People who Joins, Parts or Quits a chatroom
this is #german an IRC-Channel at IrCQ-Net (ICQ IRC service)
0[00:00:03] <LiQi> Montage?
1[00:00:16] *** Parts: CareTaker_404 (CareTaker@replaced-ip)
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6[00:01:15] <LiQi> hm Du bist?
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9[00:01:33] <LiQi> Lamm oder Hammel?
10[00:01:34] <tova-benyamin> hi
11[00:01:35] <M36> dein Schlechtes Gewissen
12[00:01:40] *** Joins: jean (jean@replaced-ip)
13[00:01:47] <LiQi> das heisst M36?
15[00:02:01] <LiQi> SRY CAPS
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18[00:02:05] *** Joins: SahneSpendER (SahneSpendER@replaced-ip)
19[00:02:05] <LiQi> ^^
20[00:02:05] <tova-benyamin> tomorrow is happy day for united nations
21[00:02:12] *** Parts: Lisa-fruehreif (Lisa-fruehreif@replaced-ip)
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25[00:02:26] <M36> Sei Artig sonst gibs kein Naschkram
26[00:02:30] <LiQi> sagste auch sonst noch was?
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29[00:02:46] <LiQi> bin gespannt
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31[00:02:57] <LiQi> oder haste Musik zu posten?
32[00:03:07] <m25_515> eine sie hier die lust hat? privat melden
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35[00:03:20] <LiQi> nee hier hat keine Lust, echt nicht
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38[00:03:26] <LiQi> vergiss es
39[00:03:34] *** Joins: Benutzerin-NRW (xuqytuzowshdwg@replaced-ip)
40[00:03:34] <tova-benyamin> plays viktor ullmann piano concerto opus 25 1941
41[00:03:42] <LiQi> mh
42[00:03:54] *** Joins: sportlicher22_ (sportlicher22_@replaced-ip)
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45[00:04:27] <LiQi> ACTION Viktor Ullmann (1898-1944) : Piano Concerto (1939) 1/2
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47[00:04:39] <LiQi> ACTION replaced-url
48[00:04:42] <LiQi> passend
49[00:04:52] <LiQi> 1941?
50[00:04:53] <LiQi> mh
51[00:05:06] <tova-benyamin> wow liqi schon
52[00:05:08] <MmitTochter> wer mag schreiben pn mich
53[00:05:15] <tova-benyamin> vielen danke liqi
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57[00:05:32] <tova-benyamin> eine moment liqi
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60[00:05:56] <Guest_689> jungs die mit mir privat schreiben wollen, schreibt mich privat an
61[00:06:05] <LiQi> hier mag jede und jeder schreiben
62[00:06:05] *** Parts: Moritz (rooms@replaced-ip)
63[00:06:12] <Nathalie> hey leute ^^
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66[00:06:17] <LiQi> Jede und jeder^^
67[00:06:24] *** Quits: mo93 (nvrvboyoblnsoy@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
68[00:06:30] <LiQi> dazu ist das ein Chat oder?
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70[00:06:35] <tova-benyamin> 1939
71[00:06:37] *** Joins: openminded (openminded@replaced-ip)
72[00:06:41] <tova-benyamin> liqi
73[00:06:41] <Guest_689> stimmt, das sind echt viele
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75[00:06:49] <LiQi> 75
76[00:06:50] <sportlicher22_> ist jemand nettes zum schreiben da?:)
77[00:06:51] <LiQi> ^^
78[00:06:51] <tova-benyamin> enshukligen
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82[00:07:05] <LiQi> keine Ursache
83[00:07:17] <LiQi> es gibt hier nichts zu entschuldigen
84[00:07:19] <Benutzerin-NRW> 04,00nur w
85[00:07:20] <tova-benyamin> liqi u like the concerto?
86[00:07:22] <LiQi> kein OP on
87[00:07:27] <LiQi> ja
88[00:07:28] *** Quits: anna12j_893 (anna12j@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
89[00:07:31] <tova-benyamin> opus 25
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95[00:07:59] <LiQi> ACTION Viktor Ullmann (1898-1944) : Piano Concerto (1939) 1/2
96[00:08:02] <tova-benyamin> all his early musik is lost
97[00:08:03] <LiQi> krass
98[00:08:08] <LiQi> mh
99[00:08:18] <tova-benyamin> krass?
100[00:08:21] <LiQi> ja
101[00:08:23] <LiQi> Krieg
102[00:08:31] <tova-benyamin> war?
103[00:08:35] <LiQi> War
104[00:08:40] <tova-benyamin> genau
105[00:08:43] <LiQi> mh
106[00:08:45] *** Joins: Vanessa13 (Vanessa13@replaced-ip)
107[00:08:52] <tova-benyamin> teresenstadt concerto
108[00:08:56] *** Joins: Tobias_2344 (Tobias_2344@replaced-ip)
109[00:09:00] *** Joins: Chris25 (Chris@replaced-ip)
110[00:09:02] <RS_Jonas_22> hat ein girl langeweile zeit und lust sich bei einem leidenschafltichen rollenspiel verwoehnen zu lassen?
111[00:09:03] <LiQi> Teresienstadt
112[00:09:07] *** Joins: _drummer_ (_drummer_@replaced-ip)
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115[00:09:14] <tova-benyamin> danke liqi
116[00:09:25] <LiQi> gern
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120[00:09:48] <LiQi> wo lebst Du Tova?
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127[00:10:09] *** Parts: Miffi (kelloggs@replaced-ip)
128[00:10:14] <LiQi> ich lebe in Westfalen, Nordwestdeutschland
129[00:10:16] <LiQi> bye Miffi
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134[00:10:39] <_drummer_> Kampfsportlerinnen da?? privat anschreiben bitte :)
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137[00:10:44] <LiQi> nur
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142[00:11:15] <LiQi> ^^
143[00:11:19] <LiQi> ohne Geld
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145[00:11:21] <LiQi> :)
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150[00:12:05] <habjuOsteuropaW> Abend
151[00:12:11] <tova-benyamin> carlo taube composed ghetto suite but the prison guards destoyed it liqi:(
152[00:12:21] <LiQi> Dom_paddy? spammst Du weiter oder schreibst Du auch was?
153[00:12:26] <LiQi> Abend
154[00:12:30] *** Parts: Tobias_2344 (Tobias_2344@replaced-ip)
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156[00:12:45] <LiQi> Osteuropa
157[00:12:45] *** Parts: it-is-not-me (it-is-not-me@replaced-ip)
158[00:12:47] <LiQi> w
159[00:12:48] <LiQi> ^^
160[00:12:59] <LiQi> na willkommen im deutschen Chat
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165[00:13:27] <max24> hi suche nette sie zum chatten bin m24
166[00:13:30] <LiQi> :)
167[00:13:33] <tova-benyamin> taube also composed a piano lulluby ein judisches kind liqi but again the prison gueards destroyed it
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170[00:13:51] <LiQi> pitty
171[00:13:55] <max24> hi suche nette sie zum chatten bin m24
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175[00:14:13] <LiQi> I guess would match our times
176[00:14:17] <LiQi> now
177[00:14:23] <tova-benyamin> taube composed the terenzin symphony has well but that too his missing :(
178[00:14:36] <LiQi> is
179[00:14:47] <LiQi> thats life
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182[00:14:56] <max24> hi suche nette sie zum chatten bin m24
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184[00:15:08] <LiQi> what I hear is sprin in wartimes ans misrey
185[00:15:12] <LiQi> spring
186[00:15:17] <LiQi> and
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190[00:15:27] <LiQi> ok I am drunk, excuse me
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198[00:15:57] <tova-benyamin> liqi has a refural read joza karas music in terezin 1941-45
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201[00:16:37] <Nachtchatter> welche w will normal chatten?
202[00:16:39] <tova-benyamin> in those days germans were bad ppls
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204[00:16:49] <EinReiterNRW> 07,00hallo
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208[00:17:18] <LiQi> are you jewish tova?
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210[00:18:00] <max24> hi suche nette sie zum chatten bin m24+
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212[00:18:12] <tova-benyamin> tova is jueddosche name yes
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214[00:18:21] <LiQi> ok, nice
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216[00:18:32] <RS_Lehrer_Grun> hi an alle ^^
217[00:18:33] <LiQi> juedosche
218[00:18:38] <tova-benyamin> du bist frau? liqi
219[00:18:38] <LiQi> dd
220[00:18:42] <LiQi> nee
221[00:18:43] <tova-benyamin> juedddische
222[00:18:44] <LiQi> ein Kerl
223[00:18:51] <tova-benyamin> kerl?
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225[00:18:56] <LiQi> Mann
226[00:18:59] <tova-benyamin> ok
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229[00:19:03] <LiQi> :)
230[00:19:04] <tova-benyamin> :)
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232[00:19:08] <melonig_w19> hi
233[00:19:18] *** Joins: Pitkoch (Pitkoch@replaced-ip)
234[00:19:20] <LiQi> Frauen machen nur Unfug
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236[00:19:33] <Pitkoch> Guten Morgen
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238[00:19:42] <LiQi> Morgen
239[00:19:43] <tova-benyamin> yes frau
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241[00:19:53] <Blackpeppper> hy melonig w19
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244[00:20:04] <LiQi> Hi Frau melonig
245[00:20:04] <Nachtchatter> wassermelonig?
246[00:20:20] <LiQi> aus Holland?
247[00:20:37] <LiQi> oder eingeflogen?
248[00:20:39] <Pitkoch> hat eine W lust auf camchat mit M 77?
249[00:20:40] <tova-benyamin> auf weidesehen -- erev tov
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251[00:20:47] <tova-benyamin> liqi
252[00:20:48] *** Quits: habjuOsteuropaW (habjuOsteuropaW@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
253[00:20:49] <tova-benyamin> :)
254[00:20:54] <tova-benyamin> schussst
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256[00:20:56] <LiQi> machs gut
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258[00:21:01] *** Parts: tova-benyamin (tova-benyamin@replaced-ip)
259[00:21:03] <LiQi> Tschuess
260[00:21:03] <ayumipiedotcom> good morning
261[00:21:10] <ayumipiedotcom> 22 f half japanese here
262[00:21:16] <LiQi> Morning wild guy
263[00:21:24] <LiQi> half?
264[00:21:28] <LiQi> why half?
265[00:21:44] <LiQi> no german is half ever
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268[00:21:56] <LiQi> how could a Japanese be?
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272[00:22:15] <m25_515> eine sie hier die lust hat? privat melden
273[00:22:15] <nick_> ist jemand da der schreiben will?
274[00:22:17] <Pitkoch> suche chat mit W, bin M
275[00:22:23] <LiQi> jede Menge
276[00:22:25] *** Quits: m25_515 (m25@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
277[00:22:28] <LiQi> wollen schreiben
278[00:22:47] <LiQi> kommen vor lauter Suchen aber nicht dazu
279[00:22:57] <Pitkoch> ha ha
280[00:23:03] <LiQi> :)
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283[00:23:11] <LiQi> is doch wahr
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286[00:23:30] <LiQi> das versteh ich nicht MOPS
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288[00:23:56] <LiQi> die die sind sind nunmal die Einzigen die sind
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292[00:24:24] <LiQi> klar gibts da Gute
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299[00:24:55] <LiQi> und immer so ein paar Ferkel^^
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302[00:25:10] <LiQi> das sagtest Du schon geld-geber
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304[00:25:22] <LiQi> 6 oder 7 mal
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307[00:25:48] <LiQi> definiere Spa?
308[00:25:49] <Pitkoch> suche chat mit W, bin M, vielleicht auch mit vam?
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310[00:26:29] <Pitkoch> suche chat mit W, bin M, vielleicht auch mit cam?
311[00:26:29] <LiQi> und schreibst Deutsch
312[00:26:56] <LiQi> Koch auch noch?
313[00:26:57] <LiQi> mh
314[00:27:14] *** Joins: Mariechen (Mariechen@replaced-ip)
315[00:27:20] <LiQi> guten Appetitt
316[00:27:32] <LiQi> -t glaub ich
317[00:27:34] <LiQi> ^^
318[00:27:50] <LiQi> das kommt vor
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320[00:28:02] <LiQi> solange lebst Du noch
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325[00:28:50] <Herrin-NRW> 01,00nur echte w
326[00:28:55] <LiQi> ^^
327[00:29:00] <LiQi> ich bin echter M
328[00:29:07] <LiQi> tut mir leid Herrin
329[00:30:06] *** Quits: BumbleBee_ (SamW@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
330[00:30:25] <LiQi> Damit kommen wir noch 10.000 Jahre aus, so wie Sieger Geschichte geschrieben haben
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333[00:30:35] <LiQi> wers glaubt
334[00:30:41] <LiQi> wird auch nicht seelig
335[00:30:47] <LiQi> aber egal
336[00:30:52] <LiQi> Musik?
337[00:30:58] <chris28> suche süsse kuschelmaus die reden mag
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340[00:31:26] <LiQi> ACTION replaced-url
341[00:31:29] <LiQi> ^^
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345[00:32:02] <LiQi> ;)
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351[00:32:39] <LaLeLu> hallo
352[00:32:46] <LiQi> komm tANZ
353[00:32:48] <max24> hi suche nette sie zum chatten bin m24
354[00:32:52] <LiQi> hallo
355[00:32:54] <LaLeLu> jo
356[00:33:00] <LiQi> jojo
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358[00:33:07] <LaLeLu> lach
359[00:33:08] <LiQi> raufundrunterimmermunter
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362[00:33:21] <LaLeLu> gerne
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367[00:33:42] <LiQi> ernsthafte online Sklavin? Im Ernst MANN?
368[00:33:51] <LiQi> krass
369[00:34:00] <LiQi> Du bist ein Vogel
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372[00:34:52] <max24> hi suche nette sie zum chatten bin m24
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376[00:35:54] <Guest_339> hi
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378[00:36:03] <MOPS_> HEY BIST DU NOCH DA
379[00:36:08] <MOPS_> HEY;
380[00:36:22] <Lisa-fruehreif> heey
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383[00:37:22] <MOPS_> HEY BIST DU NOCH DA
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385[00:38:46] <Guest_339> hey leute jemand zum quatschen da
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388[00:39:24] <Herrin-NRW> 01,00:O
389[00:39:25] <m25> hi
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393[00:40:06] <max24> hi suche nette sie zum chatten bin m24
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411[00:43:10] <sunglasses> hn
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419[00:44:15] <RS_Lehrer_Grun> hi ihr ^^
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423[00:44:27] <Nachtchatter> nur fakes hier? :-(
424[00:44:28] <Lisa-fruehreif> huuhuu
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432[00:45:12] <MOPS_> LOS OLLI KOMM HER
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434[00:45:21] <MOPS_> HER IST DER NATO BOT
435[00:45:24] *** Quits: laarc (laarc@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
436[00:45:33] <sportlicher22_> ist jemand nettes zum schreiben da?:)
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438[00:46:01] <MOPS_> NA(S)T(R)O(VIE)
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443[00:47:16] <Bi-Lady40-Nrw> 01,00ä
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471[00:51:55] <Liebchen15> Hallo zusammen.
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478[00:52:46] <Gerry-M-47> moin moin
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486[00:53:39] <Dom> Hex
487[00:53:45] <Dom> Hey
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491[00:54:45] <LiQi> ^^
492[00:54:55] <LiQi> netter Punk das
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503[00:55:48] <Guest_447> salam
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516[00:58:12] <LiQi> hat ein Sucher gefunden?
517[00:58:36] <mops__665> klar
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523[01:00:26] <camlesbianw17> w sucht w zum camen pm
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554[01:06:58] <Lisa-fruehreif> hii
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556[01:07:03] <LiQi> Hi
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558[01:07:21] <LiQi> fruehreif oder Freiheit?
559[01:07:30] <LiQi> Gelaber oder Mensch?
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574[01:10:13] <LiQi> Leute?
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576[01:10:32] <LiQi> Ist das hier ein Chat oder ein Friedhof der Jugend?
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585[01:11:08] *** PedoPic was kicked by Autobot (Banned: Your nick is inappropriate. Please change it by typing /nick newnick.)
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587[01:11:29] <LiQi> ACTION streut mal die Asche deutscher Jugend
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589[01:11:41] <LiQi> auf diese albernen Buchstaben
590[01:11:54] <LiQi> Ihr tut mir leid
591[01:12:31] *** Quits: BWStefan (BWStefan@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
592[01:12:34] <LiQi> ei verpitsch
593[01:12:39] *** Quits: bigger (bigger@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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595[01:13:08] <LiQi> klar will sie das
596[01:13:10] <LiQi> Idiot
597[01:13:33] <LiQi> Willst Du Ehre?
