People who Joins, Parts or Quits a chatroom
this is #german an IRC-Channel at IrCQ-Net (ICQ IRC service)
0[00:00:02] *** Quits: Basti23 (Basti23@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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8[00:00:24] <Dom_Paddy22> Guten Abend, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will. Bei interesse privat melden
9[00:00:29] *** Quits: [---Manuel (christoph@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
10[00:00:29] *** Joins: Oli28-FFM-real_ (Oli28-FFM-real@replaced-ip)
11[00:00:32] <Osterwiese> hat jemand einen filmtipp?
12[00:00:33] *** Joins: Christian16 (Christian16@replaced-ip)
13[00:00:34] <GuestFrank> Sina ---schreibe
14[00:00:37] *** _drumme__ is now known as _drummer_
15[00:00:43] <Osterwiese> muchs gut Mulde
16[00:00:47] *** Parts: dirty_m (dirty_m@replaced-ip)
17[00:00:49] <Soley> der hobbit 2 ^^
18[00:00:51] <_drummer_> heyy :) Kampfsportlerinnen da?? privat melden ;)
19[00:00:57] *** Joins: RsLover23 (RsLover23@replaced-ip)
20[00:01:03] <Osterwiese> wo bitte?
21[00:01:04] <mulde> *B*y*E* *B*y*E* Osterwiese
22[00:01:15] *** Joins: Guest_881 (Guest@replaced-ip)
23[00:01:21] <Soley> gibts denn nicht mitlerweile auf dvd oder blueray oder so?
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27[00:02:01] <Dennis23> suche nette Bi-SIE mit skype bitte melden
28[00:02:01] *** Parts: Guest94653 (Paula@replaced-ip)
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47[00:03:26] <Guest3717> hi
48[00:03:33] *** Quits: mulde (Facebook@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
49[00:03:34] <Soley> huhu
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55[00:04:02] <dava> hey
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57[00:04:13] <Iceman_37> hjuiztzuuz8fctzrt76ftzg
58[00:04:14] *** Quits: Guest_475 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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62[00:04:21] <_drummer_> hi! Mädels aus Dortmund hier?? privat anschreiben bitte :)
63[00:04:24] <GuestFrank> Sina - maus -also wenn du Lust hast
64[00:04:34] *** Quits: AthletRS (AthletRS@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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73[00:05:13] <Dominant_M> hey guten abend ;) gibt es hier eine nette und intelligente dame, die einen dominanten und sehr großen mann mit viel humor mag? melde diich bei mir ;) bis gleich!
74[00:05:27] *** Joins: [---Manuel (christoph@replaced-ip)
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77[00:05:32] <likefun> hi wer mag mit mir M chatten?alter egal!
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81[00:05:50] *** Parts: Sandra121 (Sandra121@replaced-ip)
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83[00:05:55] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
84[00:05:59] *** Quits: ^^NiceCuteGuy (asdfghij@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
85[00:06:00] *** Guest is now known as Guest37259
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93[00:07:00] <Boy18> welches girl zeigt sich vor de cam?
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104[00:08:04] <rf> Moin.
105[00:08:11] *** Parts: dave-angel (paule@replaced-ip)
106[00:08:12] <Soley> hi
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109[00:08:26] <Guest37259> Guestfrank?
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111[00:08:37] <Guest37259> .
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114[00:08:41] <Boy18> welches girl zeigt sich vorer cam?
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121[00:09:11] *** Parts: JesusGirl18 (JesusGirl18@replaced-ip)
122[00:09:20] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
123[00:09:31] <GuestFrank> 37259 >>>>wer bist du ?
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125[00:09:53] <Markus_25> guten abend ;) will hier eine nette dame mit einem grossen gebildeten humorvollen mann flirten? melde dich ;)
126[00:10:02] *** Joins: RS-Lukas (RS-Lukas@replaced-ip)
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133[00:10:44] <roughguy> sklavin gesucht, privat melden!
134[00:10:48] *** Quits: Rs_Boy (Rs_Boy@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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136[00:10:57] <GuestFrank> Boy18 >>>>was willste denn sehen ?
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139[00:11:05] <Osterwiese> ach du kriegst ja die Motten
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143[00:11:24] <Anna_29> w sucht paar zum lau schen;jemand da????
144[00:11:40] <blackboy_23> hi
145[00:11:46] <blackboy_23> anna29
146[00:11:48] <Guest_117> bin grad feucht und geil
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150[00:11:58] <RS_hotboy> hey :) wer mag ein rs? gerne auch gruppenrs! pm!
151[00:12:01] *** Quits: w-37jahre (w-37jahre@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
152[00:12:16] <Osterwiese> hier ist niemand
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155[00:12:20] <GuestFrank> Anna_29 >>>>> Nabend
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161[00:13:07] <Markus_25> guten abend ;) will hier eine nette dame mit einem grossen gebildeten humorvollen mann flirten? melde dich ;)
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165[00:13:14] <Dominant_M> hey guten abend ;) gibt es hier eine nette und intelligente dame, die einen dominanten und sehr großen mann mit viel humor mag? melde diich bei mir ;) bis gleich!
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169[00:13:21] <sbb_542> suche girl das mir eine wichsanleitung geben will
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172[00:13:35] <GuestFrank> Osterwiese >>>> noch da ?
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175[00:13:44] <HerrMagZierlich> Guten Abend, ist ein nettes und "braves" girly da? Gern raum Hannover. Pn mich replaced-url
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178[00:14:00] <Osterwiese> gt:gt:gt:
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181[00:14:04] <Christian16> hey hat ein W lust zu chatten? alter egal
182[00:14:08] <Osterwiese> ach du kriegst ja die Motten
183[00:14:11] <Osterwiese> nuff nuff nuff nuff
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191[00:15:12] <GuestFrank> Osterwiese>>>> schreibe mich an !
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193[00:15:29] *** Parts: Vivi (Vivi@replaced-ip)
194[00:15:39] <roughguy> sklavin gesucht, privat melden!
195[00:15:47] <Ramona> hahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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200[00:16:00] <Ramona> lolig
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202[00:16:08] <Guest_117> noch immer feucht und geil
203[00:16:11] <Nouis-Susi> lolig?
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205[00:16:14] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
206[00:16:18] <GuestFrank> kann ich nich
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212[00:17:02] <Ramona> jap
213[00:17:15] <GuestFrank> Osterwiese >>>> Kann iczh nich !
214[00:17:16] <Ramona> lustig ;)
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220[00:17:45] <Ramona> ja finde ich auch :D
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222[00:17:52] <Nouis-Susi> haha gut
223[00:18:07] *** Joins: KaltesWasser (KaltesWasser@replaced-ip)
224[00:18:12] <GuestFrank> Ramona
225[00:18:14] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
226[00:18:19] *** Parts: maik (maik@replaced-ip)
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234[00:18:56] <GuestFrank> Osterwiese
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237[00:19:04] <Ramona> hmmm? ja
238[00:19:04] <MsuBiStute> Hallo ;) Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine tolle und sehr geile Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die staendigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits
239[00:19:04] <MsuBiStute> Sinnlichkeit, Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze fuer Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
240[00:19:15] *** Quits: Markus_25 (Netter_Stu@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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245[00:20:00] <GuestFrank> Melde dich
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247[00:20:05] <Ramona> Msudingens .....verpiss dich
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249[00:20:19] <Ramona> wer Frank
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257[00:21:03] <Ramona> da will mich einer heiraten ...voll gruselig
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261[00:21:27] <Nouis-Susi> haha wieso gruselig?
262[00:21:31] <Ramona> ich bin ich
263[00:21:35] *** Parts: Guest_117 (Guest@replaced-ip)
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266[00:21:49] <Ramona> ja der geht voll ab ey
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268[00:22:08] <Manuel17> Hallo zusammen, sind auch nette Girls da? PN
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270[00:22:13] <Nouis-Susi> wow ist ja toll
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272[00:22:27] <Nouis-Susi> haha
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274[00:22:32] <Ramona> total gruselig
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276[00:22:38] <GuestFrank> SCHREIBE M)ICH AN ----RAMONA
277[00:22:53] <Ramona> ich glaub der is irre
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279[00:22:57] <zeitgeist> zeige mich gern oelverschmiert vor der cam? also wenn du ein maedel bist dann melde dich doch einfach bei mir!
280[00:22:58] <Nouis-Susi> ich finde den gruseliger
281[00:23:00] *** Joins: iche74 (xjrpcrvnlawsce@replaced-ip)
282[00:23:02] <rf> Die Nicks hier sind schon irre.
283[00:23:03] <Ramona> warum Frank
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285[00:23:10] <Nouis-Susi> ja echt rf
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289[00:23:34] <Ramona> aber wirklich rf
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294[00:23:46] <Nouis-Susi> und was?
295[00:23:47] <Ramona> naaa ja
296[00:23:50] <rf> Man kann leichter filtern, mit welchen Leuten man nicht schreiben sollte.
297[00:23:52] *** Parts: Anna_29 (Anna_29@replaced-ip)
298[00:23:53] <GuestFrank> weil ich es nich kann >>> Ramona
299[00:24:01] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 295
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303[00:24:20] <Ramona> wieso kannst du es nicht Frank ?
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305[00:24:29] *** Joins: DogLove_M (DogLove_M@replaced-ip)
306[00:24:30] <zeitgeist> zeige mich gern oelverschmiert vor der cam? also wenn du ein maedel bist dann melde dich doch einfach bei mir!
307[00:24:34] *** Quits: lutsch_ihn (lutsch_ihn@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
308[00:24:35] <Nouis-Susi> aso du beurteilst auch gleich alle nach nicks
309[00:24:47] <Dennis23> suche nette Bi-SIE mit skype bitte melden
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313[00:25:02] <Ramona> Frank
314[00:25:03] <rf> Kommt auf die Nicks an.
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316[00:25:13] <GuestFrank> es klappt nich >>> ramona
317[00:25:20] <Ramona> sprich aber biiiiiiiiitte nicht vom Heiraten
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319[00:25:26] <rf> Manchmal reicht das schon. :D
320[00:25:28] <Ramona> hahahaa Oo
321[00:25:32] <Nouis-Susi> okay stimmt schon
322[00:25:35] <Nouis-Susi> oO
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326[00:26:05] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
327[00:26:05] *** Joins: Guest_890 (Guest@replaced-ip)
328[00:26:09] <GuestFrank> ok Mona
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331[00:26:22] <Ramona> wer ist Mona
332[00:26:25] <Nouis-Susi> haha schade das hatte er jetzt sicher vor
333[00:26:28] <Iceman_37> ?????????????????????????
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335[00:26:39] <Ramona> hahhaaaaaaaa looooool
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338[00:26:50] <GuestFrank> oder 0ok Ramona
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341[00:27:07] <Ramona> asooooo du meinst mich Frank
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344[00:27:23] <GuestFrank> Moin Eisiger
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354[00:27:58] <Klaus-Peter> guten morgen :D
355[00:28:01] <Ramona> um mich zu heiraten
356[00:28:04] <Nouis-Susi> oha
357[00:28:04] <Iceman_37> Moin GuestFrank
358[00:28:04] <Soley> hallo
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360[00:28:07] *** Joins: Gein (Gein@replaced-ip)
361[00:28:09] <Nouis-Susi> der hat ja noch viel vor
362[00:28:12] <Christian16> hey hat ein W lust zu chatten? alter egal
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367[00:28:26] <Ramona> ja eben ...sag doch "grruuuuuuselig "
368[00:28:37] <Nouis-Susi> okay jetzt kann ich das auch verstehen
369[00:28:37] <ich_w> hey :) mag eine w schreiben oder so?
370[00:28:37] <G33k> hier is ja wieder was los...
371[00:28:50] *** Joins: Aegyptische-Grl (Aegyptische-Grl@replaced-ip)
372[00:28:52] <Ramona> siehste
373[00:28:54] <benny26m> hahahaha ramona !!!
374[00:29:08] *** Parts: Guest_376 (Guest@replaced-ip)
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377[00:29:11] <helg> heiratet nie das meine ohilosophie!+
378[00:29:12] *** Parts: iwdvf (iwdvf@replaced-ip)
379[00:29:14] <Nouis-Susi> ja seh ich
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382[00:29:18] <GuestFrank> Ramona >>>>> wolltest du nich privat ?
