14- Wie geht's dir?
980[01:16:44] *** Quits: M4rp (M4rp@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
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982[01:16:50] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest17 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6211 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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987[01:17:04] *** Quits: Sweden (Sweden@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
988[01:17:07] <hiho> pic tausch von w meldet euch
989[01:17:07] <De]stinY-> 14Oh,9 hiho 14erhält folgende Urkunde: Größter Rosetten-Jäger des IRC und wird nun getauft zur: "Super-Rosette"
990[01:17:14] *** Parts: StrengerTrainer (StrengerTrainer@replaced-ip)
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992[01:17:16] <De]stinY-> Ohh, StrengerTrainer the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6212 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:17:16
993[01:17:18] *** Joins: Saskia_jung (Saskia_jung@replaced-ip)
994[01:17:18] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Saskia_jung the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6213 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:17:17
995[01:17:25] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
996[01:17:30] *** Joins: M-32-For-Fun (M-32-For-Fun@replaced-ip)
997[01:17:31] <De]stinY-> Oh my God M-32-For-Fun How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6214 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
998[01:17:38] *** Parts: Saskia_jung (Saskia_jung@replaced-ip)
999[01:17:45] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1000[01:17:46] *** Quits: M_sucht_hot_gir (M_sucht_hot_gir@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1001[01:17:47] <Gast-M> 12welches girl traut sich cam tel
1002[01:17:49] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1003[01:17:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1004[01:18:11] *** Parts: PapaFKKCampGeil (PapaFKKCampGeil@replaced-ip)
1005[01:18:13] *** Joins: B23m (B23m@replaced-ip)
1006[01:18:13] <De]stinY-> Oh my God B23m How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6215 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1007[01:18:18] *** Quits: M-32-For-Fun (M-32-For-Fun@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1008[01:18:21] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1009[01:18:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1010[01:18:28] <girlywillignrw> wer aus dortmund hat jetzt lust auf outdoor?
1011[01:18:28] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 girlywillignrw 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1012[01:18:37] *** Joins: M-32-For-Fun (M-32-For-Fun@replaced-ip)
1013[01:18:37] <De]stinY-> Ohh, M-32-For-Fun the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6216 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:18:37
1014[01:18:39] <bene20> wer will camen ?
1015[01:18:39] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 bene20 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1016[01:18:41] *** Quits: Fiori (Fiori@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1017[01:18:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1018[01:19:13] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1019[01:19:45] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
1020[01:19:47] *** Joins: Tim18 (Tim18@replaced-ip)
1021[01:19:47] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Tim18 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6217 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1022[01:19:57] *** Quits: Jesusrettet (Jesusrette@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1023[01:20:09] <bene20> mag jemand camen?
1024[01:20:09] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 bene20 14"
1025[01:20:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1026[01:20:09] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
1027[01:20:09] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
1028[01:20:09] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 bene20 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
1029[01:20:09] *** Quits: Denise___ (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1030[01:20:13] *** Joins: Joss (Joss@replaced-ip)
1031[01:20:13] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Joss How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6218 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1032[01:20:26] *** Joins: Guest_811_996 (Guest_811@replaced-ip)
1033[01:20:26] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_811_996 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6219 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1034[01:20:32] *** Parts: Joss (Joss@replaced-ip)
1035[01:20:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1036[01:20:42] <Tg4wNrw> welches girl aus dortmund und umgebung sucht einen nebenjob?meldet euch bei mir
1037[01:20:42] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Tg4wNrw 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1038[01:20:46] *** Joins: Joss (Joss@replaced-ip)
1039[01:20:46] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Joss the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6220 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:20:46
1040[01:20:52] *** Joins: Hengst24 (Hengst24@replaced-ip)
1041[01:20:53] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Hengst24 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6221 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1042[01:20:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1043[01:21:00] *** Quits: romantiker (romantiker@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1044[01:21:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1045[01:21:08] *** Quits: Frankfurter29 (Frankfurter29@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1046[01:21:19] <Joss> hello
1047[01:21:19] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Joss 14- Wie geht's dir?
1048[01:21:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1049[01:21:30] *** Joins: ICQBOT (ICQBOT@replaced-ip)
1050[01:21:30] <De]stinY-> Oh my God ICQBOT How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6222 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1054[01:21:52] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_996 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6223 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1055[01:21:56] *** Quits: ICQBOT (ICQBOT@replaced-ip) (G-Lined)
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1057[01:22:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1058[01:22:19] *** Joins: fapatron (fapatron@replaced-ip)
1059[01:22:19] <De]stinY-> Oh my God fapatron How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6224 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1060[01:22:22] *** emi_87 is now known as emi_87}away
1061[01:22:33] *** Joins: Guest_996_4 (Guest_996@replaced-ip)
1062[01:22:33] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_996_4 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6225 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1063[01:22:40] *** Quits: Gast-M (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1064[01:22:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1065[01:23:06] *** Joins: BrutalER_946 (BrutalER@replaced-ip)
1066[01:23:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God BrutalER_946 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6226 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1067[01:23:12] <FkkPa> jemand hier mit ner kleinen shwester, einer kleinen tochter oder erfahrungen mit ***tourismus ?
1068[01:23:22] *** Quits: Killerkeks (Killerkeks@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1072[01:23:27] <De]stinY-> Oh my God MANN29 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6227 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1075[01:23:54] <bene20> mag jemand camen ?
1076[01:23:54] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 bene20 14"
1077[01:23:54] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
1078[01:23:54] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
1079[01:23:54] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 bene20 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
1080[01:23:56] <Guest_777> Will / braucht ne Mum mit Tochter etwas Geld bekommen?! PM
1081[01:23:56] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_777 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1082[01:23:57] *** Quits: Guest_996_4 (Guest_996@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1083[01:24:03] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
1084[01:24:03] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6228 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:24:02
1085[01:24:07] *** Parts: Patrickwill3er (Patrickwill3er@replaced-ip)
1086[01:24:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1087[01:24:13] *** Joins: Guest_895 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1088[01:24:13] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_895 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6229 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1090[01:24:19] *** Joins: Nackter (Nackter@replaced-ip)
1091[01:24:19] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Nackter the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6230 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:24:19
1092[01:24:21] *** Guest is now known as Guest1076
1093[01:24:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1094[01:24:48] *** Joins: spassboy (spassboy@replaced-ip)
1095[01:24:48] <De]stinY-> Oh my God spassboy How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6231 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1096[01:24:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1097[01:25:04] *** Quits: Guest_895 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1099[01:25:05] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_302 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6232 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1100[01:25:08] *** Parts: Nackter (Nackter@replaced-ip)
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1102[01:25:11] <De]stinY-> Oh my God jenna How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6233 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1106[01:25:33] <bene20> jemand lust auf camen ?
1107[01:25:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1108[01:25:48] *** Joins: TinaSexyBi25_96 (TinaSexyBi25@replaced-ip)
1109[01:25:48] <De]stinY-> Ohh, TinaSexyBi25_96 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6234 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:25:48
1110[01:25:54] *** Quits: Guest_996 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1111[01:25:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1112[01:26:00] *** Quits: Lustprinzessin (Lustprinzessin@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1113[01:26:07] *** Joins: julia19 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1114[01:26:07] <De]stinY-> Oh my God julia19 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6235 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1115[01:26:15] *** Quits: mann45 (mann45@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1116[01:26:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1117[01:26:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1118[01:26:49] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1119[01:27:06] *** Parts: TinaSexyBi25_96 (TinaSexyBi25@replaced-ip)
1120[01:27:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1121[01:27:13] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1122[01:27:46] *** Quits: Guest1076 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1124[01:27:52] *** Joins: Dad2Toech (Dad2Toech@replaced-ip)
1125[01:27:52] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Dad2Toech How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6236 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1126[01:27:53] *** Joins: Guest_7 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1127[01:27:53] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_7 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6237 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1128[01:28:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1129[01:28:17] <Max14> hat ein girl lust auf ein rs? pm
1130[01:28:17] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Max14 14- Wie geht's dir?
1131[01:28:22] *** Joins: BrutalER (BrutalER@replaced-ip)
1132[01:28:22] <De]stinY-> Ohh, BrutalER the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6238 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:28:22
1133[01:28:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1134[01:28:42] <Max14> hat ein girl lust auf ein rs? pm
1135[01:28:43] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Max14 14- Wie geht's dir?
1136[01:28:48] *** Quits: girlywillignrw (girlywillignrw@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1139[01:29:02] <De]stinY-> Oh my God perveeers62 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6239 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1140[01:29:13] *** Joins: Suess-ER (Suess-ER@replaced-ip)
1141[01:29:13] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Suess-ER How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6240 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1142[01:29:15] *** Joins: TangaBoy21 (TangaBoy21@replaced-ip)
1143[01:29:15] <De]stinY-> Oh my God TangaBoy21 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6241 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1144[01:29:21] *** Parts: xMX (rooms@replaced-ip)
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1146[01:29:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1147[01:29:48] *** Joins: Axel (Guest@replaced-ip)
1148[01:29:48] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Axel How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6242 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1149[01:29:54] *** Parts: dan76 (dan76@replaced-ip)
1150[01:30:01] *** Parts: Daniel (Daniel@replaced-ip)
1151[01:30:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1152[01:30:05] *** Quits: Anna_17 (Anna_17@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1153[01:30:20] <perveeers62> huhu junge teens hier die mit einem opa schreiben möchten ??? vielleicht auch mehr bitte melden bei interesse
1154[01:30:20] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 perveeers62 14- Wie geht's dir?
1155[01:30:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1156[01:30:42] *** Quits: BrutalER_946 (BrutalER@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1157[01:30:42] *** Joins: sara11 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1158[01:30:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God sara11 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6243 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1159[01:30:43] *** Joins: Paula_14 (Paula_14@replaced-ip)
1160[01:30:43] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Paula_14 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6244 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1161[01:31:02] *** Joins: Emily_18f (Emily_18f@replaced-ip)
1162[01:31:02] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Emily_18f How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6245 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1163[01:31:04] *** Parts: StrengerTrainer (StrengerTrainer@replaced-ip)
1164[01:31:05] *** Joins: StrengerTrainer (StrengerTrainer@replaced-ip)
1165[01:31:05] <De]stinY-> Ohh, StrengerTrainer the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6246 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:31:05
1166[01:31:06] *** Joins: Guest_886 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1167[01:31:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_886 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6247 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1168[01:31:08] *** Joins: Rs_M_Reich_982 (Rs_M_Reich@replaced-ip)
1169[01:31:08] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Rs_M_Reich_982 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6248 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1170[01:31:21] *** Quits: FkkPa (FkkPa@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1171[01:31:29] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1172[01:31:33] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 TangaBoy21 14....
1173[01:31:43] <perveeers62> huhu junge teens hier die mit einem opa schreiben möchten ??? vielleicht auch mehr bitte melden bei interesse
1174[01:31:44] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 perveeers62 14- Wie geht's dir?
1175[01:31:46] *** Joins: jericho (jericho@replaced-ip)
1176[01:31:46] <De]stinY-> Ohh, jericho the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6249 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:31:45
1177[01:31:58] *** Parts: Emily_18f (Emily_18f@replaced-ip)
1178[01:32:05] <bene20> jemand lust auf camen ?
1179[01:32:07] *** Joins: marc_ (marc_@replaced-ip)
1180[01:32:07] <De]stinY-> Oh my God marc_ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6250 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1181[01:32:17] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1182[01:32:24] <Paula_14> der chat ist ja noch da?
1183[01:32:24] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Paula_14 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
1184[01:32:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1185[01:32:28] *** Parts: manuel (manuel@replaced-ip)
1186[01:32:46] *** Quits: Emil_23 (Emil_23@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1187[01:32:51] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 jericho 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1188[01:33:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1189[01:33:06] <jericho> ja geil
1190[01:33:10] <jericho> ich halte viel aus
1191[01:33:10] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 jericho 14....
1192[01:33:11] <jericho> haha
1193[01:33:11] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 jericho 14- Wie geht's dir?
1194[01:33:16] *** Quits: Guest_471 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1195[01:33:21] *** Joins: TechieGirl_OK (TechieGirl_OK@replaced-ip)
1196[01:33:21] <De]stinY-> Oh my God TechieGirl_OK How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6251 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1197[01:33:24] *** Quits: Guest_7 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1198[01:33:24] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1199[01:33:27] *** Joins: Camgirl_tg (qshcgpvnoxysfw@replaced-ip)
1200[01:33:27] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Camgirl_tg How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6252 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1201[01:33:27] <Paula_14> replaced-url
1202[01:33:27] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Paula_14 14- Wie geht's dir?
1203[01:33:28] <jericho> gt und dir
1204[01:33:28] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 jericho 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
1205[01:33:40] *** Quits: RS_FleischKeule (RS_FleischKeule@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1206[01:33:42] <jericho> leck mein fuss
1207[01:33:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1208[01:33:47] <marc_> eine devote sie on? melde dich privat bei mir!
1209[01:33:47] <De]stinY-> 14Du sollst dir doch nicht ständig den Akku-Schrauber in den Popo schieben9 marc_ 14-.-
1210[01:34:00] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1211[01:34:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1212[01:34:20] *** Quits: RSP-PRINZESSIN (RSP-PRINZESSIN@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1213[01:34:23] *** Joins: Guest_297 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1214[01:34:23] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_297 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6253 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1215[01:34:25] *** Joins: Luciano (Luciano@replaced-ip)
1216[01:34:25] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Luciano How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6254 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1217[01:34:26] *** Quits: M79BAWUE (M79BAWUE@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1218[01:34:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1219[01:34:36] *** Joins: Geschwister (Geschwister@replaced-ip)
1220[01:34:36] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Geschwister How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6255 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1221[01:34:39] *** Joins: sexygirl (sexygirl@replaced-ip)
1222[01:34:39] <De]stinY-> Oh my God sexygirl How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6256 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1223[01:34:40] *** Quits: Rs_M_Reich (Rs_M_Reich@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1224[01:34:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1225[01:35:13] <Paula_14> replaced-url
1226[01:35:13] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Paula_14 14- Wie geht's dir?
1227[01:35:18] <perveeers62> huhu junge teens hier die mit einem opa schreiben möchten ??? vielleicht auch mehr bitte melden bei interesse
1228[01:35:18] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 perveeers62 14- Wie geht's dir?
1229[01:35:43] *** Quits: Tim18 (Tim18@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1230[01:35:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1231[01:35:47] *** jericho is now known as jerichoduisburg
1232[01:35:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1233[01:36:10] *** Joins: Sohn50Mu76 (Sohn50Mu76@replaced-ip)
1234[01:36:10] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Sohn50Mu76 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6257 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1235[01:36:24] *** Joins: TinaSexyBi25_96 (TinaSexyBi25@replaced-ip)
1236[01:36:24] <De]stinY-> Ohh, TinaSexyBi25_96 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6258 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:36:23
1237[01:36:47] *** Joins: Guest_398 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1238[01:36:47] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_398 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6259 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1239[01:36:48] *** Quits: Tg4wNrw (Tg4wNrw@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1240[01:36:59] <jerichoduisburg> am besten gleich 2
1241[01:36:59] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 jerichoduisburg 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
1242[01:37:05] <Paula_14> replaced-url
1243[01:37:05] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Paula_14 14- Wie geht's dir?
1244[01:37:11] <jerichoduisburg> hallo
1245[01:37:11] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 jerichoduisburg 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
1246[01:37:11] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 jerichoduisburg 14- Wie geht's dir?
1247[01:37:29] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 Guest_777 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1248[01:37:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1249[01:37:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1250[01:37:54] <jerichoduisburg> facebook
1251[01:37:54] <De]stinY-> 14Ey9 jerichoduisburg 14haste den schwarzen wieder das Koks geklaut?
1252[01:38:05] <jerichoduisburg> symon phinixxx
1253[01:38:05] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 jerichoduisburg 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1254[01:38:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1255[01:38:31] *** Joins: teacher-man (teacher-man@replaced-ip)
1256[01:38:31] <De]stinY-> Oh my God teacher-man How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6260 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1257[01:38:33] <jerichoduisburg> replaced-url
1258[01:38:33] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 jerichoduisburg 14- Wie geht's dir?
1259[01:38:50] *** Parts: Geschwister (Geschwister@replaced-ip)
1260[01:38:50] *** Quits: Michael_32 (Michael_32@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1261[01:38:51] <Paula_14> replaced-url
1262[01:38:51] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Paula_14 14- Wie geht's dir?
1263[01:39:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1264[01:39:20] *** Quits: Camgirl_tg (qshcgpvnoxysfw@replaced-ip) (Quit: Flash IRC Client)
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1266[01:39:38] *** Joins: Camgirl_TG (qshcgpvnoxysfw@replaced-ip)
1267[01:39:38] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Camgirl_TG the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6261 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:39:38
1268[01:39:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1269[01:39:50] *** Joins: Emil_23 (Emil_23@replaced-ip)
1270[01:39:50] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Emil_23 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6262 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:39:50
1271[01:39:56] *** Joins: w-mag-kifi (w-mag-kifi@replaced-ip)
1272[01:39:56] <De]stinY-> Oh my God w-mag-kifi How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6263 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1273[01:39:57] *** Quits: julia19 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1274[01:40:09] *** Joins: eva18 (eva18@replaced-ip)
1275[01:40:09] <De]stinY-> Oh my God eva18 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6264 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1276[01:40:11] <jerichoduisburg> Paula_14 geiles bild
1277[01:40:12] <De]stinY-> 14Oh,9 jerichoduisburg 14erhält folgende Urkunde: Größter Rosetten-Jäger des IRC und wird nun getauft zur: "Super-Rosette"
1278[01:40:13] *** Parts: M-32-For-Fun (M-32-For-Fun@replaced-ip)
1279[01:40:14] *** Parts: Lieselotte (Lieselotte@replaced-ip)
1280[01:40:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1281[01:40:34] *** Joins: GutBestuecktNRW (GutBestuecktNRW@replaced-ip)
1282[01:40:34] <De]stinY-> Oh my God GutBestuecktNRW How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6265 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1283[01:40:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1284[01:40:46] *** Quits: Basti (Basti@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1285[01:40:56] *** Quits: Paula_14 (Paula_14@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1286[01:40:59] <Guest_777> Will / braucht ne Mum mit Tochter etwas Geld bekommen?! PM
1287[01:40:59] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_777 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1288[01:41:00] *** Quits: Mario_656 (Mario@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1289[01:41:01] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1290[01:41:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1291[01:41:05] <eva18> hey
1292[01:41:05] <De]stinY-> 14Hey9 eva18 14schonmal aus dem Spülkasten gesoffen?!
