People who Joins, Parts or Quits a chatroom
this is #german an IRC-Channel at IrCQ-Net (ICQ IRC service)
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14[00:00:53] <jan___M> welche mädels mögen fasnet pn me
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16[00:01:03] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse.....? pm oder 626783608
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36[00:01:48] <jan___M> welche mädels mögen fasnet pn me
37[00:01:50] * fesselnd_m44 hat M_BERLIN35 in seine ignore-liste aufgenommen!
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40[00:02:09] <Isa_25> 3 monate nicht im chat gewesen,und dann gibtsn ur spamer ^^
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42[00:02:25] <alexander> guten abend an alle
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44[00:02:31] <GuestFrank> Nabend Alison
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46[00:02:46] <Alison> nabend GuestFrank
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59[00:02:56] <Alison> guten Abend alexander
60[00:02:59] *** Parts: Daniel` (admin@replaced-ip)
61[00:03:04] <alexander> hi Alison
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64[00:03:09] <alexander> wie gehts?
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66[00:03:16] <Alison> gut danke!
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85[00:05:07] <unbekannter> hat lust
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116[00:06:40] <__Steven> huhu nette Dame für nächtliches CS oder RS gesucht =) Bitte meldet euch privat bei mir!!!
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118[00:07:00] <GuestFrank> Is ja echt wenig los heute !!
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130[00:07:25] <alexander> es ist ziemlich ruhig hier...
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141[00:08:11] <Alison> ja stimmt alexander
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148[00:08:27] <Alison> das gespamme nervt eben
149[00:08:29] <alexander> wo kommse her Alison?
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151[00:08:39] <alexander> wenn ich es fragen darf
152[00:08:41] <^KampfDackel^> 8,10 »» E.L.O Don't Bring Me Down - 03:59 min ««
153[00:08:42] <Alison> far far away... und du?
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155[00:08:55] <Alison> huhu ^KampfDackel^ knochen hinwerf*
156[00:08:57] <alexander> noch further away :)
157[00:09:07] <Alison> never!
158[00:09:10] <^KampfDackel^> danke Alison :P
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161[00:09:17] <Alison> bitte ^^ ^KampfDackel^
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174[00:09:26] <Alison> kicher
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197[00:11:11] <giftiger_apfel> wie oft noch ~.~
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201[00:11:32] <jan___M> welche mädels mögen fasnet pn me
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205[00:11:49] <Isa_25> da muss aber iwer langeweile schieben hier das er so mist spamt ^^
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209[00:12:19] <Alison> jepp Isa_25
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212[00:12:22] <Richi> noch jemand da der schreiben mag pls pvt ega m o w =)
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245[00:14:05] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand (Official Video HQ) 04:17 min ««
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270[00:15:45] <tjleaq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
271[00:15:45] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
272[00:15:45] <oxtpcs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
273[00:15:45] <ycqztl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
274[00:15:45] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
275[00:15:45] <skppw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
276[00:15:45] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
277[00:15:45] <ctzgksy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
278[00:15:45] <xlvwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
279[00:15:45] <ymfczg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
280[00:15:45] <gkyuaau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
281[00:15:45] <hdmbwi> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
282[00:15:45] <rzuzbp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
283[00:15:45] <lojlug> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
284[00:15:45] <gfpbf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
285[00:15:45] <rgnxge> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
286[00:15:45] <amnenzu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
287[00:15:45] <xotesq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
288[00:15:45] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
289[00:15:45] <zaqmqp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
290[00:15:45] <updnona> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
291[00:15:45] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
292[00:15:45] <wofqric> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
293[00:15:45] <ybifvhy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
294[00:15:45] <zukuew> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
295[00:15:45] <pmvgydq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
296[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
297[00:15:45] <wvdgeal> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
298[00:15:45] <bxedv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
299[00:15:45] <irjqgwb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
300[00:15:45] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
301[00:15:45] <ukxfy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
302[00:15:45] <oyrbevo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
303[00:15:45] <islmwuu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
304[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
305[00:15:45] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
306[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
307[00:15:45] <gnqhps> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
308[00:15:45] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
309[00:15:45] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
310[00:15:45] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
311[00:15:45] <nfint> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
312[00:15:45] <sgjxtzq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
313[00:15:45] <rovhu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
314[00:15:45] <yxtfe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
315[00:15:45] <mqsrkgx> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
316[00:15:45] <tqrja> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
317[00:15:45] <mqxpmtd> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
318[00:15:45] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
319[00:15:45] <wyhzw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
320[00:15:45] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
321[00:15:45] <gagwshd> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
322[00:15:45] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
323[00:15:45] <ikddjum> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
324[00:15:45] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
325[00:15:45] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
326[00:15:45] <kzjzb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
327[00:15:45] <yzpoyie> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
328[00:15:45] <eyplo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
329[00:15:45] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
330[00:15:45] <vpsltex> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
331[00:15:45] <lsewnqa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
332[00:15:45] <ckgoq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
333[00:15:45] <rhzpa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
334[00:15:45] <tabozjj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
335[00:15:45] <odrgod> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
336[00:15:45] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
337[00:15:45] <idevb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
338[00:15:45] <bfsntd> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
339[00:15:45] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
340[00:15:45] <jwnobw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
341[00:15:45] <wwujm> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
342[00:15:45] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
343[00:15:45] <zglcqly> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
344[00:15:45] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
345[00:15:45] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
346[00:15:45] <bltjfu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
347[00:15:45] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
348[00:15:45] <dwsjihh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
349[00:15:45] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
350[00:15:45] <syqhdri> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
351[00:15:45] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
352[00:15:45] <pdojb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
353[00:15:45] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
354[00:15:45] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
355[00:15:45] <pwyqr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
356[00:15:45] <ftomrw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
357[00:15:45] <wmvhux> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
358[00:15:45] <puvrtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
359[00:15:45] <syelqhe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
360[00:15:45] <frzvra> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
361[00:15:45] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
362[00:15:45] <bhjmrw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
363[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
364[00:15:45] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
365[00:15:45] <qocaoit> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
366[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
367[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
368[00:15:45] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
369[00:15:45] <gzxaub> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
370[00:15:45] <yhedjmq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
371[00:15:45] <ilceab> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
372[00:15:45] <oxtpcs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
373[00:15:45] <ycqztl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
374[00:15:45] <tjleaq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
375[00:15:45] <mevpa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
376[00:15:45] <mpvgtwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
377[00:15:45] <rzuzbp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
378[00:15:45] <rzuzbp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
379[00:15:45] *** Quits: Cinthya19 (Cinthya19@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
380[00:15:45] <lojlug> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
381[00:15:45] <lojlug> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
382[00:15:45] <ctzgksy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
383[00:15:45] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
384[00:15:45] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
385[00:15:45] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
386[00:15:45] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
387[00:15:45] <skppw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
388[00:15:45] <skppw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
389[00:15:45] <xlvwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
390[00:15:45] <xlvwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
391[00:15:45] <updnona> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
392[00:15:45] <updnona> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
393[00:15:45] <hdmbwi> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
394[00:15:45] <hdmbwi> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
395[00:15:45] <zukuew> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
396[00:15:45] <zukuew> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
397[00:15:45] <zaqmqp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
398[00:15:45] <zaqmqp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
399[00:15:45] <rgnxge> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
400[00:15:45] <rgnxge> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
401[00:15:45] <gfpbf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
402[00:15:45] <gfpbf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
403[00:15:45] <amnenzu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
404[00:15:45] <amnenzu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
405[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
406[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
407[00:15:45] <ymfczg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
408[00:15:45] <ymfczg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
409[00:15:45] *** Quits: msuchtw (msuchtw@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
410[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
411[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
412[00:15:45] <pmvgydq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
413[00:15:45] <pmvgydq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
414[00:15:45] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
415[00:15:45] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
416[00:15:45] <wofqric> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
417[00:15:45] <wofqric> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
418[00:15:45] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
419[00:15:45] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
420[00:15:45] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
421[00:15:45] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
422[00:15:45] <gkyuaau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
423[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
424[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
425[00:15:45] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
426[00:15:45] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
427[00:15:45] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
428[00:15:45] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
429[00:15:45] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
430[00:15:45] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
431[00:15:45] *** Quits: freezer (freezer@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
432[00:15:45] <irjqgwb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
433[00:15:45] <irjqgwb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
434[00:15:45] <wvdgeal> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
435[00:15:45] <wvdgeal> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
436[00:15:45] *** Quits: Natie (Natie@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
437[00:15:45] <ukxfy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
438[00:15:45] <ukxfy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
439[00:15:45] <xotesq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
440[00:15:45] <xotesq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
441[00:15:45] <oyrbevo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
442[00:15:45] <oyrbevo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
443[00:15:45] <ybifvhy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
444[00:15:45] <ybifvhy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
445[00:15:45] <mqxpmtd> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
446[00:15:45] <mqxpmtd> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
447[00:15:45] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
448[00:15:45] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
449[00:15:45] *** skppw was kicked by Autobot (flood)
450[00:15:45] <sgjxtzq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
451[00:15:45] <sgjxtzq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
452[00:15:45] <sgjxtzq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
453[00:15:45] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
454[00:15:45] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
455[00:15:45] <tabozjj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
456[00:15:45] <tabozjj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
457[00:15:45] <zglcqly> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
458[00:15:45] <zglcqly> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
459[00:15:45] <rovhu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
460[00:15:45] <rovhu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
461[00:15:45] <wmvhux> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
462[00:15:45] <wmvhux> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
463[00:15:45] <bhjmrw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
464[00:15:45] <bhjmrw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
465[00:15:45] <bhjmrw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
466[00:15:45] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
467[00:15:45] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
468[00:15:45] <bxedv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
469[00:15:45] <bxedv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
470[00:15:45] <oxtpcs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
471[00:15:45] <oxtpcs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
472[00:15:45] <yxtfe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
473[00:15:45] <yxtfe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
474[00:15:45] <tjleaq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
475[00:15:45] <tjleaq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
476[00:15:45] <ycqztl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
477[00:15:45] <ycqztl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
478[00:15:45] <kzjzb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
479[00:15:45] <kzjzb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
480[00:15:45] <kzjzb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
481[00:15:45] <znowswn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
482[00:15:45] <syelqhe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
483[00:15:45] <syelqhe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
484[00:15:45] <syelqhe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
485[00:15:45] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
486[00:15:45] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
487[00:15:45] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
488[00:15:45] <lsewnqa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
489[00:15:45] <lsewnqa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
490[00:15:45] <lsewnqa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
491[00:15:45] <vpsltex> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
492[00:15:45] <vpsltex> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
493[00:15:45] <vpsltex> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
494[00:15:45] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
495[00:15:45] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
496[00:15:45] <nfint> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
497[00:15:45] <nfint> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
498[00:15:45] <rzuzbp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
499[00:15:45] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
500[00:15:45] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
501[00:15:45] <idevb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
502[00:15:45] <idevb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
503[00:15:45] <idevb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
504[00:15:45] <frzvra> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
505[00:15:45] <frzvra> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
506[00:15:45] <frzvra> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
507[00:15:45] <lojlug> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
508[00:15:45] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
509[00:15:45] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
510[00:15:45] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
511[00:15:45] *** bhjmrw was kicked by Autobot (flood)
512[00:15:45] <zukuew> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
513[00:15:45] <gfpbf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
514[00:15:45] <gfpbf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
515[00:15:45] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
516[00:15:45] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
517[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
518[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
519[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
520[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
521[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
522[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
523[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
524[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
525[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
526[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
527[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
528[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
529[00:15:45] <ebauep> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
530[00:15:45] <zaqmqp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
531[00:15:45] <zaqmqp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
532[00:15:45] <zaqmqp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
533[00:15:45] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
534[00:15:45] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
535[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
536[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
537[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
538[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
539[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
540[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
541[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
542[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
543[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
544[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
545[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
546[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
547[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
548[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
549[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
550[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
551[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
552[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
553[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
554[00:15:45] <zfaco> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
555[00:15:45] *** Quits: zfaco (ykk@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
556[00:15:45] <updnona> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
557[00:15:45] <updnona> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
558[00:15:45] <qocaoit> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
559[00:15:45] <qocaoit> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
560[00:15:45] <qocaoit> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
561[00:15:45] <yhedjmq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
562[00:15:45] <yhedjmq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
563[00:15:45] <yhedjmq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
564[00:15:45] <nniqlwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
565[00:15:45] <nniqlwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
566[00:15:45] <nniqlwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
567[00:15:45] <nniqlwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
568[00:15:45] *** Quits: nniqlwv (wgsq@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
569[00:15:45] <ilceab> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
570[00:15:45] <ilceab> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
571[00:15:45] <ilceab> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
572[00:15:45] <ispheip> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
573[00:15:45] <ispheip> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
574[00:15:45] <ispheip> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
575[00:15:45] <ispheip> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
576[00:15:45] *** Quits: ispheip (prhem@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
577[00:15:45] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
578[00:15:45] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
579[00:15:45] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
580[00:15:45] *** ebauep was kicked by Autobot (flood)
581[00:15:45] <aiifwtv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
582[00:15:45] <mpvgtwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
583[00:15:45] <mpvgtwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
584[00:15:45] <mpvgtwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
585[00:15:45] *** Quits: Monika29Lukas30 (Monika29Lukas30@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
586[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
587[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
588[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
589[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
590[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
591[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
592[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
593[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
594[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
595[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
596[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
597[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
598[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
599[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
600[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
601[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
602[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
603[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
604[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
605[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
606[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
607[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
608[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
609[00:15:45] <dyvcznr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
610[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
611[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
612[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
613[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
614[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
615[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
616[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
617[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
618[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
619[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
620[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
621[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
622[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
623[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
624[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
625[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
626[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
627[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
628[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
629[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
630[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
631[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
632[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
633[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
634[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
635[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
636[00:15:45] <yfcjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
637[00:15:45] *** Quits: yfcjw (lyuxn@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
638[00:15:45] <mevpa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
639[00:15:45] <mevpa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
640[00:15:45] <mevpa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
641[00:15:45] *** Quits: Harley_81 (Harley_81@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
642[00:15:45] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
643[00:15:45] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
644[00:15:45] *** Quits: Blackpole-M (Blackpole-M@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
645[00:15:45] *** Quits: sarah (sarah@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
646[00:15:45] *** Quits: greifswald_m25 (greifswald_m25@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
647[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
648[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
649[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
650[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
651[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
652[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
653[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
654[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
655[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
656[00:15:45] <mzsnvf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
657[00:15:45] *** Quits: mzsnvf (vcq@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
658[00:15:45] *** Quits: Guest_609 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
659[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
660[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
661[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
662[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
663[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
664[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
665[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
666[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
667[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
668[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
669[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
670[00:15:45] *** Quits: Guest_649 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
671[00:15:45] *** Quits: Guest85402 (bea@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
672[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
673[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
674[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
675[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
676[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
677[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
678[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
679[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
680[00:15:45] <arzuyw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
681[00:15:45] *** Quits: arzuyw (dumhk@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
682[00:15:45] *** ilceab was kicked by Autobot (flood)
683[00:15:46] *** dyvcznr was kicked by Autobot (flood)
684[00:15:46] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
685[00:15:46] *** Quits: Guest_m_799 (Guest_m@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
686[00:15:46] *** Quits: Single_m (Single_m@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
687[00:15:46] <tqrja> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
688[00:15:46] <tqrja> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
689[00:15:46] *** Quits: tom35hot (tom35hot@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
690[00:15:46] *** Quits: bi_teens17 (bi_teens17@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
691[00:15:46] <gagwshd> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
692[00:15:46] <gagwshd> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
693[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
694[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
695[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
696[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
697[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
698[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
699[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
700[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
701[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
702[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
703[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
704[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
705[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
706[00:15:46] <fsjcphr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
707[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
708[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
709[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
710[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
711[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
712[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
713[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
714[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
715[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
716[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
717[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
718[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
719[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
720[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
721[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
722[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
723[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
724[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
725[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
726[00:15:46] <tdtarw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
727[00:15:46] *** Quits: tdtarw (gecx@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
728[00:15:46] *** Quits: StudentDominik (StudentDominik@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
729[00:15:46] *** Quits: dachschaden_w (dachschaden_w@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
730[00:15:46] <eyplo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
731[00:15:46] <eyplo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
732[00:15:46] *** fsjcphr was kicked by Autobot (flood)
733[00:15:46] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
734[00:15:46] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
735[00:15:46] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
736[00:15:46] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
737[00:15:46] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
738[00:15:46] <xlvwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
739[00:15:46] <xlvwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
740[00:15:46] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
741[00:15:46] *** Quits: HardOne (HardOne@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
742[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
743[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
744[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
745[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
746[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
747[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
748[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
749[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
750[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
751[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
752[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
753[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
754[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
755[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
756[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
757[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
758[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
759[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
760[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
761[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
762[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
763[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
764[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
765[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
766[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
767[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
768[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
769[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
770[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
771[00:15:47] <gfiwl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
772[00:15:47] *** Quits: gfiwl (weh@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
773[00:15:47] <ymfczg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
774[00:15:47] <ymfczg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
775[00:15:47] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
776[00:15:47] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
777[00:15:47] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
778[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
779[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
780[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
781[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
782[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
783[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
784[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
785[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
786[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
787[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
788[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
789[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
790[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
791[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
792[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
793[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
794[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
795[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
796[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
797[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
798[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
799[00:15:47] <gwxxvc> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
800[00:15:47] *** Quits: gwxxvc (gfuiu@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
801[00:15:47] <xotesq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
802[00:15:47] <xotesq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
803[00:15:47] <ukxfy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
804[00:15:47] <ukxfy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
805[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
806[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
807[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
808[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
809[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
810[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
811[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
812[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
813[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
814[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
815[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
816[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
817[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
818[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
819[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
820[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
821[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
822[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
823[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
824[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
825[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
826[00:15:47] <jeexhkj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
827[00:15:47] *** Quits: jeexhkj (sdn@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
828[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
829[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
830[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
831[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
832[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
833[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
834[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
835[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
836[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
837[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
838[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
839[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
840[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
841[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
842[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
843[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
844[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
845[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
846[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
847[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
848[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
849[00:15:47] <zdbxes> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
850[00:15:47] *** Quits: zdbxes (xtvjr@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
851[00:15:48] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
852[00:15:48] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
853[00:15:48] <tqrja> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
854[00:15:48] <tqrja> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
855[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
856[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
857[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
858[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
859[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
860[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
861[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
862[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
863[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
864[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
865[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
866[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
867[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
868[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
869[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
870[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
871[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
872[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
873[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
874[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
875[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
876[00:15:48] <bsssy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
877[00:15:48] *** Quits: bsssy (zlbr@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
878[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
879[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
880[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
881[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
882[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
883[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
884[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
885[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
886[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
887[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
888[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
889[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
890[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
891[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
892[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
893[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
894[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
895[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
896[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
897[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
898[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
899[00:15:48] <mmfpgw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
900[00:15:48] *** Quits: mmfpgw (lbwry@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
901[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
902[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
903[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
904[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
905[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
906[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
907[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
908[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
909[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
910[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
911[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
912[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
913[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
914[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
915[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
916[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
917[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
918[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
919[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
920[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
921[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
922[00:15:48] <lqulekf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
923[00:15:48] *** Quits: lqulekf (ynf@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
924[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
925[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
926[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
927[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
928[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
929[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
930[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
931[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
932[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
933[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
934[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
935[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
936[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
937[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
938[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
939[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
940[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
941[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
942[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
943[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
944[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
945[00:15:48] <ubxarke> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
946[00:15:48] *** Quits: ubxarke (lugta@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
947[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
948[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
949[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
950[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
951[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
952[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
953[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
954[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
955[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
956[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
957[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
958[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
959[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
960[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
961[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
962[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
963[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
964[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
965[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
966[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
967[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
968[00:15:48] <xjhcwzh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
969[00:15:48] *** Quits: xjhcwzh (dfa@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
970[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
971[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
972[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
973[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
974[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
975[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
976[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
977[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
978[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
979[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
980[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
981[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
982[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
983[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
984[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
985[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
986[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
987[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
988[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
989[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
990[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
991[00:15:48] <sardwtf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
992[00:15:48] *** Quits: sardwtf (rylb@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
993[00:15:48] <gagwshd> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
994[00:15:48] <gagwshd> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
995[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
996[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
997[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
998[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
999[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1000[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1001[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1002[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1003[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1004[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1005[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1006[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1007[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1008[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1009[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1010[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1011[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1012[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1013[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1014[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1015[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1016[00:15:48] <ukguxy> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1017[00:15:48] *** Quits: ukguxy (mkxck@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
1018[00:15:48] *** Quits: giftiger_apfel (saure_pommes_w@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1019[00:15:48] *** Quits: magnum6 (magnum6@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1020[00:15:48] *** Quits: Guest_808 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1021[00:15:48] *** Quits: NurDana (Dana@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1022[00:15:48] *** Quits: Guest_485 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1023[00:15:48] *** Quits: Zuckerstange (Zuckerstange@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1024[00:15:48] *** Quits: Michi (Michi@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1025[00:15:48] <oxtpcs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1026[00:15:48] <tjleaq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1027[00:15:48] <eyplo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1028[00:15:48] <eyplo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1029[00:15:48] <oyrbevo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1030[00:15:48] <oyrbevo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1031[00:15:48] <tabozjj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1032[00:15:48] <tabozjj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1033[00:15:49] <gnqhps> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1034[00:15:49] <gnqhps> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1035[00:15:49] <ycqztl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1036[00:15:49] <lojlug> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1037[00:15:49] <rzuzbp> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1038[00:15:49] <wmvhux> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1039[00:15:49] <wmvhux> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1040[00:15:49] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1041[00:15:49] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1042[00:15:49] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1043[00:15:49] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1044[00:15:49] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1045[00:15:49] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1046[00:15:49] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1047[00:15:49] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1048[00:15:49] <cnnas> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1049[00:15:49] *** Quits: cnnas (caq@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
1050[00:15:49] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1051[00:15:50] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» Kesha - Blah Blah Blah (feat. 3OH!3) 02:52 min ««
1052[00:15:53] <zukuew> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1053[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1054[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1055[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1056[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1057[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1058[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1059[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1060[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1061[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1062[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1063[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1064[00:15:53] <mpvgtwv> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1065[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1066[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1067[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1068[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1069[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1070[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1071[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1072[00:15:53] <cwawgr> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1073[00:15:53] *** Quits: cwawgr (ghh@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
1074[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1075[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1076[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1077[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1078[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1079[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1080[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1081[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1082[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1083[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1084[00:15:54] <yatjw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1085[00:15:54] *** yatjw was kicked by Autobot (flood)
1086[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1087[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1088[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1089[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1090[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1091[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1092[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1093[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1094[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1095[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1096[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1097[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1098[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1099[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1100[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1101[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1102[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1103[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1104[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1105[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1106[00:15:55] <fzeyo> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1107[00:15:55] *** Quits: fzeyo (tde@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
1108[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1109[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1110[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1111[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1112[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1113[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1114[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1115[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1116[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1117[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1118[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1119[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1120[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1121[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1122[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1123[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1124[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1125[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1126[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1127[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1128[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1129[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1130[00:15:55] <gkaxkyq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1131[00:15:55] *** Quits: gkaxkyq (uxi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
1132[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1133[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1134[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1135[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1136[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1137[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1138[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1139[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1140[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1141[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1142[00:15:55] <ixzmdau> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1143[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1144[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1145[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1146[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1147[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1148[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1149[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1150[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1151[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1152[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1153[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1154[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1155[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1156[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1157[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1158[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1159[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1160[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1161[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1162[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1163[00:15:55] <nueglw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1164[00:15:55] *** Quits: nueglw (btsli@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
1165[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1166[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1167[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1168[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1169[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1170[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1171[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1172[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1173[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1174[00:15:55] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1175[00:15:56] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1176[00:15:56] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1177[00:15:56] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1178[00:15:56] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1179[00:15:56] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1180[00:15:56] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1181[00:15:56] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1182[00:15:56] <mbdhqw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1183[00:15:56] *** Quits: mbdhqw (aohcm@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
1184[00:15:56] *** ixzmdau was kicked by Autobot (flood)
1185[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1186[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1187[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1188[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1189[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1190[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1191[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1192[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1193[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1194[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1195[00:15:56] <ozpis> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1196[00:15:56] *** ozpis was kicked by Autobot (flood)
1197[00:15:56] *** Quits: Bianka (Bianka@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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1201[00:15:58] <gnqhps> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1202[00:15:58] <gnqhps> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1203[00:15:59] *** Quits: ertll (tcaop@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
1204[00:15:59] *** bea is now known as Guest11773
1205[00:16:00] *** Joins: Michi (Michi@replaced-ip)
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1214[00:16:15] <qjzfzyi> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1215[00:16:15] <qjzfzyi> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1216[00:16:15] <qjzfzyi> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1217[00:16:15] <qjzfzyi> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1218[00:16:15] <qjzfzyi> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1219[00:16:15] *** qjzfzyi was kicked by Autobot (flood)
1220[00:16:19] <Steffi20> nette typen mit fantasie hier?