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386[00:29:23] <Nouis-Susi> haha
387[00:29:29] <Ramona> benny ich hab angst
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389[00:29:42] <Ramona> vor dir jetzt
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392[00:29:47] <benny26m> von was
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394[00:29:48] <Nouis-Susi> wieso er findet nur deinen namen witzig
395[00:29:48] <benny26m> den
396[00:29:50] <italmen> dann komm zu mir
397[00:29:52] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
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401[00:30:02] <Ramona> neeeee nich
402[00:30:11] *** Joins: Guestm_663 (Guestm@replaced-ip)
403[00:30:18] <benny26m> hahahaha
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405[00:30:23] <benny26m> ramona
406[00:30:23] *** Quits: NerdeAcaba_M (NerdeAcaba_M@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
407[00:30:29] <benny26m> bist sehr lustig
408[00:30:31] *** Joins: HardOne_721 (HardOne@replaced-ip)
409[00:30:33] <Nouis-Susi> schau dein name ist so lustig
410[00:30:37] <GuestFrank> Mona >>>> ich warte
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413[00:30:51] <rf> wat
414[00:30:54] <benny26m> ich bin da
415[00:30:59] <michael-91> eine Sie aus BW hier?? bitte privat melden
416[00:31:03] <Nouis-Susi> haha
417[00:31:04] <benny26m> nur fur dich
418[00:31:04] *** Quits: DirtyPleasure (DirtyPleasure@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
419[00:31:05] <benny26m> hahaa
420[00:31:07] <iche74> nabend
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424[00:31:19] <G33k> hab mich geirrt... doch langweilig hier ;)
425[00:31:24] <Ramona> Frank ich komme
426[00:31:24] <Nouis-Susi> gehts jetzt wieder?
427[00:31:25] *** Joins: nadine14 (nadine14@replaced-ip)
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429[00:31:27] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
430[00:31:34] <Nouis-Susi> pecht gehabt G33k
431[00:31:34] <helg> neee:D
432[00:31:35] <GuestFrank> ok
433[00:31:38] <benny26m> hahahhaa
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437[00:31:46] <benny26m> Ramona !!!
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440[00:31:53] <italmen> luki geh dir eine rubbeln4
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445[00:32:24] <RainerSuSklavin> sklavinnen hier?
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451[00:32:54] <benny26m> Ramona
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453[00:33:00] <benny26m> schrieb pv
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455[00:33:07] <italmen> kkkkkaaaa
456[00:33:08] <benny26m> nicht in pblc
457[00:33:17] <Nouis-Susi> macht sie ja nur nicht bei dir
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466[00:33:47] <rf> Immernoch das Problem mit den heiratswilligen Horden? :D
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468[00:34:07] <Ramona> haha rf
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473[00:34:30] *** Joins: Sarah17 (Sarah17@replaced-ip)
474[00:34:31] <Sarah17> wer will in icq mit mir icq games zocken?Melden
475[00:34:31] <Ramona> ich bin a harter brockn lol
476[00:34:33] <Dob_Bylan> Moin Thusnelda :-)
477[00:34:35] <benny26m> <3 R A M O N A > Hairatte michhhhhhhhhh
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480[00:34:44] <Guest94637> welche sie fühlt sich auch alleine und würde gerne mal wieder was zu zweit machen?
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482[00:34:48] <Thusnelda^^> Moin dobsche
483[00:35:00] *** Quits: Ben25 (Ben25@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
484[00:35:00] <Dob_Bylan> :-)
485[00:35:07] *** Quits: roughguy (roughguy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
486[00:35:08] <Dob_Bylan> Na, warst Du heute auf Tour?
487[00:35:09] *** Quits: Guestm_663 (Guestm@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
488[00:35:12] <italmen> ja
489[00:35:15] *** Quits: Natie (Natie@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
490[00:35:16] *** Quits: dirty_m (dirty_m@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
491[00:35:17] <Thusnelda^^> ja
492[00:35:18] <G33k> so schauts aus
493[00:35:24] *** Quits: iche74 (xjrpcrvnlawsce@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
494[00:35:25] <Nouis-Susi> na dann
495[00:35:27] *** Joins: DirtyPleasure (DirtyPleasure@replaced-ip)
496[00:35:28] <benny26m> wer sagt jaaa
497[00:35:31] *** Joins: Guestm_42 (Guestm@replaced-ip)
498[00:35:34] <Thusnelda^^> du auch ?
499[00:35:37] <italmen> ne
500[00:35:41] <benny26m> ich und ramona zu hairatten
501[00:35:42] <Dob_Bylan> In Sachen PC, ja
502[00:35:46] <benny26m> ?????????????????
503[00:35:49] <italmen> kann sein
504[00:35:54] <Thusnelda^^> hm
505[00:35:59] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
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510[00:36:05] <Sarah17> wer will in icq mit mir icq games zocken?Melden
511[00:36:12] *** Joins: _HUMILIATOR_ (_HUMILIATOR_@replaced-ip)
512[00:36:13] <italmen> sarah welche+
513[00:36:17] <GastMann> wer kennt denn eine nachtfee hier? bitte mal kurz melden im privat bei mir!
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518[00:36:32] <Lisa_18> jemand hier, der einfach nur nett schreiben will ?? wenn ja dann bitte privat melden
519[00:36:39] <michael-91> eine Sie aus BW hier?? bitte privat melden
520[00:36:40] <Dob_Bylan> Ich nehme an, dass Du das Tanzbein geschwungen hast, Thusnelda
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523[00:36:51] <Christian16> huhu noch ein Girl on das lust hat zu chatten?
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525[00:36:53] <benny26m> lisaa
526[00:36:53] <AdmiralThrawn> Hairatten... man man... die Gentechnik ist schon ne schlimme Sache... was macht man gegen Hai-Ratten eigentlich ?? Rattengift auf ne Harpune stecken ??
527[00:36:54] <Thusnelda^^> nein
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529[00:36:58] <Dob_Bylan> oha!
530[00:37:05] *** Parts: aleks (aleks@replaced-ip)
531[00:37:05] <Thusnelda^^> bin gerade an der Ostsee
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533[00:37:09] <ich_w> hey :) mag eine w schreiben oder so?
534[00:37:12] *** Parts: MAN_49 (MAN_49@replaced-ip)
535[00:37:17] <Nouis-Susi> haha
536[00:37:18] <Dob_Bylan> :-)
537[00:37:19] <Minato> Huhu Leut^^
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540[00:37:30] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
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542[00:37:33] *** Parts: Guest688 (gvegvfwsppancq@replaced-ip)
543[00:37:35] <Dob_Bylan> Aber nicht noch schwimmen gehen!
544[00:37:52] <Thusnelda^^> neeeee 2cm kalt^^
545[00:38:05] <Dob_Bylan> :-)
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548[00:38:46] <Dob_Bylan> Außerdem weiss man ja seit "Der weisse Hai", daß abends schwimmen gehen gefährlich sein kann
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550[00:39:01] <Sarah17> wer will in icq mit mir icq games zocken?Melden
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553[00:39:10] <Thusnelda^^> nicht nur abends
554[00:39:26] <M4k-HiGh> yo
555[00:39:34] <Thusnelda^^> für was?
556[00:39:36] <M4k-HiGh> wat ein Gentleman
557[00:39:36] <Dob_Bylan> Aber da sah man es bildlich vor sich :-)
558[00:39:43] <klaas> aus prinzip
559[00:39:48] *** Joins: skyper (ytbxulmcztsdht@replaced-ip)
560[00:39:50] <benny26m> huhuu ramona du hast angst
561[00:39:53] <M4k-HiGh> Macho macho *singz
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563[00:40:07] <benny26m> ich bin keinen geister hahahaa
564[00:40:10] <benny26m> :DDD
565[00:40:13] <Thusnelda^^> also weitermachen ^^
566[00:40:22] <Osterwiese> hehe der Roller... zum schiessen.... :)
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569[00:40:32] <AdmiralThrawn> M4k-HiGh: da passt wohl eher Haindling mit "Depp" ... ein Depp, ein Depp, ein depperter Depp... :-)
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576[00:41:06] <Minato> Ihr seit alle Geister ;D
577[00:41:12] <AdmiralThrawn> seid
578[00:41:19] <M4k-HiGh> die geister die Ich rief *gg*
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585[00:42:11] <Nouis-Susi> ja die ist hier gerade
586[00:42:18] <Minato> Wo ;D
587[00:42:18] <GastMann> Kennt jemand die Nachfee? Dann bitte mal kurz melden bei mir im Privat?
588[00:42:20] <M4k-HiGh> wer
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590[00:42:23] <Thusnelda^^> zum
591[00:42:25] *** Joins: Piet68 (Piet68@replaced-ip)
592[00:42:29] <Thusnelda^^> Bye Bye sagen
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594[00:42:37] <_drummer_> sportliche Mädels da?? privat melden ;)
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597[00:42:59] <luki96> vv
598[00:43:00] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
599[00:43:09] <Dob_Bylan> Gehst Du schon wieder, Thusnelda?
600[00:43:10] <Thusnelda^^> gute Nacht
601[00:43:19] <Dob_Bylan> Schlaf gut und träum schön
602[00:43:24] <Thusnelda^^> ja bin ziemlich platt
603[00:43:24] <Nouis-Susi> nacht Thusnelda
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606[00:43:48] <MsuBiStute> Hallo ;) Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine tolle und sehr geile Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die staendigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits
607[00:43:49] <MsuBiStute> Sinnlichkeit, Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze fuer Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
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613[00:44:05] <Dob_Bylan> wech isse
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624[00:44:54] <Dennis23> suche nette Bi-SIE mit skype bitte melden
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633[00:45:37] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
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636[00:45:57] <browngirl> lubeck?
637[00:46:08] <M4k-HiGh> Hamburg
638[00:46:09] <M4k-HiGh> ^^
639[00:46:12] <_Marcus> huhu nette Dame für nächtliches CS oder RS gesucht =) pvt me!!!
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643[00:46:27] <ich_w> hey :) mag eine w schreiben oder so?
644[00:46:27] <AdmiralThrawn> M4k-HiGh: ach, ich such eigentlich nur ne kleine devote Nuss...
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648[00:46:59] <klaas> ibibio sound machine
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652[00:47:31] <andy42ddorf> moin
653[00:47:33] <M21Frage> suche reife sie, die lust hat sich ausfragen zu lassen
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661[00:48:42] <AdmiralThrawn> M4k-HiGh: nee, nicht gefunden. Also zumindest nicht hier.... hier wollen sie doch alle nur Rollenspiele... oder Frage-Spiele...
662[00:48:44] <benny26m> :::::::::::::::: Guten Nacht ALL
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668[00:49:00] <Soley> nacht
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672[00:49:20] <M4k-HiGh> ja, sehe Ich schon ^^... wenn man glaubt es kann nich schlimmer werden
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676[00:49:40] <Nouis-Susi> schlimmer geht immer
677[00:49:46] <AdmiralThrawn> allerdings
678[00:49:47] <M4k-HiGh> Juppz... ^^
679[00:49:55] <rf> Und zwar wirklich immer.
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682[00:50:06] <Nouis-Susi> haha
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686[00:50:19] <Osterwiese> stimmts?
687[00:50:43] <klaas> osterwiese
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689[00:50:48] <Nouis-Susi> okay?
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693[00:51:07] <Osterwiese> Georg "Schoorsch" Clooney
694[00:51:07] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
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696[00:51:26] <M4k-HiGh> der is ne Katze ??
697[00:51:38] <AdmiralThrawn> die reden doch wirr
698[00:51:44] <M4k-HiGh> hui .. 3 min hier und schon verwirrt ,... neuer rekort
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700[00:51:56] <klaas> schnauze admiral
701[00:51:56] <M4k-HiGh> d
702[00:52:00] *** Joins: jan22 (jan22@replaced-ip)
703[00:52:04] <Nouis-Susi> das geht doch schneller
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705[00:52:10] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
706[00:52:13] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
707[00:52:19] <klaas> du lustgreis da
708[00:52:23] <M4k-HiGh> nur wenn Ich 2-3 Bier getrunken hab
709[00:52:24] <MsuBiStute> Hallo ;) Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine tolle und sehr geile Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die staendigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits
710[00:52:24] <MsuBiStute> Sinnlichkeit, Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze fuer Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
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715[00:53:05] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
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718[00:53:40] <spontan-er-47> hi,... eine nette, jungere, als ich, experimentierfreudig, sie aus dem norden mit evtl. mit icq zum chatten und flirten hier...