1293[01:41:05] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1294[01:41:05] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 eva18 14- Wie geht's dir?
1295[01:41:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1296[01:41:16] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder austauschen bin auch w replaced-url
1297[01:41:16] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1298[01:41:23] *** Joins: Regina (Regina@replaced-ip)
1299[01:41:23] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Regina How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6266 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1300[01:41:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1301[01:41:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1307[01:42:26] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6267 who joined #german > It's your 9. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:42:25
1308[01:42:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1309[01:42:52] *** Quits: Guest_398 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1310[01:42:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1312[01:43:09] *** Joins: Papa44 (qtkjzgledqrjsv@replaced-ip)
1313[01:43:09] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Papa44 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6268 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1314[01:43:16] <Papa44> 01tochter will kein gangbang machen replaced-url
1315[01:43:17] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder austauschen bin auch w replaced-url
1316[01:43:17] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
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1320[01:43:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1321[01:43:45] *** Joins: Hallo (Hallo@replaced-ip)
1322[01:43:45] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Hallo How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6269 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1323[01:43:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1324[01:43:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1326[01:44:13] *** Quits: sexygirl (sexygirl@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1327[01:44:20] <perveeers62> huhu junge teens hier die mit einem opa schreiben möchten ??? vielleicht auch mehr bitte melden bei interesse
1328[01:44:20] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 perveeers62 14- Wie geht's dir?
1329[01:44:45] *** Quits: Guest_297 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1332[01:44:51] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_150 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6270 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1334[01:45:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1335[01:45:32] *** Quits: Heisserboy (Heisserboy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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1337[01:45:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1338[01:45:52] *** Joins: Christian27 (Christian27@replaced-ip)
1339[01:45:52] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Christian27 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6271 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:45:51
1340[01:45:53] *** Parts: Christian27 (Christian27@replaced-ip)
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1342[01:46:02] *** Joins: Raouf (Raouf@replaced-ip)
1343[01:46:02] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Raouf How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6272 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1344[01:46:02] *** Joins: ^AGAIN-SINGLE (^AGAIN-SINGLE@replaced-ip)
1345[01:46:02] <De]stinY-> Oh my God ^AGAIN-SINGLE How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6273 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1346[01:46:19] <perveeers62> huhu türkinnen hier die mit einem älteren mann schreiben woll en?? :)
1347[01:46:19] *** Quits: Micha17 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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1349[01:46:19] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 perveeers62 14- Wie geht's dir?
1350[01:46:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1351[01:46:30] *** Quits: eva18 (eva18@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1352[01:46:32] <Papa44> 01tochter will kein gangbang machen replaced-url
1353[01:46:41] *** Joins: Anni17 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1354[01:46:41] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Anni17 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6274 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1355[01:46:43] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder austauschen bin auch w replaced-url
1356[01:46:43] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1357[01:46:44] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder austauschen bin auch w replaced-url
1358[01:46:44] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1359[01:46:45] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder austauschen bin auch w replaced-url
1360[01:46:45] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1361[01:46:59] <Guest_777> Will / braucht ne Mum mit Tochter etwas Geld bekommen?! PM
1362[01:46:59] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Guest_777 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1363[01:47:28] *** Joins: algerienne (algerienne@replaced-ip)
1364[01:47:28] <De]stinY-> Oh my God algerienne How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6275 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1365[01:47:34] *** Quits: G3iiler26 (G3iiler26@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1366[01:47:43] <bene20> wer will camen ?
1367[01:47:43] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 bene20 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
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1372[01:48:10] *** Quits: Luciano (Luciano@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1373[01:48:12] <Papa44> 01tochter will sich nicht bangen lassen replaced-url
1374[01:48:17] *** Joins: Andreas^^ (Andreas^^@replaced-ip)
1375[01:48:17] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Andreas^^ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6276 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1380[01:48:39] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Micha17 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6277 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1381[01:49:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1382[01:49:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1383[01:49:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1384[01:49:34] *** Parts: ^AGAIN-SINGLE (^AGAIN-SINGLE@replaced-ip)
1385[01:49:40] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1386[01:49:41] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
1387[01:49:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1388[01:50:26] <perveeers62> huhu junge teens hier die mit einem opa schreiben möchten ??? vielleicht auch mehr bitte melden bei interesse
1389[01:50:26] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 perveeers62 14- Wie geht's dir?
1390[01:50:28] *** Joins: Felix35HH (Felix35HH@replaced-ip)
1391[01:50:29] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Felix35HH How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6278 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1392[01:50:30] *** emi_87}away is now known as emi_87
1393[01:50:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1394[01:50:55] *** Joins: Zuercher (zuercher@replaced-ip)
1395[01:50:55] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Zuercher How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6279 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1396[01:51:08] *** Quits: Zuercher (zuercher@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - ##replaced-url
1397[01:51:16] <Papa44> 01tochter will sich nicht bangen lassen replaced-url
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1400[01:52:09] *** Joins: kai (Guest@replaced-ip)
1401[01:52:09] <De]stinY-> Oh my God kai How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6280 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1402[01:52:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1406[01:52:51] <De]stinY-> Oh my God 687AK0OJ3 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6281 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1407[01:52:56] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1408[01:53:08] *** kai is now known as Guest19032
1409[01:53:42] *** Quits: 687AK0OJ3 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1410[01:53:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1411[01:53:53] <Papa44> 01tochter will sich nicht bangen lassen replaced-url
1412[01:54:04] *** Joins: AndyNds (AndyNds@replaced-ip)
1413[01:54:04] <De]stinY-> Oh my God AndyNds How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6282 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1414[01:54:05] *** Quits: Guest_777 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1415[01:54:40] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1416[01:54:45] *** Joins: tamara (tamara@replaced-ip)
1417[01:54:45] <De]stinY-> Oh my God tamara How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6283 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1421[01:55:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1422[01:55:16] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1425[01:56:02] *** Quits: AndyNds (AndyNds@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1429[01:56:15] <De]stinY-> Oh my God sweet_18boy How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6284 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1430[01:56:17] <sweet_18boy> replaced-url
1431[01:56:18] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 sweet_18boy 14- Wie geht's dir?
1432[01:56:24] <sweet_18boy> replaced-url
1433[01:56:24] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 sweet_18boy 14- Wie geht's dir?
1434[01:56:26] *** Joins: bene20 (bene20@replaced-ip)
1435[01:56:26] <De]stinY-> Ohh, bene20 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6285 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 01:56:25
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1440[01:57:11] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Mark685 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6286 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1443[01:57:16] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1444[01:57:25] *** Quits: BrutalER (BrutalER@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1446[01:58:18] *** Quits: Guest_536 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1447[01:58:41] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1448[01:59:44] *** Quits: jo_89 (jo_89@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1449[01:59:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1450[02:00:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1451[02:00:20] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
1452[02:00:20] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6287 who joined #german > It's your 10. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:00:20
1453[02:00:37] *** Quits: SugarDadFuerW (SugarDadFuerW@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1454[02:01:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1455[02:01:25] *** Quits: ZanZi (sag@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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1457[02:01:34] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_441 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6288 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1458[02:01:41] *** Quits: Felix35HH (Felix35HH@replaced-ip) (Quit: Verlassend)
1459[02:01:42] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1460[02:01:53] *** Joins: nachtengel (nachtengel@replaced-ip)
1461[02:01:53] <De]stinY-> Oh my God nachtengel How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6289 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1462[02:01:54] *** Joins: Mark685 (Mark685@replaced-ip)
1463[02:01:54] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder austauschen bin auch w replaced-url
1464[02:01:54] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Mark685 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6290 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:01:55
1465[02:01:54] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1466[02:01:55] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder austauschen bin auch w replaced-url
1467[02:01:55] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1468[02:01:56] <TinaSexyBi25_96> suche w zum bilder austauschen bin auch w replaced-url
1469[02:01:56] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 TinaSexyBi25_96 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1470[02:01:59] *** Parts: Mark685 (Mark685@replaced-ip)
1471[02:02:08] *** Quits: TinaSexyBi25_96 (TinaSexyBi25@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1474[02:02:26] <De]stinY-> Ohh, ZanZi the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6291 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:02:27
1475[02:02:35] *** Quits: Jenny13 (Jenny13@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1476[02:02:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1477[02:02:53] *** Quits: zicke (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1478[02:03:01] <emi_87> die verbeitet ja immernoch ihr geklautes bild tzz
1479[02:03:01] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 emi_87 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
1480[02:03:14] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1481[02:03:15] <Camgirl_TG> 04::
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1484[02:04:09] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest_777 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6292 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:04:10
1485[02:04:10] <ZanZi> 4Good Night
1486[02:04:15] *** Quits: ZanZi (sag@replaced-ip) (Quit: Da macht man ein Programm idiotensicher, und schon gibt es wieder neue, noch bessere Idioten.)
1487[02:05:02] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1488[02:05:11] *** Joins: Daniel92 (Daniel92@replaced-ip)
1489[02:05:11] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Daniel92 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6293 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:05:12
1490[02:05:13] *** Parts: Daniel92 (Daniel92@replaced-ip)
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1493[02:05:14] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Regina the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6294 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:05:14
1494[02:05:31] *** Joins: can_cel (can_cel@replaced-ip)
1495[02:05:31] <De]stinY-> Oh my God can_cel How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6295 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1497[02:05:38] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1498[02:06:06] <Regina> auch scheiss werbung
1499[02:06:06] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 Regina 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
1500[02:06:41] * taneya 12,4I11st 12m11eine 12G11raka 12d11efect ? 13,15*Standbild*
1501[02:07:58] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1502[02:08:13] *** Regina is now known as Guest23521
1503[02:08:18] *** Joins: Aksel (Aksel@replaced-ip)
1504[02:08:18] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Aksel How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6296 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1505[02:08:26] *** Parts: Joss (Joss@replaced-ip)
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1509[02:08:52] <De]stinY-> Ohh, StrengerTrainer the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6297 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:08:53
1510[02:08:52] <Susanne17> (nose)
1511[02:09:02] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1512[02:09:14] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1513[02:09:19] <HanneS_> ne w da die normal chatten mag =)?
1514[02:09:19] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 HanneS_ 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
1515[02:09:22] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1516[02:09:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1517[02:09:40] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
1518[02:09:51] <HanneS_> bla
1519[02:09:56] *** Joins: Thomas (Thomas@replaced-ip)
1520[02:09:56] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Thomas How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6298 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1523[02:10:42] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Mark685 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6299 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:10:42
1524[02:10:45] *** Parts: Mark685 (Mark685@replaced-ip)
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1527[02:11:12] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Mark685 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6300 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:11:13
1528[02:11:14] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1529[02:11:53] *** Quits: Dessau (Facebook@replaced-ip) (Quit: Wir sehen uns bald wieder, bis dann ..)
1530[02:12:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1531[02:12:54] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1532[02:12:55] *** Thomas is now known as Guest97222
1533[02:13:10] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1534[02:13:56] *** Joins: Cassieguest (Cassieguest@replaced-ip)
1535[02:13:56] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Cassieguest How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6301 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1540[02:15:15] <Camgirl_TG> 04..
1541[02:15:48] *** Joins: Christian27 (Christian27@replaced-ip)
1542[02:15:48] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Christian27 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6302 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:15:49
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1545[02:15:56] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Mark685 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6303 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:15:56
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1547[02:15:56] <De]stinY-> Ohh, nack-ter-Alex the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6304 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:15:56
1548[02:15:58] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1552[02:16:51] *** Parts: Mark685 (Mark685@replaced-ip)
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1555[02:18:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Jonas How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6305 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1556[02:18:06] *** Joins: M_Morocco (M_Morocco@replaced-ip)
1557[02:18:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God M_Morocco How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6306 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1558[02:18:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1563[02:19:03] <De]stinY-> Oh my God bobby How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6307 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1564[02:19:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1565[02:19:17] *** Parts: bobby (bobby@replaced-ip)
1566[02:19:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1567[02:19:54] *** Joins: amm (Me@replaced-ip)
1568[02:19:54] <De]stinY-> Oh my God amm How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6308 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1571[02:20:19] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Marwa the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6309 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:20:19
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1574[02:20:35] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6310 who joined #german > It's your 11. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:20:36
1575[02:20:45] *** Joins: R0bina (guest0815@replaced-ip)
1576[02:20:45] <De]stinY-> Oh my God R0bina How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6311 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1578[02:20:47] <De]stinY-> Oh my God algert How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6312 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1579[02:20:57] *** Joins: Guest38062 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1580[02:20:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest38062 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6313 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1583[02:21:36] <R0bina> gutwen
1584[02:21:37] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 R0bina 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
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1588[02:22:02] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Liebe_w How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6314 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1589[02:22:05] *** Parts: algert (algert@replaced-ip)
1590[02:22:39] <R0bina> gerne doch Herr HanneS_
1591[02:22:39] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 R0bina 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
1592[02:22:45] *** Joins: Nackter (Nackter@replaced-ip)
1593[02:22:45] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Nackter the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6315 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:22:45
1594[02:22:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1595[02:23:11] <R0bina> mach mal
1596[02:23:11] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 R0bina 14"
1597[02:23:11] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 R0bina 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
1598[02:23:11] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 R0bina 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
1599[02:23:11] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 R0bina 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
1600[02:23:52] *** Parts: Nackter (Nackter@replaced-ip)
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1602[02:24:36] <De]stinY-> Oh my God nochwach How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6316 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1603[02:24:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1604[02:24:58] *** Joins: Guest_150_715 (Guest_150@replaced-ip)
1605[02:24:58] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_150_715 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6317 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1606[02:25:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1607[02:25:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1608[02:25:28] <GeilerLuderTG25> ....
1609[02:26:21] *** Quits: Marwa (Marwa@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1610[02:26:23] <Dad2Toech> hallo
1611[02:26:23] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 Dad2Toech 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
1612[02:26:24] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Dad2Toech 14- Wie geht's dir?
1613[02:26:27] *** Joins: Nitrox (Nitrox@replaced-ip)
1614[02:26:27] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Nitrox How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6318 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1619[02:26:36] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_170 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6319 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1620[02:26:53] <Dad2Toech> dstiny alter Naziblockwart
1621[02:26:53] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Dad2Toech 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
1622[02:27:00] *** Quits: Susanne17 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1623[02:27:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1628[02:28:08] *** Joins: Dario (Dario@replaced-ip)
1629[02:28:08] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Dario How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6320 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1630[02:28:10] *** Joins: Braznschweiger (androirc@replaced-ip)
1631[02:28:10] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Braznschweiger How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6321 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1632[02:28:52] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
1633[02:28:52] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6322 who joined #german > It's your 6. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:28:53
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1635[02:29:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1636[02:29:04] *** Joins: McDreamy (McDreamy@replaced-ip)
1637[02:29:04] <De]stinY-> Oh my God McDreamy How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6323 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1638[02:29:09] *** Parts: McDreamy (McDreamy@replaced-ip)
1639[02:29:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1640[02:29:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1641[02:29:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1642[02:30:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1643[02:30:05] *** Joins: Sims (Sims@replaced-ip)
1644[02:30:05] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Sims How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6324 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1645[02:30:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1646[02:30:58] *** Parts: Sims (Sims@replaced-ip)
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1648[02:31:31] *** Quits: Braznschweiger (androirc@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1649[02:31:34] <Camgirl_TG> 04huhuhuhuhuhuhu
1650[02:31:37] *** Joins: Braznschweiger (androirc@replaced-ip)
1651[02:31:37] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Braznschweiger the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6325 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:31:37
1652[02:31:40] *** Joins: Marwa (Marwa@replaced-ip)
1653[02:31:40] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Marwa the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6326 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:31:40
1654[02:31:45] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
1655[02:31:45] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6327 who joined #german > It's your 12. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:31:45
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1657[02:32:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1658[02:32:17] *** Parts: nack-ter-Alex (nack-ter-Alex@replaced-ip)
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1660[02:32:38] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Sims the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6328 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:32:39
1661[02:33:06] *** Joins: Tom37 (Tom37@replaced-ip)
1662[02:33:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Tom37 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6329 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1664[02:33:18] <De]stinY-> Ohh, nack-ter-Alex the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6330 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:33:19
1665[02:33:18] *** Parts: Sims (Sims@replaced-ip)
1666[02:33:53] *** Parts: nack-ter-Alex (nack-ter-Alex@replaced-ip)
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1669[02:34:13] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Demise How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6331 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1670[02:34:17] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1671[02:34:37] *** Parts: Demise (denise@replaced-ip)
1672[02:34:45] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1673[02:35:00] *** Parts: Mushrum (never@replaced-ip)
1674[02:35:24] *** Joins: nack-ter-Alex (nack-ter-Alex@replaced-ip)
1675[02:35:24] <De]stinY-> Ohh, nack-ter-Alex the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6332 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:35:25
1676[02:35:26] *** Parts: TangaBoy21 (TangaBoy21@replaced-ip)
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1678[02:35:52] <De]stinY-> Ohh, bene20 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6333 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:35:53
1679[02:35:58] *** Joins: Thomas24 (Thomas24@replaced-ip)
1680[02:35:58] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Thomas24 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6334 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1681[02:36:01] <bene20> jemand lust auf camen ?
1682[02:36:03] *** Joins: Andreask (Andreask@replaced-ip)
1683[02:36:03] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Andreask How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6335 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1684[02:36:05] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1685[02:36:06] *** Joins: Sharter (Sharter@replaced-ip)
1686[02:36:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Sharter How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6336 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1687[02:36:17] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1688[02:36:22] *** Quits: FreiburgER_Sexy (FreiburgER_Sexy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1689[02:36:29] *** Parts: Thomas24 (Thomas24@replaced-ip)
1690[02:36:32] <Sharter> Hallo liebe Neger
1691[02:36:32] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 Sharter 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
1692[02:36:33] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Sharter 14- Wie geht's dir?
1693[02:36:39] *** Quits: Hallo (Hallo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1694[02:37:18] *** Joins: abc (abc@replaced-ip)
1695[02:37:18] <De]stinY-> Oh my God abc How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6337 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1696[02:37:41] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1697[02:37:44] *** Joins: stefanHH (stefanHH@replaced-ip)
1698[02:37:44] <De]stinY-> Oh my God stefanHH How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6338 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1699[02:37:45] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1700[02:37:45] *** Joins: Zuercher (zuercher@replaced-ip)
1701[02:37:45] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Zuercher the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6339 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:37:46
1702[02:37:50] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
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1704[02:38:26] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 Sharter 14....