598[01:13:42] <LiQi> werd nochmal geboren
599[01:13:51] *** Quits: salma (Girl@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
600[01:13:57] <LiQi> Deine Familie hat sie mit Dir verloren die Ehre
601[01:14:07] <LiQi> und die Sicherheit
602[01:14:42] *** Parts: EngerString19_w (EngerString19_w@replaced-ip)
603[01:14:45] <LaLeLu> lol
604[01:14:46] *** Joins: NylonLuva___M__ (rooms@replaced-ip)
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609[01:15:06] <LiQi> lol
610[01:15:24] *** Parts: sexyhotboy (sexyhotboy@replaced-ip)
611[01:15:25] <LiQi> das ist nicht lustig
612[01:15:30] <LiQi> aber egal
613[01:15:31] *** Joins: Dirk_46 (Dirk_46@replaced-ip)
614[01:15:32] <LiQi> :=
615[01:15:36] *** Joins: Pazzion (Pazzion@replaced-ip)
616[01:15:47] *** Joins: Helena (Helena@replaced-ip)
617[01:15:49] <LiQi> wer nicht lacht hat schon verloren
618[01:15:55] *** Joins: HotMan (HotMan@replaced-ip)
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620[01:16:32] <LiQi> ssssuche Spass
621[01:16:34] *** Parts: Pazzion (Pazzion@replaced-ip)
622[01:16:37] *** Joins: Florian (Florian@replaced-ip)
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624[01:16:41] <_drummer_> black girls?? pm ;)
625[01:16:43] <LiQi> Du auch?
626[01:16:44] *** Joins: Guest_274 (Guest@replaced-ip)
627[01:17:23] <LiQi> Dann hast Du hier nichts verloren
628[01:17:23] *** Joins: Eazz_ (rooms@replaced-ip)
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633[01:17:53] *** Parts: mann37 (mann37@replaced-ip)
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639[01:18:26] *** Joins: Sachsenlady (Sachsenlady@replaced-ip)
640[01:18:27] <LiQi> M wie Murks, O wie Opa, R wie Rudolf, A wie Altenheim, L wie Lust
641[01:18:36] <LiQi> MORAL
642[01:18:45] <Helena> hi
643[01:18:46] *** Helena is now known as Guest74918
644[01:18:47] <LiQi> heute schon gelacht?
645[01:18:51] <LiQi> hi
646[01:18:56] *** Quits: camlesbianw17 (camlesbianw17@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
647[01:19:19] *** Quits: maxNrw (_max@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
648[01:19:27] <LaLeLu> hi helena
649[01:19:32] *** Quits: Max_Sporty (Max_Sporty@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
650[01:19:44] *** Parts: Sachsenlady (Sachsenlady@replaced-ip)
651[01:19:58] <LiQi> ACTION Rammstein - Ich Tu Dir Weh - Full HD
652[01:20:05] <LiQi> ^^
653[01:20:24] <LiQi> ACTION replaced-url
654[01:20:30] <LiQi> wers mag
655[01:20:37] *** Joins: bobiat (bobiat@replaced-ip)
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659[01:20:43] *** Quits: timo (timo@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
660[01:20:46] <LiQi> Kinderkackemusik
661[01:20:50] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
662[01:20:53] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
663[01:21:02] <LiQi> gua gua
664[01:21:08] <LiQi> get lost
665[01:21:09] *** Joins: girl91 (girl91@replaced-ip)
666[01:21:10] *** Joins: Smarty_243 (Smarty@replaced-ip)
667[01:21:10] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
668[01:21:13] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
669[01:21:14] *** Joins: adi_21 (adi_21@replaced-ip)
670[01:21:20] <LiQi> get lsot
671[01:21:24] <LiQi> lost
672[01:21:26] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
673[01:21:31] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
674[01:21:34] <LiQi> bobiat ignore
675[01:21:39] *** Joins: Beennyy (AndChat206976@replaced-ip)
676[01:21:42] *** Joins: basti21_303 (basti21@replaced-ip)
677[01:21:42] <LiQi> so ein doofes Arschloch
678[01:21:52] <LaLeLu> lol
679[01:21:56] <hab_jungeToecht> huhu
680[01:22:04] <LaLeLu> huhu
681[01:22:21] <LiQi> ist doch wahr
682[01:22:34] *** Joins: SevenSins31m (SevenSins31m@replaced-ip)
683[01:22:34] <LaLeLu> jup
684[01:22:44] <LiQi> :)
685[01:22:51] *** Quits: kitty12 (kitty12@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
686[01:22:56] <LiQi> nee hier sind Frauen verboten
687[01:23:00] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
688[01:23:01] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
689[01:23:02] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
690[01:23:11] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
691[01:23:18] *** Parts: jan20 (jan@replaced-ip)
692[01:23:23] <LiQi> die machen nur Flecken
693[01:23:40] *** Joins: salma (salma@replaced-ip)
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695[01:23:58] *** Joins: Pazzion (Pazzion@replaced-ip)
696[01:24:01] <LiQi> posted echt keine Musik?
697[01:24:04] *** Joins: Monique (Monique@replaced-ip)
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699[01:24:08] <LiQi> kann doch nicht wahr sein man
700[01:24:12] *** Quits: basti21 (basti21@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
701[01:24:14] <LiQi> keiner
702[01:24:26] *** Joins: Max_Sporty (Max_Sporty@replaced-ip)
703[01:24:28] *** Quits: girl91 (girl91@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
704[01:24:36] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
705[01:24:37] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
706[01:24:38] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
707[01:24:48] *** Parts: HotMan (HotMan@replaced-ip)
708[01:24:48] *** Parts: Pazzion (Pazzion@replaced-ip)
709[01:24:51] *** Quits: geld-geber (geld-geber@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
710[01:24:58] <LiQi> ICQ is rotten
711[01:25:03] *** Quits: SevenSins31m (SevenSins31m@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
712[01:25:18] <LiQi> ver rottet
713[01:25:27] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
714[01:25:29] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
715[01:25:29] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
716[01:25:34] *** Joins: sebastian (sebastian@replaced-ip)
717[01:25:34] <LiQi> ohne Geist und ohne Seele
718[01:25:37] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
719[01:25:37] <LiQi> :)
720[01:25:37] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
721[01:25:39] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
722[01:25:40] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
723[01:25:42] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
724[01:26:01] *** Quits: Mondamin (WhoAmI@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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726[01:26:03] *** sebastian is now known as Guest45552
727[01:26:05] *** Joins: Dickjaw897 (Dickjaw897@replaced-ip)
728[01:26:32] <LiQi> ACTION SDP - Ich muss immer an dich denken
729[01:26:35] *** Quits: RS_Lehrer_Grun (RS_Lehrer_Grun@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
730[01:26:38] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
731[01:26:39] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
732[01:26:42] <LiQi> an wen bloss?
733[01:26:43] *** Quits: tom730 (tom730@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
734[01:26:49] *** Joins: Corporel (Corporel@replaced-ip)
735[01:26:54] *** Joins: Tirili (tirili@replaced-ip)
736[01:27:01] *** Joins: RS_Lehrer_Grun (RS_Lehrer_Grun@replaced-ip)
737[01:27:13] <LiQi> seid Ihr so tod oder wartet Ihr noch darauf?
738[01:27:20] <_drummer_> sportliche Mädels da? privat melden ;)
739[01:27:21] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
740[01:27:22] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
741[01:27:23] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
742[01:27:24] <LiQi> klar
743[01:27:32] *** Parts: Corporel (Corporel@replaced-ip)
744[01:27:32] <LiQi> in China ohne Ende
745[01:27:39] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
746[01:27:40] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
747[01:27:41] <LiQi> hier kaum
748[01:27:48] <LiQi> nur fette Tanten
749[01:27:54] *** Quits: W18M23suW (bored@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
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751[01:27:54] *** Quits: DomSadStuttgart (bored@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
752[01:27:56] <Tirili> bobiat wird nun ignoriert
753[01:27:59] <RS_Lehrer_Grun> hi ihr alle
754[01:27:59] <LiQi> ^^
755[01:28:03] <LiQi> ^hi
756[01:28:04] *** Joins: Guest_711 (Guest@replaced-ip)
757[01:28:18] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
758[01:28:19] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
759[01:28:23] <LiQi> boys schlafen doch alle schon
760[01:28:28] *** Guest_711 is now known as Guest27021
761[01:28:40] <Dickjaw897> cowboys noch nicht
762[01:29:14] *** Joins: klevemsuchew (tapdddjxrmplfd@replaced-ip)
763[01:29:14] *** Quits: Sahnespender_86 (Sahnespender@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
764[01:29:20] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
765[01:29:22] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
766[01:29:37] <LiQi> ein Sahnespender weniger
767[01:29:38] <Tirili> ist hier jemand, der kein Arschloch ist?
768[01:29:44] <LiQi> nee
769[01:29:48] <Tirili> ach
770[01:30:00] <LiQi> jeder ist irgendwie immer auch ein Arschloch
771[01:30:07] <LiQi> Du nicht?
772[01:30:25] <Tirili> das meinte ich nicht. ich meinte eine Drecksau
773[01:30:27] <LiQi> ein Freigeist?
774[01:30:32] <Tirili> einen Hurensohn
775[01:30:32] *** Tirili was kicked by Autobot (Your behaviour is inappropriate. Please change your way of chatting.)
776[01:30:38] <LiQi> mh
777[01:30:47] <LiQi> bin ich alles gerne
778[01:30:53] <LiQi> und?
779[01:31:11] *** Parts: markee (markee@replaced-ip)
780[01:31:24] *** Quits: Guest27021 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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782[01:32:01] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 149
783[01:32:08] *** Quits: PpEiDcO (PpEiDcO@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
784[01:32:12] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
785[01:32:14] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
786[01:32:23] <LiQi> jeder Deutsche ist alles
787[01:32:32] *** Joins: PJler (PJler@replaced-ip)
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790[01:32:55] *** Joins: Nadine15 (Nadine15@replaced-ip)
791[01:32:58] <LiQi> jede
792[01:33:06] *** Joins: NylonLuva___M__ (rooms@replaced-ip)
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800[01:35:17] <LiQi> sei Deiner sicher Mann
801[01:35:22] *** Quits: sexy-Robin (sexy-Robin@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
802[01:35:24] *** Joins: JustMeW (SuperMe01@replaced-ip)
803[01:35:25] <LiQi> oder halt den Mund
804[01:35:31] <JustMeW> ...
805[01:35:37] <LiQi> ...
806[01:36:10] *** Joins: Tirili (tirili@replaced-ip)
807[01:36:25] *** Joins: hotgirl (hotgirl@replaced-ip)
808[01:36:27] *** Joins: lookingfor (lookingfor@replaced-ip)
809[01:36:28] <LiQi> Punkt
810[01:36:29] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
811[01:36:31] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
812[01:36:31] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
813[01:36:31] <hotgirl> halloo
814[01:36:32] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
815[01:36:33] <LiQi> Punkt
816[01:36:34] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
817[01:36:36] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
818[01:36:36] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
819[01:36:38] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
820[01:36:41] <LiQi> Du fickst gar nicht
821[01:36:43] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
822[01:36:45] <LiQi> neu?
823[01:36:45] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
824[01:36:45] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
825[01:36:46] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
826[01:36:47] <LiQi> nein
827[01:36:48] <lookingfor> hello!!! any man with skype??
828[01:36:48] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
829[01:36:50] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
830[01:36:51] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
831[01:36:53] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
832[01:36:54] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
833[01:36:56] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
834[01:36:57] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
835[01:36:58] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
836[01:36:59] *** Parts: JustMeW (SuperMe01@replaced-ip)
837[01:37:00] <LiQi> sicher
838[01:37:01] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
839[01:37:01] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
840[01:37:02] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
841[01:37:03] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
842[01:37:03] <LiQi> wann?
843[01:37:05] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
844[01:37:05] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
845[01:37:06] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
846[01:37:07] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
847[01:37:07] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
848[01:37:08] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
849[01:37:09] <LiQi> heute?
850[01:37:10] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
851[01:37:10] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
852[01:37:12] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
853[01:37:13] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
854[01:37:13] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
855[01:37:13] <LiQi> gleich?
856[01:37:14] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
857[01:37:15] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
858[01:37:15] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
859[01:37:16] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
860[01:37:16] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
861[01:37:18] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
862[01:37:18] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
863[01:37:18] <LiQi> viel Dpass
864[01:37:19] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
865[01:37:20] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
866[01:37:22] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
867[01:37:26] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
868[01:37:27] *** Joins: stepup (chatzilla@replaced-ip)
869[01:37:27] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
870[01:37:28] <LiQi> kennste ignore?
871[01:37:28] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
872[01:37:30] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
873[01:37:30] <Tirili> ich f*cke die Mutter von bobiat
874[01:37:31] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
875[01:37:33] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
876[01:37:36] *** Quits: Elisabette (Elisabette@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
877[01:37:45] *** Quits: chris16 (chris16@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
878[01:37:45] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
879[01:37:47] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
880[01:37:48] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
881[01:37:55] <LiQi> geh gross werden
882[01:37:58] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
883[01:38:00] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
884[01:38:01] *** Joins: Pazzion (Pazzion@replaced-ip)
885[01:38:03] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
886[01:38:04] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
887[01:38:05] *** Parts: Guest_926 (Guest@replaced-ip)
888[01:38:06] <Tirili> schlecht geraten
889[01:38:06] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
890[01:38:07] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
891[01:38:09] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
892[01:38:10] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
893[01:38:14] <LiQi> ist mir schnuppe
894[01:38:16] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
895[01:38:17] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
896[01:38:31] <LaLeLu> ist der immer noch da
897[01:38:32] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
898[01:38:33] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
899[01:38:34] <LaLeLu> bye
900[01:38:35] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
901[01:38:37] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
902[01:38:38] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
903[01:38:41] <LiQi> da rat ich zuerst hin
904[01:38:43] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
905[01:38:44] *** Parts: lookingfor (lookingfor@replaced-ip)
906[01:38:44] <LiQi> bye
907[01:38:45] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
908[01:38:46] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
909[01:38:46] *** Parts: Pazzion (Pazzion@replaced-ip)
910[01:38:47] <LiQi> mal wieder
911[01:38:47] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
912[01:38:48] *** Quits: Guest_924 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
913[01:38:49] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
914[01:38:51] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
915[01:38:52] *** Parts: LaLeLu (LaLeLu@replaced-ip)
916[01:38:54] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
917[01:38:56] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
918[01:38:56] <Tirili> geht doch
919[01:38:58] *** Quits: AnnaBlume_223 (AnnaBlume@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
920[01:39:01] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
921[01:39:02] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
922[01:39:03] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
923[01:39:06] <LiQi> wer?
924[01:39:08] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
925[01:39:09] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
926[01:39:13] *** Joins: lookingfor (lookingfor@replaced-ip)
927[01:39:20] *** Quits: Dirk_46 (Dirk_46@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
928[01:39:23] *** Parts: lookingfor (lookingfor@replaced-ip)
929[01:39:39] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
930[01:39:44] *** Joins: lookingfor (lookingfor@replaced-ip)
931[01:39:49] *** Parts: lookingfor (lookingfor@replaced-ip)
932[01:39:49] *** Joins: lookingfor (lookingfor@replaced-ip)
933[01:39:57] <Tirili> ich verfluche euch alle, Ihr 1rschl0cher
934[01:40:00] *** Quits: Tony21 (Tony21@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
935[01:40:01] <LiQi> ich erst wenn mein Bier durch ist
936[01:40:21] <LiQi> der Fluch erreicht immer Dich selbst
937[01:40:25] *** Joins: Guest55914 (Danilo@replaced-ip)
938[01:40:29] <LiQi> jeder Fluch
939[01:40:37] <LiQi> returned to sender
940[01:40:44] <LiQi> nice
941[01:40:58] <Tirili> NSA GCHQ
942[01:40:59] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
943[01:41:00] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
944[01:41:01] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
945[01:41:02] <Tirili> Saubande
946[01:41:04] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
947[01:41:05] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
948[01:41:06] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
949[01:41:12] <LiQi> mh
950[01:41:19] <Tirili> Heil Hitler!
951[01:41:19] *** Tirili was kicked by Autobot (Please change your way of chatting. Your behaviour is inappropriate.)
952[01:41:19] *** Autobot sets mode: +b *!*@FA0226.7FDD84.2A64FA.57323F
953[01:41:20] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
954[01:41:24] <LiQi> wohl wahr, und?
955[01:41:34] <bobiat> lol stupid trilii
956[01:41:45] *** Joins: Purzel (Purzel@replaced-ip)
957[01:41:47] *** Joins: Guest_283 (Guest@replaced-ip)
958[01:41:52] <LiQi> ^^
959[01:41:54] *** Joins: mann (mann@replaced-ip)
960[01:41:58] <LiQi> Hitler
961[01:42:02] <Guest_689> lol, wegen sowas wird man hier von nem bot gebannt, ich wunder mich immer wider
962[01:42:08] <LiQi> wer war das denn?
963[01:42:17] <LiQi> echt?
964[01:42:24] <LiQi> dann bist Du dumm
965[01:42:28] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
966[01:42:31] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
967[01:42:31] *** Parts: Sachsenlady (Sachsenlady@replaced-ip)
968[01:42:32] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
969[01:42:39] <LiQi> glaube ich aber nicht
970[01:42:42] *** Parts: Guest_283 (Guest@replaced-ip)
971[01:42:47] *** Joins: salma (salma@replaced-ip)
972[01:42:48] *** Quits: Chris28_741 (Chris28@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
973[01:42:50] <Guest_689> ich? ich bin mitteldumm
974[01:42:55] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
975[01:42:56] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
976[01:42:57] <LiQi> mh
977[01:43:01] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
978[01:43:01] <LiQi> ich auch
979[01:43:01] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
980[01:43:03] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
981[01:43:04] <RS_Lehrer_Grun> ^^
982[01:43:08] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
983[01:43:10] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
984[01:43:10] <Dickjaw897> son of a bitch
985[01:43:10] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
986[01:43:12] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
987[01:43:13] <LiQi> Grun?