1221[00:16:20] *** Joins: pamito (pamito@replaced-ip)
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1223[00:16:31] <svlnvw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1224[00:16:31] <svlnvw> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1225[00:16:31] <xwmbodg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1226[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1227[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1228[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1229[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1230[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1231[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1232[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1233[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1234[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1235[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1236[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1237[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1238[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1239[00:16:31] <jjfhbfl> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1240[00:16:31] *** Quits: jjfhbfl (eyens@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
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1243[00:16:38] <nvzaj> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1244[00:16:38] *** Quits: wvdgeal (kqqb@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: 10,11floodbot/spambot/drone - TNTease (qbb))
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1253[00:16:41] <sgjxtzq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1254[00:16:41] <idevb> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1255[00:16:42] *** Joins: Guest_938 (Guest@replaced-ip)
1256[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1257[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1258[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1259[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1260[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1261[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1262[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1263[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1264[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1265[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1266[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1267[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1268[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1269[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1270[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1271[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1272[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1273[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1274[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1275[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1276[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1277[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1278[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1279[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1280[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1281[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1282[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1283[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1284[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1285[00:16:48] <rlzdt> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1286[00:16:48] *** Quits: rlzdt (yorke@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
1287[00:16:51] *** Quits: jan___M (vsxhrbugyyyvfw@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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1290[00:16:54] <ovord> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
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1305[00:17:30] *** Tintin is now known as RobertoBlanco
1306[00:17:32] <dwsjihh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1307[00:17:32] <dwsjihh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1308[00:17:32] <dwsjihh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1309[00:17:32] <dwsjihh> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1310[00:17:32] *** Quits: Boy20_suReifeW (Boy20_suReifeW@replaced-ip) (Resource temporarily unavailable)
1311[00:17:32] *** Quits: mqxpmtd (xlefl@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
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1313[00:17:34] *** Quits: dwsjihh (sqhiv@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
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1324[00:17:47] *** Quits: Sofinco (Sofinco@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
1325[00:17:49] <bltjfu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1326[00:17:49] <bltjfu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1327[00:17:49] *** Quits: bltjfu (vktvs@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
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1333[00:18:00] *** Quits: tabozjj (hzr@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
1334[00:18:00] *** Quits: wofqric (agfhz@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
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1336[00:18:00] *** Quits: wwujm (njypu@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
1337[00:18:01] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 231
1338[00:18:01] *** Quits: xotesq (dyzq@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
1339[00:18:01] *** Quits: gagwshd (ligjw@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
1340[00:18:01] *** Quits: tqrja (rssie@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
1341[00:18:01] *** Quits: Xtreme (Xtreme@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
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1343[00:18:02] *** Quits: gkyuaau (wwf@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
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1355[00:18:04] *** Quits: zglcqly (jlu@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
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1361[00:18:15] *** Quits: sgjxtzq (kwq@replaced-ip) (G-Lined: No flooding. - TNTease)
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1368[00:18:18] *** Quits: mqsrkgx (ogmf@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
1369[00:18:20] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1370[00:18:20] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1371[00:18:20] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1372[00:18:20] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1373[00:18:20] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1374[00:18:20] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1375[00:18:20] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1376[00:18:20] <lsewnqa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1377[00:18:20] <ckgoq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1378[00:18:20] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1379[00:18:20] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1380[00:18:20] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1381[00:18:20] <pyyjg> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1382[00:18:20] *** Quits: pyyjg (oopq@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
1383[00:18:20] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1384[00:18:20] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1385[00:18:20] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1386[00:18:20] <lpkwf> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1387[00:18:20] *** Quits: lpkwf (ivxn@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
1388[00:18:20] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1389[00:18:20] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1390[00:18:20] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1391[00:18:20] <aeqqjsn> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1392[00:18:20] *** Quits: aeqqjsn (bwc@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
1393[00:18:20] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1394[00:18:20] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1395[00:18:20] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1396[00:18:20] <mqmtmwu> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
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1398[00:18:20] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1399[00:18:20] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1400[00:18:20] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1401[00:18:20] <fxafe> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
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1403[00:18:20] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1404[00:18:20] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1405[00:18:20] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1406[00:18:20] <rxutz> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
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1408[00:18:20] <lsewnqa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1409[00:18:20] <lsewnqa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1410[00:18:20] <lsewnqa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1411[00:18:20] <lsewnqa> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
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1413[00:18:20] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1414[00:18:20] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1415[00:18:20] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1416[00:18:20] <mkbfpvs> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
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1418[00:18:20] <ckgoq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1419[00:18:20] <ckgoq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1420[00:18:20] <ckgoq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
1421[00:18:20] <ckgoq> We gonna destroy ya!. We are the INTERNET-TERRORISTS. Feel in fear!
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1490[00:20:55] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» Scarlet - Blah Blah Blah 03:23 min ««
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1494[00:21:15] <[devin]> !seen mops3
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1496[00:21:46] <Richi> noch jemand da der schreiben mag pls pvt ega m o w =)
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1502[00:22:08] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand (Official Video HQ) 04:17 min ««
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1523[00:24:20] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» artiste inconnue - VgetoutOLD-03 05:37 min ««
1524[00:24:32] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» Shaka Ponk - Lust & Cuckoo 03:17 min ««
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1538[00:26:24] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» Shaka Ponk - twisted mind 03:18 min ««
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1553[00:27:52] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» Shaka Ponk - Make it mine 04:03 min ««
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1586[00:31:40] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» The Klaxons - Gravity's Rainbow 02:36 min ««
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1607[00:34:16] <^KampfDackel^> 8,9 »» The Ting Tings - That's Not My Name 03:45 min ««
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1614[00:36:27] <Insaneking> moin
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1618[00:38:29] <RS_Lehrer_Grun> ^^
1619[00:38:38] <GuyNextDoor> Guest_876: hi;) kann ich vlt ein foto deiner füße bekommen/kaufen? XD wtf?!
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1637[00:43:08] <sexySchulschlam> hii
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1645[00:44:58] <cbarros> hi
1646[00:45:35] <cbarros> someone to practice englihs by skype?
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1666[00:49:47] <Smarty> hi pepper
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1669[00:50:01] <AltAberHart> hey vampirlady
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1671[00:50:15] <Blackpeppper> na wie gehts smarty
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1674[00:50:30] <Smarty> gut soeit und dir
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1679[00:51:29] <Smarty> nixlos hier
1680[00:51:50] <vampir-lady> schlimmer 03w04i07e 03a04u08f 03d04e07m friedhof
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1683[00:52:07] <^KampfDackel^> 13 »» Kesha - Blah Blah Blah (feat. 3OH!3) 02:52 min ««
1684[00:52:07] <Smarty> jo lady hast recht
1685[00:52:13] <Blackpeppper> ja leider echt wenig los hier
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1687[00:52:31] <vampir-lady> 3j04a pennen 03a8l09l04e 03s04c07h08o09n
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1694[00:54:06] <Smarty> hehe..auf und
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1696[00:54:17] <vampir-lady> mann mann
1697[00:54:28] <vampir-lady> 03d04i07e leute heut 03z04u 03T04a07g08e
1698[00:54:39] <^KampfDackel^> 13 »» Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin 02:29 min ««
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1702[00:55:05] <boy_Leipzig> Welches girl will telen ? Schreibt mir
1703[00:55:12] <vampir-lady> 03i04c07h nicht
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1705[00:55:24] <WhiteBoy> vampir lady saug
1706[00:55:26] <WhiteBoy> mein blut
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1716[00:56:51] <WhiteBoy> der hat dir gefallen he
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1720[00:57:15] <^KampfDackel^> 13 »» Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 02:40 min ««
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1722[00:57:16] <vampir-lady> NECH
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1724[00:57:21] <vampir-lady> tztz
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1728[00:58:03] <WhiteBoy> vampir lady
1729[00:58:09] <vampir-lady> hier
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1737[00:59:27] <vampir-lady> pffffff
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1739[00:59:34] <vampir-lady> ganzt 03m04i07c11h
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1741[00:59:51] <^KampfDackel^> 13 »» Ace of Base - Don't Turn Around 04:07 min ««
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1749[01:00:53] <muenchner> servus, jemand lust zu chatten?? privat melden! am liebsten aus der nähe
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1764[01:03:39] <^KampfDackel^> 13 »» Eva Cassidy - True colors 04:46 min ««
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1774[01:05:32] <n00b> ach, die AnnaBlume.
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1776[01:05:33] <n00b> ;-)
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1786[01:08:08] <^KampfDackel^> 13 »» I Don't Want A Lover - 04:52 min ««
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1801[01:10:08] <GuestFrank> Moin
1802[01:10:16] <Colombiano> Someone want to practice spanish? or englihs?
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1807[01:10:43] <GuestFrank> tach lena
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1813[01:12:24] <^KampfDackel^> 13 »» Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising 02:25 min ««
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1821[01:13:22] <muenchner> noch eine nette dame wach? schreibt privat! bin 29
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1825[01:13:56] <Guest68809> morgen
1826[01:13:59] <GuestFrank> Miss`es Robinson
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1831[01:15:02] <Tim_483> welche sie hat lust noch ein bisschen zu quatschen? einfach mal melden
1832[01:15:08] <^KampfDackel^> 13 »» Icona Pop - I Love It (Lyrics) 02:38 min ««
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1843[01:16:05] <Guest38503> hola
1844[01:16:10] <rs_heidi> Weiss jemand, wie man einen eigenen Channel machen kann?
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1850[01:16:57] <Guest38503> holaaa
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1854[01:17:39] <Guest38503> hola
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1860[01:18:40] <Autobot> 4[12 rs_heidi 4]4 No spamming please.
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1864[01:19:56] <^KampfDackel^> 8,11 »» Stooshe - Betty Woz Gone Lyrics 03:38 min ««
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1874[01:21:14] <EhemannHH_557> gerne
1875[01:21:19] <EhemannHH_557> gerne
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1890[01:23:28] <^KampfDackel^> 8,11 »» Man In The Mirror - Michael Jackson (Man in the Mirror single lyrics on screen) 05:28 min ««
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1903[01:27:02] <Rihanna> Germany is the best country in the world
1904[01:27:16] <Rihanna> Feel lucki of being german
1905[01:27:32] <^KampfDackel^> 8,11 »» Laing - Morgens immer müde 03:42 min ««
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1916[01:30:47] <rs_heidi> Noch ein Platz frei :-)
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1922[01:32:40] <Guest> halloo
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1927[01:33:26] <Sniper> 2[1AnnaBlume12] 02?
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1933[01:33:58] <EhemannHH> back
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1935[01:34:11] <ghettoo> hhh
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1955[01:39:27] <RS_Lehrer_Grun> hi ihr
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1960[01:39:57] <Americanerin> halllllo
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1962[01:40:34] <Blackpeppper> hy americanerin
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1964[01:40:48] <persil> Deppen wollen bespielt werden! Hahahaha
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1966[01:41:07] <Guest68809> hi
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1977[01:45:12] <muenchner> noch eine nette dame wach? schreibt privat! bin 29
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1985[01:46:19] <Guest> hallo
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1988[01:47:07] <Guest74757> wer hat lust auf chat
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1990[01:47:36] <Chris271934> Wer aus Hessen da?
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1995[01:49:14] <Guest74757> suche hobbyfotograpten
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1999[01:50:12] <Guest68809> ich nicht
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2006[01:51:41] <Guest_809> hi
2007[01:51:51] <Guest_809> wer hat lust auf chat
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2014[01:54:33] <Guest68809> jaja
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2021[01:56:58] <Guest_809> wer hat lust auf chat
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2025[01:58:18] <nice_m> german is not a beutiful language
2026[01:58:22] <Guest_809> ohja
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2029[01:58:33] <persil> That means they want a German Blow Job
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2032[01:59:21] <Jess> c'mon
2033[01:59:30] <Jess> i know it has nth to do with blow
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2037[02:00:01] <Jess> is a beautiful language or isn't a beautiful language
2038[02:00:04] <Jess> ?
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2040[02:00:10] <Guest_105> wer hat lust auf chat
2041[02:00:13] <persil> Normal
2042[02:00:18] *** Parts: Guestm (Guestm@replaced-ip)
2043[02:00:19] <nice_m> yes jess
2044[02:00:21] <Chrisi_w25> nenn deinen namen
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2046[02:00:31] <Monika15> mag wer in skype schreiben?Alter egal
2047[02:00:33] <Chrisi_w25> und dein alter
2048[02:00:39] <Jess> thanks, nice_m
2049[02:01:22] <persil> Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitän
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2066[02:04:46] <sportlicher92_> mag jemand schreiben? melden (:
2067[02:05:04] <Guest49253> gute idee
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2073[02:06:26] <Guest49253> also, wieder ruhepause?
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2078[02:07:12] <Jessy17> Jessica 17 bietet Camxxx gegen Taschengeld vor der Cam, Skype: Jessy.Maus12
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2095[02:11:30] <Er_22_sucht> ja ich :D
2096[02:11:39] <Guest49253> na endlich
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2098[02:11:55] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2099[02:12:05] <Guest49253> dachte schon ich bin die einzige
2100[02:12:12] <Guest49253> ;-)
2101[02:12:19] *** Quits: HerrUndMeister (DomSadM29@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
2102[02:12:37] <Guest49253> und wie!
2103[02:12:47] <Pascal> Guest49253 du stehst nicht in der icq liste. hast du lust privat zu schreiben
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2105[02:13:06] <Guest49253> ja langeweile
2106[02:13:20] *** Parts: Musik_Er (Musik_Er@replaced-ip)
2107[02:13:28] <Er_22_sucht> :D kenn ich zu gut :D
2108[02:13:44] <Guest49253> warum?
2109[02:13:58] <Er_22_sucht> ach mir is das egal :D hab nix zu verbergen :D
2110[02:14:32] <Guest49253> ok. das ist ein Argument
2111[02:14:35] *** Quits: Svetlana13 (bjmqhqjligekho@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2112[02:14:40] <Guest49253> :-)
2113[02:14:53] <EhemannHH> gerne
2114[02:15:09] <Guest49253> sperrstunde?
2115[02:16:16] <Guest49253> Wo bistn her?
2116[02:16:25] <Er_22_sucht> bayern :D
2117[02:16:42] <Guest49253> Aha
2118[02:16:48] <Er_22_sucht> naja is hal mitten in der "stadt"
2119[02:17:12] <Guest49253> und studierst du?
2120[02:17:19] <Guest49253> oder so?