1705[02:38:27] <abc> pic tausch von w prv melden
1706[02:38:27] <De]stinY-> 14Oh,9 abc 14erhält folgende Urkunde: Größter Rosetten-Jäger des IRC und wird nun getauft zur: "Super-Rosette"
1707[02:38:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1708[02:38:44] *** Quits: Marwa (Marwa@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1709[02:38:45] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1710[02:39:46] *** Joins: guyinpantyhose (guyinpantyhose@replaced-ip)
1711[02:39:46] <De]stinY-> Oh my God guyinpantyhose How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6340 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1712[02:39:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1713[02:40:14] <abc> pic tausch von geilen w
1714[02:40:14] <De]stinY-> 14Oh,9 abc 14erhält folgende Urkunde: Größter Rosetten-Jäger des IRC und wird nun getauft zur: "Super-Rosette"
1715[02:40:20] *** Parts: guyinpantyhose (guyinpantyhose@replaced-ip)
1716[02:40:28] *** Joins: Marion21hund (Marion21hund@replaced-ip)
1717[02:40:28] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Marion21hund How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6341 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1718[02:40:47] <Sharter> De]stinY
1719[02:40:47] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Sharter 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
1720[02:40:49] <Sharter> De]stinY
1721[02:40:49] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Sharter 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
1722[02:40:51] *** Quits: abc (abc@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1723[02:40:54] *** Joins: Marc_ (Marc_@replaced-ip)
1724[02:40:54] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Marc_ the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6342 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:40:55
1725[02:41:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1726[02:41:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1727[02:41:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1728[02:41:45] *** Joins: Sims (Sims@replaced-ip)
1729[02:41:45] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Sims the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6343 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:41:46
1730[02:42:10] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Sharter 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
1731[02:42:32] *** Parts: Sims (Sims@replaced-ip)
1732[02:42:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1733[02:42:39] *** Quits: nochwach (nochwach@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1734[02:42:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1735[02:43:05] <bene20> hat jemand lust noch zu camen ?
1736[02:43:05] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 bene20 14- Wie geht's dir?
1737[02:43:18] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1740[02:43:29] <De]stinY-> Ohh, taneya_ the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6344 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:43:30
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1747[02:44:25] <De]stinY-> Ohh, emi_87 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6345 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:44:25
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1749[02:44:41] *** taneya_ is now known as taneya
1750[02:45:01] <R0bina> hi ) Liebe_w
1751[02:45:01] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 R0bina 14:-)
1752[02:45:01] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 R0bina 14?
1753[02:45:01] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 R0bina 14- Wie geht's dir?
1754[02:45:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1755[02:45:26] *** Joins: RS-Mann (Guest@replaced-ip)
1756[02:45:28] <De]stinY-> Oh my God RS-Mann How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6346 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1757[02:45:45] <Liebe_w> hi ~ R0bina ~
1758[02:45:45] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 Liebe_w 14:-)
1759[02:45:45] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 Liebe_w 14?
1760[02:45:45] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Liebe_w 14- Wie geht's dir?
1761[02:45:53] <R0bina> omg,das ist ja vedammt gruselig hier geworden...
1762[02:45:53] <De]stinY-> 14Nix Oh-Mein-Gott9 R0bina 14! Das heißt seid gegrüßt, großer Meister9 De]stinY- 14!!!
1763[02:45:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1764[02:45:53] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 R0bina 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
1765[02:46:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1766[02:46:04] *** Joins: GutGebauterNrw (GutGebauterNrw@replaced-ip)
1767[02:46:04] <De]stinY-> Oh my God GutGebauterNrw How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6347 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1770[02:46:11] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Braznschweiger the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6348 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:46:12
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1773[02:46:22] <De]stinY-> Oh my God schlaflos How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6349 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1774[02:46:30] *** Parts: stefanHH (stefanHH@replaced-ip)
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1778[02:46:43] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Englanderin How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6350 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1779[02:46:55] *** Quits: RS-Mann (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1780[02:46:57] <Liebe_w> japp ~ R0bina ~
1781[02:47:05] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1782[02:47:05] <R0bina> weiAAAA
1783[02:47:06] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 R0bina 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1784[02:47:13] *** Parts: Dario (Dario@replaced-ip)
1785[02:47:19] <Liebe_w> wer bissen du kenn ~ ich ~ dich
1786[02:47:19] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Liebe_w 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1787[02:47:32] *** Joins: Loredanaax (Loredanaax@replaced-ip)
1788[02:47:32] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Loredanaax How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6351 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1789[02:47:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1790[02:47:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1791[02:47:46] <R0bina> jaPPS HERR bOT KNALLmax
1792[02:48:16] <R0bina> idi
1793[02:48:16] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 R0bina 14....
1794[02:48:22] *** Joins: joss (joss@replaced-ip)
1795[02:48:22] <De]stinY-> Ohh, joss the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6352 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:48:23
1796[02:48:26] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
1797[02:48:26] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6353 who joined #german > It's your 13. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:48:26
1798[02:48:55] *** Parts: joss (joss@replaced-ip)
1799[02:49:05] <R0bina> geht mal kurz pm? Liebe_w ?
1800[02:49:05] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 R0bina 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
1801[02:49:05] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1802[02:49:07] *** Joins: beautifulfeet26 (beautifulfeet26@replaced-ip)
1803[02:49:07] <De]stinY-> Oh my God beautifulfeet26 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6354 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1804[02:49:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1805[02:49:39] *** Joins: slaveMale4Fem (abcd@replaced-ip)
1806[02:49:40] <De]stinY-> Oh my God slaveMale4Fem How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6355 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1807[02:50:01] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1808[02:50:16] *** Quits: Loredanaax (Loredanaax@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1812[02:50:38] <De]stinY-> Oh my God playgirl How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6356 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1813[02:51:17] *** Joins: rachid83 (rachid83@replaced-ip)
1814[02:51:17] <De]stinY-> Oh my God rachid83 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6357 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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1817[02:51:57] <De]stinY-> 14Der/die9 Jan_ 14klaut Rentnern die Rolatoren..
1818[02:52:03] *** Quits: Anni17 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1819[02:52:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1820[02:53:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1821[02:54:22] *** Quits: Marion21hund (Marion21hund@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1822[02:54:41] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1823[02:55:00] *** Joins: inigo (divo@replaced-ip)
1824[02:55:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God inigo How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6358 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1825[02:55:09] *** Parts: inigo (divo@replaced-ip)
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1829[02:55:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1830[02:55:58] *** Quits: Marc_ (Marc_@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1833[02:56:21] *** Joins: MalleinerTo11BH (MalleinerTo11BH@replaced-ip)
1834[02:56:21] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MalleinerTo11BH the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6359 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 02:56:21
1835[02:56:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1836[02:57:05] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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1840[02:57:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1841[02:58:12] *** Quits: Jonas_29 (Jonas_29@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1844[02:58:47] *** Joins: Guest_12 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1845[02:58:47] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_12 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6360 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1846[02:59:10] *** Joins: Frank_47 (Frank_47@replaced-ip)
1847[02:59:10] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Frank_47 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6361 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1848[02:59:28] *** Quits: Guest_12 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1850[02:59:55] <De]stinY-> Oh my God kinng_ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6362 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1851[03:00:25] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1852[03:00:26] *** Quits: schlaflos (schlaflos@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1853[03:01:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1854[03:01:34] *** Joins: sexylady (sexylady@replaced-ip)
1855[03:01:35] <De]stinY-> Oh my God sexylady How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6363 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1856[03:02:43] *** Quits: Boxershorts_M (Badehose_M@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
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1859[03:03:14] <De]stinY-> Oh my God JayTee1 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6364 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1860[03:03:28] *** Quits: thomas_tattoo (thomas_tattoo@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1861[03:03:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1862[03:03:56] *** Quits: Englanderin (Englanderin@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1863[03:03:59] *** Quits: JayTee1 (JayTee@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
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1868[03:04:46] <De]stinY-> Oh my God kleinerSchwan How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6365 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1869[03:04:56] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1870[03:05:16] *** Parts: R0bina (guest0815@replaced-ip)
1871[03:05:18] *** Joins: Smookie (sag@replaced-ip)
1872[03:05:18] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Smookie How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6366 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1873[03:06:06] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
1874[03:06:06] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6367 who joined #german > It's your 14. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:06:06
1875[03:06:32] *** Quits: M54_soloNordhes (M54_soloNordhes@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1876[03:06:57] *** Joins: lesSarah (lesSarah@replaced-ip)
1877[03:06:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God lesSarah How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6368 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1878[03:06:59] *** Parts: lesSarah (lesSarah@replaced-ip)
1879[03:07:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1880[03:07:06] *** Joins: lesSarah (lesSarah@replaced-ip)
1881[03:07:06] <De]stinY-> Ohh, lesSarah the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6369 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:07:07
1882[03:07:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1883[03:07:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1884[03:08:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1885[03:09:52] *** Quits: ICH (ICH@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1886[03:10:08] *** Joins: melyyy94 (melyyy94@replaced-ip)
1887[03:10:08] <De]stinY-> Oh my God melyyy94 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6370 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1888[03:10:09] *** Joins: sportlicher (sportlicher@replaced-ip)
1889[03:10:10] <De]stinY-> Oh my God sportlicher How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6371 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1890[03:10:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1891[03:10:21] *** Quits: Guest_441 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1894[03:10:38] <De]stinY-> Oh my God nick123 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6372 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1895[03:11:03] *** Quits: Pferd (Pferd@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1896[03:11:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1897[03:11:20] *** Quits: me_917 (Me@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1898[03:11:27] *** Joins: Geraldine (Geraldine@replaced-ip)
1899[03:11:27] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Geraldine How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6373 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1900[03:11:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1901[03:11:48] *** Parts: nick123 (nick123@replaced-ip)
1902[03:12:13] *** Quits: MalleinerTo11BH (MalleinerTo11BH@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1903[03:13:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1904[03:13:10] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
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1907[03:14:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1908[03:14:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1909[03:14:07] *** Quits: Braznschweiger (androirc@replaced-ip##) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ##replaced-url
1910[03:14:15] *** Joins: Propain82 (androirc@replaced-ip)
1911[03:14:15] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Propain82 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6374 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1912[03:14:21] <Dad2Toech> hallo
1913[03:14:21] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 Dad2Toech 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
1914[03:14:22] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Dad2Toech 14- Wie geht's dir?
1915[03:15:58] *** Joins: Mann45 (Mann45@replaced-ip)
1916[03:15:58] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Mann45 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6375 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:15:58
1917[03:16:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1918[03:16:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1919[03:16:33] *** Joins: inigo (divo@replaced-ip)
1920[03:16:33] <De]stinY-> Ohh, inigo the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6376 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:16:34
1921[03:16:35] *** Quits: Geraldine (Geraldine@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1922[03:16:42] <inigo> /server
1923[03:16:46] *** Parts: inigo (divo@replaced-ip)
1924[03:16:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1925[03:17:07] <Nitrox> nur vollpfosten hier
1926[03:17:07] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 Nitrox 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
1927[03:17:10] <Nitrox> ^^
1928[03:17:20] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1929[03:17:21] *** Joins: AndySoloNordhes (AndySoloNordhes@replaced-ip)
1930[03:17:21] <De]stinY-> Oh my God AndySoloNordhes How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6377 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1931[03:17:50] *** Quits: MANN29 (MANN29@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1932[03:17:57] <Nitrox> Serwas
1933[03:17:57] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 Nitrox 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1934[03:18:44] <Nitrox> what gehtn
1935[03:18:44] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Nitrox 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1936[03:19:15] <Nitrox> Serwas
1937[03:19:15] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 Nitrox 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1938[03:19:17] <Nitrox> ^^
1939[03:19:19] <Nitrox> :P
1940[03:19:42] *** Joins: Shaewen (Shaewen@replaced-ip)
1941[03:19:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Shaewen How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6378 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
1942[03:19:52] <Nitrox> KENNST an Krocha song
1943[03:19:52] <De]stinY-> 14Alter,9 Nitrox 14verkleidet seinen Staubsauger wie R2D2 aus Starwars und steckt seine Nudel rein.
1944[03:19:53] <Nitrox> ^^
1945[03:20:09] *** Joins: Sims (Sims@replaced-ip)
1946[03:20:09] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Sims the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6379 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:20:09
1947[03:20:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1948[03:20:35] <Nitrox> wast wos a krocha is
1949[03:20:35] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Nitrox 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1950[03:20:57] <Nitrox> i was des heit nemma
1951[03:20:58] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 Nitrox 14....
1952[03:21:06] *** Quits: sara11 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
1953[03:21:29] *** Quits: Shaewen (Shaewen@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1954[03:22:16] *** Parts: Sims (Sims@replaced-ip)
1955[03:22:22] *** Quits: can_cel (can_cel@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1956[03:22:26] <Nitrox> olle am penna oda am schnaxseln xD
1957[03:22:26] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 Nitrox 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
1958[03:22:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1959[03:22:43] <kleinerSchwan> sog oida host moi wieda wos vom hanswuast gheat?
1960[03:22:43] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 kleinerSchwan 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1961[03:23:01] <Nitrox> NA
1962[03:23:01] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 Nitrox 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
1963[03:23:07] <Nitrox> WASST
1964[03:23:07] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Nitrox 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
1965[03:23:16] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 Nitrox 14....
1966[03:23:22] <kleinerSchwan> schod
1967[03:23:22] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 kleinerSchwan 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
1968[03:23:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1969[03:23:37] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
1970[03:23:37] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6380 who joined #german > It's your 15. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:23:37
1971[03:23:41] <Nitrox> BIST DU DA PATRICK
1972[03:23:51] <kleinerSchwan> joob
1973[03:23:51] <De]stinY-> 14Na endlich9 kleinerSchwan 14! Verpiss dich und mach die Tür von außen zu.
1974[03:23:58] <Nitrox> ahh serwas
1975[03:23:58] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 Nitrox 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
1976[03:24:05] <kleinerSchwan> ;)
1977[03:24:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1978[03:24:11] <kleinerSchwan> kaun ned schlofn
1979[03:24:12] <De]stinY-> 14Alter,9 kleinerSchwan 14verkleidet seinen Staubsauger wie R2D2 aus Starwars und steckt seine Nudel rein.
1980[03:24:26] <Nitrox> i ka a ned schlofa
1981[03:24:26] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 Nitrox 14....
1982[03:24:27] <kleinerSchwan> ziagm grod n kaffee eine
1983[03:24:30] <Liebe_w> HuHu ~ kleinerSchwan ~
1984[03:24:30] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Liebe_w 14- Wie geht's dir?
1985[03:24:41] <kleinerSchwan> hey gmliebe
1986[03:24:41] <De]stinY-> 14Hey9 kleinerSchwan 14schonmal aus dem Spülkasten gesoffen?!
1987[03:24:41] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 kleinerSchwan 14- Wie geht's dir?
1988[03:24:53] <Nitrox> i hob zuviel RedBull gsuffa
1989[03:24:53] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 Nitrox 14....
1990[03:24:57] <Nitrox> ^^
1991[03:25:05] *** Quits: Bruno45 (Bruno45@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1992[03:25:18] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 kleinerSchwan 14- Wie geht's dir?
1993[03:25:29] <kleinerSchwan> de summa edit.?
1994[03:25:29] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 kleinerSchwan 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
1995[03:25:39] <Nitrox> na nod ned
1996[03:25:39] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 Nitrox 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
1997[03:25:40] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
1998[03:25:49] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 kleinerSchwan 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
1999[03:26:00] <Nitrox> hob grad eba a bier gsoffa
2000[03:26:00] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Nitrox 14- Wie geht's dir?
2001[03:26:03] <kleinerSchwan> des is guat
2002[03:26:03] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 kleinerSchwan 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
2003[03:26:04] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2004[03:26:47] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
2005[03:26:54] <kleinerSchwan> i brauch amoi a tschick
2006[03:26:54] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 kleinerSchwan 14....
2007[03:26:57] *** Joins: Guest_m_ (Guest_m_@replaced-ip)
2008[03:26:57] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest_m_ the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6381 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:26:57
2009[03:27:05] *** Parts: tr-5 (tr-5@replaced-ip)
2010[03:27:10] <Nitrox> brauchst a olle
2011[03:27:17] <De]stinY-> 14Nix Oh-Mein-Gott9 Guest_m_ 14! Das heißt seid gegrüßt, großer Meister9 De]stinY- 14!!!
2012[03:27:17] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 Guest_m_ 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2013[03:27:33] <kleinerSchwan> a zigrettn
2014[03:27:33] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 kleinerSchwan 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
2015[03:27:34] *** Quits: sportlicher (sportlicher@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2016[03:27:38] <Nitrox> i hob gnuag vo de ollen
2017[03:27:38] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 Nitrox 14....
2018[03:28:01] <kleinerSchwan> ollen?
2019[03:28:01] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 kleinerSchwan 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2020[03:28:06] <Nitrox> as leben is ohne an weib vui schenna
2021[03:28:06] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 Nitrox 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
2022[03:28:12] <Guest_m_> bye bye zusammmen
2023[03:28:12] <De]stinY-> 14Einen scheiß Tag wünsch ich dir9 Guest_m_ 14!
2024[03:28:14] *** Joins: Celine (Celine@replaced-ip)
2025[03:28:14] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Celine How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6382 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2026[03:28:20] *** Parts: Guest_m_ (Guest_m_@replaced-ip)
2027[03:28:21] <kleinerSchwan> ah joh voi
2028[03:28:21] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 kleinerSchwan 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
2029[03:28:31] <kleinerSchwan> s bessa so
2030[03:28:31] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 kleinerSchwan 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2031[03:28:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2032[03:29:16] <Nitrox> glab de kemman mit unserem dialekt ne klar wei kanna mehr was sagt
2033[03:29:17] <Nitrox> ^^
2034[03:29:40] <kleinerSchwan> wea isn no do?
2035[03:29:40] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 kleinerSchwan 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2036[03:29:43] *** Quits: Celine (Celine@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2037[03:29:47] <Nitrox> ka
2038[03:29:47] <De]stinY-> 14Alter,9 Nitrox 14verkleidet seinen Staubsauger wie R2D2 aus Starwars und steckt seine Nudel rein.