988[01:43:16] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
989[01:43:18] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
990[01:43:20] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
991[01:43:21] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
992[01:43:24] <LiQi> Sohn einer Hure
993[01:43:24] *** LiQi was kicked by Autobot (Your behaviour is inappropriate. Please change your way of chatting.)
994[01:43:28] *** Quits: EpicFail ([Fairytale]Lost@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
995[01:43:35] <bobiat> lol stupid liqi
996[01:43:36] *** Parts: lookingfor (lookingfor@replaced-ip)
997[01:43:47] *** Joins: Lyra (Silver@replaced-ip)
998[01:43:49] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
999[01:43:52] <Guest_689> freut mich
1000[01:43:53] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1001[01:43:59] *** Parts: Nadine15 (Nadine15@replaced-ip)
1002[01:44:01] *** Joins: Nadine15 (Nadine15@replaced-ip)
1003[01:44:03] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1004[01:44:43] *** Quits: erfahrenerDom (erfahrenerDom@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
1005[01:44:44] *** Quits: SM-Herr (SM-Herr@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
1006[01:44:53] *** Quits: Guest_656_845 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1007[01:44:53] <Dickjaw897>
1008[01:44:59] *** Quits: HardOne (HardOne@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1009[01:45:03] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
1010[01:45:07] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1011[01:45:11] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1012[01:45:16] *** Joins: LiQi (LiQi@replaced-ip)
1013[01:45:26] *** Guest is now known as Guest37227
1014[01:45:28] <LiQi> Nightlife
1015[01:45:28] *** Joins: nachtfee (nachtfee@replaced-ip)
1016[01:45:31] <LiQi> ^^^
1017[01:45:31] <Dickjaw897>
1018[01:45:35] *** Quits: Nadine15 (Nadine15@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1019[01:45:38] *** Joins: ayse17w (ayse17w@replaced-ip)
1020[01:45:43] <Guest37227> welcher boy will camen
1021[01:45:48] <LiQi> ^Nadine gave up
1022[01:45:50] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1023[01:45:52] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1024[01:45:54] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1025[01:45:59] *** Quits: melonig_w19 (melonig_w19@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1026[01:46:06] <LiQi> german christians
1027[01:46:06] <ayse17w> hai an alle:)
1028[01:46:18] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1029[01:46:20] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1030[01:46:22] <LiQi> are far better as you ever could be booy
1031[01:46:23] *** Joins: Sexyboy93 (Sexyboy93@replaced-ip)
1032[01:46:25] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1033[01:46:30] <Sexyboy93> skype c2c'?
1034[01:46:32] <LiQi> Jude
1035[01:46:33] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1036[01:46:36] <LiQi> so ein Idiot
1037[01:46:42] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1038[01:46:44] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1039[01:46:45] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1040[01:46:47] <Lyra> 03 /ignore bobiat <- hilft
1041[01:46:47] <LiQi> ^^
1042[01:46:56] <LiQi> mh wahr
1043[01:47:02] <LiQi> ignore
1044[01:47:06] *** Joins: MIMON (MIMON@replaced-ip)
1045[01:47:14] <ayumipiedotcom> ??
1046[01:47:14] *** Quits: Guest90349 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1047[01:47:21] <ayumipiedotcom> ??
1048[01:47:25] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1049[01:47:28] *** Quits: MIMON (MIMON@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1050[01:47:48] <Dickjaw897>
1051[01:47:58] *** Parts: nachtfee (nachtfee@replaced-ip)
1052[01:48:00] <Dickjaw897> Fuck you!
1053[01:48:02] *** Quits: Peter_16 (bbwowiijomvuwt@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1054[01:48:04] <Guest_689> hier wird niemand zu seife verarbeitet . . . mein gott ich lauf auch nicht mit ner cy*nkali kapsel im mund rum
1055[01:48:05] *** Quits: Guest37227 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1056[01:48:14] *** Joins: rockerM (rockerM@replaced-ip)
1057[01:48:28] *** Joins: Pazzion (Pazzion@replaced-ip)
1058[01:48:29] <LiQi> wer ist nicht geil?
1059[01:48:34] <LiQi> melde
1060[01:48:38] <LiQi> melden
1061[01:48:39] <LiQi> ^^
1062[01:48:53] <LiQi> gibts hier wen?
1063[01:49:02] *** Parts: Pazzion (Pazzion@replaced-ip)
1064[01:49:06] *** Quits: Guest_384 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1065[01:49:12] <Guest_689> ungeile raus
1066[01:49:30] *** Quits: hotgirl (hotgirl@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1067[01:50:42] <Guest59829> welches girl will schwanz sehen
1068[01:51:04] *** Quits: Lara24stillt (Lara24stillt@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1069[01:51:07] <Guest_689> ja, den von meinem kerl
1070[01:51:24] <LiQi> Musik?
1071[01:51:34] *** Parts: Lyra (Silver@replaced-ip)
1072[01:51:42] <LiQi> poste doch mal wer (eine) was
1073[01:51:59] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1074[01:52:00] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1075[01:52:01] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 134
1076[01:52:02] <LiQi> Destillers? Drain the blood?
1077[01:52:04] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1078[01:52:05] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1079[01:52:07] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1080[01:52:07] *** Joins: Alexander33 (Alexander33@replaced-ip)
1081[01:52:09] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1082[01:52:18] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1083[01:52:23] <Guest_689> simon and garfunkel?
1084[01:52:27] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1085[01:52:28] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1086[01:52:40] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
1087[01:52:54] <bobiat> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1088[01:52:57] <LiQi> ACTION the distillers - drain the blood
1089[01:53:09] *** Guest is now known as Guest67849
1090[01:53:14] <LiQi> ACTION replaced-url
1091[01:53:43] *** Joins: Sasha (Sasha@replaced-ip)
1092[01:54:12] *** Sasha is now known as Guest61022
1093[01:54:17] *** Quits: Guest67849 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1094[01:54:28] <LiQi> gotta gotta Musik to listen to?
1095[01:54:29] <LiQi> ^^
1096[01:54:48] *** Quits: Guest61022 (Sasha@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1097[01:55:10] <LiQi> nee
1098[01:55:15] <LiQi> Frauen sind aus
1099[01:55:18] <LiQi> weg
1100[01:55:27] *** Quits: Mola (Mola@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1101[01:55:32] <LiQi> wie die Entfrauen
1102[01:55:34] *** Quits: Eazz_ (rooms@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
1103[01:55:39] <LiQi> wir haben sie verloren
1104[01:55:45] *** Joins: Tirili_mongol (Tirili_mongol@replaced-ip)
1105[01:55:50] <LiQi> aus gutem Grunde
1106[01:55:55] <LiQi> :))))
1107[01:56:04] <Tirili_mongol> Tirili
1108[01:56:16] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1109[01:56:19] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1110[01:56:21] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1111[01:56:25] *** Parts: bobiat (bobiat@replaced-ip)
1112[01:56:26] <LiQi> dich soll noch wer geil machen?
1113[01:56:30] <LiQi> nee oder?
1114[01:56:31] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1115[01:56:33] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1116[01:56:35] *** Joins: Besucherin (Besucherin@replaced-ip)
1117[01:56:36] *** Parts: Alexander33 (Alexander33@replaced-ip)
1118[01:56:37] <LiQi> das reicht auch so schon
1119[01:56:40] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1120[01:56:40] <Guest_689> musik versteht mich einfach nicht
1121[01:56:43] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1122[01:56:43] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1123[01:56:45] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1124[01:56:48] *** Quits: adi_21 (adi_21@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1125[01:56:49] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1126[01:57:32] *** Joins: Guest_200 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1127[01:57:52] *** Parts: Guest55914 (Danilo@replaced-ip)
1128[01:57:54] *** Joins: hotdennis23 (hotdennis23@replaced-ip)
1129[01:58:06] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1130[01:58:16] <LiQi> People meet people
1131[01:58:22] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1132[01:58:23] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1133[01:58:26] <LiQi> some are bad
1134[01:58:32] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1135[01:58:38] <LiQi> gua gua
1136[01:58:44] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1137[01:58:45] <LiQi> gua gua
1138[01:58:46] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1139[01:58:48] <LiQi> gua gua
1140[01:58:51] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1141[01:58:51] <LiQi> gua gua
1142[01:58:58] <LiQi> nothing to tell guy
1143[01:59:01] *** Quits: EngerString19_w (EngerString19_w@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1144[01:59:01] <LiQi> leave
1145[01:59:07] *** Quits: hotdennis23 (hotdennis23@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1146[01:59:10] <Guest_689> waaah ich bekomm hier gar keinen zusammenhang mehr
1147[01:59:12] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1148[01:59:13] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1149[01:59:14] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1150[01:59:15] <LiQi> could you?
1151[01:59:17] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1152[01:59:18] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1153[01:59:18] <LiQi> leave
1154[01:59:20] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1155[01:59:20] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1156[01:59:22] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1157[01:59:28] <LiQi> leave
1158[01:59:32] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1159[01:59:36] <LiQi> leave
1160[01:59:53] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1161[01:59:54] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1162[01:59:56] *** Joins: car_usa (car_usa@replaced-ip)
1163[02:00:00] <car_usa> Hi Germany
1164[02:00:00] <LiQi> poor
1165[02:00:05] <car_usa> poor?
1166[02:00:05] <LiQi> Hi USA
1167[02:00:07] <car_usa> hi
1168[02:00:12] <car_usa> ru poor?
1169[02:00:14] *** Joins: hotdennis23 (hotdennis23@replaced-ip)
1170[02:00:16] <LiQi> this jewish lost head spammong
1171[02:00:17] <car_usa> need money?
1172[02:00:24] <LiQi> no
1173[02:00:25] <car_usa> huh?
1174[02:00:33] <car_usa> i am Catholic
1175[02:00:41] *** Joins: Guest99792 (oxymoron@replaced-ip)
1176[02:00:43] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1177[02:00:45] <LiQi> money is Gold or Silver man
1178[02:00:46] <LiQi> ^^
1179[02:00:47] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1180[02:00:49] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1181[02:00:51] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1182[02:00:54] <car_usa> wow]
1183[02:00:57] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1184[02:00:58] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1185[02:01:02] <car_usa> how can u write so fast?
1186[02:01:04] <car_usa> lol
1187[02:01:05] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1188[02:01:06] <LiQi> Guy could you shut uppa your face?
1189[02:01:07] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1190[02:01:09] *** Quits: Florian (Florian@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1191[02:01:14] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1192[02:01:18] <car_usa> wow
1193[02:01:21] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1194[02:01:32] <car_usa> this room so far sucks :(
1195[02:01:34] *** Quits: kleineEule (kleineEule@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1196[02:01:36] *** Quits: Moritz94 (Moritz94@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1197[02:01:39] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1198[02:01:40] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1199[02:01:46] <car_usa> fuck u all
1200[02:01:48] <Guest_689> car_usa thats what you cal a spambot
1201[02:01:57] <car_usa> ok
1202[02:02:12] <car_usa> they should disallow snap shits
1203[02:02:20] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1204[02:02:22] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1205[02:02:39] <car_usa> if your a jew just leave
1206[02:02:44] <car_usa> simple
1207[02:02:56] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1208[02:02:57] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1209[02:03:04] *** Quits: Guest_200 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1210[02:03:07] <car_usa> Jude is a name
1211[02:03:13] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1212[02:03:13] <car_usa> fucking bitch
1213[02:03:15] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1214[02:03:16] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1215[02:03:19] *** Quits: fred (fred@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1216[02:03:25] <car_usa> Jude is a boys name
1217[02:03:29] *** Joins: GuestM41 (GuestM41@replaced-ip)
1218[02:03:31] <car_usa> its not jewish
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1222[02:03:48] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
1223[02:03:50] <Tirili_mongol> Look who is here Yedidya the op of Israel chat room. Shameless jew that went back to live in Germany the nation of murderes just because he loves money.Shame on u yedidya jew without any self respect !!! dont tell ppl u r jewish !!! Yedidya i wish u to marry german christian girl than when u made her angry she will tell u:"shut up jude or i made you a "soa p
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1226[02:04:20] <Aries^away> 1[Tirili_mongol1] 01STOP THE SPAM NOW
1227[02:04:21] <car_usa> jews should stick to comdey
1228[02:04:28] <Aries^away> 01god damn
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1232[02:05:16] <car_usa> who cares for your personal life?
1233[02:05:20] <car_usa> not me
1234[02:05:43] <car_usa> care for yourself
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1238[02:05:57] <Guest_689> more shocking is what he tells about soap
1239[02:05:59] <car_usa> care for your family
1240[02:06:10] <car_usa> i know all about it
1241[02:06:13] *** Parts: ayse17w (ayse17w@replaced-ip)
1242[02:06:13] <car_usa> Past is Past
1243[02:06:16] *** Parts: Pazzion (Pazzion@replaced-ip)
1244[02:06:19] <car_usa> move forward
1245[02:06:19] *** Quits: Guest99792 (oxymoron@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1246[02:06:27] <car_usa> Hitler is dead
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1250[02:06:43] <car_usa> fuck hitler
1251[02:06:43] *** car_usa was kicked by Autobot (Your behaviour is inappropriate. Please change your way of chatting.)
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1255[02:07:17] <RS_Lehrer_Grun> ^^
1256[02:07:24] <Guest_689> so h*tler is ok to say but f*ck not
1257[02:07:35] <Guest_689> crazy world
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1271[02:11:22] <Guest_689> also irgendwie nichts los hier
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1285[02:15:24] <Guest34980> Hi!!
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1288[02:15:53] <Guest66787_749> Hi
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1296[02:17:08] <Guest_689> ich bin genervt und geh schlafen
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1299[02:17:38] <Guest_689> gute nacht an die dunkle seite
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1304[02:20:27] <Monique> ich mag shemale
1305[02:21:10] <LiQi> man Judeninvasion heute
1306[02:21:20] <LiQi> magst Du
1307[02:21:23] <LiQi> na dann
1308[02:21:26] <LiQi> lol
1309[02:21:31] <LiQi> ich mag Frauen
1310[02:21:32] *** Parts: Happy_Day_M (Happy_Day_M@replaced-ip)
1311[02:21:42] <LiQi> sowas soll noch vorkommen
1312[02:23:09] <Monique> was meinst du
1313[02:23:20] *** Quits: Crossi (gilgksvjrjfpdg@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1314[02:23:33] <LiQi> das ich Frauen mag
1315[02:23:38] *** Quits: PapamitSkype (PapamitSkype@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
1316[02:23:42] <LiQi> oder das was ich gedagt habe
1317[02:23:46] *** Quits: FKK_Stefan (FKK_Stefan@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1318[02:23:54] <LiQi> gesagt
1319[02:23:59] *** Quits: Dirk_72 (Dirk_72@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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1324[02:24:40] <LiQi> meinst DU auch etwas?
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1326[02:25:02] *** Parts: Corporel (Corporel@replaced-ip)
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1328[02:25:22] <LiQi> ACTION The Distillers - City of Angels(HQ)
1329[02:25:28] <LiQi> Musik?
1330[02:25:31] <LiQi> nice nice
1331[02:25:31] *** Joins: TechieGirl_OK (TechieGirl_OK@replaced-ip)
1332[02:25:44] <LiQi> ACTION replaced-url
1333[02:25:53] *** Parts: Tirili_mongol (Tirili_mongol@replaced-ip)
1334[02:25:54] <LiQi> listen or leave it
1335[02:26:10] *** Joins: Dirk_72 (Dirk_72@replaced-ip)
1336[02:26:17] <LiQi> ^^
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1343[02:28:46] <LiQi> so ein Haufen Feiglinge
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1346[02:30:10] <LiQi> oh ein OP
1347[02:30:22] <LiQi> nee ees war nur der Autobot
1348[02:30:33] <LiQi> Schreck lass nach
1349[02:30:41] *** Joins: tomi28 (tomi28@replaced-ip)
1350[02:30:51] <Guest46491> hello
1351[02:31:00] <LiQi> ist nich eine Frau in die ein Wort wagt?
1352[02:31:03] <LiQi> neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
1353[02:31:07] *** Parts: zika (zika@replaced-ip)
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1355[02:31:22] <Guest46491> are you chinese?
1356[02:31:30] <LiQi> shi de
1357[02:31:34] <LiQi> ni ne?
1358[02:31:37] <Guest46491> e ....
1359[02:31:48] <Guest46491> ni shi na li ren
1360[02:31:55] <LiQi> ni hui shuo hua ma?
1361[02:32:01] <LiQi> de guo de
1362[02:32:26] <LiQi> wo shi de guo ren
1363[02:32:31] <LiQi> ni ne?
1364[02:32:58] <LiQi> shuo hua ya
1365[02:32:59] *** Parts: Ceiliagurl (Ceiliagurl@replaced-ip)
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1367[02:33:03] *** Parts: Sunshine15 (Sunshine15@replaced-ip)
1368[02:33:09] <Guest46491> you say you are chinese ?
