People who Joins, Parts or Quits a chatroom
this is #german an IRC-Channel at IrCQ-Net (ICQ IRC service)
0[00:00:00] <Kleene> ja
1[00:00:03] <Kleene> war ich denn weg?
2[00:00:08] <Schmusekater> Selber miau
3[00:00:10] *** Quits: Markus86 (Markus86@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4[00:00:13] <KanzlerinFerkl> warst doch vorhin schonmal da
5[00:00:13] *** Joins: streetlife (streetlife@replaced-ip)
6[00:00:16] <Loreen> haha
7[00:00:21] <Loreen> roar
8[00:00:24] *** Quits: NaughtyToyBoy (NaughtyToyBoy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
9[00:00:35] <Kleene> ich war noch gar nich weg
10[00:00:37] *** Joins: GuestJW (kmt@replaced-ip)
11[00:00:40] *** GuestJW is now known as flopopcb
12[00:00:41] <Schmusekater> Hi fesselnd
13[00:00:41] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
14[00:00:44] <Kleene> einfach nix gesagt
15[00:00:45] *** Joins: GuestoI (cmlm@replaced-ip)
16[00:00:46] *** Quits: RS-SchIampe (RS-SchIampe@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
17[00:00:50] *** GuestoI is now known as flopopZW
18[00:00:55] *** Joins: GuestyE (vpqq@replaced-ip)
19[00:00:58] *** GuestyE is now known as flopophU
20[00:01:00] <Schmusekater> Tag loreen
21[00:01:01] <KanzlerinFerkl> achso
22[00:01:03] *** Joins: GuestjL (dph@replaced-ip)
23[00:01:04] *** Quits: marco_2 (marco_@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
24[00:01:05] *** GuestjL is now known as flopopdP
25[00:01:07] <Schmusekater> Tag kleene
26[00:01:10] *** Parts: art-man24 (art-man24@replaced-ip)
27[00:01:10] *** Joins: Guesthn (xjo@replaced-ip)
28[00:01:11] *** Joins: magnum46 (magnum46@replaced-ip)
29[00:01:11] *** Guesthn is now known as flopopJI
30[00:01:13] *** Joins: Guesthv (miq@replaced-ip)
31[00:01:14] *** Guesthv is now known as flopoplJ
32[00:01:16] <fesselnd_m44> Das geht aber gleich wieder los denke ich
33[00:01:18] *** Joins: GuestUh (ysetj@replaced-ip)
34[00:01:19] <Loreen> Tag Schmusekater
35[00:01:20] *** GuestUh is now known as flopopUp
36[00:01:26] *** Joins: GuestZI (spk@replaced-ip)
37[00:01:28] *** Quits: streetlife (streetlife@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
38[00:01:28] *** GuestZI is now known as flopopFs
39[00:01:33] <Kleene> Loreen bist du neu?
40[00:01:34] <KanzlerinFerkl> so nach dem motto wer nichts sagt sagt auch nichts falsches
41[00:01:35] *** Parts: nick33 (nick33@replaced-ip)
42[00:01:36] <fesselnd_m44> Musima anrechnen er ist gut
43[00:01:38] *** Joins: Guest17805 (Daniel@replaced-ip)
44[00:01:39] *** Joins: nick33 (nick33@replaced-ip)
45[00:01:41] *** Quits: flopopZW (cmlm@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
46[00:01:41] *** Quits: flopopFs (spk@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
47[00:01:41] *** Quits: flopophU (vpqq@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
48[00:01:41] *** Quits: flopopdP (dph@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
49[00:01:41] *** Quits: flopopJI (xjo@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
50[00:01:41] *** Quits: flopopcb (kmt@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
51[00:01:41] *** Quits: flopoplJ (miq@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
52[00:01:41] *** Quits: flopopQo (tlh@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
53[00:01:41] *** Quits: flopopOZ (bow@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
54[00:01:41] <Sehreinsam_Saar> hi suche w alter egal wo meine sklavin sein will mit icq oder skype pls prv melden
55[00:01:42] *** Quits: flopopUp (ysetj@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No Flood.)
56[00:01:46] *** Joins: boy16_527 (boy16@replaced-ip)
57[00:01:52] *** Joins: hotdennis23 (hotdennis23@replaced-ip)
58[00:02:02] <Loreen> nein Kleene ..war nur ne Zeitlang nicht hier
59[00:02:04] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
60[00:02:05] *** Quits: PaarNRWSuW (lflhimkjnjrbeh@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
61[00:02:10] <Kleene> achso
62[00:02:16] *** Joins: StrictDom4RP (josh@replaced-ip)
63[00:02:18] *** Parts: Mneugierig28 (Mneugierig28@replaced-ip)
64[00:02:22] <Loreen> jo
66[00:02:29] <Kleene> ferkl alles klar
67[00:02:29] *** Joins: Guestqt (jior@replaced-ip)
68[00:02:32] *** Guestqt is now known as flopopKK
69[00:02:33] *** Guest is now known as Guest59228
70[00:02:36] *** Joins: GuestgL (fdx@replaced-ip)
71[00:02:37] *** Quits: magnum46 (magnum46@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
72[00:02:37] *** GuestgL is now known as flopopMk
73[00:02:43] *** Joins: Guestat (tdaw@replaced-ip)
74[00:02:43] *** Joins: FEUERMOND (FEUERMOND@replaced-ip)
75[00:02:46] *** Guestat is now known as flopophl
76[00:02:47] *** Quits: er_mag_molligeW (jhezoqpqlvwefr@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
77[00:02:47] *** Quits: Skyper-XL (jhezoqpqlvwefr@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
78[00:02:49] *** Joins: GuestLc (yjmq@replaced-ip)
79[00:02:52] *** GuestLc is now known as flopopfG
80[00:02:53] *** Quits: Guest_853 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
81[00:02:54] *** Joins: GuestBk (rnxg@replaced-ip)
82[00:02:54] *** Joins: JzzzzZ (JzzzzZ@replaced-ip)
83[00:02:56] <KanzlerinFerkl> bei mir schon ja
84[00:02:57] *** GuestBk is now known as flopopBw
85[00:02:59] *** Joins: GuestMg (mar@replaced-ip)
86[00:03:00] <KanzlerinFerkl> bei dir auch?
87[00:03:02] *** GuestMg is now known as flopopNm
88[00:03:04] *** Joins: GuestNn (gifmq@replaced-ip)
89[00:03:05] *** GuestNn is now known as flopopdE
90[00:03:07] *** Joins: GuestJn (enna@replaced-ip)
91[00:03:08] *** GuestJn is now known as flopopxM
92[00:03:11] *** Joins: GuestWx (zef@replaced-ip)
93[00:03:14] *** GuestWx is now known as flopopWk
94[00:03:16] *** Quits: FEUERMOND (FEUERMOND@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
95[00:03:25] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
96[00:03:25] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
97[00:03:25] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
98[00:03:25] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
99[00:03:25] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
100[00:03:25] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
101[00:03:25] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
102[00:03:25] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
103[00:03:25] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
104[00:03:28] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
105[00:03:28] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
106[00:03:28] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
107[00:03:28] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
108[00:03:28] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
109[00:03:28] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
110[00:03:28] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
111[00:03:28] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
112[00:03:28] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
113[00:03:32] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
114[00:03:32] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
115[00:03:32] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
116[00:03:32] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
117[00:03:32] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
118[00:03:32] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
119[00:03:32] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
120[00:03:32] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
121[00:03:32] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
122[00:03:34] *** Parts: doriann (doriann@replaced-ip)
123[00:03:36] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
124[00:03:36] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
125[00:03:36] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
126[00:03:36] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
127[00:03:36] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
128[00:03:36] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
129[00:03:36] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
130[00:03:36] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
131[00:03:36] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
132[00:03:38] *** Parts: T0MMM (T0MMM@replaced-ip)
133[00:03:40] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
134[00:03:40] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
135[00:03:40] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
136[00:03:40] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
137[00:03:40] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
138[00:03:40] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
139[00:03:40] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
140[00:03:40] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
141[00:03:40] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
142[00:03:44] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
143[00:03:44] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
144[00:03:44] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
145[00:03:44] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
146[00:03:44] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
147[00:03:44] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
148[00:03:44] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
149[00:03:44] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
150[00:03:45] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
151[00:03:47] *** Joins: Guest45556 (Me@replaced-ip)
152[00:03:48] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
153[00:03:48] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
154[00:03:48] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
155[00:03:48] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
156[00:03:48] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
157[00:03:48] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
158[00:03:48] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
159[00:03:48] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
160[00:03:48] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
161[00:03:52] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
162[00:03:52] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
163[00:03:52] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
164[00:03:52] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
165[00:03:52] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
166[00:03:52] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
167[00:03:52] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
168[00:03:52] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
169[00:03:52] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
170[00:03:56] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
171[00:03:56] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
172[00:03:56] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
173[00:03:56] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
174[00:03:56] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
175[00:03:56] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
176[00:03:56] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
177[00:03:56] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
178[00:03:56] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
179[00:04:00] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
180[00:04:00] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
181[00:04:00] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
182[00:04:00] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
183[00:04:00] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
184[00:04:00] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
185[00:04:00] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
186[00:04:00] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
187[00:04:01] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
188[00:04:02] <Loreen> wtf
189[00:04:04] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
190[00:04:04] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
191[00:04:04] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
192[00:04:04] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
193[00:04:04] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
194[00:04:04] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
195[00:04:04] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
196[00:04:04] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
197[00:04:04] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
198[00:04:06] *** Quits: Schmusekater (Schmusekater@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
199[00:04:08] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
200[00:04:08] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
201[00:04:08] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
202[00:04:08] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
203[00:04:08] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
204[00:04:08] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
205[00:04:08] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
206[00:04:08] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
207[00:04:08] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
208[00:04:12] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
209[00:04:12] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
210[00:04:12] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
211[00:04:12] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
212[00:04:12] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
213[00:04:12] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
214[00:04:12] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
215[00:04:12] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
216[00:04:13] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
217[00:04:16] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
218[00:04:16] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
219[00:04:16] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
220[00:04:16] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
221[00:04:16] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
222[00:04:16] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
223[00:04:16] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
224[00:04:17] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
225[00:04:17] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
226[00:04:19] *** Quits: Guest_521 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
227[00:04:20] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
228[00:04:20] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
229[00:04:20] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
230[00:04:20] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
231[00:04:21] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
232[00:04:21] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
233[00:04:21] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
234[00:04:21] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
235[00:04:21] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
236[00:04:24] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
237[00:04:24] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
238[00:04:24] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
239[00:04:24] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
240[00:04:25] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
241[00:04:25] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
242[00:04:25] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
243[00:04:25] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
244[00:04:25] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
245[00:04:28] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
246[00:04:28] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
247[00:04:29] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
248[00:04:29] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
249[00:04:29] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
250[00:04:29] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
251[00:04:29] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
252[00:04:29] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
253[00:04:33] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
254[00:04:33] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
255[00:04:33] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
256[00:04:33] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
257[00:04:33] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
258[00:04:33] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
259[00:04:33] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
260[00:04:33] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
261[00:04:33] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
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266[00:04:37] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
267[00:04:37] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
268[00:04:37] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
269[00:04:37] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
270[00:04:37] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
271[00:04:37] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
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277[00:04:41] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
278[00:04:41] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
279[00:04:41] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
280[00:04:41] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
281[00:04:41] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
282[00:04:41] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
283[00:04:41] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
284[00:04:43] *** Parts: ER-39_649 (ER-39@replaced-ip)
285[00:04:44] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
286[00:04:45] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
287[00:04:45] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
288[00:04:45] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
289[00:04:45] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
290[00:04:45] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
291[00:04:45] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
292[00:04:45] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
293[00:04:45] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
294[00:04:48] *** Quits: Gentle-Dom (_Meister_@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
295[00:04:49] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
296[00:04:49] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
297[00:04:49] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
298[00:04:49] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
299[00:04:49] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
300[00:04:49] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
301[00:04:49] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
302[00:04:49] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
303[00:04:49] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
304[00:04:53] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
305[00:04:53] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
306[00:04:53] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
307[00:04:53] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
308[00:04:53] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
309[00:04:53] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
310[00:04:53] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
311[00:04:53] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
312[00:04:54] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
313[00:04:57] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
314[00:04:57] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
315[00:04:57] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
316[00:04:57] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
317[00:04:57] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
318[00:04:57] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
319[00:04:57] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
320[00:04:57] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
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325[00:05:01] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
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327[00:05:01] *** Parts: Dominik18 (Dominik18@replaced-ip)
328[00:05:01] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
329[00:05:01] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
330[00:05:01] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
331[00:05:01] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
332[00:05:02] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
333[00:05:04] *** Parts: MrRight_NRW (MrRight_NRW@replaced-ip)
334[00:05:05] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
335[00:05:05] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
336[00:05:05] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
337[00:05:05] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
338[00:05:05] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
339[00:05:05] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
340[00:05:05] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
341[00:05:05] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
342[00:05:06] *** Parts: fesselnd_m44 (fesselnd_m44@replaced-ip)
343[00:05:06] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
344[00:05:06] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
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348[00:05:09] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
349[00:05:09] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
350[00:05:09] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
351[00:05:09] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
352[00:05:09] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
353[00:05:09] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
354[00:05:10] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
355[00:05:13] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
356[00:05:13] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
357[00:05:13] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
358[00:05:13] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
359[00:05:13] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
360[00:05:13] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
361[00:05:13] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
362[00:05:13] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
363[00:05:14] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
364[00:05:15] <Loreen> boah du A...
365[00:05:17] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
366[00:05:17] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
367[00:05:17] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
368[00:05:17] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
369[00:05:17] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
370[00:05:17] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
371[00:05:17] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
372[00:05:17] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
373[00:05:18] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
374[00:05:20] *** Quits: Guest_407 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
375[00:05:21] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
376[00:05:21] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
377[00:05:21] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
378[00:05:21] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
379[00:05:21] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
380[00:05:21] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
381[00:05:21] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
382[00:05:22] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
383[00:05:22] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
384[00:05:25] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
385[00:05:25] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
386[00:05:25] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
387[00:05:25] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
388[00:05:25] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
389[00:05:25] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
390[00:05:25] *** Quits: ER-39 (ER-39@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
391[00:05:25] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
392[00:05:26] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
393[00:05:26] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
394[00:05:29] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
395[00:05:29] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
396[00:05:29] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
397[00:05:30] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
398[00:05:30] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
399[00:05:30] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
400[00:05:30] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
401[00:05:30] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
402[00:05:33] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
403[00:05:33] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
404[00:05:33] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
405[00:05:33] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
406[00:05:33] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
407[00:05:34] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
408[00:05:34] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
409[00:05:34] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
410[00:05:34] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
411[00:05:34] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
412[00:05:37] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
413[00:05:37] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
414[00:05:38] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
415[00:05:38] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
416[00:05:38] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
417[00:05:38] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
418[00:05:38] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
419[00:05:38] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
420[00:05:38] <flopopMk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
421[00:05:41] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
422[00:05:42] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
423[00:05:42] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
424[00:05:42] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
425[00:05:42] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
426[00:05:42] <flopophl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
427[00:05:42] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
428[00:05:42] <flopopKK> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
429[00:05:42] *** Quits: Loreen (Loreen@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
430[00:05:46] <flopopNm> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
431[00:05:46] <flopopdE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
432[00:05:46] <flopopBw> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
433[00:05:46] <flopopxM> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
434[00:05:46] <flopopWk> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
435[00:05:46] <flopopfG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by ICQ 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Chanops
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637[00:07:21] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
638[00:07:23] <KanzlerinFerkl> schon fertig olli?