2121[02:17:33] *** Joins: Musik_Er (Musik_Er@replaced-ip)
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2123[02:17:41] <Er_22_sucht> ne :D ehrlichgesagt habt ich grade keinen plan was ich machen soll xD
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2125[02:18:24] *** Parts: devin- (devin-@replaced-ip)
2126[02:18:33] <Er_22_sucht> und selbst?
2127[02:18:33] <Guest49253> was is passiert?
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2131[02:19:14] <Er_22_sucht> naja :D nach der schule ausbildung bei ner kleinen firma mit nem beschissenen chef
2132[02:19:29] <Er_22_sucht> da war der nerfenzusammenbruch nicht weit
2133[02:19:42] <Guest49253> kann ich verstehen
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2137[02:20:32] <Pascal> ...
2138[02:20:39] <Er_22_sucht> naja seis drum. jedenfalls denk ich mal wirds jetzt auf ne ausbildung in richtung informatik hinauslaufen... weg vom handwerk :D
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2141[02:21:18] <Er_22_sucht> hi pascal :D
2142[02:21:24] <Guest49253> Informatik passt eh. da suchens immer wieder leute
2143[02:21:29] <Pascal> Er_22 kennst du mich
2144[02:22:05] *** Autobot sets mode: -b *!*@E1A35B.D31BFF.CBED4C.521CB0
2145[02:22:18] <Guest49253> sehr aufmerksam von dir
2146[02:22:29] *** Quits: Blackpeppper (Blackpeppper@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2147[02:22:30] <Pascal> ER_22 kennst du goa?
2148[02:23:02] <Er_22_sucht> nope sry goa sagt mir nichts
2149[02:23:11] <Pascal> ok
2150[02:23:15] <Pascal> dann kennst du mich jetzt
2151[02:23:21] <Er_22_sucht> jo hi :D
2152[02:23:21] <Pascal> viel spass noch hier
2153[02:23:25] <Er_22_sucht> danke
2154[02:23:35] <Guest49253> warte
2155[02:23:37] *** Quits: ives (ives@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2156[02:23:43] <Pascal> schreibe mich privat an
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2159[02:24:54] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2160[02:25:05] <Guest49253> ;-)
2161[02:25:10] <Er_22_sucht> und sonst was treibt ihr so in eurer freizeit? :D
2162[02:25:32] <Guest49253> ich bin langweilig, wenn es um freizeit geht
2163[02:25:38] <Guest49253> und du?
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2165[02:25:55] <Er_22_sucht> :D kommt drauf an was man als langweilig bezeichnet :D
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2168[02:26:28] <Er_22_sucht> naja wenn meine freunde am wochenende nich gerade feiern gehen wollen oder so dann bin ich eigendlich so ein kleiner otaku :D
2169[02:26:30] <Guest49253> hab ja kaum freizeit und wenn dann lese ich viel, relaxe,
2170[02:26:46] <Guest49253> otaku?
2171[02:26:55] *** Quits: rs_heidi (rs_heidi@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2172[02:27:32] <Guest49253> uhhh, spannend!
2173[02:27:35] <Guest49253> ;-)
2174[02:27:38] <Er_22_sucht> :D total xD
2175[02:27:51] *** Quits: Herrr (Herrr@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2176[02:28:06] <Guest49253> kannst du schwimmen?
2177[02:28:24] <Er_22_sucht> :D naja ob mans schwimmen nennen kann :D ich gehe auf jedenfall nicht unter :D
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2180[02:29:24] <Guest49253> ;-)))))
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2186[02:29:54] <Brasilianer32> hallo zusammen!
2187[02:29:57] <Er_22_sucht> hi ho
2188[02:30:03] <Guest49253> halloooooo
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2191[02:30:20] <Brasilianer32> ;)
2192[02:30:26] <Brasilianer32> noch kalt bei euch?
2193[02:30:32] <Er_22_sucht> :D ja leider
2194[02:30:34] <Guest49253> jap
2195[02:30:43] <Brasilianer32> bei uns hier in Nordosten Brasiliens ist es sehr warm!
2196[02:30:57] <Guest49253> ohh, das ist gemein
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2198[02:31:05] *** Parts: david19 (david19@replaced-ip)
2199[02:31:06] <Er_22_sucht> denk ich mal :D
2200[02:31:08] *** Quits: Guest_126 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2201[02:31:23] <Guest49253> ach, herrlich
2202[02:31:27] <Guest49253> will auch
2203[02:31:38] <Brasilianer32> gerade haben wir... 82 Grad
2204[02:31:46] <Brasilianer32> 28 Grad*
2205[02:31:48] *** Quits: FaschingsKrissi (FaschingsKrissi@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2206[02:31:52] <Brasilianer32> ^^
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2209[02:32:06] <Er_22_sucht> :D gemein
2210[02:32:20] <Guest49253> oh gott, ich freu mich schon wieder auf kurze hosen und so
2211[02:32:41] <Brasilianer32> ja, Hosen sind geil! lol
2212[02:32:45] *** Quits: msuchtw (msuchtw@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2213[02:32:51] <Guest49253> kurze hosen
2214[02:32:54] <Guest49253> lol
2215[02:32:56] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2216[02:33:05] <Brasilianer32> lol
2217[02:33:08] <Pascal> lol
2218[02:33:15] <Brasilianer32> woher genau kommen sie?
2219[02:33:20] <Pascal> Guest49253 hast du lust da wir kontakt aufbauen
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2222[02:33:30] *** Joins: Blackpeppper (Blackpeppper@replaced-ip)
2223[02:33:35] <Er_22_sucht> \(^o^)/ ein hoch auf die hosen :D
2224[02:33:41] *** Quits: Guest_767 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2225[02:33:48] <Brasilianer32> kommt ihr*
2226[02:33:49] <Guest49253> die KURZEN
2227[02:33:58] <Guest49253> HOSEN
2228[02:34:00] <Er_22_sucht> bayern :D
2229[02:34:09] <Guest49253> eig. tirol
2230[02:34:15] <Guest49253> aber umgezogen
2231[02:34:39] <Brasilianer32> Tirol? ist es in der Schweiz?
2232[02:34:41] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2233[02:34:58] <Guest49253> das ist ein Witz oder?
2234[02:35:01] <Brasilianer32> schon vergessen lol
2235[02:35:11] <RS_TS_BOY> Welche Sie hat Lust nice, sexy und niveauvoll zu chatten? Gerne auch mehr, dann... Bitte bei mir im PVT melden...
2236[02:35:17] <Er_22_sucht> yey :D
2237[02:35:17] <RS_TS_BOY> Welche Sie hat Lust nice, sexy und niveauvoll zu chatten? Gerne auch mehr, dann... Bitte bei mir im PVT melden...
2238[02:35:42] <Er_22_sucht> bah ez hab ich den faden verloren :D
2239[02:35:54] <Guest49253> schweiz
2240[02:35:59] <Brasilianer32> achso, entschuldigung :)
2241[02:36:06] <Guest49253> schon ok
2242[02:36:22] <Guest49253> ich verzeih dir
2243[02:36:28] <Er_22_sucht> :D ausnamsweise :D
2244[02:36:33] <Guest49253> genau
2245[02:36:40] <Brasilianer32> danke
2246[02:36:41] <Guest49253> :D
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2249[02:36:58] <Er_22_sucht> und du ? original aus brasilien?
2250[02:37:26] <Brasilianer32> genau, aus Nordosten Brasiliens
2251[02:37:32] <Guest49253> klingt wie TUI
2252[02:37:38] <Guest49253> ;-)
2253[02:37:47] <Er_22_sucht> :D ich bin Daniel
2254[02:37:56] <Brasilianer32> sehr angenehm
2255[02:38:03] <Er_22_sucht> Wie kommts dann dass du so gut deutsch kannst :D wenn ich fragen darf
2256[02:38:05] <Brasilianer32> hahaha
2257[02:38:14] <Guest49253> nett dass ihr fragt, ich bin Natalie
2258[02:38:21] <Brasilianer32> ja, ich war 2 Jahre in Wiesbaden, um Deutsch zu lernen.
2259[02:38:31] <Er_22_sucht> :D nicht schlecht ^^
2260[02:38:53] <Guest49253> in 2 jahren hast du Deutsch gelernt?
2261[02:38:54] <Brasilianer32> aber leider habe ich schon viel vergessen :(
2262[02:38:57] *** Quits: gerd (gerd@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2263[02:38:58] <Brasilianer32> ja.
2264[02:39:01] *** Joins: Espresso (Espresso@replaced-ip)
2265[02:39:06] <Brasilianer32> hahahaha
2266[02:39:08] <LeBelle14> bye
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2268[02:39:13] <Guest49253> stimmt
2269[02:39:17] *** Quits: RS_BlackMonster (RS_BlackMonster@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2270[02:39:34] <Guest49253> lol
2271[02:39:38] <Brasilianer32> hahahah
2272[02:39:41] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2273[02:39:44] <Brasilianer32> danke sehr! ;)
2274[02:40:01] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 108
2275[02:40:11] <Er_22_sucht> versuche mir selbst in meiner freizeit japanisch beizubringen :D leider mit nur sehr wenig erfolg :D
2276[02:40:32] <Guest49253> Japanisch?
2277[02:40:40] <Brasilianer32> Japanisch? wow!
2278[02:40:43] <Er_22_sucht> :D ja :D
2279[02:40:51] <Guest49253> warum nicht gleich alt griechisch?
2280[02:40:58] <Brasilianer32> hahahaha
2281[02:41:08] <Er_22_sucht> :D nein :D ich find die japanische kultur verdammt faszinierend :D
2282[02:41:13] <Brasilianer32> versuch mal Portugiesisch, vlt, ist es leichter als japanisch ;-)
2283[02:41:18] <Guest49253> verzeihung
2284[02:41:36] *** Joins: APO (APO@replaced-ip)
2285[02:41:49] <Guest49253> ;-))))))
2286[02:41:53] <Brasilianer32> :-)
2287[02:41:55] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2288[02:42:17] <Brasilianer32> ih bin 32, Daniel ist 22, und du natalie?
2289[02:42:26] <Espresso> heyy an allle
2290[02:42:33] <Er_22_sucht> hey
2291[02:42:33] <Brasilianer32> hallo, Espresso!
2292[02:42:35] <Guest49253> bald 24
2293[02:42:38] <Guest49253> hallo
2294[02:42:39] <Brasilianer32> hmm
2295[02:42:44] <Brasilianer32> noch jung.
2296[02:42:52] <Guest49253> jung???
2297[02:42:55] *** Quits: AnnaLena12j_18 (AnnaLena12j@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2298[02:43:07] <Er_22_sucht> :D:D:D
2299[02:43:07] <Brasilianer32> hahahaha
2300[02:43:08] *** Joins: Besucherin (Besucherin@replaced-ip)
2301[02:43:19] <Espresso> hy brasililianer was geht hier noch so
2302[02:43:22] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
2303[02:43:40] <sportlicher92_> mag jemand schreiben? melden (:
2304[02:43:48] <Brasilianer32> Espresso, ich weiss es auch noch nicht. Lass uns zusammen herausfinden :)
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2308[02:44:15] <Espresso> ^^ok
2309[02:44:19] <Guest49253> aber 32 ist auch nicht alt
2310[02:44:21] <Er_22_sucht> ich bin einer der geht normalerweise in den keller zum lachen... da ist auch mein zimmer :D:D
2311[02:44:34] <Guest49253> lol lol lol lol
2312[02:44:57] <Brasilianer32> lol
2313[02:45:12] <Brasilianer32> ich bin Lehrer von Beruf
2314[02:45:18] <Guest49253> oh gott
2315[02:45:36] <Brasilianer32> ich unterrichte Englisch.
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2318[02:45:47] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2319[02:46:01] <Brasilianer32> hahaha
2320[02:46:08] <Guest49253> du bist 32
2321[02:46:15] <Brasilianer32> ja.
2322[02:46:22] *** Quits: Sam (Sam@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2323[02:46:28] <Er_22_sucht> ach da bietet sich doch deutsch als fach auch noch an ^^
2324[02:46:32] <Brasilianer32> ich werde 33 in August.
2325[02:46:47] <Americanerin> du unterrichtest englisch?
2326[02:46:49] *** Interceptor is now known as Interceptor[A]
2327[02:46:56] <Brasilianer32> genau, Americanerin.
2328[02:47:05] <Guest49253> in Juli
2329[02:47:09] <Guest49253> ich im Mai
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2331[02:47:12] <Brasilianer32> schon seit ein paar Jahre
2332[02:47:13] <Er_22_sucht> langsam melden sich die ganzen schweigenden :D
2333[02:47:26] <Guest49253> habs auch gemerkt
2334[02:47:33] *** Americanerin is now known as Ameriknerin
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2338[02:48:13] <Brasilianer32> ich habe es auch versucht.
2339[02:48:13] <Guest49253> oder japanisch!
2340[02:48:21] <Guest49253> :D
2341[02:48:36] <Guest49253> welchen kuchen?
2342[02:48:42] <Er_22_sucht> :D kuchen mit
2343[02:48:46] *** Quits: Mischling_20 (Mischling_20@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2344[02:48:48] <Er_22_sucht> KUCHENGESCHMACK
2345[02:49:00] <Brasilianer32> \o/
2346[02:49:06] *** Autobot sets mode: -b *!*@69D76E.C69251.4B5E18.2961E4
2347[02:49:07] <Guest49253> wenn er gut ist, esse ich ihn lieber
2348[02:49:10] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2349[02:49:11] <Guest49253> ;-)
2350[02:49:18] <Brasilianer32> wer von euch benutzt facebook ?
2351[02:49:32] <Er_22_sucht> :D ja leider :D
2352[02:49:34] <Guest49253> Ich hab Skype
2353[02:49:41] *** Joins: EichelSahneNRW (EichelSahneNRW@replaced-ip)
2354[02:49:54] <Guest49253> FB ist mir nicht geheuer
2355[02:49:58] <Brasilianer32> kein FB?Kein FB?
2356[02:50:07] <Brasilianer32> geheuer?
2357[02:50:10] <Er_22_sucht> genau KEIN FB :D wtf
2358[02:50:12] *** Quits: Bartagame (Bartagame@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2363[02:50:33] *** Joins: Samos (Samos@replaced-ip)
2364[02:50:34] <Er_22_sucht> sie traut facebook nicht
2365[02:50:36] <Er_22_sucht> sozusagen
2366[02:50:59] <Er_22_sucht> in deutschland auch. man kommt ja kaum noch drum herum
2367[02:51:03] <Er_22_sucht> kein thema ^^
2368[02:51:13] <Guest49253> Herr Co Lehrer
2369[02:51:19] <Er_22_sucht> xD
2370[02:51:24] <Brasilianer32> ;-)
2371[02:51:34] *** Joins: Phoebe2040 (Koala2040@replaced-ip)
2372[02:51:35] <Er_22_sucht> und jetzt bitte auf japanisch :D
2373[02:51:39] <Brasilianer32> hahahaha
2374[02:51:50] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2375[02:51:52] <Brasilianer32> Daniel, du auch nicht?
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2377[02:52:06] <Er_22_sucht> arigato, sempai :D
2378[02:52:07] <Brasilianer32> hahaha
2379[02:52:14] <Brasilianer32> saionara
2380[02:52:15] <Guest49253> lol
2381[02:52:19] <Brasilianer32> lol
2382[02:52:19] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2383[02:52:35] *** Quits: Guest_315 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2384[02:52:43] <Guest49253> hic amaica mea est
2385[02:52:48] <Brasilianer32> und... whatsapp? auch nicht?
2386[02:53:03] *** Quits: Daniel` (admin@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
2387[02:53:05] <Guest49253> whatsapp hab ich schon
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2389[02:54:14] <Brasilianer32> Daniel und Natalie ^^
2390[02:54:19] <Er_22_sucht> :D nachher wenn ich mein handy wieder zur hand habe :D
2391[02:54:21] *** Quits: sportlicher92_ (sportlicher92_@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2392[02:54:28] <Brasilianer32> ok :)
2393[02:54:36] *** Quits: Guest52668 (Helena@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2394[02:54:36] <Guest49253> cool danke
2395[02:54:43] <Guest49253> zur hand haben?
2396[02:54:44] <Brasilianer32> was ist denn los mit deinem handy?
2397[02:54:56] <Er_22_sucht> :D ich weis gerade nicht wo es liegt :D
2398[02:55:03] <Guest49253> aso
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2400[02:55:05] *** Joins: Helena (Helena@replaced-ip)
2401[02:55:06] <Brasilianer32> achso.
2402[02:55:06] *** Helena is now known as Guest68293
2403[02:55:08] <Guest49253> ;-)
2404[02:55:13] <Guest49253> kann passieren
2405[02:55:14] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2406[02:55:27] <Er_22_sucht> evtl hat es meine katze sich wieder geschnappt
2407[02:55:37] *** Quits: Phoebe2040 (Koala2040@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2408[02:55:46] <Guest49253> nein, der hund hats gefressen
2409[02:55:54] <Guest49253> wie die hausaufgaben
2410[02:55:55] *** Quits: Samos (Samos@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2411[02:56:00] <Er_22_sucht> :D da hab ich leider keinen :D
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2413[02:56:10] <Guest49253> schade
2414[02:56:18] <Brasilianer32> hahahaha
2415[02:56:24] <Brasilianer32> arme Hausaufgaben! lol
2416[02:56:37] *** Parts: david19 (david19@replaced-ip)
2417[02:56:40] <Guest49253> lol. bin froh wenn ich keine habe
2418[02:56:43] <Er_22_sucht> :o
2419[02:56:57] <Brasilianer32> oh, ihr seid sehr humorvoll! :-)
2420[02:57:06] *** Quits: Espresso (Espresso@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2421[02:57:07] <Er_22_sucht> ^^ danke
2422[02:57:16] <Guest49253> danke
2423[02:57:22] <Guest49253> Flauschig?
2424[02:57:32] <Brasilianer32> ;)
2425[02:57:33] *** Quits: APO (APO@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2426[02:57:34] <Er_22_sucht> katzen :D ja :D
2427[02:57:36] <Brasilianer32> bitte.
2428[02:57:39] *** Quits: zuhause (zuhause@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2429[02:57:46] <Guest49253> achso, jetzt ergibt es sinn
2430[02:57:54] <Er_22_sucht> :D was hast du denn gedacht?
2431[02:58:06] <Guest49253> lol
2432[02:58:11] <Er_22_sucht> :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
2433[02:58:17] <Guest49253> seit wann sind die flauschig?
2434[02:58:29] <Er_22_sucht> waren meine nie :D
2435[02:58:40] *** Quits: VerEiser (VerEiser@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
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2437[02:58:46] <Guest49253> meine sind es heute auch noch nicht
2438[02:58:58] <Brasilianer32> was lernt ihr?
2439[02:59:13] <Guest49253> ich mache Abendmatura
2440[02:59:23] <Brasilianer32> ein bisschen. ;-)
2441[02:59:24] <Brasilianer32> lol
2442[02:59:32] <Er_22_sucht> was ist eigendlich abendmatura wenn ich fragen darf :D
2443[02:59:52] <Brasilianer32> gute Frage, was ist das denn? O.o
2444[02:59:53] <Guest49253> das brauch ich, wenn ich studieren gehen will
2445[02:59:55] <Er_22_sucht> ich schau mich zurzeit nach einer lehrstelle um
2446[03:00:07] <Er_22_sucht> ach quasi holst du dein abbi nach
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2448[03:00:40] *** Joins: DeCompileR`GoNe (update@replaced-ip)
2449[03:00:40] <Guest49253> jap
2450[03:01:04] *** Joins: Sniper (ircap@replaced-ip)
2451[03:01:04] <Guest49253> bis?