1369[02:33:32] <LiQi> shi de
1370[02:33:32] *** Joins: Sunshine15 (Sunshine15@replaced-ip)
1371[02:33:37] <Guest46491> but i dont know where is de guo
1372[02:33:50] <LiQi> ni shi na ge guo jia de ren?
1373[02:33:57] <LiQi> Deutschland
1374[02:34:00] <LiQi> ^^
1375[02:34:22] <LiQi> Land of Morality
1376[02:34:28] *** Joins: Sarah_Rs (Sarah_Rs@replaced-ip)
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1380[02:35:06] <Guest46491> but you say you are chinese at just
1381[02:35:08] <LiQi> Du bist nich aus das Land von Moral?
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1384[02:35:51] <RS_Lehrer_Grun> hey ^^
1385[02:36:02] <LiQi> huali le
1386[02:36:07] <Bonner28> ein nettes girl da zum chatten?
1387[02:36:12] *** Parts: HotSkypeM (HotSkypeM@replaced-ip)
1388[02:36:13] <LiQi> klar
1389[02:36:15] <Guest46491> hey
1390[02:36:52] <LiQi> ACTION grinst
1391[02:37:01] *** Parts: Guest46491 (kate@replaced-ip)
1392[02:37:15] <LiQi> oder?
1393[02:37:19] <LiQi> keine?
1394[02:37:22] <LiQi> schade
1395[02:37:36] <LiQi> sowas kommt vor^^
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1398[02:38:20] <LiQi> Na gute Nacht
1399[02:38:24] <Guest_999_611> hello
1400[02:38:30] <Guest_999_611> Fucking nazi's
1401[02:38:37] <LiQi> nimen shui hao de jiao
1402[02:38:51] <LiQi> Nazi bin ich
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1404[02:38:55] *** Parts: TheArabicTouch (TheArabicTouch@replaced-ip)
1405[02:39:01] <LiQi> viel Spass noch Idiot
1406[02:39:10] <LiQi> wan an
1407[02:39:31] *** Quits: LiQi (LiQi@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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1449[03:01:31] <Aries> back
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1510[03:36:02] <Aries> well this is such a beautiful morning/night with out any DISRUPTION
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1531[03:45:24] <BerLNn> skype?
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1537[03:48:20] <Aries> well like i said 10 MINUTES AGO BEFORE #ENGLISH - MARISHA AND #FRENCH GUEST_481 APPEARS AND GOT BANNED,this is such a beautiful morning/night with out any DISRUPTION
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1605[04:16:50] <Aries> Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child ft. John Martin
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1607[04:18:46] <Rainer> Eine Sie Lust ?
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1622[04:26:02] <Rainer> Eine Sie Lust ?
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1624[04:27:29] <Aries> back and ty :D
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1626[04:27:54] <Aries> Avicii - Wake Me Up
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1637[04:35:50] <Aries> Nicky Romero - Toulouse
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1647[04:43:19] <Rainer> Eine Sie Lust ?
1648[04:43:27] <Aries> SKRILLEX - Bangarang feat. Sirah
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1650[04:47:24] <Aries> Martin Garrix - Animals
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1659[04:51:08] <Aries> David Guetta - Play Hard ft. Ne-Yo, Akon
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1695[05:17:38] <Rainer> Eine Sie Lust ?
1696[05:18:49] <fesselnd_m44> 14fu12*14k
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1730[05:36:51] <Camilo> Halo
1731[05:36:58] <Camilo> Wie gehts es dir?
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1877[07:01:46] <anika> girls da die schon mall von anderen girls erpresst ,erwischt oder erniedringt wurden bitte melden girls da die schon mall andere girls erpresst benutzt oder mishandelt haben oder es wurden bitte melden
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1880[07:02:50] <anika> hay
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2005[07:40:09] <Schleckie46> ne sie lust auf chat oder cam?
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2014[07:43:01] <StarTrek___> Lisa_19 mal am Pooooooo fassen xD. Oh schön fest
2015[07:43:27] <StarTrek___> XD
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2024[07:46:20] <StarTrek___> Ich och teufelchenaway gehst du mit mir auch xD
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2032[07:48:59] <Guest_4> Namaste
2033[07:49:02] <Guest_4> i am from Nepal
2034[07:49:14] <Guest_4> any one want to talk wiht me?
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2047[07:52:23] <Lisa85C> w sucht m hast du mal deine eltern erwischt
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2060[07:55:21] <Sandy_R> 1218 13F 12U.S.A. 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Sandy.Reins
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2065[07:55:51] <Schleckie46> hi bea
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2109[08:09:42] <bea> morgen
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2122[08:14:01] <Triene> moin
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2135[08:16:27] <Triene> kaffee trink*
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2137[08:17:21] <naturfreund> na na
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2140[08:17:36] <Triene> wasn?
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2142[08:17:43] <Triene> ich schlubber nich!
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2147[08:18:14] <Lisa85C> hast du mal deine eltern erwischt
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2154[08:19:49] <abdo> hallo
2155[08:19:57] <Lisa85C> hast du mal deine eltern erwischt
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2160[08:20:50] <abdo> anyone konw english
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2187[08:27:36] <abdo> ich will german lernen
2188[08:27:37] <intruder> hallo guten tag jemand lust auf einige (nette) bilder meiner frau ??
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2209[08:31:26] <intruder> guten morgen
2210[08:31:47] <abdo> guten morgen intruder
2211[08:32:01] <intruder> alles klar bei euch
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2220[08:35:04] <intruder> jemand lust auf bilder meiner frau ?
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2226[08:35:25] <intruder> ??
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2243[08:39:46] <ausfrager> ein girl interesse?
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2258[08:44:55] <olli> balu??
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2276[08:49:17] <Sweet_Typ> hey ein girl lust zu chatten? schreibt mir
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2288[08:50:41] <Balu> olli
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2296[08:52:51] <ausfrager> ein girl interesse?
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2301[08:53:55] <rs_m17> eine w lust auf n rsp mit m17? pls pm me
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2320[08:56:30] <berlin> hallo.guten morgen
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2328[08:57:22] <berlin> ???
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2330[08:58:13] <berlin> ich bin turkisch. und ich mochte deutsch sprechen.only
2331[08:58:23] <berlin> ??
2332[08:58:29] <Mana[t]i> Guten Morgen allerseits im Chan.
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2334[08:59:10] <berlin> guten Morgen
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2337[08:59:33] <berlin> ich
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2339[08:59:56] <berlin> naturlich :))
2340[08:59:56] <Aries^Away> Mouse on the Keys - An Anxious Object (Full album, HD) 33:56
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2344[09:00:23] <Sandy_R> 1218 13F 12U.S.A. 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Sandy.Reins
2345[09:00:30] <berlin> wer wohnt in berlin??
2346[09:00:41] <lehrer_streng> wer hat schonmal girls besoffen gefunden oder besoffen gemacht privat melden
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2350[09:01:23] <berlin> niemand
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2352[09:01:43] <berlin> ??
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2366[09:05:56] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
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2368[09:05:59] <Sandy_R> 1218 13F 12U.S.A. 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Sandy.Reins
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2371[09:06:38] <olli> 464
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2373[09:08:13] <Sandy_R> 1218 13F 12U.S.A. 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Sandy.Reins
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2375[09:08:34] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
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2377[09:08:53] <B[a]lu> willst du auch ne heisse suppe olli?
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2379[09:09:25] <olli> suppe??
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2381[09:09:33] <olli> ich schmeiss nacher den grill an...
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2383[09:09:41] <Judith18> was sagt ihr zu push up bhs?
2384[09:09:41] <Nikola> Hi junge
2385[09:09:46] <olli> geiles wetter...ideal zum grilln..
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2387[09:10:20] <olli> Judith18...des is dat selbe wie 22cm die nur 14 sind bei de bengels..
2388[09:10:57] <B[a]lu> noch ist es ja nicht zu warm olli
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2390[09:11:04] <B[a]lu> ich muss erst den garten machen
2391[09:11:07] <B[a]lu> *grml
2392[09:11:15] <olli> hab ich schon gemacht...
2393[09:11:31] <olli> rasen auch schon geschnitten..
2394[09:11:49] <B[a]lu> schneiden vertikutieren
2395[09:11:58] <B[a]lu> und dachrinnen sind am we dran
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2397[09:12:04] <HotboyBMW23> hey Judith 18
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2399[09:12:17] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
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2401[09:12:23] <B[a]lu> noe hart nicht
2402[09:12:28] <B[a]lu> aber arbeit halt
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2405[09:12:52] <olli> und leiden...
2406[09:12:53] <olli> muahahahaha
2407[09:13:03] <B[a]lu> bissu nur der GartenDevote?
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2409[09:13:19] <olli> nene...
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2413[09:13:33] <olli> mich darfs gleich grill meister nenn...
2414[09:13:37] *** Quits: sunset1_ (visulshnnepxef@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2415[09:13:44] <B[a]lu> stranguliert dich bestimmt mit elektrokabel
2416[09:13:51] <B[a]lu> und camst mit deiner harke
2417[09:13:56] <B[a]lu> *lol
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2421[09:14:38] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01as i heard ure a living legend on this network
2422[09:14:40] <olli> wieso bin ich eigentlich noch drinne?? dat akick scheisse raus??
2423[09:15:01] <Juliane> hallo wie gehts
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2428[09:15:19] <B[a]lu> a living legend Aries^Away *lmao
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2432[09:15:53] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
2433[09:16:00] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01u seem to be a mortal now
2434[09:16:19] <B[a]lu> normally ppl tell im a troll
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2436[09:16:27] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2437[09:16:34] <Juliane> wer mag chatten
2438[09:16:43] <B[a]lu> yeah im mortal we have only ONE immortal
2439[09:16:45] <B[a]lu> *lol
2440[09:16:47] *** Quits: basti21_303 (basti21@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2441[09:16:49] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01well i heard something totally diferent about u
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2443[09:16:52] <HotboyBMW23> ich juliane
2444[09:17:07] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01something dark
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2450[09:17:21] <Aries^Away> 01with alot of deep inside it
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2452[09:17:32] <School_Girly> hi, eine w hier die chatten mag? bitte privi melden, danke
2453[09:17:33] <B[a]lu> i know what i did :D
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2455[09:17:49] <B[a]lu> times changed in here
2456[09:18:00] <B[a]lu> no space for me anymore in that crap
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2458[09:18:02] <B[a]lu> :D
2459[09:18:06] *** Quits: D-Daisy (D-Daisy@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2460[09:18:15] <HotboyBMW23> hai juliane ich hab dich angeschrieben
2461[09:18:27] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01that sound really sad
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2464[09:18:36] <Aries^Away> 01and yes
2465[09:18:43] <Sandy_R> 1218 13F 12U.S.A. 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Sandy.Reins
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2469[09:18:48] <Aries^Away> 01the same happen me with RuneScape
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2471[09:19:04] <B[a]lu> sad but true
2472[09:19:14] <Aries^Away> 01and yes
2473[09:19:23] <Sandy_R> 1218 13F 12U.S.A. 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Sandy.Reins
2474[09:19:35] <Aries^Away> 01sometimes to ruin an entire project
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2476[09:19:46] <Aries^Away> 01the sad true
2477[09:19:46] *** Joins: Mela09 (Mela09@replaced-ip)
2478[09:19:51] <B[a]lu> yep
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2484[09:20:41] <B[a]lu> im just a chatter
2485[09:20:42] <olli> war oder is Aries^Away net auch nen op???
2486[09:20:57] *** Parts: Mathilda (xxx@replaced-ip)
2487[09:20:59] <B[a]lu> ne glaub nicht olli
2488[09:21:07] <B[a]lu> they cant get rid of me Aries^Away
2489[09:21:07] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ure more than that as i heard
2490[09:21:08] <B[a]lu> :D
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2493[09:21:12] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ik
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2495[09:21:13] <HotboyBMW23> Juliane ??
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2497[09:21:39] <Extra> Hi mollige Sie hier die chatten mag ??privat melden
2498[09:21:44] <Nikola> Wie geht's?
2499[09:21:47] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01idk why they want to do that to u anyway
2500[09:21:53] *** Parts: HardcoreGuy (Dominant@replaced-ip)
2501[09:21:56] <HotboyBMW23> hey nikola bist du w ?
2502[09:21:59] <Aries^Away> 01is a OVERPOWER CONTROL
2503[09:22:19] <B[a]lu> if i see things that were not ok i v never shushed
2504[09:22:24] <lehrer_streng> wer hat schonmal girls besoffen gefunden oder besoffen gemacht privat melden
2505[09:22:31] <B[a]lu> and i wont shush in future either
2506[09:22:33] <Nikola> Ich komme Aus Polen
2507[09:22:43] <Nikola> Ich Lerne Deutsch
2508[09:22:50] *** Quits: HotboyBMW23 (HotboyBMW23@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2509[09:23:02] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01damn
2510[09:23:16] <ER44_NRW> hallo
2511[09:23:23] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01so this network will die like a 9 year old girl with cancer
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2515[09:24:05] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
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2519[09:24:44] <ausfrager> ein girl interesse?
2520[09:24:52] <beiboot> keine macht den doofen
2521[09:25:05] <Extra> Hi mollige Sie hier die chatten mag ??privat melden
2522[09:25:09] <B[a]lu> i dont know Aries^Away
2523[09:25:23] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ic
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2525[09:25:27] *** Parts: Lehrerin (Lehrerin@replaced-ip)
2526[09:25:34] <Aries^Away> 01well at least ure nick is registered
2527[09:25:37] <B[a]lu> i would sort that crap within a month
2528[09:25:43] *** Quits: sven381 (ibmunhugkcxqty@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2529[09:25:47] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ik
2530[09:25:49] *** Quits: Manu (Manu@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2531[09:25:53] <B[a]lu> it was frozen untill it dropped
2532[09:25:58] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ik ik
2533[09:26:07] *** Quits: anne17 (ibmunhugkcxqty@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2534[09:26:09] <B[a]lu> due to publishing cyberlogs from an active ircop
2535[09:26:12] <B[a]lu> *lol
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2537[09:26:17] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2538[09:26:26] <Aries^Away> 01as i see
2539[09:26:40] *** Joins: PrallVolle-E (PrallVolle-E@replaced-ip)
2540[09:26:40] <Aries^Away> 01this network is UNRECOGNISABLE
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2543[09:26:51] <Aries^Away> 01as it was in the PAST
2544[09:27:06] <B[a]lu> it had lots of good periods
2545[09:27:14] *** Quits: Landwirt (Landwirt@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2546[09:27:15] <Aries^Away> 01and people
2547[09:27:17] <B[a]lu> but since two years
2548[09:27:29] <Aries^Away> 01ik
2549[09:27:29] <B[a]lu> you only see one direction in here
2550[09:27:34] <B[a]lu> down the hill
2551[09:27:35] <Extra> Hi mollige Sie hier die chatten mag ??privat melden
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2554[09:27:56] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01i would like to say this is like an airplane
2555[09:28:04] <Aries^Away> 01and is direct to CRASH
2556[09:28:15] <B[a]lu> are a train with 200 mph
2557[09:28:22] <B[a]lu> *or
2558[09:28:26] <Aries^Away> 01in a curve?
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2562[09:28:54] <B[a]lu> we all see the light at the and of the tunnel .... disappearing
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2564[09:28:55] <B[a]lu> *lol
2565[09:28:58] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
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2568[09:29:02] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2569[09:29:22] <Ko-Myk-Coc> ....EHEFRAUEN DA?