639[00:07:32] <Guest63448> der olli kann sowas nicht
640[00:07:43] <Fred22> Hey irgendjemand aus Hannover da?pvt pleas ;)
641[00:07:43] <Guest63448> das ist die andere heulboje
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643[00:07:47] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
644[00:07:48] <KanzlerinFerkl> er muss es aber sein
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648[00:08:00] <KanzlerinFerkl> vom inhalt her
649[00:08:07] *** Parts: UrlaubsPartnER (UrlaubsPartnER@replaced-ip)
650[00:08:19] <Kleene> deva oller pupa
651[00:08:21] <Guest63448> er hat doch noch nen kumpel
652[00:08:25] *** Quits: RspM42 (RspM42@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
653[00:08:36] <Devadetta> Kleene hab dich eben schon in sauger eingesaugt ,,,
654[00:08:41] <Kleene> ih bah
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657[00:08:46] <Kleene> ich hab doch husten
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660[00:09:07] <Devadetta> nuja,,, kann ich doch nix wissen,,, hab vorher noch staubgesaugt,, lol
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662[00:09:13] <A_Furry> hey, will jemand normal chatten? bin m 19
663[00:09:16] <Devadetta> bist halt zwichen gekommen :D
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669[00:09:42] <Schmusekater> Wieder ruhe hier
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671[00:09:56] <Loreen> na endlich ..
672[00:09:58] *** Joins: Avidiaviper23 (Avidiaviper23@replaced-ip)
673[00:10:02] <Hund_M_NRW> Hatt eine Sie Erfahrungen mit Tieren? Bitte privat melden
674[00:10:02] <Nouis-Susi> sieht so aus
675[00:10:03] <Hund_M_NRW> Hatt eine Sie Erfahrungen mit Tieren? Bitte privat melden
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682[00:10:40] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
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692[00:11:15] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
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696[00:12:00] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
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703[00:12:34] <Loreen> ok verabschiede mich
704[00:12:41] <KanzlerinFerkl> wohin denn?
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706[00:12:51] <Loreen> ins bett lol
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709[00:12:57] <KanzlerinFerkl> um die zeit?
710[00:12:59] <Loreen> nachti
711[00:13:00] <Daniel48EL> schlaf gut
712[00:13:01] <fesselnd_m44> Und fertig servus Loreen
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722[00:13:12] <Loreen> danke du auch Daniel
723[00:13:15] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
724[00:13:15] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
725[00:13:15] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
726[00:13:15] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
727[00:13:15] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
728[00:13:15] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
729[00:13:15] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
730[00:13:16] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
731[00:13:19] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
732[00:13:19] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
733[00:13:19] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
734[00:13:19] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
735[00:13:19] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
736[00:13:19] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
737[00:13:19] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
738[00:13:20] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
739[00:13:23] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
740[00:13:23] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
741[00:13:23] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
742[00:13:23] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
743[00:13:23] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
744[00:13:23] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
745[00:13:24] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
746[00:13:24] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
747[00:13:25] *** Quits: Jonas (Jonas@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
748[00:13:26] <Daniel48EL> ich geh noch nicht loreen
749[00:13:27] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
750[00:13:27] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
751[00:13:27] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
752[00:13:27] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
753[00:13:27] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
754[00:13:27] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
755[00:13:28] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
756[00:13:28] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
757[00:13:29] *** Quits: Fred22 (Fred22@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
758[00:13:31] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
759[00:13:31] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
760[00:13:31] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
761[00:13:31] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
762[00:13:31] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
763[00:13:31] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
764[00:13:31] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
765[00:13:32] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
766[00:13:33] <Loreen> namuss ja noch ins bad Kanzlerin ;)
767[00:13:35] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
768[00:13:35] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
769[00:13:35] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
770[00:13:35] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
771[00:13:36] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
772[00:13:36] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
773[00:13:36] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
774[00:13:38] *** Quits: sexygirl (sexygirl@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
775[00:13:38] <KanzlerinFerkl> ahso
776[00:13:39] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
777[00:13:39] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
778[00:13:39] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
779[00:13:39] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
780[00:13:39] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
781[00:13:40] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
782[00:13:40] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
783[00:13:40] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
784[00:13:40] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
785[00:13:43] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
786[00:13:43] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
787[00:13:43] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
788[00:13:43] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
789[00:13:44] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
790[00:13:44] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
791[00:13:44] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
792[00:13:45] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
793[00:13:47] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
794[00:13:47] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
795[00:13:47] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
796[00:13:47] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
797[00:13:48] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
798[00:13:48] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
799[00:13:48] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
800[00:13:48] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
801[00:13:51] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
802[00:13:51] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
803[00:13:51] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
804[00:13:51] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
805[00:13:52] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
806[00:13:52] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
807[00:13:52] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
808[00:13:52] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
809[00:13:55] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
810[00:13:56] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
811[00:13:56] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
812[00:13:56] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
813[00:13:56] <Loreen> boah schon wieder
814[00:13:56] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
815[00:13:57] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
816[00:13:57] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
817[00:13:58] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
818[00:13:58] <TED> gangbang
819[00:13:59] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
820[00:14:00] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
821[00:14:00] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
822[00:14:00] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
823[00:14:00] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
824[00:14:00] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
825[00:14:00] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
826[00:14:00] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
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831[00:14:04] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
832[00:14:04] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
833[00:14:04] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
834[00:14:04] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
835[00:14:04] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
836[00:14:06] <roomsnd> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
837[00:14:06] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
838[00:14:07] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
839[00:14:08] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
840[00:14:08] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
841[00:14:08] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
842[00:14:08] <Loreen> bb
843[00:14:08] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
844[00:14:08] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
845[00:14:08] *** Joins: roomsnG (rooms@replaced-ip)
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855[00:14:12] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
856[00:14:12] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
857[00:14:12] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
858[00:14:12] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
859[00:14:12] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
860[00:14:12] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
861[00:14:12] <roomsnd> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
862[00:14:12] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
863[00:14:12] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
864[00:14:12] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
865[00:14:12] <roomsnd> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
866[00:14:13] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
867[00:14:16] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
868[00:14:16] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
869[00:14:16] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
870[00:14:16] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
871[00:14:16] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
872[00:14:16] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
873[00:14:16] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
874[00:14:16] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
875[00:14:16] <roomsnd> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
876[00:14:16] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
877[00:14:16] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
878[00:14:16] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
879[00:14:17] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
880[00:14:19] *** Quits: Loreen (Loreen@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
881[00:14:20] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
882[00:14:20] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
883[00:14:20] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
884[00:14:20] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
885[00:14:20] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
886[00:14:20] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
887[00:14:20] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
888[00:14:20] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
889[00:14:20] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
890[00:14:20] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
891[00:14:20] <roomsnd> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
892[00:14:20] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
893[00:14:21] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
894[00:14:24] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
895[00:14:24] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
896[00:14:24] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
897[00:14:24] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
898[00:14:24] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
899[00:14:24] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
900[00:14:24] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
901[00:14:24] <roomsnd> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
902[00:14:24] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
903[00:14:24] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
904[00:14:25] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
905[00:14:25] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
906[00:14:25] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
907[00:14:28] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
908[00:14:28] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
909[00:14:28] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
910[00:14:28] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
911[00:14:28] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
912[00:14:28] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
913[00:14:28] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
914[00:14:28] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
915[00:14:28] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
916[00:14:28] <roomsnd> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
917[00:14:29] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
918[00:14:29] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
919[00:14:29] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
920[00:14:31] *** Parts: Marco_040 (Marco_040@replaced-ip)
921[00:14:32] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
922[00:14:32] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
923[00:14:32] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
924[00:14:32] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
925[00:14:32] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
926[00:14:32] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
927[00:14:32] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
928[00:14:32] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
929[00:14:32] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
930[00:14:32] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
931[00:14:33] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
932[00:14:33] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
933[00:14:34] <roomsnd> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
934[00:14:34] *** Quits: Sehreinsam_Saar (Sehreinsam_Saar@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
935[00:14:36] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
936[00:14:36] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
937[00:14:36] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
938[00:14:36] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
939[00:14:36] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
940[00:14:36] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
941[00:14:36] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
942[00:14:36] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
943[00:14:36] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
944[00:14:36] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
945[00:14:36] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
946[00:14:36] <roomsnd> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
947[00:14:37] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
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950[00:14:40] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
951[00:14:40] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
952[00:14:40] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
953[00:14:40] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
954[00:14:40] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
955[00:14:40] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
956[00:14:40] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
957[00:14:40] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
958[00:14:40] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
959[00:14:40] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
960[00:14:41] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
961[00:14:41] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
962[00:14:44] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
963[00:14:44] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
964[00:14:44] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
965[00:14:44] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
966[00:14:44] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
967[00:14:44] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
968[00:14:44] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
969[00:14:44] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
970[00:14:45] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
971[00:14:45] *** Quits: joerg_ (cgntumkapjuttm@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
972[00:14:45] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
973[00:14:45] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
974[00:14:46] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
975[00:14:48] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
976[00:14:48] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
977[00:14:48] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
978[00:14:48] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
979[00:14:48] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
980[00:14:48] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
981[00:14:48] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
982[00:14:48] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
983[00:14:48] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
984[00:14:49] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
985[00:14:49] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
986[00:14:49] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia
987[00:14:50] *** Quits: BenBremen (BenBremen@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
988[00:14:54] <KanzlerinFerkl> sindgarnicht so viele, wenn man will kann man die auch alle manuell auf igno setzen
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991[00:15:09] <KanzlerinFerkl> und schon wieder fertig
992[00:15:12] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
993[00:15:12] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
994[00:15:12] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
995[00:15:12] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
996[00:15:13] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
997[00:15:13] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
998[00:15:13] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
999[00:15:13] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1000[00:15:13] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1001[00:15:13] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1002[00:15:13] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1003[00:15:14] <south> v
1004[00:15:15] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1005[00:15:15] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1006[00:15:15] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1007[00:15:16] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1008[00:15:16] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1009[00:15:16] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1010[00:15:16] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1011[00:15:16] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1012[00:15:16] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1013[00:15:16] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1014[00:15:16] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1015[00:15:19] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1016[00:15:19] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1017[00:15:19] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1018[00:15:19] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1019[00:15:19] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1020[00:15:20] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1021[00:15:20] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1022[00:15:20] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1023[00:15:20] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1024[00:15:20] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1025[00:15:20] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1026[00:15:20] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1027[00:15:20] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1028[00:15:23] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1029[00:15:23] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1030[00:15:24] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1031[00:15:24] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1032[00:15:24] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1033[00:15:24] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1034[00:15:24] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1035[00:15:24] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1036[00:15:24] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1037[00:15:24] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1038[00:15:24] *** Quits: Guest59228 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1039[00:15:24] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1040[00:15:24] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1041[00:15:24] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1042[00:15:28] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1043[00:15:28] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1045[00:15:28] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1046[00:15:28] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1047[00:15:28] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1048[00:15:28] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1049[00:15:28] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1050[00:15:28] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1051[00:15:29] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1052[00:15:29] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1053[00:15:31] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1054[00:15:32] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1055[00:15:32] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1056[00:15:32] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1057[00:15:32] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1058[00:15:32] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1059[00:15:32] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1060[00:15:32] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1061[00:15:32] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1062[00:15:32] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1063[00:15:33] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1064[00:15:35] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1066[00:15:36] <TED> sicella ist sheisse