2039[03:29:54] *** Parts: GutGebauterNrw (GutGebauterNrw@replaced-ip)
2040[03:29:57] *** Joins: _T-Virus_ (androirc@replaced-ip)
2041[03:29:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God _T-Virus_ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6383 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2042[03:30:00] <Nitrox> i bin eh zua wia haus
2043[03:30:01] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 Nitrox 14....
2044[03:30:08] <_T-Virus_> 6:1
2045[03:30:09] <Nitrox> ^^
2046[03:30:11] <kleinerSchwan> ^^
2047[03:30:23] *** Joins: JIM_861 (JIM@replaced-ip)
2048[03:30:23] <De]stinY-> Oh my God JIM_861 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6384 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2049[03:30:27] *** Joins: ICH (ICH@replaced-ip)
2050[03:30:28] <De]stinY-> Ohh, ICH the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6385 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:30:28
2051[03:30:36] *** Joins: Brutal (Brutal@replaced-ip)
2052[03:30:36] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Brutal How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6386 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2053[03:30:40] <kleinerSchwan> jetz scho in olla herrgotts fruah?
2054[03:31:34] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 kleinerSchwan 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2055[03:31:39] *** Quits: _T-Virus_ (androirc@replaced-ip##) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ##replaced-url
2056[03:31:59] <Nitrox> i glab i zock no a rund
2057[03:31:59] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 Nitrox 14....
2058[03:32:07] *** Joins: Rosi56j (Guest@replaced-ip)
2059[03:32:07] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Rosi56j How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6387 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2060[03:32:12] *** Joins: karl-heinz (karl-heinz@replaced-ip)
2061[03:32:12] <De]stinY-> Oh my God karl-heinz How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6388 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2062[03:32:12] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 kleinerSchwan 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2063[03:32:43] <Nitrox> ka muas er ma schaua ob is no zamm bring
2064[03:32:43] <De]stinY-> 14Alter,9 Nitrox 14verkleidet seinen Staubsauger wie R2D2 aus Starwars und steckt seine Nudel rein.
2065[03:32:51] <Nitrox> so zua wia i bin
2066[03:32:51] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 Nitrox 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2067[03:32:53] <Nitrox> ^^
2068[03:32:58] <kleinerSchwan> ;)
2069[03:33:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2070[03:33:18] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 kleinerSchwan 14....
2071[03:33:34] <kleinerSchwan> is zw oid awa guat
2072[03:33:34] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 kleinerSchwan 14....
2073[03:33:36] <Nitrox> joa isa guats game
2074[03:33:36] <De]stinY-> 14Na endlich9 Nitrox 14! Verpiss dich und mach die Tür von außen zu.
2075[03:33:36] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2076[03:33:37] <kleinerSchwan> a
2077[03:33:37] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 kleinerSchwan 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
2078[03:33:52] <kleinerSchwan> ;)
2079[03:34:08] <kleinerSchwan> i wead no an kaffee mochn
2080[03:34:08] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 kleinerSchwan 14....
2081[03:34:11] <Nitrox> oide games san immer no de bestn
2082[03:34:11] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 Nitrox 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2083[03:34:19] <kleinerSchwan> + a zigrettn rauchn
2084[03:34:31] <kleinerSchwan> voi sog i a
2085[03:34:44] *** Joins: Sims (Sims@replaced-ip)
2086[03:34:44] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Sims the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6389 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:34:45
2087[03:34:46] <Nitrox> don basts jo
2088[03:34:46] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Nitrox 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
2089[03:34:47] *** Joins: MalleinerTo11BH (MalleinerTo11BH@replaced-ip)
2090[03:34:47] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MalleinerTo11BH the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6390 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:34:47
2091[03:34:58] *** Quits: MalleinerTo11BH (MalleinerTo11BH@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2092[03:35:06] *** Joins: boy20_418 (boy20@replaced-ip)
2093[03:35:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God boy20_418 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6391 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2094[03:35:11] <kleinerSchwan> i bin moi kuaz an kaffee mochn
2095[03:35:11] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 kleinerSchwan 14....
2096[03:35:24] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2097[03:35:26] *** Joins: MalleinerTo11BH (MalleinerTo11BH@replaced-ip)
2098[03:35:26] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MalleinerTo11BH the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6392 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:35:26
2099[03:35:56] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2100[03:36:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2101[03:36:16] *** Joins: Smookie_60 (sag@replaced-ip)
2102[03:36:16] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Smookie_60 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6393 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2103[03:36:20] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2104[03:37:23] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
2105[03:37:23] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6394 who joined #german > It's your 16. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:37:23
2106[03:37:26] *** Quits: Hengst24 (Hengst24@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2109[03:37:31] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest79276 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6395 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2110[03:37:36] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2111[03:37:40] *** Quits: Tom37 (Tom37@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2112[03:37:44] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2113[03:38:19] <boy20_418> hi, welchm M darf ich einen..? PN (auch ohne gegenleistung)
2114[03:38:19] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 boy20_418 14:-)
2115[03:38:20] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 boy20_418 14?
2116[03:38:20] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 boy20_418 14- Wie geht's dir?
2117[03:38:43] *** Joins: Nitrox (Nitrox@replaced-ip)
2118[03:38:44] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Nitrox the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6396 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:38:44
2119[03:39:27] <boy20_418> hi, welchm M darf ich einen..? PN (auch ohne gegenleistung)
2120[03:39:27] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 boy20_418 14:-)
2121[03:39:27] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 boy20_418 14?
2122[03:39:27] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 boy20_418 14- Wie geht's dir?
2123[03:39:41] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2125[03:39:43] *** Joins: Englanderin (Englanderin@replaced-ip)
2126[03:39:43] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Englanderin the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6397 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:39:44
2127[03:39:45] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2128[03:39:49] *** Quits: Smookie (sag@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2129[03:40:13] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2130[03:40:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2131[03:40:57] *** Joins: Gerd44 (qtkjzgledqrjsv@replaced-ip)
2132[03:40:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Gerd44 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6398 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2133[03:41:03] <Gerd44> 01replaced-url
2134[03:41:16] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
2135[03:41:22] <boy20_418> hi, welchm M darf ich einen..? PN (auch ohne gegenleistung)
2136[03:41:22] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 boy20_418 14:-)
2137[03:41:22] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 boy20_418 14?
2138[03:41:22] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 boy20_418 14- Wie geht's dir?
2139[03:41:29] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2140[03:41:46] *** Joins: alex_b (alex_b@replaced-ip)
2141[03:41:46] <De]stinY-> Oh my God alex_b How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6399 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2142[03:41:57] *** Joins: Ben (Ben@replaced-ip)
2143[03:41:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Ben How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6400 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2144[03:42:25] <Gerd44> 01replaced-url
2145[03:42:41] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2146[03:42:42] *** Joins: Guest_505 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2147[03:42:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_505 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6401 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2148[03:42:52] *** Quits: olli (olli.@AB06E4.C18ACC.111B09.643849) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2149[03:43:01] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2150[03:43:39] <boy20_418> hi, welchm M darf ich einen..? schreibt PN (auch ohne gegenleistung)
2151[03:43:39] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 boy20_418 14:-)
2152[03:43:39] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 boy20_418 14?
2153[03:43:39] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 boy20_418 14- Wie geht's dir?
2154[03:43:50] *** Quits: [-DevCamBoy4Fem ([-DevCamBoy4Fem@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2155[03:43:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2156[03:44:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2157[03:44:57] *** Joins: teufelchendelux (teufelchen@replaced-ip)
2158[03:44:57] <De]stinY-> Ohh, teufelchendelux the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6402 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:44:58
2159[03:44:59] *** Quits: ICH (ICH@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2160[03:45:08] <boy20_418> hi, welchm M darf ich einen..? schreibt PN (auch ohne gegenleistung)
2161[03:45:09] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 boy20_418 14:-)
2162[03:45:09] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 boy20_418 14?
2163[03:45:09] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 boy20_418 14- Wie geht's dir?
2164[03:45:25] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2165[03:45:54] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2166[03:46:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2167[03:46:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2168[03:48:03] <boy20_418> hi, welchm M darf ich einen..? schreibt PN (auch ohne gegenleistung)
2169[03:48:03] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 boy20_418 14:-)
2170[03:48:03] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 boy20_418 14?
2171[03:48:03] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 boy20_418 14- Wie geht's dir?
2172[03:48:22] <Dad2Toech> hallo
2173[03:48:22] <De]stinY-> 14Hat jemand gesagt, Mülltonne melde dich9 Dad2Toech 14? Nein! Also halt deine Fresse.
2174[03:48:22] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Dad2Toech 14- Wie geht's dir?
2175[03:48:54] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2176[03:49:18] <Gerd44> 01replaced-url
2177[03:49:26] *** Quits: amm (Me@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2178[03:49:54] *** Joins: Max_27 (Max_27@replaced-ip)
2179[03:49:54] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Max_27 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6403 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2180[03:50:49] <boy20_418> hi, welchm M darf ich einen..? schreibt PN (auch ohne gegenleistung)
2181[03:50:49] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 boy20_418 14:-)
2182[03:50:49] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 boy20_418 14?
2183[03:50:49] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 boy20_418 14- Wie geht's dir?
2184[03:51:03] *** Quits: taneya (taneya@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2185[03:51:47] *** Joins: Hengst90 (Hengst90@replaced-ip)
2186[03:51:47] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Hengst90 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6404 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2187[03:52:27] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
2188[03:52:27] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6405 who joined #german > It's your 17. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:52:27
2189[03:52:37] *** Joins: MaxiKing01 (MaxiKing01@replaced-ip)
2190[03:52:37] <De]stinY-> Oh my God MaxiKing01 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6406 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2191[03:52:44] *** Quits: JIM_861 (JIM@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2193[03:53:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2194[03:54:14] *** Joins: Englanderin_404 (Englanderin@replaced-ip)
2195[03:54:14] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Englanderin_404 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6407 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2196[03:54:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2197[03:54:19] *** Parts: Englanderin_404 (Englanderin@replaced-ip)
2198[03:54:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2199[03:54:43] <Gerd44> 01replaced-url
2200[03:54:50] <boy20_418> hi, welchm M darf ich einen..? schreibt PN (auch ohne gegenleistung)
2201[03:54:50] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 boy20_418 14:-)
2202[03:54:50] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 boy20_418 14?
2203[03:54:50] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 boy20_418 14- Wie geht's dir?
2204[03:54:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2205[03:55:00] *** Joins: BoyNichtsAn (BoyNichtsAn@replaced-ip)
2206[03:55:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God BoyNichtsAn How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6408 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2207[03:55:05] *** Joins: LUCIANA (LUCIANA@replaced-ip)
2208[03:55:05] <De]stinY-> Oh my God LUCIANA How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6409 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2212[03:56:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2217[03:56:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2218[03:57:05] *** Joins: Guest45529 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2219[03:57:05] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest45529 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6410 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2220[03:57:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2221[03:57:24] *** Quits: Propain82 (androirc@replaced-ip##) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ##replaced-url
2222[03:57:42] *** Joins: Devil_in_i (androirc@replaced-ip)
2223[03:57:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Devil_in_i How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6411 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2224[03:57:47] <boy20_418> hi, welchm M darf ich einen..? schreibt PN (auch ohne gegenleistung)
2225[03:57:47] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 boy20_418 14:-)
2226[03:57:47] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 boy20_418 14?
2227[03:57:47] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 boy20_418 14- Wie geht's dir?
2228[03:58:03] *** Quits: Englanderin (Englanderin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2229[03:58:20] *** Joins: bene20 (bene20@replaced-ip)
2230[03:58:20] <De]stinY-> Ohh, bene20 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6412 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:58:21
2231[03:58:22] *** Joins: LUCIANA (LUCIANA@replaced-ip)
2232[03:58:22] <De]stinY-> Ohh, LUCIANA the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6413 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:58:23
2233[03:58:32] *** Parts: LUCIANA (LUCIANA@replaced-ip)
2234[03:58:36] <bene20> hat irgendjemand lust zu camen ?
2235[03:58:36] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 bene20 14- Wie geht's dir?
2236[03:58:37] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
2237[03:58:46] *** Joins: LUCIANA (LUCIANA@replaced-ip)
2238[03:58:46] <De]stinY-> Ohh, LUCIANA the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6414 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:58:46
2239[03:58:46] <Gerd44> 01tochter hat gemeckert weil sie gebangt werden soll replaced-url
2240[03:58:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2241[03:59:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2244[03:59:22] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_122 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6415 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2245[03:59:57] *** Joins: Englanderin (Englanderin@replaced-ip)
2246[03:59:57] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Englanderin the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6416 who joined #german > It's your 3. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 03:59:58
2247[03:59:58] *** Quits: Guest_505 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2248[04:00:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2249[04:00:06] *** Quits: Guest_122 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2250[04:00:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2251[04:00:15] *** Quits: Christian27 (Christian27@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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2253[04:00:25] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Christian27 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6417 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:00:26
2254[04:00:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2255[04:00:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2256[04:00:57] *** Joins: Tanja14 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2257[04:00:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Tanja14 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6418 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2258[04:01:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2259[04:01:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2261[04:02:16] *** Quits: Brutal (Brutal@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2262[04:02:47] <bene20> hat irgendjemand lust zu camen ?
2263[04:02:47] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 bene20 14- Wie geht's dir?
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2266[04:02:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Fesselnder How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6419 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2267[04:03:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2270[04:03:33] <De]stinY-> Oh my God dirk44 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6420 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2273[04:04:07] <Gerd44> 01tochter hat gemeckert weil sie gebangt werden soll replaced-url
2274[04:04:09] <dirk44> ...
2275[04:04:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2276[04:05:00] *** Quits: karl-heinz (karl-heinz@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2278[04:05:05] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Neusser How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6421 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2279[04:05:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2280[04:05:46] *** Quits: Mann45 (Mann45@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2283[04:06:28] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Braunschweiger How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6422 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2284[04:06:32] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2285[04:07:03] <Gerd44> 01tochter hat gemeckert weil sie gebangt werden soll replaced-url
2286[04:07:27] *** Quits: Tanja14 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2287[04:07:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2288[04:07:54] *** Joins: Guest_2225 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2289[04:07:54] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_2225 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6423 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2290[04:08:15] *** Joins: dirk44_322 (dirk44@replaced-ip)
2291[04:08:15] <De]stinY-> Oh my God dirk44_322 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6424 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2292[04:09:01] *** Joins: devot_lisa (devot_lisa@replaced-ip)
2293[04:09:01] <De]stinY-> Oh my God devot_lisa How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6425 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2296[04:09:18] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6426 who joined #german > It's your 18. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:09:18
2297[04:09:29] *** Quits: dirk44 (dirk44@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2298[04:09:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2299[04:10:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2300[04:10:07] <dirk44_322>
2301[04:10:21] *** Quits: AndySoloNordhes (AndySoloNordhes@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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2303[04:10:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2304[04:10:48] *** Quits: Englanderin (Englanderin@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2305[04:10:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2306[04:11:48] <dirk44_322> ma eine rauchen
2307[04:11:48] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 dirk44_322 14"
2308[04:11:49] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 dirk44_322 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2309[04:11:49] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 dirk44_322 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2310[04:11:49] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 dirk44_322 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2311[04:11:58] <dirk44_322>
2312[04:12:33] *** Quits: Liebe_w (egal@replaced-ip) (Quit: komme wieder :P)
2313[04:14:14] <dirk44_322> o.o
2314[04:14:15] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 dirk44_322 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2315[04:14:49] *** Quits: emi_87 (diaoulez@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Miranda NG! Smaller, Faster, Easier. ##replaced-url
2316[04:15:15] *** Joins: Emily_18f (Emily_18f@replaced-ip)
2317[04:15:15] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Emily_18f the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6427 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:15:16
2318[04:15:18] *** Parts: Emily_18f (Emily_18f@replaced-ip)
2319[04:15:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2320[04:16:06] <dirk44_322>
2321[04:16:23] *** Quits: alex_b (alex_b@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
2322[04:17:09] <dirk44_322> ...
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2325[04:18:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God xefo How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6428 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2326[04:19:50] *** Quits: oberauer (oberauer@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2327[04:19:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2328[04:20:14] *** Joins: oberauer (oberauer@replaced-ip)
2329[04:20:14] <De]stinY-> Oh my God oberauer How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6429 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2330[04:20:39] *** Joins: schmusekater (AndChat219225@replaced-ip)
2331[04:20:39] <De]stinY-> Oh my God schmusekater How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6430 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2334[04:21:18] <De]stinY-> Oh my God marcus How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6431 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2335[04:21:29] *** Quits: Andreask (Andreask@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2336[04:21:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2337[04:21:32] *** Joins: Englanderin (Englanderin@replaced-ip)
2338[04:21:32] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Englanderin the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6432 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:21:33
2339[04:21:46] <dirk44_322>
2340[04:21:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2341[04:21:58] *** Joins: Andynrw (Andynrw@replaced-ip)
2342[04:21:58] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Andynrw How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6433 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2343[04:22:22] <dirk44_322> tja
2344[04:22:22] <De]stinY-> 14Na9 dirk44_322 14, rammste dir wieder 'ne XXL Bockwurst ins Arschloch?
2345[04:22:29] *** Joins: Papa40spritzt (Papa40spritzt@replaced-ip)
2346[04:22:29] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Papa40spritzt How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6434 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2347[04:22:41] <dirk44_322> stehnwa ma wieder da
2348[04:22:41] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 dirk44_322 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2349[04:22:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2350[04:23:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2351[04:23:35] *** Quits: xefo (xefo@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2352[04:23:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2353[04:24:11] *** Quits: schmusekater (AndChat219225@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye)
2354[04:24:14] *** Quits: Englanderin (Englanderin@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2355[04:24:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2356[04:24:36] <dirk44_322> ma kaffee machen und eine rauchen
2357[04:24:36] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 dirk44_322 14"
2358[04:24:36] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 dirk44_322 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2359[04:24:36] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 dirk44_322 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2360[04:24:36] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 dirk44_322 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2361[04:24:38] *** Joins: Karlos (Karlos@replaced-ip)
2362[04:24:38] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Karlos How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6435 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2363[04:26:07] <dirk44_322>
2364[04:26:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2365[04:27:02] *** Joins: aufgewacht (aufgewacht@replaced-ip)
2366[04:27:02] <De]stinY-> Oh my God aufgewacht How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6436 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2367[04:27:17] <Karlos> moin
2368[04:27:17] <De]stinY-> 14Puh9 Karlos 14du stinkst aus deiner Hose wie 'ne offene Fisch-Dose!