2452[03:01:12] *** Quits: Stangenfieber28 (Stangenfieber28@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2453[03:01:14] <Er_22_sucht> oha ^^ da braucht man doch nerfen wie drahtseile oder :D
2454[03:01:15] <Brasilianer32> aber die meinstens sind zwischen 20 und 25
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2456[03:01:21] *** Joins: DeCompileR`GoNe (update@replaced-ip)
2457[03:01:41] <Brasilianer32> Gott sei dank, keine Kinder ^^
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2459[03:01:46] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2460[03:01:54] <Guest49253> ;-)
2461[03:02:11] <Guest49253> naja, ein bisschen darf man schon noch Kind sein
2462[03:02:26] *** Joins: Guest_286 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2463[03:02:34] <Guest49253> warum will jeder Lehrer werden?
2464[03:02:39] <Er_22_sucht> wenn ich bis 65 arbeiten muss, darf ich auch bis 30 kind sein :D
2465[03:02:44] <Brasilianer32> hahahaha ich weiss es auch nicht hahaha
2466[03:02:56] <Brasilianer32> :D
2467[03:02:59] <Guest49253> lol
2468[03:03:12] <Er_22_sucht> naja jetzt sind meine nerfen eh kaputt :D von daher muss ich mich ja umorientieren :D
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2471[03:03:29] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2472[03:03:41] <Guest49253> ungeduldig?
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2477[03:05:02] <Brasilianer32> Skype benutze ich nicht so oft.
2478[03:05:03] <Guest49253> deine nervern kaputt und ich arbeite im gastgewerbe
2479[03:05:29] <Brasilianer32> :-D
2480[03:05:34] <Guest49253> lol
2481[03:05:40] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2482[03:05:42] *** Quits: Guest_585_274 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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2486[03:06:45] <Guest49253> und wie schaut es mit dem Telefonbuch aus?
2487[03:06:53] <Guest49253> :D
2488[03:06:56] <Er_22_sucht> :D da nicht ^^
2489[03:07:05] <Er_22_sucht> da ich noch daheim wohne ^^
2490[03:07:18] <Er_22_sucht> situationsbedingt :D
2491[03:07:40] <Brasilianer32> :-)
2492[03:08:06] <Brasilianer32> traurig
2493[03:08:11] <Er_22_sucht> Daniel Pager heis ich in facebook :D
2494[03:08:14] <Guest49253> sry
2495[03:08:22] *** Joins: Interceptor[A] (update@replaced-ip)
2496[03:08:24] <Brasilianer32> ok, ich werde dich suchen.
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2498[03:08:27] <Er_22_sucht> kein thema ^^ ich nehms gelassen wird schon wieder irgendwie ^^
2499[03:08:38] <Guest49253> yes we can
2500[03:08:51] <Guest49253> lol
2501[03:08:51] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2502[03:09:03] <Er_22_sucht> so in der art nur dass ich nicht schwarz bin xD
2503[03:09:16] *** Quits: Guest31887 (update@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
2504[03:09:17] <Guest49253> sondern???
2505[03:09:20] <Guest49253> rot?
2506[03:09:20] *** Joins: Guest31887 (update@replaced-ip)
2507[03:09:21] <Er_22_sucht> ohne jetzt rasistisch wirken zu wollen :D
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2509[03:09:24] <Guest49253> gelb?
2510[03:09:29] *** Guest31887 is now known as Interceptor
2511[03:09:29] <Er_22_sucht> neon blassblau
2512[03:09:33] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2513[03:09:44] <Guest49253> ich hab gewusst dass du jetzt blau sagst
2514[03:09:47] <Er_22_sucht> mit einem hauch lila :D
2515[03:09:57] <Er_22_sucht> oha :D
2516[03:10:02] <Brasilianer32> leider nicht gefunden
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2519[03:10:19] <Brasilianer32> replaced-url
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2521[03:10:45] <Er_22_sucht> :D schon geschehen :D
2522[03:11:15] <Er_22_sucht> xDDDD
2523[03:11:16] <Guest49253> wollt ihr alleine sein?
2524[03:11:24] *** Joins: Renan (Renan@replaced-ip)
2525[03:11:37] <Brasilianer32> ich wohne schon alleine :)
2526[03:11:48] <Brasilianer32> seit 5 jahren
2527[03:11:50] <Guest49253> lol lol lol
2528[03:11:59] <Guest49253> und vorher?
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2530[03:12:04] <Guest49253> zuhause?
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2533[03:12:13] <Brasilianer32> mit Familie meines Freundes
2534[03:12:22] *** Sniper is now known as FrostDragon
2535[03:12:24] <Guest49253> und deine Familie?
2536[03:12:45] *** Quits: Michael21 (Michael21@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2537[03:12:52] <RS_TS_BOY> Welche Sie hat Lust nice, sexy und niveauvoll zu chatten? Gerne auch mehr, dann... Bitte bei mir im PVT melden...
2538[03:12:52] <Brasilianer32> nun... ich habe bei meinem vater biz zum Alt 16 gewohnt.
2539[03:13:11] <Guest49253> mama?
2540[03:13:20] *** Joins: Michael21 (Michael21@replaced-ip)
2541[03:13:33] <Er_22_sucht> nach Brasilien will ich irgendwann auf jedenfall auch mal. Mir mal den Carneval in Rio anschaun ^^
2542[03:13:48] <Guest49253> Rio, yeah
2543[03:13:53] <Brasilianer32> meine Mutti hat von meinem Vater geschieden als ich 10 war.
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2546[03:14:05] <Guest49253> das tut mir leid
2547[03:14:08] <Er_22_sucht> same thing here
2548[03:14:14] <Guest49253> meine auch
2549[03:14:16] *** Parts: Renan (Renan@replaced-ip)
2550[03:14:18] <Brasilianer32> Karneval hier in Brasilien ist irgendwo super!!! \o/
2551[03:14:25] <Brasilianer32> egal wo!
2552[03:14:39] <Brasilianer32> Haupsache in Brasilien sein ;-)
2553[03:14:49] <Er_22_sucht> ^^
2554[03:15:03] <Brasilianer32> danke! :)
2555[03:15:03] <Guest49253> mag auch im bikini rumlaufen ohen verhaftet zu werden!
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2558[03:15:11] <Guest49253> ohne
2559[03:15:13] <Er_22_sucht> :D:D
2560[03:15:16] <Brasilianer32> stimmt, Natalie.
2561[03:15:17] <Guest49253> :D
2562[03:15:20] *** Quits: Besucherin (Besucherin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2563[03:15:30] <Er_22_sucht> versuchs doch einfach mal in der stadt :D wieso soll dich denn jemand verhaften :D
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2567[03:15:59] <Guest49253> naja, ....
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2570[03:16:18] <Guest49253> herausfordern will ich es auch nicht gerade
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2572[03:16:28] <Brasilianer32> Daniel, wenn du (oder natalie) nach Brasilien fliegs, du hast schon einen Platz zu bleiben.
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2574[03:16:40] <Er_22_sucht> gut zu wissen :D
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2576[03:16:43] <Er_22_sucht> danke ^^
2577[03:16:47] <Guest49253> verdammt, ich will auch
2578[03:16:49] *** Quits: Andreas_H (qrfaghxeszhhuq@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2579[03:17:43] <Guest49253> was gibts zu trinken?
2580[03:17:46] <Brasilianer32> bitte ^^
2581[03:17:51] *** Quits: AltAberHart (AltAberHart@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2582[03:17:54] <Brasilianer32> zu trinken?
2583[03:18:06] <Brasilianer32> hahaha
2584[03:18:14] <Brasilianer32> Saft
2585[03:18:14] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2586[03:18:15] <Brasilianer32> lol
2587[03:18:17] *** Quits: Dude_ (Miranda@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
2588[03:18:21] <Er_22_sucht> tequila
2589[03:18:24] <Er_22_sucht> ne moment
2590[03:18:27] <Er_22_sucht> das war mexico oder
2591[03:18:29] <Er_22_sucht> :D
2592[03:18:33] <Guest49253> jap
2593[03:19:02] <Brasilianer32> hahaha
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2597[03:19:35] <Guest49253> stark? das glaube ich nicht
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2599[03:19:56] <Er_22_sucht> 48%
2600[03:19:56] <Brasilianer32> komm doch mal scnhell nach Brasilien!! \o/
2601[03:19:57] *** Parts: Corporel_235 (Corporel_235@replaced-ip)
2602[03:20:11] *** Joins: Blistex (Blistex@replaced-ip)
2603[03:20:47] <Brasilianer32> hahaha
2604[03:20:52] <Guest49253> das ist nicht stark
2605[03:20:52] <Brasilianer32> ja.
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2610[03:21:46] <Guest49253> Juhu, ich bin dabei
2611[03:21:47] <Er_22_sucht> :D klingt recht interessant ^^
2612[03:21:52] <Brasilianer32> :-D \o/ jawohl, Daniel!
2613[03:22:02] *** Joins: Guest_762 (Guest@replaced-ip)
2614[03:22:03] <Brasilianer32> juhuu!! \o/
2615[03:22:07] <Er_22_sucht> :D
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2618[03:22:23] <Er_22_sucht> :D
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2621[03:23:24] <Guest49253> bei mir whisky mischungen
2622[03:23:54] <Guest49253> tequilla war nie ein problem
2623[03:24:27] <Guest49253> gut zu wissen
2624[03:24:30] <Brasilianer32> (was ist das Gegenteil von stark? lol)
2625[03:24:34] <Brasilianer32> da bin ich. hahaha
2626[03:24:44] <Guest49253> schwach
2627[03:24:50] *** Joins: Cross (gilgksvjrjfpdg@replaced-ip)
2628[03:24:57] <Brasilianer32> danke
2629[03:25:00] <Brasilianer32> ich bin schwach.
2630[03:25:02] <Guest49253> gerne
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2632[03:25:12] <Guest49253> lol
2633[03:25:14] <Er_22_sucht> :D Achja fals du mich in skype mal adden willst. da bin ich ab und an ma online. heis da genau wie in facebook :D
2634[03:25:16] <Guest49253> :D
2635[03:25:26] *** Joins: Smookie (sag@replaced-ip)
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2637[03:25:36] <Guest49253> Daniel parger?
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2640[03:25:45] <Er_22_sucht> jup :D
2641[03:26:00] <Guest49253> vielen herzlichen dank der Herr
2642[03:26:21] <Er_22_sucht> :D oder wenn man das nicht finden nach ZeichenZwerg suchen :D
2643[03:26:50] <Guest49253> Hobbit? lol
2644[03:27:11] <Er_22_sucht> xD naaaaain :D
2645[03:27:12] <Brasilianer32> lol
2646[03:27:17] <Er_22_sucht> lange geschichte dahinter ^^
2647[03:27:27] <Er_22_sucht> ist mein gamertag in so gut wie jedem spiel
2648[03:27:36] <Guest49253> aso
2649[03:27:39] <Guest49253> hihi
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2653[03:28:30] <RS_TS_BOY> Welche Sie hat Lust nice, sexy und niveauvoll zu chatten? Gerne auch mehr, dann... Bitte bei mir im PVT melden...
2654[03:28:59] <Guest49253> wie niedlich
2655[03:29:06] *** Quits: Guest85169 (star@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
2656[03:29:07] <Er_22_sucht> :D
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2661[03:29:23] <Brasilianer32> :-D
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2666[03:29:47] <Guest49253> was ist jetzt los?
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2672[03:30:10] <Guest49253> schlaft niemand mehr heutzutage?
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2675[03:30:20] <Er_22_sucht> :D
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2679[03:30:35] <Er_22_sucht> doch ich werd jetzt langsam mal schlafen gehen
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2681[03:30:46] <Guest49253> ich auch
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2683[03:30:55] <Guest49253> hier ist es halb 4
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2691[03:31:05] <Brasilianer32> nur 23.31 Uhr
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2693[03:31:07] <Er_22_sucht> halb 4 morgens :D
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2699[03:31:34] <Brasilianer32> halb 4 bedeutet 3.30 oder?
2700[03:31:38] <Brasilianer32> :)
2701[03:31:40] <Er_22_sucht> ja genau ^^
2702[03:31:46] *** Joins: mcqpfmj (xctjn@replaced-ip)
2703[03:31:49] <Brasilianer32> schon gesagt, viel vergessen lol
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2714[03:32:45] <Brasilianer32> gleichfalls, Natalie! ;-)
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2717[03:33:00] <Guest49253> ba ba!
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2722[03:33:08] <Er_22_sucht> bye :D ich bin dann auch mal weg
2723[03:33:10] <Brasilianer32> :)
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2734[03:33:23] <Brasilianer32> achso...
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2743[03:33:28] <Er_22_sucht> also ^^ gute nacht :D
2744[03:33:29] *** Quits: eumrswb (pmdwb@replaced-ip##) (G-Lined: You are banned from this network please contact us at ##replaced-url
2745[03:33:30] <Guest49253> viel spass noch
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2813[03:53:32] <RS_TS_BOY> Welche Sie hat Lust nice, sexy und niveauvoll zu chatten? Gerne auch mehr, dann... Bitte bei mir im PVT melden...
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2845[04:08:13] <Blistex> hat eine sie lust auf ein RS?
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2849[04:08:47] <RS-TS-Boy> Welche Sie hat Lust nice, sexy und niveauvoll zu chatten? Gerne auch mehr, dann... Bitte bei mir im PVT melden...
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2856[04:16:04] <Camsklave> strenge dame hier ?
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2894[04:27:39] <RS-TS-Boy> Welche Sie hat Lust nice, sexy und niveauvoll zu chatten? Gerne auch mehr, dann... Bitte bei mir im PVT melden...
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2905[04:31:12] <StarTrek___> teufelchendelux:
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2907[04:31:51] <teufelchendelux> moin
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2927[04:43:20] <RS-TS-Boy> Welche Sie hat Lust nice, sexy und niveauvoll zu chatten? Gerne auch mehr, dann... Bitte bei mir im PVT melden...
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2992[05:21:48] * Pen[e]lope gähnt herzhaft
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2996[05:23:46] <Adonis-lappi> aso
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3105[06:24:22] <joe001> 3 huhu 0<0,0 2,2 0,2TheFirstLady2,2 0,0 0> 3
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3134[06:36:29] <ALEXXL> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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3170[06:47:50] <M_bi_such_jung_> bin liebevoller und kompetenter Babysitter aus Berlin - Eltern können mir ihre kleinen einfach bringen! werden viel Spass haben ... :) kleine boys & girls können sich auch bei mir melden!
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3175[06:50:28] <ALEXXL> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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3198[06:58:11] <ALEXXL> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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3207[06:59:30] * fesselnd_m44 03ist jetzt zurück von AWAY (grund: auto-away nach 180 min idle-zeit03) (dauer: 1hr 47mins 59secs03)
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3212[07:00:32] <Anika> girls die schon mall andere girls ihrgend wo erpress benutzt oder misshandelten bitte melden
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3217[07:02:05] <ALEXXL> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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3222[07:04:11] <laura> wer hat eine kleine schwester
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3224[07:05:09] <ALEXXL> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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3229[07:07:12] <M_bi_such_jung_> bin liebevoller und kompetenter Babysitter aus Berlin - Eltern können mir ihre kleinen einfach bringen! werden viel Spass haben ... :) kleine boys & girls können sich auch bei mir melden!
3230[07:08:55] *** Quits: Anja-71 (Anja@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
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3245[07:12:51] <Guest_669> hi
3246[07:13:21] <Jens_48jahre> hi guest
3247[07:13:44] <ALEXXL> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
3248[07:13:47] <Guest_669> oh hey, how's it going?
3249[07:13:52] <Guest62602> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13demi.xyz0
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3254[07:14:51] <Guest_669> jeman hier?
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3256[07:15:28] <Guest_669> antone here?
3257[07:15:37] <Guest_669> anyone*
3258[07:16:08] *** Moonchild is now known as TheFirstLady
3259[07:16:10] <ALEXXL> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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3261[07:16:47] <collectaholic> hallo
3262[07:16:51] <Guest_669> hi
3263[07:17:06] <collectaholic> woher kommst du?
3264[07:17:12] <collectaholic> ich wohne in denUSA
3265[07:17:13] <laura> wer ist schon inner schule
3266[07:17:13] <Guest_669> china
3267[07:17:50] <collectaholic> zu viele Farben
3268[07:17:58] <collectaholic> ich kann es nicht lesen
3269[07:18:08] <Guest_669> ich auch
3270[07:18:14] <Guest_669> ??
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3272[07:18:20] <collectaholic> warum lernst du deutsch? 669
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3276[07:19:43] <collectaholic> woher kommst du? Drache
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3279[07:20:32] <Guest_669> ich glaubte, dass deutsch leicht wie englisch ist
3280[07:20:43] <collectaholic> ok
3281[07:20:57] <collectaholic> wie viele Sprachen kannst du?
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3285[07:22:11] <Guest_669> um, aein bisschen englisch, deutsch und chinesisch
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3287[07:22:26] <collectaholic> sehr gut
3288[07:22:51] <collectaholic> bist du jemals in Deutschland gewesen?
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3290[07:22:58] <Freemind> _Fred Adonis-lappi ALEXXL Anika Anita_webcam Autobot BaluReloaded beiboot Black_Spartan Boeser-Bube boy25 BumbleBee_ caracal carsten_80 collectaholic DaTo Dav_905 dev_mann50 Doos|ManCo dot` einsam eisteddychen engelchen_x3 er-suchtjW fesselnd_m44 Fesselnder_ FrankfurtCity_m Freemind Freiberger Fruchtzwerg_w Guest45556 Guest62602 Guest64119 Guest71361 Guest_398 Guest_669 Guest_786 her0 Interceptor[A] Janine_ jeans Jens_48jahre joe001 Juli_Argie J
3291[07:22:58] <Freemind> ulian12 Karl Klopfgeist Koelner LAdy-Izara laura Liebe_w M_bi_such_jung_ Maiky Mann43 mann_689 Mannallein45 meta mollige n00b Neusser nick33 nomatrix onkel-tante Palkia qwertzuiop r0ck40k Rentner seen SevenOfNine Shemale-26 Sniper sub_male50_ger teufelchendelux TheFirstLady Tim_18 Tim_483 uzt Watcher Zero_Cool [A]jax [A]lter_Schwede ^H0Tboy_cam_931
3292[07:23:00] <Freemind> hallo
3293[07:23:08] <Guest_669> leider nein
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3295[07:23:21] <Zero_Cool> Freemind, Morgen!
3296[07:23:22] <collectaholic> was passiert?
3297[07:23:22] <Guest_669> hez
3298[07:23:35] <Guest_669> keine ahnung
3299[07:23:37] <collectaholic> ich bin dreimal in Deutschland gewesen
3300[07:23:39] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Signos
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3305[07:24:28] <Guest_669> reisen?
3306[07:24:32] *** Quits: einsam (...@E1A35B.D31BFF.61546B.159979) (Client exited)
3307[07:24:33] <collectaholic> ja
3308[07:24:35] *** Quits: Guest64119 (Guest@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
3309[07:24:37] *** Parts: malteser (malteser@replaced-ip)
3310[07:24:56] <Guest_669> wie war es?
3311[07:25:10] *** Quits: M_bi_such_jung_ (Marcel_sucht11@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
3312[07:25:16] <collectaholic> ich mag es
3313[07:25:20] *** Parts: m-la (m-la@replaced-ip)
3314[07:25:24] <ALEXXL> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
3315[07:25:24] <collectaholic> ich fliege da wieder
3316[07:25:31] *** Joins: bigballs44m (bigballs44m@replaced-ip)
3317[07:25:35] <collectaholic> naechste Sommer
3318[07:25:50] <Guest_669> also warum lernst du deutsch?
3319[07:25:55] *** Parts: nick33 (nick33@replaced-ip)
3320[07:26:15] <collectaholic> ich lerne deutsch weil ich halb deutscher bin und nur zum spass
3321[07:26:35] *** Joins: Campino (Campino@replaced-ip)
3322[07:26:37] <Guest_669> uh, ich verstehe
3323[07:26:39] *** Quits: FrankfurtCity_m (frankfurtcitym@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
3324[07:26:42] <collectaholic> :)
3325[07:27:20] <collectaholic> wie lange lernst du deutsch?