1067[00:15:36] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1068[00:15:36] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1069[00:15:36] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1070[00:15:36] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1071[00:15:36] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1072[00:15:36] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1073[00:15:36] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1074[00:15:36] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1075[00:15:37] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1076[00:15:37] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1087[00:15:40] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1088[00:15:41] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1089[00:15:41] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1092[00:15:44] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1096[00:15:44] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1100[00:15:44] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1101[00:15:44] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1102[00:15:45] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1103[00:15:45] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1104[00:15:45] <roomsOB> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1111[00:15:48] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1114[00:15:48] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1117[00:15:48] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1118[00:15:49] <roomsit> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1119[00:15:51] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1120[00:15:52] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1121[00:15:52] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1123[00:15:52] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1125[00:15:52] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1126[00:15:52] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1127[00:15:52] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1128[00:15:52] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1129[00:15:52] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1130[00:15:52] <roomsSr> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1131[00:15:52] <roomsHL> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1133[00:15:56] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1134[00:15:56] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1135[00:15:56] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1136[00:15:56] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1137[00:15:56] <roomsRt> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1138[00:15:56] <roomsmJ> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1139[00:15:56] <roomsOE> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1141[00:15:57] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1145[00:16:00] <roomsnG> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1146[00:16:00] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1147[00:16:00] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1148[00:16:00] <roomsZN> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1153[00:16:04] <roomsDg> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1154[00:16:04] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1156[00:16:04] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1157[00:16:05] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1159[00:16:08] <roomsSU> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
1160[00:16:08] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1162[00:16:12] <roomsvl> 13,0Pedophi|ia presented by Sicilia 1,3 Ch|ldmolester sponsored by Sicilia 1,4 gangbang featering Sicilia
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1164[00:16:16] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
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1169[00:16:43] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
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1184[00:17:52] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
1185[00:17:55] *** Quits: Pivomk (pivo@replaced-ip##) (G-Lined: 1Filtered (No Flooding/Spamming/Jumping). Contact ##replaced-url
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1194[00:18:19] <KanzlerinFerkl> langsam geht dir die puste auf olli wie's scheint
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1204[00:19:07] <Pivojz> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1212[00:19:11] <Pivojz> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1217[00:19:11] <Pivouw> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1219[00:19:15] <Pivojz> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1224[00:19:15] <Pivouw> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1231[00:19:19] <Pivouw> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1245[00:19:49] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
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1256[00:20:12] <lalalalane> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1260[00:20:12] <lalalalaLt> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1261[00:20:12] <lalalalaju> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1262[00:20:12] <lalalalacm> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1263[00:20:12] <lalalalabK> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1266[00:20:16] <lalalalane> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1267[00:20:16] <lalalalaRu> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1268[00:20:16] <lalalalaju> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1269[00:20:16] <lalalalaLt> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1270[00:20:16] <lalalalabK> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1271[00:20:17] <lalalalacm> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1272[00:20:20] <lalalalane> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1273[00:20:20] <lalalalaLt> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1274[00:20:20] <lalalalabK> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1275[00:20:20] <lalalalaju> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1276[00:20:20] <lalalalaRu> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1278[00:20:21] <lalalalacm> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1282[00:20:24] <lalalalabK> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1285[00:20:48] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
1286[00:21:14] *** Quits: Guest_487 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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1289[00:21:21] <lalalalaGR> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1291[00:21:29] <lalalalaGR> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1292[00:21:33] <lalalalaGR> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1293[00:21:38] <lalalalaGR> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1294[00:21:41] <lalalalaGR> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
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1300[00:21:57] <lalalalaGR> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1301[00:22:01] <lalalalaGR> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
1302[00:22:02] <Freddy> Guten Abend zusammen
1303[00:22:05] <derWendler> sie liebt den dJ
1304[00:22:31] *** Parts: Alexa (Alexa@replaced-ip)
1305[00:22:36] <derWendler> kauft es bitte
1306[00:22:49] <fesselnd_m44> DerWeendler kommt direkt auf ignor
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1314[00:23:59] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
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1316[00:24:18] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
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1322[00:24:51] <Guest> hallo
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1326[00:25:36] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
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1332[00:26:01] <Guest92723> stop? a bis E, die ich Euch nicht die Zeit, um zu Lesen
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1334[00:26:16] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
1335[00:26:21] *** Parts: nick33 (nick33@replaced-ip)
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1339[00:26:59] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
1340[00:27:25] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
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1345[00:27:55] <Guest92723> ich Schreibe dir in Kalifornien mit der Liebe aus Russland))))
1346[00:28:08] <fozjv> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1347[00:28:08] <fozZE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1348[00:28:08] <fozfP> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1349[00:28:08] <foziE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1350[00:28:08] <fozGw> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1351[00:28:08] <fozvr> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
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1354[00:28:12] <fozjv> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1355[00:28:12] <fozZE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1356[00:28:12] <fozfP> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1357[00:28:12] <fozvr> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1358[00:28:12] <foziE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1359[00:28:12] <fozGw> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1360[00:28:12] <fozrt> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1361[00:28:13] <fozcp> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
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1363[00:28:16] <fozZE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1364[00:28:16] <fozjv> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1365[00:28:16] <fozfP> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1366[00:28:16] <foziE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1367[00:28:16] <fozvr> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1368[00:28:16] <fozGw> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1369[00:28:17] <fozrt> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1370[00:28:17] <m33Jahre_> Hey. Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine sehr geile Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die ständigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits Sinnlichkeit,
1371[00:28:17] <m33Jahre_> Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen, Peitsche und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und brutal hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze für Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
1372[00:28:18] *** Quits: mzeigts (mzeigts@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1373[00:28:18] <fozcp> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
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1376[00:28:20] <fozjv> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1377[00:28:20] <fozZE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1378[00:28:20] <fozfP> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1379[00:28:21] <foziE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1380[00:28:21] <fozGw> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1381[00:28:21] <fozrt> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1382[00:28:21] <fozvr> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1383[00:28:21] <fozcp> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1384[00:28:24] <fozfP> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1385[00:28:24] <fozjv> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1386[00:28:24] <fozZE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1387[00:28:25] <fozvr> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1388[00:28:25] <fozrt> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1389[00:28:25] <fozcp> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1390[00:28:25] <foziE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1391[00:28:25] <fozGw> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
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1393[00:28:28] <fozZE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1394[00:28:29] <foziE> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1395[00:28:29] <fozGw> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1396[00:28:29] <fozfP> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1397[00:28:29] <fozvr> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1398[00:28:29] <fozrt> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
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1400[00:28:29] <fozcp> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
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1405[00:28:33] <fozcp> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
1406[00:28:33] <fozrt> 13,0HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Guest45556
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1409[00:28:36] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
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1416[00:29:54] <Guest92723> Anna 29 bot
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1419[00:30:06] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
1420[00:30:15] <Daniel48EL> hallo
1421[00:30:31] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
1422[00:30:51] *** Quits: Bastian (Bastian@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1423[00:31:09] <Guest92723> hi <Daniel48EL>
1424[00:31:17] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
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1436[00:32:35] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
1437[00:33:48] *** Parts: Didi (Didi@replaced-ip)
1438[00:33:50] <Guest92723> mein Yandex keine Zeit zu ubersetzen richtig, richtig schreiben und Literatur
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1442[00:34:25] <Hund_M_NRW> Hatt eine Sie Erfahrungen mit Tieren? Bitte privat melden
1443[00:34:30] *** Parts: Bi17FFM (Bi17FFM@replaced-ip)
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1446[00:34:47] <m33Jahre_> Hey. Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine sehr geile Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die ständigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits Sinnlichkeit,
1447[00:34:47] <m33Jahre_> Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen, Peitsche und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und brutal hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze für Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
1448[00:34:54] *** Joins: guest_portugal (guest_portugal@replaced-ip)
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1452[00:35:24] <Guest92723> Sud-ich verstehe dich nicht, Schreibe auf Deutsch )))
1453[00:35:34] <Daniel48EL> hallo anna
1454[00:36:07] <Daniel48EL> lust klingt gut anna
1455[00:36:38] <Dom_paddy22> Hey, ich suche eine offene und DEVOTE Frau die sich langzeitlich online via icq oder skype zur SKLAVIN erziehen lassen will, Bei interesse privat melden
1456[00:36:59] *** Joins: Guest_746 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1457[00:37:06] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
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1462[00:37:29] *** south was kicked by Autobot (Bitte wiederhole dich nicht mehrfach.)
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1466[00:37:48] <KanzlerinFerkl> grad wo ich ihn endlich auf ignore stelle
1467[00:37:52] <Guest92723> auf welchen Schwanz Sie ruft?
1468[00:37:53] <KanzlerinFerkl> typisch
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1487[00:40:52] <A_Furry> hey, will jemand normal chatten? bin m 19
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1489[00:41:43] <badboy92_> eine lady? ;)
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1491[00:41:59] <Guest92723> Nein, hier werden alle Bots
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1495[00:42:28] <iche74> nabend
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1498[00:42:54] <Daniel48EL> nabend iche
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1502[00:43:13] <shorts-boy-18> hi, wer ( w oder m ) hat lust privat zu chatten? pn
1503[00:43:20] <Guest92723> nun, zumindest wurde ein Madchen...
1504[00:43:21] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
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1515[00:44:27] <m33Jahre_> Hey. Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine sehr geile Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die ständigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits Sinnlichkeit,
1516[00:44:27] <m33Jahre_> Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen, Peitsche und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und brutal hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze für Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
1517[00:44:28] <Guest92723> oooo , ja-ja sehr gut
1518[00:44:28] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
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1520[00:44:46] <iMkinkyBUTiMok> hallo
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1523[00:45:42] <KanzlerinFerkl> noch jemand da?
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1526[00:45:56] <Daniel48EL> jupp
1527[00:46:02] <Armin9999_> Anna
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1538[00:46:37] <Guest92723> es ist bot
1539[00:46:44] <Guest52694> hallooo
1540[00:46:56] <Guest92723> ja-ja
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1548[00:47:29] <Armin9999_> Ja. Anna. Bist du denn fit?
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1550[00:47:46] <Daniel48EL> komm zu mir anna
1551[00:47:49] <Guest52694> jemand aus frankfurt?
1552[00:47:56] <ORGIEnellER> hallo
1553[00:48:01] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
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1559[00:48:52] <me_228> ich bin aus frankfurt
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1562[00:49:09] <Guest52694> aah gut!!
1563[00:49:15] <Hund_M_NRW> Hatt eine Sie Erfahrungen mit Tieren? Bitte privat melden
1564[00:49:29] <me_228> wieso gut?
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1569[00:49:51] <Guest52694> ich werde da zu arbeiten kommen
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1573[00:50:14] <Guest52694> in eine eiscafe
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1575[00:50:34] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
1576[00:50:41] <Guest52694> aber ich spreche nicht gut deutschh
1577[00:50:58] <shorts-boy-18> wer hat lust auf ein privatchat? W oder M pn
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1584[00:51:39] <Guest_746> girls hier, die gerade geil sind?
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1591[00:52:47] <Guest_746> welches girl hat Lust?
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1597[00:53:31] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
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1601[00:54:50] <shorts-boy-18> hi, wer ( w oder m ) hat lust privat zu chatten? pn an mich
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1603[00:55:11] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
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1607[00:56:14] <dev_foot_m> nabbend 2 gether^^
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1618[00:57:51] <ryokucha> win update 888 MB :D
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1622[00:58:04] <Guest_695> hy^^
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1634[00:59:55] <Guest_401> Wer hat eine schwester oder eine stiefschwester ? Bitte privat melden!
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1640[01:01:17] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
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1646[01:01:57] <Armin9999_> Anna?
1647[01:02:03] <DAVO> BARE
1648[01:02:04] <DAVO> V
1649[01:02:05] <DAVO> DEZ
1650[01:02:09] <DAVO> ANNA CHI DAVONA
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1653[01:02:39] <Guest_401> Wer hat eine schwester oder eine stiefschwester ? Bitte privat melden!
1654[01:02:45] *** Parts: DAVO (DAVO@replaced-ip)
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1661[01:03:44] <shorts-boy-18> hi, wer ( w oder m ) hat lust privat zu chatten? pn an mich :D
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1668[01:04:41] <AdmiralThrawn> rsp_juli war zuletzt bereits als rsp_jan in #German !! <- ob nun Juli oder Jan ein Rollenspiel will... ich glaube nicht, dass ein neuer Nick da reizvoller klingt und mehr bringt
1669[01:04:41] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
1670[01:04:53] <KanzlerinFerkl> ist ja schrecklich
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1676[01:05:48] <Anna_29> suche m lust auf lust
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1685[01:06:29] <AdmiralThrawn> Jan19: Hey mag noch jemand gerne verrücktere oder extremere Phantasien im rsp? :) Mal was aufregenderes :p <--- sinnloses Gefasel
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1687[01:06:36] <Miffi> 11 HuHuuu
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1689[01:06:45] <AdmiralThrawn> Anna_29: suche m lust auf lust <- kurz und schmerzlos: Notgeil
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1694[01:08:28] <shorts-boy-18> wer hat lust privat zu chatten? girls oder boys pvt
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1699[01:09:28] <AdmiralThrawn> KanzlerinFerkl: was ist schrecklich ?
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1701[01:10:03] <KanzlerinFerkl> na das von dir aufgedeckte
1702[01:10:09] <KanzlerinFerkl> nur noch lug und trug hier
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1706[01:10:31] <theo> <theo> looking for a seriouse dat no joke if you are alsoo looking for serious relationship you can contuct me on my mail at..... AFREHELIZABETH@YAHOO.COM ...........THIS IS MY MAIL
1707[01:10:33] <AdmiralThrawn> ja, und das ist als Erkenntnis sowas von neu und erstaunlich :-)
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1711[01:11:16] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
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1714[01:11:41] <AdmiralThrawn> Ja, KanzlerinFerkl, sieh der Wahrheit ins Auge... auch wenn es weh tut
1715[01:12:06] <AdmiralThrawn> sowieso
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1719[01:12:28] <shorts-boy-18> hi, wer ( w oder m ) hat lust privat zu chatten? pn
1720[01:12:56] <AdmiralThrawn> ich finde es viel schlimmer, dass es hier zwar jede Menge Sklavinnen und gehorsame Weiber aus NRW und BaWü gibt... aber keine aus Hamburg :-)
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1724[01:14:07] <AdmiralThrawn> Bremen ? ... stimmt... jetzt wo Du es erwähnst... man müsste mal googlen nach "Impotenz" und "Bremen"
1725[01:14:15] <KanzlerinFerkl> hehe
1726[01:14:23] <KanzlerinFerkl> vielleicht irgend eine chemiefabrik oder ein akw
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1745[01:15:54] <AdmiralThrawn> eher sind das Spät-Aussiedler... wer sowas totes wie Bremen noch nicht verlassen hat, wohnt eh bei Mama...
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1747[01:16:33] <KanzlerinFerkl> weiss nicht was tot ist und was angesagt
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1755[01:17:24] <AdmiralThrawn> Nördlich der Elbe = cool... südlich der Elbe = Provinz. Noch weiter südlich = Bayern = Barbaren
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1757[01:17:45] <AdmiralThrawn> ist ganz einfach :-)
1758[01:17:46] <KanzlerinFerkl> aha
1759[01:18:01] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
1760[01:18:07] *** Parts: Paco32 (Paco32@replaced-ip)
1761[01:18:08] <KanzlerinFerkl> ?
1762[01:18:16] *** Quits: Heyhey (Heyhey@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1763[01:18:29] <AdmiralThrawn> mangels Intellekt nicht
1764[01:18:35] <AdmiralThrawn> glaube ich
1765[01:18:40] <shorts-boy-18> wer ( w oder m ) hat lust privat zu chatten? pn an mich
1766[01:18:52] <KanzlerinFerkl> ich habe auch ein in sich stimmiges weltbild
1767[01:18:55] <AdmiralThrawn> es gibt da aber Verständigungsprobleme...
1768[01:19:04] <Kleene> ferkl noch auf?
1769[01:19:10] *** Quits: AnnaBlume (AnnaBlume@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1770[01:19:10] <AdmiralThrawn> die reden kein Hochdeutsch
1771[01:19:11] <KanzlerinFerkl> scheint so!
1772[01:19:16] <Kleene> fein
1773[01:19:34] <KanzlerinFerkl> also mit hochdeutsch kann ich nicht dienen
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1776[01:20:26] <KanzlerinFerkl> musst du morgen arbeiten?
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1780[01:22:22] <KanzlerinFerkl> ?
1781[01:22:24] *** Joins: Flicker (Flicker@replaced-ip)
1782[01:22:36] <KanzlerinFerkl> alles tot?
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1788[01:23:56] <M38nett> eine nette sie aus Nds. hier ?
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1793[01:25:09] <shorts-boy-18> hat noch W oder M lust zu schreiben? pvt melden
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1795[01:25:21] <AdmiralThrawn> nix tot...
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1799[01:25:39] <KanzlerinFerkl> gut
1800[01:25:45] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
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1805[01:26:07] <HotFussballer19> ein boy lust zu chatten?
1806[01:26:19] *** Joins: Stefan (Stefan@replaced-ip)
1807[01:26:19] <KanzlerinFerkl> hotfussballer
1808[01:26:22] <Stefan> hy
1809[01:26:26] <KanzlerinFerkl> es gibt keine schwulen fussballspeiler
1810[01:26:57] <Stefan> ^^
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1813[01:27:22] <AdmiralThrawn> andersrum... gibt es Nicht-schwule Fussballspieler ?
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1815[01:27:30] <yesica38> hello
1816[01:27:36] <KanzlerinFerkl> ja, alle
1817[01:27:43] <yesica38> hi
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1820[01:28:24] <Stefan> und wie geht es euch ^^
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1822[01:28:44] <KanzlerinFerkl> bestens
1823[01:28:44] <AdmiralThrawn> alle ??
1824[01:28:52] <Stefan> cool^^
1825[01:29:02] <KanzlerinFerkl> alle fussballspieler sind hetero, es gibt keine schwulen
1826[01:29:05] <KanzlerinFerkl> das weiss jedes kind
1827[01:29:14] <KanzlerinFerkl> beim frauenfussball hingegen...
1828[01:29:23] <Stefan> ^^
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1830[01:29:54] *** Parts: Anna_29 (Anna_29@replaced-ip)
1832[01:30:53] <AdmiralThrawn> <--- kann Fussball, diesen Schwulettensport, nicht leiden... steht aber auf Frauen.. und nun ?