2369[04:27:17] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 Karlos 14"
2370[04:27:17] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 Karlos 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2371[04:27:17] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 Karlos 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2372[04:27:17] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 Karlos 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2373[04:27:32] *** Parts: Karlos (Karlos@replaced-ip)
2374[04:28:19] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
2375[04:28:19] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6437 who joined #german > It's your 19. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:28:19
2376[04:28:48] *** Joins: rsp-boy (rsp-boy@replaced-ip)
2377[04:28:48] <De]stinY-> Oh my God rsp-boy How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6438 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2378[04:29:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2381[04:30:17] <De]stinY-> Oh my God C|est_l[a]_vie How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6439 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2384[04:30:47] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MalleinerTo11BH the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6440 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:30:48
2385[04:31:07] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
2386[04:31:16] *** C|est_l[a]_vie is now known as Guest99292
2387[04:31:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2388[04:32:05] *** Quits: Sims (Sims@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2389[04:32:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2390[04:32:25] *** Quits: Camgirl_TG (qshcgpvnoxysfw@replaced-ip) (Quit: Flash IRC Client)
2391[04:32:41] <dirk44_322> ...
2392[04:33:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2393[04:33:45] *** Joins: Gerd44 (qtkjzgledqrjsv@replaced-ip)
2394[04:33:46] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Gerd44 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6441 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:33:46
2395[04:34:00] *** Quits: aufgewacht (aufgewacht@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2396[04:34:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2397[04:34:31] <Gerd44> 01replaced-url
2398[04:34:37] *** Joins: Guest82316 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2399[04:34:37] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest82316 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6442 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2400[04:34:50] *** Parts: LUCIANA (LUCIANA@replaced-ip)
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2403[04:35:40] <dirk44_322> o.o
2404[04:35:40] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 dirk44_322 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2405[04:36:52] <bene20> jemald lust zu camen ?
2406[04:37:23] *** Joins: hans-juergen (hans-juergen@replaced-ip)
2407[04:37:23] <De]stinY-> Oh my God hans-juergen How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6443 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2408[04:37:43] <hans-juergen> moin moin
2409[04:37:43] <De]stinY-> 14Puh9 hans-juergen 14du stinkst aus deiner Hose wie 'ne offene Fisch-Dose!
2410[04:37:43] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 hans-juergen 14"
2411[04:37:43] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 hans-juergen 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2412[04:37:43] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 hans-juergen 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2413[04:37:43] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 hans-juergen 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2414[04:37:48] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2415[04:37:52] *** Quits: TechieGirl_OK (TechieGirl_OK@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
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2417[04:38:25] <Gerd44> 01replaced-url
2418[04:38:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2419[04:39:07] <bene20> jemand lsut zu camen?
2420[04:39:41] *** Joins: Maiky_ (quassel@replaced-ip)
2421[04:39:41] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Maiky_ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6444 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2422[04:40:33] *** Quits: Gerd44 (qtkjzgledqrjsv@replaced-ip) (Quit: Flash IRC Client)
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2425[04:41:29] <De]stinY-> Oh my God ichbiReiteGerne How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6445 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2426[04:41:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2427[04:41:48] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
2428[04:41:48] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6446 who joined #german > It's your 20. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:41:48
2429[04:42:21] <dirk44_322> ...
2430[04:43:13] *** Joins: Umbrellavirus24 (Umbrellavirus24@replaced-ip)
2431[04:43:13] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Umbrellavirus24 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6447 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2433[04:43:27] *** Joins: AdrianNackt (AdrianNackt@replaced-ip)
2434[04:43:27] <De]stinY-> Oh my God AdrianNackt How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6448 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2435[04:43:57] *** Joins: Vicco (Vicco@replaced-ip)
2436[04:43:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Vicco How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6449 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2437[04:44:03] <dirk44_322> kaffee schluerft
2438[04:44:03] <De]stinY-> 14Alter,9 dirk44_322 14verkleidet seinen Staubsauger wie R2D2 aus Starwars und steckt seine Nudel rein.
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2440[04:44:42] *** Joins: Americanerin (Americanerin@replaced-ip)
2441[04:44:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Americanerin How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6450 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2442[04:45:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2443[04:46:39] *** Quits: Umbrellavirus24 (Umbrellavirus24@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2444[04:46:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2445[04:47:00] *** Joins: Americanerin_23 (Americanerin_23@replaced-ip)
2446[04:47:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Americanerin_23 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6451 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2447[04:47:12] <dirk44_322> ui
2448[04:47:12] <De]stinY-> 14Ihh..9 dirk44_322 14schaut alten Omas unter'n Rock, fotografiert ihre Mösen und stellt sie online.
2449[04:47:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2450[04:48:13] <Vicco> hey
2451[04:48:13] <De]stinY-> 14Hey9 Vicco 14schonmal aus dem Spülkasten gesoffen?!
2452[04:48:13] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Vicco 14- Wie geht's dir?
2453[04:48:22] *** Quits: slaveMale4Fem (abcd@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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2455[04:49:02] <De]stinY-> Ohh, slaveMale4Fem the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6452 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:49:03
2456[04:49:06] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
2457[04:49:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2458[04:49:10] *** Joins: hannes (hannes@replaced-ip)
2459[04:49:10] <De]stinY-> Oh my God hannes How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6453 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2460[04:49:16] *** Quits: Americanerin (Americanerin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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2466[04:50:39] *** Joins: Loolaakii (Loolaakii@replaced-ip)
2467[04:50:39] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Loolaakii How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6454 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2468[04:50:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2469[04:51:03] <Loolaakii> ._.
2470[04:51:08] <dirk44_322> ...
2471[04:51:25] <Vicco> ...
2472[04:51:57] <Loolaakii> englisch !!
2473[04:51:57] <De]stinY-> 14Du sollst dir doch nicht ständig den Akku-Schrauber in den Popo schieben9 Loolaakii 14-.-
2474[04:52:22] <dirk44_322> nein
2475[04:52:22] <De]stinY-> 14An Karneval zieht9 dirk44_322 14sich einen Schlüpfer von seiner Mutter über und denkt, er wäre ein Superheld.
2476[04:52:38] <Loolaakii> ok
2477[04:52:38] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 Loolaakii 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2478[04:52:40] <Vicco> woher kommst du?
2479[04:52:40] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 Vicco 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2480[04:52:44] <Loolaakii> Egypt
2481[04:52:44] <De]stinY-> 14Du sollst dir doch nicht ständig den Akku-Schrauber in den Popo schieben9 Loolaakii 14-.-
2482[04:52:48] <Vicco> ok
2483[04:52:48] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 Vicco 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2484[04:53:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2485[04:53:07] <Vicco> bist du schon mal in deutschland gewesen?
2486[04:53:37] *** Joins: TechieGirl_OK (TechieGirl_OK@replaced-ip)
2487[04:53:37] <De]stinY-> Ohh, TechieGirl_OK the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6455 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:53:38
2488[04:53:46] <Loolaakii> englisch !!
2489[04:53:46] <De]stinY-> 14Du sollst dir doch nicht ständig den Akku-Schrauber in den Popo schieben9 Loolaakii 14-.-
2490[04:54:03] <dirk44_322>
2491[04:54:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2492[04:55:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2493[04:55:27] *** Joins: Guest_498 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2494[04:55:28] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest_498 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6456 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2498[04:56:07] <De]stinY-> Oh my God M25nrw How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6457 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2502[04:57:53] <dirk44_322> ...
2503[04:58:18] <Loolaakii> ...
2504[04:58:26] <dirk44_322> ich mach dann nochmal kaffee
2505[04:58:26] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 dirk44_322 14....
2506[04:58:40] <Vicco> gib mir
2507[04:58:40] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 Vicco 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
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2510[04:59:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God DadFkkTo11 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6458 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2511[04:59:19] *** Joins: mam49 (mam49@replaced-ip)
2512[04:59:19] <De]stinY-> Oh my God mam49 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6459 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2513[04:59:22] *** Joins: Guest_m_ (Guest_m_@replaced-ip)
2514[04:59:22] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest_m_ the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6460 who joined #german > It's your 4. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 04:59:22
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2516[04:59:26] <De]stinY-> Oh my God adonnis_35m How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6461 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2517[04:59:48] *** Quits: GutBestuecktNRW (GutBestuecktNRW@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2518[04:59:58] <Guest_m_> oje
2519[04:59:58] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 Guest_m_ 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
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2522[05:00:09] <Guest_m_> bye zusammem
2523[05:00:09] <De]stinY-> 14Einen scheiß Tag wünsch ich dir9 Guest_m_ 14!
2524[05:00:23] *** Quits: DadFkkTo11 (DadFkkTo11@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2525[05:00:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2526[05:00:31] <Vicco> tschuess
2527[05:00:31] <De]stinY-> 14Na9 Vicco 14, rammste dir wieder 'ne XXL Bockwurst ins Arschloch?
2528[05:00:37] <Guest_m_> sleber De... - hast dir den redlichst verdient - arbeitest ja laufend fleissig dran ;)
2529[05:00:37] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 Guest_m_ 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2530[05:00:40] *** Parts: Guest_m_ (Guest_m_@replaced-ip)
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2533[05:00:53] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6462 who joined #german > It's your 21. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:00:53
2534[05:01:02] <dirk44_322> heute is ja bergfest...halbe woche rum....hehehe
2535[05:01:02] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 dirk44_322 14- Wie geht's dir?
2536[05:01:03] *** Parts: Loolaakii (Loolaakii@replaced-ip)
2537[05:01:04] *** Joins: Happytrucker (Happytrucker@replaced-ip)
2538[05:01:04] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Happytrucker How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6463 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2539[05:01:21] *** Joins: DadTo11schonBH (DadTo11schonBH@replaced-ip)
2540[05:01:21] <De]stinY-> Oh my God DadTo11schonBH How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6464 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2541[05:01:34] *** Joins: Guest9461 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2542[05:01:34] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Guest9461 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6465 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2544[05:02:17] <dirk44_322>
2545[05:02:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2546[05:03:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2547[05:04:44] *** Parts: Americanerin_23 (Americanerin_23@replaced-ip)
2548[05:05:30] <dirk44_322> o.o
2549[05:05:30] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 dirk44_322 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2550[05:06:19] *** Quits: hans-juergen (hans-juergen@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2551[05:06:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2552[05:07:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2553[05:07:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2554[05:07:50] <dirk44_322>
2555[05:07:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2556[05:07:54] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
2557[05:07:54] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6466 who joined #german > It's your 7. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:07:54
2558[05:08:12] *** Guest is now known as Guest65253
2559[05:08:22] *** Joins: TroyBuck (TroyBuck@replaced-ip)
2560[05:08:22] <De]stinY-> Oh my God TroyBuck How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6467 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
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2562[05:09:09] <dirk44_322> hachja
2563[05:09:09] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 dirk44_322 14- Wie geht's dir?
2564[05:09:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2565[05:09:43] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
2566[05:09:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2567[05:10:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2568[05:10:30] *** Quits: TroyBuck (TroyBuck@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2569[05:10:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2570[05:10:46] *** Parts: Guest9461 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2571[05:11:44] *** Joins: TroyBuck (TroyBuck@replaced-ip)
2572[05:11:44] <De]stinY-> Ohh, TroyBuck the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6468 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:11:45
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2574[05:12:49] <dirk44_322>
2575[05:12:51] *** Joins: Rough_Dave-tbl (AndChat583569@replaced-ip)
2576[05:12:51] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Rough_Dave-tbl How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6469 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2577[05:13:04] *** Joins: Americanerin23 (Americanerin23@replaced-ip)
2578[05:13:04] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Americanerin23 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6470 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2579[05:13:33] <dirk44_322> solangsam wirds zeit...
2580[05:13:33] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 dirk44_322 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2581[05:13:56] <dirk44_322> arbeit ruft
2582[05:13:56] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 dirk44_322 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
2583[05:14:20] *** Quits: Rough_Dave-tbl (AndChat583569@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye)
2584[05:14:23] *** Parts: Americanerin23 (Americanerin23@replaced-ip)
2585[05:14:41] <dirk44_322> so guck ich auch immer
2586[05:14:42] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 dirk44_322 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2587[05:15:23] *** Joins: M_Berlin_40 (M_Berlin_40@replaced-ip)
2588[05:15:23] <De]stinY-> Oh my God M_Berlin_40 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6471 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2589[05:15:29] <dirk44_322> son schiss...
2590[05:15:29] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 dirk44_322 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2591[05:15:59] <dirk44_322> meine lust muessteste
2592[05:15:59] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 dirk44_322 14"
2593[05:15:59] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 dirk44_322 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2594[05:15:59] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 dirk44_322 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2595[05:15:59] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 dirk44_322 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2596[05:16:08] *** Joins: Englanderin (Englanderin@replaced-ip)
2597[05:16:08] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Englanderin the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6472 who joined #german > It's your 5. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:16:09
2598[05:16:18] *** Quits: Rosi56j (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
2599[05:16:35] <dirk44_322> joa
2600[05:16:35] <De]stinY-> 14Na endlich9 dirk44_322 14! Verpiss dich und mach die Tür von außen zu.
2601[05:16:37] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 M_Berlin_40 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2602[05:17:10] <Vicco> drik moechtest du nach arbeit?
2603[05:17:10] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Vicco 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
2604[05:17:20] <dirk44_322> wat will man machen wa
2605[05:17:20] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 dirk44_322 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2606[05:17:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2607[05:18:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2608[05:18:41] *** Joins: badwolf (badwolf@replaced-ip)
2609[05:18:41] <De]stinY-> Oh my God badwolf How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6473 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2610[05:19:07] <Vicco> zeit vergeht schnell
2611[05:19:14] <dirk44_322> wann musst du denn?
2612[05:19:14] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 dirk44_322 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2613[05:19:55] <dirk44_322> bei dem wetter steht die zeit
2614[05:20:20] <dirk44_322> oh da haste es gut
2615[05:20:20] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 dirk44_322 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2616[05:20:44] <dirk44_322> so isses
2617[05:20:45] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 dirk44_322 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2618[05:20:49] *** Joins: barefoot_m (chatzilla@replaced-ip)
2619[05:20:49] <De]stinY-> Oh my God barefoot_m How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6474 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2620[05:21:14] <kleinerSchwan> * ich rauchmal
2621[05:21:18] *** Quits: Christian27 (Christian27@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2622[05:21:32] *** Quits: Xelobert (Xelobert@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2623[05:21:32] <dirk44_322> ich mach mit
2624[05:21:33] <De]stinY-> 14Gestank hat einen Namen. ....9 dirk44_322 14....
2625[05:21:57] *** Joins: klKitty16rsp (klKitty16rsp@replaced-ip)
2626[05:21:57] <De]stinY-> Oh my God klKitty16rsp How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6475 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2627[05:22:19] <dirk44_322> aber dann...
2628[05:22:19] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 dirk44_322 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
2629[05:22:34] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 M_Berlin_40 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2630[05:22:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2631[05:22:54] <Vicco> rauchen ist verboten
2632[05:22:54] <De]stinY-> 14Der/die9 Vicco 14klaut Rentnern die Rolatoren..
2633[05:22:59] *** Joins: _Daniel_ (_Daniel_@replaced-ip)
2634[05:22:59] <De]stinY-> Oh my God _Daniel_ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6476 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2635[05:23:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2636[05:23:17] <dirk44_322> ac di...geh tee trinken
2637[05:23:17] <De]stinY-> 14Die Polizei hat angerufen.9 dirk44_322 14hat sich schon wieder im Supermarkt vor dem Pfandautomat wegen einer Pfandflasche geprügelt.
2638[05:23:29] *** Joins: Ashly_Beautiful (Ashly_Beautiful@replaced-ip)
2639[05:23:29] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Ashly_Beautiful How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6477 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2640[05:23:30] *** Quits: fem16K9sexCash (fem16K9sexCash@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2641[05:25:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2642[05:26:38] *** Joins: er-zeigt-gern (er-zeigt-gern@replaced-ip)
2643[05:26:38] <De]stinY-> Oh my God er-zeigt-gern How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6478 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2644[05:27:01] <er-zeigt-gern> hi
2645[05:27:01] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 er-zeigt-gern 14:-)
2646[05:27:01] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 er-zeigt-gern 14?
2647[05:27:01] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 er-zeigt-gern 14- Wie geht's dir?
2648[05:27:24] <bene20> hat jemand lust zu camen ?
2649[05:27:24] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 bene20 14- Wie geht's dir?
2650[05:27:56] *** Quits: barefoot_m (chatzilla@replaced-ip) (Quit: ChatZilla [XULRunner])
2651[05:28:07] <dirk44_322> ...
2652[05:28:24] <Vicco> dirk warum deste du nicht nach arbeit?
2653[05:28:24] <De]stinY-> 14Puuh..9 Vicco 14du riechst aus deinem Mund, wie ein Wal aus'm Arsch.
2654[05:28:25] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2655[05:28:35] <Vicco> geste*
2656[05:28:35] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 Vicco 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
2657[05:28:45] *** Parts: _Daniel_ (_Daniel_@replaced-ip)
2658[05:29:59] <dirk44_322> soooo kleinerschwan mein freund machet jut wa
2659[05:29:59] <De]stinY-> 14Achtung,9 dirk44_322 14lässt sich von seinem Vater mit 'nem Umschnall-Dildo befriedigen.
2660[05:30:22] *** Joins: Rough_Dave-tbl (AndChat583569@replaced-ip)
2661[05:30:23] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Rough_Dave-tbl the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6479 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:30:23
2662[05:30:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2663[05:30:39] <dirk44_322> bis dann ma,lass dich nich aergern
2664[05:31:39] *** Quits: Englanderin (Englanderin@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2665[05:31:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2666[05:31:54] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
2667[05:31:54] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6480 who joined #german > It's your 22. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:31:54
2668[05:32:00] *** Joins: sternwanderer (Adium@replaced-ip)
2669[05:32:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God sternwanderer How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6481 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2670[05:32:27] *** Quits: er-zeigt-gern (er-zeigt-gern@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2671[05:32:36] *** Parts: Ashly_Beautiful (Ashly_Beautiful@replaced-ip)
2672[05:32:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2673[05:32:41] *** Joins: KawaGirl (KawaGirl@replaced-ip)
2674[05:32:41] <De]stinY-> Oh my God KawaGirl How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6482 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2675[05:33:12] *** Joins: karl-heinz (karl-heinz@replaced-ip)
2676[05:33:12] <De]stinY-> Ohh, karl-heinz the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6483 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:33:12
2677[05:33:16] <Vicco> hi
2678[05:33:16] <De]stinY-> 14Ja SIEG HEIL9 Vicco 14:-)
2679[05:33:16] <De]stinY-> 14Schonmal Kontakt mit einem Baseball-Schläger aufgenommen9 Vicco 14?