2570[09:29:22] <B[a]lu> it is indeed
2571[09:29:23] <Aries^Away> 01i like this network
2572[09:29:28] <[Isa]> !seen Fee
2573[09:29:28] *** Joins: BlueEyesM (BlueEyesM@replaced-ip)
2574[09:29:33] <B[a]lu> but they wont hear
2575[09:29:38] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ik
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2577[09:29:46] *** Parts: [Isa] ([Isa]@replaced-ip)
2578[09:29:51] <Nikola> Hi Junge
2579[09:30:00] <B[a]lu> they are busy protecting their own chairs
2580[09:30:01] <Aries^Away> 01sad but true
2581[09:30:05] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ik
2582[09:30:12] <B[a]lu> simple example
2583[09:30:29] <B[a]lu> fesselnd_m44 uses the nick siciliaexpress
2584[09:30:36] <PrallVolle-E> nette girls hier???pm
2585[09:30:36] *** Joins: Matze (Matze@replaced-ip)
2586[09:30:37] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2587[09:30:41] <B[a]lu> turned on away with sicilia-away
2588[09:30:46] <B[a]lu> got banned
2589[09:30:48] <Aries^Away> 01LMAO
2590[09:30:54] *** Quits: nina_242 (nina_242@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2591[09:30:55] <B[a]lu> he didnt the ircops
2592[09:30:59] *** Joins: Turnerin13w (Turnerin13w@replaced-ip)
2593[09:31:03] <B[a]lu> he went to #ophelp
2594[09:31:06] <fesselnd_m44> hallo B[a]lu
2595[09:31:08] <B[a]lu> asked whats up
2596[09:31:10] *** Quits: Studentin_su_WG (Studentin_su_WG@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2597[09:31:14] <Aries^Away> 01and let me guess
2598[09:31:15] *** Quits: GuestIch (GuestIch@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2599[09:31:16] <B[a]lu> got a gline as anwers
2600[09:31:21] <Aries^Away> 01damn
2601[09:31:21] <B[a]lu> :D
2602[09:31:24] *** Joins: suche-willige-w (suche-willige-w@replaced-ip)
2603[09:31:25] <B[a]lu> moin fesselnd_m44
2604[09:31:26] *** Parts: anna9j (anna9j@replaced-ip)
2605[09:31:26] <Aries^Away> 01i was about to say that
2606[09:31:34] <B[a]lu> thats icq
2607[09:31:39] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2608[09:31:57] <B[a]lu> its called impersonating godfathers
2609[09:31:58] <Aries^Away> 01like i said
2610[09:32:02] *** Joins: And3rs (me@replaced-ip)
2611[09:32:03] <B[a]lu> :D
2612[09:32:04] <Aries^Away> 01OVERPOWERED
2613[09:32:10] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2614[09:32:14] *** Quits: Joachim56 (Joachim56@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2615[09:32:14] <Aries^Away> 01and let me guess
2616[09:32:27] *** Joins: merna (merna@replaced-ip)
2617[09:32:42] <Aries^Away> 01LIBRA is playing the role of DON CORLEONE
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2619[09:32:50] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01
2620[09:32:58] *** Joins: Guest_713 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2621[09:33:02] <B[a]lu> im really not sure if she still does
2622[09:33:12] *** Joins: heidi (heidi@replaced-ip)
2623[09:33:19] <heidi> hallo
2624[09:33:22] <B[a]lu> we have a new jun. dictator
2625[09:33:24] <Guest_713> hey
2626[09:33:27] *** Guest_713 is now known as Guest96558
2627[09:33:27] <Guest96558> heidi
2628[09:33:29] <B[a]lu> protected by her
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2631[09:33:47] <PrallVolle-E> lllreplaced-url
2632[09:33:49] <B[a]lu> i really dont know
2633[09:33:53] <Aries^Away> 01damn
2634[09:33:57] <B[a]lu> im wondering everyday
2635[09:34:02] *** Joins: Jonas_174 (Jonas_174@replaced-ip)
2636[09:34:04] <Aries^Away> 01me too
2637[09:34:17] <Aries^Away> 01i have names but nothing in concrete
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2640[09:34:37] <B[a]lu> we have at least 7 ircops
2641[09:34:55] <B[a]lu> or lets say 7 ppl with power of an ircop
2642[09:34:59] *** Quits: Ko-Myk-Coc (Ko-Myk-Coc@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2643[09:35:04] <B[a]lu> 2000 users gone
2644[09:35:10] <B[a]lu> in average
2645[09:35:10] <Aries^Away> 01LOL
2646[09:35:17] <Sandy_R> 1218 13F 12U.S.A. 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Sandy.Reins
2647[09:35:23] <B[a]lu> two years ahead
2648[09:35:35] <Aries^Away> 01they will keep it like is
2649[09:35:36] <B[a]lu> one ircop on 20 pedofills
2650[09:35:37] <Aries^Away> 01atm
2651[09:35:39] <Aries^Away> 01LOl
2652[09:35:45] *** Quits: Sandy_R (SandyR@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2653[09:35:49] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
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2655[09:35:56] <Annkatrin_> hi
2656[09:36:01] *** Joins: TrierM31 (TrierM31@replaced-ip)
2657[09:36:05] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
2658[09:36:27] <B[a]lu> jap olli
2659[09:36:35] <B[a]lu> das ergibt sich daraus
2660[09:36:39] *** Joins: DeinFuerst (celkoranor@replaced-ip)
2661[09:37:10] *** Joins: Anonymus (Anonymus@replaced-ip)
2662[09:37:21] <B[a]lu> if they ll continue like that
2663[09:37:23] <olli> benutzen..
2664[09:37:27] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01yes?
2665[09:37:30] <B[a]lu> its sooner not later
2666[09:37:32] <B[a]lu> :D
2667[09:37:33] *** Joins: Gast123 (Gast123@replaced-ip)
2668[09:37:41] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2669[09:37:42] <Mana[t]i> 04<07B08[09a12]12l13u04> 03n04u07r ne frage 03a04u07s neugier: muss man 03d04e07n Aries kennen?
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2674[09:37:56] <olli> 465
2675[09:37:58] <B[a]lu> nein Mana[t]i
2676[09:38:02] <olli> 466
2677[09:38:20] <Mana[t]i> 14<12B07[05a13]08l07u14> hat nix mit L.+Konsorten 03z04u tun?
2678[09:38:23] *** Freemind is now known as Guest12694
2679[09:38:25] <B[a]lu> nope
2680[09:38:31] <Mana[t]i> 4o3keeee4 ✔ 0,12 —T-h-a-n-k—y-o-u—
2681[09:38:40] <Anonymus> bobi
2682[09:38:40] *** Quits: Kleiner_M19 (Kleiner_M19@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2683[09:38:43] <Anonymus> hi
2684[09:38:47] *** Anonymus is now known as bobi
2685[09:38:47] *** Parts: Gast123 (Gast123@replaced-ip)
2686[09:38:47] <Mana[t]i> 11n04i03c07h13t 03d04a07s08s 03i04c07h 03j04a neugierig wäre ....
2687[09:38:48] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01can i ask u something?
2688[09:38:53] <B[a]lu> sure
2689[09:38:56] *** Quits: Gast234 (Gast234@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2692[09:39:20] <B[a]lu> but dun expect an answer on everything
2693[09:39:21] <B[a]lu> :D
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2696[09:40:50] <B[a]lu> i left because of backstabbing in the team 50% reason
2697[09:40:54] <Mana[t]i> 03h05e 08h09e 13h06e07e08e10e13e 10<07B05[05a03]11l03u10> nett gefragt von 03d04e07m widder
2698[09:41:19] <B[a]lu> the next 50 % was that admins told us to hide while switching servers
2699[09:41:39] <B[a]lu> im here coz i still have a lot of friends
2700[09:41:52] <B[a]lu> i was a chatter b4 and after it
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2703[09:42:26] <B[a]lu> and if i would get back global op i would fire 90 % of the active ops
2704[09:42:30] <B[a]lu> atm
2705[09:42:31] <B[a]lu> :D
2706[09:42:37] <Mana[t]i> 03<05A12r11i10e05s05^09A04w09a07y03> and we all love our 12<07B12[03a13]10l10u12>
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2709[09:42:47] <Nico> huhu
2710[09:42:49] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ic
2711[09:43:05] <B[a]lu> and get 50 % fired ops back
2712[09:43:09] <Extra> Hi mollige Sie hier die chatten mag ??privat melden
2713[09:43:17] <nacktchatter> skype casaherby wenn du meinen schwanz sehen willst
2714[09:43:18] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ic
2715[09:43:23] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01and why dont u do that?
2716[09:43:29] <Aries^Away> 01i mean
2717[09:43:30] <B[a]lu> *lol
2718[09:43:34] *** Quits: Matze (Matze@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2719[09:43:43] *** Joins: Aussie37Bloke (Aussie37Bloke@replaced-ip)
2720[09:43:43] <B[a]lu> 1 ircops against 7 active ircops?
2721[09:43:50] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ic
2722[09:43:57] <B[a]lu> i wouldnt get one vote to get back atm
2723[09:44:02] <Aries^Away> 01the history was true after all
2724[09:44:11] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2725[09:44:13] *** Parts: Aussie37Bloke (Aussie37Bloke@replaced-ip)
2726[09:44:18] <Aries^Away> 01so ure a king with out a crown
2727[09:44:21] <Aries^Away> 01ic
2728[09:44:25] <B[a]lu> *lol
2729[09:44:26] <B[a]lu> nope
2730[09:44:36] <B[a]lu> im a helper without an hospital
2731[09:44:39] *** Joins: Chris28Berlin (Chris28Berlin@replaced-ip)
2732[09:44:40] <B[a]lu> call it like that
2733[09:45:04] <B[a]lu> *lol
2734[09:45:07] <B[a]lu> that fits
2735[09:45:11] *** Quits: Jim_Bob (kdvpvwbncbjrad@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2736[09:45:16] <B[a]lu> mama without tits
2737[09:45:20] *** Quits: Guest96558 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2738[09:45:23] <Aries^Away> 01that too
2739[09:45:24] <KleinesGirly> <-------------- langeweile hat !!!
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2742[09:45:52] <ER44_NRW> hi
2743[09:45:54] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01so they can rid u off even if they want to
2744[09:45:55] <Aries^Away> 01XD
2745[09:45:55] *** Joins: klaus51 (klaus51@replaced-ip)
2746[09:46:05] <B[a]lu> the tried Aries^Away
2747[09:46:10] <Aries^Away> 01ik
2748[09:46:19] <B[a]lu> but the world has trillion ips
2749[09:46:23] <Aries^Away> 01someone told me
2750[09:46:30] <Aries^Away> 01that an cop
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2752[09:46:37] <Aries^Away> 01erase
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2754[09:46:58] <Aries^Away> 01too
2755[09:47:07] <B[a]lu> the froze my nicks
2756[09:47:11] <Aries^Away> 01ik
2757[09:47:29] <B[a]lu> they might have forgotten to set it on forbidden
2758[09:47:31] <B[a]lu> :D
2759[09:47:32] *** Quits: suche-willige-w (suche-willige-w@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2760[09:47:43] <B[a]lu> and my rooms are closed
2761[09:47:46] <B[a]lu> thats right
2762[09:47:54] <Aries^Away> 01as ic
2763[09:47:56] <B[a]lu> even rooms from friends
2764[09:48:02] <Aries^Away> 01they HATE u
2765[09:48:10] <B[a]lu> with the comment " we dun care who sit as founder"
2766[09:48:10] <Aries^Away> 01but my question is why?
2767[09:48:17] <Aries^Away> 01wow
2768[09:48:19] <B[a]lu> simple
2769[09:48:21] <Aries^Away> 01that was rude
2770[09:48:28] <B[a]lu> i cant shush
2771[09:48:41] *** Quits: TrierM31 (TrierM31@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2772[09:48:45] <B[a]lu> i always stick me fingers in thier wounds
2773[09:48:46] <Aries^Away> 01but as ic
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2776[09:49:13] *** Parts: wesoo (wesoo@replaced-ip)
2777[09:49:20] <B[a]lu> *lol
2778[09:49:36] <B[a]lu> leaks
2779[09:49:41] *** Joins: suche_Herrin (suche_Herrin@replaced-ip)
2780[09:49:42] <Aries^Away> 01ic
2781[09:49:50] <Aries^Away> 01confidential info
2782[09:49:57] <B[a]lu> talking bs about active chanops
2783[09:49:58] *** Quits: Julian12 (Julian12@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2784[09:50:04] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ic
2785[09:50:16] *** Quits: Peitsche (wppufrnjoykebo@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2786[09:50:17] *** Joins: Cute-Gentleman (Cute-Gentleman@replaced-ip)
2787[09:50:20] <B[a]lu> call my edsnowden of icq
2788[09:50:24] <B[a]lu> *lmao
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2791[09:50:40] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2792[09:50:56] * Aries^Away ROFL-LMAO
2793[09:50:58] *** Parts: Iris (Iris@replaced-ip)
2794[09:51:00] *** Joins: steve27 (steve27@replaced-ip)
2795[09:51:07] <B[a]lu> it started when they mobbed gremlin out
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2797[09:51:16] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01whos him?
2798[09:51:20] *** Quits: ChiefSosa (ChiefSosa@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2799[09:51:32] <B[a]lu> took his nicks and rooms for publishing logs and leaks on fb
2800[09:51:44] <B[a]lu> he was longtime ircop
2801[09:51:53] <B[a]lu> much much longer than i was
2802[09:51:58] *** Joins: no_no (yaaic@replaced-ip)
2803[09:52:12] <Aries^Away> 01ic
2804[09:52:24] <B[a]lu> times changed
2805[09:52:24] <Aries^Away> 01but i mean how?
2806[09:52:29] *** Quits: ANTJE42jMutter (ANTJE42jMutter@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2807[09:52:34] <Aries^Away> 01what happen to him?
2808[09:52:46] <B[a]lu> he pasted out from ircop room
2809[09:52:50] <B[a]lu> to facebook
2810[09:52:56] <B[a]lu> after he was driven out
2811[09:52:58] <B[a]lu> :D
2812[09:53:02] <Aries^Away> 01LOL
2813[09:53:02] *** Joins: Marcel701 (tfwlptfdubagkv@replaced-ip)
2814[09:53:05] *** Joins: DD20 (DD20@replaced-ip)
2815[09:53:21] <Aries^Away> 01so let me understand this
2816[09:53:31] <B[a]lu> nope
2817[09:53:35] <B[a]lu> deleted
2818[09:53:37] *** Joins: Dave_Angel (Paul@replaced-ip)
2819[09:53:37] <DD20> hello
2820[09:53:42] <Aries^Away> [02:52] B[a]lu: he pasted out from ircop room
2821[09:53:42] <Aries^Away> [02:52] B[a]lu: to facebook
2822[09:53:42] <Aries^Away> [02:52] B[a]lu: after he was driven out
2823[09:53:42] <Aries^Away> [02:52] B[a]lu: :D
2824[09:53:43] *** Joins: kathrin14 (kathrin14@replaced-ip)
2825[09:53:44] <Aries^Away> 01damn
2826[09:53:44] *** Aries^Away was kicked by Autobot (flood)
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2828[09:54:16] <KleinesGirly> <--- niemand zum chatten da ?????
2829[09:54:20] <Aries^Away> 01hate when that happen
2830[09:54:31] *** Quits: Louis (Louis@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2831[09:54:38] *** Autobot sets mode: -b *!*@6C196A.E62019.685C5C.860A42
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2833[09:54:57] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01
2834[09:55:05] <B[a]lu> *here
2835[09:55:06] *** Parts: DD20 (DD20@replaced-ip)
2836[09:55:09] <Aries^Away> 01idk why the stupid
2837[09:55:15] <ER44_NRW> ........lw
2838[09:55:16] <Aries^Away> 01script
2839[09:55:25] <Aries^Away> 01cant only copy the nick
2840[09:55:29] <B[a]lu> you need a paste delayay
2841[09:55:34] <Aries^Away> 01ik
2842[09:55:47] *** Joins: Rosa_J (RosaJ@replaced-ip)
2843[09:55:48] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01anyways
2844[09:55:57] <nacktchatter> welch sie will mir zusehen
2845[09:55:57] <B[a]lu> they voted to deleted him
2846[09:56:04] <B[a]lu> -d
2847[09:56:05] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2848[09:56:11] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
2849[09:56:12] <Aries^Away> 01really?
2850[09:56:17] <B[a]lu> yep
2851[09:56:24] <B[a]lu> firsttime this ever happened
2852[09:56:27] *** Joins: Johnny (Johnny@replaced-ip)
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2854[09:56:34] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
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2856[09:56:43] <Aries^Away> 01and the next was u right?
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2859[09:56:51] <B[a]lu> nope
2860[09:56:57] *** Quits: Nico (Nico@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2861[09:56:58] <steve27> hi
2862[09:56:59] <Aries^Away> 01who was it then?
2863[09:57:00] *** Quits: Juliane (Juliane@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2864[09:57:01] <B[a]lu> i quit on my one two years b4
2865[09:57:08] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ic
2866[09:57:09] <B[a]lu> gremlin was driven out
2867[09:57:13] *** Quits: Handballer__25 (Handballer__25@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2868[09:57:14] <Aries^Away> 01wow
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2871[09:57:32] <B[a]lu> afterwards
2872[09:57:44] <B[a]lu> he published things on fb
2873[09:57:47] *** Parts: And3rs (me@replaced-ip)
2874[09:57:57] <B[a]lu> therefor his nicks and rooms were taken away
2875[09:58:02] *** Joins: [[Ident]] (jawohlja@replaced-ip)
2876[09:58:04] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
2877[09:58:07] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01but i dont understand what was the problem of that
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2879[09:58:22] <Aries^Away> 01i mean
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2883[09:58:40] <Aries^Away> 01post?
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2888[09:58:51] <B[a]lu> logs from ircop room
2889[09:58:52] *** Joins: m36_sucht_w (m36_sucht_w@replaced-ip)
2890[09:58:57] <B[a]lu> logs from chanops
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2892[09:59:03] <B[a]lu> and so on
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2896[09:59:21] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
2897[09:59:33] <Aries^Away> 01confidential info in publi view
2898[09:59:36] <Aries^Away> 01LOL
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2902[10:00:03] <nacktchatter> wixxe meine morgenlatte skype casaherby
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2911[10:01:59] <Daisy__20> 466-361-533
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2914[10:02:21] <klaus51> moin
2915[10:02:30] *** DerPate__ is now known as DerPate
2916[10:02:51] <B[a]lu> the best example is in your pvt now Aries^Away
2917[10:02:53] <Mania> ui DerPate nerv nerv
2918[10:03:01] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01please
2919[10:03:05] <Mania> mooooje B[a]lu
2920[10:03:09] <Aries^Away> 01send me the link again
2921[10:03:12] <Aries^Away> 01give me a sec
2922[10:03:12] <B[a]lu> moin Mania
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2924[10:03:15] <B[a]lu> ok
2925[10:03:16] <Aries^Away> 01it was blocked
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2928[10:03:31] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
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2931[10:03:37] <B[a]lu> got it?