719[00:53:47] <BtchNora15> Hey wer fragt gern aus? :-*
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723[00:54:02] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
724[00:54:07] <M4k-HiGh> die Stasi
725[00:54:14] <andy42ddorf> oh je
726[00:54:18] *** Quits: M-nrw (M-nrw@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
727[00:54:23] <ich_w> hey :) mag eine w schreiben oder so?
728[00:54:30] *** Quits: Aegyptische-Grl (Aegyptische-Grl@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
729[00:54:40] <M4k-HiGh> Ich find dat zu geil
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731[00:54:48] <Nouis-Susi> das sinnfreie schreiben?
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733[00:55:04] <AdmiralThrawn> Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7 <--- was ? blockieren ? ... ignorieren ? ... zur Schule schicken, damit es mal irgenwann für ganze Sätze reicht ??
734[00:55:11] <M4k-HiGh> mach Ich Ja auch .... aber die toppen sogar mich ^^
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737[00:55:24] <M21Frage> suche reife sie, die lust hat sich ausfragen zu lassen
738[00:55:24] <Nouis-Susi> nicht immer
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744[00:55:52] <Nouis-Susi> okay das kann sein
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748[00:56:25] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
749[00:56:28] <Nouis-Susi> haha
750[00:56:46] <Nouis-Susi> dann ist ja gut oder wie
751[00:56:48] *** Joins: Tobias_221 (Tobias_221@replaced-ip)
752[00:57:04] <M4k-HiGh> sollte man meinen ^^
753[00:57:04] *** Quits: Adonis-lappi (Adonis@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
754[00:57:04] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
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759[00:57:40] <rf> Dann darfst du auch nicht mitmachen!
760[00:57:42] <rf> :D
761[00:57:47] <M4k-HiGh> mennooooooo ^^
762[00:57:56] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
763[00:58:08] <M4k-HiGh> dabei hab Ich ein Bock und sogar ne Ziege
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767[00:58:13] <AdmiralThrawn> M4k-HiGh: aber interessante Entwicklung... jetzt finden "Partys" schon im Gruppenchat statt... so kann man beisammen sein und muss trotzdem nicht mehr vor die Tür :-)
768[00:58:25] <Viking_84> Na so was
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772[00:58:33] <Nouis-Susi> ja das ist doch praktisch
773[00:58:44] <rf> Draussen kanns ja kalt sein.
774[00:58:50] <rf> Nich auszudenken.
775[00:58:51] <AdmiralThrawn> gutes Argument
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778[00:59:13] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
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783[00:59:47] <M4k-HiGh> 10(NICK) nick wurde gewechselt! Sarah20 war vorher als Hans_Dieter auf IrCQnet unterwegs
784[00:59:51] <rf> Wird eh grad abgeschafft.
785[01:00:00] <Nouis-Susi> haha
786[01:00:00] <AdmiralThrawn> was, die Natur ?
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795[01:01:53] <M4k-HiGh> UiUiUi , es geht Ja doch noch weiter *gg*
796[01:02:04] <Nouis-Susi> womit?
797[01:02:04] *** Quits: devot-lena (devot-lena@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
798[01:02:05] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
799[01:02:07] <AdmiralThrawn> M4k-HiGh: extra für Dich gibts sowas... replaced-url
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809[01:03:06] <AdmiralThrawn> Käse..... :-) ... die sind mir
810[01:03:06] *** Parts: MaxiKing (MaxiKing@replaced-ip)
811[01:03:12] <Nouis-Susi> haha
812[01:03:12] <M21Frage> suche reife sie, die lust hat sich ausfragen zu lassen
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820[01:04:32] <AdmiralThrawn> 1:0 M4k-HiGh ...
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824[01:05:07] <Nouis-Susi> gegen wen?
825[01:05:09] <Lisa_18> jemand hier, der einfach nur nett schreiben will ?? wenn ja dann bitte privat melden
826[01:05:19] *** Parts: Tobias_221 (Tobias_221@replaced-ip)
827[01:05:28] *** Sky[A] is now known as SeXyMaTriX
828[01:05:30] <rf> Einfach nur nett schreiben? Das ist ja krank!
829[01:05:36] *** Quits: Guest82286 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
830[01:05:39] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
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833[01:05:58] <Nouis-Susi> ah das ist gut
834[01:06:01] *** SeXyMaTriX is now known as Confuz[Z]leD
835[01:06:02] <AdmiralThrawn> einfach nur nett schreiben ?? nett nett nett nett.... wird auch schnell langweilig
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837[01:06:10] <M4k-HiGh> *gg*
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841[01:06:59] <SweetGirl_73> welcher Mann hat Skype und will geile sachen machen? ;)
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846[01:08:10] <Dennis23> suche nette Bi-SIE mit skype bitte melden
847[01:08:17] <klaas> nungut
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853[01:08:44] <Gina_527> heyy
854[01:08:46] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
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860[01:09:32] <Guest10383> hey...suche sie zum reden...privat bitte
861[01:09:33] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
862[01:09:34] <klaas> naja
863[01:09:38] <Latino27_18> hey gina
864[01:09:39] <klaas> ach egal
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872[01:10:25] <Sarah20> wer hat bock auf eine gangbang party?Dann sollten alle Interessierten im Skype gruppenchatten erstmal sarah-jasmin7
873[01:10:34] *** Quits: Crossi (gilgksvjrjfpdg@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
874[01:10:51] <Timbo> is gut jetzt sarah
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880[01:11:09] <Nouis-Susi> anscheinend ists nicht gut
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884[01:11:50] <Chris15m> huhu ein W on das lust hat zu chatten?
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886[01:11:55] <rf> Ist doch sowieso ein Bot.
887[01:11:56] <rf> ^^
888[01:12:17] <M4k-HiGh> 01:11 <Chris15m> HuHu Du ein W on das lust hat zu chatten? <--- google translater ??
889[01:12:19] <Nouis-Susi> hoffentlich
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895[01:12:45] <Nouis-Susi> haha du zeigt den eiskalt her
896[01:12:46] <likefun> hi wer mag mit mir M chatten?alter egal!
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898[01:13:05] <M4k-HiGh> *gg*
899[01:13:08] <likefun> hi wer mag mit mir M 25 bi chatten?alter egal! meldet euch!
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901[01:13:24] <benny26m> phuuu
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925[01:15:05] <M21Frage> suche sie: 25+ zum ausfragen pm me
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927[01:15:27] <M4k-HiGh> /aCh ne, bin seit 3-4 jahren nur noch selten hier im Chat
928[01:15:28] <Lisa_18> jemand hier, der einfach nur nett schreiben will ?? wenn ja dann bitte privat melden
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936[01:16:00] <Nouis-Susi> haha das ist aber schade
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943[01:16:17] <M4k-HiGh> +r
944[01:16:32] <DogLove_M> eine sie lust zu chatten ? meld dich privat :)
945[01:16:34] *** Quits: Guest_267 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
946[01:16:35] <Chris15m> huhu ein W on das lust hat zu chatten?
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948[01:16:38] <Nouis-Susi> haha okay der arme Horst
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951[01:17:02] <M21Frage> suche sie: 25+ zum ausfragen pm me
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955[01:17:21] <mexicangirl29> hi
956[01:17:22] <M4k-HiGh> sind die alle neugierig hier .. mensch mensch mensch
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958[01:17:24] <mexicangirl29> or hallo?
959[01:17:28] <Guest96127> hallooooo
960[01:17:30] <cool_boy> hello
961[01:17:30] <Soley> hallo
962[01:17:31] <M4k-HiGh> HaLLo Du
963[01:17:33] <mexicangirl29> hiii
964[01:17:37] *** Quits: XxJenny-RsxX (XxJenny-RsxX@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
965[01:17:39] <Nouis-Susi> mehr als du
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967[01:17:42] <M4k-HiGh> Caaaraaambaaa
968[01:17:46] <DebbieHarry> das liegt sicher daran, dass hier so irre spannende menschen sind
969[01:17:47] <mexicangirl29> hahaha
970[01:17:55] <mexicangirl29> i'm so sorry, I don't know german :(
971[01:17:57] <mexicangirl29> shame on me
972[01:18:03] <mexicangirl29> but I like german boys lol
973[01:18:07] <mexicangirl29> wanna get to know some
974[01:18:18] <M4k-HiGh> that
975[01:18:32] <Viking_84> No Problem
976[01:18:36] <Nouis-Susi> doch problem
977[01:18:42] *** Parts: carsten_80 (carsten_80@replaced-ip)
978[01:18:50] <Viking_84> Why
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980[01:18:57] <M4k-HiGh> wer hat n Problem ??
981[01:19:03] *** Quits: Hesse-FFM (rooms@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
982[01:19:05] <Nouis-Susi> die englischschreiber
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985[01:19:10] <M4k-HiGh> huch .. Ich bin Ja doch neugierig
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987[01:19:31] <DebbieHarry> ... oh je nee ihr seid echt zu panne
988[01:19:37] <M4k-HiGh> einfach tolerant sein ^^
989[01:19:45] <Nouis-Susi> haha einmal geht noch
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993[01:20:32] <DebbieHarry> ist ja gut, macht mal weiter
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998[01:20:56] <Viking_84> Sure
999[01:21:01] <Nouis-Susi> den kenn ich aber noch nicht lange
1000[01:21:06] *** Quits: sanji (sanji@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1001[01:21:15] <M4k-HiGh> Tja... ... man kann nicht alles kennen ^^
1002[01:21:21] *** Quits: talkerman (talkerman@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1003[01:21:28] <likefun> hi wer mag mit mir M 25 bi chatten?alter egal! meldet euch!
1004[01:21:33] *** Joins: SweetGirl_609 (SweetGirl@replaced-ip)
1005[01:21:33] <heisse_maus_17> suche jemanden ser mich ausfragen will ....bitte privat melden
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1007[01:21:40] <SweetGirl_609> IST HIER EIN FARBIGER MANN? :)
1008[01:21:44] *** Quits: Angela (Angela@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1009[01:21:54] <M4k-HiGh> zu Ostern war Ich farbig *gg*
1010[01:22:02] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 262
1011[01:22:09] <BtchNora15> Hey wer fragt gern aus? :-*
1012[01:22:11] *** Quits: Sarah_ (Sarah_@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1013[01:22:15] <DebbieHarry> ok, es hilft nicht
1014[01:22:32] <SweetGirl_609> hat jemand skype und will es mir besorgen?
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1018[01:22:55] <M4k-HiGh> wir sind Ja alles asis .. und nur Du bist ein Musterwesen
1019[01:22:59] <DebbieHarry> wo ist da der zusammenhang mit wichteln und empathie?
1020[01:23:04] <blacklightburns> haha, rechtfertigungen xD
1021[01:23:30] <DebbieHarry> du traust mir ja viel zu
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1024[01:23:33] *** Quits: Guest64950 (Life@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1025[01:23:38] <Nouis-Susi> haha das ist sicher ein fehler
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1036[01:24:11] <DebbieHarry> ich geh mal besser
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1039[01:24:18] <M4k-HiGh> bleib doch ^^
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1041[01:24:22] <DebbieHarry> ich will hier ja nichts durcheinanderbringen
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1046[01:24:51] <M21Frage> suche sie: 25+ zum ausfragen pm me
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1052[01:25:22] <M_su_BiStute> Hey Du. Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine tolle und sehr geile Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die staendigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits
1053[01:25:23] <M_su_BiStute> Sinnlichkeit, Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze fuer Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
1054[01:25:24] *** Quits: andii (andii@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1057[01:25:28] <M4k-HiGh> hier kann man nichts durcheinander bringen
1058[01:25:30] <DebbieHarry> damit muss ich jetzt leben. ich hoffe, ich kann trotz dieser harschen kritik einschlafen
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1063[01:25:58] <DebbieHarry> machs gut
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1065[01:26:05] <M4k-HiGh> haunse
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1070[01:26:27] <antimORAList> guten morgen an alle...
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1073[01:26:38] <boyaaaaaa> MUSS MAL DRINGEND!!!! WELCHE SIE MAG GERN HALTEN??<-------------
1074[01:26:48] <Miffi> warst ja ewig und drei Tage niCht mehr hier
1075[01:26:58] <Miffi> wo hast'e denn gesteckt?
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1078[01:27:19] <Speedy32nrw> Hi!