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1836[01:31:50] <AdmiralThrawn> ja... wer als Mann Fussball spielt, steht nur auf die Gemeinschaftsdusche danach
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1838[01:32:40] <shorts-boy-18> hat noch W oder M lust zu schreiben? pn
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1841[01:33:18] <KanzlerinFerkl> tatsache ist jedenfalls, dass in 5 minuten eishockeyspiel mehr passiert als in 90minuten fussball
1842[01:33:40] *** Quits: MmitTochter (MmitTochter@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1843[01:33:42] <AdmiralThrawn> jep
1844[01:33:51] <AdmiralThrawn> DAS unterschreibe ich sofort
1845[01:33:57] <KanzlerinFerkl> auch eishockeyspieler duschen nach dem spiel gemeinsam
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1847[01:34:23] *** Parts: Stefan (Stefan@replaced-ip)
1848[01:34:48] <AdmiralThrawn> ja sicher... aber eben nach dem Spiel... bei Fussballern ist das Spiel nur Vorspiel vorm duschen
1849[01:35:12] *** Quits: Clubgirl (Clubgirl@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1850[01:35:19] <KanzlerinFerkl> das
1851[01:36:35] <jonas16HESSEN> is sonst noch wer aus HESSEN da? schreib mich an!
1852[01:36:37] <KanzlerinFerkl> die kleene ist einfach abgehauen
1853[01:36:43] <KanzlerinFerkl> erst was sagen und dann einfach weg sein
1854[01:36:48] <KanzlerinFerkl> frechheit
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1859[01:37:12] <shorts-boy-18> hat noch W oder M lust auf privatchat? pvt melden
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1863[01:38:00] <AdmiralThrawn> haste schonmal ne Eishockey-Spielerfrau irgendwo in der Presse gesehen ? nö... die haben echte Männer... und Spiel ist Spiel... Fussballerweiber springen von einem zum anderen... dumm wie Brot... passend zu den Männern
1864[01:38:16] <KanzlerinFerkl> stimmt
1865[01:38:28] *** Parts: Guest84653 (Jan@replaced-ip)
1866[01:38:59] <KanzlerinFerkl> also ich bin auch kein hockey-fan
1867[01:39:28] <KanzlerinFerkl> aber wenn ich mannschaftssport anschauen will schau ich eher sowas
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1870[01:40:07] *** Joins: DaTo (AndChat209684@replaced-ip)
1871[01:40:22] <KanzlerinFerkl> wenn man da mal 5 minuten nicht hinsieht wird man schon nichts verpassen
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1877[01:41:18] <AdmiralThrawn> und wenn, wird es in Zeitplupe nochmal gezeigt... weil die Ausrichter von solchen Spielen genau wissen, dass ihre Klientel eh schwer von begriff ist
1878[01:41:47] <KanzlerinFerkl> da kann man das als vorwarnung nehmen
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1880[01:42:02] <Nicol-12> jojo
1881[01:42:14] *** Quits: HotFussballer19 (HotFussballer19@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1882[01:42:27] <KanzlerinFerkl> wein leer aber ich hab noch durst
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1888[01:44:22] <AdmiralThrawn> dann trink noch was... :-)
1889[01:45:00] <AdmiralThrawn> aber ich klappe mich erstmal weg...
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1891[01:45:53] <KanzlerinFerkl> ach
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1900[01:47:52] <A_Furry> hey, will jemand normal chatten? bin m 19
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1904[01:49:10] <StrongMan> hey furry
1905[01:49:13] <StrongMan> just to know
1906[01:49:17] <StrongMan> are you a girl or a man?
1907[01:49:51] <tHeBrAiNLiGhT> BRB theres fire in my citchen, need to solve it
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1923[01:54:02] <liebeeineStraNu> Hallo
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1941[01:56:00] <liebeeineStraNu> Huhu
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1943[01:56:13] <m33Jahre_> Hey. Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine sehr geile, intensive Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die ständigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits
1944[01:56:14] <m33Jahre_> Sinnlichkeit, Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen, Peitsche und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und brutal hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze für Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
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1948[01:56:47] <Lexxie> wäääää
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1950[01:56:58] <Lexxie> was hier wieder fürn kraut rumkrabbelt
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2013[02:07:57] <m33Jahre_> Hey. Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine sehr geile, intensive Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die ständigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits
2014[02:07:57] <m33Jahre_> Sinnlichkeit, Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen, Peitsche und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und brutal hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze für Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
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2018[02:09:25] <FlotteHotte> W 25 Jahre italienerin sucht chatpartner
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2057[02:23:05] <ToStiefDa> moin
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2077[02:32:16] <m33Jahre_> Hey. Ich suche eine scharfe Lady (19-33) fuer eine sehr geile, intensive Beziehung und ein langfristiges Abenteuer, XXX-Training und intensive SM-Spiele. Sinnlich, zaertlich, intensiv, sehr wild und hart, und immer respektvoll und mitfuehlend. Ich werde Dich an alles heranfuehren, Deinen Trieb trainieren, Deine Grenzen erforschen und erweitern. Die ständigen Wechsel zwischen einerseits
2078[02:32:20] <m33Jahre_> Sinnlichkeit, Streicheln, provozieren, und andererseits Spielzeugen, Peitsche und hemmungslosem, abgrundtief geilem und brutal hartem Sex werden Dir den Verstand rauben und das ganze für Dich zu einem extrem geilen Abenteuer werden lassen. Melde Dich, ICQ 666107363
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2102[02:41:23] <M_bi_such_jung_> hallo - netter Berliner hier :)
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2155[03:13:03] <m_su_spass> hey hat irgend ein mädel lust zu chatten? bitte melden ;)
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2199[03:26:41] <sw33tgIrLy15> pic tausch?
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2248[03:50:34] <Guest91683> ich bin amerikaner
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2253[03:51:31] <BeyonceKnowles> wir die ganze Nacht
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2255[03:52:12] <BenutzerHB> fuck off
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2258[03:52:38] <Guest91683> jemand wird mit mir reden
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2262[03:53:31] <StiefToDa_273> hi
2263[03:54:25] <Guest91683> ich mochte die nazi revolution zu starten
2264[03:55:20] <BeyonceKnowles> ein
2265[03:55:32] <Guest91683> wer ein nazi ist
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2272[03:56:44] <BeyonceKnowles> ficken euch.
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2274[03:58:24] <Guest91683> ich glaube, dass alle deutschen nazis sind
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2277[03:59:21] <Guest91683> also folge mir
2278[03:59:42] <BeyonceKnowles> also folge mir
2279[03:59:57] <Guest91683> nein
2280[04:00:02] <BeyonceKnowles> ich rauch mein ganja
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2282[04:00:25] <Guest91683> ja
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2340[04:39:20] <SvenBang> Guten Morgen
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2347[04:43:21] <EnglischerSteve> wenn jemand lust hat mit nem jungen englischen mann zu chatten schick mir mal ne nachricht
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2381[05:12:54] <biker_hh> Moin Ist ein geiles Mädel hier die chatten will? Dann pm an mich ;)
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2414[05:30:15] <rs_m> guten morgen
2415[05:30:47] <Jose> guten morgen
2416[05:32:05] <Jose> wo sind Sie?
2417[05:35:44] <Jose> niemand hier?
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2437[05:49:41] <German_102725> feuchte w aus der gegend Recklingh......da
2438[05:50:18] <RedDragon> 4,1[ 0German_102725 4] 4,1 Bitte halte den sexuellen Anteil deiner Nachrichten moeglichst gering.
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2459[06:13:18] <Guest14779> eine W hier die gern zusieht?
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2462[06:14:00] <German_102725> Recklingh... was nettes aus der gegend da nur w
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2530[07:04:05] <Dunklelust> ^_
2531[07:04:12] <Jane74> 05^0,1^
2532[07:04:16] <Dunklelust> lol
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2536[07:06:19] <Dunklelust> hm?
2537[07:06:23] <Dunklelust> wasn?
2538[07:06:27] <Jane74> gugg n ur
2539[07:06:36] <Dunklelust> soll vorkommen
2540[07:06:36] <Dunklelust> ;)
2541[07:06:41] <Jane74> 04[05J04]0,1o14a
2542[07:07:17] <Dunklelust> ok,ich verrats keinem
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2544[07:07:20] <Dunklelust> ;)
2545[07:07:22] <Jane74> lach gut
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2549[07:08:39] <hanna> wer hat eine kleine schwester oder tochter
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2557[07:11:22] <Anika> girls denn schon was peimliches passiert ist und es andere girls mit bekommen haben bitte melden ob in der schule oder unterwegs meldet euch einfach
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2579[07:21:07] <Lovelyx3_578> Hi:)
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2586[07:22:36] <Lisa85C> hallo
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2590[07:23:21] <_Frank> hallo lisa
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2594[07:23:49] <Schleckie46> guten morgen
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2608[07:30:28] <Lisa85C> w sucht m
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2613[07:31:13] <_Frank> aber dann bilder von Frauen haben wollen Lisa
2614[07:31:15] <_Frank> lach
2615[07:31:45] <Muttersprachler> Konkurrenz abchecken?
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2619[07:33:32] <Lisa85C> w sucht m
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2623[07:34:07] <Sonnenschein_w> guten morgen
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2625[07:36:22] <Lisa85C> w sucht m
2626[07:36:29] <Jane74> 04[05G04]0,1u14t05e0,1n 04[05M04]0,1o14r05g0,1e14n Sonnenschein_w
2627[07:36:44] <Sonnenschein_w> huhu Jane :-))
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2631[07:37:11] <Jane74> :-)
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2633[07:37:28] <Sonnenschein_w> alles fit bei euch?
2634[07:37:34] <Jane74> 5n15a klar doch
2635[07:37:36] <Jane74> und bei dir
2636[07:37:41] <Sonnenschein_w> auch
2637[07:38:07] *** Joins: Nele_ (nele@replaced-ip)
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2639[07:38:12] <Sonnenschein_w> hihi
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2641[07:38:29] *** Joins: Anja85C (Anja85C@replaced-ip)
2642[07:38:36] <Anja85C> hallo
2643[07:38:38] <Muttersprachler> hallo Lisa
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2646[07:38:48] <Jane74> hast dir verdient Sonnenschein_w
2647[07:39:06] <Sonnenschein_w> jaaa
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2650[07:39:21] <Jane74> :-)
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2654[07:39:37] <Lisa85C> hallo
2655[07:39:42] <Muttersprachler> hallo Anja
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2658[07:41:01] <Muttersprachler> Sind schon wieder Ferien?
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2664[07:42:00] <Nele_> 9G11u9t11e9n 11M9o11r9g11e9n
2665[07:42:19] <Sonnenschein_w> schade, dass es noch keine gehirnimplantate gibt
2666[07:42:21] <Sonnenschein_w> lach
2667[07:42:26] <Sonnenschein_w> huhu Nele :-))
2668[07:42:26] <Jane74> 05h0,1e05h0,1e05h0,1e05h0,1e05h0,1e05h0,1e
2669[07:42:39] <Nele_> 8SONNE ************SONNE*************SONNE***********************SONNE*************************SONNE*****************************SONNE***************************SONNE*************************SONNE************************SONNE*************************S
2670[07:42:44] <Sonnenschein_w> :-)
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2672[07:42:48] <Nele_> 9G11u9t11e9n 11M9o11r9g11e9n Sonnenschein_w 9:11)
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2677[07:44:02] <naturfreund> moin moin allerseits
2678[07:44:15] <Sonnenschein_w> gumo naturfreund
2679[07:44:25] <naturfreund> moin moin sonnenschein
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2682[07:44:42] <marieclaire> ja
2683[07:44:45] <naturfreund> ein sonnenschein am morgen
2684[07:44:51] <Nele_> 9G11u9t11e9n 11M9o11r9g11e9n naturfreund
2685[07:45:05] <naturfreund> hier auch ja marieclaire
2686[07:45:14] <naturfreund> guten morgen nele
2687[07:45:22] <Nele_> 9:11)
2688[07:45:26] <naturfreund> :)
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2691[07:46:03] <naturfreund> sonnenschein und nele was gibt es besseres
2692[07:46:12] <Nele_> 8*9u11i9u11i9u11i8*
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2695[07:46:30] <naturfreund> :)
2696[07:46:33] <Nele_> und ein naturfreund
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2699[07:46:51] <naturfreund> genau der is schon munter
2700[07:47:02] *** Parts: sensitivER (sensitivER@replaced-ip)
2701[07:47:20] <naturfreund> :D
2702[07:47:32] <Nele_> ich bin noch nicht ganz munter
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2706[07:48:15] <marieclaire> hi
2707[07:48:21] <Schleckie46> hi
2708[07:48:28] <marieclaire> ja?
2709[07:48:28] <naturfreund> hier auch hi marieclaire
2710[07:48:30] <Nele_> ach sooo
2711[07:48:37] <naturfreund> joa nele
2712[07:48:41] *** Quits: M_Nackig (M_Nackig@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2713[07:48:46] * Nele_ hat keinen hund
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2716[07:49:05] <naturfreund> :)
2717[07:49:06] <Nele_> 9l11o9l
2718[07:49:17] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
2719[07:49:17] <naturfreund> der muntermacher
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2721[07:49:32] <Nele_> 8*9l11a9c11h8* Muttersprachler
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2726[07:50:06] <naturfreund> rein muttersprachlich gesehen
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2728[07:50:11] <Nele_> ich trinke jetzt einen tee... der macht auch munter
2729[07:50:17] <naturfreund> ob das denn stimmt
2730[07:50:24] <Nele_> 9k11e9i11n9e 9A11h9n11u9n11g
2731[07:50:37] <Nele_> werde ich sehn dann ..
2732[07:50:38] <Nele_> 8*9g11ri9n11z8*
2733[07:50:49] <naturfreund> einen nieren und brusttee am morgen
2734[07:51:12] <naturfreund> wenn du unter der dusche stehst:D
2735[07:51:28] <naturfreund> :X
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2740[07:51:43] <Nele_> iggit
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2743[07:51:52] <naturfreund> die nele die macht sachen
2744[07:52:06] <naturfreund> wie du duschst nicht
2745[07:52:15] <Nele_> will son tee nicht
2746[07:52:22] <naturfreund> aso
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2753[07:52:52] <Nele_> tz
2754[07:52:59] *** Parts: m4rp (m4rp@replaced-ip)
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2756[07:53:08] <naturfreund> :)
2757[07:53:09] *** Joins: Guest_305 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2758[07:53:14] <naturfreund> nagott sei dank
2759[07:53:15] <Nele_> 8***9augenroll8***
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2761[07:53:50] <naturfreund> ach ja so ist das
2762[07:53:52] *** Joins: Laura16 (Laura16@replaced-ip)
2763[07:54:17] <Nele_> hast du heute frei naturfreund ?
2764[07:54:18] *** Quits: Jane74 (B-K-S@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2765[07:54:23] <naturfreund> neee
2766[07:54:46] <naturfreund> halb neun ist immer so der fixpunkt
2767[07:54:54] <Nele_> why biste dann hier
2768[07:54:59] <Nele_> ach soo
2769[07:55:19] <naturfreund> ich hab fast christliche arbeitszeit
2770[07:55:31] *** Quits: Laura16 (Laura16@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2772[07:55:40] <Nele_> was machst du denn beruflich ... mal lieb fragt ?