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2936[10:04:24] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01WTF
2937[10:04:29] <B[a]lu> yep
2938[10:04:32] *** Quits: Mela09 (Mela09@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2939[10:04:33] <Aries^Away> 01is a full document
2940[10:04:36] *** Parts: Enrico22 (Enrico22@replaced-ip)
2941[10:04:39] <Aries^Away> 01full of info
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2944[10:04:41] <Aries^Away> 01wtf
2945[10:04:45] <Schleckie46> ne sie lust auf chat oder cam?
2946[10:04:45] <B[a]lu> one of tones
2947[10:04:48] <Aries^Away> 01sexual harassment
2948[10:04:49] <Aries^Away> 01wtf
2949[10:04:51] <DerPate> Mania, nerv
2950[10:04:56] *** Quits: BlackBoy19 (a@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2951[10:04:58] <Aries^Away> 01LoL
2952[10:05:03] <Mania> :)) immer doch DerPate
2953[10:05:10] *** Quits: mann37 (mann37@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2954[10:05:17] <B[a]lu> that guy is an ircop now
2955[10:05:18] *** Joins: black_dude (black_dude@replaced-ip)
2956[10:05:23] <B[a]lu> wasnt that time
2957[10:05:23] *** Joins: NettER (NettER@replaced-ip)
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2960[10:06:00] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01and who is? u can answer in pm
2961[10:06:03] <Aries^Away> 01and
2962[10:06:17] <Aries^Away> 01Case #2 Lets blame the victim because we are tired of her and her drama. So despite reporting the unwanted sexual harassment its now the victims fault.
2963[10:06:18] <Aries^Away> 01LOL
2964[10:06:19] *** Quits: Finn_22 (Rufus_21@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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2966[10:06:44] *** Joins: M53_su_dev_Jung (M53_su_dev_Jung@replaced-ip)
2967[10:06:44] <B[a]lu> *lmao
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2970[10:06:49] <B[a]lu> nice humor
2971[10:06:52] <B[a]lu> isnt it
2972[10:06:52] <Mania> achne sach bloss NettER
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2976[10:07:26] <nacktchatter> bin nackt vor der cam wer mag zusehen
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2979[10:07:36] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
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2981[10:07:56] <Daisy__20> Hey, ich bin 20 jahre alt und single ... vllt gibts ja nette menschen bis max 27 dir mir schreiben wollen 466-361-533
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2983[10:08:26] <B[a]lu> there tons of logs there
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2985[10:08:40] <Mania> ja ich auch NettER aber wohn immer noch da gg
2986[10:08:44] <B[a]lu> thats why they took his nicks and rooms
2987[10:08:58] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
2988[10:09:00] <Aries^Away> 01sigh.....
2989[10:09:10] <SameoldPrincess> hey, hat jemand Lust auf privat Chat? Bin weiblich,17 und mir ist total langweilig..
2990[10:09:15] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01so is a full mafia
2991[10:09:19] *** Joins: Katrin_75D (Katrin_75D@replaced-ip)
2992[10:09:22] <Aries^Away> 01sigh....
2993[10:09:22] <B[a]lu> *lol
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2995[10:09:24] <B[a]lu> kinda
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2997[10:09:26] <Mania> ich direkt vom ECK NettER
2998[10:09:29] <Aries^Away> 01ereplaced-url
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3000[10:09:31] <Ashlynn21dev> hi
3001[10:09:40] <ER44_NRW> hallo allen
3002[10:09:41] <Aries^Away> 01i send a aplication for op
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3005[10:09:50] <NettER> aus Kowelenz
3006[10:09:50] <Aries^Away> 01but as ic
3007[10:09:52] <B[a]lu> *looooool
3008[10:09:59] <Mania> so iss dat
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3010[10:10:06] <Aries^Away> 01have that privilege
3011[10:10:11] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
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3016[10:10:57] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01idk why i bother to send that aplication anyway
3017[10:10:57] <nacktchatter> welche sie mag beim pissen oder wixxen zusehen
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3019[10:11:04] <NettER> dasrf ich dich privat anschreiben mania?
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3021[10:11:28] <B[a]lu> [02:09:41] <cfic[a]re> do i get zlined like balu ??????????????
3022[10:11:32] <B[a]lu> *lol
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3024[10:11:38] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
3025[10:11:50] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
3026[10:12:02] <B[a]lu> was a period b4 i couldnt shush
3027[10:12:23] <Aries^Away> 01with out offence
3028[10:12:30] <Daisy__20> Hey, ich bin 20 jahre alt und single ... vllt gibts ja nette menschen bis max 27 dir mir schreiben wollen 466-361-533
3029[10:12:30] <klaus51> hi
3030[10:13:02] <Aries^Away> 01ban jump here is like steal a lolipop to a 2 years old baby
3031[10:13:12] <Aries^Away> 01easy as FK
3032[10:13:24] <B[a]lu> my ident that i used to use for 10 years
3033[10:13:27] <B[a]lu> is banned
3034[10:13:34] <pinhead22> lwlw
3035[10:13:39] *** Quits: oss (oss@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3036[10:13:39] <B[a]lu> "due to my latest behaviour"
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3038[10:13:43] <B[a]lu> *lmao
3039[10:13:44] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
3040[10:14:01] <Aries^Away> 01what is the problem of say the TRUTH
3041[10:14:14] <B[a]lu> dun ask me
3042[10:14:20] <B[a]lu> if they ll reread this
3043[10:14:30] <B[a]lu> i will be banned again
3044[10:14:30] <Aries^Away> 01idc really
3045[10:14:42] <Aries^Away> 01i think u think same as me
3046[10:14:43] <B[a]lu> do a whois on caracal Aries^Away
3047[10:14:54] <Aries^Away> 01let me see
3048[10:14:57] <B[a]lu> lolololo
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3052[10:15:16] <Aries^Away> 01i noticed that along time ago
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3054[10:15:33] <Aries^Away> 01but at the end
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3056[10:15:44] <B[a]lu> i nether used that
3057[10:15:44] <Aries^Away> 01what is the point of do that
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3059[10:15:59] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
3060[10:16:06] <Aries^Away> 01if ure NETWORK is dying slowly
3061[10:16:07] <B[a]lu> i only put in a clone in teens rooms
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3063[10:16:23] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01like i said
3064[10:16:23] <B[a]lu> to catch the pedofils
3065[10:16:26] <B[a]lu> thats all
3066[10:16:33] *** Quits: Micha (Micha@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3067[10:16:33] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01ik
3068[10:16:46] *** Quits: Daisy__20 (Daisy__20@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3069[10:16:51] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
3070[10:16:53] <B[a]lu> but spying on my own ops?
3071[10:16:58] <B[a]lu> never ever
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3073[10:17:08] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01like u said
3074[10:17:09] <B[a]lu> this Autobot?
3075[10:17:17] <Aries^Away> 01time changes
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3080[10:18:20] <Aries^Away> 01sigh....
3081[10:18:24] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
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3086[10:19:05] <nacktchatter> geh jetzt unter die dusche welche sie mag zusehen
3087[10:19:06] <w14> hey
3088[10:19:11] <B[a]lu> senseless wast of bandwidth
3089[10:19:16] *** Quits: Guest_69 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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3091[10:19:22] <ER44_NRW> hey
3092[10:19:40] <intruder> lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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3097[10:20:34] <B[a]lu> floods are less
3098[10:20:41] <B[a]lu> than on the old servers
3099[10:20:48] <B[a]lu> protections are better
3100[10:20:50] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01are u fkng kidding me
3101[10:21:09] <B[a]lu> we used to have more
3102[10:21:10] <Aries^Away> 01this is SPAM-LAND
3103[10:21:12] <B[a]lu> in my eyes
3104[10:21:15] *** Quits: cute_gentleman (cute_gentleman@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
3105[10:21:17] <B[a]lu> yeah spam
3106[10:21:21] <rs_basti> welche sie will ein heisses rs? privat melden
3107[10:21:24] <B[a]lu> thats true
3108[10:21:39] *** Quits: Engelchen88 (Engelchen88@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3109[10:21:40] <klaus51> hallo
3110[10:21:42] *** Quits: rs_basti (rs_basti@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3111[10:21:43] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01even my dog can spam the entire network and hes blinded with out paws
3112[10:21:44] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
3113[10:21:44] *** Joins: Ralf_ (Ralf_@replaced-ip)
3114[10:21:48] <lehrer_streng> wer hat schonmal girls besoffen gefunden oder besoffen gemacht privat melden
3115[10:21:57] *** Joins: Mama09 (Mama09@replaced-ip)
3116[10:21:57] <B[a]lu> *lol
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3121[10:22:33] *** Quits: ER-NRW-Muenster (ER-NRW-Muenster@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3122[10:22:50] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01if i got a group of 30 people and i do multi ip with them
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3125[10:23:02] <nacktchatter> spritze gleich in die cam wer mags sehen
3126[10:23:06] <Aries^Away> 01i bet 1$ i can drop the entire server
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3128[10:23:10] <Aries^Away> 01for 1 hr
3129[10:23:12] <Aries^Away> 01at least
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3132[10:23:43] <B[a]lu> i dont know how these servers are set up
3133[10:23:53] <B[a]lu> they changed again after i left
3134[10:23:59] *** Joins: Nico (Nico@replaced-ip)
3135[10:24:09] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
3136[10:24:11] <Nico> huhu mag eine w schreiben pv
3137[10:24:12] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
3138[10:24:30] <Aries^Away> 01he was spamming this
3139[10:24:35] <Aries^Away> 01channel
3140[10:24:44] <Aries^Away> 01and an op called RedDragon
3141[10:24:59] <Aries^Away> 01it took more than 10 minutes to do it
3142[10:25:02] <Aries^Away> 01LOL
3143[10:25:06] <B[a]lu> yep
3144[10:25:12] <B[a]lu> i reread it
3145[10:25:18] <Aries^Away> 01imagine 30 people
3146[10:25:23] <klaus51> hi
3147[10:25:23] <B[a]lu> yep
3148[10:25:26] <Aries^Away> 01for set a number
3149[10:25:29] <B[a]lu> in former times
3150[10:25:31] <Aries^Away> 01for not say more
3151[10:25:40] <Aries^Away> 01with a multi ip
3152[10:25:41] <B[a]lu> you had a 100 bots
3153[10:25:46] <B[a]lu> in here
3154[10:25:48] *** Joins: anneantarktis (anneantarktis@replaced-ip)
3155[10:25:49] <Aries^Away> 01ik
3156[10:25:53] <B[a]lu> nobody couldnt stop
3157[10:25:57] <Aries^Away> 01ik
3158[10:26:00] <B[a]lu> this 30 user
3159[10:26:11] <B[a]lu> would take half a minute
3160[10:26:13] *** Joins: rsmax (rsmax@replaced-ip)
3161[10:26:24] <B[a]lu> set propper modes
3162[10:26:24] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01
3163[10:26:29] <Aries^Away> 01im not saying
3164[10:26:30] <B[a]lu> and remove them
3165[10:26:32] <Aries^Away> 01clones
3166[10:26:34] *** Joins: Micha (Micha@replaced-ip)
3167[10:26:36] <B[a]lu> one by one
3168[10:26:40] <Aries^Away> 01im saying
3169[10:26:41] <Aries^Away> 01irl people
3170[10:26:42] <B[a]lu> i know what you mean
3171[10:26:44] <Aries^Away> 01trying to collapse
3172[10:26:54] <Aries^Away> 01the entire network
3173[10:26:54] <B[a]lu> ddos
3174[10:26:59] <Aries^Away> 01yes
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3177[10:27:19] <Aries^Away> 01sigh...
3178[10:27:31] *** Quits: Katrin_75D (Katrin_75D@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3179[10:27:38] <B[a]lu> i dont know the latest protection on ddosing
3180[10:27:45] *** Parts: Alex_s (Alex_s@replaced-ip)
3181[10:27:46] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01me too
3182[10:27:46] <nacktchatter> skype cadaherby ich spritze ab
3183[10:27:52] *** Joins: bernd (bernd@replaced-ip)
3184[10:27:55] <Aries^Away> 01thats why i should try it
3185[10:27:58] <B[a]lu> this spamming bots are a joke
3186[10:28:10] *** Joins: Manuel (Manuel@replaced-ip)
3187[10:28:12] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01they dont deserve that name
3188[10:28:13] <Manuel> welche sie mag gern mit mir normal via skype oder icq schreiben, reden,oder camen? bitte privat melden
3189[10:28:13] *** Joins: FantasyRSP (FantasyRSP@replaced-ip)
3190[10:28:15] <B[a]lu> but they became fast
3191[10:28:23] <B[a]lu> as a recognized
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3194[10:28:29] <B[a]lu> *lol
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3197[10:29:01] *** Parts: cenk54m (cenk54m@replaced-ip)
3198[10:29:19] <B[a]lu> just a burger and a coke
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3200[10:29:21] <B[a]lu> :D
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3202[10:29:30] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01anyways they should change the SYSTEM before this collapse
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3206[10:30:14] *** Parts: Guest_132 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3207[10:30:14] <B[a]lu> yep
3208[10:30:23] <B[a]lu> but this means a total cut
3209[10:30:32] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01what u mean?
3210[10:30:37] <klaus51> hi
3211[10:30:41] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
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3213[10:30:51] <Daszuviel> 12h14u12h14u
3214[10:31:01] <klaus51> huhudaszuviel
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3216[10:31:07] <Daszuviel> hi klaus
3217[10:31:11] <Daszuviel> nix los was
3218[10:31:12] <B[a]lu> i dont think this 7 ircops would critically reflect their behaviour and their rules
3219[10:31:23] *** Parts: hfz (hfz@replaced-ip)
3220[10:31:31] <Daszuviel> B[a]lu das versteht keiner
3221[10:31:39] <B[a]lu> so you would need totally new staff
3222[10:31:48] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
3223[10:31:53] <steve27> hi
3224[10:31:58] <B[a]lu> isnt it Aries^Away?
3225[10:32:00] *** Quits: mOselMann (mOselMann@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3226[10:32:09] <Aries^Away> 01sigh...
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3228[10:32:34] <B[a]lu> 3213 (09:14:32) (Aries^Away) [B[a]lu] as i heard ure a living legend on this network <<<<<<<< :P
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3230[10:32:42] <B[a]lu> they are not
3231[10:32:49] *** Joins: MissMel (MissMel@replaced-ip)
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3236[10:33:06] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01IK
3237[10:33:10] <Daszuviel> will auch ne lebende legende werden
3238[10:33:13] <klaus51> moin MissMel
3239[10:33:15] <Daszuviel> was muss ich machen
3240[10:33:21] <MissMel> moin klaus
3241[10:33:24] <B[a]lu> but i wont come back
3242[10:33:25] <B[a]lu> :D
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3246[10:33:40] <Aurelia> Guten Morgen ihr lieben :)
3247[10:33:45] <Fesselnder> tag ;)
3248[10:33:50] <B[a]lu> only for a few weeks to help new staff
3249[10:33:54] <Daszuviel> 12m14oin12 m14oin Aurelia
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3252[10:33:57] <B[a]lu> but never again
3253[10:34:01] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 166
3254[10:34:01] <reiferM_sucht_W> hello aurelia
3255[10:34:03] <klaus51> moin aurelia
3256[10:34:09] <B[a]lu> for longer
3257[10:34:12] <Daszuviel> balu
3258[10:34:14] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01like i said that will never happen
3259[10:34:20] <B[a]lu> yep Aries^Away
3260[10:34:21] <Aurelia> Hey reifer w
3261[10:34:21] <Daszuviel> es antworted doch garnet
3262[10:34:24] <Aurelia> hey klaus
3263[10:34:29] <B[a]lu> doch tut es
3264[10:34:31] <Daszuviel> ui doch in schwarz
3265[10:34:31] <Aries^Away> 01i would like to join
3266[10:34:38] <B[a]lu> *lol Aries^Away
3267[10:34:38] <Daszuviel> daher seh ich nix soso
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3270[10:34:41] <Aries^Away> 01even ik is impossible
3271[10:34:48] <B[a]lu> hr hr hr
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3277[10:35:06] <B[a]lu> changes would take ages on icq anyway
3278[10:35:26] <B[a]lu> iv waited 5 months
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3280[10:35:28] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01like every mortal in the world of IRC
3281[10:35:31] <Aries^Away> 01i like power
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3285[10:35:39] <B[a]lu> from the day iv been told to get oline
3286[10:35:40] <Aries^Away> 01almost as all the people
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3288[10:35:45] <B[a]lu> till it was set
3289[10:35:52] <Valentina19> WER HAT LUST AUF RSP ALTER EGAL
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3291[10:36:06] <B[a]lu> deleting took 1 minute
3292[10:36:15] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01sigh......
3293[10:36:40] <B[a]lu> coz i told the godfather personally to delete me
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3295[10:36:50] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01LOL
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3298[10:37:03] <Sweet_Typ> hey ein girl lust zu chatten? schreibt mir
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3300[10:37:22] <Aries^Away> 01if i tease the godfather
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3303[10:37:42] <Aries^Away> 01sigh......