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1082[01:27:28] <M4k-HiGh> Ja .. zuletzt vor 2 wochen oder so .. und davor ne ganze weile nich .. Ich schau immer mal so alle paar monate rein sonst
1083[01:27:32] <mexicangirl29> I thought germans were shy and polite
1084[01:27:34] <mexicangirl29> :/
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1088[01:27:45] <M4k-HiGh> <-- very very shy
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1090[01:27:49] <Miffi> jaja
1091[01:27:51] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
1092[01:27:53] <Miffi> und iCh bin 'nen Baum
1093[01:27:56] <M4k-HiGh> is so
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1095[01:28:13] <Miffi> 'ne espe
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1101[01:28:54] <M4k-HiGh> +s
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1107[01:29:03] <Miffi> wus?
1108[01:29:04] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
1109[01:29:08] <781AF4KGE> nabend ne nette sie aus der umgebung stuttgart hir ?
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1117[01:29:42] <Miffi> was bin ich?
1118[01:29:53] <M4k-HiGh> ne junge Espe
1119[01:29:58] *** Quits: Sand (Sand@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1120[01:30:00] <Dennis23> suche nette Bi-SIE mit skype bitte melden
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1125[01:31:00] <Miffi> iCh schreib immer gleichlaut
1126[01:31:21] <Miffi> nur niCht kleinlaut
1127[01:31:23] <Miffi> ^^
1128[01:31:24] *** Quits: Guest22852 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1129[01:31:27] <Nouis-Susi> haha das schaut ja professionel aus
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1131[01:31:31] <M4k-HiGh> ^^
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1135[01:31:57] <lukas-boy> hey ist noch ein girl wach das mit mir chatten mag?privat melden
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1138[01:32:22] <M4k-HiGh> Ich war halt auch mal n Chatkind ^^ .. 24 Stunden und 7 tage die Woche im Chat
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1142[01:32:43] <Miffi> was hat diCh denn von hier vertrieben?
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1144[01:32:52] <M4k-HiGh> das Leben ^^
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1147[01:33:05] <M4k-HiGh> jaahaaa .. sowat gibt es
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1149[01:33:08] <M21Frage> suche sie: 25+ zum ausfragen pm me
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1157[01:34:00] <Chatwittche> Mmiffi...huhu ;)
1158[01:34:05] <Chatwittche> -m
1159[01:34:09] <Miffi> ^^
1160[01:34:10] <Nouis-Susi> hi chatwittche
1161[01:34:16] <Chatwittche> Susi..moin moin
1162[01:34:43] *** Parts: Speedy32nrw (Speedy32nrw@replaced-ip)
1163[01:34:48] <Chatwittche> ein fuchs er ist
1164[01:35:00] <M4k-HiGh> *gg*
1165[01:35:06] <RSboyhot> Herrin anwesend?
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1168[01:35:27] <M4k-HiGh> ne aber n Herr ist grad eingetroffen ..
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1172[01:35:53] <likefun> hi wer mag mit mir M 25 bi chatten?alter egal! meldet euch!
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1174[01:36:32] <M4k-HiGh> hier ham Ja alle viel Phantaasiiieee
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1177[01:37:16] <Nouis-Susi> jaa das ist auch wichtig
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1179[01:37:20] <M21Frage> suche sie: 25+ zum ausfragen pm me
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1184[01:37:34] <M21Frage> suche reife sie zum ausfragen pm me
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1187[01:38:03] <Nouis-Susi> oha das auch noch
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1193[01:38:47] <M4k-HiGh> nu Ja .. wenn man gewisse Vorstellungen hat von einer Person, und den dann evtl. mal trifft ^^ ... spreche aus erfahrung *gg*
1194[01:39:10] <Miffi> so schlimm?
1195[01:39:20] <Nouis-Susi> haha
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1205[01:40:36] <Osterwiese> na gut, eine Stunde noch...
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1211[01:41:04] <M4k-HiGh> dat kenn Ich .... wollt eigtl. auch nur ne Viertelstunde .... ^^
1212[01:41:12] *** Parts: Guest_102_821 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1213[01:41:39] <M21Frage> suche reife sie zum ausfragen pm me
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1217[01:41:51] <Nouis-Susi> haha die bringt ja dann nicht so viel
1218[01:42:02] <M4k-HiGh> nicht wirklich *gg*
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1220[01:42:08] <Guest_38_196> hi
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1248[01:46:34] <Nouis-Susi> okay kann man ja verstehen
1249[01:46:36] <Chris15m> huhu ein Girl on das lust hat zu chatten? alter egal
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1257[01:47:32] <luki96> bin boy luki 17, sixpack,skype,cam, stuttgart :D :DD wer will darf klicken
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1267[01:48:38] <Nouis-Susi> okay mach das
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1273[01:48:50] <M4k-HiGh> mach Ich ^^
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1281[01:49:19] <GuestFrank> Ramona
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1287[01:50:02] <M4k-HiGh> ja, zu nett darf man hier och nicht sein *gg*
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1291[01:50:37] <GuestFrank> Ramona
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1295[01:51:03] <likefun> hi wer mag mit mir M 25 bi chatten?alter egal! meldet euch!
1296[01:51:07] <Nouis-Susi> das hast du vorher zeigen wollen oder?
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1298[01:51:27] <M4k-HiGh> richtig ^^ .. bin so scheizze sozial *gg*
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1301[01:51:56] <Nouis-Susi> haha aber echt mal
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1303[01:52:03] <BtchNora15> Hey wer fragt gern aus? :)
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1305[01:52:15] <Guest_772> hi leutz
1306[01:52:19] <GuestFrank> Ramona ?
1307[01:52:23] <Guest_772> jemand aus sachsen da
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1311[01:52:43] <M4k-HiGh> der scheint nur auf Ramona fixiert zu sein
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1314[01:52:54] <Nouis-Susi> ja und merkt trotzdem nicht wenn sie geht
1315[01:52:55] <M_su_BiStute> Hey Du. Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine tolle und sehr geile Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die staendigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits
1316[01:52:55] <M_su_BiStute> Sinnlichkeit, Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze fuer Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
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1326[01:54:21] <Nouis-Susi> haha ja daran muss man auch denken stimmt
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1328[01:54:27] <M4k-HiGh> HiHiHiHi
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1331[01:54:40] <luxx> hallo
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1339[01:55:49] <M4k-HiGh> 9Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat 2 .... bin dann mal weg 8 \0_
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1344[01:56:04] <GuestFrank> R A M O N A
1345[01:56:23] <Dennis23> suche nette Bi-SIE mit skype bitte melden
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1352[01:57:37] <M21Question> suche sie mit erfahrung zum ausfragen pm me pls
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1357[01:57:58] <_Er-zeigt-was4w> hi
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1359[01:58:08] <Chatwittche> Shadowelfenmaid..huhu
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1363[01:58:34] <Shadowelfenmaid> 4H6u4H6u4... Chatwittche knuffs
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1365[01:58:45] <Chatwittche> reknuff Elfe ;)
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1369[01:59:17] <Hesse-FFM> Hallo 😊 ist hier eine sie aus Hessen? Von Frankfurt, Hanau, Offenbach über GG MTK bis Mainz und alles drum herum 😀 würde mich freuen wenn dich mal meldest. LG 😉
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1372[01:59:42] <Chris15m> huhu ein W on das lust hat zu chatten? bin 15 alter egal
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1406[02:02:56] <_drummer_> heyy Kampfsportlerinnen da?? privat melden;)
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1412[02:03:36] <Eisbaer> guten abend an alle
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1416[02:04:24] <Osterwiese> :)'
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1420[02:04:52] <M21Question> suche sie mit erfahrung zum ausfragen pm me pls
1421[02:05:11] <blacklightburns> nabnd
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1443[02:08:06] <Babysitter_m22> eine mutter mit tochter unter 13 aus raum kaiserslautern da, wenn ja bitte privat mal melden.
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1456[02:10:30] <M_su_BiStute> Hi Du :p Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine tolle und sehr geile Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die staendigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits
1457[02:10:30] <M_su_BiStute> Sinnlichkeit, Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze fuer Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
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1476[02:13:03] <M21Question> suche sie mit erfahrung zum ausfragen pm me pls
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1489[02:15:04] <Techni1M> Anna_29, und warum schreibst du mir nicht
1490[02:15:24] <blacklightburns> weil n bot und so
1491[02:16:06] <Techni1M> meinst ich Hass das
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1495[02:17:12] <JohNBer> Nette Damen hier, die Lust haben noch normal zu chatten?
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1500[02:17:53] <M21Question> suche sie mit erfahrung zum ausfragen pm me pls
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1502[02:18:17] <JohnC> hi all
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1512[02:19:54] <JohNBer> Damen hier die Lust haben noch zu chatten?
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1517[02:20:33] <JohNBer> ...
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1523[02:21:34] <JohNBer> scheint wohl keine echten frauen hier mehr zu geben
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1525[02:22:03] <lukas-boy> hey ist noch ein girl wach das mit mir chatten mag?privat melden
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1532[02:23:00] * Shadowelfenmaid so meine lieben..das elfchen macht die flatter....nachti zusammen
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1534[02:23:19] <Johann> Hallo, ich bin aus Brasilien. Jemand hat lust zu chatten mit mir?
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1536[02:23:40] <JohNBer> :-(
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1538[02:24:04] <Guest5656> trickert schon leicht weg
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1540[02:24:30] <Guest5656> ;)
1541[02:24:31] <Johann> jemand von Austria?
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1543[02:24:42] <Guest5656> wien hernals
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1553[02:25:47] <Guest5656> nimma viel los da
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1555[02:25:54] <JohNBer> Nette Girls/Frauen hier, die lust haben noch ein wenig normal zu chatten?
1556[02:25:54] <Spanish_man22> Hi! I am a spanish boy, i need to learn germany because I am study tourism, Can someone help me?
1557[02:26:02] <Spanish_man22> vielen Dank!
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1560[02:27:10] <Guest5656> annie lennox no more i ll love yous
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1563[02:27:28] <Freidenken> Hallo
1564[02:27:35] <Guest5656> terre
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1566[02:27:59] <Guest5656> faaad
1567[02:28:00] <Freidenken> Jemand von Brasilien?
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1569[02:28:25] <Guest5656> :)
1570[02:28:30] <Guest_288>
1571[02:28:52] <Guest5656> ----tricker schon voll ein
1572[02:29:24] <Spanish_man22> l Hi! I am a spanish boy, i need to learn germany because I am study tourism, Can someone help me?
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1578[02:30:50] <Guest5656> hmmmmm
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1581[02:31:08] <JohNBer> ......
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1589[02:32:07] <devStudent23> Dominantes Girl hier? =)
1590[02:32:08] <Guest5656> nix los mehr
1591[02:32:24] <Guest5656> schad
1592[02:32:33] <JohNBer> jemand nettes weibliches noch hier zum normalen chatten?
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1594[02:33:18] <Guest5656> dj quicksiver i have a dream
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1598[02:34:09] <JohNBer> laaaaangweilig
1599[02:34:10] <Guest5656> uuu
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1601[02:35:15] <DeutscheHolland> ww
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1605[02:36:06] <DeutscheHolland> haze
1606[02:36:23] <magjunge> suche junge
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1616[02:37:25] <Guest5656> was heisst
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1618[02:37:36] <Babysitter_22m> eine mutter mit tochter unter 13 aus raum kaiserslautern da, wenn ja bitte privat mal melden.
1619[02:37:54] <Guest5656> na seas
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1628[02:39:00] <Guest5656> ace of base happy nation
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1632[02:39:40] <Guest5656> ua faaaaad
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1634[02:40:05] <Guest5656> na hawetere
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1637[02:41:17] <Guest5656> noch wer da????
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1646[02:42:44] <Babysitter_22m> eine mutter mit tochter unter 13 aus raum kaiserslautern da, wenn ja bitte privat mal melden.
1647[02:43:15] <Guest5656> na urg
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1649[02:43:20] <Guest5656> o
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1655[02:43:45] <DeutscheHolland> haze
1656[02:43:52] <Guest5656> yeah
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1661[02:44:53] <Guest5656> trickert schon voll weg
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1664[02:45:24] <Guest5656> nix los mehr
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1670[02:45:54] <Babysitter_22m> eine mutter mit tochter unter 13 aus raum kaiserslautern da, wenn ja bitte privat mal melden.
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1674[02:46:16] <Guest5656> na hawetere
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1679[02:46:49] <Guest5656> noch wer da?????