3326[07:27:30] <Guest_669> bist du noch im kampus?
3327[07:27:40] <collectaholic> nein
3328[07:27:42] <Guest_669> etwa 2 jahre
3329[07:27:55] <collectaholic> ich bringe mir selbst deutsch bei
3330[07:27:55] *** Joins: role2102 (role2102@replaced-ip)
3331[07:28:07] <Guest_669> wow
3332[07:28:16] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Lo Que Sangra (La Cupula)
3333[07:28:26] <collectaholic> ich habe vor fast vier Jahren angefange deutsch zu lernen
3334[07:28:45] <collectaholic> aber mien deutsch ist noch nicht fliessend
3335[07:28:48] <collectaholic> :(
3336[07:28:55] *** Joins: Guest_41 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3337[07:28:55] <collectaholic> mein*
3338[07:29:04] <Guest_669> mein deutsch ist schlecht
3339[07:29:14] <Guest_669> englisch auch
3340[07:29:16] <Campino> Moin an alle
3341[07:29:23] *** Joins: Mann38 (Mann38@replaced-ip)
3342[07:29:24] <collectaholic> ich verstehe was du schreibst
3343[07:29:33] <Guest_669> das ist gut
3344[07:29:47] *** Joins: BoocamLIVE (BoocamLIVE@replaced-ip)
3345[07:29:54] <collectaholic> wohnst du in California? campino
3346[07:30:00] *** Joins: naturfreund (naturfreund@replaced-ip)
3347[07:30:15] *** Joins: Biker (Biker@replaced-ip)
3348[07:30:18] <BoocamLIVE> gumooo
3349[07:30:33] <Guest_669> hi
3350[07:30:40] <Campino> Ne
3351[07:31:10] <collectaholic> woher kommst du dann? campino
3352[07:31:14] *** Quits: role2102 (role2102@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
3353[07:31:26] *** Quits: Guest62602 (Demi@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
3354[07:31:31] *** Quits: _Fred (_Fred@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
3355[07:31:38] <Campino> Ich komme von den Philippinen, collect
3356[07:31:42] <collectaholic> ok
3357[07:31:49] <Campino> Und du?
3358[07:31:57] <collectaholic> ich komme aus den USA
3359[07:32:08] <TheFirstLady> jemen
3360[07:32:22] <Campino> Es freut mich sehr , dich kennenzulernen.
3361[07:32:26] <TheFirstLady> hahaha
3362[07:32:29] <collectaholic> ja..ich auch
3363[07:32:32] *** Quits: ^H0Tboy_cam_931 (^H0Tboy_cam@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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3365[07:32:51] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
3366[07:32:57] <Campino> Lernst du Deutsch, collect?
3367[07:33:02] *** Parts: Guest_41 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3368[07:33:04] <collectaholic> woher kommst du? firstlady
3369[07:33:12] <TheFirstLady> jemenitish
3370[07:33:13] *** Quits: eisteddychen (eisteddychen@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
3371[07:33:15] <collectaholic> ja..ich lerne deutsch
3372[07:33:20] *** Guest is now known as Guest28948
3373[07:33:26] <TheFirstLady> hahah
3374[07:33:30] <collectaholic> ich bringe mir selbst es bei
3375[07:33:49] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Sobredosis De TV
3376[07:33:51] <Campino> Ich verstehe
3377[07:34:01] *** Joins: [demi] (Demi@replaced-ip)
3378[07:34:18] *** Joins: Falkenhorst (me@replaced-ip)
3379[07:34:59] <TheFirstLady> 03.04~03*04Ä„03*04~03. 04Guten 03.04~03*04Ä„03*04~03. 04Morgen 03.04~03*04Ä„03*04~03. 08C05a03m04p13i08n10o
3380[07:35:07] <[demi]> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13demi.xyz0
3381[07:35:09] <Campino> Morgen
3382[07:35:30] <TheFirstLady> 03i04c07h 03w04a07r mal fan von 03d04î07r
3383[07:35:44] <Campino> Gut zu wissen
3384[07:35:46] *** Joins: miriam-alleiez (miriam-alleiez@replaced-ip)
3385[07:35:47] <Campino> :)
3386[07:35:48] *** Quits: Doos|ManCo (DoSo@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
3387[07:35:53] <TheFirstLady> 08:07•04)
3388[07:36:03] <TheFirstLady> 03a04b07e08r wolli is niedlicher
3389[07:36:13] <naturfreund> grins
3390[07:36:18] <Campino> Woher kommst du?
3391[07:36:28] <TheFirstLady> ähm
3392[07:36:31] *** Joins: maliya (maliya@replaced-ip)
3393[07:36:35] <naturfreund> :X
3394[07:36:38] <TheFirstLady> tja
3395[07:36:45] <naturfreund> :D
3396[07:36:59] <TheFirstLady> 03s04o gesehen
3397[07:37:05] *** Joins: oli_ (oli_@replaced-ip)
3398[07:37:07] <TheFirstLady> from the universe *
3399[07:37:08] <naturfreund> soll ich es sagen
3400[07:37:22] *** Joins: Louis (Louis@replaced-ip)
3401[07:37:22] <naturfreund> :D
3402[07:37:27] <TheFirstLady> 03i04c07h 03b04r07a08u09c10h13e erstmal nen 03K04a07f08f09e10e
3403[07:37:37] <naturfreund> genau
3404[07:37:43] *** Quits: Shemale-26 (Shemale-26@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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3408[07:39:07] <naturfreund> ist schon unteressant
3409[07:39:12] <naturfreund> i
3410[07:39:24] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Juegos De Seduccion
3411[07:39:28] *** Quits: nomatrix (nomatrix@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
3412[07:39:36] <ALEXXL> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
3413[07:39:46] *** Joins: guestro (guestro@replaced-ip)
3414[07:39:52] <TheFirstLady> 03a04b07e08r schön 03d04a07s08s 03d04u mal 03d04a 09C08a08m05p07i03n10o
3415[07:40:12] <Campino> Dasselbe hier,
3416[07:40:16] <Campino> :)
3417[07:40:29] *** Joins: Jane74 (B-K-S@replaced-ip)
3418[07:40:31] <Jane74> 04[05G04]0,1u14t05e0,1n 04[05M04]0,1o14r05g0,1e14n
3419[07:40:38] <Campino> Morgen
3420[07:40:42] <TheFirstLady> 03u04n07d 03d04u kommst von 03d04e07n Phillys 03?04ż07?08ż
3421[07:40:56] *** Joins: eriic (eriic@replaced-ip)
3422[07:41:01] <TheFirstLady> eric
3423[07:41:01] *** Joins: Guest_833 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3424[07:41:21] <naturfreund> :D
3425[07:41:43] <TheFirstLady> Phillipinen 03?04ż07?08ż
3426[07:41:54] <TheFirstLady> 08;07•04Å¢
3427[07:41:57] *** Quits: Biker (Biker@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3428[07:42:02] *** Quits: Guest_669 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3429[07:42:03] <TheFirstLady> 03w04i07e 03a04u07c08h 13i10m09m08e07r 03d04i07e dinger heissen
3430[07:42:09] *** Joins: MSydney (MSydney@replaced-ip)
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3432[07:42:26] <TheFirstLady> 03C04a13m05p08i05n03o 03?04ż07?08ż
3433[07:42:27] <Campino> Ich kann deine Texte nicht lesen
3434[07:42:27] <naturfreund> dinger
3435[07:42:36] <TheFirstLady> sry
3436[07:42:53] <naturfreund> farbenblind
3437[07:42:57] *** Quits: Louis (Louis@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3438[07:42:59] <collectaholic> ich auch nicht
3439[07:43:05] <TheFirstLady> du kommst von den Phili ?
3440[07:43:07] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Luna Roja
3441[07:43:16] <Campino> NF: So aehnlich.
3442[07:43:22] <TheFirstLady> aha
3443[07:43:28] <TheFirstLady> So aehnlich
3444[07:43:41] <TheFirstLady> Ja ich bin nicht Michelle
3445[07:43:46] <TheFirstLady> aber früher mal
3446[07:43:50] <TheFirstLady> the Great
3447[07:43:59] <naturfreund> :X
3448[07:44:00] <Campino> Ich weiss :) Mach dir keine Sorgen
3449[07:44:05] *** Joins: Lisa85C (Lisa85C@replaced-ip)
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3451[07:44:11] *** Joins: nomatrix (nomatrix@replaced-ip)
3452[07:44:11] *** Joins: M-55 (M-55@replaced-ip)
3453[07:44:16] <TheFirstLady> 11i am a Alien !
3454[07:44:25] <naturfreund> uiiii
3455[07:44:29] <TheFirstLady> und im weissen Haus immer willkommen *
3456[07:44:34] <Campino> Hihi
3457[07:44:36] <naturfreund> so so
3458[07:44:38] <TheFirstLady> is ja klar
3459[07:44:41] <TheFirstLady> Und du ?
3460[07:44:51] <TheFirstLady> Campino ?
3461[07:44:56] *** Quits: ALEXXL (ALEXXL@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3462[07:45:08] <Campino> Aus welchem Planeten kommst du?
3463[07:45:24] <TheFirstLady> ist ein geheimnis
3464[07:45:26] <naturfreund> aus ist gut
3465[07:45:29] <TheFirstLady> flüster*
3466[07:45:31] <Campino> Hihi
3467[07:45:32] *** Joins: Mathilda (xxx@replaced-ip)
3468[07:45:50] <TheFirstLady> Heisst Vega
3469[07:45:59] <TheFirstLady> da kam ich mal ursprünglich her
3470[07:46:00] *** Joins: NiceCuteGuy (NiceCuteGuy@replaced-ip)
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3472[07:46:07] <TheFirstLady> der Weg *
3473[07:46:08] *** Joins: Leon (Leon@replaced-ip)
3474[07:46:08] <Campino> Ich komme aus dem Planeten Mars
3475[07:46:15] <TheFirstLady> aha
3476[07:46:22] *** Joins: oli (oli@replaced-ip)
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3480[07:46:34] <TheFirstLady> schon mal da gewesen ?
3481[07:46:38] *** Joins: HOBBIT71 (HOBBIT71@replaced-ip)
3482[07:46:50] <Campino> Ich bin hierhergekommen, um Deutsch zu lernen.
3483[07:46:55] <TheFirstLady> Centurion !!!
3484[07:46:59] <naturfreund> so so
3485[07:47:02] <Campino> :)
3486[07:47:18] <TheFirstLady> Ich bin hier her gekommen um zu vermitteln *
3487[07:47:20] <TheFirstLady> :)
3488[07:47:35] <naturfreund> das issen ding
3489[07:47:47] <TheFirstLady> Männer soweit das auge sah ... ein weibliches Alien wer will das nicht *
3490[07:47:49] *** Joins: Iceman (Iceman@replaced-ip)
3491[07:47:52] <TheFirstLady> und so echt *
3492[07:47:55] *** Quits: Liebe_w (no@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
3493[07:48:11] <TheFirstLady> Iceman du hast deine Nummer ...
3494[07:48:18] <naturfreund> wer das glaubt
3495[07:48:19] <Campino> FL : Was? Eine Party?
3496[07:48:21] <TheFirstLady> Campi
3497[07:48:36] <TheFirstLady> bin 196 jahre alt 120 kinder ...
3498[07:48:43] <Campino> Ich bin eingeladen
3499[07:48:45] <Campino> lol
3500[07:48:45] <TheFirstLady> 40 sollen jetzt geholt werden
3501[07:48:48] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Paseando Por Roma
3502[07:48:49] <TheFirstLady> lol
3503[07:48:57] <TheFirstLady> bei der nächsten
3504[07:48:58] *** Joins: swty (swty@replaced-ip)
3505[07:49:16] <TheFirstLady> geh auf den 197 zu
3506[07:49:26] *** Joins: Veronika (Veronika@replaced-ip)
3507[07:49:35] <naturfreund> so jung noch 196
3508[07:49:39] <collectaholic> hallo veronika
3509[07:49:44] <collectaholic> woher kommst du?
3510[07:49:59] *** Parts: Falkenhorst (me@replaced-ip)
3511[07:50:11] <TheFirstLady> bei 200 ist schluss
3512[07:50:21] *** Quits: eriic (eriic@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3513[07:50:24] <TheFirstLady> thx naturfreund
3514[07:50:31] <naturfreund> grins
3515[07:50:31] <TheFirstLady> eric
3516[07:50:42] <TheFirstLady> bg
3517[07:50:47] *** Joins: Marcel29 (Kuehni84@replaced-ip)
3518[07:50:56] <naturfreund> bis 200 das schaffst noch
3519[07:51:04] *** Joins: netter-boy-223 (wuciuehrvitqby@replaced-ip)
3520[07:51:10] <TheFirstLady> ja ich wollte noch heiraten
3521[07:51:12] <naturfreund> die drei jahre
3522[07:51:26] <TheFirstLady> mein jetziges Leben besteht aus drei etappen
3523[07:51:39] <naturfreund> nur drei
3524[07:51:40] <TheFirstLady> ich bin 36 Jugendliebe Kind und Heirat
3525[07:51:48] *** Quits: netter-boy-223 (wuciuehrvitqby@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
3526[07:51:48] *** Joins: __Mirko (Mirko@replaced-ip)
3527[07:51:52] <TheFirstLady> bin in der letzten angekommen
3528[07:51:59] <TheFirstLady> naja
3529[07:52:14] <naturfreund> so ist das leben
3530[07:52:17] *** Quits: Iceman (Iceman@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3531[07:52:22] <naturfreund> hart und ungerecht
3532[07:52:29] <TheFirstLady> wurde nie älter im leben als 30
3533[07:52:52] <TheFirstLady> Campino noch da ?
3534[07:52:57] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Cae El Sol
3535[07:52:58] <naturfreund> frauen werden meistens nur 29
3536[07:53:16] <naturfreund> danach 29+++++++++++++++++++
3537[07:53:19] <TheFirstLady> 180 jahre lang
3538[07:53:28] <naturfreund> :D
3539[07:53:30] <TheFirstLady> hab tunguska erlebt
3540[07:53:41] <TheFirstLady> hale bop
3541[07:53:43] *** Joins: Guest_166 (Guest@replaced-ip)
3542[07:53:48] <TheFirstLady> 30 Zeitmatrixen
3543[07:53:49] <naturfreund> :D
3544[07:53:51] <BoocamLIVE> hihooo
3545[07:53:57] <TheFirstLady> von 1950-2050
3546[07:54:05] *** Quits: Guest28948 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3547[07:54:10] <naturfreund> 45 da bist hier richtig
3548[07:54:16] <TheFirstLady> Campino ?
3549[07:54:32] <naturfreund> first lady schreibt gerne
3550[07:54:41] <naturfreund> :D
3551[07:54:43] <TheFirstLady> er anscheinend nicht
3552[07:54:45] <TheFirstLady> :)
3553[07:54:51] *** Joins: Knuddelteddy (Knuddelteddy@replaced-ip)
3554[07:54:54] <naturfreund> so ist das
3555[07:55:01] *** Joins: Mann-4BBW (Mann-4BBW@replaced-ip)
3556[07:55:04] <TheFirstLady> und hab letztens nen packt mit dem teufel gemacht
3557[07:55:08] <TheFirstLady> spannend *
3558[07:55:09] <naturfreund> immer diese leeren versprechungen
3559[07:55:30] <TheFirstLady> als alien
3560[07:55:52] <TheFirstLady> da haben sie ihn glatt ausgetrieben und in die Kathedrale gesperrt
3561[07:55:53] *** Quits: Campino (Campino@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3562[07:55:54] <naturfreund> du kannst sachen machen
3563[07:56:01] *** Joins: _Fred (_Fred@replaced-ip)
3564[07:56:01] <TheFirstLady> Campi ???!!!
3565[07:56:02] *** Quits: LAdy-Izara (syaidina@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
3566[07:56:09] <TheFirstLady> tja naturfreund
3567[07:56:10] <naturfreund> campino hat keine lust mehr
3568[07:56:14] *** Quits: maliya (maliya@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
3569[07:56:17] <TheFirstLady> nu haste den Campi verjagt
3570[07:56:25] <TheFirstLady> schadööööööö
3571[07:56:25] <naturfreund> er hat dich nun verlassen:D
3572[07:56:28] <TheFirstLady> ja
3573[07:56:48] *** Joins: [m23_Leckt_gern ([m23_Leckt_gern@replaced-ip)
3574[07:56:52] <TheFirstLady> mal endlich nen Star auf m Sector
3575[07:57:00] <TheFirstLady> ich fühle mich immer so alleine damit *
3576[07:57:08] <collectaholic> bist du jemals in den USA gewesen? FirstLady
3577[07:57:11] <TheFirstLady> vielleicht
3578[07:57:16] <TheFirstLady> rede ich zu viel
3579[07:57:19] <naturfreund> solange der star nicht auf dem auge ist
3580[07:57:29] *** Joins: wolf77777777 (wolf77777777@replaced-ip)
3581[07:57:32] <naturfreund> keine ahnung
3582[07:57:40] <TheFirstLady> collectaholic i am american woman *
3583[07:57:40] *** Parts: Mathilda (xxx@replaced-ip)
3584[07:57:42] <naturfreund> ich kann dich nur lesen
3585[07:57:54] <TheFirstLady> hahaha
3586[07:58:05] <naturfreund> mit verstehen ist das hier so eine sache
3587[07:58:14] <naturfreund> :D
3588[07:58:16] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Te Para Tres
3589[07:58:18] <TheFirstLady> :)
3590[07:58:19] <collectaholic> wie viele Sprachen kannst du? FirstLady
3591[07:58:23] *** Joins: zatti (zabedah@replaced-ip)
3592[07:58:32] <TheFirstLady> komm wir gehen auf #Germany naturfreund
3593[07:58:44] <TheFirstLady> bin weg
3594[07:59:04] *** Joins: Tonieki (Tonieki@replaced-ip)
3595[07:59:14] <collectaholic> ich fliege naechstse Sommer nach Deutschland
3596[07:59:28] <Tonieki> guten morgen
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3601[08:01:00] <collectaholic> ich sitze hier und ich spreche nur mit mir selbst
3602[08:01:05] <collectaholic> :(
3603[08:01:24] *** Joins: devotER48 (devotER48@replaced-ip)
3604[08:01:26] <TheFirstLady> Komm zu uns
3605[08:01:40] <collectaholic> woher kommst du? FirstLady
3606[08:01:49] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Disco Eterno
3607[08:01:51] *** Joins: HotTobi (HotTobi@replaced-ip)
3608[08:02:10] <collectaholic> verstehst du was ich schreibe?
3609[08:02:13] *** Quits: Mannallein45 (Mannallein45@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
3610[08:02:41] <naturfreund> geht doch auch
3611[08:02:44] *** Quits: zatti (zabedah@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
3612[08:02:53] <collectaholic> ich glaube nicht
3613[08:03:05] <TheFirstLady> hahahaha
3614[08:03:05] *** Joins: ellaine (ellaine@replaced-ip)
3615[08:03:07] <naturfreund> :D
3616[08:03:17] *** Joins: m4RP (John5238smith@replaced-ip)
3617[08:03:25] <[demi]> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13demi.xyz0
3618[08:03:27] <TheFirstLady> schnarch ... blubb blubb ... *
3619[08:03:32] *** Quits: [demi] (Demi@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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3622[08:03:58] <TheFirstLady> guck ma oli der stricher
3623[08:04:11] <naturfreund> endlich ruhe hier
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3628[08:05:31] <naturfreund> sei froh
3629[08:06:15] <BoocamLIVE> neeeee
3630[08:06:35] <naturfreund> wie neee
3631[08:07:17] <Freemind> hallo TheFirstLady
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3633[08:07:20] <Freemind> bist du hippie?