3304[10:37:52] *** Parts: Valentina19 (Valentina19@replaced-ip)
3305[10:37:58] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
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3308[10:38:19] <B[a]lu> :D
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3310[10:38:49] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01whot is AviZ?
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3312[10:39:26] <B[a]lu> he was the director of technics at ICQ Isreal
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3314[10:39:43] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01u mean the country israel?
3315[10:39:48] <B[a]lu> yep
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3317[10:39:57] <klaus51> boy159 ja deine oma geh schau mal da nach
3318[10:39:59] <B[a]lu> ICQ hq is in tel Aviv
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3321[10:40:04] *** Joins: Tim18 (dlxaiknddvipvr@replaced-ip)
3322[10:40:08] <Aries^Away> 01WTF
3323[10:40:09] <B[a]lu> yep
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3325[10:40:13] <Aries^Away> 01omg
3326[10:40:14] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
3327[10:40:19] <Aries^Away> 01i feel so dirty
3328[10:40:25] *** Quits: SameButDifferen (SameButDifferen@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3329[10:40:48] <B[a]lu> mirablis was founded as a start up comp in 1998 in Tel Aviv
3330[10:40:51] <Aries^Away> 01so if i say I LOVE EAT PORK WITH ALL MY SOULD
3331[10:40:58] <Aries^Away> 01i could get banned?
3332[10:41:01] <Aries^Away> 01LOL
3333[10:41:12] *** Quits: tunizien (tunizien@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
3334[10:41:21] <B[a]lu> after about 10 month they sold it to aol for 250 millions dollars
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3336[10:41:36] <Aries^Away> 01LOL
3337[10:41:37] <B[a]lu> and kept only the name ICQ
3338[10:41:45] <B[a]lu> and dropped mirables
3339[10:41:52] <Aries^Away> 01LOL
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3344[10:42:06] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
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3348[10:42:29] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01so in synthethyse THIS IS A FAIL OF A FAIL?
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3352[10:42:52] <B[a]lu> these servers were always a service
3353[10:42:56] <B[a]lu> for groupchat
3354[10:43:02] <B[a]lu> for the messenger
3355[10:43:03] *** Joins: paul (paul@replaced-ip)
3356[10:43:07] <Aries^Away> 01LOL
3357[10:43:11] <B[a]lu> thats all
3358[10:43:16] *** Joins: Uwe48 (Uwe48@replaced-ip)
3359[10:43:16] <B[a]lu> no advertising
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3363[10:43:33] <B[a]lu> so it means these server wont earn money
3364[10:43:50] <B[a]lu> thats why they dun care to much on them
3365[10:43:57] <B[a]lu> okies
3366[10:43:59] <B[a]lu> need to run
3367[10:44:00] <Aries^Away> 01who use IRC beside people knowing about the existance of it
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3370[10:44:08] <B[a]lu> a costumer called me
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3373[10:44:36] <B[a]lu> tc Aries^Away
3374[10:44:43] <Manuel> welche sie mag skypen
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3377[10:45:10] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01?
3378[10:45:32] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
3379[10:45:43] <klaus51> hallo
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3383[10:46:16] <lehrer_streng> wer hat schonmal girls besoffen gefunden oder besoffen gemacht privat melden
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3391[10:46:34] <heidi> lalala
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3404[10:49:17] <Mausi11> hat wer skype und mags megajung?=)
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3411[10:50:42] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
3412[10:50:58] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3417[10:52:00] <heidi> lalala
3418[10:52:12] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3420[10:52:16] <Mausi11> hat wer skype und mags megajung?=)
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3423[10:53:20] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3426[10:53:36] <klaus51> hi
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3431[10:54:27] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3437[10:55:35] <Mausi11> hm hat wer bilder/videos von mein alter?MElden
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3442[10:56:12] <Woody> Jemand nettes um die 40 hier im Chat?
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3445[10:56:31] <holland_m> hallo
3446[10:56:37] <klaus51> moin heike66
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3449[10:56:56] <Heike66> moin klaus51
3450[10:57:08] <Heike66> fkkchris: verpfeif dich
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3462[10:58:09] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3468[10:59:03] <Aries^Away> 1[B[a]lu1] 01this conversation never happen
3469[10:59:08] <Aries^Away> 01bye
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3474[10:59:45] <Mausi11> hm hat wer bilder/videos von mein alter?MElden
3475[10:59:51] <klaus51> nein
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3477[11:00:16] <Daszuviel> mausi im ophelp
3478[11:00:20] <Daszuviel> da helfens dir
3479[11:00:21] <Daszuviel> wette
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3481[11:00:39] <klaus51> bestimmt
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3485[11:00:54] <Daszuviel> ups
3486[11:01:11] <Daszuviel> erst wollt es skypen
3487[11:01:16] <Daszuviel> als einer wollte wollt es nimmer
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3489[11:01:17] <Daszuviel> ilw
3490[11:01:24] <Mausi11> hm hat wer bilder/videos von mein alter?MElden
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3502[11:04:36] <Hoteliese1990> HILFE
3503[11:05:14] <keepcool> Hilfe wobei Hoteliese1990
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3506[11:05:31] <lehrer_streng> wer hat schonmal girls besoffen gefunden oder besoffen gemacht privat melden
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3510[11:06:24] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3516[11:07:19] <heidi> lalala
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3519[11:07:30] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3525[11:08:19] <Mausi11> hm hat wer bilder/videos von mein alter?MElden
3526[11:08:22] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3539[11:09:37] <Jorge28> hallo
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3546[11:10:18] <Bayer> moin
3547[11:10:23] <Jorge28> moins
3548[11:10:26] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3550[11:10:31] <devoter> eine dominatne Sie hier, die mich benutzen und kontrollieren will? vor der cam (gern auch teamwiever)
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3554[11:11:01] <Mausi11> hm hat wer bilder/videos von mein alter?MElden
3555[11:11:02] <intruder> hallo jemand lust auf einige bilder meiner frau ??
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3557[11:11:09] <Jorge28> bayer munchen
3558[11:11:13] <Jorge28> oder leverkusen?
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3560[11:11:16] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3574[11:13:31] <XL_teil_mit_cam> eine sie lust zu camen???
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3576[11:13:41] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3581[11:14:26] <Mania> huhu Heike66 knubu liebes
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3585[11:14:49] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
3586[11:14:59] <Mania> huhu beiboot knutscha gebs
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3589[11:15:08] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3591[11:15:28] <devoter> eine dominatne Sie hier, die mich benutzen und kontrollieren will? vor der cam (gern auch teamwiever)
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3593[11:15:40] <klaus51> hi
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3596[11:16:06] <olli> idotenpack dat...
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3600[11:17:10] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
3601[11:17:13] <pinhead22> lwlw
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3603[11:17:21] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3605[11:17:43] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
3606[11:17:51] <olli> 467
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3609[11:18:03] <heidi> lassdie wieder holung nach duda
3610[11:18:06] <olli> so einfach is des...
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3616[11:18:20] <olli> oder pimmelzeiger....
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3618[11:18:29] <olli> den mit option auf op status..
3619[11:18:40] <olli> *mein reden*
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3625[11:18:57] <beiboot> Guest und rosalie14 Guest_801 Guest_w
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3629[11:19:08] <DomSadStuttgart> jemand Lust n bissle zu schreiben? einfach anschreiben...
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3633[11:20:11] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3635[11:20:47] <olli> davon sind 26 999 auf diesen server,,,,
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3638[11:21:20] <beiboot> *grins*
3639[11:21:33] <olli> wer solls wissen..
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3641[11:21:52] <Rosa_J> 1218 13F 12U-K 6Selllinnn'' showss' and picss' 13*$kype: 12Rosa.Jenson
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3654[11:24:47] <ANAMIKA> any lesbo there
3655[11:25:07] <XL_teil_mit_cam> eine sie lust zu camen???
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3661[11:26:26] <ANAMIKA> any lesbo there
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3666[11:27:17] <olli> 468
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3668[11:27:28] <ANAMIKA> any lesbo?
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3673[11:28:15] <Oschi> Hallo wer ist aus Karlsruhe
3674[11:28:23] <Oschi> Hallo wer ist aus Karlsruhe ? m oder w
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3676[11:28:43] <beiboot> na _untreu_Er_will und _M_su_kleine_OW du oller kifi, wieder im teens auf kinnersuche?
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3687[11:30:20] <olli> 469
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3689[11:30:26] <Mausi11> hm hat wer bilder/videos von mein alter?MElden
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3692[11:31:16] <olli> Mausi11 da der chatt hier ers ab 13.....*was auch schon scheisse genuch is*.....verpiss dich einfach..
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3696[11:32:17] <olli> aba des sind die user die daXX SO TOLL FINDET HIER......der steht da voll drauf....pedos und notgeile..
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3719[11:38:13] <olli> alles Liebe_w in schuld..
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3721[11:38:18] <Liebe_w> Pfiiiffff
3722[11:38:19] <olli> *jawohl*
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3724[11:38:23] <Liebe_w> vogelzeich
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3730[11:39:42] <olli> gleich ers ma grill anschmeissen...
3731[11:39:45] <olli> jam jam..
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3735[11:40:06] <Liebe_w> mitgeh
3736[11:40:11] <olli> Liebe_w du brauchs ga net ers fragen....
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3738[11:40:18] <olli> dein hintern is digge*
3739[11:40:18] <Liebe_w> tzzzz
3740[11:40:23] <Liebe_w> boahhhhh
3741[11:40:30] <olli> wattn...
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3745[11:40:37] <Feuerengel> ein nettes hey an alle
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3748[11:41:08] <_Fred_> hallo Feuerengel
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3750[11:41:24] <Liebe_w> moahhhhhhh
3751[11:41:34] <klaus51> moin frecher snowi
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3753[11:42:26] <olli> 12t1z.12t1z.12t1z.
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3759[11:43:28] <holland_m> hallo
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3765[11:44:56] * olli haut Liebe_w mit einem riesigen Hammer 1---------[] 4!! BANG !!1 []---------
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3767[11:45:01] <olli> ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
3768[11:45:05] <Liebe_w> sammaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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3770[11:45:11] <olli> grmls...
3771[11:45:16] <olli> is mittachruhe!!!!
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3775[11:45:59] * Liebe_w slaps olli mit einem Morgenstern die Birne weich.
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3778[11:46:28] <olli> des haste dir nu selber zuzuschreiben!!!!!
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3781[11:46:38] <olli> muss dich nu leider bei daxx melden...
3782[11:46:42] <olli> hassu nu von..
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3787[11:47:09] <klaus51> hi
3788[11:47:09] <olli> krichs auch nen akick wegen nichtvorhandenen pimmel beim zeigen..
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3790[11:47:26] <Liebe_w> doowieeeeeeeeeeee
3791[11:47:33] <olli> jaja.....
3792[11:47:35] <olli> 12L4aughs 12O4ut 12L4oud
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3806[11:51:03] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3812[11:52:27] <Moni29> wer hat bock auf gruppenchat in skype?Melden
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3823[11:54:47] <holland_m> hallo
3824[11:54:50] <holland_m> m, 48
3825[11:54:54] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3849[11:57:51] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
3850[11:58:00] <HoHoHo> suche sexy ladies die bei kalten wetter gerne KUNSTFELL tragen medet euch schnell privat BITTEEEEEE
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3856[11:59:53] <m19_656> Hat eine Sie (13-28) lust zu telefonieren? wenn ja bitte privat melden!
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3859[12:00:48] <hengst_30> hey ne frau hier mit lust auf cHat??pvt
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3871[12:03:09] <m19_656> Hat eine Sie (13-28) lust zu telefonieren? wenn ja bitte privat melden!
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3877[12:05:10] <Duda> Welche sie mag m20 zusehen? Alter egal ;)
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3881[12:05:36] <klaus51> hallo
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3894[12:08:09] <HoHoHo> suche sexy ladies die bei kalten wetter gerne KUNSTFELL tragen medet euch schnell privat BITTEEEEEE
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3902[12:09:46] <olli> 471
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3905[12:10:19] <hengst_30> ne frau hier mit lust auf privat chat??pvt
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3908[12:10:49] <olli> hengst_30...bei dein nick.......wird das nix...
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3923[12:13:02] <Tobi17> hi, ein Girl 14-17 aus Karlsruhe oder Umgebung hier? Prvt melden!!! :)
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3933[12:15:05] <XL_teil_mit_cam> eine sie lust zu camen???
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3937[12:16:21] <Moni29> wer hat bock auf gruppenchat in skype?Melden
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3952[12:19:41] <Dob_Bylan> Glück Auf
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3954[12:19:54] <_M_su_kleine_OW> Huhu, hier bin ich! ;-)
3955[12:20:05] <HoHoHo> suche sexy ladies die bei kalten wetter gerne KUNSTFELL tragen medet euch schnell privat BITTEEEEEE
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3975[12:23:37] <hanna_633> welches girl hat sehr strenge eltern oder perversen bruder privat melden
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3977[12:23:58] <holland_m> hallo
3978[12:24:01] <holland_m> jemand chatten?
3979[12:24:06] <holland_m> bitte pvt
3980[12:24:08] <hengst_30> ACTION ne frau hier mit lust auf privat chat??pvt
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3992[12:25:45] <klaus51> hi
3993[12:25:49] <HoHoHo> suche sexy ladies die bei kalten wetter gerne KUNSTFELL tragen medet euch schnell privat BITTEEEEEE
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4003[12:27:51] <olli> 472
4004[12:28:13] <hanna_633> welches girl hat sehr strenge eltern oder perversen bruder privat melden
4005[12:28:33] <Hilde> Ohje die Notgeilen sind wieder unterwegs
4006[12:28:41] <olli> immer....
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4008[12:29:01] <olli> die sind hier auch gerne gesehn....
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4011[12:29:08] <olli> und werden bevorzugt..
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4014[12:29:26] <Hilde> Das verstehe ich ehrlich gesagt nicht, warum und weshalb.
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4016[12:29:36] <Hilde> ?
4017[12:29:46] <olli> bei fragen muste dich ins #ophelp begeben...
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4021[12:29:56] <olli> und hoffen das da einer is der deutsch kann...
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4023[12:30:22] <olli> und wenn einer da is der deutsch kann...wirste eh gebannt wegen rummaulen...
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4027[12:31:07] <Hilde> bedeutet
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4034[12:32:00] <Hilde> okay
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4036[12:32:14] <Hilde> dann lass ich das lieber hier
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4039[12:32:41] <Hilde> bye
4040[12:32:53] <olli> wenn du net gradeb auf pimmelzeiger stehst...jap da biste falsch hier..
4041[12:33:02] <klaus51> hi
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4046[12:34:25] <HoHoHo> suche sexy ladies die bei kalten wetter gerne KUNSTFELL tragen medet euch schnell privat BITTEEEEEE
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4059[12:36:47] <hanna_633> welches girl hat sehr strenge eltern oder perversen bruder privat melden
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4074[12:38:31] <Vera41Rolf44BW> hallo
4075[12:38:40] <B[a]lu> olli noch wach?
4076[12:38:48] <olli> jap
4077[12:38:56] <olli> grade fertisch mit grilln...
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4080[12:39:01] <B[a]lu> *lol
4081[12:39:02] <B[a]lu> ok
4082[12:39:09] <olli> sitz im garten...
4083[12:39:13] <olli> geiles wetta...
4084[12:39:17] <B[a]lu> ich musste gerade nachbarn helfen
4085[12:39:19] <olli> sollte man ausnutzen..
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4088[12:39:25] <HoHoHo> suche sexy ladies die bei kalten wetter gerne KUNSTFELL tragen medet euch schnell privat BITTEEEEEE
4089[12:39:40] <B[a]lu> und t-com hat eine nummer "geschluckt
4090[12:39:42] <B[a]lu> "
4091[12:39:56] <olli> nix neues bei den sauladen..
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4095[12:40:18] <B[a]lu> jap
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4097[12:40:29] <B[a]lu> seit einer woche geht der zirkus nu
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4100[12:40:35] <B[a]lu> heute war einer draussen
4101[12:40:39] <B[a]lu> router resetten
4102[12:40:42] <B[a]lu> *lol
4103[12:40:46] <olli> ach....
4104[12:40:49] <B[a]lu> ich rede seit einer woche
4105[12:40:53] <B[a]lu> liegt nicht daran
4106[12:40:55] <olli> *staun*
4107[12:40:55] <B[a]lu> und
4108[12:41:01] <B[a]lu> es lag nicht daran
4109[12:41:03] *** Quits: nesta (nesta@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
4110[12:41:03] <B[a]lu> :D
4111[12:41:09] <B[a]lu> nu heisst es router kaputt
4112[12:41:22] <olli> fritzbox?
4113[12:41:29] *** Joins: Guest_917 (Guest@replaced-ip)
4114[12:41:38] <B[a]lu> ne ne
4115[12:41:42] <B[a]lu> von denen einer
4116[12:41:46] <TReK> t-com hat eigene dinger
4117[12:41:46] <B[a]lu> 921 V
4118[12:41:53] <olli> speedport...oder son dreck..
4119[12:42:01] <B[a]lu> kann aber nicht sein mit dem router
4120[12:42:03] <intruder> lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
4121[12:42:08] <B[a]lu> weil 2 von drei nummern nimmt er
4122[12:42:10] <B[a]lu> :D
4123[12:42:31] <olli> was willa auch mit drei nummern...