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1696[02:48:40] <Guest5656> la le lu......
1697[02:48:54] <Guest5656> na ja
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1700[02:49:07] <Guest5656> hm hmmm
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1702[02:49:32] <Guest5656> faaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
1703[02:49:32] <Guest5656> d
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1713[02:51:01] <Guest_Germany> anybody from Stade?
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1716[02:51:27] <Guest5656> wien hernals
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1722[02:52:20] <KaTeR> moin
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1727[02:53:14] <Guest5656> na wie gez
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1735[02:54:08] <Guest5656> niemand da
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1737[02:54:12] <JohNBer> .....
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1739[02:54:22] <Guest5656> hmmmm
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1744[02:55:10] <Guest5656> geht jetzn auch n bissl trickan
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1755[02:58:27] <JohNBer> jemand nettes weibliches hier zum normal chatten?
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1778[03:01:26] <JohNBer> girls/frauen hier die lust haben zu chatten?
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1785[03:02:13] <HotFussballer19> fussballer da?
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1804[03:03:52] <klaas> till schweiger mit vincent d onofrio und mads mikkelsen in einem film???
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1809[03:04:05] <klaas> das muss ich erstmal verdauen.................
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1828[03:04:51] <JohNBer> jemand weibliches hier, der normal chatten will?
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1848[03:06:59] <JohNBer> girls/frauen hier zum normalen chatten?
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1858[03:06:59] <JhonPIIHerz> =)
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1870[03:07:58] <HotFussballer19> ein boy lust auf c2c?
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1928[03:18:30] <DerChiller> ...
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2015[03:25:42] <lukas-boy> hey ist noch ein girl wach das mit mir chatten mag?privat melden
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2019[03:25:48] <Armeza> hey ist noch ein girl wach das mit mir chatten mag?privat melden
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2050[03:32:22] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2051[03:32:22] <Bronislhaw> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2052[03:32:23] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2053[03:32:26] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2054[03:32:26] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2055[03:32:26] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2056[03:32:26] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2057[03:32:28] <Konstantin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2058[03:32:28] <Konstantin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2059[03:32:28] <Konstantin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2060[03:32:28] <Konstantin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2061[03:32:28] <Konstantin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2062[03:32:28] <Konstantin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2063[03:32:28] *** Konstantin was kicked by Autobot (flood)
2064[03:32:30] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2065[03:32:30] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2066[03:32:33] <Anca> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2067[03:32:33] <Anca> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2068[03:32:33] <Anca> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2069[03:32:33] <Anca> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2070[03:32:33] <Anca> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2071[03:32:33] <Anca> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2072[03:32:33] *** Anca was kicked by Autobot (flood)
2073[03:32:37] <Sternschnuppe> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2074[03:32:38] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2075[03:32:43] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2076[03:32:47] <Balmira> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2077[03:32:47] <Balmira> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2078[03:32:47] <Balmira> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2079[03:32:47] <Balmira> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2080[03:32:47] <Balmira> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2081[03:32:48] *** Balmira was kicked by Autobot (flood)
2082[03:32:50] <Bazak> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2083[03:32:50] <Bazak> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2084[03:32:50] <Bazak> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2085[03:32:50] <Bazak> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2086[03:32:50] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2087[03:32:52] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2088[03:32:56] <Brett> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2089[03:32:56] <Brett> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2090[03:32:56] <Brett> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2091[03:32:56] <Brett> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2092[03:32:56] <Brett> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2093[03:32:56] *** Brett was kicked by Autobot (flood)
2094[03:33:05] *** Quits: Beno (rctrl@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2095[03:33:09] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2096[03:33:11] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2097[03:33:15] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2098[03:33:15] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2099[03:33:24] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2100[03:33:27] *** Joins: wachteltaube (TEPPOPUCT@replaced-ip)
2101[03:33:28] <Bronislhaw> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2102[03:33:30] *** Quits: Bankraeuber (utocj@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2103[03:33:31] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2104[03:33:31] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2105[03:33:32] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2106[03:33:36] *** Quits: DadTo11-Nackt (DadTo11-Nackt@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2107[03:33:38] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2108[03:33:40] *** Quits: brazilianguy (chatzilla@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2109[03:33:45] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2110[03:33:45] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2111[03:33:48] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2112[03:33:49] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2113[03:33:49] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2114[03:33:52] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2115[03:33:58] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2116[03:33:59] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2117[03:33:59] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2118[03:33:59] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2119[03:34:00] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2120[03:34:08] *** Joins: sara37 (sara37@replaced-ip)
2121[03:34:11] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2122[03:34:20] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2123[03:34:20] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2124[03:34:20] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2125[03:34:20] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2126[03:34:20] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2127[03:34:20] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2128[03:34:20] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2129[03:34:20] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2130[03:34:20] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2131[03:34:20] *** Sarah15 was kicked by Autobot (flood)
2132[03:34:20] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2133[03:34:21] <Bronislhaw> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2134[03:34:25] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2135[03:34:25] *** Joins: katy_cam (stephanie2@replaced-ip)
2136[03:34:25] <sara37> 37
2137[03:34:25] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2138[03:34:25] *** Joins: RSP_M (RSP_M@replaced-ip)
2139[03:34:29] <sara37> frau
2140[03:34:31] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2141[03:34:32] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2142[03:34:32] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2143[03:34:32] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2144[03:34:35] <sara37> sex
2145[03:34:35] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2146[03:34:43] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2147[03:34:49] *** Quits: Barmal (kainy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2148[03:34:49] *** Quits: Guest2808 (qvhhe@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2149[03:34:50] <Sternschnuppe> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2150[03:34:51] *** Quits: Bazak (qjaop@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2151[03:34:52] *** Quits: Aquilino (mzgc@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2152[03:34:57] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2153[03:34:58] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2154[03:34:58] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2155[03:34:59] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2156[03:34:59] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2157[03:35:00] *** Joins: Sarah15 (rvvkz@replaced-ip)
2158[03:35:00] <Sarah15> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2159[03:35:01] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2160[03:35:01] <Amisa> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2161[03:35:01] <Amisa> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2162[03:35:01] <Amisa> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2163[03:35:01] <Amisa> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2164[03:35:03] *** Quits: HotFussballer19 (HotFussballer19@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2165[03:35:03] <Amisa> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2166[03:35:03] <Amisa> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2167[03:35:03] <Amisa> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2168[03:35:03] *** Quits: Amisa (ebh@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2169[03:35:07] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2170[03:35:11] <Bronislhaw> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2171[03:35:18] *** Joins: shedevsm (shedevsm@replaced-ip)
2172[03:35:20] *** Quits: hnyguy (hnyguy@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2173[03:35:21] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2174[03:35:21] *** Joins: nachtfee (nachtfee@replaced-ip)
2175[03:35:21] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2176[03:35:29] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2177[03:35:29] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2178[03:35:29] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2179[03:35:30] *** Joins: Blackhuge-M (Blackhuge-M@replaced-ip)
2180[03:35:36] *** Parts: sara37 (sara37@replaced-ip)
2181[03:35:37] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2182[03:35:41] *** Joins: ungezogenEr (u611809@replaced-ip)
2183[03:35:43] *** Parts: Guest_438 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2184[03:35:44] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2185[03:35:44] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2186[03:35:44] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2187[03:35:45] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2188[03:35:46] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2189[03:35:46] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2190[03:35:46] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2191[03:35:52] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2192[03:36:01] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2193[03:36:01] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2194[03:36:01] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2195[03:36:04] *** Quits: Michel_931_791 (Michel_931@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
2196[03:36:05] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2197[03:36:06] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2198[03:36:11] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2199[03:36:11] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2200[03:36:11] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2201[03:36:11] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2202[03:36:11] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2203[03:36:11] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2204[03:36:11] <Avtandil> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2205[03:36:11] *** Avtandil was kicked by Autobot (flood)
2206[03:36:17] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2207[03:36:17] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2208[03:36:17] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2209[03:36:17] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2210[03:36:18] <Alfons> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2211[03:36:18] *** Alfons was kicked by Autobot (flood)
2212[03:36:19] *** Quits: Argjel (ybc@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2213[03:36:19] *** Quits: Aitor (cigny@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2214[03:36:19] *** Quits: Albertas (alw@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2215[03:36:20] *** Quits: Guest92463 (eka@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2216[03:36:20] *** Quits: Charles (fpqus@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2217[03:36:20] *** Quits: Ched (vokcu@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2218[03:36:21] *** Quits: Bor (pfluy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2219[03:36:21] *** Quits: Agent007_ (uwqj@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2220[03:36:21] *** Quits: Bletmira (aduj@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2221[03:36:21] *** Quits: Laura_xD (bfbq@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2222[03:36:21] *** Quits: Cansu (aap@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2223[03:36:21] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2224[03:36:21] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2225[03:36:36] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2226[03:36:36] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2227[03:36:36] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2228[03:36:36] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2229[03:36:37] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2230[03:36:38] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2231[03:36:52] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2232[03:36:53] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2233[03:36:53] *** Quits: Sternschnuppe (obf@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2234[03:36:59] *** Parts: Hesse-FFM (rooms@replaced-ip)
2235[03:37:00] *** Quits: Sarah15 (rvvkz@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2236[03:37:02] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 156
2237[03:37:02] *** Joins: osurdum (osurdum@replaced-ip)
2238[03:37:02] *** Parts: shedevsm (shedevsm@replaced-ip)
2239[03:37:02] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2240[03:37:06] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2241[03:37:06] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2242[03:37:06] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2243[03:37:08] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2244[03:37:19] <Guest_679> mag eine sie tele... priv melden bitte
2245[03:37:21] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2246[03:37:23] *** Joins: sara37 (sara37@replaced-ip)
2247[03:37:24] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2248[03:37:25] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2249[03:37:25] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2250[03:37:25] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2251[03:37:25] <Kapital_Sponsor> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2252[03:37:26] *** Kapital_Sponsor was kicked by Autobot (flood)
2253[03:37:26] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2254[03:37:26] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2255[03:37:27] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2256[03:37:27] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2257[03:37:27] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2258[03:37:28] *** Quits: wachteltaube (TEPPOPUCT@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2259[03:37:29] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2260[03:37:37] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2261[03:37:42] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2262[03:37:43] *** Joins: wachteltaube (TEPPOPUCT@replaced-ip)
2263[03:37:50] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2264[03:37:51] <sara37> 37
2265[03:37:54] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2266[03:37:54] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2267[03:37:54] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2268[03:37:56] <sara37> swinger
2269[03:38:01] *** Quits: osurdum (osurdum@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2270[03:38:02] <sara37> alone
2271[03:38:06] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2272[03:38:06] *** Parts: Carmen^ (Carmen@replaced-ip)
2273[03:38:06] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2274[03:38:08] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2275[03:38:12] *** Parts: DerChiller (DerChiller@replaced-ip)
2276[03:38:20] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2277[03:38:24] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2278[03:38:25] <sara37> young, chubby and lusty
2279[03:38:30] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2280[03:38:31] <sara37> ich warte fur sex
2281[03:38:35] *** Parts: sexy-m (sexy-m@replaced-ip)
2282[03:38:36] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2283[03:38:36] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2284[03:38:38] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2285[03:38:48] *** Quits: nina20 (nina20@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2286[03:38:48] *** Parts: wachteltaube (TEPPOPUCT@replaced-ip)
2287[03:38:49] *** Joins: BrasilianER (Brasiliane@replaced-ip)
2288[03:38:51] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2289[03:38:52] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2290[03:38:56] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2291[03:39:02] <sara37> ich suche fur ein mann
2292[03:39:06] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2293[03:39:07] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2294[03:39:09] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2295[03:39:12] *** Joins: Guest86614 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2296[03:39:13] *** Quits: Bronislhaw (geg@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2297[03:39:20] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2298[03:39:20] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2299[03:39:37] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2300[03:39:45] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2301[03:39:46] *** Parts: nachtfee (nachtfee@replaced-ip)
2302[03:39:50] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2303[03:39:51] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2304[03:39:51] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2305[03:40:05] *** Joins: Steffi_57 (Steffi@replaced-ip)
2306[03:40:05] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2307[03:40:07] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2308[03:40:09] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2309[03:40:20] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2310[03:40:21] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2311[03:40:25] *** Joins: Guest_124 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2312[03:40:35] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2313[03:40:35] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2314[03:40:38] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2315[03:40:43] *** Parts: Guest86614 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2316[03:40:50] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2317[03:40:51] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2318[03:40:54] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2319[03:40:56] *** Quits: sara37 (sara37@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2320[03:41:05] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2321[03:41:05] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2322[03:41:06] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2323[03:41:16] *** Joins: persil (persil@replaced-ip)
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2325[03:41:20] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2326[03:41:21] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2327[03:41:23] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2328[03:41:35] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2329[03:41:35] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2330[03:41:36] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2331[03:41:41] *** Parts: lena (lena@replaced-ip)
2332[03:41:50] *** Joins: lena (lena@replaced-ip)
2333[03:41:50] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2334[03:41:50] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2335[03:41:58] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2336[03:42:06] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2337[03:42:07] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2338[03:42:07] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2339[03:42:09] *** Joins: boy17_167 (boy17@replaced-ip)
2340[03:42:21] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2341[03:42:21] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2342[03:42:23] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2343[03:42:35] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2344[03:42:35] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2345[03:42:36] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2346[03:42:41] <persil> Was für ein Kindergarten!