2773[07:55:41] *** Joins: ArztSuW16-60 (ArztSuW16-60@replaced-ip)
2774[07:55:50] <naturfreund> nur abends darf man nicht so genau schauen
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2776[07:56:03] *** Quits: biker_hh (androirc@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2777[07:56:24] <naturfreund> baufinanzierungen
2778[07:56:46] <naturfreund> baust nen haus bekommst geld von mir
2779[07:56:49] <naturfreund> :D
2780[07:56:55] *** Joins: GuyNextDoor (cssestudent@replaced-ip)
2781[07:56:59] <Nele_> huch... ein bankmensch ^^
2782[07:57:05] <naturfreund> wenn das drum und dran stimmt
2783[07:57:20] <Nele_> 9s11o9s11o
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2786[07:57:32] <naturfreund> cooler job
2787[07:57:39] <Nele_> joaa
2788[07:57:44] *** Quits: Guest_575 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2789[07:58:13] <naturfreund> manchmal sehr viel arbeit aber auch freizeit
2790[07:58:25] <naturfreund> organisation ist alles
2791[07:58:49] <GuyNextDoor> Nele_: <3
2792[07:58:50] <naturfreund> :)
2793[07:59:10] *** Quits: Guest_474 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2794[07:59:47] <naturfreund> aber am meisten spass machts wenn man auf achse ist
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2796[08:00:09] <naturfreund> :D
2797[08:00:12] *** Joins: Guest_985 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2798[08:00:14] <Nele_> baustellen besichtigen ?
2799[08:00:17] <Nele_> 9l11o9l
2800[08:00:23] *** Guest_985 is now known as Guest_85
2801[08:00:41] <naturfreund> das auch
2802[08:01:22] <naturfreund> und freundlich sein zur bauherrin
2803[08:01:30] <naturfreund> :X
2804[08:01:40] <Nele_> und sie zu dir
2805[08:02:25] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
2806[08:02:34] <Nele_> hehehe
2807[08:02:35] <naturfreund> :D
2808[08:02:46] *** Guest is now known as Guest3607
2809[08:02:48] <Nele_> clever
2810[08:03:00] <Guest3607> biete junge w , bei interesse pm
2811[08:03:07] *** Joins: Guest_681 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2812[08:03:09] <Nele_> 9O11h 9m11y 9G11od
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2815[08:04:18] *** Parts: Dunklelust (Masterhost@replaced-ip)
2816[08:04:30] <Nele_> 8*9S11ch9m11un9z11el8*
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2819[08:04:32] <GuyNextDoor> Kuscheln? Wo?
2820[08:04:41] <naturfreund> na da
2821[08:04:43] <Nele_> 9l11aughs
2822[08:04:56] *** Parts: bene19 (bene19@replaced-ip)
2823[08:05:08] <naturfreund> next door is kuscheln
2824[08:05:11] *** Joins: BigOne (BigOne@replaced-ip)
2825[08:05:14] <GuyNextDoor> *reibt sein köpfchen an Nele_ und schnurrt
2826[08:05:20] <Nele_> 8*9h11u9c11h8*
2827[08:05:21] <naturfreund> uiiii
2828[08:05:33] <GuyNextDoor> <3
2829[08:05:40] <naturfreund> nele geh jetzt nur nicht duschen
2830[08:05:40] <GuyNextDoor> :D
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2832[08:05:58] <Nele_> 8*9l11a9c11h8* naturfreund
2833[08:06:03] <GuyNextDoor> XD
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2835[08:07:00] <handy> hey, wer hat whatsapp, kik oder snapchat? pm machen :)
2836[08:07:03] <Nele_> :x
2837[08:07:08] <naturfreund> grins
2838[08:07:32] <naturfreund> eigentlich war gestern standardpopping
2839[08:07:44] <Nele_> ja?
2840[08:07:55] <Guest3607> jemand interesse an einer jungen w ? pm
2841[08:07:56] <naturfreund> :D
2842[08:08:26] <naturfreund> nele du bist heute wieder neugierig
2843[08:08:35] <Nele_> 9tzzzz! 8tzzzz! 11tzzzz!
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2846[08:08:55] <Nele_> ich bin immer neugierig naturfreund
2847[08:08:56] <Nele_> 8*9g11ri9n11z8*
2848[08:09:02] <naturfreund> ach
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2852[08:09:18] <naturfreund> ist mir noch nie aufgefallen
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2855[08:09:41] <Nele_> jetzt weiss du es ... gg
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2859[08:10:02] <naturfreund> ich bin immer nur an der erweiterung meines wissens interessiert
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2861[08:10:07] <naturfreund> :D
2862[08:10:25] <naturfreund> mal notieren
2863[08:10:27] <Nele_> ahaa... so nennt man das
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2865[08:10:30] <Nele_> 9l11o9l
2866[08:10:36] <Nele_> *notier
2867[08:10:39] <naturfreund> nele ist chronisch neugierig
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2871[08:11:04] <Nele_> wie alle frauen .. eben
2872[08:11:05] <Nele_> 9^11^
2873[08:11:09] <naturfreund> :D
2874[08:11:25] *** Joins: Guest-Angie (Guest-Angie@replaced-ip)
2875[08:11:25] <naturfreund> du bist besonders neugierig
2876[08:11:51] <Nele_> wie kommsten du jetzt darauf ?
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2880[08:12:13] <naturfreund> weil du alles wissen willst:D
2881[08:12:20] <Nele_> 9l11o9l
2882[08:12:28] *** Quits: Guest_100 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2883[08:12:29] <naturfreund> :D
2884[08:12:38] <Nele_> manches will ich gar nicht wissen
2885[08:12:47] <Nele_> echt nicht
2886[08:13:04] <naturfreund> :)
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2895[08:13:53] <naturfreund> hmmm frauen wollen alles doch immer sehr genau wissen
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2899[08:14:11] <Nele_> manchmal schon ^^
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2901[08:14:33] <naturfreund> bis ins letzte genau
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2903[08:14:38] <naturfreund> ;)
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2907[08:15:08] <Nele_> wissen ... bildet , weiss du doch
2908[08:15:31] <naturfreund> da hast recht
2909[08:15:32] <Nele_> oder besser gesagt ... wissen ist macht
2910[08:15:35] <Nele_> 9^11^
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2913[08:15:59] <Nele_> egon...
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2916[08:16:07] <naturfreund> ;)
2917[08:16:10] <Lisa85C> hallo
2918[08:16:23] *** Quits: Lolletroll (Lolletroll@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2919[08:16:24] <naturfreund> hier auch hallo
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2921[08:16:47] <naturfreund> keine
2922[08:16:49] <Nele_> 6*13â„’â„´â„“6*
2923[08:16:53] <kufus> 645
2924[08:16:55] <Joachim56> Hallo! Ist eine erwachsene Frau im Chat? Bitte privat anklicken!
2925[08:16:57] <kufus> 646
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2929[08:17:13] <naturfreund> schade um die 85c
2930[08:17:15] <Lisa85C> bin grad geil auf sowas
2931[08:17:18] <naturfreund> :D
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2934[08:18:10] <Sonnenschein_w> wd, na wie ist die stimmung?
2935[08:18:24] <Sonnenschein_w> ohje
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2939[08:18:36] <naturfreund> herr lisa will pipi und so
2940[08:18:42] *** Joins: Jesusrettet (Jesusrette@replaced-ip)
2941[08:18:47] <Sonnenschein_w> ach der wieder
2942[08:18:52] <Jesusrettet> Shalom - Jesus Christus ist der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben, keiner kommt zum Vater als nur durch IHN
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2948[08:19:17] <naturfreund> hier ist doch schwuchtelverbot
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2952[08:20:53] <naturfreund> moin kitty
2953[08:20:55] <Sonnenschein_w> huhu Kitty63
2954[08:21:07] <Nele_> 9G11u9t11e9n 11M9o11r9g11e9n Kitty63
2955[08:21:12] <Kitty63> 03G04u08t09e10n 13M03o04r07g08e09n 08N12e09l05e08_
2956[08:21:17] <Nele_> 9:11)
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2958[08:21:29] <Muttersprachler> Lias85C: warst du etwa noch immer nicht pipi? Na dann mal hopp, aber nicht auf dem Flur rumlungern, gell?
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2964[08:21:59] <naturfreund> wech is<<<<<<<
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2969[08:22:36] <Muttersprachler> Scheint wohl doch ein Bot zu sein...
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2972[08:23:02] <Prinzessin> Hallo :D
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2975[08:23:03] <chinese> where are you from?
2976[08:23:10] <role2102_> hey Prinzessin
2977[08:23:19] <Prinzessin> Finland :D
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2988[08:25:05] <NikkyNaname> hey buttsies, how is everyone?
2989[08:25:13] <Andra_K> -18yo F Great Britain ~Seellinnn' shoows and piccs 12*$kyyppee*: Anda.Taylors
2990[08:25:23] <kufus> 650
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3015[08:30:40] <Gast_> Hm
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3019[08:31:43] <Andra_K> -18yo F Great Britain ~Seellinnn' shoows and piccs 12*$kyyppee*: Anda.Taylors
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3025[08:32:20] <Prinzesschen> Hallo :D
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3027[08:32:58] <Prinzesschen> Wie geht's?
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3045[08:37:40] <Mithrandir> Sind mädels aus bayern da???
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3048[08:39:30] <alex_> Hallo Prinzesschen
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3051[08:40:11] <Muttersprachler> there are no women in teh internetz
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3082[08:47:22] <Mithrandir> Sind mädels aus bayern da???
3083[08:47:28] <Muttersprachler> nein
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3085[08:48:14] <Guest_976> reifer er sucht reife sie zum camen, skype oder icq
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3121[08:57:58] <GuestFrank> moin Liebe w
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3127[08:58:34] <RsJonasXL> hat ne w lust auf rs?
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3133[08:59:35] <Liebe_w> 14andy15161711: DaS ReCht aUf DuMMheiT gEhöRt zUr GaRanTie dEr frEiEN EnTfaLtUnG dEr PeRsÖnliChkEiT diE dU nUn iN mEinEm IGNO ZwInGEr aUslEbEn dArfsT .
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3136[09:00:06] <GuestFrank> alles ok bei dir / wie geht es ? >>>> Liebe w
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3139[09:00:25] <Liebe_w> alles bestens
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3141[09:00:45] <GuestFrank> brav
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3157[09:05:02] <Guest_976> reifer er sucht reife sie zum camen, skype oder icq
3158[09:05:37] <Heimleiter> jemand interesse an jung m oder w? pm
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3187[09:11:11] <chris-nrw> (chris-nrw) Leute aus Rostock und Umgebung hier?
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3200[09:12:57] <Facefart> ist eine frau aus bw oder bayern hier die mal aufs klo muss?
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3221[09:16:32] <chris-nrw> Leute aus Rostock und Umgebung hier? habe mal eine Frage
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3232[09:17:48] <Mana[t]i> Guten Morgen allerseits.
3233[09:18:15] <liebeinejStraNu> Morgen
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3240[09:20:18] <Facefart> ist eine frau aus bw oder bayern hier die mal aufs klo muss?
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3258[09:23:29] <Girly15> wer mag chatten?
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3260[09:24:09] <Killua> hey girly15 =)
3261[09:24:14] <Killua> hab dich angeschrieben =)
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3264[09:25:24] <nutella_114_216> girly 15, mach dich sofort ab in die schule! ;) :D
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3270[09:26:02] <Facefart> ist eine frau aus bw oder bayern hier die mal aufs klo muss?
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3272[09:26:25] <heidi> immerdas selber echt blode
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3280[09:27:41] <Girly15> wer mag chatten?
3281[09:27:50] <nutella_114_216> girlyyyyyyyyy
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3295[09:28:49] <nutella_114_492> wie alt seid ihr hier so?
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3304[09:29:41] <Guest66184> hi leute bin thomas 24 aus bayern... jemand lust zu schreiben?
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3313[09:32:13] <dadofone> hier ist ja wieder was los... *gaehn*
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3316[09:33:38] <Facefart> ist eine frau aus bw oder bayern hier die mal aufs klo muss?
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3327[09:34:57] <liebeinejStraNu> Morgen
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3331[09:35:35] <Chris_31j> tada und moinsen
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3333[09:35:59] <Girly15> wer mag chatten?
3334[09:36:10] <Heimleiter> jemand interesse an jung m oder w? pm
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3337[09:37:09] <liebeinejStraNu> Hallo
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3342[09:38:34] <MaX> hallo leute
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3345[09:38:48] <MaX> aja die schweinderl sind auch da
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3352[09:39:44] <JulAh> Welches Mädchen ist alleine?
3353[09:40:10] <kleine-5cm> zeige meinen kleinen vor der cam
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3355[09:40:51] <JulAh> Kommt drauf an, wo du den Bart hast
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3357[09:41:03] <MaX> geh in den sexchat oder nach minimundus ;)
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3360[09:42:08] <JulAh> Was ist denn bitte minimundus?
3361[09:42:11] <MaX> aso Ich bin falsch hier. Das IST der sexchat hier
3362[09:42:19] <Chris_31j> suche frau mit kohle, grill ist vorhanden
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3382[09:44:51] <MaX> wer kennt IMS mit guter suchfunktion , nach land oder PLZ
3383[09:44:58] <MaX> was auch funktioniert
3384[09:45:14] *** Parts: Gorai (Gorai@replaced-ip)
3385[09:45:39] <MaX> skype suche ist abgestellt, icq ist "verrusst"
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3387[09:46:00] *** Parts: dadofone (dadofone@replaced-ip)
3388[09:46:02] <LeaInPampers22> ich würde es mal mit "RL" Probieren Max soll super funktionieren
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3391[09:46:19] <MaX> rl?
3392[09:46:25] <LeaInPampers22> ja rl
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3395[09:46:41] <LeaInPampers22> replaced-url
3396[09:46:41] <MaX> was das ;)
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3398[09:46:51] <MaX> ich test mal - danke
3399[09:46:51] <LeaInPampers22> "Real Life"
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3409[09:48:26] <MaX> schaut suspect aus
3410[09:48:38] <LeaInPampers22> lol
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3412[09:48:53] <LeaInPampers22> "Real Life" ist das "Normale" Leben da drausen
3413[09:49:12] <kleine-5cm> welche sie will meinen minischwanz vor der cam sehen
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3416[09:49:36] <Girly15> wer mag chatten?
3417[09:49:54] <MaX> ich werd in 2 wochen in anderen ort fahren und such schonmal leute zum ausfragen dort
3418[09:49:56] <LeaInPampers22> lol Sportler:-d
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3422[09:50:32] <MaX> ?
3423[09:50:34] <Andra_K> -18yo F Great Britain ~Seellinnn' shoows and piccs 12*$kyyppee*: Anda.Taylors
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3429[09:51:02] <LeaInPampers22> einfach eine reale Freundin finden nichts vorher ausfragen,
3430[09:51:21] <MaX> wer braucht eine freundin
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3433[09:51:38] <alex_> Hat ein Mädel hier Lust auf ein heißes Rollenspiel? -> pm
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3436[09:51:52] <MaX> hier ist der sex chat zum freundin finden ;)
3437[09:51:52] *** Parts: Dingeling (Dingeling@replaced-ip)
3438[09:51:59] <MaX> darum will ich woanders hin
3439[09:52:08] <LeaInPampers22> Weil wo anders sinnvoller ist?