2680[05:33:16] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 Vicco 14- Wie geht's dir?
2681[05:33:32] *** Quits: dirk44_322 (dirk44@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2683[05:35:06] *** Quits: Rough_Dave-tbl (AndChat583569@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye)
2684[05:35:50] <bene20> hat jemand lust zu camen ?
2685[05:35:50] <De]stinY-> 14Grüß dich, mein Nigger9 bene20 14- Wie geht's dir?
2686[05:36:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2687[05:36:51] *** Joins: Autobot_ (rsuser@replaced-ip)
2688[05:36:51] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Autobot_ How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6484 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2689[05:37:38] *** Joins: Muhammed (Muhammed@replaced-ip)
2690[05:37:38] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Muhammed How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6485 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2691[05:37:44] *** Autobot_ is now known as Mermaid
2692[05:37:54] *** Quits: Happytrucker (Happytrucker@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2693[05:37:54] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 M_Berlin_40 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2694[05:37:54] *** Mermaid is now known as Autobot_
2695[05:39:38] *** Joins: Fusslover_NDS (Fusslover_NDS@replaced-ip)
2696[05:39:38] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Fusslover_NDS How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6486 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2697[05:39:43] *** Joins: Duplo (Duplo@replaced-ip)
2698[05:39:43] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Duplo How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6487 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2699[05:39:53] <Duplo> Moin moin
2700[05:39:53] <De]stinY-> 14Puh9 Duplo 14du stinkst aus deiner Hose wie 'ne offene Fisch-Dose!
2701[05:39:53] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 Duplo 14"
2702[05:39:53] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 Duplo 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2703[05:39:53] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 Duplo 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2704[05:39:53] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 Duplo 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2705[05:39:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2706[05:40:04] <Duplo> Oh ne net schon wieder der !!
2707[05:40:04] <De]stinY-> 14Oh man..9 Duplo 14hat sich schon wieder den Kugelschreiber in den Arsch geschoben..!
2708[05:40:17] *** Joins: olli (olli.@AB06E4.C18ACC.F4F3AA.77E721)
2709[05:40:17] <De]stinY-> Oh my God olli How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6488 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2710[05:40:17] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
2711[05:41:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2712[05:41:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2713[05:41:38] *** Parts: Muhammed (Muhammed@replaced-ip)
2714[05:41:52] *** Joins: Muhammed_552 (Muhammed@replaced-ip)
2715[05:41:52] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Muhammed_552 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6489 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2716[05:41:57] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 M_Berlin_40 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2717[05:41:58] <bene20> mag jemand camen ?
2718[05:41:58] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 bene20 14"
2719[05:41:58] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2720[05:41:58] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2721[05:41:58] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 bene20 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2722[05:42:00] *** Joins: m28nds (Guest@replaced-ip)
2723[05:42:00] <De]stinY-> Oh my God m28nds How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6490 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2724[05:42:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2725[05:42:17] *** Joins: marco24 (marco24@replaced-ip)
2726[05:42:17] <De]stinY-> Oh my God marco24 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6491 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2727[05:42:31] *** Quits: Muhammed_552 (Muhammed@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2728[05:42:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2729[05:43:01] *** Quits: m28nds (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
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2732[05:45:12] *** Quits: badwolf (badwolf@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2733[05:45:41] <bene20> wer mag camen ? :)
2734[05:45:41] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 bene20 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2735[05:46:35] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2736[05:46:55] *** Joins: AlleinerzPa (AlleinerzPa@replaced-ip)
2737[05:46:55] <De]stinY-> Oh my God AlleinerzPa How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6492 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2738[05:47:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2739[05:47:57] *** Quits: Duplo (Duplo@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2740[05:47:59] *** Joins: NDS_Harz_Er (NDS_Harz_Er@replaced-ip)
2741[05:47:59] <De]stinY-> Oh my God NDS_Harz_Er How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6493 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2742[05:48:06] *** Joins: JAX_664 (JAX@replaced-ip)
2743[05:48:06] <De]stinY-> Oh my God JAX_664 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6494 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2744[05:48:30] *** Joins: Ines42 (Ines42@replaced-ip)
2745[05:48:30] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Ines42 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6495 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2746[05:48:42] <Ines42> guten morgen
2747[05:48:42] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 Ines42 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
2748[05:48:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2749[05:48:43] *** Quits: M17 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2750[05:48:45] *** Parts: JAX_664 (JAX@replaced-ip)
2751[05:48:45] *** Joins: badwolf (badwolf@replaced-ip)
2752[05:48:45] <De]stinY-> Ohh, badwolf the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6496 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:48:46
2753[05:48:51] *** Joins: JAX_664 (JAX@replaced-ip)
2754[05:48:51] <De]stinY-> Ohh, JAX_664 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6497 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:48:52
2755[05:48:59] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2756[05:49:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2757[05:50:05] *** Quits: TroyBuck (TroyBuck@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2758[05:50:27] <bene20> mag jemand camen ?? es geht nicht um irgendwas vor der cam zu machen einfach aus langeweile vielleicht nett plaudern mir egal aber nix sexuelles...
2759[05:50:28] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 bene20 14"
2760[05:50:28] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2761[05:50:28] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2762[05:50:28] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 bene20 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2763[05:50:33] <bene20> mag jemand camen ?? es geht nicht um irgendwas vor der cam zu machen einfach aus langeweile vielleicht nett plaudern mir egal aber nix sexuelles...
2764[05:50:33] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 bene20 14"
2765[05:50:33] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2766[05:50:33] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2767[05:50:33] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 bene20 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2768[05:50:52] *** Parts: JAX_664 (JAX@replaced-ip)
2769[05:50:55] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
2770[05:50:55] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6498 who joined #german > It's your 23. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:50:55
2771[05:51:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2772[05:51:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2773[05:51:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2774[05:51:48] *** Quits: KawaGirl (KawaGirl@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
2775[05:52:18] *** Quits: TechieGirl_OK (TechieGirl_OK@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
2776[05:52:36] <bene20> mag jemand camen ?? es geht nicht um irgendwas vor der cam zu machen einfach aus langeweile vielleicht nett plaudern mir egal aber nix sexuelles...
2777[05:52:36] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 bene20 14"
2778[05:52:36] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2779[05:52:36] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2780[05:52:36] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 bene20 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2781[05:52:58] *** Quits: Guest99292 (test@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2782[05:53:18] *** Joins: Marcelo_Brazil (Marcelo_Brazil@replaced-ip)
2783[05:53:18] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Marcelo_Brazil How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6499 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2784[05:53:36] *** Joins: aelteres_Paar (aelteres_Paar@replaced-ip)
2785[05:53:36] <De]stinY-> Oh my God aelteres_Paar How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6500 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2786[05:54:18] *** Joins: boy89 (boy89@replaced-ip)
2787[05:54:18] <De]stinY-> Oh my God boy89 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6501 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2788[05:56:27] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
2789[05:56:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2790[05:57:21] *** Joins: Sabine14 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2791[05:57:21] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Sabine14 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6502 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2792[05:57:23] *** Quits: klKitty16rsp (klKitty16rsp@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2794[05:57:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2795[05:57:58] <kleinerSchwan> * es lebe meerjungfraumann + bbb
2796[05:58:05] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2797[05:58:11] *** Joins: Simon (Simon@replaced-ip)
2798[05:58:11] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Simon How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6503 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2799[05:58:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2800[05:58:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2801[05:58:49] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2802[05:58:58] *** Joins: WoC-User_6989 (WoC@replaced-ip)
2803[05:58:58] <De]stinY-> Oh my God WoC-User_6989 How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6504 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2804[05:59:44] *** Parts: Marcelo_Brazil (Marcelo_Brazil@replaced-ip)
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2806[05:59:48] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Marcelo_Brazil the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6505 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 05:59:49
2807[06:00:21] <bene20> mag jemand camen ?? es geht nicht um irgendwas vor der cam zu machen einfach aus langeweile vielleicht nett plaudern mir egal aber nix sexuelles...
2808[06:00:21] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 bene20 14"
2809[06:00:21] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2810[06:00:21] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 bene20 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2811[06:00:21] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 bene20 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2812[06:00:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2813[06:00:58] *** Parts: bene20 (bene20@replaced-ip)
2814[06:01:20] *** WoC-User_6989 is now known as Werner
2815[06:02:31] *** Joins: mlamat (mlamat@replaced-ip)
2816[06:02:31] <De]stinY-> Oh my God mlamat How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6506 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2817[06:02:36] *** Quits: karl-heinz (karl-heinz@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2818[06:02:39] <De]stinY-> 14Du siehst aus9 M_Berlin_40 14, als hätte dich jemand in 'ne Kreissäge geschuppst.
2819[06:03:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2820[06:03:12] *** Quits: badwolf (badwolf@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2821[06:03:13] *** Joins: bene20 (bene20@replaced-ip)
2822[06:03:13] <De]stinY-> Ohh, bene20 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6507 who joined #german > It's your 6. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 06:03:14
2823[06:03:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2824[06:03:38] <mlamat> kann mir jemand helfen eine Bewerbung durchzulesen und mogliche Fehler korriegeren?
2825[06:03:38] <De]stinY-> 14Alter,9 mlamat 14verkleidet seinen Staubsauger wie R2D2 aus Starwars und steckt seine Nudel rein.
2826[06:04:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2827[06:04:17] *** Joins: MaxiKing01 (MaxiKing01@replaced-ip)
2828[06:04:17] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MaxiKing01 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6508 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 06:04:18
2829[06:04:22] *** Parts: Marcelo_Brazil (Marcelo_Brazil@replaced-ip)
2830[06:04:38] *** Joins: Leverkusener (Leverkusener@replaced-ip)
2831[06:04:38] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Leverkusener How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6509 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2832[06:04:42] *** Joins: rollerfahrn (rollerfahrn@replaced-ip)
2833[06:04:42] <De]stinY-> Oh my God rollerfahrn How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6510 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2834[06:04:53] <MaxiKing01> Moin TReK
2835[06:04:53] <De]stinY-> 14Puh9 MaxiKing01 14du stinkst aus deiner Hose wie 'ne offene Fisch-Dose!
2836[06:04:53] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 MaxiKing01 14"
2837[06:04:53] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 MaxiKing01 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2838[06:04:53] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 MaxiKing01 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2839[06:04:53] <De]stinY-> 14Halt deine verdammte Schnauze9 MaxiKing01 14und mach mir was zu Essen!!
2840[06:05:01] *** Quits: mlamat (mlamat@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2842[06:05:37] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Mama_alleinerz How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6511 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2843[06:05:38] *** Joins: Guest_1008 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2844[06:05:38] <De]stinY-> Ohh, Guest_1008 the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6512 who joined #german > It's your 2. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 06:05:38
2845[06:05:57] *** Parts: NDS_Harz_Er (NDS_Harz_Er@replaced-ip)
2846[06:06:02] <MaxiKing01> Guten Morgen teufelchendelux meine Schmuddeloma
2847[06:06:02] <De]stinY-> 14Hier haste 'ne Pistole und 'ne Kugel9 MaxiKing01 14... Bitte tue uns den Gefallen!
2848[06:06:48] *** sexi`girl is now known as pamela`
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2850[06:06:54] <De]stinY-> Ohh, MichaelHB the Gay Pig is back. You're the f*ucking Asshole No. 6513 who joined #german > It's your 24. Login. Today is Mittwoch der 01.07.2015 , Time: 06:06:54
2851[06:07:01] *** Joins: Terox (Terox@replaced-ip)
2852[06:07:02] <De]stinY-> Oh my God Terox How's you my Nigger? You are f*ucking Asshole No. 6514 who joined #german >> Live Table-Dance after 100.000 Joins! Type !Befehle for more.
2853[06:07:02] <Werner> moin moin:)
2854[06:07:02] <De]stinY-> 14Puh9 Werner 14du stinkst aus deiner Hose wie 'ne offene Fisch-Dose!
2855[06:07:02] <De]stinY-> 14Der Wahnsinn hat einen Namen.. "9 Werner 14"
2856[06:07:02] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach..9 Werner 14ist hier.. erklärt natürlich alles.
2857[06:07:02] <De]stinY-> 14Puh, was stinkt denn hier so nach zulange in der Sonne gelegenem Fisch? Ach,9 Werner 14ist hier.. erklärt alles...
2858[06:07:02] *** De]stinY- was kicked by (Channel flood triggered (limit is 6 lines in 1 secs))
2859[06:07:12] <Terox> suche nette w mit skype zum chatten. bin 23 m
2860[06:07:32] *** Parts: Leverkusener (Leverkusener@replaced-ip)
2861[06:07:34] <Terox> suche nette w mit skype zum chatten. bin 23 m. einfach pn
2862[06:08:07] *** Quits: AlleinerzPa (AlleinerzPa@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2863[06:08:46] <Terox> suche nette w mit skype zum chatten. bin 23 m. einfach pn
2864[06:08:49] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2865[06:09:32] *** Quits: Terox (Terox@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2866[06:09:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2879[06:14:32] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2892[06:20:56] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2896[06:21:49] <Guest84225> ciao
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2900[06:24:32] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2907[06:26:24] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2924[06:32:12] <NudistM-NRW> Hallo
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2936[06:35:22] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2937[06:35:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2945[06:37:55] <NDS_Harz_Er> moin moin
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2950[06:38:20] <motoguru> joo
2951[06:38:23] <motoguru> joo
2952[06:38:44] <Freiberger> joo
2953[06:38:46] <Freiberger> joo
2954[06:39:00] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2964[06:41:05] <teufelchendelux> wasn mit euch los
2965[06:41:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2966[06:41:10] *** Guest is now known as Guest62263
2967[06:41:42] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2975[06:43:29] <AltMsuchtJungW> hi
2976[06:44:00] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
2977[06:45:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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2990[06:49:28] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3007[06:53:17] <bene20> jemand lust zu camen ?
3008[06:53:22] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3030[07:00:20] <AltMsuchtJungW> hi
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3038[07:03:38] <max4_740> geflogen. hast mein bild noch bekommen?
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3044[07:06:06] <Fussballer19> sportlicher boy hier?
3045[07:06:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3053[07:07:59] <M_BERLIN_40> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
3054[07:08:02] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3074[07:14:01] <M_BERLIN_40> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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3076[07:14:10] <m25> suche w aus hamburg alter egal
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3080[07:14:56] <Langen81NRW> Suche nette Sie zur Unterhaltung. Bitte melde dich
3081[07:15:33] <M_BERLIN_40> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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3103[07:21:12] <M_BERLIN_40> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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3123[07:24:24] <Terox> Suche nette sie aus RD zum chatten....einfach pn
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3126[07:24:48] <Terox> Suche nette sie aus RD zum chatten....einfach pn
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3128[07:25:08] <M_BERLIN_40> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm
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3130[07:25:34] <Terox> Suche nette sie aus RD zum chatten....einfach pn
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3134[07:25:56] <bene20> mag jemand camen ??
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3139[07:26:14] <Terox> Suche nette sie aus RD zum chatten....einfach pn
3140[07:26:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3143[07:27:30] <Terox> Suche nette sie aus RD zum chatten....einfach pn
3144[07:28:29] <Terox> Suche nette sie aus RD zum chatten....einfach pn
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3164[07:32:30] <bene20> jat jemand lust zu camen ?
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3170[07:33:49] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3171[07:34:00] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3181[07:36:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3188[07:37:24] <Terox> Suche nette sie aus RD zum chatten....einfach pn
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3196[07:40:03] <Terox> Suche nette sie aus RD zum chatten....einfach pn
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3220[07:45:28] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3231[07:47:13] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3232[07:47:49] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3235[07:48:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3242[07:49:29] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3243[07:49:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3248[07:50:47] <kevin1> die dumme drecksau herrundscheisse kapierts wieder nicht
3249[07:51:16] <kevin1> mal ne meldung rauslassen, da gibts sicher ne loesung für so seppen
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3252[07:51:24] <kevin1> -s+d
3253[07:51:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3273[07:54:54] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
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3278[07:55:45] * kevin1 hat hundemami_04 in die ignore-liste aufgenommen - definitiv nicht lesenswert!
3279[07:55:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3297[08:00:08] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
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3301[08:01:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3305[08:02:53] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3306[08:03:11] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3307[08:03:20] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3308[08:03:37] *** Joins: Leverkusener (Leverkusener@replaced-ip)
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3314[08:04:12] <LadyAmalthea> moin
3315[08:04:21] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3322[08:04:49] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
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3325[08:05:15] <LadyAmalthea> hey announce1 ... u might wanna take a look at the actual date ...
3326[08:05:17] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3327[08:05:25] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3337[08:07:29] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3341[08:08:12] <hotsummer> langsam nervts
3342[08:08:19] <MDler> hey, spontane W aus der Ecke Magdeburg da?? pm
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3345[08:08:41] <olli> schnautze!!!...ab heute is hier zu....
3346[08:08:43] <Sina> W sucht W zum RSP
3347[08:08:45] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3348[08:08:45] <olli> man man...
3349[08:08:47] <LadyAmalthea> oy ...
3350[08:08:56] <olli> moins keule
3351[08:08:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3352[08:08:58] <olli> 12L4aughs 12O4ut 12L4oud
3353[08:09:00] <LadyAmalthea> moin
3354[08:09:04] <Sonja85D> meine wakeln beim joggen
3355[08:09:09] <olli> du darfst hier net sein...
3356[08:09:13] <olli> is zu heute
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3359[08:09:29] <LadyAmalthea> klar , ich bin ja auch nur ne fata morgana herzileinm
3360[08:09:33] <hotsummer> weniger joggen, ganz einfach
3361[08:09:33] <LadyAmalthea> -m
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3363[08:09:35] <olli> jo moins
3364[08:09:41] <LadyAmalthea> moin Boeser-Coyote
3365[08:09:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3366[08:09:47] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3367[08:09:54] <olli> wir sind die geister des totn icq/irc chatt
3368[08:10:11] <LadyAmalthea> das waren wir vorher doch auch schon laut melli loool
3369[08:10:15] <Sina> W sucht W zum RSP
3370[08:10:39] <kevin1> ich habn darfschein, nicht so wie andere hia..^^ alles illegale...