2347[03:42:50] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2348[03:42:51] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2349[03:42:52] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2350[03:42:59] *** Quits: StrictDom4RP (josh@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
2351[03:43:05] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2352[03:43:07] <persil> Nur gescheiterte Existenzen!
2353[03:43:11] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2354[03:43:20] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2355[03:43:20] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2356[03:43:27] *** Quits: Windel-Boy (Windel-Boy@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2357[03:43:28] <persil> Beziehungsweise solche, die es noch nicht jemals zu etwas gebracht haben!
2358[03:43:33] *** Quits: ungezogenEr (u611809@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2359[03:43:35] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2360[03:43:36] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2361[03:43:40] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2362[03:43:46] <persil> Hartz IV Loser eben...
2363[03:43:51] <Alper> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2364[03:43:51] <BoyHatHunger> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2365[03:43:54] <Belin> GLOBAL: 4NOTICE:5 From:4 Alexey7Good afternoon, but we are going to close the ICQnet IRC Services, due a lot of complaint were made,we are about for making a alternative solution. please do not spread this information. We will inform you as soon as we will have clarified everything. Best Regards Alexey ICQ Staff.
2366[03:44:02] *** Quits: BoyHatHunger (ekj@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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2372[03:44:35] <lena> is hier jemand der was mit verwandten hatte?privat melden bitte
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2376[03:45:57] <German_248025> hi
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2385[03:48:29] <JhonPIIHerz> =)
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2390[03:49:55] <lukas-boy_751> hey ist noch ein girl wach das mit mir chatten mag?privat melden hab auch cam
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2392[03:50:11] *** Joins: SexyEUGuy20 (SexyEUGuy20@replaced-ip)
2393[03:50:14] <Hannes> hi, eine sie Lust zu schreiben ?
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2400[03:53:09] <Hannes> Hallo ;)
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2415[03:56:40] <Techni1M> Hi
2416[03:57:15] *** Joins: vxolz (a@replaced-ip)
2417[03:57:26] <Hannes> Hallo, ein weibliches Wesen Lust zu chatten ?
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2424[03:59:34] <misterbond> hey lena, i'm sure you're being bombarded by a million guys but...yes I too would love to chat :)
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2433[04:00:50] <boy-cam> hey ist hier ein girl das chatten will oder mehr ;) machs ohne gegenleistung :P privat melden
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2435[04:01:08] <camboy_468> welche sie will zusehen? :)
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2437[04:01:22] <markk1_280> hello
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2446[04:03:44] <camboy_468> welche sie will zusehen? :)
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2453[04:05:25] <Hannes> Hi, nette Sie hier , die etwas chatten mag ?
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2458[04:06:42] <camboy_468> welche sie will zusehen? :)
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2464[04:07:13] <boy-cam> hey ist hier ein girl das chatten will oder mehr ;) machs ohne gegenleistung :P privat melden
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2467[04:07:56] <LovelyGirl97> Hi
2468[04:08:01] <munich-guy> mag ein girl teln? pm
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2471[04:08:36] <persil> Mag eine Hirnwindung fehlen?
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2498[04:16:24] <wernoch> girl oder boy lust auf skype
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2519[04:23:25] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2522[04:25:18] <polat-alemdar> hola
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2524[04:25:37] <persil> Sickisch
2525[04:25:39] <polat-alemdar> alguna chica guapa
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2527[04:25:46] <persil> Deli
2528[04:26:34] <polat-alemdar> hola
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2530[04:27:10] <GutMorgenBJw17> boys da? pvt? seid ruhig direkt :)
2531[04:27:20] <camboy_468> welche sie will zusehen? :)
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2534[04:27:31] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2537[04:27:36] <Guest_868> HLO
2538[04:27:38] <Guest_868> HI
2539[04:27:42] <Guest_868> Hi
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2541[04:27:49] <Alina_13> hi
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2543[04:28:34] <Guest_868> I'm from China
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2552[04:30:03] <persil> Believe!
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2559[04:30:47] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2566[04:31:56] <persil> Rainer: Hol dir doch bis zum Ende einen runter und frag hier nicht dauernd dämlich!
2567[04:32:20] *** Parts: Guest_788 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2568[04:33:38] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2573[04:34:59] <persil> Arme Flitzpiepe
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2591[04:41:30] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2595[04:42:09] <Guest_606> Hey jemand lust zu camen?
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2606[04:45:41] <Guest_482> hey jemand lust zu cammen?
2607[04:45:58] <persil> Wie selber!
2608[04:46:01] <persil> X
2609[04:46:04] <persil> Lol
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2618[04:48:56] <persil> MottoLotte
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2620[04:49:14] <Clelia87> hallo
2621[04:49:22] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
2622[04:49:35] <Clelia87> es jemanden gibt,
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2625[04:53:34] <Basti-ist-on> Clelia, ganz bestimmt
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2629[04:54:51] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2656[05:06:50] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
2657[05:07:01] <Guest_408> hey jemand lust zu camen?
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2673[05:12:09] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2686[05:17:40] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2700[05:25:28] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2710[05:27:46] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2739[05:40:07] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2747[05:44:16] <Tiamad> Keiner mehr da um die Zeit ^^
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2750[05:47:05] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2757[05:53:17] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2760[05:54:37] <Guest_723> Hallo
2761[05:55:01] <Guest_723> woher ist Leute?
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2763[05:55:13] <Guest_723> sprechen sie Deutsch oder English?
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2767[05:56:52] <mark_833> hi all
2768[05:57:25] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2779[06:01:59] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2785[06:05:34] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2787[06:06:51] <Devadetta> morgen zusammen
2788[06:07:04] <Devadetta> Damian000, ich schreibe genrell niemals im pvt,,, also lass das bitte
2789[06:07:17] <Damian000> zick
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2793[06:10:25] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2801[06:16:02] <Schleckie46> guten morgen
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2804[06:16:28] <Devadetta> Schleckie46 nen eis reich
2805[06:16:36] <Schleckie46> dankeee
2806[06:17:18] <Devadetta> klar,
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2810[06:19:48] <Rainer> Eine Sie jetzt auch Lust ?? [;-)] Melde Dich !!
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2812[06:20:43] <Devadetta> Mulde verhaut, knebelt und wechsperrt,,,,,,, man wie kann man um diese zeit so gute laune haben ? ,,, lol
2813[06:21:10] <Mulde> he he he he he he he klar moin moin ... Devadetta
2814[06:21:38] <Devadetta> morgen dir ,,, und wehe du hast zur versöhnung keinen kaffee ^^
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2821[06:25:25] <Radagast> Bayerin oder Österreicherin hier? Pm :)
2822[06:25:33] *** Quits: Rainer (Rainer@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2823[06:25:47] <Schleckie46> eine sie lust auf chat oder cam?
2824[06:26:06] <Devadetta> ich werd mich mal ins bettchen verziehen,, euch noch einen angenehmen tag
2825[06:26:13] <Schleckie46> bye
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2835[06:33:20] <sven-nds-treff> moin
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2850[06:38:24] <Schleckie46> eine sie lust auf chat oder cam?
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2866[06:47:46] <Radagast> Bayerin oder Österreicherin hier? Pm :)
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2876[06:49:30] <Schleckie46> eine sie lust auf chat oder cam?
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2882[06:51:22] <Guest_734> bin eben heim gekommen, wer noch, bitte pvt melden
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2890[06:55:55] <Guest_734> bin eben heim gekommen, wer noch, bitte pvt melden
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2898[06:58:53] <m_bw> Noch ein girl zum telen wach ? Dann einfach melden
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2911[07:02:13] <sven-nds-treff> huhu
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2913[07:03:31] <Schleckie46> eine sie lust auf chat oder cam?
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2923[07:07:52] <Guest_734> wer kann noch nicht schlafen bitte meldne, nur w
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2927[07:09:32] <Radagast> Bayerin oder Österreicherin hier? Pm :)
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2931[07:14:01] <Kai> hmm
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2933[07:14:09] <Kai> mal mega viel los hier
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2938[07:17:27] <Guest_976_93> Hallo Leute
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2944[07:19:54] <Guest_734> wer kann noch nicht schlafen bitte meldne, nur w
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2955[07:22:42] <Schleckie46> eine sie lust auf chat oder cam?
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2971[07:26:06] <834AIGS7R> hallo Leutte
2972[07:26:13] <834AIGS7R> Leute
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2992[07:30:40] <Schleckie46> eine sie lust auf chat oder cam?
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3030[07:40:27] <Schleckie46> eine sie lust auf chat oder cam?
3031[07:40:28] <drfrank> hallo
3032[07:40:45] <sven-nds-treff> wer aus hannover- hildesheim?
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3035[07:40:57] <Guest32839> ireen30,679136670
3036[07:41:07] <drfrank> jemand hier gay?
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3045[07:44:54] <Guest_727> wer liegt auch nich im bett, bitte pvt melden, nur w
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3064[07:52:21] <Guest_727> noch wer geil gerade, schnell pvt melden
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3126[08:05:07] <frank123> guten morgen
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3146[08:09:50] <GuyNextDoor> will kuscheln!
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3160[08:14:12] <satz> 843
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3166[08:17:00] <satz> is schon toll anzuschaun was die hier alles anstelln gegen diese pornobots....
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3188[08:20:36] <Guest_727> wer ist noch gerade dabei, bitte pvt melden, nur w
3189[08:20:53] <Guest61362> wer hat lust auf c2c melded euch
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3215[08:26:09] <satz> Leverkusener43J sucht wieder kleine kinder zum ficken
3216[08:26:15] <satz> man man..
3217[08:26:17] <Guest_727> wer ist noch gerade dabei, bitte pvt melden, nur w
3218[08:26:24] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
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3225[08:28:11] <Bi_wassi> alle wieder hier?
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3232[08:29:58] <PolishGirl> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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3238[08:31:34] <PolishGirl> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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3242[08:32:34] <Bi_wassi> nicht viel los heute morgen
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3244[08:32:36] * Mana[t]i wünscht allen trotz des blöden Regens einen schönen Sonntagmorgen.
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3246[08:32:52] <satz> fehlt aber regen..
3247[08:32:57] <satz> hier zumindest..
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3249[08:33:17] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
3250[08:33:27] <Bi_wassi> kann ja nachts regnen
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3256[08:35:19] <PolishGirl> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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3262[08:36:06] <M_BERLIN> welches girl hat schon lust...? und mag privat chatten ? pm
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3271[08:39:11] <PolishGirl> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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3275[08:39:48] <m16dev> hi
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3280[08:40:35] <zeitgeist> zeige mich gern oelverschmiert vor der cam? also wenn du ein maedel bist dann melde dich doch einfach bei mir!
3281[08:40:36] *** Joins: Melaniechen (Melaniechen@replaced-ip)
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3286[08:41:48] *** Joins: SingleM_suJgW (IceChat77@replaced-ip)
3287[08:42:03] <Bi_wassi> hat wer lust zum chatten?
3288[08:42:12] *** Joins: DianaH (Diana@replaced-ip)
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3290[08:42:37] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
3291[08:42:40] *** Joins: Flohwind (Flohwind@replaced-ip)
3292[08:42:56] <Flohwind> hier is ja auch nix los
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3296[08:43:33] <Bi_wassi> du sagts es Flohwind
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3300[08:44:24] <Flohwind> wer bissn du?