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3442[09:52:14] <LeaInPampers22> Wie willst du hier eine Freundin funden?
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3445[09:52:25] <MaX> .....darum meine frage am anfang
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3452[09:52:53] <MaX> suche messenger zum regionalen suchen und finden
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3456[09:53:25] <LeaInPampers22> Wäre mir zu wenig Sportler...
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3459[09:53:47] <Sportler> Weil keine Pampers?
3460[09:53:53] <Nele_> 9l11o9l
3461[09:53:54] *** Quits: Andra_K (ANDRA@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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3463[09:54:01] <LeaInPampers22> Nein... weil was will ich mit nur Text?
3464[09:54:17] <Sportler> Keine Ahnung. Was will man mit 22 mit Pampers?
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3466[09:54:33] <MaX> die vollmachen
3467[09:54:38] <MaX> was sonst
3468[09:54:49] <MaX> dann dran lutschen vielleicht noch
3469[09:55:00] *** Parts: Nele_ (nele@replaced-ip)
3470[09:55:14] <LeaInPampers22> Sportler: Die frage warum ichs im Namen stehen habe... mich kennen halt mittlerweile einige unter dem Namen
3471[09:55:26] *** Quits: Brummb (Brummb@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3472[09:55:27] <Sportler> aber irgendwo muss er doch herkommen...
3473[09:56:06] <LeaInPampers22> Ja, davon dass ich welche trage weil ich es nicht kontrollieren kann, aber ich bereue es in den Namen geschrieben zu haben als ichs erste mal in den Chat kam
3474[09:56:17] <Sportler> ah, okay
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3478[09:56:37] <MaX> im sexchat hier wirkt das anders
3479[09:57:04] <LeaInPampers22> Aber ich muss nun los, noch einen schönen tag euch!
3480[09:57:21] <MaX> bye
3481[09:57:32] *** Quits: LeaInPampers22 (Lea@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
3482[09:57:32] <MaX> guten rutsch
3483[09:57:36] <MaX> oderso
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3491[09:59:22] <MaX> bye viel ...spass? noch hier
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3493[09:59:28] <MaX> das bringt nix
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3495[10:00:04] <kleine-5cm> welche sie steht auf kleine pimmel
3496[10:00:11] <MaX> genau
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3498[10:00:44] <MaX> psychochat hier ;)
3499[10:00:46] *** Quits: Philipp (Philipp@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3500[10:01:27] <MaX> und wenn kein mensch, ok ein tier tuts auch
3501[10:01:32] <Maik_267> mag eine sie mit mir chatten?? einfach privat melden
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3542[10:09:27] <kleine-5cm> welches girl will einen kleinen schanz vor der cam sehen
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3545[10:10:04] <Maik_267> Ist hier eine sie die ihre ferien ausnutzen will? privat melden
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3559[10:11:26] <black-guy> KEINS
3560[10:11:27] <Anka15w> guten Morgen
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3562[10:11:49] <black-guy> moin Anka
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3579[10:13:58] <kleine-5cm> welche sie will meinen kleinen schwanz vor der cam sehen
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3600[10:18:16] <Maik_267> mag eine sie mit mir chatten?? einfach privat melden
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3603[10:18:30] <Anda_Taylors> -18yo F Great Britain ~Seellinnn' shoows and piccs 12*$kyyppee*: Anda.Taylors
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3606[10:19:21] <Guest96046> hi
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3609[10:19:39] <ALEXXL> welches neugierige girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und steht auf grosse....? pm
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3620[10:21:07] <tomm_48> eine sie lust mit mir zu schreiben? bitte pv melden!!
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3624[10:21:50] <black-guy> KEINE
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3626[10:22:31] <kleine-5cm> zeige meinen mini pimmel vor der cam
3627[10:22:38] <black-guy> nee, lass mal
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3633[10:24:17] <Lawyer-M> TAG SUCHE MOLLIGE FRAU ZUM CHAT
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3636[10:25:12] <ALEXXL> welches neugierige girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und steht auf grosse....? pm
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3643[10:27:54] <Maik_267> mag eine sie mit mir chatten?? einfach privat melden
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3650[10:28:33] <ALEXXL> welches neugierige girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und steht auf grosse....? pm
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3655[10:29:37] <e_v_i> Ja...immer noch^^
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3657[10:29:51] <Bruenette_W30> guten tag
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3673[10:32:33] <ALEXXL> welches neugierige girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und steht auf grosse....? pm
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3700[10:37:58] <M31alleinerzNRW> hallo zusammen mag wer mit mir texten
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3717[10:40:06] <devoter> ist eine dominante Sie hier die mich benutzen und kontrollieren will?? real, cam, teamwiever
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3728[10:41:31] <devoter> ist eine dominante Sie hier die mich benutzen und kontrollieren will?? real, cam, teamwiever
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3775[10:52:30] <stringgirly> jemand weibliches aus dortmund hier?meldet euch bitte
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3781[10:53:10] <MarkusBoy> hallo zusammen
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3784[10:53:25] <SexyMsucht> >>EHEFRAUEN DA?
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3787[10:53:43] <raja> Hai ich bin india
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3789[10:54:08] <devoter> ist eine dominante Sie hier die mich benutzen und kontrollieren will?? real, cam, teamwiever
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3791[10:54:16] <black-guy> Hallo Raja
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3795[10:54:45] <raja> I am medium color.yellowcolor
3796[10:55:12] <raja> just i study your deutsch.
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3798[10:55:24] <MarkusBoy> hallo
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3801[10:55:32] <raja> ya
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3834[11:01:39] <Lawyer-M_489> SUCHE MOLLIGE FRAU ZUM CHAT
3835[11:01:47] <Facefart> ist eine frau aus bw oder bayern hier die mal aufs klo muss?
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3840[11:02:39] <heidi> weisst du nichts anderes mehr als nur klo
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3848[11:04:41] <stringgirly> jemand weibliches aus dortmund hier?meldet euch bitte
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3861[11:06:40] <Dani18> Wer hatte Lust,mit mir zu chatten?.:)
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3875[11:09:44] <raja> hallo guten tag
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3881[11:10:41] <Facefart> ist eine frau aus bw oder bayern hier die mal aufs klo muss?
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3931[11:18:38] <Facefart_> ist eine frau aus bw oder bayern hier die mal aufs klo muss?
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3937[11:19:19] <Amrod> tach zusammen
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3950[11:21:55] <boysucht> ist ein girl da das sich zum fiicken verabreden will? bin jung seh gut aus und bin nett
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3952[11:22:09] <Amrod> :-'
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3963[11:23:18] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3964[11:23:18] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3965[11:23:18] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3966[11:23:18] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3967[11:23:18] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3968[11:23:18] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3969[11:23:18] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3970[11:23:18] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3971[11:23:18] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3972[11:23:18] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3973[11:23:18] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3974[11:23:18] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3975[11:23:18] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3976[11:23:19] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3977[11:23:21] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3978[11:23:22] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3979[11:23:22] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3980[11:23:22] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3981[11:23:22] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3982[11:23:22] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3983[11:23:22] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3984[11:23:22] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3985[11:23:22] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3986[11:23:22] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3987[11:23:22] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3988[11:23:22] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3989[11:23:22] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3990[11:23:22] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3991[11:23:22] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3992[11:23:23] *** Quits: raja (raja@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3993[11:23:26] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3994[11:23:26] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3995[11:23:26] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3996[11:23:26] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3997[11:23:26] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3998[11:23:26] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
3999[11:23:26] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4000[11:23:26] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4001[11:23:26] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4002[11:23:26] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4003[11:23:26] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4004[11:23:26] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4005[11:23:26] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4006[11:23:27] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4007[11:23:28] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4008[11:23:29] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4009[11:23:30] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4010[11:23:30] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4011[11:23:30] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4012[11:23:30] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4013[11:23:30] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4014[11:23:30] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4015[11:23:30] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4016[11:23:30] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4017[11:23:30] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4018[11:23:30] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4019[11:23:30] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4020[11:23:30] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4021[11:23:30] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4022[11:23:30] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4023[11:23:32] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
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4025[11:23:34] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4026[11:23:34] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4027[11:23:34] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4028[11:23:34] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4029[11:23:34] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4030[11:23:34] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4031[11:23:34] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4032[11:23:34] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4033[11:23:34] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4034[11:23:34] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4035[11:23:34] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4036[11:23:34] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4037[11:23:34] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4038[11:23:34] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4039[11:23:36] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4040[11:23:38] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4041[11:23:38] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4042[11:23:38] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4043[11:23:38] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4044[11:23:38] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4045[11:23:38] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4046[11:23:38] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4047[11:23:38] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4048[11:23:38] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4049[11:23:38] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4050[11:23:38] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4051[11:23:38] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4052[11:23:38] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4053[11:23:39] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4054[11:23:41] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4055[11:23:41] <black-guy> sehr huebsch
4056[11:23:42] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4057[11:23:42] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4058[11:23:42] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4059[11:23:42] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4060[11:23:42] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4061[11:23:42] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4062[11:23:42] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4063[11:23:42] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4064[11:23:42] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4065[11:23:42] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4066[11:23:42] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4067[11:23:42] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4068[11:23:42] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4069[11:23:44] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4070[11:23:46] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4071[11:23:46] *** Parts: hi (hi@replaced-ip)
4072[11:23:46] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4073[11:23:46] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4074[11:23:46] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4075[11:23:46] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4076[11:23:46] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4077[11:23:46] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4078[11:23:46] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4079[11:23:46] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4080[11:23:46] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4081[11:23:46] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4082[11:23:46] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4083[11:23:46] *** Quits: Guest_883825 (luyguldvdzvlyv@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
4084[11:23:46] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4085[11:23:46] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4086[11:23:47] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4087[11:23:49] *** Joins: Corporel (Corporel@replaced-ip)
4088[11:23:50] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4089[11:23:50] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4090[11:23:50] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4091[11:23:50] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4092[11:23:50] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4093[11:23:50] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4094[11:23:50] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4095[11:23:50] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4096[11:23:50] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4097[11:23:50] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4098[11:23:50] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4099[11:23:50] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4100[11:23:51] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4101[11:23:51] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4102[11:23:51] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4103[11:23:52] *** Parts: Guest_295 (Guest@replaced-ip)
4104[11:23:53] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4105[11:23:54] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4106[11:23:54] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4107[11:23:54] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4108[11:23:54] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4109[11:23:54] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4110[11:23:54] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4111[11:23:54] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4112[11:23:54] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4113[11:23:54] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4114[11:23:54] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4115[11:23:55] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4116[11:23:55] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4117[11:23:55] *** Quits: boysucht (boysucht@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
4118[11:23:55] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4119[11:23:55] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4120[11:23:58] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4121[11:23:58] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4122[11:23:58] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4123[11:23:58] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4124[11:23:58] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4125[11:23:58] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4126[11:23:58] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4127[11:23:59] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4128[11:23:59] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4129[11:23:59] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4130[11:23:59] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4131[11:23:59] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4132[11:23:59] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4133[11:23:59] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4134[11:23:59] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4135[11:24:00] <black-guy> lol
4136[11:24:02] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4137[11:24:03] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4138[11:24:03] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4139[11:24:03] *** Quits: Pepe (Pepe@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
4140[11:24:03] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4141[11:24:03] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4142[11:24:03] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4143[11:24:03] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4144[11:24:03] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4145[11:24:03] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4146[11:24:03] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4147[11:24:03] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4148[11:24:03] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4149[11:24:03] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4150[11:24:03] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4151[11:24:03] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4152[11:24:05] <TED> mensch leute des geht langsam voll auf dem sack
4153[11:24:05] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4154[11:24:06] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4155[11:24:07] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4156[11:24:07] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4157[11:24:07] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4158[11:24:07] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4159[11:24:07] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4160[11:24:07] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4161[11:24:07] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4162[11:24:07] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4163[11:24:07] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4164[11:24:07] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4165[11:24:07] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4166[11:24:07] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4167[11:24:07] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4168[11:24:10] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4169[11:24:11] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4170[11:24:11] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4171[11:24:11] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4172[11:24:11] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4173[11:24:11] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4174[11:24:11] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4175[11:24:11] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4176[11:24:11] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4177[11:24:11] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4178[11:24:11] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4179[11:24:11] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4180[11:24:11] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4181[11:24:11] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4182[11:24:11] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4183[11:24:12] <black-guy> tolle Farben!