3371[08:10:48] <andy-nrw-werne> m oder w die lust haben auf fun
3372[08:10:51] <LadyAmalthea> knubu kevin1 :)
3373[08:10:51] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3375[08:11:03] <kevin1> huhuu thea'li 4^7^ 11knuddel9bussi8* 4^7^ 4:7)
3376[08:11:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3377[08:11:07] *** Quits: Kerl_537 (Kerl@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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3381[08:12:02] <kevin1> aber fuer das hier zu is, hats verdammt viele deppen schon wieder *find
3382[08:12:20] <LadyAmalthea> hehe , joa
3383[08:12:41] *** Quits: LadyAmalthea (xD@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
3384[08:12:47] <olli> kevin1 is ma wieder nen pingel ey...
3385[08:12:56] <olli> is zu,...und basta
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3387[08:13:01] <kevin1> ok
3388[08:13:01] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3389[08:13:04] <olli> 12L4aughs 12O4ut 12L4oud
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3391[08:13:10] <kevin1> << sacht nix mehr zu zu
3392[08:13:18] <kevin1> lach^^
3393[08:13:21] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3394[08:13:29] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3395[08:13:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3396[08:13:40] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3397[08:13:51] <olli> 4 HerrUndMeister da ich Trolle Notgeile und Bekloppte nicht lesen will *Ignore*
3398[08:13:51] <olli> 12Spa12ck14en nr. 853
3399[08:13:58] * kevin1 hat HerrUndMeister in die ignore-liste aufgenommen - definitiv nicht lesenswert!
3400[08:14:01] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3401[08:14:09] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
3402[08:14:25] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3403[08:14:33] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3404[08:14:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3405[08:15:21] <olli> das is hier wie mittn weltuntergang vonne majas.....klapt och nie
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3415[08:16:49] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3416[08:16:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3417[08:17:01] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3422[08:17:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3425[08:18:35] <Karin> oh
3426[08:18:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3427[08:18:38] *** Joins: M-will-TS (M-will-TS@replaced-ip)
3428[08:18:43] <andy-nrw-werne> m oder w die lust haben auf fun
3429[08:18:45] *** Joins: miumiu (miumiu@replaced-ip)
3430[08:18:56] <olli> 4 andy-nrw-werne da ich Trolle Notgeile und Bekloppte nicht lesen will *Ignore*
3431[08:18:56] <olli> 12Spa12ck14en nr. 854
3432[08:19:08] *** Guest_838 is now known as tina28
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3435[08:19:18] <Guest_838> hallo
3436[08:19:24] *** Joins: Student21 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3437[08:19:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3438[08:21:05] <Sonja85D> meine waken troz BH beim joggen
3439[08:21:25] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3440[08:21:41] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3441[08:21:42] <olli> iwi kapieren das hier die notgeiln und spacken nich das hier zu is...
3442[08:21:47] <olli> kevin1....mach was..
3443[08:21:57] *** Joins: Trucker (Trucker@replaced-ip)
3444[08:22:11] <Sonja85D> hallo
3445[08:22:27] *** Quits: Marcel21 (Marcel21@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3446[08:22:30] <Trucker> moin sonja
3447[08:22:34] <kevin1> *abwink
3448[08:22:43] <Sonja85D> keiner da dan geh ich
3449[08:22:46] <kevin1> da is definitiv hopfen und malz verloren
3450[08:22:49] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3451[08:22:50] <olli> na vom herwinken komm nur noch mehr...
3452[08:22:52] <olli> doofn..
3453[08:22:58] *** Quits: Engelchen88 (Engelchen88@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3454[08:22:58] <kevin1> hehehe^^
3455[08:23:09] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3456[08:23:59] <Rough_Dave-tbl> Sonja85D wenn sie waken is sowieso alles zu spät^^
3457[08:24:02] *** Joins: rol02102 (rol02102@replaced-ip)
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3459[08:24:40] <Sonja85D> 168m 56 Kg blonde hare blaue augen 85D Birnen popo meine Busen wakeln etwas
3460[08:24:51] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
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3464[08:25:26] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3465[08:25:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3466[08:25:38] <Sina> W sucht W zum RSP
3467[08:25:48] *** Joins: Herr_Sven1 (Top@replaced-ip)
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3469[08:25:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3470[08:26:00] <kevin1> sonja issen kerl, die deppen merken nix hier...
3471[08:26:00] *** Joins: Ruhrpott46M (Ruhrpott46M@replaced-ip)
3472[08:26:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3473[08:26:07] <Karin> that was weird
3474[08:26:11] *** Quits: {wolf} ({wolf}@replaced-ip##) (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ##replaced-url
3475[08:26:19] <kevin1> es stimmt also doch, wixxxxen macht ploed
3476[08:26:26] <olli> jap....
3477[08:26:30] <Karin> 56 kg und 85D? :
3478[08:26:37] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3479[08:26:37] <Karin> :D
3480[08:26:53] <rol02102> da wiegen die dinger schon soviel
3481[08:26:54] <olli> erste anzeichn sind.....pippi inne umkleide...
3482[08:27:02] *** Joins: Guest_425 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3483[08:27:03] <kevin1> lol^^
3484[08:27:12] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3485[08:27:18] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3486[08:27:30] *** Joins: hotboy_ (hotboy_@replaced-ip)
3487[08:28:23] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3488[08:28:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3489[08:28:52] <Guest_GG> mmh heute ist aber tote hose hier, keine lust zu chatten, wenn doch einfach melden
3490[08:29:06] <Sonja85D> w sucht m
3491[08:29:22] *** Joins: shay (shay@replaced-ip)
3492[08:29:26] <shay> hi
3493[08:29:37] <hotboy_> hii sonja
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3495[08:29:53] <andy-nrw-werne> m oder w die lust haben auf fun
3496[08:29:54] <Sonja85D> wohl keiner da
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3499[08:30:28] *** Quits: Herr_Sven (Top@replaced-ip) (Quit: Da macht man ein Programm idiotensicher, und schon gibt es wieder neue, noch bessere Idioten.)
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3501[08:31:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3502[08:32:02] <Guest_134> ne reife sie mit lust auf m 23 da wenn ja bitte pm
3503[08:32:12] *** Quits: SexyM-20x5cm (SexyM-20x5cm@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3504[08:32:17] <Sina> W sucht W zum RSP
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3510[08:33:27] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3511[08:33:29] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3512[08:33:43] <kevin1> hehehehe
3513[08:33:43] *** Quits: Guest_101 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3514[08:33:52] <kevin1> die sind noch zu
3515[08:33:55] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3516[08:34:01] <olli> und steif
3517[08:34:02] <Guest_134> die arschis wollten nur das man ihren chat nimmt
3518[08:34:04] *** Joins: Herr_Sven (Top@replaced-ip)
3519[08:34:06] <Sina> Kennt eine Sie Ageplay?
3520[08:34:06] <kevin1> ajo
3521[08:34:07] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3522[08:34:10] <Guest_134> so wie announce1
3523[08:34:18] *** Joins: Steiner (Steiner@replaced-ip)
3524[08:34:31] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3525[08:35:15] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3526[08:35:28] *** Joins: Nembo_m (Nembo_m@replaced-ip)
3527[08:35:28] <Steiner>
3528[08:35:29] <olli> ich kenn nur doofplay....
3529[08:35:36] *** Joins: ganesha (ganesha@replaced-ip)
3530[08:35:37] <olli> vonne oberschlauen hier
3531[08:35:39] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3532[08:35:39] *** Joins: ErMagCupA (androirc@replaced-ip)
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3536[08:36:43] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3537[08:36:46] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
3538[08:36:50] <Guest_134> so wie announce1
3539[08:36:53] <Guest_134> ne reife sie mit lust auf m 23 da wenn ja bitte pm
3540[08:37:05] * kevin1 hat Guest_134 in die ignore-liste aufgenommen - definitiv nicht lesenswert!
3541[08:37:06] <olli> aba ich weis schon wer schuld is das hier net zu is......
3542[08:37:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3543[08:37:13] <olli> kevin1......
3544[08:37:16] <kevin1> ouww
3545[08:37:17] <olli> gestehe!!!
3546[08:37:34] <kevin1> nee nee
3547[08:37:44] <kevin1> nee nee
3548[08:37:58] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3549[08:38:14] *** Quits: rol02102 (rol02102@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
3550[08:38:31] <olli> oder nomatrix hat wieder seine drogen liegen lassen
3551[08:38:35] <olli> kann auch sein..
3552[08:38:44] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3553[08:38:47] *** Joins: Netter_ONKEL (IceChat77@replaced-ip)
3554[08:38:49] <kevin1> oureplaced-url
3555[08:38:55] <kevin1> ich wusste es
3556[08:39:01] <olli> zugekifft kaoieren die hier ja net das zu is..
3557[08:39:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3558[08:39:31] <kevin1> ach drum laufen alle mitm kopp anne wand... die sin zu....
3559[08:39:38] *** Joins: jurgenber (jurgenber@replaced-ip)
3560[08:39:45] <kevin1> und ich wunder mich da...
3561[08:39:56] <bahubali> hi
3562[08:40:07] <bahubali> hi kevin
3563[08:40:07] <olli> erst kapieren se jahrelang net das hier nix zu finden gibt...und nu dauert es wieder jahre bis se kapieren das hier zu is....soiftz
3564[08:40:10] <bahubali> how r u
3565[08:40:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3566[08:40:21] <kevin1> fine
3567[08:40:24] *** Joins: Guest_695 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3568[08:40:31] <kevin1> u know here is closed
3569[08:40:40] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
3570[08:40:49] <bahubali> oo kevin
3571[08:40:53] <olli> bahubali u must go....this chatt is closet
3572[08:40:53] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3573[08:40:56] <olli> sorry..
3574[08:40:56] <kevin1> since mitnight....
3575[08:41:07] <bahubali> oo i see keviin
3576[08:41:07] <olli> 12L4aughs 12O4ut 12L4oud
3577[08:41:12] <bahubali> olli
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3580[08:41:24] <bahubali> war\tch bahubali trailer
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3583[08:41:35] <bahubali> olli wer u from
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3586[08:41:43] <bahubali> hi nadine
3587[08:41:44] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3588[08:41:48] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3589[08:41:56] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3590[08:41:58] <kevin1> das is auch nurn schaisssucher
3591[08:41:59] *** Quits: er60biverh (er60biverh@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3592[08:42:02] <kevin1> man man man
3593[08:42:04] *** Joins: fitnessguy (fitnessguy@replaced-ip)
3594[08:42:08] *** Parts: ErMagCupA (androirc@replaced-ip)
3595[08:42:22] <kevin1> ach du bist nid from ?... ja so....
3596[08:42:34] *** Joins: MICHEL40 (androirc@replaced-ip)
3597[08:42:50] <olli> ich glaub hier is net zu..
3598[08:42:52] <Sina> W sucht W zum RSP
3599[08:43:12] <kevin1> as i say always, we dont need another stupid searcher...
3600[08:43:20] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3601[08:43:26] <kevin1> any question
3602[08:43:28] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3603[08:43:29] *** Joins: er60biverh (er60biverh@replaced-ip)
3604[08:43:34] *** Joins: Sportlehrer (Sportlehrer@replaced-ip)
3605[08:43:42] <andy-nrw-werne> m oder w die lust haben auf fun
3606[08:43:51] <kevin1> ach du bis glaeubich, wusst ich ga nicht
3607[08:44:03] *** Joins: er-suchtjW (er-suchtjW@replaced-ip)
3608[08:44:11] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3609[08:44:25] *** Joins: Linda_NRW (Linda_NRW@replaced-ip)
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3611[08:44:36] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3612[08:44:42] *** Quits: Boeser-Coyote (no@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
3613[08:44:43] *** Joins: Zero_Cool (Vladimir@replaced-ip)
3614[08:44:48] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3615[08:45:04] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3616[08:45:34] <kevin1> yoo, koennt' ich
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3619[08:45:45] <olli> wenne wolltest...
3620[08:45:48] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3621[08:45:58] <olli> und die erde ne scheibe wer...
3622[08:46:04] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3623[08:46:04] <olli> und grade vollmond is
3624[08:46:09] <olli> am tage..
3625[08:46:15] <kevin1> ach
3626[08:46:17] *** Joins: Realise (Realise@replaced-ip)
3627[08:46:30] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3628[08:46:41] <olli> acht tage vollmond...
3629[08:46:44] <olli> 12L4aughs 12O4ut 12L4oud
3630[08:47:10] <kevin1> hahahaha, libra lacht nur....^^
3631[08:47:30] <kevin1> *glaub die lacht mi nu aus...wegen dir eyyy
3632[08:47:31] <olli> dachte ich mir...
3633[08:47:37] *** Joins: Hansi (sag@replaced-ip)
3634[08:47:38] <olli> 4H12i 4H4i
3635[08:47:41] <kevin1> hahaha^^
3636[08:47:45] *** Joins: lauri16 (lauri16@replaced-ip)
3637[08:47:46] <olli> libra is ja auch mein schatzi...
3638[08:47:51] <olli> muhahahaha
3639[08:48:01] <kevin1> und ich lauf ins offene messer, du sagg
3640[08:48:16] <Anna_812> hallo
3641[08:48:25] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3642[08:48:49] <Trucker> moin anna
3643[08:49:11] <ER-NRW-Muenster> ja lauri und wir noch heisser :D
3644[08:49:13] <Trucker> klar lauri
3645[08:49:27] <olli> ich hoffe des war stumpf...
3646[08:49:29] <olli> 12L4aughs 12O4ut 12L4oud
3647[08:49:32] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3648[08:49:33] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3649[08:49:37] <kevin1> aus gummi
3650[08:49:46] <kevin1> tat nich so whe
3651[08:49:57] *** Joins: DominanaterMann (DominanaterMann@replaced-ip)
3652[08:50:10] <olli> 4 DominanaterMann da ich Trolle Notgeile und Bekloppte nicht lesen will *Ignore*
3653[08:50:10] <olli> 12Spa12ck14en nr. 855
3654[08:50:18] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3655[08:51:04] <DominanaterMann> hallo suche jung sklavin zur ausbildung
3656[08:51:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3657[08:51:15] <kevin1> wenn des so weitergeht, kauf ich mir ne pack ziggaretten, das haelste ja nich aus...eyy
3658[08:51:22] <kevin1> 4L7autes4O7nline4L7achen
3659[08:51:26] *** Joins: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip)
3660[08:51:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3661[08:51:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3662[08:51:47] <olli> schon 25 grad hier....
3663[08:51:47] <kevin1> diese spannung.....
3664[08:51:54] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3665[08:51:58] <olli> was is spannend?
3666[08:51:59] *** Quits: Suess-ER (Suess-ER@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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3669[08:52:20] <kevin1> poahh is ja wie in sahara bei dich da, kann es sein, dass sommer is 4?7¿4?
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3671[08:52:32] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3672[08:52:39] <kevin1> google doch mal
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3676[08:52:44] <kevin1> sicherheitshalber
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3678[08:53:02] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3679[08:53:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3680[08:53:12] <kevin1> kein tannenbaum ?....
3681[08:53:15] <kevin1> oha
3682[08:53:17] <Sina> W sucht W zum RSP
3683[08:53:26] *** Joins: Alexa_ (Guest@replaced-ip)
3684[08:53:42] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3685[08:53:54] *** Quits: _Ritze16 (_Ritze16@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3686[08:53:54] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3687[08:54:03] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3688[08:54:26] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3689[08:54:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3690[08:54:52] *** Parts: CaptainMola19 (CaptainMola19@replaced-ip)
3691[08:54:54] <olli> und dieses scheiss wetter soll noch ne ganze weile bleiben
3692[08:55:00] <DominanaterMann> suche eine w zur ausbildung als sklavin
3693[08:55:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3697[08:55:25] <kevin1> hab ich so bestellt......war nich billig sag ich dir
3698[08:55:43] <kevin1> oureplaced-url
3699[08:55:48] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3700[08:55:52] <olli> fg*
3701[08:55:55] <kevin1> das tat weh
3702[08:56:27] *** Quits: Guest_780 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
3703[08:56:32] <olli> wir haben hier so schnee ausse dose....
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3706[08:56:49] <kevin1> lol^^
3707[08:56:49] <olli> und wer hats erfunden?
3708[08:57:16] <kevin1> its cool man
3709[08:57:20] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3710[08:57:26] *** Joins: Marcus123 (Marcus123@replaced-ip)
3711[08:57:27] <olli> ne wa kein schweizer...
3712[08:57:28] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3713[08:57:30] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
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3715[08:57:41] <kevin1> komm jetzt, des kann nich sein
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3719[08:58:32] <kevin1> hier renn' auf der alp so lila Q's rum.......
3720[08:58:54] <kevin1> da is alles drinne, auch schnee konserven, wuerd mich nich wundern
3721[08:59:05] *** Quits: A[c]er (sag@replaced-ip) (Quit: ACHTUNG: LASST DR. MARIO NICHT AN EURE GENITALIEN! ER IST KEIN ECHTER ARZT!)
3722[08:59:11] <kevin1> asoo
3723[08:59:18] <kevin1> das erklaert vieles
3724[08:59:28] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3725[08:59:36] <Sina> W sucht W zum RSP
3726[08:59:56] *** Joins: tom80 (tom80@replaced-ip)
3727[09:00:02] <lauri16> huhuuu wer mag auf mich abspritzen..und wohin:-) replaced-url
3728[09:00:14] <olli> 4 Sina da ich Trolle Notgeile und Bekloppte nicht lesen will *Ignore*
3729[09:00:14] <olli> 12Spa12ck14en nr. 856
3730[09:00:16] <Guest_GG> gesicht
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3737[09:02:14] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3738[09:02:15] *** Joins: M-Hessen__ (rooms@replaced-ip)
3739[09:02:40] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3740[09:02:56] *** Joins: Guest_833 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3741[09:03:07] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3742[09:03:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3746[09:03:18] <lauri16> huhuuu wer mag auf mich abspritzen..und wohin:-) replaced-url
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3749[09:04:02] <tom80> und wie solldas gehen
3750[09:04:22] <DominanaterMann> suche devote w eine da
3751[09:04:54] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3752[09:06:02] *** Quits: DominanaterMann (DominanaterMann@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3753[09:06:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3756[09:06:31] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3757[09:06:36] *** Joins: Marcel30m (kvirc@replaced-ip)
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3759[09:06:43] <Guest_134> ne reife sie mit lust auf m 23 da wenn ja bitte pm
3760[09:06:48] <Marcel30m> guten morgen
3761[09:07:14] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3764[09:07:27] *** Quits: Marcel30m (kvirc@replaced-ip) (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
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3777[09:08:24] <lauri16> huhuuu wer mag auf mich abspritzen..und wohin:-) replaced-url
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3780[09:08:35] <patrick_25> hey hat jemand kik? wer will kann sich melden patrick24_
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3782[09:09:07] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
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3787[09:09:59] * And3rs Now ignoring 4pamela` ( 638 )
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3790[09:10:44] <patrick_25> hey hat jemand kik? wer will kann sich melden patrick24_
3791[09:10:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3792[09:11:06] *** Joins: DerKoch (chris@replaced-ip)
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3796[09:11:22] *** Dream is now known as Guest91537
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3799[09:11:30] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3800[09:11:34] <lauri16> huhuuu wer mag auf mich abspritzen..und wohin:-) replaced-url
3801[09:11:45] *** Quits: Joshua_ (Joshua_@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3802[09:11:49] * And3rs Now ignoring 4Lili_ ( 639 )
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3805[09:12:00] <Chris_dom26> @ lauri16, hast noch nen anderes bild?