3301[08:44:26] <shadow-soul> bin m21 und suche sie die bei mir wohnen will um dann meine sklavin oder mein sexobjekt zu sein pn me oder adde mich 646677810
3302[08:44:31] *** Joins: w_Hessen_31 (w_Hessen_31@replaced-ip)
3303[08:44:33] <PolishGirl> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
3304[08:44:34] <PolishGirl> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
3305[08:44:35] *** Joins: Mistkerl (Mistkerl@replaced-ip)
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3308[08:44:43] <satz> 844
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3310[08:44:54] <satz> 845
3311[08:45:06] <Flohwind> satz wer bisn du
3312[08:45:10] <Flohwind> ich dich auch
3313[08:45:15] <Flohwind> woher kommst du denn
3314[08:45:17] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
3315[08:45:29] *** Joins: LostHope (LostHope@replaced-ip)
3316[08:45:30] <Bi_wassi> bielefeld und du?
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3321[08:46:44] <Nico_639> hallo
3322[08:46:51] <Bi_wassi> hallo
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3330[08:47:53] <Flohwind> bei sigmaringen
3331[08:48:00] <Nico_639> eine bock pv zu chatten
3332[08:48:01] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 154
3333[08:48:09] *** Joins: LostHope (LostHope@replaced-ip)
3334[08:48:28] <Radagast> Bayerin oder Österreicherin hier? Pm :)
3335[08:48:32] *** Joins: M_BERLIN (M_BERLIN@replaced-ip)
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3337[08:48:41] <Bi_wassi> wie alt bist du Flohwind
3338[08:48:47] <Flohwind> fast 50 und du
3339[08:48:55] *** Parts: Melaniechen (Melaniechen@replaced-ip)
3340[08:48:58] <Bi_wassi> 35
3341[08:49:17] <bi-girl> bin w22 und wer geile bilder von mir will einfach adden 660587180
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3343[08:49:48] <M_BERLIN> welches girl hat schon lust...? und mag privat chatten ? pm
3344[08:50:02] *** Quits: FKK_Stefan (FKK_Stefan@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
3345[08:50:03] *** Quits: LostHope (LostHope@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3346[08:50:33] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
3347[08:50:40] *** Quits: Gino (Gino@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3348[08:51:01] *** Joins: FKK_Stefan (FKK_Stefan@replaced-ip)
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3351[08:51:34] <satz> 846
3352[08:52:17] <Flohwind> klae
3353[08:52:45] *** Joins: teufelchendelux (teufelchen@replaced-ip)
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3355[08:53:17] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
3356[08:53:30] <PolishGirl> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
3357[08:53:30] <PolishGirl> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
3358[08:54:11] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
3359[08:54:46] *** Joins: Happytrucker (Happytrucker@replaced-ip)
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3367[08:57:12] <Guest57210> welche wollen gerne catten oder auch mehr hab auch cam
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3373[08:58:00] <M_BERLIN> welches girl hat schon lust...? und mag privat chatten ? pm
3374[08:58:15] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
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3376[08:58:25] <Flohwind> o sole mio
3377[08:58:39] *** Quits: Mistkerl (Mistkerl@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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3379[08:58:48] <Flohwind> wieder da
3380[08:59:05] *** Quits: FKK_Stefan (FKK_Stefan@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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3387[08:59:34] <paula^_> guten morgen zusammen
3388[08:59:39] <Jane74> 04[05M04]0,1o14i05n 04[05M04]0,1o14i05n
3389[08:59:53] <M_BERLIN> welches girl hat schon lust...? und mag privat chatten ? pm
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3391[09:00:07] <Flohwind> huhu jane
3392[09:00:11] *** Joins: Sie_30 (Sie_30@replaced-ip)
3393[09:00:12] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
3394[09:00:20] <Brummb> gumo paula ^^
3395[09:00:22] <Sie_30> guten morgen
3396[09:00:27] <Brummb> moin jane
3397[09:00:28] <stud_m_cologne> Morgen :)
3398[09:00:34] <sven-nds-treff> moin ihr
3399[09:00:37] <Jane74> 04[05M04]0,1o14i05n 04[05M04]0,1o14i05n floh
3400[09:00:43] <Jane74> 04[05M04]0,1o14i05n 04[05M04]0,1o14i05n Brummb
3401[09:00:46] <Flohwind> die lw setzt sich auch hier danieder
3402[09:00:53] <paula^_> gumo Brummb knuddelzzzzzzz
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3404[09:00:58] <Brummb> freuz
3405[09:01:08] <Flohwind> und paula whoever
3406[09:01:10] <Brummb> moin flohwind
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3409[09:01:37] <Radagast> Bayerin oder Österreicherin hier? Pm :)
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3411[09:02:05] <paula^_> gumo kevin
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3414[09:02:19] *** Joins: Guest_164 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3415[09:02:23] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
3416[09:02:46] <Flohwind> suche reichen lover
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3418[09:02:56] <Brummb> ohha
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3420[09:03:00] <paula^_> :-D
3421[09:03:32] <sven-nds-treff> kaffee
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3428[09:05:09] <Flohwind> ?
3429[09:05:14] <Guest_366925> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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3436[09:06:08] <Guest_366925> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
3437[09:06:26] *** Quits: SingleM_suJgW (IceChat77@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
3438[09:06:57] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
3439[09:07:31] *** Joins: sexy_m (sexy_m@replaced-ip)
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3441[09:07:47] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
3442[09:08:09] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
3443[09:08:22] *** Joins: Guest_758 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3444[09:08:24] <RamonVeryHot> Welche W hat lsut auf hemmungslosen erotischen chat?? bitte privat melden
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3449[09:09:13] <Guest_366925> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
3450[09:09:13] <Flohwind> ?
3451[09:09:15] *** Quits: stud_m_cologne (stud_m_cologne@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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3455[09:09:27] <Brummb> hust mhvm
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3461[09:10:10] <ant200> hello
3462[09:10:11] <RSpieler> girl da das rs mag? :)
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3472[09:11:58] *** Parts: ant200 (ant200@replaced-ip)
3473[09:12:01] <Guest_366925> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
3474[09:12:06] *** Joins: ant200 (ant200@replaced-ip)
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3476[09:12:26] <M_BERLIN> welches neugierige girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und steht auf grosse...? pm oder 626783608
3477[09:12:52] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bittebmelden
3478[09:12:53] *** Quits: Frau_49 (Frau_49@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3479[09:13:03] <HerrSuchtDevW> sind devote girls mit icq oder skype hier die sich ausfragen lassen wollen oder ihre devote neigung ausleben wollen? alter und erfahrung egal!! bitte privat melden
3480[09:13:21] <Guest_366925> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
3481[09:13:23] <Guest_366925> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
3482[09:13:28] *** Quits: Guest_366925 (ygvigpowwdyrys@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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3485[09:14:36] <sven-nds-treff> huhu
3486[09:14:47] *** Quits: Papa42 (Papa42@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3487[09:15:06] <M_BERLIN> welches neugierige girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und steht auf grosse...? pm oder 626783608
3488[09:15:16] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
3489[09:15:28] *** Joins: And3rs (me@replaced-ip)
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3493[09:17:07] <rsp_freund_575> hat eine w lust auf ein rsp?
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3503[09:18:31] <Ariald> moin zusammen
3504[09:18:39] *** Joins: SisterBruder (SisterBruder@replaced-ip)
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3506[09:19:00] <Guest_414> Hallo!
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3508[09:19:28] <M_BERLIN> welches neugierige girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und steht auf grosse...? pm oder 626783608
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3512[09:19:37] <Guest57210> bin allein wer noch und bin geil
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3515[09:20:26] <Simone_> hallo
3516[09:20:51] <Guest57210> hi Simone
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3520[09:21:51] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
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3522[09:21:59] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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3524[09:22:12] <skypeboy> welche w will mir zusehen? pvt melden
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3535[09:23:58] <shadow-soul> bin m21 und suche sie die bei mir wohnen will um dann meine sklavin oder mein sexobjekt zu sein pn me oder adde mich 646677810
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3538[09:24:55] <sven-nds-treff> ^^
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3549[09:27:41] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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3551[09:28:08] <HerrSuchtDevW> sind devote girls mit icq oder skype hier die sich ausfragen lassen wollen oder ihre devote neigung ausleben wollen? alter und erfahrung egal!! bitte privat melden
3552[09:28:12] <DianaH> 18yo girl from U.K. - Selling live shows and personal pics / Add me on $kype: 12Diana.Herons
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3557[09:28:46] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
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3571[09:30:25] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
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3587[09:32:20] <skypeboy> suche w mit cam pvt melden
3588[09:32:30] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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3604[09:34:59] <sven-nds-treff> wer aus hannover oder hildesheim hier??
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3621[09:37:38] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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3632[09:39:11] <Heike66> moin Oli28-FFM-real_ und sexygirl26 habt spass in meinem pvt
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3643[09:41:17] <Armin> hallo leute
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3647[09:41:35] <Heike66> och Oli28-FFM-real_ du hirni
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3649[09:41:45] <Heike66> ui Ben
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3651[09:41:53] <sven-nds-treff> hey
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3660[09:43:23] <Jessy_w13> kein vernünftiger kerl zum chatten hier?
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3668[09:44:04] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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3671[09:44:32] <Guest_26625> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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3678[09:45:53] <minipuller> zeige meinen kleinen vor der cam
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3684[09:46:46] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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3692[09:47:28] <longdong> welche w hat lust zu camen?
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3718[09:51:53] <minipuller> zeige mich gerne bei skype nackt vor der cam
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3733[09:53:47] <Teen_Girl> hey, eine w hier die lust hat zu chatten? schreibt mir privi, thx
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3736[09:54:37] <Bi_wassi> noch jemand scharf hier heute morgen
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3739[09:54:54] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
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3749[09:56:48] <twoboys_632> welche w mag gerne camen?
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3759[09:57:58] <Bi_wassi> hat jemand ICQ?
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3762[09:58:13] <tom1962> eine frau lust zu chatten/camen? prv. melden
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3768[09:59:17] <daniel_24> hi, ill jemand schreiben. einfach melden. bild sende ich gerne auf anfrage :)
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3783[10:01:15] <twoboys_632> welche w mag gerne camen?
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3789[10:01:50] <satz> 847
3790[10:01:53] <Uwe48> hallo
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3793[10:02:11] <Bi_wassi> hallo uwe
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3810[10:04:19] <twoboys_632> welche w mag gerne camen?
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3821[10:05:31] <twoboys_632> wir haben eine webcam
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3823[10:06:05] <Guest57210> ich auch
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3826[10:06:36] <ShadowVampir22> Alex Mica - Breathe
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3838[10:08:00] <rs-marius> eine sie lust auf ein rs?
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3840[10:08:37] <twoboys_632> wir haben eine webcam
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3846[10:09:15] <minipuller> spritze ganz nah vor der cam ab
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3848[10:09:23] <Hesse-FFM> Hallo 😊 ist hier eine sie aus Hessen? Von Frankfurt, Hanau, Offenbach über GG MTK bis Mainz und alles drum herum 😀 würde mich freuen wenn dich mal meldest. LG 😉
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3850[10:09:26] <RSpieler> girl lust auf rs? :)
3851[10:09:37] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
3852[10:09:50] *** sexygirl26 was kicked by Autobot (please stop spamming)
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3863[10:11:54] <RSpieler> girl da das lust auf rs hat?
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3873[10:12:55] <_Black_Boy> hey, ein girl bock zu texten? schreibt mir
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3875[10:13:20] <Guest57210> wer will mal schwanz sehn alter ist egal
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3888[10:15:01] <twoboys_632> welche w mag gerne camen?
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3900[10:16:32] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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3927[10:19:35] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte privat melden
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3938[10:20:45] <MellyLB> 13huhu zusammen
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3945[10:21:10] <rsp_freund> hat eine w lust auf ein rsp?
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3964[10:23:08] <Simone_> hi
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3979[10:24:10] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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3992[10:25:17] <UnrasJungfrau_W> suche M
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3997[10:26:18] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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4008[10:27:08] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
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4013[10:27:50] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w
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4019[10:28:07] <rspW-Tabulos> morgen zusammen
4020[10:28:29] <Bi_wassi> dir auch guten morgen
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4023[10:29:10] <barbie_bit-ch> fragt mich aus
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4040[10:30:41] <Bi_wassi> ich!!!