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3637[08:09:13] <naturfreund> die erste lady schnarcht
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3644[08:10:55] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Planeador
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3663[08:15:20] <TheFirstLady> hallo Er44_NRW
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3665[08:15:41] <Sniper> Cuando pase el temblor - Soda Stereo
3666[08:15:54] <WalterWhite> morgen TheFirstLady
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3677[08:19:18] <Sniper> SODA STEREO - No necesito verte
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3689[08:22:05] <Marcel28m> Guten Morgen
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3700[08:25:08] <Doka> Gutten Tag
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3703[08:26:08] <Sniper> 02Soda Stereo - Profugos
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3707[08:27:32] <MsuWfurRSP> Jemand lust????
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3714[08:29:48] <FKK_Stefan> huhu eine nette fkk sie da 17 - 25 jahren, wenn ja bitte melden, austauschen kennenlernen
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3716[08:30:59] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Zona De Promesas (Elizabethtown Movie)
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3731[08:35:14] <Sniper> SODA STEREO - Terapia de amor intensiva - Doble vida - 1988
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3733[08:35:39] <Manuela16> hallo an alle
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3744[08:37:56] <Mana[t]i> Guten Morgen, mein Damen und Herren.
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3784[08:46:14] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Pasos
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3787[08:46:26] <Johannes20> hi mania
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3801[08:50:09] <nomatrix> ihr habt hier alle nix zu suchen
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3804[08:50:25] <nomatrix> und unhöflich seid ihr auch... ihr wixa
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3807[08:50:43] <Sniper> 02Soda Stereo - No Existes
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3810[08:51:19] <nomatrix> oah neeeee
3811[08:51:20] <DRAGONHEART> Hallo Kitty63
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3814[08:51:37] <Kitty63> 03h04u07h08u 03M04o07r08g09e10n 08D13R05A03G03O08N03H03E10A10R13T
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3819[08:52:13] <DRAGONHEART> gut geschlaffen Kitty63
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3821[08:52:30] <Kitty63> 03j04a 03d04a07n08k09e10! 05D13R03A07G05O07N09H12E05A04R10T
3822[08:52:32] <Kitty63> 03u04n07d 03d04u
3823[08:52:38] <DRAGONHEART> ja auch
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3828[08:53:00] <DRAGONHEART> hast du lust Privat zu Chatten Kitty63
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3832[08:53:25] <Kitty63> 07s08o09r10r13y 04D12R08A11G12O07N05H04E09A05R09T 03i04c07h chatte nicht privat
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3837[08:54:26] <Sniper> SODA STEREO - DIETETICO - 1984
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3868[09:01:27] <rsJana14> HEY SUCH SPIEL MIT M AB 30
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3884[09:05:40] <Sniper> 02Soda Stereo - Los Languis
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3888[09:07:28] <TheFirstLady> So
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3891[09:07:35] <TheFirstLady> Fred vom Jupiter
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3894[09:07:44] <TheFirstLady> how r u
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3896[09:08:54] <TheFirstLady> The Sky is red tonight ...
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3900[09:09:21] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
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3903[09:09:40] <Sniper> SODA STEREO - El tiempo es dinero - 1984
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3908[09:10:30] <TheFirstLady> viel Spass auf dem Jupiter !
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3917[09:12:00] <ER44_NRW> gumo
3918[09:12:14] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
3919[09:12:23] <TheFirstLady> hallo leute
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3921[09:12:38] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Toma la ruta - Dynamo - 1992
3922[09:12:38] <TheFirstLady> whats up of the Foreigners Chan *
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3928[09:13:57] <qwertzuiop> so viel scheiß kann man doch gar nicht von sich geben TheFirstLady
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3931[09:14:21] <TommyL> phonesex
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3937[09:16:21] <Ann_kathrin> hi
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3943[09:17:03] <MputztLIVEcam> so dann wollen wir gleich mal die wohnung reinigen
3944[09:17:31] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Nada Personal
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3946[09:17:44] <Chineseboy> good afternoon
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3952[09:18:34] <TommyL> i offer private phone sex for ladies
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3973[09:24:00] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
3974[09:24:19] <Sniper> SODA STEREO - Final caja negra - Signos - 1986
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3982[09:25:24] <Manuel> Guten Morgen zusammen
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4004[09:28:59] <Sniper> 02Soda Stereo - Superstar
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4024[09:32:20] <[demii]> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13demi.xyz0
4025[09:32:27] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Coral
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4032[09:34:03] <SaarMeister> Devote W aus Saarland oder Umgebung hier? Oder mit Cam?! Dann melde dich !
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4035[09:35:06] <Netter> Hallo wie gehts euch? mag hier jemand ein wenig quatschen? einfach bei mir melden!
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4050[09:39:28] <German_316325> :) chat 2000 o r g :)
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4052[09:39:42] <German_316325> :) chat 2000 o r g :)
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4058[09:41:26] <German_316325> :) chat 2000 o r g :)
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4063[09:41:58] <rsJana14> HEY WELCHER M AB 30 mag gern EIN SPIEL
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4065[09:42:01] <German_316325> :) chat 2000 o r g :)
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4067[09:42:22] <SaarMeister> Devote W aus Saarland oder Umgebung hier? Oder mit Cam?! Dann melde dich !
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4077[09:44:58] <EhefrauBW> gutrn morgen
4078[09:45:06] <Banana_Split> moin zusamme
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4087[09:47:06] <Sniper> Afrodisiacos - Soda Stereo
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4096[09:50:04] <Ansgar> moin moin Nele
4097[09:50:22] <Nele_> 9G11u9t11e9n 11M9o11r9g11e9n Ansgar
4098[09:50:26] <Ansgar> ;)
4099[09:50:35] <Nele_> 9:11)
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4103[09:51:21] <TheFirstLady> hallo
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4105[09:51:30] <TheFirstLady> Nun Klartext
4106[09:51:37] <Nele_> 8*9h11i9h11i8*
4107[09:51:42] <Nele_> gut soo
4108[09:51:44] <Sniper> Soda Stereo - Primavera 0 - Dynamo - 1992
4109[09:51:51] <Netter> Hallo wie gehts euch? mag hier jemand ein wenig quatschen? einfach bei mir melden!
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4111[09:52:32] <Nele_> 8*9g11ri9n11z8*
4112[09:52:33] <TheFirstLady> Fang an ... !!!
4113[09:52:36] <Ansgar> lol
4114[09:52:37] <Nele_> *5
4115[09:52:46] <Ansgar> *5
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4120[09:53:48] <TheFirstLady> ähm ...
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4125[09:54:13] <Ansgar> na ick bin ja jespannt, wann meine neuer brille (ne nerdbrille) fertisch is. und wie ick damit aussehe
4126[09:54:21] <Ansgar> -r
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4129[09:54:41] <Nele_> ganz shick
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4131[09:54:47] <Nele_> bin ich mir sicher
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4134[09:55:10] <HotFussballer19> fussballer da?
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4143[09:56:04] <TheFirstLady> Tja !!!
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4147[09:56:21] <Ansgar> und ick muss da och etwas auf die kosten achten
4148[09:56:27] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
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4150[09:56:43] <Nele_> ja.... das liebe geld
4151[09:56:49] <TheFirstLady> naja
4152[09:57:08] <Ansgar> aber trotzdem...230 euro sind akzeptabel.
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4154[09:57:18] <Netter> Wer hat schonmal seine Eltern,kinder,freunde/bekannte erwischt? meldet euch mal...
4155[09:57:19] <TheFirstLady> wow
4156[09:57:23] *** Parts: Defender110 (rooms@replaced-ip)
4157[09:57:35] <Nele_> das geht
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4162[09:58:29] <TheFirstLady> schön
4163[09:58:34] <DexterD> Eine Sie Lust?
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4165[09:58:38] <TheFirstLady> warte kurz ich muss ma
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4169[09:59:08] <stefan_324> HI CAM to cam bitte melden nur W
4170[09:59:17] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
4171[09:59:28] *** Joins: Guest_208 (Guest@replaced-ip)
4172[09:59:30] <Ansgar> schlimm is nur....meine sehkraft liegt bei einem auge nur noch bei 70%. macht mir etwas sorgen
4173[09:59:49] <Nele_> mussu zum doc Ansgar
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4181[10:00:57] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
4182[10:01:51] *** Joins: M-55 (M-55@replaced-ip)
4183[10:01:54] <stefan_324> HI CAM to cam bitte melden nur W
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4188[10:02:20] <DexterD> Eine Sie Lust zu camen?
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4190[10:02:23] <Guest_901> hi
4191[10:02:30] <lAURA_707> hey
4192[10:02:31] <Ansgar> jupp.... ein ehemaliger arbeitskollege hat sich der prozedur schon unter zogen. und seine sehkraft liegt jetzt bei 100 % wieder
4193[10:02:40] <Guest_901> me sexy
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4196[10:03:05] <TheFirstLady> wieder da
4197[10:03:11] *** Quits: Guest_901 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4198[10:03:12] <TheFirstLady> hallo Ansgar
4199[10:03:14] *** Quits: GuestTurkishMx (GuestTurkishMx@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4200[10:03:23] <Ansgar> tachen TheFirstLady
4201[10:03:33] *** Joins: primila (primila@replaced-ip)
4202[10:03:34] <TheFirstLady> wieder da
4203[10:03:36] *** Joins: And3rs (me@replaced-ip)
4204[10:03:53] <DexterD> Eine Sie Lust zu camen? PM
4205[10:04:00] <TheFirstLady> mal wieder Ärger auf m #Germany
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4208[10:04:09] <TheFirstLady> die wollen mal wieder nix schnallen
4209[10:04:20] <TheFirstLady> naja sollen sie verfaulen *
4210[10:04:21] <Nele_> dann muss du so was auch machen lassen, wenns nicht anders geht
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4214[10:05:42] <DexterD> Eine Sie Lust zu camen? PM
4215[10:05:56] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
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4218[10:06:22] <SportM> ...ehefrauen da?
4219[10:06:25] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
4220[10:06:28] <ER44_NRW> hi allen
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4224[10:07:09] <stefan_324> HI CAM to cam bitte melden nur W
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4230[10:08:01] <Ansgar> na dit is ja sweet....ick muss am sonntag arbeiten
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4232[10:08:10] <TheFirstLady> ha
4233[10:08:20] <TheFirstLady> ach
4234[10:08:22] <Nele_> ohjee
4235[10:08:23] *** Quits: suesser (suesser@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
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4238[10:08:31] *** TheFirstLady is now known as Moonchild
4239[10:08:32] <Cosmin> moin @all
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4241[10:08:40] <Moonchild> keiner da
4242[10:08:40] <Nele_> arbeiten meine ich
4243[10:08:50] <German_316325> :) chat 2000 o r g :)
4244[10:08:57] <Nele_> ach soo
4245[10:09:02] <Moonchild> das schaffst du schon
4246[10:09:04] <German_316325> :) chat 2000 o r g :)
4247[10:09:16] <Ansgar> gibt halt kohle...
4248[10:09:17] *** Parts: nas (nas@replaced-ip)
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4253[10:09:50] <Moonchild> Cosmin = Kosmetikschätzchen = So stand ich vor dem Spiegel als du abhanden gekommen bist *
4254[10:10:08] <Moonchild> falls du die Übersetzung nicht weisst !
4255[10:10:17] <Moonchild> sorry Ansgar rede weiter ... *
4256[10:10:21] *** Quits: daddy47 (daddy47@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4257[10:10:35] <Moonchild> oh man
4258[10:10:38] *** Joins: manni-sucht- (whtfeutbxrtorv@replaced-ip)
4259[10:10:38] <Moonchild> du armer
4260[10:10:49] *** Joins: Pen[e]lope (Penelope@replaced-ip)
4261[10:10:52] <Moonchild> warte ich hole mir schnell ne ziggi
4262[10:11:02] <M55suchWjuenger> Moin
4263[10:11:12] *** Parts: nas (nas@replaced-ip)
4264[10:11:17] <Cosmin> is klar @moonchild xD
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4266[10:11:22] <Pen[e]lope> ö.ö
4267[10:11:45] <Moonchild> xD
4268[10:11:48] <Moonchild> tja is so
4269[10:12:03] <Moonchild> sonst noch was ?
4270[10:12:16] *** Quits: Toni-49 (Toni-49@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4271[10:12:16] <Nele_> ach soo
4272[10:12:17] <Moonchild> Ansgar lass den Kopf nicht hängen
4273[10:12:19] <Pen[e]lope> Guten Morgen Herrlein Ansgar
4274[10:12:20] <RSP-Boy16> hat ein girl lust auf rsp alter egal bin 16 bittte privat melden
4275[10:12:24] <Nele_> dann ist klaa
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4278[10:12:39] <Pen[e]lope> 12^14^
4279[10:12:41] <Moonchild> Cosmin dachte du stehst schon vor meiner Tür ... *
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4287[10:13:37] <Pen[e]lope> ich will gleich noch blumen holen
4288[10:13:53] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
4289[10:13:55] <Moonchild> tja was sonst *
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4295[10:14:28] <Pen[e]lope> 12j14a meine freundins mum hat gebes
4296[10:14:32] <Moonchild> Cosmin bei deiner Freundin was ist so schwer dran ... *
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4299[10:14:41] <Nele_> ach soo
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4301[10:14:44] <Pen[e]lope> 12j14oa
4302[10:14:52] *** Quits: ich_Guest_w29 (ich_Guest_w29@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
4303[10:14:59] <Cosmin> welche freundin? oO
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4307[10:15:21] <w21_m22_dreier> sportlicher m bis 25 interesse? meldet euch mit pic, wohnort und alter!!
4308[10:15:23] <Pen[e]lope> ö.ö
4309[10:15:23] <Moonchild> Cosmin ähm ...
4310[10:15:35] <Ansgar> hmmm
4311[10:15:38] * Pen[e]lope ist ganz ruhig
4312[10:15:42] *** Quits: FrankfurtCity_m (frankfurtcitym@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
4313[10:15:47] <Nele_> hehehe
4314[10:15:49] <Moonchild> in zwei minuten sind die sicherheitsmänner da
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4318[10:16:00] <Nele_> das glaube ich dir nicht Pen[e]lope
4319[10:16:01] *** Autobot sets mode: +l 182
4320[10:16:03] <Pen[e]lope> ö.ö 12?14¿12?
4321[10:16:10] <Moonchild> ich erwarte immernoch nen Antrag *
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4323[10:16:14] <Pen[e]lope> hihihihihi Nele_
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4326[10:16:24] <Nele_> 8*9g11ri9n11z8*
4327[10:16:24] <Moonchild> und Netter launebaerchen ...
4328[10:16:28] <Pen[e]lope> bin ich auch
4329[10:16:32] <Moonchild> deine Spiele hab ich satt !!!
4330[10:16:45] <Moonchild> ö.ö
4331[10:16:47] <Pen[e]lope> Ö.Ö
4332[10:16:51] <Moonchild> Sorry Ansgar
4333[10:17:01] <Eric28> huhu....kennt sich jemand mit akuten dauerschwindel aus??? pm
4334[10:17:10] <Moonchild> Cosmin ist wieder auf nen suse Trip !!!
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4337[10:17:18] <Moonchild> Eric !!!
4338[10:17:20] *** Quits: Tobiias (Tobiias@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
4339[10:17:20] <Ansgar> ????????
4340[10:17:24] <Moonchild> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4341[10:17:31] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
4342[10:18:13] *** Moonchild is now known as TheFirstLady
4343[10:18:20] <TheFirstLady> halt warte kurz *
4344[10:18:34] *** Joins: diana_dD (DianaD@replaced-ip)
4345[10:18:36] <Cosmin> ich versteh gerade nix mehr -.-
4346[10:18:43] <Cosmin> bin einfach nur arg verwirrt
4347[10:18:44] <TheFirstLady> musst du auch nicht *
4348[10:18:46] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
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4352[10:18:58] <Ansgar> und den zucker
4353[10:19:01] <TheFirstLady> Cosinus
4354[10:19:03] *** Joins: MichaelHB (tobias-@replaced-ip)
4355[10:19:05] <Eric28> alles...
4356[10:19:06] <TheFirstLady> heisst der wirklich
4357[10:19:19] *** Quits: chris18_969 (chris18@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4358[10:19:25] <TheFirstLady> Und verarschen kannst dich demnächst selbst drauf *
4359[10:19:29] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
4360[10:19:37] <TheFirstLady> Cosinus Minus *
4361[10:19:40] *** Joins: pasci21 (pasci21@replaced-ip)
4362[10:19:44] <MputztLIVEcam> mag wer beim putzen zuschauen
4363[10:19:52] *** Guest is now known as Guest33247
4364[10:20:00] <TheFirstLady> Und spielste nochmal so ne Spiele sind wir denächst keine Freunde mehr !!!
4365[10:20:00] <Ansgar> hmm.... tja. sonst gibs noch unbewussten stress. nur bei mir war das, das ick einfach umgegibt bin
4366[10:20:21] *** Quits: Markus48 (Markus48@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4367[10:20:23] <stefan_324> HI CAM to cam bitte melden nur W
4368[10:20:23] <TheFirstLady> Ansgar was heisst das übersetzt ?
4369[10:20:32] <Ansgar> was?
4370[10:20:35] <Eric28> mmh...danke trotzdem
4371[10:20:36] <TheFirstLady> warte ich google mal
4372[10:20:45] <TheFirstLady> Eric wann ?
4373[10:20:59] *** Joins: Christine73 (ich@replaced-ip)
4374[10:21:01] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
4375[10:21:01] <Eric28> wann?
4376[10:21:05] <w21_m22_dreier> sportlicher m bis 25 interesse? meldet euch mit pic, wohnort und alter!!
4377[10:21:07] *** Joins: Juliane_842 (Juliane@replaced-ip)
4378[10:21:14] <TheFirstLady> wusste ja garnicht das du deutsch kannst
4379[10:21:25] <TheFirstLady> war doch auf #ICQ_USA ?
4380[10:21:41] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
4381[10:21:52] *** Quits: SportM (SportM@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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4386[10:22:29] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
4387[10:22:35] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
4388[10:22:36] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
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4395[10:23:17] <TheFirstLady> Cosmin und noch so ne Lüge fliegste heute abend bis zur Treppe !!!
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4402[10:24:11] <TheFirstLady> !seen Eric31
4403[10:24:26] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
4404[10:24:33] <TheFirstLady> red doch gegen ne Wand !!!
4405[10:24:45] <DexterD> Eine Sie Lust zu camen? PM an mich
4406[10:25:02] *** Joins: jeans (jeans@replaced-ip)
4407[10:25:16] * Pen[e]lope trinkt capri sonne
4408[10:25:38] *** Quits: wolfi (wolfi@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4409[10:25:43] * Nele_ trinkt tee
4410[10:25:44] <TheFirstLady> peinlich Kosmetikschätzchen peinlich Kosmetikschätzchen *
4411[10:25:57] *** Quits: SucheUntreue (SucheUntreue@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4412[10:26:01] *** Quits: Chrisi_w25 (Chrisi_w25@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4413[10:26:11] <Ansgar> *peilt garnix wieder*
4414[10:26:24] <TheFirstLady> ich war doch mal auf m susi trip
4415[10:26:26] *** Quits: Daniela23 (Daniela23@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
4416[10:26:36] <TheFirstLady> sagte ihm Cosmin is tha best
4417[10:26:44] <TheFirstLady> er wusste nur nicht was das heisst *
4418[10:26:45] <DexterD> Eine Sie Lust zu camen? PM an mich
4419[10:26:49] *** Quits: m36_sucht_w (m36_sucht_w@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4420[10:26:50] *** Joins: Shiva (Luzifer@replaced-ip)
4421[10:26:52] <TheFirstLady> dumm gelaufen würde ich sagen
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4424[10:27:08] <TheFirstLady> Sollen wir dich nun alle Kosmetikschätzchen nennen ?