4124[12:42:54] *** Quits: Cross (gilgksvjrjfpdg@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
4125[12:42:56] <Pairwa> hello
4126[12:43:05] <B[a]lu> sind zwei generationen im haus
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4129[12:43:20] <B[a]lu> und genau die nummer die der sohn immer hatte
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4131[12:43:22] <B[a]lu> nimmt er nicht
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4133[12:43:24] <B[a]lu> *lol
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4138[12:44:05] <B[a]lu> joa
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4140[12:44:11] *** Joins: Finn_22 (Rufus_21@replaced-ip)
4141[12:44:13] <B[a]lu> festnetzt braucht kein mensch
4142[12:44:14] *** Joins: Andre (Andre@replaced-ip)
4143[12:44:19] <B[a]lu> aber nur dsl kriegst ja nicht
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4145[12:44:22] <B[a]lu> :/
4146[12:44:25] <klaus51> moin Mathilda
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4148[12:44:32] <olli> ich weis ga net meine festnetz numma....
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4150[12:44:42] <Mathilda> Moin klaus51
4151[12:44:44] *** Joins: Ich-M- (Uwe@replaced-ip)
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4153[12:44:57] <FriendTrky> hi matilda
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4155[12:45:13] <Mathilda> Moin FriendTrky
4156[12:45:29] <FriendTrky> schoner name
4157[12:45:34] <B[a]lu> och ich hab sogar im handytarif ne festnetznummer
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4160[12:45:36] <B[a]lu> *lol
4161[12:45:41] <B[a]lu> die kenn ich auch nicht
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4163[12:45:46] <B[a]lu> nie bekommen
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4165[12:45:57] <Ich-M-> Hallo hat eine nette W Lust etwas mit mir zu Chatten ? Dann melde dich doch einfach bei mir ............... ;)
4166[12:45:57] <Guest82494> Hallo
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4172[12:46:20] <B[a]lu> aber ich hab mir auch jetzt ip anschluss bestellt
4173[12:46:45] <nomatrix> ich bin ein zauberer ... ich kann machen dass die luft riecht
4174[12:46:46] <B[a]lu> da hast dann die reservierte bandbreite vom festnetz gleich im dsl mit dabei
4175[12:46:59] *** Quits: FriendTrky (FriendTrky@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4176[12:47:06] <B[a]lu> heisst bei mir doppelte geschwindigkeit
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4190[12:48:53] <Ich-M-> Hallo hat ein nettes Girl Lust etwas mit mir zu Chatten ? Dann melde dich doch einfach bei mir
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4199[12:50:38] <intruder> feste
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4214[12:53:01] <HoHoHo> suche sexy ladies die bei kalten wetter gerne KUNSTFELL tragen medet euch schnell privat BITTEEEEEE
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4216[12:53:11] <hano15> hi wer will chatten
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4219[12:53:24] <Ich-M-> Hallo hat eine nette W Lust etwas mit mir zu Chatten ? Dann melde dich doch einfach bei mir ...............
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4221[12:53:28] <klaus51> hi
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4234[12:55:25] <intruder> lust auf bildr meiner frau ??
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4238[12:56:32] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
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4241[12:57:08] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
4242[12:57:11] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
4243[12:57:14] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
4244[12:57:17] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
4245[12:57:21] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
4246[12:57:23] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
4247[12:57:33] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
4248[12:57:37] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
4249[12:57:39] <Guest_553> fuck hitler
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4258[12:58:38] <duisburgER> fuck dich selber du arsch
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4267[12:59:25] <Ich-M-> Hallo hat eine nette W Lust etwas mit mir zu Chatten ? Dann melde dich doch einfach bei mir ............... Ich bin 29
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4269[12:59:31] <XL_teil_mit_cam> eine sie lust zu camen???
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4271[12:59:36] <HoHoHo> suche sexy ladies die bei kalten wetter gerne KUNSTFELL tragen medet euch schnell privat BITTEEEEEE
4272[12:59:41] <Miffi> huhu
4273[12:59:45] <klaus51> moin miffi
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4277[12:59:54] <Miffi> Moin klaus51
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4303[13:04:26] <intruder> hallo jemand lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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4317[13:05:45] <hanna_633> welches girl hat sehr strenge eltern oder perversen bruder privat melden
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4321[13:06:49] <Ich-M-> Hallo hat eine nette W Lust etwas mit mir zu Chatten ? Dann melde dich doch einfach bei mir ............... ;)
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4324[13:07:39] <camsklave20dev> jemand hier, der mir befehle geben will? habe cam, seile, wäscheklammern, gleitgel, mundkugel, panzerband, 2 lippenstifte von meiner sis und frischhaltefolie ... hab icq und skype ... meldet euch ...
4325[13:07:42] <[----FreiburgER> Huhu aus FREIBURG ?
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4353[13:12:20] <Antalya-50M> 50 m Turkey here.. Any close woman interest?
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4363[13:14:04] <hengst_30> ACTION ne frau hier mit lust auf privat chat??pvt
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4375[13:16:50] <nomatrix> was hab ich nur gefressen, das stinkt hier wie aufen bauernhof
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4378[13:17:18] <Miffi> oO armer nomatrix
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4380[13:17:33] <nomatrix> jou eh... ich geh kaputt glaub ich
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4384[13:17:49] <nomatrix> wenne meine computer haben willst muste nur wat sagen
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4386[13:17:53] <Miffi> innen sChon am absterben?
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4390[13:18:20] <nomatrix> ich glaub ja. das brodelt voll
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4396[13:19:25] <RS_Jonas_22> hat ein girl langeweile zeit und lust sich bei einem leidenschaftlichen rollenspiel verwoehnen zu lassen?
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4426[13:23:29] <Miffi> samma nomatrix, hat olli sChon wieder serverbann?
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4428[13:23:33] <hotmann> hey there
4429[13:23:35] <hotmann> im here
4430[13:23:40] <Miffi> hoi olli
4431[13:23:47] <olli> jo
4432[13:24:07] <olli> 472
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4437[13:24:50] <Miffi> jezze grade?
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4444[13:26:29] <hotmann> heyyyy
4445[13:26:38] <RspM_32_75> hallo eine sie lust zu schreiben gerne auch icq
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4448[13:26:49] <klaus51> hi
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4466[13:31:06] <RspM_32_75> hallo eine sie lust zu schreiben gerne auch icq
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4468[13:31:10] <brutal_stiefdad> wer hat schonmal girls besoffen gefunden oder besoffen gemacht privat melde
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4471[13:31:45] <M_tabulosRS> Suche w für perv rsp:)
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4476[13:32:41] <klaus51> hallo
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4478[13:32:54] <dierch> hey
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4496[13:37:46] <staycore> eine sie zischen 15 und 20 hier die gern nettschreiben und fotos tauschen mag da ? bin m19
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4498[13:38:03] <Er-mag-mollige> mollige sie da die lust hat zu chaten und evt mehr??
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4500[13:38:18] <_drummer_> hey :) Kampfsportlerinnen hier? privat melden ;)
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4518[13:41:38] <Mana[t]i> *returned* ... und allen einen schönen sonnigen Nachmittag.
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4531[13:42:52] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4532[13:42:52] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4533[13:42:53] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4534[13:42:53] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4535[13:42:53] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4536[13:42:53] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4537[13:42:53] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4538[13:42:53] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4539[13:42:53] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4540[13:42:53] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4541[13:42:53] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4542[13:42:53] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4543[13:42:53] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4544[13:42:53] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4545[13:42:54] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4546[13:42:54] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4547[13:42:54] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4548[13:42:54] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4549[13:42:54] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4550[13:42:54] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4551[13:42:54] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4552[13:42:54] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4553[13:42:54] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4554[13:42:54] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4555[13:42:54] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4556[13:42:54] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4557[13:42:54] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4558[13:42:55] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4559[13:42:55] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4560[13:42:55] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4561[13:42:55] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4562[13:42:56] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4563[13:42:56] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4564[13:42:56] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4565[13:42:56] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4566[13:42:56] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4567[13:42:56] <zwjb> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4568[13:42:56] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4569[13:42:56] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4570[13:42:56] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4571[13:42:56] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4572[13:42:56] *** zwjb was kicked by Autobot (flood)
4573[13:42:57] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4574[13:42:57] <igwt> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im Gay and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4575[13:42:57] *** igwt was kicked by Autobot (flood)
4576[13:43:06] *** Quits: tibo (tibo@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4577[13:43:09] <klaus51> omg
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4580[13:43:15] <ifti367> WTF
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4586[13:44:24] <StarTrek____> igwt lol
4587[13:44:26] <TReK> wo der flood recht hat, hat er recht :D
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4594[13:45:03] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4595[13:45:03] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4596[13:45:03] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4597[13:45:03] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4598[13:45:03] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4599[13:45:03] *** jret was kicked by Autobot (flood)
4600[13:45:09] *** Joins: Swedishman (Swedishman@replaced-ip)
4601[13:45:09] <hanna_633> welches girl hat sehr strenge eltern oder perversen bruder privat melden
4602[13:45:10] <GuestFrank> tach
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4607[13:45:23] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4608[13:45:23] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4609[13:45:23] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4610[13:45:23] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
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4614[13:45:27] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4615[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4616[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4617[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4618[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4619[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4620[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4621[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4622[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4623[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4624[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4625[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4626[13:45:28] <ymuz> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4627[13:45:28] *** ymuz was kicked by Autobot (flood)
4628[13:45:28] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4629[13:45:28] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4630[13:45:28] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4631[13:45:28] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4632[13:45:28] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4633[13:45:28] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4634[13:45:28] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4635[13:45:28] <ifti367> oh nein
4636[13:45:28] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4637[13:45:28] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4638[13:45:28] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4639[13:45:29] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4640[13:45:29] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4641[13:45:29] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4642[13:45:29] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4643[13:45:29] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4644[13:45:31] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4645[13:45:31] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4646[13:45:31] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4647[13:45:31] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4648[13:45:31] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4649[13:45:31] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4650[13:45:31] <zhsj> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4651[13:45:31] *** Quits: Guest_868 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
4652[13:45:31] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4653[13:45:31] *** zhsj was kicked by Autobot (flood)
4654[13:45:32] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4655[13:45:32] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4656[13:45:32] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4657[13:45:32] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4658[13:45:32] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4659[13:45:32] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4660[13:45:32] <jret> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4661[13:45:32] *** jret was kicked by Autobot (flood)
4662[13:45:32] <Swedishman> Talk to man from sweden?
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4669[13:47:01] <epkr> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4670[13:47:01] <epkr> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4671[13:47:01] <epkr> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4672[13:47:01] <epkr> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4673[13:47:01] <epkr> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4674[13:47:01] <epkr> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a Gay OpHelper and Want to Become IRCQNETs best ircop one day... But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
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4678[13:47:23] <RS-Maso-Frau> hallo
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4680[13:47:43] <StarTrek____> epkr: lol
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4682[13:47:51] <StarTrek____> 100 Punkte
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4684[13:48:26] <TReK> lol
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4690[13:49:21] <StarTrek____> Im ophelp schmunzeln sie auch
4691[13:49:46] <olli> is doch klar das die schmuzeln....
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4693[13:49:55] <olli> zuma der idiot ja auch recht hat..
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4696[13:50:22] <XL_teil_mit_cam> eine sie lust zu camen???
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4704[13:50:37] <StarTrek____> Das ist die Bildungsmacht vom Daxx
4705[13:50:47] <StarTrek____> lol
4706[13:50:48] <olli> welche macht???
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4708[13:51:28] <StarTrek____> Die der sich einbildet
4709[13:51:42] <RspM_32_75> hallo eine sie lust zu schreiben gerne auch icq
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4723[13:53:37] <staycore> eine sie zischen 15 und 20 hier die gern nettschreiben und fotos tauschen mag da ? bin m19
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4725[13:53:53] <StarTrek____> Daxx der Dümmling opt im Gig
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4732[13:54:47] <sookie> kommt vor
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4741[13:56:45] <OPENmind> suche dev. lehreinnen pvt melden
4742[13:56:45] <habjuOsteuropaW> Guten Mittag
4743[13:56:46] <_drummer_> sportliche Mädels hier?? privat melden bitte ;)
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4759[13:59:07] *** StarTrek____ was kicked by Autobot (Dein Verhalten ist unangebracht. Bitte lass es sein.)
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4765[14:00:31] <klaus51> hallo
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4778[14:03:19] <nomatrix> :)
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4782[14:03:49] <sookie> was ist ein nomatrix
4783[14:03:54] <sookie> O.o
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4785[14:04:19] <staycore> eine sie zischen 15 und 20 hier die gern nettschreiben und fotos tauschen mag da ? bin m19
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4797[14:06:42] <OPENmind> suche offene und neugierige lehrerinnen pvt melden
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4805[14:09:27] <hotJana16> boys da? pvt
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4815[14:10:07] <StarTrek____> Lol olli
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4824[14:11:35] <Er-mag-mollige> mollige sie da die lust hat zu chaten und evt mehr??
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4826[14:11:52] <XL_teil_mit_cam> eine sie lust zu camen???
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4834[14:12:30] <staycore> eine sie zischen 15 und 20 hier die gern nettschreiben und fotos tauschen mag da ? bin m19
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4843[14:13:06] <camsklave20dev> jemand hier, der mir befehle geben will? habe cam, seile, wäscheklammern, gleitgel, frischhaltefolie, 2 lippenstifte von meiner sis, panzerband ... habe icq und skype ...
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4855[14:14:17] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4856[14:14:17] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4857[14:14:17] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4858[14:14:18] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4859[14:14:18] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
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4865[14:14:40] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4866[14:14:40] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4867[14:14:40] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4868[14:14:41] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4869[14:14:41] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4870[14:14:41] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
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4873[14:15:04] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4874[14:15:05] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4875[14:15:05] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4876[14:15:05] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4877[14:15:05] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4878[14:15:05] *** i4036 was kicked by Autobot (flood)
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4884[14:15:21] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4885[14:15:21] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4886[14:15:22] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4887[14:15:22] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
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4889[14:15:22] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4890[14:15:22] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4891[14:15:22] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4892[14:15:22] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4893[14:15:22] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4894[14:15:22] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4895[14:15:22] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4896[14:15:22] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4897[14:15:22] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4898[14:15:22] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4899[14:15:23] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4900[14:15:23] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4901[14:15:23] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4902[14:15:23] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4903[14:15:23] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4904[14:15:23] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4905[14:15:23] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4906[14:15:23] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4907[14:15:23] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4908[14:15:23] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4909[14:15:23] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4910[14:15:23] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4911[14:15:23] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4912[14:15:24] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4913[14:15:24] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4914[14:15:24] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4915[14:15:24] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4916[14:15:24] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4917[14:15:24] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4918[14:15:24] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4919[14:15:24] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4920[14:15:24] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4921[14:15:24] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4922[14:15:24] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4923[14:15:24] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4924[14:15:25] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4925[14:15:25] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4926[14:15:25] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4927[14:15:25] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4928[14:15:25] *** Quits: hengst_30 (hengst_30@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
4929[14:15:25] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4930[14:15:25] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4931[14:15:25] <i4036> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4932[14:15:25] *** Quits: i4036 (b8998@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
4933[14:15:25] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4934[14:15:25] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4935[14:15:25] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4936[14:15:26] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4937[14:15:26] <i1777> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4938[14:15:26] *** i1777 was kicked by Autobot (flood)
4939[14:15:48] *** Joins: Kyuzo (Kyuzo@replaced-ip)
4940[14:15:53] <Guest_524> hallo, suche nette sie ab 40 die evtl. lust auf mehr hat....... kann klicken
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4942[14:15:59] <klaus51> i777 geh aucf den schienen spielen
4943[14:16:09] <klaus51> -c
4944[14:16:12] *** JohnDoe[st] is now known as J0h|\|D03
4945[14:16:25] <camsklave20dev> jemand hier, der mir befehle geben will? habe cam, seile, wäscheklammern, gleitgel, frischhaltefolie, 2 lippenstifte von meiner sis, panzerband ... habe icq und skype ...
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4955[14:17:21] <Michi_Skype> Cam to Cam? Pvt me now!
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4958[14:17:46] <a4489> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4959[14:17:46] <a4489> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4960[14:17:46] <a4489> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4961[14:17:46] <a4489> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4962[14:17:46] <a4489> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4963[14:17:46] *** a4489 was kicked by Autobot (flood)
4964[14:17:47] <Guest_998> welche sie kann mir helfen bei meinem bruder
4965[14:17:54] <staycore> eine sie zischen 15 und 20 hier die gern nettschreiben und fotos tauschen mag da ? bin m19
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4967[14:18:03] *** Joins: RS_ZU-DRITT (RS_ZU-DRITT@replaced-ip)
4968[14:18:15] <RspM_32_75> hallo eine sie lust zu schreiben gerne auch icq
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4972[14:18:45] <n7655> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4973[14:18:45] <n7655> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4974[14:18:45] <n7655> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4975[14:18:45] <n7655> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4976[14:18:45] <n7655> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they would mind it??
4977[14:18:45] <n7655> 7Hello, am 4P4n[t]3r. 7Im a gay ophelper and want to become Icq's best ircop. But i love gay guys 9-13y, do you all think they woul