4184[11:24:14] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4185[11:24:15] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4186[11:24:15] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4187[11:24:15] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4188[11:24:15] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4189[11:24:15] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4190[11:24:15] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4191[11:24:15] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4192[11:24:15] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4193[11:24:15] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4194[11:24:15] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4195[11:24:15] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4196[11:24:15] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4197[11:24:15] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4198[11:24:15] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4199[11:24:19] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4200[11:24:19] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4201[11:24:19] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4202[11:24:19] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4203[11:24:19] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4204[11:24:19] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4205[11:24:19] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4206[11:24:19] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4207[11:24:19] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4208[11:24:19] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4209[11:24:19] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4210[11:24:19] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4211[11:24:19] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4212[11:24:19] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4213[11:24:19] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4214[11:24:22] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4215[11:24:23] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4216[11:24:23] *** Parts: Eummel__Nrw (Eummel__Nrw@replaced-ip)
4217[11:24:23] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4218[11:24:23] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4219[11:24:23] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4220[11:24:23] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4221[11:24:23] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4222[11:24:23] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4223[11:24:23] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4224[11:24:23] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4225[11:24:23] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4226[11:24:23] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4227[11:24:23] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4228[11:24:23] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4229[11:24:23] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4230[11:24:27] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4231[11:24:27] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4232[11:24:27] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4233[11:24:27] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4234[11:24:27] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4235[11:24:27] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4236[11:24:27] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4237[11:24:27] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4238[11:24:27] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4239[11:24:27] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4240[11:24:27] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4241[11:24:27] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4242[11:24:27] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4243[11:24:27] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4244[11:24:27] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4245[11:24:28] *** Joins: Gerry (nxojrwnxcmlfru@replaced-ip)
4246[11:24:29] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4247[11:24:30] *** Joins: Eummel__Nrw (Eummel__Nrw@replaced-ip)
4248[11:24:31] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4249[11:24:31] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4250[11:24:31] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4251[11:24:31] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4252[11:24:31] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4253[11:24:31] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4254[11:24:31] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4255[11:24:31] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4256[11:24:31] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4257[11:24:31] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4258[11:24:31] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4259[11:24:31] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4260[11:24:32] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4261[11:24:32] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4262[11:24:34] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4263[11:24:35] <tanzer-22> ee
4264[11:24:36] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4265[11:24:36] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4266[11:24:36] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4267[11:24:36] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4268[11:24:36] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4269[11:24:36] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4270[11:24:36] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4271[11:24:36] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4272[11:24:36] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4273[11:24:36] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4274[11:24:36] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4275[11:24:36] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4276[11:24:36] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4277[11:24:36] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4278[11:24:39] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4279[11:24:39] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4280[11:24:39] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4281[11:24:39] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4282[11:24:39] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4283[11:24:39] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4284[11:24:39] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4285[11:24:39] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4286[11:24:39] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4287[11:24:39] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4288[11:24:39] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4289[11:24:39] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4290[11:24:39] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4291[11:24:39] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4292[11:24:41] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4293[11:24:43] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4294[11:24:43] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4295[11:24:43] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4296[11:24:43] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4297[11:24:43] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4298[11:24:43] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4299[11:24:43] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4300[11:24:43] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4301[11:24:43] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4302[11:24:43] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4303[11:24:43] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4304[11:24:43] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4305[11:24:43] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4306[11:24:43] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4307[11:24:44] *** Parts: MarkusBoy (MarkusBoy@replaced-ip)
4308[11:24:46] *** Joins: MarkusBoy (MarkusBoy@replaced-ip)
4309[11:24:46] *** Joins: Enrico22-RS (Enrico22-RS@replaced-ip)
4310[11:24:46] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4311[11:24:46] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4312[11:24:46] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4313[11:24:46] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4314[11:24:46] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4315[11:24:46] <NYWQ> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4316[11:24:47] *** NYWQ was kicked by Autobot (flood)
4317[11:24:47] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4318[11:24:47] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4319[11:24:47] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4320[11:24:47] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4321[11:24:47] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4322[11:24:47] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4323[11:24:47] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4324[11:24:47] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4325[11:24:47] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4326[11:24:47] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4327[11:24:47] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4328[11:24:47] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4329[11:24:47] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4330[11:24:47] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4331[11:24:51] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4332[11:24:51] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4333[11:24:51] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4334[11:24:51] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4335[11:24:51] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4336[11:24:51] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4337[11:24:51] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4338[11:24:51] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4339[11:24:51] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4340[11:24:51] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4341[11:24:51] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4342[11:24:51] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4343[11:24:51] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4344[11:24:52] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4345[11:24:55] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4346[11:24:55] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4347[11:24:55] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4348[11:24:55] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4349[11:24:55] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4350[11:24:55] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4351[11:24:55] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4352[11:24:55] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4353[11:24:55] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4354[11:24:55] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4355[11:24:55] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4356[11:24:55] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4357[11:24:55] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4358[11:24:56] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4359[11:24:58] *** Parts: gerd (gerd@replaced-ip)
4360[11:24:59] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4361[11:24:59] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4362[11:24:59] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4363[11:24:59] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4364[11:24:59] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4365[11:24:59] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4366[11:24:59] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4367[11:24:59] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4368[11:24:59] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4369[11:24:59] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4370[11:24:59] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4371[11:24:59] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4372[11:25:00] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4373[11:25:00] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4374[11:25:03] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4375[11:25:03] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4376[11:25:03] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4377[11:25:03] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4378[11:25:03] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4379[11:25:03] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4380[11:25:03] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4381[11:25:03] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4382[11:25:03] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4383[11:25:03] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4384[11:25:03] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4385[11:25:04] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4386[11:25:04] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4387[11:25:04] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4388[11:25:07] <tanzer-22> ??
4389[11:25:07] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4390[11:25:07] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4391[11:25:07] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4392[11:25:07] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4393[11:25:07] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4394[11:25:07] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4395[11:25:07] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4396[11:25:07] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4397[11:25:07] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4398[11:25:08] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4399[11:25:08] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4400[11:25:08] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4401[11:25:08] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4402[11:25:08] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4403[11:25:11] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4404[11:25:11] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4405[11:25:11] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4406[11:25:11] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4407[11:25:11] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4408[11:25:11] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4409[11:25:11] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4410[11:25:12] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4411[11:25:12] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4412[11:25:12] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4413[11:25:12] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4414[11:25:12] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4415[11:25:12] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4416[11:25:12] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4417[11:25:14] *** Quits: sexyhotboy (sexyhotboy@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4418[11:25:15] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4419[11:25:16] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4420[11:25:16] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4421[11:25:16] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4422[11:25:16] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4423[11:25:16] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4424[11:25:16] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4425[11:25:16] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4426[11:25:16] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4427[11:25:16] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4428[11:25:16] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4429[11:25:16] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4430[11:25:16] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4431[11:25:16] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4432[11:25:17] *** Parts: MarkusBoy (MarkusBoy@replaced-ip)
4433[11:25:19] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4434[11:25:20] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4435[11:25:20] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4436[11:25:20] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4437[11:25:20] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4438[11:25:20] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4439[11:25:20] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4440[11:25:20] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4441[11:25:20] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4442[11:25:20] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4443[11:25:20] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4444[11:25:20] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4445[11:25:20] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4446[11:25:20] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4447[11:25:23] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4448[11:25:24] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4449[11:25:24] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4450[11:25:24] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4451[11:25:24] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4452[11:25:24] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4453[11:25:24] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4454[11:25:24] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4455[11:25:24] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4456[11:25:24] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4457[11:25:24] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4458[11:25:24] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4459[11:25:24] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4460[11:25:24] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4461[11:25:24] <Amrod> what the fuck???
4462[11:25:25] <tanzer-22> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
4463[11:25:28] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4464[11:25:28] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4465[11:25:28] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4466[11:25:28] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4467[11:25:28] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4468[11:25:28] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4469[11:25:28] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4470[11:25:28] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4471[11:25:28] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4472[11:25:28] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4473[11:25:28] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4474[11:25:28] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4475[11:25:28] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4476[11:25:28] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4477[11:25:32] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4478[11:25:32] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4479[11:25:32] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4480[11:25:32] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4481[11:25:32] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4482[11:25:32] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4483[11:25:32] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4484[11:25:32] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4485[11:25:32] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4486[11:25:32] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4487[11:25:32] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4488[11:25:32] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4489[11:25:33] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4490[11:25:33] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4491[11:25:36] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4492[11:25:36] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4493[11:25:36] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4494[11:25:36] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4495[11:25:36] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4496[11:25:36] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4497[11:25:36] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4498[11:25:36] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4499[11:25:36] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4500[11:25:36] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4501[11:25:36] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4502[11:25:36] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4503[11:25:36] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4504[11:25:36] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4505[11:25:40] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4506[11:25:40] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4507[11:25:40] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4508[11:25:40] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4509[11:25:40] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4510[11:25:40] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4511[11:25:40] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4512[11:25:40] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4513[11:25:40] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4514[11:25:40] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4515[11:25:40] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4516[11:25:40] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4517[11:25:40] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4518[11:25:42] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4519[11:25:44] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4520[11:25:44] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4521[11:25:44] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4522[11:25:44] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4523[11:25:44] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4524[11:25:44] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4525[11:25:44] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4526[11:25:44] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4527[11:25:44] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4528[11:25:44] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4529[11:25:44] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4530[11:25:44] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4531[11:25:44] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4532[11:25:45] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4533[11:25:45] *** Quits: Mann43 (Mann43@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4534[11:25:46] *** Parts: Enrico22-RS (Enrico22-RS@replaced-ip)
4535[11:25:48] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4536[11:25:48] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4537[11:25:48] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4538[11:25:48] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4539[11:25:48] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4540[11:25:48] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4541[11:25:48] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4542[11:25:48] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4543[11:25:48] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4544[11:25:48] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4545[11:25:48] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4546[11:25:48] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4547[11:25:48] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4548[11:25:49] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4549[11:25:50] <black-guy> Hyphnose?
4550[11:25:51] *** Parts: Muna (Muna@replaced-ip)
4551[11:25:52] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4552[11:25:52] *** Parts: bikinifreak (bikinifreak@replaced-ip)
4553[11:25:52] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4554[11:25:52] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4555[11:25:52] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4556[11:25:52] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4557[11:25:52] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4558[11:25:52] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4559[11:25:52] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4560[11:25:52] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4561[11:25:52] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4562[11:25:52] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4563[11:25:52] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4564[11:25:52] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4565[11:25:53] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4566[11:25:54] *** Joins: bikinifreak (bikinifreak@replaced-ip)
4567[11:25:56] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4568[11:25:56] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4569[11:25:56] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4570[11:25:56] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4571[11:25:56] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4572[11:25:56] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4573[11:25:56] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4574[11:25:56] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4575[11:25:56] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4576[11:25:56] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4577[11:25:56] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4578[11:25:56] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4579[11:25:56] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4580[11:25:57] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4581[11:26:00] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4582[11:26:00] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4583[11:26:00] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4584[11:26:00] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4585[11:26:00] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4586[11:26:00] *** Quits: Sportler (Sportler@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
4587[11:26:00] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4588[11:26:00] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4589[11:26:00] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4590[11:26:00] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4591[11:26:00] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4592[11:26:00] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4593[11:26:00] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4594[11:26:00] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4595[11:26:01] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4596[11:26:02] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 184
4597[11:26:04] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4598[11:26:04] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4599[11:26:04] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4600[11:26:04] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4601[11:26:04] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4602[11:26:04] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4603[11:26:04] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4604[11:26:04] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4605[11:26:04] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4606[11:26:04] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4607[11:26:04] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4608[11:26:04] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4609[11:26:04] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4610[11:26:05] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4611[11:26:08] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4612[11:26:08] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4613[11:26:08] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4614[11:26:08] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4615[11:26:08] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4616[11:26:08] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4617[11:26:08] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4618[11:26:08] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4619[11:26:08] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4620[11:26:08] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4621[11:26:08] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4622[11:26:09] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4623[11:26:09] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4624[11:26:09] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4625[11:26:12] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4626[11:26:12] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4627[11:26:12] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4628[11:26:12] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4629[11:26:12] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4630[11:26:12] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4631[11:26:12] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4632[11:26:12] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4633[11:26:12] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4634[11:26:12] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4635[11:26:13] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4636[11:26:13] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4637[11:26:13] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4638[11:26:13] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4639[11:26:16] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4640[11:26:16] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4641[11:26:16] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4642[11:26:16] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4643[11:26:16] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4644[11:26:16] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4645[11:26:16] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4646[11:26:16] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4647[11:26:16] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4648[11:26:16] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4649[11:26:16] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4650[11:26:17] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4651[11:26:17] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4652[11:26:17] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4653[11:26:20] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4654[11:26:20] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4655[11:26:20] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4656[11:26:20] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4657[11:26:20] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4658[11:26:20] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4659[11:26:20] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4660[11:26:20] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4661[11:26:20] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4662[11:26:20] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4663[11:26:21] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4664[11:26:21] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4665[11:26:21] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4666[11:26:21] *** Quits: Gerry (nxojrwnxcmlfru@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
4667[11:26:21] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4668[11:26:24] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4669[11:26:24] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4670[11:26:25] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4671[11:26:25] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4672[11:26:25] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4673[11:26:25] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4674[11:26:25] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4675[11:26:25] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4676[11:26:25] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4677[11:26:25] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4678[11:26:25] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4679[11:26:25] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4680[11:26:25] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4681[11:26:25] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4682[11:26:27] *** Joins: oldie-m-sucht- (whtfeutbxrtorv@replaced-ip)
4683[11:26:28] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4684[11:26:29] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4685[11:26:29] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4686[11:26:29] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4687[11:26:29] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4688[11:26:29] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4689[11:26:29] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4690[11:26:29] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4691[11:26:29] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4692[11:26:29] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4693[11:26:29] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4694[11:26:29] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4695[11:26:29] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4696[11:26:29] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4697[11:26:32] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4698[11:26:33] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4699[11:26:33] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4700[11:26:33] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4701[11:26:33] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4702[11:26:33] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4703[11:26:33] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4704[11:26:33] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4705[11:26:33] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4706[11:26:33] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4707[11:26:33] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4708[11:26:33] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4709[11:26:33] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4710[11:26:33] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4711[11:26:33] *** Joins: Guest_295 (Guest@replaced-ip)
4712[11:26:36] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4713[11:26:37] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4714[11:26:37] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4715[11:26:37] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4716[11:26:37] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4717[11:26:37] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4718[11:26:37] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4719[11:26:37] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4720[11:26:37] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4721[11:26:37] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4722[11:26:37] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4723[11:26:37] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4724[11:26:37] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4725[11:26:37] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4726[11:26:41] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4727[11:26:41] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4728[11:26:41] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4729[11:26:41] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4730[11:26:41] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4731[11:26:41] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4732[11:26:41] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4733[11:26:41] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4734[11:26:41] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4735[11:26:41] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4736[11:26:41] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4737[11:26:41] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4738[11:26:41] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4739[11:26:41] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4740[11:26:45] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4741[11:26:45] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4742[11:26:45] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4743[11:26:45] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4744[11:26:45] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4745[11:26:45] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4746[11:26:45] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4747[11:26:45] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4748[11:26:45] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4749[11:26:45] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4750[11:26:45] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4751[11:26:45] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4752[11:26:45] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4753[11:26:45] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4754[11:26:49] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4755[11:26:49] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4756[11:26:49] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4757[11:26:49] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4758[11:26:49] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4759[11:26:49] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4760[11:26:49] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4761[11:26:49] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4762[11:26:49] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4763[11:26:49] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4764[11:26:49] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4765[11:26:49] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4766[11:26:49] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4767[11:26:49] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4768[11:26:50] *** Quits: Micha (Micha@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4769[11:26:53] *** Joins: jasmin18 (luyguldvdzvlyv@replaced-ip)
4770[11:26:53] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4771[11:26:53] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4772[11:26:53] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4773[11:26:53] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4774[11:26:53] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4775[11:26:53] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4776[11:26:53] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4777[11:26:53] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4778[11:26:53] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4779[11:26:53] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4780[11:26:53] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4781[11:26:53] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4782[11:26:53] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4783[11:26:53] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4784[11:26:57] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4785[11:26:57] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4786[11:26:57] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4787[11:26:57] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4788[11:26:57] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4789[11:26:57] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4790[11:26:57] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4791[11:26:57] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4792[11:26:57] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4793[11:26:57] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4794[11:26:57] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4795[11:26:57] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4796[11:26:57] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4797[11:26:58] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4798[11:27:01] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4799[11:27:01] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4800[11:27:01] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4801[11:27:01] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4802[11:27:01] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4803[11:27:01] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4804[11:27:01] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4805[11:27:01] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4806[11:27:01] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4807[11:27:01] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4808[11:27:01] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4809[11:27:01] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4810[11:27:01] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4811[11:27:01] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4812[11:27:04] <black-guy> da hat der Admin mal richtig was zu tun hier
4813[11:27:05] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4814[11:27:05] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4815[11:27:05] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4816[11:27:05] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4817[11:27:05] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4818[11:27:05] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4819[11:27:05] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4820[11:27:05] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4821[11:27:05] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4822[11:27:05] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4823[11:27:05] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4824[11:27:05] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4825[11:27:06] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4826[11:27:06] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4827[11:27:08] *** Joins: Eyedontsinkso (kvirc@replaced-ip)
4828[11:27:09] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4829[11:27:09] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4830[11:27:09] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4831[11:27:09] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4832[11:27:09] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4833[11:27:09] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4834[11:27:09] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4835[11:27:09] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4836[11:27:09] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4837[11:27:09] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4838[11:27:09] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4839[11:27:09] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4840[11:27:09] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4841[11:27:09] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4842[11:27:13] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4843[11:27:13] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4844[11:27:13] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4845[11:27:13] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4846[11:27:13] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4847[11:27:13] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4848[11:27:13] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4849[11:27:13] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4850[11:27:13] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4851[11:27:13] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4852[11:27:13] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4853[11:27:13] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4854[11:27:13] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4855[11:27:14] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4856[11:27:17] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4857[11:27:17] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4858[11:27:17] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4859[11:27:17] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4860[11:27:17] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4861[11:27:17] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4862[11:27:17] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4863[11:27:17] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4864[11:27:17] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4865[11:27:17] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4866[11:27:17] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4867[11:27:17] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4868[11:27:17] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4869[11:27:18] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4870[11:27:18] <black-guy> lol
4871[11:27:21] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4872[11:27:21] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4873[11:27:21] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4874[11:27:21] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4875[11:27:21] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4876[11:27:21] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4877[11:27:21] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4878[11:27:21] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4879[11:27:21] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4880[11:27:21] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4881[11:27:21] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4882[11:27:21] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4883[11:27:22] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4884[11:27:22] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4885[11:27:24] <Amrod> is nich lustig
4886[11:27:25] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4887[11:27:25] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4888[11:27:25] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4889[11:27:25] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4890[11:27:25] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4891[11:27:25] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4892[11:27:25] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4893[11:27:25] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4894[11:27:25] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4895[11:27:25] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4896[11:27:25] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4897[11:27:25] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4898[11:27:26] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4899[11:27:29] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4900[11:27:29] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4901[11:27:29] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4902[11:27:29] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4903[11:27:29] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4904[11:27:29] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4905[11:27:29] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4906[11:27:29] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4907[11:27:29] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4908[11:27:29] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4909[11:27:30] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4910[11:27:30] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4911[11:27:30] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4912[11:27:33] *** Quits: heidi (heidi@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4913[11:27:33] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4914[11:27:33] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4915[11:27:33] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4916[11:27:33] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4917[11:27:33] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4918[11:27:33] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4919[11:27:33] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4920[11:27:33] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4921[11:27:33] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4922[11:27:34] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4923[11:27:34] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4924[11:27:34] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4925[11:27:34] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4926[11:27:37] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4927[11:27:37] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4928[11:27:38] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4929[11:27:38] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4930[11:27:38] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4931[11:27:38] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4932[11:27:38] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4933[11:27:38] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4934[11:27:38] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4935[11:27:38] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4936[11:27:38] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4937[11:27:38] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4938[11:27:38] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4939[11:27:38] *** Quits: Guest31693 (andrea@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
4940[11:27:41] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4941[11:27:41] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4942[11:27:41] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4943[11:27:41] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4944[11:27:41] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4945[11:27:41] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4946[11:27:41] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4947[11:27:41] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4948[11:27:41] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4949[11:27:42] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4950[11:27:42] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4951[11:27:42] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4952[11:27:42] <liittleBV> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4953[11:27:42] *** Quits: liittleBV (dbiio@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
4954[11:27:42] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4955[11:27:42] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4956[11:27:42] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4957[11:27:42] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4958[11:27:42] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4959[11:27:42] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4960[11:27:42] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4961[11:27:42] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4962[11:27:42] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4963[11:27:42] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4964[11:27:42] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4965[11:27:42] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4966[11:27:43] <black-guy> ok, wer ist kein BOT / Spammer?