4425[10:27:13] *** Quits: German_316325 (iukvgphoiphfvy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
4426[10:27:24] <Cosmin> neh, warum auch
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4429[10:27:54] *** Joins: Sven_715 (Sven@replaced-ip)
4430[10:27:59] <TheFirstLady> hi Sven
4431[10:28:05] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
4432[10:28:16] <w21_m22_dreier> sportlicher m bis 25 interesse? meldet euch mit pic, wohnort und alter!!
4433[10:28:23] *** Quits: manni-sucht- (whtfeutbxrtorv@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
4434[10:28:32] *** Joins: sportler21 (sportler21@replaced-ip)
4435[10:28:34] <TheFirstLady> Then your ASS better CALLLLLL somebody!!!!!
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4439[10:28:52] <Calixthea> guten morgen
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4441[10:28:53] *** Joins: Corinna (co@replaced-ip)
4442[10:28:59] <Ansgar> so...zeit um sonne zu tanken. und weg
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4446[10:29:10] <TheFirstLady> byeb bye
4447[10:29:13] <Cosmin> hi Calixthea
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4449[10:29:16] <TheFirstLady> byebe
4450[10:29:18] <Guest_153> hi
4451[10:29:18] *** Parts: Guest_153 (Guest@replaced-ip)
4452[10:29:18] <Pen[e]lope> sonne wo 12?14¿12?
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4455[10:29:24] <Cosmin> bye Ansgar
4456[10:29:27] <Pen[e]lope> hier regnet es
4457[10:29:28] <TheFirstLady> Boah ... User !!!
4458[10:29:30] <benny> mag eine sie schreiben
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4460[10:29:45] <Calixthea> hallo Cosmin
4461[10:29:48] *** Quits: stier (stier@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4462[10:29:58] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
4463[10:30:13] <Nele_> hier sind leichte wolken
4464[10:30:15] <Pen[e]lope> Calixthea 12h14u12h14u
4465[10:30:19] *** Quits: metal_head (metal_head@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4466[10:30:22] <Nele_> aber kein regen
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4468[10:30:28] <Shiva> 12h14u12h14u Pen[e]lope
4469[10:30:36] <Pen[e]lope> 12h14u12h14u Shiva
4470[10:30:54] <Guest_w29_472> hmmmm
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4473[10:31:50] <Pen[e]lope> aber selber auch kein anstand komisch
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4477[10:32:29] *** Parts: Shiva (Luzifer@replaced-ip)
4478[10:32:31] <TheFirstLady> Na pass auf Morgen krachts !!! Dann kommen meine Sicherheitsmänner vorbei !!!
4479[10:32:39] <RSP-Boy16> hat ein girl lust auf rsp alter egal bin 16 bittte privat melden
4480[10:32:45] <TheFirstLady> Meinst du wir haben nicht auch mal die Schnauze voll !!!
4481[10:33:01] *** Quits: MputztLIVEcam (MputztLIVEcam@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4482[10:33:06] <TheFirstLady> Du Kosmetikschätzchen !!!
4483[10:33:14] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
4484[10:33:32] <Cosmin> wer soll den die schnauze voll haben? und vorallem warum?
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4486[10:33:52] <Calixthea> man oh man...
4487[10:34:34] *** Joins: ko-M (ko-M@replaced-ip)
4488[10:34:40] <facefart> ist eine Frau aus BW oder Bayern hier die mal aufs Klo muss?
4489[10:34:49] *** Joins: Til_ (Til_@replaced-ip)
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4493[10:34:59] <Cosmin> gibt halt kaum leute die was im kopf haben (schade)
4494[10:35:02] <Til_> hi, eine W mit Skype hier zum CAMEN?
4495[10:35:08] <TheFirstLady> Califax ist eine Klinik in England ... wo Calixthea auch gerne enden möchte ... !!!
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4499[10:35:26] <Calixthea> stimmt Cosmin
4500[10:35:30] <TheFirstLady> Zugeschnürt ... und eingewickelt ... !!!
4501[10:35:31] <Calixthea> in diesem Sinne....
4502[10:35:33] *** Parts: Calixthea (Calixthea@replaced-ip)
4503[10:35:40] <tanzer-0> !seen msmanni
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4507[10:36:10] <TheFirstLady> Und falls Du es nicht siehst ... Günther hat schon mal bescheid gesagt !!!
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4515[10:36:44] <ButtloverM> morgen
4516[10:36:47] *** Joins: Michi (Michi@replaced-ip)
4517[10:36:50] <TheFirstLady> Cosinus Minus
4518[10:37:10] *** Joins: Guest01 (Guest01@replaced-ip)
4519[10:37:12] <TheFirstLady> rechne es mir aus !!!
4520[10:37:23] <Pen[e]lope> 12o14k bin weg
4521[10:37:25] *** Joins: Kadref (rzoff@replaced-ip)
4522[10:37:25] *** Parts: Pen[e]lope (Penelope@replaced-ip)
4523[10:37:27] <TheFirstLady> wenn du es nicht kannst ... darfst du morgen ... !!!
4524[10:37:42] <Michi> nette tierliebe sie da die lust hat zu schreiben?haben auch welche bitte privat melden
4525[10:37:42] *** TheFirstLady is now known as Rae_Wolf
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4527[10:37:58] <Rae_Wolf> was soll ich mit Bankräuber ???!!!
4528[10:38:04] <Rae_Wolf> Männer gibts genug !!!
4529[10:38:10] *** Quits: Chris271934 (rooms@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
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4531[10:38:19] *** Rae_Wolf is now known as TheFirstLady
4532[10:38:21] <Cosmin> hab meinen eigenen algorithmus zu berechnen
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4534[10:38:30] <TheFirstLady> ich glaub ...
4535[10:38:47] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
4536[10:39:01] <facefart> ist eine Frau aus BW oder Bayern hier die mal aufs Klo muss?
4537[10:39:07] <Michi> nette tierliebe sie da die lust hat zu schreiben?haben auch welche bitte privat melden
4538[10:39:08] *** Joins: teufelchendelux (teufelchen@replaced-ip)
4539[10:39:15] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
4540[10:39:16] *** Guest is now known as Guest93879
4541[10:39:47] <Liebe_w> 14facefart11: DaS ReCht aUf DuMMheiT gEhöRt zUr GaRanTie dEr frEiEN EnTfaLtUnG dEr PeRsÖnliChkEiT diE dU nUn iN mEinEm IGNO ZwInGEr aUslEbEn dArfsT .
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4549[10:41:27] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
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4556[10:42:01] <Garrus> guten morgen
4557[10:42:09] <Cosmin> moin
4558[10:42:12] <Guest01> moin garrus
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4560[10:42:20] <Garrus> moin
4561[10:42:24] <TheFirstLady> hahahahaha
4562[10:42:32] <TheFirstLady> total verarscht den Kunden !!!
4563[10:42:34] <Brummb> moin liebe w bussy
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4566[10:42:43] *** Joins: Deva-ackert (Devadetta@replaced-ip)
4567[10:42:58] <TheFirstLady> Weisst bescheid ... morgen fliegste gegen die Treppe ... !!!
4568[10:43:08] <TheFirstLady> Und Aus !!!
4569[10:43:13] *** Joins: Russian_Giant (Russian_Giant@replaced-ip)
4570[10:43:15] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust sich privat zu melden
4571[10:43:27] <TheFirstLady> ich bin heute mit abfindung unterwegs ... jungs ...
4572[10:43:32] <TheFirstLady> aber der schmerz ...
4573[10:43:35] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
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4575[10:43:37] *** Parts: Guest01 (Guest01@replaced-ip)
4576[10:43:37] <TheFirstLady> des fremdgehens ...
4577[10:43:46] <TheFirstLady> ihr kennt das ... vergeht nie ...
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4580[10:43:55] <TheFirstLady> Er wird leiden ... !!!
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4585[10:44:23] *** Joins: BayernM (BayernM@replaced-ip)
4586[10:44:41] <TheFirstLady> So und nun mach s gut du Spinner !!! Wenn du schon nicht rüber kommen willst !
4587[10:44:47] <RS_Mario> jemand bock auf RS??
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4591[10:44:59] <TheFirstLady> Heute abend will ich wissen was Cosinus Minus ist ...
4592[10:45:00] *** Joins: Simone31 (Simone31@replaced-ip)
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4594[10:45:06] <TheFirstLady> Und hast du keine Antwort
4595[10:45:07] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
4596[10:45:13] <Deva-ackert> Brummb , Liebe_w, TheFirstLady , morgen euch ,,,
4597[10:45:16] <TheFirstLady> Guten Flug bis zur Hochzeit !!!
4598[10:45:20] <Brummb> moin deva
4599[10:45:36] <RSP-Boy16> hat ein girl lust auf rsp alter egal bin 16 bittte privat melden
4600[10:45:42] <Deva-ackert> wer heiratet ?
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4607[10:46:21] <Garrus> bye@all
4608[10:46:24] *** Parts: Garrus (Garrus@replaced-ip)
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4610[10:46:27] <Cosmin> wie alt bist du eigentlich @TheFirstLady
4611[10:46:28] <TheFirstLady> immernoch ..........
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4615[10:46:47] <Deva-ackert> TheFirstLady? du heiratest?
4616[10:47:06] <Deva-ackert> * deinem freund bescheid geb,, soll,, blos schnell flüchten ,,, lach,,, ( scherz,, logisch )
4617[10:47:07] <Michi> nette tierliebe sie da die lust hat zu schreiben?haben auch welche bitte privat melden
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4623[10:47:23] <Brummb> :-)
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4630[10:49:17] <TheFirstLady> ach das heiraten meint ihr ...
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4634[10:49:51] <msmanni> moin moin
4635[10:49:56] <TheFirstLady> ich hab mal meinem grossvater versprochen ne gute Piratin zu werden und irgendeinen Räuber zu finden ...
4636[10:49:57] *** Quits: melli13 (melli13@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4637[10:50:02] <Deva-ackert> msmanni dir auch
4638[10:50:03] <Cosmin> moin msmanni
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4641[10:50:36] *** Parts: LADY23 (LADY23@replaced-ip)
4642[10:50:36] <TheFirstLady> danach werde ich ihn gleich wieder abschiessen *
4643[10:50:37] *** Quits: heidi (heidi@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4644[10:50:37] <Deva-ackert> aha.... also bist ne kleine schwindlerin ^^,, @ TheFirstLady
4645[10:50:47] <Deva-ackert> lach
4646[10:50:50] *** Quits: Guest93879 (Guest@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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4648[10:50:54] <TheFirstLady> not Classified *
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4650[10:51:01] *** Joins: HOT_M29 (HOT_M29@replaced-ip)
4651[10:51:11] <Brummb> moin msmanni
4652[10:51:12] <TheFirstLady> du ich war schon mal mit ihm verheiratet
4653[10:51:19] <TheFirstLady> beim bikertreffen
4654[10:51:24] *** Joins: Chris271934 (rooms@replaced-ip)
4655[10:51:29] <msmanni> hallo Deva-ackert
4656[10:51:30] <TheFirstLady> danach hat er mir aber die rübe weg gedroschen
4657[10:51:34] <RSP-Boy16> hat ein girl lust auf rsp alter egal bin 16 bittte privat melden
4658[10:51:34] <msmanni> hallöchen Cosmin
4659[10:51:40] *** Joins: Guest (Guest@replaced-ip)
4660[10:51:43] <msmanni> tach TheFirstLady
4661[10:51:46] <TheFirstLady> und ich hab alle akten verstecken lassen
4662[10:52:01] <Deva-ackert> hey,, nicht so detailiert ,,
4663[10:52:03] <TheFirstLady> Gerichtsbeschluss : 10 Jahre trennung
4664[10:52:05] <Deva-ackert> war nur spass,, geht mich nix an
4665[10:52:09] *** Guest is now known as Guest91896
4666[10:52:13] *** Quits: Chrisi_w25 (Chrisi_w25@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4667[10:52:30] <TheFirstLady> Und jetzt kriegt er eine zurück gelangt
4668[10:52:38] <TheFirstLady> Nicht wahr Cosmin !!!
4669[10:52:42] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
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4673[10:52:55] <TheFirstLady> Alles was damals war drehen wir einfach mal um ...
4674[10:53:02] <TheFirstLady> Sehe und staune :
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4677[10:53:10] <Cosmin> kp, kenn den ja nicht
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4682[10:53:21] <Michi> nette tierliebe sie da die lust hat zu schreiben?haben auch welche bitte privat melden
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4684[10:53:24] *** Joins: Micha_471 (Micha@replaced-ip)
4685[10:53:28] <TheFirstLady> naja warte bis morgen abend ...
4686[10:53:40] <msmanni> was issen dann ?
4687[10:53:48] <Deva-ackert> ich schlage meine frau auch ,,, in schach,, bagammon,, monopoli,,, und und und ^^
4688[10:53:49] <Cosmin> ... gute frage xD
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4694[10:54:24] <suse_w> was solls denn !!!
4695[10:54:32] <facefart> ist eine Frau aus BW oder Bayern hier die mal aufs Klo muss?
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4700[10:54:42] <suse_w> er schnallts sowieso nicht
4701[10:54:55] <aleman58> hallo
4702[10:55:00] *** Joins: Mela25 (Mela25@replaced-ip)
4703[10:55:12] <suse_w> Hallo Cosmin dein Nick ist im Arsch und du selber bist auch ein Arsch ... !!!
4704[10:55:15] <n0s__> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
4705[10:55:16] <Cosmin> hi aleman58
4706[10:55:30] *** Quits: Michi (Michi@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4707[10:55:31] *** n0s__ is now known as Diana_dD
4708[10:55:34] <suse_w> Und trau dich heute abend nochmal lang ... !!!
4709[10:55:34] <aleman58> hi Cosmin
4710[10:55:41] <suse_w> Morgen ... !!!
4711[10:55:54] *** suse_w is now known as TheFirstLady
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4714[10:56:11] <TheFirstLady> -----Ende------
4715[10:56:32] <Cosmin> xD rofl
4716[10:56:52] <TheFirstLady> so ich mach mir nen Kaffee *
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4719[10:57:13] <Diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
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4721[10:57:25] <Deva-ackert> kann mir einer sagen was ich jetzt verpasst hab ?
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4723[10:57:33] <Cosmin> neh
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4726[10:57:43] <Cosmin> xD
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4728[10:57:55] <TheFirstLady> Wolltest Du noch was sagen ... ???
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4730[10:58:05] <Cosmin> wer?
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4732[10:58:11] <TheFirstLady> Für deinen Auftritt letztens kriegste ... !!!
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4735[10:58:24] <Cosmin> nen kaffee + kuchen?
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4738[10:58:41] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl will mehr als nur chatten..? pm
4739[10:59:19] <msmanni> keines
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4742[11:00:01] <TheFirstLady> Und Schatz, wenn Du heute abend kein Bier mitbringst bist du sowieso tot !!!
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4746[11:00:35] <TheFirstLady> who do u think had the wierdest/funniest costume or outfit?
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4749[11:00:51] <TheFirstLady> halts ...
4750[11:00:54] <TheFirstLady> naja
4751[11:00:55] <intruder> hallo jemand lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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4754[11:01:08] <TheFirstLady> Morgen Süsser ...
4755[11:01:16] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl will mehr als nur chatten..? pm
4756[11:01:18] *** Parts: Simone31 (Simone31@replaced-ip)
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4759[11:01:24] <TheFirstLady> siehst du die Welt aus einem anderen Blickwinkel ...
4760[11:01:39] <TheFirstLady> Und zum Heiratsantrag ...
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4765[11:02:56] <Deva-ackert> ich denk ,nach der tasse kaffee geh ich weiter machen
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4767[11:03:06] <TheFirstLady> :--- Mittelfinger
4768[11:03:26] <Cosmin> me2 @Deva-ackert
4769[11:03:43] <Deva-ackert> also wenn ich hier so das geschreibsel seh, was vorallem die mädels ablassen,,, ich glaub ich werd schlumpf,,
4770[11:03:48] <facefart> ist eine Frau aus BW oder Bayern hier die mal aufs Klo muss?
4771[11:04:01] <TheFirstLady> susi_w gibt es nicht Du Schlumpf !!!
4772[11:04:11] *** Quits: metal_head (metal_head@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4773[11:04:22] <Deva-ackert> die kannst , selbst wenn sie es geben würd, behalten
4774[11:04:22] <TheFirstLady> Das hast du dir alles nur eingebildet !!!
4775[11:04:23] *** Joins: Boy22 (Boy22@replaced-ip)
4776[11:04:26] <Deva-ackert> und dein mittelfinger auch
4777[11:04:27] <TheFirstLady> :*
4778[11:04:58] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl will mehr als nur chatten..? pm
4779[11:05:23] *** Joins: Stefan (Stefan@replaced-ip)
4780[11:05:25] <TheFirstLady> Schlumpf ... Du verratener !!!
4781[11:05:33] <msmanni> keins M_BERLIN35
4782[11:05:36] <Deva-ackert> so... bye bye euch ,,, muss ackern für 3
4783[11:05:43] <msmanni> bb Deva-ackert
4784[11:05:50] *** Parts: Nele_ (nele@replaced-ip)
4785[11:05:52] <Cosmin> bb Deva-ackert
4786[11:05:58] <Deva-ackert> * TheFirstLady ignorieren weil, weiss nicht is komisch die olle
4787[11:06:05] <Deva-ackert> msmanni man sieht sich
4788[11:06:08] <Deva-ackert> Cosmin bb
4789[11:06:09] <Cosmin> ohja das stimmt
4790[11:06:18] <TheFirstLady> war s schön bei euch !!!
4791[11:06:24] *** Joins: Simone31 (Simone31@replaced-ip)
4792[11:06:25] <TheFirstLady> Bei uns auch !!!
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4795[11:06:32] <TheFirstLady> Hab ein bisschen vorgezogen !!!
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4797[11:06:49] <msmanni> jo Deva-ackert
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4806[11:07:36] <TheFirstLady> Bist du nicht pünktlich krachts !!!
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4808[11:07:56] <msmanni> macht auch nix ..
4809[11:07:59] <TheFirstLady> Das wäre so ungefähr jetzt ... ?
4810[11:08:06] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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4814[11:08:50] <HOT_M29> hi hat eine HOT w lust sich zu melden
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4817[11:09:16] <Cosmin> nennt mann sowas nicht ADS was TheFirstLady hat
4818[11:09:20] <TheFirstLady> ich will meinen namen zurück ...
4819[11:09:36] <msmanni> und der wäre ??
4820[11:09:36] <TheFirstLady> und den trage ich schon seit 10 jahren ... eigentlich ...
4821[11:09:41] <TheFirstLady> MADSEN
4822[11:09:51] <msmanni> und warum geht das nicht ?
4823[11:09:51] <TheFirstLady> Rica MADSEN *
4824[11:09:52] <RSP-Boy16> hat ein girl lust auf rsp alter egal bin 16 bittte privat melden
4825[11:09:54] *** Quits: DOMmSkype (DOMmSkype@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
4826[11:09:59] <facefart> ist eine Frau aus BW oder Bayern hier die mal aufs Klo muss?
4827[11:10:01] <TheFirstLady> weil er ein Bankräuber ist *
4828[11:10:05] <TheFirstLady> flüster*
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4833[11:10:17] <TheFirstLady> ich ich nicht barfuss bin *
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4835[11:10:23] <TheFirstLady> ich ich *
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4838[11:10:44] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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4842[11:11:20] <TheFirstLady> und ich den namen abgelegt ... heulend bei gericht ...
4843[11:11:30] <TheFirstLady> die wohnung war ausgeräumt ...
4844[11:11:35] <TheFirstLady> geld war weg ...
4845[11:11:36] <HOT_M29> hi hat eine HOT w lust sich zu melden
4846[11:11:48] <TheFirstLady> Alles was ich hatte ...