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4042[10:30:44] <Guest_000> replaced-url
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4053[10:31:16] <Sauna-Paar> ist jmd aus der bodensee-ecke a? bitte pm
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4062[10:31:39] <NY_BOY> someone from berlin here???have to ask something
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4084[10:35:00] <RS-M> welche w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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4088[10:35:29] <FunnyBunnyFanny> huhu
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4093[10:35:50] <FlensburgER22> wer will mir live beim...zusehen? meldet euch
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4097[10:36:06] <Guest41616> sc hon lahm hier
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4099[10:36:17] <rsHotM> Welche sie ab 20 meldet sich bei mir?
4100[10:36:20] <rspW-Tabulos> dann bring lebenrein guest
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4104[10:36:51] <Guest41616> wie guest?
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4111[10:37:41] <HerrSuchtDevW> sind devote girls mit icq oder skype hier die sich ausfragen lassen wollen oder ihre devote neigung ausleben wollen? alter und erfahrung egal!! bitte privat melden
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4114[10:37:46] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w
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4123[10:38:31] <RS-M> wel he w will rs mit mir bitte melden
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4140[10:40:05] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w
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4146[10:40:32] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
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4157[10:41:17] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w mit webcam - sind 2 Jungs
4158[10:41:21] <SchmuseMausi> normale boys aus regensburg oder umgebung da?? pls melden
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4161[10:41:28] <Italiana> Morgen :)
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4163[10:41:42] <FlensburgER22> wer will mir live beim...zusehen? meldet euch
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4192[10:44:44] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w mit webcam - sind 2 Jungs
4193[10:44:55] <_Black_Boy> hey, ein girl bock zu texten? schreibt mir
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4204[10:46:33] <FlensburgER22> wer will mir live beim...zusehen? meldet euch
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4216[10:48:01] <m16dev> hi
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4230[10:49:05] <Guest_643625> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour+
4231[10:49:14] <Markkkk> Wer mag pferde? Pvt
4232[10:49:24] <Bi_wassi> ich
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4241[10:50:58] <SchmuseMausi> normale boys aus regensburg oder umgebung da?? pls melden
4242[10:51:01] *** Quits: StrictDom4RP (josh@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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4248[10:51:23] <Guest_326225> Ist ein kleines junges Mädel aus NRW da? Privat melden!
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4251[10:51:32] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w mit webcam - sind 2 Jungs
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4255[10:52:01] <msmanni> moin moin
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4261[10:52:41] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w mit webcam - sind 2 Jungs
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4263[10:52:51] <FlensburgER22> wer will mir live beim...zusehen? meldet euch
4264[10:52:59] *** jan is now known as Guest97963
4265[10:53:04] <Guest_643625> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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4272[10:53:56] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w mit webcam - sind 2 Jungs
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4278[10:54:28] <UnrasJungfrau_W> suche m
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4285[10:55:08] <Simone_> hi
4286[10:55:17] <Bi_wassi> ich bin M,
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4289[10:55:29] <Guest_643625> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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4299[10:56:48] <Guest_643625> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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4312[10:58:00] <chris1994> mag eine nette sie schreiben?
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4318[10:58:22] <Guest_643625> Hello if u are interested for me sexy polish girl 20y old( add me on skp: moniaxxx1994 ) payment by paypl cost 25euro-hour
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4322[10:58:38] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w mit webcam - sind 2 Jungs
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4328[10:59:39] <Guest_326225> ein junges Girl aus dem Ruhrgebiet da? Privat melden
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4336[11:00:18] <rsHotM> Suche sie ab 20...
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4339[11:00:46] <chris1994> mag eine nette sie schreiben?
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4354[11:02:20] <shadow-soul> bin m21 und suche sie die bei mir wohnen will um dann meine sklavin oder mein sexobjekt zu sein pn me oder adde mich 646677810
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4359[11:02:52] <filmmdreh> wir suchen eine offene w mit webcam - sind 2 Jungs
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4366[11:03:35] <MsuchtJungeW> Suche junge Gespielin jetzt bei mir, lass uns poppen. Lass uns Spass haben. Nähe Rosenheim. bitte PN
4367[11:03:39] *** Quits: Jemand123____ (rooms@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
4368[11:03:45] <chris1994> mag eine sie offen schreiben?
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4372[11:03:58] <Netter> Hallo wie gehts euch? wer mag mag trotz des guten Wetters ein wenig quatschen? meldet euch bei mir,bis gleich!
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4384[11:05:22] <MsuchtJungeW> Suche junge Gespielin jetzt bei mir, lass uns poppen. Lass uns Spass haben. Nähe Rosenheim. bitte PN
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4387[11:05:37] <carsten> ons
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4391[11:05:53] <m21cam> welche w camt gerne??
4392[11:05:54] <chris1994> keine nette sie hier die schreiben mag?
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4396[11:06:14] <msmanni> winke winke leute bis annermal wieder
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4411[11:07:48] <m21cam> welche w camt gerne??
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4420[11:09:12] <chris1994> mag eine nette sie schreiben?
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4426[11:10:00] <m21cam> welche w camt gerne??
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4431[11:10:37] <ChicaSpain23> sueche schweizer boy?
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4435[11:10:56] <MsuchtJungeW> Suche junge Gespielin jetzt bei mir, lass uns poppen. Lass uns Spass haben. Nähe Rosenheim. bitte PN
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4438[11:11:14] <m21cam> welche w camt gerne??
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4444[11:11:48] <Babysitter_22m> eine mutter mit tochter unter 13 aus raum kaiserslautern da, wenn ja bitte privat mal melden.
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4450[11:12:31] <schlimmERfingER> guten morgen...
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4460[11:12:57] <zeigtgernM> welche w camt denn so gerne?
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4466[11:13:31] <rsHotM> Welche sie ab 20 meldet sich bei mir?
4467[11:13:36] <^DepressedGuy^>
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4477[11:14:09] <biker_hh> Hallo ist eine geiles Mädel hier das chatten will? Dann melde dich privat bei mir.
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4479[11:14:21] <zeigtgernM> hab 19cm-welche w camt gern?
4480[11:14:26] <MsuchtJungeW> Suche junge Gespielin jetzt bei mir, gerne auch Natursekt-Liebhaberin. Lass uns Spass haben. Nähe Rosenheim. bitte PN
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4496[11:15:27] <chris1994> mag eine sie offen schreiben?
4497[11:15:28] <Babysitter_22m> eine mutter mit tochter unter 13 aus raum kaiserslautern da, wenn ja bitte privat mal melden.
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4506[11:15:57] <HerrSuchtDevW> sind devote girls mit icq oder skype hier die sich ausfragen lassen wollen oder ihre devote neigung ausleben wollen? alter und erfahrung egal!! bitte privat melden
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4509[11:16:28] <chris1994> wer mag bei whatsapp oder kik schreiben?
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4512[11:16:47] <UnrasJungfrau_W> suche m
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4514[11:16:59] <FKK-Stefan> huhu
4515[11:17:08] <MsuchtJungeW> Suche junge Gespielin jetzt bei mir, gerne auch Natursekt-Liebhaberin. Lass uns Spass haben. Nähe Rosenheim. bitte PN
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4533[11:18:05] <zeigtgernM> welche w camt denn so gerne?
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4535[11:18:14] <biker_hh> Hallo ist eine geiles Mädel hier das chatten will? Dann melde dich privat bei mir.
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4542[11:19:09] <shadow-soul> bin m21 und suche sie die bei mir wohnen will um dann meine sklavin oder mein sexobjekt zu sein pn me oder adde mich 646677810
4543[11:19:12] <zeigtgernM> welche w findet es erregent zu camen?
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4549[11:19:52] <zeigtgernM> welche w findet es erregend zu camen?
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4553[11:20:08] <Babysitter_22m> eine mutter mit tochter unter 13 aus raum kaiserslautern da, wenn ja bitte privat mal melden.
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4556[11:20:18] <Sophia> hi
4557[11:20:32] <Bi_wassi> hi
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4559[11:20:36] <Guest_3765> hallo
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4566[11:21:22] <zeigtgernM> hab 19cm-welche w camt gern?
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4571[11:21:35] <rsp20> rsp hier
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4576[11:22:15] <zeigtgernM> welche w findet es erregend zu camen?
4577[11:22:15] <_BoehserKerl83_> Normale Leute, die nur chatten wollen hier?
4578[11:22:15] <^DepressedGuy^>
4579[11:22:16] <^DepressedGuy^>
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4582[11:22:17] <chris1994> keine sie hier die schreiben mag?
4583[11:22:17] <^DepressedGuy^>
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4586[11:22:42] <MsuchtJungeW> Suche junge Gespielin jetzt bei mir, gerne auch Natursekt-Liebhaberin. Lass uns Spass haben. Nähe Rosenheim. bitte PN
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4591[11:23:43] <Sarah20Dennis23> hi wir suchen entweder ein paar,ein girl oder einen boy so 20-30 die skype haben. Wir haben jeweils einen skype account mein freund und ich
4592[11:23:51] <jan21> Auch normale Mädels hier?
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4606[11:24:58] <chris1994> jemand aus schleswig holstein hier?
4607[11:25:12] <Babysitter_22m> eine mutter mit tochter unter 13 aus raum kaiserslautern da, wenn ja bitte privat mal melden.
4608[11:25:20] <Simon18bi> Hi wer will mit mir schreiben meldet euch bei mir
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4611[11:25:39] <stevie17m> will we schreiben
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4616[11:26:00] <Bi_wassi> hallo simon
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4621[11:26:13] <Sarah20Dennis23> hi wir suchen entweder ein paar,ein girl oder einen boy so 20-30 die skype haben. Wir haben jeweils einen skype account mein freund und ich
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4624[11:26:32] <Guestboy> hi sahra
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4629[11:26:45] <MsuchtJungeW> Suche junge Gespielin jetzt bei mir, gerne auch Natursekt-Liebhaberin. Lass uns Spass haben. Nähe Rosenheim. bitte PN
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4632[11:26:54] <Netter> Hallo wie gehts euch? wer mag mag trotz des guten Wetters ein wenig quatschen? meldet euch bei mir,bis gleich!
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4639[11:27:47] <jan21> Wer will mich ausfragen??? Egal was sage alles
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4646[11:28:09] <andii> welches girl schaut manchmal pornos an prvt melden alter egal, hab da sooo eine idee?
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4652[11:28:29] <Sarah20Dennis23> hi wir suchen entweder ein paar,ein girl oder einen boy so 20-30 die skype haben. Wir haben jeweils einen skype account mein freund und ich
4653[11:28:45] <biker_hh> Hallo ist eine geiles Mädel hier das chatten will? Dann melde dich privat bei mir.
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4666[11:30:32] <chris1994> wer mag bei whatsapp oder kik schreiben?
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4669[11:30:38] <biker_hh> Hallo ist eine geiles Mädel hier das chatten will? Dann melde dich privat bei mir.
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4672[11:30:53] <MsuchtJungeW> Suche junge Gespielin jetzt bei mir, gerne auch Natursekt-Liebhaberin. Lass uns Spass haben. Nähe Rosenheim. bitte PN
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4677[11:31:07] <Babysitter_22m> eine mutter mit tochter unter 13 aus raum kaiserslautern da, wenn ja bitte privat mal melden.
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4688[11:32:12] <Sarah20Dennis23> hi wir suchen entweder ein paar,ein girl oder einen boy so 20-30 die skype haben. Wir haben jeweils einen skype account mein freund und ich
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4703[11:33:55] <shadow-soul> bin m21 und suche sie die bei mir wohnen will um dann meine sklavin oder mein sexobjekt zu sein pn me oder adde mich 646677810
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4705[11:34:11] <paul> hiii mag wer camvideos tauschen?
4706[11:34:23] *** shadow-soul was kicked by schwarzerkater (4 Keine Fragen nach Sex oder aehnlichem. )
4707[11:34:23] *** schwarzerkater sets mode: +b *!*@9A6A0B.63852E.449F46.00C103
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4712[11:34:45] <Sauna-Paar> ist jmd aus der bodensee-ecke a? bitte pm
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4720[11:35:23] <chris1994> keine sie hier die schreiben mag?
4721[11:35:35] <rsHotM> Suche sie ab 20...
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4723[11:35:38] <Bi_wassi> 646677810 nr?
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4730[11:36:03] <joshua_solo> bitte pn
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4732[11:36:08] <schwarzerkater> Moin Moin Boeser_Coyote
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