4967[11:27:45] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4968[11:27:46] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4969[11:27:46] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4970[11:27:46] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4971[11:27:46] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4972[11:27:46] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4973[11:27:46] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4974[11:27:46] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4975[11:27:46] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4976[11:27:46] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4977[11:27:46] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4978[11:27:46] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4979[11:27:46] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4980[11:27:49] *** Joins: heidi (heidi@replaced-ip)
4981[11:27:49] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4982[11:27:50] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4983[11:27:50] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4984[11:27:50] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4985[11:27:50] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4986[11:27:50] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4987[11:27:50] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4988[11:27:50] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4989[11:27:50] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4990[11:27:50] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4991[11:27:50] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4992[11:27:50] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4993[11:27:50] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4994[11:27:51] *** Parts: Hessen (Hessen@replaced-ip)
4995[11:27:54] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4996[11:27:54] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4997[11:27:54] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4998[11:27:54] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
4999[11:27:54] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5000[11:27:54] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5001[11:27:54] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5002[11:27:54] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5003[11:27:54] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5004[11:27:54] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5005[11:27:54] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5006[11:27:54] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5007[11:27:54] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5008[11:27:58] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5009[11:27:58] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5010[11:27:58] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5011[11:27:58] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5012[11:27:58] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5013[11:27:58] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5014[11:27:58] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5015[11:27:58] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5016[11:27:58] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5017[11:27:58] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5018[11:27:58] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5019[11:27:58] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5020[11:27:58] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5021[11:28:02] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5022[11:28:02] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5023[11:28:02] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5024[11:28:02] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5025[11:28:02] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5026[11:28:02] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5027[11:28:02] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5028[11:28:02] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5029[11:28:02] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5030[11:28:02] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5031[11:28:02] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5032[11:28:02] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5033[11:28:02] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5034[11:28:02] <heidi> was jack
5035[11:28:04] *** Parts: Chili_m89 (Chili_m89@replaced-ip)
5036[11:28:06] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5037[11:28:06] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5038[11:28:06] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5039[11:28:06] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5040[11:28:06] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5041[11:28:06] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5042[11:28:06] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5043[11:28:06] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5044[11:28:06] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5045[11:28:06] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5046[11:28:06] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5047[11:28:06] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5048[11:28:07] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5049[11:28:07] *** Parts: Eummel__Nrw (Eummel__Nrw@replaced-ip)
5050[11:28:10] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5051[11:28:10] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5052[11:28:10] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5053[11:28:10] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5054[11:28:10] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5055[11:28:10] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5056[11:28:10] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5057[11:28:10] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5058[11:28:10] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5059[11:28:10] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5060[11:28:10] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5061[11:28:10] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5062[11:28:10] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5063[11:28:14] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5064[11:28:14] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5065[11:28:14] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5066[11:28:14] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5067[11:28:14] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5068[11:28:14] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5069[11:28:14] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5070[11:28:14] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5071[11:28:14] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5072[11:28:14] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5073[11:28:14] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5074[11:28:14] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5075[11:28:14] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5076[11:28:18] *** Parts: lukas_Berlin97 (lukas_Berlin97@replaced-ip)
5077[11:28:18] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5078[11:28:18] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5079[11:28:18] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5080[11:28:18] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5081[11:28:18] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5082[11:28:18] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5083[11:28:18] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5084[11:28:18] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5085[11:28:18] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5086[11:28:18] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5087[11:28:18] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5088[11:28:18] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5089[11:28:18] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5090[11:28:19] *** Joins: Hessen (Hessen@replaced-ip)
5091[11:28:21] <heidi> was jack
5092[11:28:22] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5093[11:28:22] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5094[11:28:22] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5095[11:28:22] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5096[11:28:22] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5097[11:28:22] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5098[11:28:22] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5099[11:28:22] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5100[11:28:22] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5101[11:28:22] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5102[11:28:22] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5103[11:28:22] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5104[11:28:22] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5105[11:28:26] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5106[11:28:26] *** Joins: raja (raja@replaced-ip)
5107[11:28:26] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5108[11:28:26] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5109[11:28:26] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5110[11:28:26] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5111[11:28:26] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5112[11:28:26] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5113[11:28:26] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5114[11:28:26] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5115[11:28:26] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5116[11:28:26] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5117[11:28:26] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5118[11:28:26] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5119[11:28:26] *** Joins: MarkusBoy (MarkusBoy@replaced-ip)
5120[11:28:30] *** Parts: bikinifreak (bikinifreak@replaced-ip)
5121[11:28:30] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5122[11:28:30] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5123[11:28:30] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5124[11:28:30] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5125[11:28:30] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5126[11:28:30] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5127[11:28:30] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5128[11:28:30] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5129[11:28:30] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5130[11:28:30] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5131[11:28:30] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5132[11:28:30] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5133[11:28:30] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5134[11:28:34] *** Joins: bikinifreak (bikinifreak@replaced-ip)
5135[11:28:34] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5136[11:28:34] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5137[11:28:34] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5138[11:28:34] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5139[11:28:34] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5140[11:28:34] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5141[11:28:34] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5142[11:28:34] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5143[11:28:34] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5144[11:28:34] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5145[11:28:34] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5146[11:28:34] <black-guy> was kann man denn auf Sizilien schon spielen... Mafia?
5147[11:28:34] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5148[11:28:34] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5149[11:28:38] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5150[11:28:38] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5151[11:28:38] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5152[11:28:38] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5153[11:28:38] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5154[11:28:38] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5155[11:28:38] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5156[11:28:38] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5157[11:28:38] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5158[11:28:38] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5159[11:28:38] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5160[11:28:38] *** Quits: iris (iris@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
5161[11:28:38] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5162[11:28:39] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5163[11:28:42] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5164[11:28:42] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5165[11:28:42] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5166[11:28:42] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5167[11:28:42] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5168[11:28:42] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5169[11:28:42] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5170[11:28:42] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5171[11:28:42] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5172[11:28:42] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5173[11:28:42] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5174[11:28:43] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5175[11:28:43] *** Quits: paps] (paps]@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
5176[11:28:44] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5177[11:28:44] *** Joins: Christopherus (Christopher@replaced-ip)
5178[11:28:46] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5179[11:28:46] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5180[11:28:46] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5181[11:28:46] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5182[11:28:46] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5183[11:28:47] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5184[11:28:47] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5185[11:28:47] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5186[11:28:47] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5187[11:28:47] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5188[11:28:47] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5189[11:28:47] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5190[11:28:47] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5191[11:28:50] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5192[11:28:50] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5193[11:28:51] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5194[11:28:51] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5195[11:28:51] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5196[11:28:51] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5197[11:28:51] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5198[11:28:51] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5199[11:28:51] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5200[11:28:51] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5201[11:28:51] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5202[11:28:51] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5203[11:28:51] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5204[11:28:54] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5205[11:28:55] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5206[11:28:55] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5207[11:28:55] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5208[11:28:55] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5209[11:28:55] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5210[11:28:55] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5211[11:28:55] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5212[11:28:55] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5213[11:28:55] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5214[11:28:55] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5215[11:28:55] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5216[11:28:55] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5217[11:28:58] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5218[11:28:59] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5219[11:28:59] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5220[11:28:59] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5221[11:28:59] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5222[11:28:59] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5223[11:28:59] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5224[11:28:59] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5225[11:28:59] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5226[11:28:59] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5227[11:28:59] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5228[11:28:59] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5229[11:28:59] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5230[11:29:02] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5231[11:29:03] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5232[11:29:03] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5233[11:29:03] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5234[11:29:03] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5235[11:29:03] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5236[11:29:03] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5237[11:29:03] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5238[11:29:03] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5239[11:29:03] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5240[11:29:03] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5241[11:29:03] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5242[11:29:03] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5243[11:29:07] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5244[11:29:07] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5245[11:29:07] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5246[11:29:07] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5247[11:29:07] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5248[11:29:07] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5249[11:29:07] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5250[11:29:07] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5251[11:29:07] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5252[11:29:07] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5253[11:29:07] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5254[11:29:07] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5255[11:29:07] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5256[11:29:11] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5257[11:29:11] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5258[11:29:11] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5259[11:29:11] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5260[11:29:11] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5261[11:29:11] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5262[11:29:11] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5263[11:29:11] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5264[11:29:11] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5265[11:29:11] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5266[11:29:11] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5267[11:29:11] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5268[11:29:11] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5269[11:29:12] <MarkusBoy> kann man es mal schmeissen
5270[11:29:15] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5271[11:29:15] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5272[11:29:15] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5273[11:29:15] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5274[11:29:15] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5275[11:29:15] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5276[11:29:15] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5277[11:29:15] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5278[11:29:15] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5279[11:29:15] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5280[11:29:15] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5281[11:29:15] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5282[11:29:15] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5283[11:29:19] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5284[11:29:19] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5285[11:29:19] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5286[11:29:19] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5287[11:29:19] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5288[11:29:19] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5289[11:29:19] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5290[11:29:19] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5291[11:29:19] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5292[11:29:19] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5293[11:29:19] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5294[11:29:19] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5295[11:29:19] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5296[11:29:23] *** Joins: Facefart (Guest@replaced-ip)
5297[11:29:23] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5298[11:29:23] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5299[11:29:23] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5300[11:29:23] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5301[11:29:23] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5302[11:29:23] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5303[11:29:23] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5304[11:29:23] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5305[11:29:23] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5306[11:29:23] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5307[11:29:23] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5308[11:29:24] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5309[11:29:24] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5310[11:29:26] *** Joins: Tobi_25 (Tobi_25@replaced-ip)
5311[11:29:27] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5312[11:29:27] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5313[11:29:27] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5314[11:29:27] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5315[11:29:27] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5316[11:29:27] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5317[11:29:27] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5318[11:29:27] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5319[11:29:27] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5320[11:29:27] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5321[11:29:27] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5322[11:29:28] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5323[11:29:28] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5324[11:29:28] *** Quits: heidi (heidi@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
5325[11:29:31] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5326[11:29:31] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5327[11:29:31] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5328[11:29:31] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5329[11:29:31] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5330[11:29:31] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5331[11:29:31] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5332[11:29:31] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5333[11:29:31] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5334[11:29:31] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5335[11:29:31] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5336[11:29:31] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5337[11:29:31] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5338[11:29:35] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5339[11:29:35] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5340[11:29:35] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5341[11:29:35] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5342[11:29:35] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5343[11:29:35] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5344[11:29:35] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5345[11:29:35] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5346[11:29:35] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5347[11:29:35] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5348[11:29:35] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5349[11:29:35] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5350[11:29:35] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5351[11:29:36] <Amrod> manche haben echt nur shice im hirn
5352[11:29:39] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5353[11:29:39] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5354[11:29:39] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5355[11:29:39] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5356[11:29:39] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5357[11:29:39] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5358[11:29:39] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5359[11:29:39] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5360[11:29:39] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5361[11:29:39] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5362[11:29:39] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5363[11:29:40] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5364[11:29:40] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5365[11:29:43] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5366[11:29:43] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5367[11:29:43] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5368[11:29:43] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5369[11:29:43] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5370[11:29:43] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5371[11:29:43] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5372[11:29:43] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5373[11:29:43] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5374[11:29:43] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5375[11:29:43] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5376[11:29:43] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5377[11:29:43] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5378[11:29:46] <Tobi_25> hallo zusammen
5379[11:29:47] <VernonicacP> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5380[11:29:47] <MikePu> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5381[11:29:47] <rlpwF> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5382[11:29:47] <AnnawC> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5383[11:29:47] <Charlydz> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5384[11:29:47] <CarolYW> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5385[11:29:47] <SandraYD> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5386[11:29:47] <Tomxi> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5387[11:29:47] <TedSl> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5388[11:29:47] <MUMsX> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5389[11:29:47] <Sharonms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5390[11:29:47] <f18ms> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))
5391[11:29:48] <AlineAE> 13,0 Sicilia come play with me 8 :))))))))))