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4850[11:12:13] <TheFirstLady> ich kam zufällig in diese Gegend ...
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4854[11:12:43] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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4857[11:12:56] <TheFirstLady> Mit meinem Namen stolz sterben ... Aufbau von Oma und Opa ...
4858[11:13:11] <TheFirstLady> Na der kann sich festhalten *
4859[11:13:23] <TheFirstLady> Nach 9 Jahren hatte er mal wieder zeit *
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4862[11:13:30] <TheFirstLady> der ruhige, gelassene ...
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4864[11:13:39] <TheFirstLady> echt, nee ... !!!
4865[11:13:55] *** Kerstin is now known as Guest56513
4866[11:13:55] <TheFirstLady> Die Polizei freut sich über die nächste Akte *
4867[11:14:08] <TheFirstLady> Ich mit meinem Anwalt und Firma ... *
4868[11:14:15] *** Quits: MichaelHB (tobias-@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
4869[11:14:24] <TheFirstLady> Er spielt mich in der Zeit in seinem Heim tot ... !!!
4870[11:14:31] <TheFirstLady> Weiss garnicht warum ich hier *
4871[11:14:33] <HOT_M29> hi hat eine HOT w lust sich zu melden
4872[11:14:36] <TheFirstLady> Lach *
4873[11:14:41] <TheFirstLady> bin *
4874[11:14:52] <TheFirstLady> Ich Bin ... *
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4877[11:15:37] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
4878[11:15:55] <TheFirstLady> lächerlich der Typ !!!
4879[11:16:13] <TheFirstLady> Richtig Cosmin ... ???
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4882[11:16:41] <rsJana14> HEY SUCH M AB 30
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4885[11:17:04] <beiboot> hi herr rsJana14
4886[11:17:28] *** TheFirstLady is now known as suse_w
4887[11:17:34] <suse_w> tja da kam ich ...
4888[11:17:48] <HOT_M29> hi hat eine HOT w lust sich zu melden
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4893[11:18:41] <suse_w> sonst hätten wir jetzt ... die Sozialnummern ... die Ausweise eingesehen und kopiert ...
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4896[11:19:00] <suse_w> wir lassen uns zeit ...
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4898[11:19:14] <suse_w> Mein Anwalt und ich ... !!!
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4900[11:19:18] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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4904[11:19:34] <beiboot> ah ^Magdeburg der kindersucher is auch da
4905[11:19:41] <suse_w> weil ...
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4908[11:20:01] *** suse_w is now known as EmmelieDeForest
4909[11:20:09] <EmmelieDeForest> weil ... einfach ...
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4914[11:21:28] <msmanni> tach beiboot
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4919[11:22:17] <EmmelieDeForest> er darf es gerne wiederholen was er die letzten jahre gebracht hat ....
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4929[11:24:23] <EmmelieDeForest> wartet wartet kurz ...
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4931[11:24:28] <beiboot> hi msmanni
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4935[11:25:02] <suse_w> also dein neuer Nick Cosmin ist BigFatAxl ... *
4936[11:25:02] <beiboot> hi Tina19rs, RSP-Boy16
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4939[11:25:15] <suse_w> und weisst ja bescheid !!!
4940[11:25:18] <beiboot> hi Shadowelfenmaid
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4942[11:25:26] <suse_w> mach mir den Axl ... *
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4944[11:25:36] <Stefan> hat ein girl lust auf cam2cam??
4945[11:25:36] <Shadowelfenmaid> 4H6u4H6u4... beiboot ;))
4946[11:25:38] *** suse_w is now known as TheFirstLady
4947[11:25:47] <TheFirstLady> So mein bester Tag ... !!!
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4950[11:26:01] <TheFirstLady> Hop Hop schnips ... schnips ... !!!
4951[11:26:19] <HengstSuchtSau_> 4 --- suche richtig versaute Sie --
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4956[11:26:53] <RSP-Boy16> hat ein girl lust auf rsp alter egal bin 16 bittte privat melden
4957[11:27:01] <TheFirstLady> you had to go through rakishi's stinkface in tonights show?
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4961[11:28:28] <TheFirstLady> All that i want that ...
4962[11:28:37] <TheFirstLady> i wanted ..
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4973[11:30:06] <HOT_M29> hi hat eine HOT w lust sich zu melden
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4976[11:30:34] <TheFirstLady> total besoffen die Tante ... Schice ...
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4980[11:30:59] <intruder> jemand lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
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4982[11:31:14] <msmanni> nee aber DIE wird sich freuen lach mich wech
4983[11:31:21] <Shadowelfenmaid> 4H6u4H6u4... msmanni knuddels
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4986[11:31:38] <Shadowelfenmaid> gibts den immer noch mit den bescheuerten bildern?
4987[11:31:42] <msmanni> huhu ,.liebe ELFE reknuddelz gaaanz lieb
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4989[11:32:08] <intruder> woher willst du denn wissen das die bilder bescheuert sind ?
4990[11:32:21] <msmanni> nee DU bist bescheuert intruder
4991[11:32:28] <HOT_M29> hi hat eine HOT w lust sich zu melden
4992[11:32:31] <Shadowelfenmaid> grins
4993[11:32:43] *** Parts: Guest73289 (Guest@replaced-ip)
4994[11:32:46] <intruder> ihr mich auch
4995[11:32:48] <Shadowelfenmaid> weil kein normaler mensch solche bescheuerten sachen hier postet intruder
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4999[11:33:12] <intruder> nur so verklemmte wie du nicht
5000[11:33:24] <Shadowelfenmaid> 2L3a4u5g6h7i8n9g 11O13u8t 2L3o4u5d
5001[11:33:27] *** Parts: nina36 (nina36@replaced-ip)
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5003[11:33:34] <Shadowelfenmaid> du hast doch nen schaden intruder
5004[11:33:49] <intruder> bei dir wird wahrscheinlich die linse blind
5005[11:33:50] *** Quits: w21_m22_dreier (w21_m22_dreier@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
5006[11:33:57] <Shadowelfenmaid> ;)
5007[11:34:03] <Shadowelfenmaid> das geht dich schonmal nix an
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5011[11:34:30] <intruder> stimmt also lach
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5014[11:34:37] <Shadowelfenmaid> grins
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5016[11:34:51] <Shadowelfenmaid> och du bist sooo doof ...dich lass ich einfach in dem glauben ;))
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5019[11:35:18] <TheFirstLady> armer Cosmin ...
5020[11:35:26] <TheFirstLady> armer ... armer ...
5021[11:35:29] <heidi> das bist du selber
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5024[11:35:45] <TheFirstLady> du liebes kleines schätzchen ....
5025[11:35:47] *** Quits: marcel_25_M (jlzqrdivekvggy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
5026[11:35:50] <Guest73289> suche ne hotte w aus dem rheinland die lust auf spass zu zweit hat. pvt
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5031[11:36:36] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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5038[11:37:41] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
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5042[11:38:01] <TheFirstLady> und er wollte nun den TheCrow Trip machen ...
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5044[11:38:19] <ossi> moin moin
5045[11:38:29] <msmanni> tach ossi
5046[11:38:39] <TheFirstLady> und heidi da du uns dazwischen geraten bist ... ganz freudig ... mach dich schon mal bereit für die ganz grosse Strafe !!!
5047[11:38:52] *** Quits: GuyNextDoor (cssestudent@replaced-ip) (Client exited)
5048[11:38:56] <Shadowelfenmaid> 14o10O
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5051[11:39:23] <TheFirstLady> MADE BY AEGYPT CHINA CHURCH
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5056[11:40:12] <TheFirstLady> Cosmin sag doch was ....
5057[11:40:24] <Guest_976> suche ne heisse pussy aus dem rheinland die lust auf spass hat
5058[11:40:28] *** Joins: Guest_393 (Guest@replaced-ip)
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5060[11:40:37] <Cosmin> warum soll ich was sagen
5061[11:40:48] <diana_dD> 1318 12F 13U K 7Selllinnn' showss and picss 12*Skyype: 13Diana.Doston
5062[11:40:54] *** Joins: Guest_44 (Guest@replaced-ip)
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5064[11:41:14] <TheFirstLady> susi liebt dich nicht mehr ...
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5066[11:41:21] <TheFirstLady> susi geht jetzt nach hause ...
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5069[11:41:42] <Cosmin> .. ok mir wurst
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5075[11:42:08] <TheFirstLady> heute abend poppen ???
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5081[11:43:40] <Cosmin> re
5082[11:43:43] <TheFirstLady> und bring das bier mit !!!
5083[11:44:01] <TheFirstLady> sonst kannste übermorgen ...
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5085[11:44:07] <Sommersonne> Welch dunkle seiten sich hier auftun
5086[11:44:15] <TheFirstLady> dir nen Fluglehrer engagieren ...
5087[11:44:22] *** Quits: DaTo (AndChat209684@replaced-ip) (Quit: Reason filtered)
5088[11:44:23] <TheFirstLady> und wag dich nochmal !!!
5089[11:44:28] *** Parts: Enrico22 (Enrico22@replaced-ip)
5090[11:44:32] <Cosmin> jaja is klar ...
5091[11:44:33] *** Joins: no_no (frag@replaced-ip)
5092[11:44:35] <Guest_976> suche ne heisse pussy aus dem rheinland die lust auf spass hat
5093[11:44:35] *** Guest_976 was kicked by Autobot (Your behaviour is inappropriate. Please change your way of chatting.)
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5096[11:44:43] <TheFirstLady> über Internet andere Puppen anzulutschen !!!
5097[11:44:51] <TheFirstLady> Geschweige denn draussen ...
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5103[11:45:32] <sexy_boy_cam> girl mit cam hier das zusehen will? pm
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5105[11:45:43] <TheFirstLady> The Thrill of the Kill ...
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5111[11:46:47] <TheFirstLady> so dann !!!
5112[11:46:50] <Stefan> hat ein girl lust auf cam2cam??
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5117[11:47:33] <TheFirstLady> tja so is es ...
5118[11:47:41] <TheFirstLady> Vergiss nicht !!!
5119[11:47:44] *** Quits: clemm (clemm@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
5120[11:47:47] *** TheFirstLady is now known as suse_w
5121[11:47:52] <suse_w> warte warte ...
5122[11:47:58] <sexy_boy_cam> girl mit cam hier das zusehen will? pm
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5124[11:48:03] <suse_w> BigAxlAss *
5125[11:48:07] *** Joins: heidi (heidi@replaced-ip)
5126[11:48:13] <suse_w> ja das ist dein neuer Nick ... !!!
5127[11:48:16] <HOT_M29> hi hat eine HOT w lust sich zu melden
5128[11:48:17] <suse_w> warte
5129[11:48:24] *** Joins: intruder (intruder@replaced-ip)
5130[11:48:31] <suse_w> BigAxlsAss *
5131[11:48:36] <suse_w> so
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5135[11:48:45] <suse_w> deiner neuer nick
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5137[11:48:51] <suse_w> bitte bitte *
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5139[11:49:03] *** suse_w is now known as TheFirstLady
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5141[11:49:26] <heidi> das wird nichts suse
5142[11:49:27] <TheFirstLady> Jungs, habt ihr die Waffen dabei ... ???!!!
5143[11:49:36] <TheFirstLady> wegen heute abend ... !!!
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5148[11:50:00] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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5152[11:50:36] <TheFirstLady> Cosmin ... !!!
5153[11:50:36] *** Joins: HOT_M29 (HOT_M29@replaced-ip)
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5155[11:50:49] <TheFirstLady> Kosmetikschätzchen ... !!!
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5157[11:50:59] <TheFirstLady> Cosinus Minus ... *
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5162[11:51:57] *** Joins: UHU (UHU@replaced-ip)
5163[11:51:58] <TheFirstLady> Minus liegt klar im Vorteil ...
5164[11:52:00] <e_x_t_r_e_m> 03hallo an alle
5165[11:52:04] *** Quits: Katharsis (Katharsis@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
5166[11:52:07] <TheFirstLady> ich lass mich doch nicht von dem ...
5167[11:52:15] *** Parts: Rhabarber (rooms@replaced-ip)
5168[11:52:16] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust? Dann schreib privat
5169[11:52:28] *** Quits: Jan_Alleine (Jan_Alleine@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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5173[11:52:38] <TheFirstLady> Die waffen mussten sie ihm auch schon abnehmen ...
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5177[11:52:58] <TheFirstLady> noch durfte er, aber was demnächst wohl ...
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5184[11:53:42] <TheFirstLady> er und sein bruder ... verkloppten mich solange mit dem Kopf zuerst ... bis ich ...reif war ...
5185[11:54:25] *** Joins: levin (levin@replaced-ip)
5186[11:54:27] <TheFirstLady> ®
5187[11:54:32] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
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5192[11:55:07] <PrinceDeLaMort> gernolf
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5197[11:55:16] <Angelique25> Hello. I would like to find a nice girl looking for a nice partnership. Talk to me =)
5198[11:55:18] <TheFirstLady> sein Bruder vom Teufel getrieben ... Kopflos beim Autounfall ...
5199[11:55:23] <TheFirstLady> wachte er auf ...
5200[11:55:40] <TheFirstLady> ich griff in die Luft !!! *
5201[11:55:51] *** Quits: christin (christin@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
5202[11:55:51] <PrinceDeLaMort> stirb lady
5203[11:55:55] <TheFirstLady> der mann den ich nie hatte ...
5204[11:56:00] <M_BERLIN35> welches girl spielt manchmal beim chatten an sich und mag grosse....? pm oder 626783608
5205[11:56:09] <PrinceDeLaMort> halt dein maul und stirb
5206[11:56:11] * e_x_t_r_e_m 03ist jetzt AWAY (grund: äwäy03)
5207[11:56:11] *** e_x_t_r_e_m is now known as exadf
5208[11:56:16] *** Parts: massimo (massimo@replaced-ip)
5209[11:56:22] <TheFirstLady> und ...
5210[11:56:23] *** Quits: marcel_25_M (jlzqrdivekvggy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
5211[11:56:23] *** Joins: Guest_195 (Guest@replaced-ip)
5212[11:56:27] *** Quits: intruder (intruder@replaced-ip) (Connection closed)
5213[11:56:28] <TheFirstLady> es war schicksal ...
5214[11:56:38] *** Quits: M_BERLIN35 (M_BERLIN35@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
5215[11:56:38] <PrinceDeLaMort> es war dummheit
5216[11:56:41] <TheFirstLady> vor 9 jahren sagte ich es ihm hier im chan ...
5217[11:56:41] <PrinceDeLaMort> deine dummheit
5218[11:56:48] *** Joins: HardOne (HardOne@replaced-ip)
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5220[11:56:48] <TheFirstLady> Zeitumstellungen ...
5221[11:56:51] <Basteronsci> hey
5222[11:57:01] <TheFirstLady> Er war tot ...
5223[11:57:04] <PrinceDeLaMort> ey lady
5224[11:57:13] *** Joins: marcel_25_M (jlzqrdivekvggy@replaced-ip)
5225[11:57:15] <PrinceDeLaMort> warum bringst du dich nicht um?
5226[11:57:16] <TheFirstLady> Wer den Teufel sucht ... kann ihn finden ...
5227[11:57:20] *** Joins: intruder (intruder@replaced-ip)
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5229[11:57:29] <TheFirstLady> sagte ich damals leise vor mich hin ...
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5231[11:57:58] <TheFirstLady> Ich griff in die Luft ... !!!
5232[11:58:28] *** Joins: dom54-su_dev_Mu (dom54-su_dev_Mu@replaced-ip)
5233[11:58:30] <PrinceDeLaMort> hehe
5234[11:58:31] <TheFirstLady> Sein Bruder war tot ... noch am Unfallort ... !!!
5235[11:58:41] <PrinceDeLaMort> ab auf ignore mit lady
5236[11:58:41] *** Joins: Chantal (Chantal@replaced-ip)
5237[11:58:43] <Angelique25> Hello. I would like to find a nice girl looking for a nice partnership. Talk to me =)
5238[11:58:47] <PrinceDeLaMort> das isn bot
5239[11:59:00] <TheFirstLady> Sie stiessen meinen Kopf immer wieder an einen Betonpfeiler ...
5240[11:59:01] *** Quits: schwimmen (schwimmen@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
5241[11:59:07] * Shadowelfenmaid eben afk
5242[11:59:15] <TheFirstLady> ich wachte nie wieder auf ...
5243[11:59:15] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust? Dann schreib privat
5244[11:59:27] <TheFirstLady> Was erwartet er denn heute ... ???
5245[11:59:28] <PrinceDeLaMort> achso
5246[11:59:32] <Guest_195> wo sind die hotten pussies? :D
5247[11:59:32] *** Quits: Chantal (Chantal@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
5248[11:59:33] <TheFirstLady> Liebe ... ???
5249[11:59:36] *** Joins: OBERBERG (OBERBERG@replaced-ip)
5250[11:59:36] <PrinceDeLaMort> deshalb bist du behindert
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5253[11:59:52] <rosaBh> 12Moin
5254[11:59:56] <TheFirstLady> np.: ATB - Marrakesh
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5258[12:00:19] <TheFirstLady> mein Sicherheitsmann überlegte ob wir nicht nach Marrakesh abhauen ...
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5260[12:00:33] <TheFirstLady> Tot durch Messerstiche ... !!!
5261[12:00:44] <TheFirstLady> Er war der Ansager ... !!!
5262[12:00:52] <TheFirstLady> Was er wartet er ... ???
5263[12:00:55] *** Joins: Guest_463 (Guest@replaced-ip)
5264[12:01:01] <TheFirstLady> Liebe ... ???
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5268[12:01:20] <TheFirstLady> Der Mann ist angeklagt in allen Fällen ...
5269[12:01:34] <TheFirstLady> Ich bin ja schon ruhig ... !!!
5270[12:01:45] *** Quits: Anita_884 (Anita@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
5271[12:01:53] <TheFirstLady> [12:01:09] <TROLLFATHER> ABT TWO BROTHERS ?
5272[12:01:56] *** Quits: Landwirt (Landwirt@replaced-ip) (XMLSocket Connection closed)
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5276[12:02:27] <TheFirstLady> Guenni hats gestern gerade die Kneipe weggeschlagen !
5277[12:02:34] <TheFirstLady> Aus die Maus !
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5279[12:02:40] <TheFirstLady> Kohle flog in Keller !
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5282[12:02:53] <msmanni> So, ihr Lieben, ich muss wieder los ...
5283[12:02:53] <TheFirstLady> Cosmin !!!
5284[12:02:56] <msmanni> Bis annermal denn ...
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5289[12:03:47] <Angelique25> Hello. I would like to find a nice girl looking for a nice partnership. Talk to me =)
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5291[12:03:57] <intruder> jemand lust auf bilder meiner frau ??
5292[12:03:57] <TheFirstLady> tja da schweigste wa ...
5293[12:04:14] <TheFirstLady> solltest du auch , wenn du wüsstest was da noch kommt ... !!!
5294[12:04:28] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust? Dann schreib privat
5295[12:04:37] <TheFirstLady> Fremdgehen ist geil oder was ... ???
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5299[12:05:25] <msmanni> winke winke ihr lieben
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5310[12:07:19] <ossi> moin moin!
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5314[12:07:55] <TheFirstLady> ob er denn nochmal klarkommt ... !!!
5315[12:08:00] <TheFirstLady> hi du Assi ...
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5320[12:09:08] <TheFirstLady> die ganze Strasse brennt ...
5321[12:09:19] <TheFirstLady> wenn ...
5322[12:09:51] <TheFirstLady> [12:09:15] * BigCongoSchlong mit Message :
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5332[12:10:44] <werner> sie lust auf was auch immer
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5337[12:11:46] <HOT_M29> Hi hat eine HOT W lust? Dann schreib privat
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5339[12:12:17] <VLR> geh arbeiten
5340[12:12:18] <TheFirstLady> Cosmin ... du armer ... !!!
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