3806[09:12:05] *** Joins: Dominanter (Dominanter@replaced-ip)
3807[09:12:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3808[09:12:07] *** Quits: Mama_alleinerz (Mama_alleinerz@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3809[09:12:17] * And3rs Now ignoring 4lauri16 ( 639 )
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3811[09:12:22] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3812[09:12:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3813[09:12:35] <kevin1> eyy hier is doch zu....hat olli gesagt.... And3rs
3814[09:12:36] <Lana> schaue m oder w zu einfach mal anschreiben
3815[09:12:46] *** Quits: tom80 (tom80@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3816[09:12:49] <olli> jap hier is zu
3817[09:12:54] * And3rs Now ignoring 4Chris_dom26 ( 640 )
3818[09:12:55] <Guest_134> ne reife sie mit lust auf m 23 da wenn ja bitte pm
3819[09:12:59] <DerKoch> Suche nettes Girl aus STUTTGART das Lust hat sich schnell und unkompliziert was dazuzuverdienen.Kein sex.meldet euch es lohnt sich .zahle gut
3820[09:13:01] <kevin1> der kennt sich aus, dann muss des doch stimmen
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3824[09:13:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3825[09:13:08] <And3rs> ich hab mich auch schon gewundert
3826[09:13:13] <olli> 4 DerKoch da ich Trolle Notgeile und Bekloppte nicht lesen will *Ignore*
3827[09:13:13] <olli> 12Spa12ck14en nr. 857
3828[09:13:15] <kevin1> lol^^
3829[09:13:21] *** Dream is now known as Guest50632
3830[09:13:34] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3831[09:14:10] <And3rs> die vergessen immer dazu zu schreiben in welchem jahr sie den wundervollen chat schliessen
3832[09:14:25] <kevin1> wunder...was ?..
3833[09:14:41] <kevin1> soviele buchstaben verwirren mih immer$
3834[09:14:44] <And3rs> na... das ihr immer noch da seit
3835[09:14:50] *** Quits: Alexa_ (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
3836[09:15:00] <kevin1> wir waren nie weg
3837[09:15:02] *** Parts: Guest50632 (Dream@replaced-ip)
3838[09:15:03] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3839[09:15:04] *** Joins: Crow87 (meinburger@replaced-ip)
3840[09:15:10] <patrick_25> hey hat jemand kik? wer will kann sich melden patrick24_
3841[09:15:21] * And3rs Now ignoring 4HerrUndMeister ( 641 )
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3845[09:15:42] <And3rs> lasst mich raten... ihr hattest auch nie vor jemals zu gehen
3846[09:15:51] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
3847[09:15:55] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3848[09:15:56] <kevin1> lass mich ueberlegen.... 4n7ein
3849[09:16:06] <Lana> schaue m oder w zu einfach mal anschreiben
3850[09:16:10] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3851[09:16:10] *** Quits: Guest_772 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
3852[09:16:15] *** Joins: Markus_ (Guest@replaced-ip)
3853[09:16:15] <DerKoch> Suche nettes Girl aus STUTTGART das Lust hat sich schnell und unkompliziert was dazuzuverdienen.Kein sex.meldet euch es lohnt sich .zahle gut
3854[09:16:23] * kevin1 hat DerKoch in die ignore-liste aufgenommen - definitiv nicht lesenswert!
3855[09:16:24] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3856[09:16:43] <patrick_25> hey hat jemand kik? wer will kann sich melden patrick24_
3857[09:17:08] *** Joins: ReifERsuchtRSP_ (ReifERsuchtRSP_@replaced-ip)
3858[09:17:18] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3859[09:17:27] *** Joins: Tim (Tim@replaced-ip)
3860[09:17:35] <kevin1> *laechel
3861[09:17:36] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3862[09:17:39] *** Joins: Beardman (Beardman@replaced-ip)
3863[09:17:42] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3864[09:17:42] <Beardman> moin moin
3865[09:17:57] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3866[09:17:58] *** Joins: RSp_BIG-27cm (RSp_BIG-27cm@replaced-ip)
3867[09:18:00] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3868[09:18:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3869[09:18:10] <And3rs> im kik kauf ich immer meine billigen t-shirts
3870[09:18:19] *** Quits: nina14 (nina@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
3871[09:18:22] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3872[09:18:24] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3873[09:18:43] <RSp_BIG-27cm> hey girls wenn ihr lust auf rsp habt dann meldet euch bitte bei mir!!!!
3874[09:19:04] <kevin1> und dann rennste wieder mit wet shirt durche gegend.....^^ is klaa
3875[09:19:04] * And3rs Now ignoring 4RSp_BIG-27cm ( 642 )
3876[09:19:04] <lauri16> huhuuu wer mag auf mich abspritzen..und wohin:-) replaced-url
3877[09:19:05] *** Joins: RS_Sportlehrer (RS_Sportlehrer@replaced-ip)
3878[09:19:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3879[09:19:16] *** Joins: tolga_ (androirc@replaced-ip)
3880[09:19:18] *** Joins: AnalJulia19 (Julia@replaced-ip)
3881[09:19:20] <And3rs> hmmm
3882[09:19:24] <kevin1> lol^^
3883[09:19:32] *** Joins: ICQMSG (ICQ@replaced-ip)
3884[09:19:40] <AnalJulia19> wer steht auf süße kids? :P
3885[09:19:42] <RS_Sportlehrer> RS?!
3886[09:20:00] * And3rs Now ignoring 4AnalJulia19 ( 642 )
3887[09:20:06] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3888[09:20:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3889[09:20:12] <kevin1> sag das nicht, ich renn vielmals mit wet shirt durche gegend, meist am rueggen.....schwitz ich...^^
3890[09:20:31] <kevin1> grinzz
3891[09:20:46] <patrick_25> hey hat jemand kik? wer will kann sich melden patrick24_
3892[09:20:51] <DerKoch> Suche nettes Girl aus STUTTGART das Lust hat sich schnell und unkompliziert was dazuzuverdienen.Kein sex.meldet euch es lohnt sich .zahle gut
3893[09:21:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3894[09:21:08] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3895[09:21:11] <kevin1> lach^^
3896[09:21:14] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
3897[09:21:25] * And3rs Now ignoring 4DerKoch ( 643 )
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3900[09:21:40] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3901[09:21:57] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3902[09:22:20] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3903[09:22:29] *** Quits: Guest69283 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3904[09:22:53] <kevin1> heut solls warm werden, halte das fuern geruecht
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3906[09:23:06] *** Joins: Andreas_26 (Andreas_26@replaced-ip)
3907[09:23:11] <RSp_BIG-27cm> hey girls wenn ihr lust auf rsp habt dann meldet euch bitte bei mir!!!!123
3908[09:23:19] <And3rs> 30 grad
3909[09:23:19] *** Joins: Bam (Jirc@replaced-ip)
3910[09:23:20] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3911[09:23:25] *** Parts: RS_Sportlehrer (RS_Sportlehrer@replaced-ip)
3912[09:23:28] <Bam> na ihr lustmolche
3913[09:23:30] *** Parts: Andreas_26 (Andreas_26@replaced-ip)
3914[09:23:34] <Lana> schaue m oder w zu einfach mal anschreiben
3915[09:23:53] <And3rs> davon haben wir hier schon 25 grad
3916[09:24:00] <kevin1> ach
3917[09:24:31] <And3rs> ich hab nen aussenthermometer am fenster
3918[09:24:36] *** Joins: Silverlocke (androirc@replaced-ip)
3919[09:24:43] <kevin1> wenn man weiss dass madrid schon 35 hat, is des ja nix
3920[09:24:52] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3921[09:24:56] <Bam> jaja
3922[09:24:59] <Bam> inner sonne
3923[09:25:09] <Bam> schau ma im schatten *frech grins*
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3926[09:25:25] <patrick_25> hey hat jemand kik? wer will kann sich melden patrick24_
3927[09:25:35] <DerKoch> Suche nettes Girl aus STUTTGART das Lust hat sich schnell und unkompliziert was dazuzuverdienen.Kein sex.meldet euch es lohnt sich .zahle gut
3928[09:25:36] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3929[09:25:38] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3930[09:25:42] *** Parts: Annabell_26 (Annabell_26@replaced-ip)
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3932[09:26:03] <AnalJulia19> wer mag süße kleine kids?
3933[09:26:07] *** Quits: Student21 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
3934[09:26:10] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3938[09:26:51] <kevin1> verstehe
3939[09:27:04] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3945[09:27:27] <Guest_134> ne reife sie mit lust auf m 23 da wenn ja bitte pm
3946[09:27:35] *** Joins: Kevin-RSP-23 (Kevin-RSP-23@replaced-ip)
3947[09:27:44] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3948[09:28:29] <kevin1> die rel. luftfeuchtigkeit is bei mir entscheident, wenn es schawuel ist, gehe ich in die knie, sonst kanns 30° sein.... draussen...^^
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3951[09:28:41] <kevin1> *abwink
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3958[09:29:22] *** Joins: ShadowMaster24 (ShadowMaster24@replaced-ip)
3959[09:29:25] <Julia913> wer mag schreiben? bis max. 29 bitte ;) meldet euch :)
3960[09:29:26] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3964[09:29:49] <Juckig> Moin
3965[09:29:52] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
3966[09:30:16] *** Joins: A[c]er (sag@replaced-ip)
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3969[09:30:30] <lauri16> huhuuu wer mag auf mich abspritzen..und wohin:-) replaced-url
3970[09:30:45] * kevin1 hat lauri16 in die ignore-liste aufgenommen - definitiv nicht lesenswert!
3971[09:30:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3974[09:31:00] * kevin1 hat AsiaF40ThaiBKK in die ignore-liste aufgenommen - definitiv nicht lesenswert!
3975[09:31:32] *** Parts: mix (mix@replaced-ip)
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3980[09:32:06] <kevin1> nee, nee keine aktivitaeten....oder nur langsam....^^ hehehe
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3984[09:33:02] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
3985[09:33:16] <kevin1> wenn ich denk, fruher waren die temperaturen ideal zum heuen am hang.....
3986[09:33:21] *** Joins: DerKoch (chris@replaced-ip)
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3988[09:33:52] <kevin1> nix freibad, natur pur, biste auch braun^^
3989[09:33:52] <DerKoch> Suche nettes Girl aus STUTTGART das Lust hat sich schnell und unkompliziert was dazuzuverdienen.Kein sex.meldet euch es lohnt sich .zahle gut
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3993[09:34:16] <kevin1> hehehe
3994[09:34:22] <And3rs> der spinnt doch
3995[09:34:26] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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3998[09:34:56] <Guest_GG> mmh heute ist aber tote hose hier, keine lust zu chatten, wenn doch einfach melden
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4000[09:35:16] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4001[09:35:18] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4003[09:35:43] <kevin1> also wenns nicht sein muss, wuerd ich auch nicht son anhaenger ran tun....
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4005[09:35:50] <RSp_BIG-27cm> hey girls wenn ihr lust auf rsp habt dann meldet euch bitte bei mir!!!!45
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4009[09:36:09] <Annabell_26> hi
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4012[09:36:50] <ER-NRW-Muenster> moin annabell
4013[09:36:56] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4014[09:37:00] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4015[09:37:03] *** Joins: msmanni (msmanni@replaced-ip)
4016[09:37:16] <kevin1> oureplaced-url
4017[09:37:22] <msmanni> moin moin leute
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4019[09:37:26] <kevin1> anbinden
4020[09:37:28] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4021[09:37:31] <kevin1> wenn schon
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4025[09:37:48] <kevin1> aber besser ganz auslassen
4026[09:38:06] <msmanni> moin kevin1
4027[09:38:20] <kevin1> hoii manni 4^7^
4028[09:38:26] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4029[09:38:26] <And3rs> +m
4030[09:38:31] <kevin1> uhh
4031[09:38:37] *** Quits: mamadoris37 (mamadoris37@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
4032[09:38:37] <DerKoch> Suche nettes Girl aus STUTTGART das Lust hat sich schnell und unkompliziert was dazuzuverdienen.Kein sex.meldet euch es lohnt sich .zahle gut
4033[09:38:48] <msmanni> hallo And3rs
4034[09:38:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4035[09:38:57] <And3rs> huhu msmanni
4036[09:38:58] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4037[09:39:03] <kevin1> ohne anschnallen ists auch ein heisses eisen
4038[09:39:10] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4039[09:39:26] *** Joins: unbekannter (wirc@replaced-ip)
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4041[09:39:34] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4042[09:40:06] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4043[09:40:19] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4046[09:40:49] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
4047[09:40:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4052[09:41:12] <lauri16> huhuuu wer mag auf mich abspritzen..und wohin:-) replaced-url
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4054[09:41:28] <ER-NRW-Muenster> moin emma
4055[09:41:29] *** Joins: Joshua_ (Joshua_@replaced-ip)
4056[09:41:39] <Guest_134> ne reife sie mit lust auf m 23 da wenn ja bitte pm
4057[09:41:56] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4065[09:43:14] <Ralf-42> welcheb
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4070[09:43:38] <Broundsis> Hi wer will mit uns schreiben meldet euch bei uns
4071[09:43:38] *** Quits: DerKoch (chris@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Rooms • iPhone IRC Client • ##replaced-url
4072[09:43:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4083[09:45:29] *** Quits: Guest_592_455 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
4084[09:45:29] <Lanoiree> Guten Morgen
4085[09:45:32] *** Quits: AnalJulia19 (Julia@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
4086[09:45:38] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4087[09:45:40] <msmanni> moin auch
4088[09:45:46] <A[c]er> 12m14oin Lanoiree
4089[09:45:51] <A[c]er> 12m14oin msmanni
4090[09:45:56] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
4091[09:45:57] *** Quits: MichaelHB (MichaelHB@replaced-ip) (Z-Lined)
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4094[09:46:05] <msmanni> huhu A[c]er
4095[09:46:08] *** Parts: tirsa (tirsa@replaced-ip)
4096[09:46:11] <Lanoiree> hallo Acer
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4115[09:49:02] <Guest_GG> mmh heute ist aber tote hose hier, keine lust zu chatten, wenn doch einfach melden
4116[09:49:04] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4118[09:49:18] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
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4122[09:49:50] <george28> who likes merkel????
4123[09:49:53] <A[c]er> hach jaaaa.... so ist das hier..*seufts
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4143[09:51:39] *** Parts: Guest_666 (Guest@replaced-ip)
4144[09:51:56] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4151[09:53:08] <DerKoch> Suche nettes Girl aus STUTTGART das Lust hat sich schnell und unkompliziert was dazuzuverdienen.Kein sex.meldet euch es lohnt sich .zahle gut
4152[09:53:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4153[09:53:16] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4154[09:53:30] <RSp_BIG-27cm> hey girls wenn ihr lust auf rsp habt dann meldet euch bitte bei mir!!!!123
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4159[09:54:14] *** Parts: Melaniechen (Melaniechen@replaced-ip)
4160[09:54:17] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
4161[09:54:18] * And3rs Now ignoring 4Birgit_819 ( 644 )
4162[09:54:20] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4164[09:54:26] <msmanni> moin SuesseKleine
4165[09:54:52] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4176[09:56:11] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
4177[09:56:12] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4178[09:56:18] <SuesseKleine> replaced-url
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4189[09:57:38] <DerKoch> Suche nettes Girl aus STUTTGART das Lust hat sich schnell und unkompliziert was dazuzuverdienen.Kein sex.meldet euch es lohnt sich .zahle gut
4190[09:57:42] <gnn> eine sie zwischen 18 - 28 hier?
4191[09:57:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4194[09:58:36] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4195[09:58:40] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4200[09:59:17] <Lanoiree> nein danke
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4203[09:59:39] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
4204[09:59:40] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4210[10:00:16] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4211[10:00:20] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4215[10:01:02] <Daniel19> Hi.:)
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4217[10:01:09] <Daniel19> Is there anybody who can speak German?.:)
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4219[10:01:21] <Daniel19> I rthink yes because it's a german group if I'm not mistaken.:)
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4225[10:02:32] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4227[10:03:06] <gnn> rollenspiele ? suche eine Sie ;)
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4232[10:04:30] *** Parts: SklaveMDev (SklaveMDev@replaced-ip)
4233[10:04:35] <DerKoch> Suche nettes Girl aus STUTTGART das Lust hat sich schnell und unkompliziert was dazuzuverdienen.Kein sex.meldet euch es lohnt sich .zahle gut
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4247[10:06:05] *** Joins: RS-HotBoy (RS-HotBoy@replaced-ip)
4248[10:06:05] <HerrUndMeister> Suche DEVOTE SIE fuer ein Treffen gegen Bezahlung. Die Hoehe des Taschengelds ist abhaengig von der Gegenleistung und der Dauer des dates verhandelbar. (zwischen 100 und 2000 Euro) Bei Interesse melde dich!!
4249[10:06:22] *** Parts: Daniel19 (Daniel19@replaced-ip)
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4253[10:06:40] <Trag_enge_Boxer> replaced-url
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4255[10:06:46] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
4256[10:06:50] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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4259[10:07:01] <Empty_18> Huhu :P
4260[10:07:04] <announce1> On 1 July 2015 (00:00 UTC+1) ICQ chat is closing. We suggest that current ICQ chat users move over to our partner website All Chat Network at replaced-url
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